August, 2024


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:







(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing a Ray of Celestial Energy
unfolding as a Sacred Vibrational Field revealing its
Solar Consciousness. I AM the Eternal Flame!

I AM Expanding and Projecting a Ray of Celestial Energy
unfolding as a Sacred Vibrational Field revealing its
Solar Consciousness. I AM the Eternal Flame!


I AM that I AM!

Empty of self, time and space,
I AM at the beginning, born again!

I AM  a Ray of Celestial Energy,
unfolding as a Sacred Vibrational Field,
revealing its indwelling Solar Consciousness.

I AM a Disciple of Holy Spirit, radiating
Divine Love, Gratitude and Adoration.
I AM Reverence for all Life! 

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet, of my
Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Love!

This is what I AM!
And I AM that I AM!
I AM embodied Solar Consciousness!

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet
…of the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.
…of the Eternal Sun of God Illumination.
…of the Eternal Sun of an Elemental Potential.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet …in my feelings.
I abide in the Great Solar Quiet …in my mind.
I abide in the Great Solar Quiet …in my body.

This is my embodied Solar Consciousness.
This is my embodied Solar Love Nature.

These are my Vibrational Fields of Co-creation, as
to what I do, think, say or feel within daily life.

And what I think and feel, I bring into form!

Here also abides the Gathering of Ascending Humanity,
in these Sacred Vibrational Fields of Co-creation!

This is maintained through the
Theme and Thoughtform of our Solar Year:

I AM Building Divine Self.
I AM Building Divine Consciousness.
I AM Building an Eternal Life in the Light.

I AM Building the Foundation of the
New Age of Spiritual Freedom. 

I AM offering Humanity her
Highest Potential of development,
becoming One Consciousness, One Heartbeat of
Purpose, One Breath of Holy Spirit and One Cohesive
Power of Divine Love …uniting all life in her
Ascending State …as the I AM Race! 

I AM that I AM!
I AM the Glory of God.
I exist so that the Love Nature
of God expresses on Earth!

I AM …that I AM …that I AM!




Beloved Friends of Spiritual Freedom; the four foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming express their action as a Maltese Cross. They are visualized around the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness. These four Forcefields enter and manifest at the physical / etheric level, as well as the emotional and thinking levels of our Ascension Process. Abiding here on Earth as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire, this is the point of contact where we liberate the the Flame of Immortality to do its perfect work. And the beautiful balance of this Light Service is that we simultaneously liberate our karmic debt …that Innocent Lifeforce we have used in Co-creation that we now desire to set free in the Light …and that our Ascension Process accelerates into embodied Solar Consciousness!

Karmic patterns are woven within the persons, places, conditions and things of our daily life. Some of these persons or situations we may dislike, even intensely. But instead of seeing calamity or distress, we might just calmly observe ‘oh, there is my personal karmic debt’ …or ‘there is Humanity’s karmic debt’. We might consider ‘karmic debt’ as ‘a verb’ or ‘a process’ …rather than a solid-state thing, person or situation. Humanity’s karmic debt is driven by the habit of ‘fearing fear’ …and thus responds to fear with more fear …rather than focused on Reverence for all Life and the nature of unconditional Divine Love.  These are the teachings of every Avatar.

Personal karmic debt is accrued through the ego’s inclination towards criticism, condemnation and judgment …blaming others for our fear …rather than understanding and developing Wisdom, towards the goal of God Illumination and Enlightenment. To remedy this, we seek to change ‘our lens’ of ‘witnessing the world’ from the ego perspective to the Cosmic / Solar Perspective. Thus, we align our purpose in achieving Spiritual Freedom from karmic debt …rather than fearing or defending against it …and in so doing, discover the serene joy of setting life free. This is gaining our Ascended Mastery …the end result of every Avatar’s Teaching.

In Light Service, we are known as ‘Keepers of the Flame’ …but doing so anonymously. This is one of the attributes of Conduct for a Disciple of Holy Spirit. This was given us by the Lord Maha Chohan (Mentor to the Seven Chohans of the Seven Rays), so we might understand how to dwell within our Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit …to live from and abide within our Heart Center.[1] This is our Theme and Thoughtform of this current monthly Cycle. Contemplating this, let us consider the Ray of Gratitude emanating from our Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit. This is our personal Focus of Gratitude and Adoration … Gratitude to and for all levels of life that help sustain our Ascension Process in the world of form. All Teachings that most affect Humanity’s spiritual development are those that emphasize Adoration to Source …and Gratitude for Life and its developing journey along the Ascension Process.

