March, 2020


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


At the center of this Cosmic Instrument of Invocation,
I AM sustaining the Eternal Flame of Life!

Here, I AM …

My Eternal Flame; the Divine Instrument of my Great God Self!

Our Eternal Flame, of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!

The Eternal Flame of the I AM Race; the Divinity of Humanity!

The Eternal Flame of the Great Light Brotherhood serving Earth!

The Eternal Flame of Earth; the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Reality
of the Eternal Flame of Life I AM!

I AM Expanding / Projecting the Reality
of the Eternal Flame of Life I AM!



I AM Ascended and Free, together, standing in the Light!
I AM the Cosmic Instrument of Invocation, the Celestial Maltese Cross!

At the center of this Cosmic Instrument of Invocation
I AM sustaining the Eternal Flame of Life!

Here, I AM …

My Eternal Flame; the Divine Instrument of my Great God Self!
Our Eternal Flame, of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
The Eternal Flame of the I AM Race; the Divinity of Humanity!
The Eternal Flame of the Great Light Brotherhood serving Earth!
The Eternal Flame of Earth; the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!

Here, at the center of the Cosmic Instrument of Invocation!

I AM that I AM that I AM!
I AM all Suns in Divine Alignment!

Here, I AM Invoking all Cosmic Forcefields,
into our Light Service to the First Cause of Spiritual Freedom!

Here, I AM the Sun of the Sun …as the
Divine Director of the Cosmic Instrument of Invocation!

Here, I AM a Focus of the Cosmic Christ,
directing the affairs of Humanity toward her Ascension.

Together, standing in the Cosmic Maltese Cross,
I AM in Command of Cosmic Sacred Forces!

I AM the Cosmic Christ in action!



Beloved Ones; when the Mighty I AM Presence projected a Cosmic Ray of its magnificent Light into the world of form, it anchored as the Three-fold Flame, the Eternal Flame of Life. This Cosmic Flame within the Mighty I AM Presence is the same Eternal Flame of Life within the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun of Father / Mother God. Now the Gathering of Ascended Humanity become our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light as a Sun of the Sun. We join this Divine Alignment of Suns …as together standing in the Light, we now become Father / Mother God within the world of form …and thereby establish Eternal Life on Earth. And this is the Divine Potential for all Humanity, for as Beloved Ascended Master Jesus reminded us: “Everything I have done (in becoming the Christ) so shall you also do …and greater things shall you do” (together, standing in the Light!)

Embodiments may come and go, but there is always an Eternal Flame of Life on Earth. the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Light Brotherhood ensure that some measure of Light Service is always ensuring this. Through the centuries, this has remained a mystery and such efforts have been referred to as the Mystery Schools. It is no longer a mystery to the enlightened Ascended and Free Light Server. And although it does remain anonymous, such Light Service is not secret nor mysterious. ‘Anonymous’ simply ensures that all ego is removed from this service …of ensuring that the Eternal Flame of Life is always consciously anchored within Humanity!

The study of embodiments is interesting. It reflects the balance between a soul given opportunity in learning the Mastery of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and, opportunity in working through individual and collective karma. This balance involves Great Beings on the Karmic Board and other Offices of the Spiritual Hierarchy and on a global collective level is governed by the Lord of the World. The length of an embodiment does not matter as much as the quality of “living intent” of that time on Earth. A newborn may live out their Divine Intent within the first few months. Biblical lifespans might have been 900 years (Methuselah) …and from the Ascended Master teaching, we know in the first three Root Races that it may have been only several embodiments over a 2000 year cycle that sufficed for the Mastery of that Major Ray Dispensation.

But for the present moment, let us accept deeply that this embodiment is for sustaining the Eternal Flame of Life on Earth …even as we also fulfill our individual Divine Plan through that Eternal Flame. Earth’s collective Divine Plan is fulfilled when the majority of Humanity deeply accept that they too sustain the Eternal Flame of Life on Earth …as they also fulfill their unique Divine Plan through that same Eternal Flame within them. No matter the outer circumstances of any embodiment, we are here to sustain and expand the Eternal Flame of Life on Earth. But as our Eternal Flame expands in concert with all other Foci of the same Eternal Flame, then the Earth grows ever closer to her Divine Potential. And through the Law of cause and effect, outer circumstances will then reflect Humanity’s Divine Plan.

