July, 2020

July 2020 PDF


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


I AM a Sun of the Sun …a Solar Christ Self
And I speak with the Voice of the Great I AM!

I see that I AM!
I see I AM that I AM!
I AM the Flame of Immortality!

This is my Sacred Presence, through which
I AM streaming Divine Consciousness into Humanity.

I AM the Fire of Immortality.

I AM of the Kingdom of the I AM Race.

I AM abiding in vehicles of form, amid the
Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals, to bring
the Victory of Divine Love into the world.

I AM the Next Life Wave coming
and all is in Divine Order!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the
Next Great Life Wave coming!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the
Next Great Life Wave coming!


I AM the Flame of Immortality!
I AM empty of self …and time …and space!
I AM an Eternal Flame & its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM a Sun of the Sun …and I AM present here and now
establishing Transformational Events in Consciousness!

I AM a Sun of the Sun and I AM radiating all the required
Perfection Patterns for the Redemption of Humanity.

I AM all the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness needed
for these Transformational Events in Consciousness to
be harmonized globally …in perfect Divine Order!

I AM the Synchronicity of all the Sacred Fire Forcefields
in the Solar Year Thoughtform of Transformational Energies!

At the center of the Maltese Cross,
I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.
I AM the gathering of all the goodness of the world.
I AM the Permanent Atom and the Immaculate Concept
of Ascended and Free Humanity, on Ascended and Free Earth!

I AM the Next Life Wave Coming!
I AM the return of the Cosmic Christ,
into the daily consciousness of Humanity!

I AM the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms
communicating with Humanity, in ways she will listen!
I AM refocusing Humanity’s attention on the Unity of Life,
the Glorious Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity!


I AM blazing the Cosmic Violet Fire through myself,
Transmuting all personal karma, back unto the very beginning
of time …before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

I AM blazing the Cosmic Violet Fire through my family,
Transmuting all family karma, back unto the very beginning
of time, before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

I AM blazing the Cosmic Violet Fire through all Light Servers,
Transmuting all their karma back unto the very beginning of
time, before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained.

I AM blazing the Cosmic Violet Fire through all the Elemental Kingdom, transmuting all misuse of Elemental Life, back unto the beginning
of time ...before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

I AM blazing the Cosmic Violet Fire through all Humanity
transmuting all planetary karma back unto the very beginning
of time, before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

I AM the Sacred Fire clearing the Way,
for the prophesized Next Life Wave Coming!

As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, I AM the Cosmic
Violet Fire in action, transmuting ‘self’ within all Humanity;
every person, place, condition and thing of this present world.
I AM Humanity, empty, empty, empty of every trauma of her past.

I AM Humanity now aware of her Inner Presence.
I AM Humanity now aware of her Solar Christ Self.
I AM Humanity now aware of her own Permanent Atom.
I AM Humanity now aware of the Next Life Wave Coming
I AM Humanity now clearly aware that all is in Divine Order!




Beloved Ones let us consider the ‘things of this world I have control over’! Above all else, it is in ‘the right use’ of the Silver Cord of Electronic Light pouring in from the Mighty I AM Presence. Our primary goal is its direct flow of Electronic Perfection Patterns into daily life …and not lowering its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness through ego thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  This is the true meaning of the Biblical phrase ‘the Righteousness of the Lord” (right-use-ness becomes a Lord of Life).  Here we remember our training: ‘What I think and feel I bring into form’.  This is Cosmic Law. ‘My Creative Faculties are my control of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness entering the world of form.  All my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds are my contribution to the New Age of Spiritual Freedom’. This is our daily meditation.

We live in a moment of transition when the manifest ‘world of effects’ is steadily catching up to the ‘Realms of Cause’.  Karmic conditions become ever clearer. Serving from the Realms of Cause is two-fold …it influences the ‘outcome of the world’ towards the Divine Plan …while also ensuring that Light Service remains detached from daily life ‘effects’ (outer world circumstances).  And secondly, it allows us to ‘open the Way’ …as in the affirmation: “I AM empty of self; I AM One with the Way; the Way is filled with Divine Virtue”!  This is the Tao. And from the Realms of Cause, we now declare with the Voice of the Great I AM:

I AM the Next Life Wave Coming!