The Lord of the World, the Cosmic Christ / Planetary Buddha, the World Teacher and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy …all reach Humanity through the avenue of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …tapping in at the Soul level, at our ‘Higher Self’.  As well as this, progress also comes with Revelation …through Transformational Events in Consciousness occurring through the centuries, moving Humanity forward in her development of consciousness. The Gathering of Ascending Humanity becomes an embodied instrument of those Teachings …at levels of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. This Light Service is from Realms of Cause …calmly detached from the world of effects, allowing us to more powerfully radiate our Love and Divine Comfort to all who yet suffer.

Let us see, feel and deeply accept our Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit. In this Temple at the Heart, we nurture Co-creation through Divine Love. Here the Elohim of Divine Love also abides as a Ray of Energy, as a Vibrational Field and a Focus of Cosmic Love Consciousness. At our Heart Center is a focused Ray of our Beloved Orion and Lady Angelica. They have Co-created Solar Systems and Galaxies, adding their Powers of Gratitude and Adoration. Their Vibrational Fields of Divine Love helped create our sweet Earth and are found everywhere in Nature. We know this, as we feel these Vibrational Fields in Nature. And now, these same Vibrational Fields arise again in the Co-creation of our New Age of Spiritual Freedom, through our embodied Solar Consciousness …within our Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit!

Turning now to the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy,  this is a ‘Silent Watcher’ Forcefield, ensuring a constant pressure of Elemental Divine Potential.  Within the Maltese Cross aura of this Eternal Sun of Even Pressure are the four Cardinal Points of earth, air, fire, and water .  Here the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom direct a Ray of their Cosmic Light their corresponding Cardinal Point, adding their Force in holding the Immaculate Concept of Elemental Divine Potential. And together, standing in the Light with the Directors of the Four Elementals, I AM the Eternal Sun of Elemental Divine Potential for my own Divine Instrument, and that of Humanity!

These Mighty Elemental Directors are Beloved Pelleur and Virgo (earth), Beloved Thor and Aries (air), Beloved Neptune and Lunara (water) and Beloved Helios and Vesta (fire). Rays of their Light pierce directly into our Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at their four Cardinal Points. This Activity represents Elemental Divine Potential on the physical, etheric, mental and emotional levels of embodiment. This Activity creates a Vibrational Field of Divine Love and Adoration for the four Elements of physical embodiment. It maintains the constant pressure towards the Divine Potential of Limitless Physical Perfection …intended to express through an embodied I AM Race.

Then imagine the Directors of the Four Elements also direct Rays of their Perfection Patterns into the four cardinal points of the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit and the Eternal Sun of God Illumination. For in embodiment, it requires the Divine Potential of the four Elements to become a full Disciple of Holy Spirit …as well as in becoming a Boddhisatva of Enlightenment. Elemental Divine Potential exists on all levels of embodied Solar Consciousness. All of these aspects of Spiritual Liberty are seeded within our Divine Instrument …meant to flower in this present Cosmic Moment within the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …and then throughout the entire Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom …over countless generations! Contemplate the vast interconnectedness  of such Divine Potential!

This is the Ascension Concept we presently focus on!



I AM the Spirit of the Cosmic Violet Fire! Beloved Lord Zadkiel and I have been teachers of these Seventh Ray Activities for eons …on different Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light …to Races of God Beings on various planets, as well as the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms across the Solar System. I embody the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State! This is an ever-expanding Cosmic Momentum of Father / Mother God, in forwarding the development of their Children of Light, into the fullness of their Divine Potential. This is what I AM!

Let us review the Theme and Thoughtforms of the last several Solar Years …and witness them as aspects of Building Divine Self and Building Divine Consciousness. Let us also feel the expanding Cosmic Momentum of these Forcefields and all the assistance of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Great Light Brotherhood …resulting in the Gathering of Ascending Humanity laying down the Foundation of an Eternal Life in the Light! Standing in the Cosmic Violet Fire, affirm:

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet, of the
Violet Flame’s Liberation of karmic debt!