Since the coming of Beloved Sanat Kumara and the formation of the Great Light Brotherhood on Earth, the central theme of Light Service to Earth has been ‘to sustain the Eternal Flame of Life’ …so that the Earth and her Humanity maintained their place in the Solar System and thus continued to maintain their Divine Potential of one day becoming Ascended and Free! These efforts by embodied Light Servers have been focused through the direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Light Brotherhood and their various endeavors to set Earth Free in the Light. Here we have seen Great Teachers embody to guide Humanity toward her Divine Plan. Many Avatars of the Cosmic Christ and of Cosmic Holy Spirit have come to Humanity over many dispensations granted by Father / Mother God.

Now to this Solar Year. We place our service of ‘sustaining the Eternal Flame of Life on Earth’ within the Cosmic Instrument of Invocation …to fully take advantage of all the Cosmic Assistance pouring into Earth and Humanity. Here we serve as the embodied portion of this Divine Instrument’s Great Divine Director …a collective, united, synchronized Activity of Angels and Elementals, Cosmic and Ascended Beings …and, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!  Here we build this Cosmic Instrument of Invocation …just as the Great Light Brotherhood of Venus came to build Shamballa for Beloved Sanat Kumara.

Shamballa has been named the “City of the Sun” on Venus. Now we build this same dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun at the center of the Maltese Cross. And into this Forcefield we invoke and anchor through our embodied Eternal Flame, Celestial Forcefields from Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light! This gives us our central purpose for this Solar Year, and beyond …offering opportunity to serve the Light and, process and transmute karma …both our personal energies redeemed as well as racial, cultural, national and religious karma resolved through Sacred Fire!




I greet you in the Name of Beloved Goddess of Liberty, the Mother of the Ray of Spiritual Freedom and of our Beloved Saint Germain. It is she who has taught the Spiritual Hierarchy the command of Sacred Fire in order that we fulfill our individual Spiritual Liberty …as well as the Unified Liberty of Perfection Patterns that unites Universal I AM into the Grand Oneness Consciousness we all abide in …and continually co-create from! Gathered here, we affirm;

Together, standing in the Cosmic Maltese Cross,
I AM in Command of Cosmic Sacred Fires!

I AM the Cosmic Christ in action!
I AM the Twelve Solar Houses in action!
I AM the Liberty of individual Spiritual Freedom!

The training of becoming a Divine Director of Sacred Fire is within our Ascended and Free Light Service. The Spiritual Hierarchy seeks those who declare their Liberty to wield the Sacred Fire …fulfilling the Motto of the Great Light Brotherhood: “To know, to dare and to do and then be silent” while embodied on Earth …as an Ascended Master might wield such Power within the Realms of Light. This of course stems from reclaiming one’s Cosmic Momentum of True Identity …using the Divine Instrument of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light just as you have in the Realms of Light.

Let us become daily ‘empty of self, time and space’ and therefore experience seeing, feeling and deeply accepting only our Eternal Flame. When attained, let us begin with the affirmation: I AM in Command of Cosmic Sacred Fires. This is a Declaration of Spiritual Freedom and the Liberty to pursue Divine Co-creation through Higher Frequency Divine Consciousness! This is the core of becoming a Divine Director and once again anchoring on Earth the Priests / Priestesses of Sacred Fire …known in previous Golden Ages!

When in our Ascended and Free State of True Identity, we may direct Sacred Fire through our own Eternal Flame.  We have the opportunity and free will to do so from various levels of our Divine Instrument. Let us begin at the level of being the ‘One Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence’ anchored in the world of form. Here Sacred Fire and its Radiant Light flows along our Silver Chord, through our sustained Consciousness and into the world. Then we might serve from the Three-fold Flame of Eternal Life. For this Eternal Flame is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love and we may therefore influence personal and planetary levels of energy around us.

Then our Seven-fold Nature of Holy Spirit becomes our Divine Instrument and our River of Kundalini Fire spiraling up our Solar Spine and Seven Chakra Suns, culminating as the Crown of the Elohim upon the Head with the same Elohimic Powers in the co- creation of the world we desire. Then we understand and accept our Twelve-fold Solar Nature and its representation within the Cosmic Maltese Cross and its aura of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. Here is the Cosmic Activity of the Inbreath / Outbreath of Celestial Forcefields of Sacred Fire. And from here we experience the Great Beyond of the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM. And then we know our wholeness as a child of Father / Mother God!