The Cosmic Christ has always promised a return to Humanity. But just as when Beloved Jesus took on this Avatar role, it was difficult for the masses to accept Father / Mother God would express in such a way (a carpenter’s son).  But eventually His Truth did gain a hold on Humanity’s Consciousness and became the major platform for much of Humanity’s spiritual endeavors over the past 2000 years.

Now in this New Age, it is the hour for Unity …of all Humanity synchronizing under the ‘Banner of Beloved Saint Germain’ …and abiding by Code of Conduct of Holy Spirit …within the Equality and Fraternity of Angels, Elementals and Humanity! And to ensure this outcome, the Cosmic Christ returns in such a fashion as to place Humanity’s attention on her ‘togetherness’ and the raising of consciousness as ‘one Unified Humanity’.

The Return of the Cosmic Christ entails a sharper focus on Reverence for all Life.  This includes acknowledgement and validation of the Angelic Kingdom …as well as interactive Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness with the Elemental Kingdom. In our Ascended and Free Victory Statement, ‘together, standing in the Light’ includes the Angels and Elementals. This is the domain of Holy Spirit …who expresses through the Angelic Kingdom (the Divine Qualities of Father / Mother God) …and the Elemental Kingdom (which is currently guiding Humanity’s ‘re-focus’ towards a quieter life of self-reflection …almost a Temple Life). And Holy Spirit expresses as the Third person in the Holy Trinity. Humanity now sees the influence the Elemental Kingdom may apply upon daily life (as in a ‘viral agent of transformation’).  But an even greater, more positive influence will come once Humanity practices a consistent Reverence for all Life.  Imagine a ‘Garden of Eden’ expressing the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity!

With this in mind, let us again review current events within daily life. the Feminine Ray of Transformation expresses through ‘Mother Nature’. A virus is an agent of transformation.  It changes itself and things it contacts. It is like any ‘natural calamity’ …in that it reflects Humanity’s imbalance back to her, like a mirror. A hurricane, volcano or any intense natural manifestation also reflects this.  Yet it also part of ‘a cause’ …the lower, karmic cause of Humanity’s imbalance towards the Elemental Kingdom.  And because such ‘current events’ help balance Humanity’s karma, it falls under the responsibility of the Lord of the World.

The current pandemic virus is a certain thoughtform of ego misuse of the Elemental Kingdom …that now returns through the ‘circle of life’ to focus Humanity on Reverence for all Life.  Beloved Pelleur and Virgo (Mother Earth) work closely with the Lord of the World and the Karmic Board to see that the karmic debt between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom is transmuted in such a way that brings all life closer to the desired Harmony and Balance of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom. The lack of cooperation and mutual respect, within and between peoples and nations, will now be transformed because of the effects of this ‘major transformational (viral) event’.  But this requires the transmutation of ego self in its many forms.

And Light Servers may guide, guard and direct this Transformation from the Realms of Cause, through the Laws of Reciprocity …as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! This is an opportunity to establish the Cause of the Seventh Ray of Divine Justice, that ‘lifts up all life’ into equality and fraternity amongst Humanity …as well as equality and fraternity between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom!  The ultimate goal is the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity within the Thoughtform of Reverence for all Life! And in the Great Silence of our Light Service, we declare this Truth with the Voice of the Great I AM!

Just as the virus is ‘an agent of transformation’, so too is the Violet Fire an ‘agent of transformation’ …but at Higher Frequency, where we plan to bypass the suffering and destruction of a calamity and proceed directly to the transmutation of karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!  It is recorded in the Bible that in the ‘latter days’ the Earth would be ‘consumed by fire’. But rather than a fearful ‘armageddon event’, this Bible Passage actually referred to the Next Life Wave Coming with the world enveloped in the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …as the Violet Fire!  This is truly the gift of the New Age of Beloved Saint Germain …the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom!  This is why we bring our training as Directors of Sacred Fire into this embodiment, as Ascended and Free Light Servers! Let us affirm:

I AM the Seventh Ray Cosmic Christ Self in action here and now!

I AM the Cosmic Violet Fire in action, transmuting the
imbalance between Humanity and the Elemental
Kingdom …before such karma can further
act, manifest or longer be sustained!


