February, 2020


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and Thoughtform
of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:



I AM a Solar Being, abiding in Cosmic Consciousness,
while living life within the world of form!
I AM the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self in action!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Ceremonial Amethyst Ray
...of the Invocation of Sacred Fires!

I AM Expanding / Projecting the Ceremonial Amethyst Ray
...of the Invocation of Sacred Fires!



I AM a Solar Being, abiding in Cosmic Consciousness
...while living within the world of form!

I AM the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self in action!


I Invoke forth every Solar Christ Self within Humanity, to stand
within the Permanent Atom of Invocation and further, invoke
their outer personality to unite in Oneness Consciousness
within the Order of Zadkiel, within the Maltese Cross!

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
within the Diamond Crystalline Sun
at the center of the Maltese Cross!

I AM the Gathering of All Humanity
within the Diamond Crystalline Sun
at the center of the Maltese Cross!

The Maltese Cross is the Permanent Atom of Invocation.
Together, standing in the Light at the center of this Maltese Cross,
I Invoke through its Four Cardinal Points all Cosmic Forces necessary
for the Victory of Earth and her Humanity … for full
inclusion within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

I AM the Power of the Divine Feminine Ray.
The Feminine Ray is a Divine Instrument of Invocation.
Ascended and Free Humanity is a Divine Instrument of both!

I AM the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.
I AM its Infinite Sphere of Violet Fire.
I AM its Inbreath and I AM its Outbreath.

This Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom proceeds infinitely inwards,
beyond all cells, atoms and electrons …and infinitely
outwards, beyond all Planets, Suns and Galaxies.

The Sun within the Maltese Cross is our ‘Infinite Circle of Light’!
From within this Infinite Circle of Light, we affirm:

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …
in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
and through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
I AM uniting all Life in her Ascended State!

The Power of Invocation is the Voice of the Great I AM!
I AM the Voice of the I AM, embodied and made manifest!
I AM its Invocation: “I AM an Infinite Circle of Light!

I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all Life living
Ascended and Free in the Light”.




Beloved Co-creators: let us begin with the Tree of Life analogy: a tree sends its roots deep into the Earth …into a vast network wherein it mingles with the roots of many other species, all being nourished by the same substrate of nutrients offered by Mother Earth. The tree reveals its main features in its flowers and fruits …its beauty, and productivity for all to see, and to add to the good of the world for all sorts of species. It sends its new branches and leaves towards the Sun …towards the Light. For it knows this is where its Source is … standing in the Light …and ensuring it receives Great Light!

This is also our vision for Ascending Humanity …that as she solves her daily life problems in Unity with many peoples and species at our root core, she also sends new ‘branches and leaves’ searching for the Light, not only across all aspects of daily life, but across all aspects of the Cosmos. Here this received Light initiates and assists in the Ascension Process within daily life …that the right and perfect people are embodied at the right and perfect time, at the right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect thing! And finally, that the projected Consciousness of Ascended Humanity ensures, through Invocation, that Divine Consciousness and its Sacred Fire is accessible in the spiritual atmosphere for all the Earth …that the Light be found by all! And this final piece is our continued Invocation …our continued Light Service …on behalf of Humanity!

This affirms our Light Service with Sacred Fire and all the Cosmic Forcefields we now anchor into Earth’s atmosphere. Sacred Fire is the basic nature of the Cosmos (Universal I AM) …from which every God Intelligence then qualifies through their Divine Consciousness …for the specific purpose of their Lifestream. And for Earth and Humanity, this ‘basic tenant’ was to produce Ascended and Free Humanity, on her Ascended and Free Earth, in her Ascended and Free Obit. And this remains our only Vision!

For our new Solar Year, the Permanent Atom within the Maltese Cross is the dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun of Saint Germain’s New Age of Spiritual Freedom. Its Light fills the entire Cosmic Maltese Cross. The Diamond Heart emits an all-inclusive, unconditional Divine Love that melts away all discord …while anchoring the Light of First Cause. The Radiance of this Permanent Atom reveals a Liquid Light Substance …a tangible release of Amethyst Energy …whose first purpose is to release Humanity from the cause, effect, record and memory of karma and its discord … before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained! Taken together, the Theme and Thoughtform of 2020 represents the Permanent Atom of the Star of Spiritual Freedom! And SO IT IS!