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet, of the Violet Flame’s
simultaneous Liberation of embodied Solar Consciousness!

I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty opening.

I AM open and receptive to the Ascension
Concepts of full Spiritual Freedom.

I AM the Star of Sanat Kumara Revealed.

I AM open and receptive to the signaling of
Transformational Events in Consciousness.
Come, Holy Spirit …Come!

I AM the Star of Spiritual Freedom Initiated.

I AM open and receptive to establishing
lived Spiritual Liberty on Earth.

I AM the birth of embodied Solar Consciousness.

I AM open and receptive to my own Ascension as a
Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self and, that as I AM raised up,
so is Humanity raised up with me into her Spiritual Freedom!

Beloved Ones, Divine Potential has an infinite array of diversity and uniqueness to its unfolding …across all planetary Races and their accompanying Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. Let us contemplate this.  As we call upon you to assist us in this Activity of Building of Divine Self and Divine Consciousness, we also train you to envision the full outcome of our Light Service …as the completed New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  We see this as the I AM Race flourishing across the globe, with all Humanity abiding in the Peace and Plenty of Holy Spirit …and anchoring the Reality of this Vibrational Field within daily life. This is a difficult training when done ‘while the world of illusion is still expressing itself’.

But once such Light Service is mastered, it is also the Brightest Chapter in your Book of Life …written across your Eternal Journey within Universal I AM. This is why an embodiment on Earth is sought after by highly developed Beings across the Solar System. And you are all part of this, having entered Humanity with the necessary Cosmic Momentum of Sacred Fire at your command …momentums of which are contained within your Causal Body, to be released as Transformational Events in Consciousness within this embodiment, for the good of all involved.

Such Light Service is developing Ascended Mastery in your current Ascension Process …in becoming Priests / Priestesses in the Order of Zadkiel …and Keepers of the Flame of Spiritual Freedom. This is Building an Eternal Life in the Light for Humanity, as well as the Angels and Elementals who serve with her. It is our collective Divine Purpose. And it begins with Building Divine Self and Divine Consciousness. So then, let us now turn our attention to this.

Out present opportunity within embodied Solar Consciousness is that you begin to actively work with the Twelve Houses of the Sun …all the Forcefields of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power across those Forcefields. The Twelve Aspects of Deity in the Sun and Central Sun can be understood as Electronic Bands of Higher Frequency Vibrational Fields, in which countless Lifeforce makes its home. Each Electronic Band represents a certain God Quality, which it holds as the Immaculate Concept for that particular Celestial Virtue for the rest of Creation in that Galaxy or Solar System. Limitless Races of God Beings, Angelic Legions and Elemental Devas spiritually develop in these Electronic Bands …and may proceed through one, several, or all of them …before further assignment to a particular Manu, Archangel or Elohim in their endless journey of development through Universal I AM.

Again, a review of the past several Solar Years. For during this present Cosmic Moment, developing the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity within Humanity began with the opening of the Eye of Divine Liberty. This Temple of the Goddess of Liberty is one of these Electronic Bands in the Central Sun. This ‘opening’ allowed Light Servers to more fully understand and integrate becoming a Sun of the Sun …an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. This then opens up ‘Cosmic Highways’ …from the Sun of Helios and Vesta, the Central Sun of Alpha and Omega and even the Great Central Sun of Eloha and Elohae …directly into our developing embodied Solar Consciousness. Think of it! For within our unfolding Twelve-fold Sun Disc, abides a Cardinal Point (or ‘neophyte Temple’) of that same Divine Virtue. And Twelve such Foci are already gestating within our Solar Spine. Integrating this Ascension Concept means to be open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming …for it all comes from the Sun. This is our Higher Spiritual Purpose on Earth!

This occurs subtly at first, like feeding a young child, so as to sustain growth yet not overwhelm it. But as we continue ‘Building Divine Self’ through embodied Solar Consciousness, then the Streams of Sacred Energies from the Sun become Rivers of Celestial Vibrational Fields, emptying into our Ocean of embodied Solar Consciousness! Visualize this! Then we truly become a Priest / Priestess of the Order of Zadkiel …and known as such across the Solar System!