With this enlightenment, let us become Forcefields of magnetic currents of Holy Spirit …Spiraling Circles of Eternal Flame …all within Vibrating Spheres of Radiant Light! Let us see, feel and deeply accept that as we invoke Cosmic Forcefields through our Maltese Cross …and further as we invoke all Angels and Elementals and Humanity into these Forcefields of Sacred Fire …that all life so invoked will self-organize, synchronize and find Divine Alignment at that level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

This is our training as a Divine Director …to see, feel and deeply accept that every aspect of daily life we draw into the Forcefield of this Solar Year, by the Power of our Crystal Vision …that it attain the same level of awareness and enlightenment that we see, feel and deeply accept. This is the same training we receive in the Spheres of Light …but now, to ensure the Victory of this New Age …we receive this training within the Temple of daily life! This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!

So let us now invoke and magnetize Humanity, as well as the Angels and Elementals that serve her in daily life, into the Diamond Sun at the center of the Maltese Cross. Let us enfold them here as a mother might hold dear her child. Feel the four arms of the Cross extending out, opening up to all Cosmic Forces now eager to assist Earth into her Victory in the Light! This Light Service was ordained by the Manu under whose Guidance you gained this ‘path of embodiment’. Let us be forever grateful for this unique opportunity of this ‘Mastery of Sacred Fire’ within the world of form …in our Eternal Journey within Universal I AM.

See, feel and deeply accept that all persons, places, conditions and things of Humanity we now invoke into this Maltese Cross Sun, now self-organize and align with the Original Frequency of Perfection Patterns of their Mighty I AM Presence! Here stand together in the Original Flame of Father / Mother God …and so invoke all life to see, feel and deeply accept this same birth-right as a Child of the Central Sun! Together, we stand with all life in the Eternal Flame of Co-creation …of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom! Here Humanity sees the unique aspect of this New Age that only they may fulfill.

On the inbreath we inbreathe and absorb all Cosmic Forces into our sweet Earth and her Elemental Kingdom …and on the Outbreath we expand and project into the outer world of daily life. We stand at the center of the Maltese Cross as the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness …invoking Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness for Humanity as a whole …inbreathing ‘being forgiven’ by Divine Grace, and outbreathing ‘the forgiving of others’ through the Violet Fire Ray … and then standing as the Cosmic Flame of Forgiveness at the center of the Maltese Cross. And through the Law of Forgiveness, we may then radiate all the Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power necessary for the Victory of our Light Service.

This is becoming a Divine Director … And, SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!



 I AM of the Divine Feminine Ray and I represent the transition of Divine Dispensations from the Sixth Ray to the Seventh Ray … through Divine Grace. You are familiar with the saying: “There but by the Grace of God go I”, reflecting the Sixth Ray Energies of Redemption through the Divine Grace of Holy Spirit working through the embodied Christ. Now we transfer the Ray of Grace from the Sixth Ray Dispensation to the Seventh Ray Dispensation …summarizing it in the phrase: “There but by the Violet Fire, go I.” For the Grace of the Cosmic Violet Fire is that it transmutes karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

Grace as a Divine Quality along the Sixth Ray Dispensation was when the karmic path might be very difficult …but through the Sacred Fires of Love and Redemption, the path became less difficult …sometimes to the point of joyful. This was made manifest in the lives of the Saints. In this transfer to the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, the path may still be arduous, but Grace becomes the Cosmic Violet Fire of Freedom's Love …transmuting karma and manifesting the Cosmic Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness on a global scale.

Divine Grace along the Seventh Ray is that Aura of the Great, Great Silence where we discover Spiritual Freedom in all its aspects. Here we discover our 'wave-function' self, where we move without exertion …like an Angel or Deva does. Here we have a sense of floating within the Great Golden Silence and may move through the instrument of our Consciousness …where we visualize a person, place, condition or thing and …there we are there I AM! This Divine Grace is living Ascended and Free beyond time and space, utterly floating in Peace Divine, as we achieve our Ascended Mastery even in difficult outer circumstances, as did Beloved Jesus!