Let us envision the Permanent Atom of the I AM Race now housed within the Sacred Symbol of Invocation, the Maltese Cross. This Cosmic Emblem represents all the natural cycles of Earth as she was first designed by Father / Mother God and expressed through the Seven Mighty Elohim: the four seasons; four directions; four Elemental and four Angelic lineages; and the four Kingdoms of Elementals, Angels, Humanity and Cosmic/Ascended Beings working in Unity …the Brotherhood / Sisterhood of Angels and Elementals and Ascended and Free Humanity! All these Forcefields meet in the center at one point of Great Light …everyone united, standing in that Light! And from this Point of Light, we give our continued Light Service! From this Point of Light, we give:

The Great Invocation:

From the Point of Light within the Mind of God,
let Light stream forth into the minds of Humanity.
Let Light descend on Earth!

From the Point of Love within the Heart of God,
let Love stream forth into the hearts of Humanity.
May Christ return to Earth!

From the Center where the Will of God is known,
let Purpose guide the little will of Humanity;
the Purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the point we call the race of Humanity,
let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Beloved ones; for the Great Plan to work out we now have the added advantage that the ‘four gates of the Maltese Cross’ also represent the four Root Races who seek their Divine Plan …who seek their Spiritual Freedom to express their natural Divine Potential within the next cycle. Here, the Fourth and Fifth Root Races are seeking to return to their Manus in the Realms of Light, Ascended and Free …and, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races are seeking their Divine Potential expressed on Earth …the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as promised by the Cosmic Christ. The Cosmic Dispensation of Beloved Saint Germain initiates the Permanent Atom of all these four Root Races, so that each one now is in Divine Alignment with their Divine Plan! Now we are ready to move forward!

As well, we have the further advantage of Cosmic Assistance of the Twelve Houses of the Sun …the ‘Central Sun Frequency’ from whence the Violet Fire was given to Beloved Saint Germain in the first place …as the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom! Feel deeply these Twelve Cosmic Forcefields pouring in from the Twelve Cardinal Points within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …the Celestial Aura around the Maltese Cross. This Forcefield simultaneously Initiates Humanity’s Twelve-fold Solar Being, as we all stand in the Maltese Cross …the Electronic Pattern of Beloved Saint Germain! As promised, this is Humanity’s Atomic Accelerator! And we pour forth our gratitude for a deeper understanding of our True Identity …seeing, feeling and deeply accepting it for all Humanity!

In terms of the ‘Great Plan’ (of Humanity Ascending into her Holy Christ Self), we have the additional advantage that this is the Age of Holy Spirit in action! Holy Spirit is ‘Rays Three through Seven’ …Divine Love arising through Divine Truth; made manifest through Divine Service; and culminating with the Cosmic Violet Fire …the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love! Our Solar Year Maltese Cross is Holy Spirit in action for this Cosmic Moment. The Cohesive Power of Divine Love from all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light now floods directly into the Permanent Atom of everything associated with Earth …from atoms of matter, through to every person, place, condition and thing within Humanity …and everything involved with the Great Cosmic Inbreath, up to the Great Central Sun! The Maltese Cross represents the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State! This is our Ascended and Free Declaration of Light Service! And with this Age of Holy Spirit, the Great Cosmic Inbreath may then proceed Victoriously according to the Great Plan!

A major theme of this Solar Year is “back to original intent”! On contemplation, God's Will might be defined as the Cosmos of primordial Light and Consciousness …from which every God Intelligence then qualifies, through their personal Divine Instrument of individualized Consciousness. The collective result of this is Holy Spirit. The Great Law of Life is “what you think and feel, you bring into form”. As our Eternal Flame (of Divine Consciousness) emits its Light (Divinely Intelligent Matter) into the world of form, the intent was in creating our personal Heaven, whenever and wherever we are …in any Dimension, Realm or Sphere we choose to serve the Light …including the world of form …on our sweet Earth!