Beloved Ones: we are in embodiment to Master the physical realm and then Ascend it all into the Realms of Light …through our Path of Ascended Mastery.  We are not here to fear the world …but rather to raise it into the Light …into Heaven on Earth!  Light Servers bravely live in this New Age now, ahead of the curve …providing Humanity the training we all received before this birth. We trained in the Temples of Light, as well as in previous embodiments, to become Divine Directors of Sacred Fire! This is our specialty!  Here, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity reveals the science and spirituality of Divine Alchemy to Humanity!

And as to the difficulties of daily life during this transformation process, we also lead the way in the supreme confidence and peace of our True Identity as the Divine Instrument …affirming the lines of the short poem: (‘Invictus’ by William E Henley):

“I AM Master of my Fate.  I AM the Captain of my Soul!”

And we declare on behalf of the I AM Race,
on behalf of ‘all goodness in the world’:

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
And I AM the Voice of the Great I AM!
This is our Ascended Mastery!




Beloved Ones, The Permanent Atom is held within the Flame of Immortality. As Directors of the Elemental Kingdom, we stand in this Flame of Immortality within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at the center of the Earth …holding the Immaculate Concept contained within the Permanent Atom of our sweet Earth.  When Light Servers likewise stand within the Solar Year Maltese Cross, holding the Permanent Atom of the I AM Race …then we stand together within a Cosmic Forcefield of Eternal Perfection Patterns.  Practice this visualization in meditation. See, feel and deeply accept this Reality …together, standing in the Light!

Then expanding on this Thoughtform, as we stand together at the center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross, we invoke all time and space into the center of our Solar Year Thoughtform.  The four arms of the Maltese Cross become all the past of ourselves and Humanity flowing into here and nowall the future potentials of my Life Stream, and that of all Humanity, into here and now …as well as all ‘the present’ of my Life Stream and everyone within Humanity (in and between embodiment) …into the here and now of these Eternal Perfection Patterns unfolding. This is a more complete visualization of ‘together, standing in the Light’!

With the present shift in human consciousness, based on response to ‘nature’s reflection back to Humanity’ (pandemic), there will be movement towards a ‘sustained inward journey toward self-fulfillment’ within societal daily life …rather than the imbalanced over-focus on ‘material gain’ or seeking a ‘higher station in life’. The quest for ‘a sense of contentment or self-realization’ will now take on an ‘inner focus’.  This will be viewed as a greater spiritual emphasis on self-development …less outward journey and more inward journey.  It may not become totally ‘mainstream’ until further into this New Age. But in our Eternal Moment of Now, Light Servers already hold ‘the essence of Humanity’s spiritual journey’ within the Permanent Atom …a journey of continuous self-perfection toward becoming the Mighty I AM Presence individually …and for Humanity globally …becoming the I AM Race in this New Age of Spiritual Freedom.

But as pioneers and forerunners of this New Age we have the honor of holding this Immaculate Concept for Humanity until she can do so for herself.  This is our anonymous Light Service, at the dawning of this New Age.  Such service has always been embodied within Humanity …but now on a global scale and with more understanding and practice of the specific gifts of this New Age the Invocation and Divine Direction of Sacred Fire! Remember dear Ones that this New Age is a Major Cycle of 2000 years …just as the Christian Cycle had its 2000-year cycle.  And that Cycle also began with small numbers of people and humble beginnings …so ‘be of good Faith’!

The Permanent Atom holds so many diverse Perfection Patterns that are to potentially unfold within this Seventh Ray New Age …that it is hard to even imagine. And the expression of these Perfection Patterns will only speed up, as ever freer of the restrictions of time and space, it will begin to unfold its Magical Presence within daily life more quickly.  And the Inner Journey of the average person will also quicken, ever freer from time and space limitations.  This is our Vision, our Hope and our Expectation!

Again, there is a ‘perfect synchronicity’ of several Cosmic Forces unifying to produce this Magical Age …including the transition of Major Cycle Dispensations from the Sixth Ray to the Seventh Ray …the transition from the Masculine Ray predominance to Feminine Ray balance in all things …and the onset of the Great Cosmic Inbreath, where the entire Solar System is accelerating towards its next level of ‘expressed potential’.  Taken together, these Cosmic Forces will bring about a Spiritual Revolution within Humanity over this Cycle, which will return our sweet Earth to her rightful place amongst the Ascended Planets!  This is our Victory Statement!