In this Sacred Golden Aura of the Mighty I AM Presence, if we come to our ‘Red Sea’ moment in daily life and our way to Spiritual Freedom seems blocked …we simply return to the Golden Aura of Peace Divine and allow the Mighty I AM Presence to ‘part the Red Sea’ …to still the waves and the wind …to displace the obstacle of our Spiritual Freedom …and then continue on our journey to the ‘Promised Land’ …the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light within our Eternal Flame.

In this Great Golden Aura of Peace Divine the Creative Principle flows. This Creative Principle has no beginning and no end, for it is the Alpha and Omega of Co-creation. It is like a mighty river, flowing on and on and on …and we finally discover its main current and get carried along with it. This is the Divine Grace of Spiritual Freedom …which I, and my Beloved Lord Uriel, now bring into the Seventh Ray Dispensation. Here one sees, feels and deeply accepts these Ascended and Free Currents …riding this wave of Assured Victory! This is the Light Victorious of our Ascended Master Mighty Victory!

We of the Spiritual Hierarchy also center our Light and Sacred Fires in the Crystalline Center of the Maltese Cross. We too raise up the Fourth and Fifth Root Races through these Forcefields of Sacred Fire …allowing the Sixth and Seventh Root Races to take their place of embodying Divine Grace within daily life. Here we wish to offer the Light Servers the Ray of Divine Grace for their own personal lives and that of our sweet Earth. Here we also wish to offer you our First Cause of Assured Victory …all within the Great Golden Aura of Peace Divine! This is the Power of the Sixth Ray!

The Eternal Flame …our Three-fold Flame …is the anchorage of all Cosmic Love, all Cosmic Wisdom and all Cosmic Power. This is what we are …the Divine Potential of transferring into any person, place, condition and thing all this Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power and transform the world! This is the Action of Divine Grace! This is what an Ascended Master brings into every moment …all the Momentum of their Eternal Flame and its ability to ‘draw down’ all this Divine Potential from Higher Frequency Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light.

The collective Eternal Flame of Ascended and Free Humanity has this same Divine Potential. It is the Eternal Flame of the I AM Race that is the dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun at the center of the Maltese Cross …into which pours all the Love, Wisdom and Power of Universal I AM …so that through Divine Grace, Humanity awakens to her Divine Potential of Higher Consciousness!




 Beloved flowers in the Heart of God, I bow in reverence to your Eternal Flame in loving gratitude for your Service to the Light and Life. I come at this hour to express my words of encouragement for the tireless Service you perform in the Ascension of our Sweet Earth! And I thank you for the Light that you radiate for then I have the opportunity to express my Love to you on the return current.

Many centuries have passed since I walked the same Earth as you walk today. Like you, I learned to experience Love towards Life … the same Love that flows from your hearts to all life, illuminating and raising all the Angels and Elementals and every person you come in contact with. To Love life, my beloved ones, opens the doors to immortality! Think of it! While you are in the physical body, you have the extraordinary opportunity to complete your Ascension Path. It but requires the absolute clarity in directing the cascade of Electronic Light flowing in from the Causal Planes. This Silver Cord first anchors in your heart and then radiates into your sphere of influence. What a wonderful sight you would observe if you could even for a few moments see and feel the magnificent Light that flows through you with every heartbeat. It would astound you!

In your growing enlightenment, I would like to take you on a journey in consciousness. We proceed inwards, towards elevated, subtle and deep planes beyond this physical plane. We eventually arrive before the very Presence of this current of Electronic Light, in the Sacred Sanctuary of your own heart. Here we feel its refreshing, uplifting, peace-giving pulsations, experiencing its purifying power and knowing the UNITY in this Holy Place. Here we experience this primordial Life not yet qualified by human consciousness. This Holy Place is perfect Peace, the center of our own Being from which the Vital Essence radiates …through which our body moves; our brain functions; where we know the ‘Peace that passes human understanding’ and a Cosmic Love that is Eternal! Each seated on our Lotus Throne, let us go gently into our Heart Flame, feeling this Cosmic Current flowing through us, energizing our entire Being.

My message has always been that every human being find this Inner Sanctuary, then dwell in it and become One with it. I pray that each one feel that they are that comforting Presence of Peace. Throughout the centuries the Higher Teachings have expressed that the Primary Activity of God is I AM, not only being present but BEING THAT PRESENCE!