This Ascension Concept also synchronizes with the practice of ‘all Suns in Divine Alignment’. Such synchronicity initiates this flow of Cosmic Momentum into our embodied Solar Consciousness, becoming constant and ever-more Powerful! Humanity has always wondered about ‘the power of planets coming into alignment’ (in astrology). But now we begin to understand that we have the Power of Suns and Solar Systems coming into Divine Alignment within us! This greatly increases the Power within our ability of ‘setting Cause into motion’ …as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire! We also better understand all our allies of Sacred Forcefields …Co-creating the New Age of Spiritual Freedom with us. Imagine this impact on Humanity’s Spiritual Liberty!

In Building Divine Self, the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure incorporates this into the Creation of Elemental Divine Potential. It contains ‘a pressure’ (as in ‘the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure’) that balances centrifugal and centripetal forces, balances Electro-magnetic energies that affect creation in the world of form, and moves manifestation towards is Higher Frequency expression. This Elemental Gateway is specific to embodied Solar Consciousness!

And further, as it builds this Forcefield within our embodied Solar Consciousness, we also attain Divine Alignment with the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure within Mother Earth! Here the Divine Potential of every Elemental of earth, air, fire and water resides …in a ‘fiery sea of potential’. Divine Potential is granted ‘in the beginning’, but requires a certain formula of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds to manifest in the world of form.  This is the learning involved in the Ascension Process. Any ‘lesser formulas’ of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds manifests as ‘a lesser potential’ …including negative potentials of imbalance, disease and discord. We affirm that I AM here to change all lesser potential into its Divine Potential. And SO IT IS!

This Light Service is a necessary step in revealing the Laws of Reciprocity …‘as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me’. For once there is sufficient Momentum of Divine Potential within our own Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …plus a direct Holy Communion with the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure within Earth …then this same Activity begins developing within all Humanity …on an elemental level. This is Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness! l

This lineage is from Mother Earth to all her Lifeforce. Here we become ‘a mediator’ for this Divine Alignment, dwelling within both the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at the core of Mother Earth …as well as within our embodied Solar Consciousness. Humanity already senses this Oneness Consciousness from within their elemental bodylistening within. As well, there is a continuously ‘raising of consciousness’ within and around Humanity …regarding ‘to thine own Self be true’. And together, this will produce the desired Transformational Events in Consciousness …turning Humanity within, to her True Identity …and all the Blessings of our Flame of Immortality initiating the New Age of Spiritual Freedom.

I AM the Spirit of this Solar Year …and



Beloved Ones, I have been known by many names on various Dimensions, Realms, and Spheres of service to the Light.  My Beloved Twin Ray Lord Gabriel is known for his Sacred Tone …also known as Gabriel’s Trumpet. My name in the Central Sun is a Sacred Tone that has the clarity of a Cosmic Bell …a Cosmic Momentum that sets all particles accelerating in motion towards its innate State of Purity …at the exact coordinates of the Divine Potential of that Lifeforce! And there I AM …there you find me!

Archangels are the Cosmic Protectors of Systems of Worlds.  You might think of ‘worlds’ in Cosmic terms, as planets and suns. But it also refers to ‘the world’ of your personal life (persons, places, conditions and things therein) and the world of your family, and the larger world of your community …and then to other worlds on the mental and emotional level Humanity is engaged in. My role in this Solar System is in the Purity, Resurrection and Ascension of ‘all potential’, in any ‘system of worlds’, moving to its ‘’Divine Potential. This is the Ascension Process involving all levels of life. So, let us review certain aspects of this Fourth Ray service.