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is
the Voice of the Great I AM!

The Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals
are also the Voice of the Great I AM!

The Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State,
is as well ...the Voice of the Great I AM!

As One United Voice of the Great I AM
I now command with full God Authority: that
all infectious agents harming Humanity here and now
return to your natural order within Mother Nature!

Return now to your ‘assigned level’ within the
Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!

And with this I also Invoke the restoration of Reverence for
all Life within Humanity …as well as the Transmutation of fear
within all Humanity! I Command the return of the Cohesive Power
of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State …to guide
and guard Humanity toward her Ascended and Free State!


Dear Ones, within the Permanent Atom at the Diamond Center of the Maltese Cross of this Solar Year …we stand in a Forcefield where we may claim God Authority and command Divine Forces into action.  It begins personally, with affirming ‘I AM empty of self’ …and then globally on behalf of Humanity re-affirm: ‘I AM  Humanity empty of self’. This affirmation commands the Electronic Stream of Light from the Mighty I AM Presence to flow directly into daily life …full of Quantum State Perfection Patterns.  It confirms that Perfection Patterns now stream forth from ‘within Humanity’ and not only ‘from above’, Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters. This Light Service is building a major foundation of the New Age!

The Permanent Atom is held within the Flame of Immortality. As the Directors of the Earth Elemental Kingdom, we stand with you in this Flame of Immortality …within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure, within the Diamond Crystalline Sun centering the Maltese Cross …and within each of your Eternal Flames. We stand together in this Light commanding with the Voice of the Great I AM! It is the Solar Year of Invocation …so let us make the call! And it shall be answered by those who hear Humanity calling …the Lord of the World, the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Great Light Brotherhood and the Karmic Board.

We stand at the ready with our Cosmic Forces of Sacred Fire to see it done!
I AM Universal First Cause answering!





I AM Elohimic Consciousness integrating into Humanity!

I AM empty of space …and …at the same moment,
I AM filled with the endless space of Oneness!
I AM Universal I AM, operating on Earth.

I AM at the very center of Universal I AM …and,
simultaneously, I AM here, there, everywhere present!

This is Elohimic Consciousness. This is what I AM! 

Beloved Ones; I AM come representing the Feminine Ray, from within the Cosmic Forcefield of the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom and its New Age now dawning on Earth. I come today as part of the Next Life Wave Coming!

As our present Solar Year Light Service enters its second half (with this July Cycle), let us pause and realize we have invoked massive Sacred Fire Energies from Cosmic Forcefields …into our Seventh Ray Maltese Cross.  Let us pause and appreciate this endeavor, in gratitude for all involved, on both sides of the veil!  But let us consider that with this Mighty Inbreath and Assimilation, there is a required balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces. Therefore, now is the moment to accentuate ‘the Outbreath’ …the expansion and projection of this full ‘Alchemy of the Twelve Houses of the Sun’ …into all life, everywhere present on Earth.  Here we expand and project the ‘Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State!’  We affirm:

I AM a Being of Cause alone,
that Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone!

We prepare for this Light Service like any other …by re-affirming ‘empty of self …empty of time …and empty of space’ …and assuming our True Identity as a Divine Instrument of Universal I AM.  In our Ascended Master training, we continuously rediscover the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  In this Ascension Process, let us today focus on empty of space …possibly the step that gets the least attention.

This concept has been described as ‘no distance or separation’ …that we are One with all things always that everything is a part of us, and we are a part of everything. Let us meditate on this concept.  And within the Great Silence of our Crystal Vision, let us then allow our Solar Christ Self to Illumine us to its Truth …beyond a mental concept, to see, feel and deeply accept this basic foundation existing within all of Universal I AM!