Advancement on the Spiritual Path is not a matter of knowing, believing or saying …but of BEING …BEING the Divine Essence of our Eternal Flame. Our Flame of Life is beautiful, harmonious, pure, intelligent, obedient and neutral in its nature, free of condemnation, criticism and judgment. Every conscious being has the power to qualify this Original Life Current according to his/her understanding and freedom. Now we have the opportunity and privilege to not only qualify our own Light for the Blessings of Humanity …but it is now possible to expand and project the Sacred Fires already qualified by the Great Enlightened Beings …in the direction of their Mighty Forcefields. This is the greater Power of Invocation and an unconditional gift of the Divine Beings to Humanity.

When in the presence of Beloved Sanat Kumara, I offered to take the necessary disciplines to become a Lord of Love for the planet. In doing so, I realized I had to sanctify all the energies I had used during all my incarnations, through the Flame in my heart. And in the same way, you now train in becoming a Lord / Lady of Love for the planet. As you realize this extraordinary opportunity for Ascended Mastery, you too will experience the serene happiness of your Service. You too now stand in the Sacred Fires of Purification within your Eternal Flame. And all returning karmic energy that comes back to you through the experiences of daily life, you too now sanctify …by welcoming it; transmuting it; and returning it to your Causal Body, to the Higher Frequencies from whence it came.

Many of you have felt the sting in the return of these energies. You may have railed against it, resented its effect, even cried with its return. Dear Ones, there is no need for this because the return of that energy is a wonderful opportunity that announces you are ready to sanctify the energy of your own Life! Oh how wonderful the Circle of Life, where the luminous energy is always in motion, first passing into the ‘world of form’ through our Sacred Flame …then taking different paths of expression through the centuries of using life … and now returning because of the magnetic attraction and pull of our Higher Self. This same Circle of Life takes place on a planetary scale in preparation for the Great Cosmic Inhalation …and you can see these global energies already in motion.

However, it is important to see returning energy as just that and only that … because through the open doors of your own heart it can find its Freedom! Through your heart this innocent, Divine Energy came and through your heart shall it return to the Light Eternal! You are its open door to Spiritual Freedom …which Humanity has so longed for! Beloved hearts, you have lived many times and have finally learned to qualify that precious energy with kindness towards all life. You have become harmless and full of Love. And so you are perfectly situated to assist in the transmutation of all the mis- qualified energy over the centuries …now to be re-polarized into Original Harmony and Balance and find its way back home.

This is but Cosmic Law. But it is very comforting when our vision expands to see this Global Vision of humanity and her Divine Potential as Victorious Solar Christ Selves. And in Service to the First Cause of Spiritual Freedom, I would like to bring your attention in these moments to forgive and balance your own energies first, because the Cosmic Law is very precise and exact in its application as it was expressed long ago by our Beloved brother, Master Jesus: “Forgive our offenses as we forgive those who offend us”. As you may see from this simple Truth, to be able to advance further in our own Ascension and be effective in the use of the Violet Fire, we first enter our Sacred Sanctuary. Here we first forgive all life, as the Law states: “It will be done with you, according to how you do with others”.

In our practice of this Truth, our Spiritual Freedom and Ascended Mastery can be an experience of Joy …only comparable to what you have always imagined as ‘being in Heaven’. We do this to clear the way for all Humanity …for Spiritual Freedom is not only for the few, but for everyone! It is a Divine Right for all the children of Universal I AM …as we all share the same Divine Essence, the same Origin, the same Flame and all originally United in a common Vision ... to create our Divine Identity.  Everyone currently in embodiment left the Realms of Light for the ‘world of form’ united in a common destiny and common purpose ...eventually united in a Permanent Age of Spiritual Freedom. This might be seen as the Holy Communion of Saints. It is the way ‘the Great I AM’ carries the Grace of the Divine Plan forward, in any Solar System.

And the fulfillment of this Great Plan is established in Love, which is the Essence of Unity we were all first born into. We share the same Origin, as well as the same impulse towards Spiritual Elevation and Freedom. This is now brought to its culmination in the present hour of Liberation. In becoming Divine Directors of Cosmic Invocation within the Maltese Cross, all Humanity listen and comprehend at inner levels …and more than you may realize, quicken their resolve to assist you in this Liberation of Humanity! Think of it …each one contributing as they may to the fulfillment of this common Liberation. Again, the Spiritual Hierarchy assists in ensuring that the right and perfect people are in the right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time in the right and perfect way! There is the Resurrection of an unseen Unity through your Invocations that would delight you if you could but see it from my elevated perspective. This requires your enlightened Invocation and Direction of Sacred Fire …as an Ascended and Free Light Server. Everything is already in your favor my Beloved Ones!