We begin with a calm breath and clear visualization, deeply accepting that we  abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light. For in this Great Silence is a clear network, allowing the Cosmic Momentums of our Causal Body to proceed directly into our Creative Faculties of daily life. As you have become aware, embodied Solar Consciousness encodes the Twelve Houses of the Sun. And just as each of the Twelve Cardinal Points contains an earth, air, fire, or water Elemental Influence, each also have Angels in attendance, dedicated wholly to that House of the Sun. And thus, Twelve Unique Angels abide in your new Solar Aura. In the beginning, only neophyte Angels of each of these Twelve Zodiac Qualities will focus on each specific Cardinal Point. But as you continue Building Divine Self, they also flourish along with you, towards their Divine Potential as mature Angels, and then Cherubim and Seraphim. As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

In this visualization, we see the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness …each with their Maltese Cross Electronic Patterns having a Cardinal Point, each with Elemental and Angelic influences. This is the Twelve Houses of the Sun now desiring to exert their specific Forcefield into Humanity …as the Great Solar Disc. Let us first attend the three ‘Earth Sign’ Points and their neophyte protective Angels.  These Cardinal Points represent the Cosmic Forcefield of Beloved Pelleur and Virgo …from their Temple in the Central Sun as well as their Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at the fiery core of Earth.  Imagine the  Cosmic Qualities of solidity, 'particle-function' manifestation and steady state homeostasis these Cardinal Points offer within our elemental vehicles. They reflect optimal Health and Wellness, through their Angelic and Elemental Forces, within these specific Cardinal Points.

Then see, feel and deeply accept the three Air Sign Points and the Cosmic Qualities of Beloved Thor and Aries …from their Temple in the Central Sun through to their Forcefields on Earth that move the air currents around Earth and maintain an atmosphere of breath, sustaining life on Earth. Angels of Purity attend each of these Cardinal Points …sustaining Divine Life! Our first breath as a newborn baby on Earth is symbolic of our First Breath as the Eternal Flame of Twelve-fold Individualization …given and received before Father / Mother God. This Spiritual Impetus of Holy Breath is a gift of Holy Spirit and crates an innate Love bond with Nature and her entire Lifeforce. And Nature was designed to give us fresh and clean Angelic and Elemental Influences to maintain our embodied vehicles …as held in the Divine Potential of the Eternal Spring.

Then we turn to the three Water Sign Points and the Angels that attend our emotional nature within embodied Solar Consciousness. Here the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit reverberates Reverence for all Life through these specific Cardinal Points affecting every aspect of daily life …as an embodied Solar Christ Self. And finally, the three Fire Sign Points and their attending Angels. These are Cardinal Points anchoring and expanding the Sacred Energies of Helios and Vesta and the Central Flame of this Solar System. These Fire Sign Points allows for the basics of body temperature and sustaining Consciousness on the physical level …all the way through to accepting our True Identity and Divine Instrument as the Eternal Flame, and its radiant Light …standing here Ascended and Free!

Beloved Ones, contemplate that the Body Elemental Deva has waited eons for this embodied Solar Consciousness to gain ascendance allowing these Twelve Aspects of Deity within the Solar Disc to unfold. For ‘in the beginning’ the Body Elemental was fully attuned to the Twelve Cardinal Points of Solar Consciousness …as well as the Seven Chakra Suns …in order to reproduce Limitless Physical Perfection in elemental vehicles. Contemplate this rebirth of a Perfection Pattern …the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential of Ascended and Free life on Earth!

The Mighty Elohim, Silent Watchers, Builders of Form and Great Devic Elemental Spirits all operate through these Elemental Cardinal Points within Humanity. These Beings magnetize and direct Electromagnetic Forces within Cosmic Light …each with specific Qualities and Virtues which Father / Mother God intended for the Blessing and Glory of their Children of Light. This is the correct origin of ‘Divine Right’ …that every Child of God has access to this Celestial Opportunity for full Ascension into embodied Solar Consciousness …in all Seven Root Races. Together, these Beings Co-create a Light-Pattern of Divine Potential for Ascended and Free Humanity! Let us accept and anchor this Ascension Concept!

As well, the Archangels and Mighty Solar Seraphim also guide, guard and direct our influences through these Twelve Houses of the Sun …now reborn in your embodied Solar Consciousness. I assign young Angels of Purity, Resurrection and Ascension to protect your new-found ‘world’ of embodied Solar Consciousness. Just as explorers found ‘new worlds’, so too does the Gathering of Ascending Humanity explore the ‘new-found worlds’ of embodied Twelve-fold Solar Consciousness …with the Angels and Elementals forces attending every step of ‘the Way’.