Another way of meditating on ‘empty of space’ is the idea of endless Oneness within. This then brings a majestic feeling of ‘expansive interconnectedness’ …of no restrictions or limitations in our Unity with Universal I AM.  This intensifies our ability to be here, there, everywhere present in our Light Service! Here we feel as light as air and as free as flame.  Here we are standing in the Light …standing on and through the Light …and realizing I AM Universal I AM acting through me, as me …and as well, I AM continuously acting through Universal I AM!  This is the Life of an Ascended Master Being or Cosmic Being! This is the perfect Yin / Yang of Harmony and Balance …the Divine Synchronicity of centripetal / centrifugal forces of the Inbreath / Outbreath …continually operating through my Divine Instrument.

When we hear the stories of the Ascended Masters in their previous embodiments, we know they could appear in several places on the same day …in centuries when there was no such available physical transport.  Here we venture into the science of ‘projected Consciousness’ …how an Ascended and Free Being in embodiment can present their Energy, Vibration and Consciousness as ‘a Presence’anywhere and anytime they choose …in Light Service!  This is the ‘story of Ascended Mastery’ through the Ages! Our Beloved Saint Germain was thought of as the “wonder-man of Europe” for his abilities in Projected Consciousness.

Let us practice the ability to create and sustain Projected Consciousness.  Imagine some aspect of daily life that is suffering, where you choose to serve with Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. Then in meditation, in the Holiness of our personal Sanctuary and delving into the Great Silence, we project the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light into that person, place, condition or thing …and silently ‘become a Presence there’, with that situation.  Practice seeing, thinking, feeling and knowing your Presence in that situation, as close to the center of it as you desire. For there I AM, as a Mighty I AM Presence!

Others in that situation need not physically see this but rather only feel and know our 'wave-function' Presence …sensing our Presence. The Forcefield of our Divine Instrument will then act ‘in concert’ with any other ‘goodness in action’ in that situation …for the right and perfect outcome of that situation.  'Wave-function' Perfection Patterns will flow into that situation which are then perceived by the Creative Faculties of all present (even if unknown to the outer self) …and then be translated into ‘doing the right and perfect thing at the right and perfect time in the right and perfect way’.

This is the unlimited potential of our Light Service from our True Identity …as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. This is service in Projected Consciousness when truly empty of space and free of any restrictions of distance or separation. Let us remember our training in the Temples of the Elohim …where each of us became proficient and highly effective in applying this step of building Ascended Mastery through Projected Consciousness!

Then once this is established, let us consider ‘empty of time’.  In Ascended Master training we are taught to ‘set the bar of expectation high’ …at the Permanent Atom and its Immaculate Concept.  You have all done well with this in this Solar Year Thoughtform.  Yet if we slip back to living ‘within time’ (at the calling of so many aspects of mundane daily life!) this “holding high expectations” can lead to frustration …in that it does not appear to happen ‘within a certain time frame’. Here we are caught in the dilemma of time …as to when, according to a clock or calendar, the thing we desire should have been accomplished.  With this ‘dilemma of time’ in mind Beloved Ones, let me remind you of the Plan of Creation.

When the Elohim first created the Earth, we held its Immaculate Concept for an extended moment of now …without any concept of how long it took within a time frame.  Everything to an Elohim is measured in Eternity. But ‘within time’, it would have seemed an immeasurable amount of years.  This extended moment of now is referred to in mystical writings as ‘Great Cosmic Days and Great Cosmic Nights’.  Biblically, in the Book of Genesis, this was called ‘the Seven Days of Creation’, referring to the Seven Steps of Precipitation. But the Elohim were always in the ever-present NOW!

So when the Earth was finally, fully created, it seemed to us to have taken only a ‘Cosmic Moment’ to complete. We all rejoiced and then all went onto the next project of Co-creation, under the Divine Direction of Father / Mother God and the Great Plan of Creation.  This Spiritual Freedom of the Elohim we now offer to you, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! I AM here with you to invigorate the remembrance of what you have ‘already trained in’, during sojourns with us in the Realms of Light! Affirm:

I AM empty of time …I AM Eternally Flame …
I AM living ETERNALLY in the NOW of this FLAME …
and I AM its Perfection Patterns expressing through
me ...as my ‘Eternal Moment of Now’!