We have all gathered together around the Sacred Fire and made our vows to bring this sweet Earth home into the Light. What we in the Spiritual Hierarchy mean to you, you now represent to those who come after. You are the Hope and Fulfillment of the Divine Plan for Races yet to embody! Think of it …every time a Soul is Liberated, its reverberates to Planes, Dimensions and Octaves throughout the Universe! So for those who come after, you are the Ascended Masters. Everything is possible for you now, as the Doors of Heaven are open, pending only your decision to enter! All humanity is awaiting each of your steps …for the steps that you make are also theirs! Remember that Liberation is a State of Consciousness! By recognizing your Divine Identity, you have made it possible for all!

Again dear Ones, Liberation is not an intellectual conquest. It is not enough to have understood and accepted it, but it is in becoming a new State of Consciousness, a new State of the Soul, a new State of Being! And you already know how to achieve this Transformation. You know ‘the Way’ …the realization of your Divine Identity …that takes you to the Center of your Being where the Reality of UNION with Father / Mother God abides. Here, it is the sky of our Eternal Identity, the Home of our Eternal Flame. This State of Union with Father-Mother God is what we achieve as we invoke (with absolute, total trust): Come Holy Spirit, Come! For when you invoke with that Certainty and Trust, you invoke all of Heaven to respond! It is Unity responding within Unity …for there is no ‘other’! The Silent Presence that lies deep within responds to Itself. So be certain your call is answered, for Cosmic Law can see no other way.

Practice discernment, for once invoked, you have to be attentive to discover the gifts and blessings you call for. Enlightenment understands that we can only receive what we give to others. For the Universe may not respond to us bringing us ‘results’ …but responds to what we ask for, through persons in need! And in giving it to them, we will receive it …for ourselves, and for the world! The people around us constitute a Mystic Body of Unity …just as we all constitute the same Unity within the Great I AM. Expressing this in daily life, the Divine Spirit acts with absolute precision! Others want your liberation because it is also theirs! In this Unity, giving means receiving! See the Light in others as innocent and perfect, regardless of their actions …and they will see the same in you!

From this we see it is not the world that needs to be changed, but our Vision and Awareness of it! We are the co-creators! The Great I AM is Perfect, as are the Children of the Great I AM! This is the Golden Key to achieve Liberation! What you give to others you are actually giving to yourself. If we desire Holy Communion with the Divine, then this is what we must see in others and offer it to them. All the Ascended Masters have made their own Mastery real to themselves first, and then understand that they are Heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven. And because they have made it real for themselves, they have made it possible for you …as you now do so for Humanity.

I clearly remember when you were in front of me on the inner planes and solemnly promised ... "I WILL SANCTIFY THROUGH LOVE ALL MY CIRCLE OF LIFE". Today I bless you with the sanctification of Life through your own heart ...and by the Power of the Eternal Flame that I AM. I sanctify and consecrate your mental body to listen and follow the guidance of your Higher Self. I sanctify and consecrate your emotional body to feel Divinity in your feelings. I sanctify and consecrate your etheric body to remember and experience only its memories of Light. I sanctify and consecrate your eyes to see only Perfection. I sanctify and consecrate your ears to hear the Music of the Spheres. I sanctify and consecrate your mouth to express only words of Divine Truth …speaking as the Voice of the Great I AM! I sanctify and consecrate your hands to touch with Love. And I sanctify and consecrate your feet to walk only the Path of Light.

And I sanctify and consecrate your physical body as a Temple of Light … where the Eternal Flame radiates your Infinite Light. You are all beautiful and radiant as I see you with Crystal Vision. See each other in this way and you will know your own Divinity. Giving is receiving. I thank you for your patience, your Light and your Love. For again, through your Light I have been able to come through the veil in this sojourn with you. Love life; serve the Light to the extent of your own abilities; enter the Sacred Fire first and be ONE with It; sanctify your lives; cleanse your hearts; and then you will see and feel the totality of your Divine Magnificence!

I leave you with the blessings of my Heart Sutra ...gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone altogether beyond! Oh, what an awakening ...All Hail!