Then imagine that each one of Humanity, like the purity of snowflakes, is absolutely unique in such a Divine Matrix of manifestation. Together, Mighty Elemental Beings and Angelic Attendants hold the Immaculate Concept for each Soul’s True Identity, eventually manifesting their Divine Potential! Elementals have created the garments for the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light to flourish on Earth.  Angels attended each of these developmental steps, continually offering the Spiritual Nurturance needed to manifest the Divine Potential.

In the beginning, the Flame of True Identity began with garments of an Electronic nature, such as we might envision the White Fire Being (a perfect Circle of Light containing the Harmony and Balance of Masculine and Feminine Ray) …and from it, the Mighty I AM Presences (its Twin Rays with Electronic Bodies we might recognize as Great Beings of Light). These 'wave-function' Electronic garments serve us well in the Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light.

But for the advanced spiritual development of embodiment on Earth, it required the Elementals to fashion garments of 'particle-function' substance, at the level of physical, etheric, mental and emotional function …each attended by Angels representing the Twelve Houses of the Sun. This is where the Element Forces of earth, air, fire and water manifest ‘in form’ …to reveal vehicles capable of sustaining Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty, and Strength and Stamina …enduring the long journey of many embodiments through the Ascension Process on Earth. And the Permanent Atom of such Divinity is very present within the Vibrational Fields of the Twelve Elemental Cardinal Points …all functioning with Unity and Synchronicity within the Twelve-fold network of the Solar Spine. This is our Divine Instrument!

With the Twelve Houses of the Sun now visualized within our Sun Disc of embodied Solar Consciousness, we then affirm and command at all levels of cells, molecules, and atoms of our Being:

PEACE…BE STILL …in the Divine Potential of things.

PEACE…BE STILL …in the Divine Potential
of all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

PEACE …BE STILL …in daily life!


Beloved Ones we come to the Pentecost of our Ascended and Free Light Service …a Cosmic Moment rather than a date on the calendar. We see the legions of Angels of the Fourth Ray, as well as the Ascension Doves of Holy Spirit, coming to Humanity through the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit, opening within embodied Solar Consciousness! The Seven White Ascension Doves over our Seven Chakra Suns vibrate in perfect unison with the Twelve-fold Cardinal Points of the Solar Spine …unfolding the Great Solar Disc in our Ascended and Free Aura!

Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit into embodied Lifeforce and all of Nature. It marks the beginning of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom unfolding into the world ...

from sub-atomic and elemental life;
to simple cellular plant and animal life;
to complex and developed plant and animal life;
to mass consciousness of Humanity in her daily life,
to 'accelerating evolving awareness' of Humanity;
to the Wisdom Consciousness of Humanity;
to Ascended and Free Humanity!

I AM the Three Gates of my embodied Solar Consciousness,
each attended by their Angelic and Elemental Forces.

I AM the Elemental Perfection Patterns of the
Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy.

I AM the Perfection Patterns of Divine Mind
as the Eternal Sun of God Illumination.

I AM the Emotional Perfection Patterns
of the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.

Through this Divine Instrument with its Eternal Flame
and Infinite Radiant Light …and in Coherently Connected
Divine Consciousness with the Gathering of Ascending Humanity,
I AM the sufficient and necessary Energy, Vibration and
Consciousness for a New Age of Spiritual Freedom
for our sweet Earth and her entire Lifeforce!

The Sacred Om is the sounding of the Cosmic Bell
of the Archangels Lord Gabriel and Lady Hope.

I AM this Sacred Om of the Sun at my Eternal Flame.
I AM the Sacred Om of the Sun at each of the three
Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness.

Each is a unique Sacred Om and together, they
constitute the Sacred Om of my Great Solar Being.

Within this Sacred Keynote, I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM a Divine Instrument and True Identity
of the Next Life Wave Coming!

I AM a Universe of Worlds, unfolding and developing
along my endless Ascension Process, with the Twelve
Houses of the Sun currently embodied within me!

I AM truly born in the image and likeness of Father / Mother God!
I abide in the Great Solar Quiet …the Great Divine
Alchemy of my Twelve-fold Solar Presence! 


[1] See ‘Code of Conduct for Disciples of Holy Spirit’ on the ‘Flame Visualization Page’ on the Ascended and Free Website …at