Beloved Ones, the Permanent Atom is held within the Flame of Immortality!  Think of it! This renders the core of anything as Immortal …as long as that Flame is sustained by a God-Intelligent Being.  The Flame may be withdrawn in the ‘Divine action of etherealization’ …as some part of life goes from its Cosmic Day of manifestation into its Cosmic Night of non-manifestation …and into the Great Silence of Nirvana.  After the 'great fall', this almost occurred with our sweet Earth, be it not for the Light Service of Beloved Sanat Kumara …the Savior of our dear Earth and the Guarantor of the Divine Potential for Humanity …the I AM Race. Let us pause and send this Cosmic Being our Eternal Gratitude.

In our meditation of becoming our own extended moment of now, let us affirm:

I AM remembering all my Elohimic Training!

I AM empty of time and I AM the ‘here and now’
of my Eternal Flame, blazing within Universal I AM.

I AM the Eternal Cosmic Moment of its Infinite Radiant Light
and all Cosmic Events that evolve from my outpouring of Light!


Think of how very useful the ‘letting go of the restrictions of time and space’ becomes in our desire to transform personal, family, community, national and global affairs …without leaving our meditation room! Rather, through ‘Projected Consciousness’, I AM God in Action as an Ascended and Free Being …here, there, everywhere present!  Under the Banner of Spiritual Freedom of our Beloved Saint Germain this Ascended Master ability is paramount.  Then, it matters not how small our numbers are, but rather how ‘globally massive’ our collective Ascended and Free Presence has become through Projected Consciousness!  This is the Power and Effectiveness of Light Service when free of the restrictions of self, time and space.  This is the Next Life Wave Coming!

Beloved Ones, there have been transformational scientific and technical breakthroughs in the past century that would make present day unrecognizable to someone living a century ago.  And there have equally been transformational psychological / social breakthroughs in how the brain/ mind work, as well as in equality around relationships on all cultural layers of daily life, both in personal terms and globally.  Again, daily life would not be recognizable from a century ago.

The Next Wave of Life Coming is now to be revealed in transformational spiritual breakthroughs …beyond scientific or social transformations …into the knowledge, understanding, rhythmic use and then mastery of SACRED FIRE …as the Foundation of a Divine Life on Earth.  We know that in Golden Ages past, there was always the Temples of the Gods and always the High Altar with the Flame upon the Altar.  This is the Golden Age we now co-create again, under the Banner of Beloved Saint Germain.  Dear Ones, empty of the restrictions of self, time and space is the meaning of Spiritual Freedom …the core Reality of this New Age!

Our mediation on ‘empty of space’ brings this Next Wave of Spiritual Freedom into sharper focus.  Such a New Age is not a ‘far off future concept of another time or place’ …but rather ‘the here and now possibility of our Ascended and Free training’ …in becoming our Divine Instrument in service with the Spiritual Hierarchy.  This possibility for our embodied Light Servers was clearly seen by the Karmic Board, and is why embodiment was granted at this Cosmic Moment.  You were identified as Candidates for the Ascension under the Fourth Ray training of our Beloved Serapis Bey!

We may see this clearly now as we stand in the Eye of Divine Liberty …within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire!  Here we have Crystal Vision. Here we see, feel and know the Next Wave of Life Coming.  Let us generate a personal meditation on this!  I see with this Eye of Divine Liberty my Flame of Immortality …that I AM Immortal!  My Eternal Flame is Immortal.  I AM temporarily in an Elemental Vehicle (physical, etheric, mental and emotional) to master the world of form …and this vehicle does have a beginning, middle and an end.  But the Flame of Immortality is the Flame of Alpha and Omega …no beginning and no end! The Next Wave of Life Coming is Humanity’s Truth of her own Immortality, a Kingdom of Eternal Souls comprising the I AM Race. And the Gathering of Ascended Humanity sees it for her, steadily holding this Immaculate Concept!

From within the Permanent Atom of the I AM Race, we affirm:

I AM the world and everything in it!
I AM the Permanent Atom of the I AM Race.
As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

Through the Law of Reciprocity,
the entire world is now empty of self,
and the entire world knows ‘I AM Flame’!

The entire world is empty of time and
the entire world’s True Identity is ‘Eternal Flame’.

The entire world is empty of space and the entire
world is an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.

All are a ‘Sun of the Sun’ with all Suns in Divine Alignment!
This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity and the I AM Race!

This is Elohimic Consciousness!