On an individual basis, this original qualification of primordial Energy might be called the development of our God Illumination … of our True Identity and Divine Instrument ...as we are qualifying the Eternal Flame with our unique, color, tone, fragrance, purpose, form and function. This is how our ‘Cosmic Identity’ is recognized by other Ascended Beings, as well as by Angels and Elementals … across all Dimensions within Universal I AM. A Cosmic Being is then that particular nature of sublime Beauty ...or, uniquely qualified Sacred Fire …with his/her own distinctive Permanent Atom, musical tone, color scheme, fragrance, form and function.

The ancients called these Gods and Goddesses. We may call them Ascended and Free Beings ...but they are simply the expression of the original intent of Father / Mother God. Within our Permanent Atom is this same Love and Adoration of this original pure Beauty …in all its infinite aspects. Such Beauty has fl owed in our veins as Children of the Central Sun, from the beginning! And, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of this Innate Cosmic Beauty!




Beloved Candidates for the Ascension: I AM 'Keeper of the Ascension Flame' for Humanity. In such Light Service, I have a direct interest in each of your Lifestreams …in your progress as a Candidate for the Ascension! Thus, I know you each well! Given this perspective, I joyously welcome you each into the upward spiraling accelerating Forcefield of the Ascension Flame! The Grand Altar of Luxor is now replicated at the dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun at the center of the Maltese Cross. For this is the Temple of Light we all serve from this Solar Year.

Please now join me in visualizing Twelve Mighty Seraphim … streaming out from the Central Sun in Victory formation …then settling at their appointed stations around the Twelve-pointed Maltese Cross of this Glorious Solar Year. This is the present Maltese Cross! Then, allow me to take you back to a previous Cosmic Moment … when I was one of the forty-nine Glorious Seraphim who originally came forth from the Central Sun of Alpha and Omega at the outbreath of this Galaxy …and her forty-nine Planets, seven aligned with each of the Seven Suns …with our sweet Earth being the fourth planet of Beloved Helios and Vesta. I, like Lord Michael, was here at the very beginning!

This is how long I have loved and served Earth. With this backdrop in mind, let us return to this present Cosmic Moment …as Twelve Mighty Seraphim now proceed from the Central Sun in a great Celestial Formation …to take up their stations at the Twelve Cardinal Points around the Cosmic Maltese Cross. I AM honored to lead this formation of Seraphim …for this Ceremony represents my Light Service of leading Humanity’s Ascension into her Twelvefold Solar Consciousness …and off the karmic wheel of birth and death. I AM Hierarch of the Ascension Temple and this is my singular discipline and only focus! This discipline is what I offer you this Sacred Cycle.

As part of my long association with Earth, I was also honored to be one of the first volunteers to organize the building of Shamballa, the City of the Sun …allowing Beloved Sanat Kumara to take up residence on Earth …to reveal his Great Plan of Redemption for a fallen planet. As part of service to Beloved Sanat Kumara, I too eventually took on the ‘rigors of embodiment’ …in order to see this Plan of Redemption through to Victory! Like many of the Spiritual Hierarchy, I AM originally part of the evolutions of Venus, but have served on various Planets and Suns in the Great Cosmic Day we now complete. For now, we begin the Great Cosmic Inbreath back into ‘Source’ …with all forty-nine planets drawing closer in orbit to their parent Sun …as well as all Seven Suns drawing closer to their Central Sun of Alpha and Omega. These are all aspects of the Great Cosmic Inbreath! And one fundamental aspect is the Ascension of Humanity’s consciousness closer towards her Cosmic Consciousness.

Thus, in this present Cosmic Moment, the Brotherhood of the Ascension Temple serves again to ensure the Victory of Earth’s preparation …to be fully included in this Grand Ascension Process of the Great Cosmic Inbreath. The eleven other Mighty Seraphim who join me each have a specific Cosmic Quality to add to this Grand Endeavor. They are now housed in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire to take up their positions around the Twelve Cardinal Points of the Sun …completely circling and enfolding our Maltese Cross, further empowering Humanity’s Ascension into her Solar Consciousness.

Just as I assisted in the building of the City of the Sun (Shamballa) for our Mighty Regent, Sanat Kumara, so too do I now assist in the building of the brilliant, Diamond Ascension Sun at the center of the Maltese Cross …for each of you …as well as for our sweet Earth. This Sun of Light accelerates our entire Solar System and Galaxy …as with its Victory, all may now move forward within the Great Cosmic Inbreath. The entire Solar System awaits this Victory. My role with Humanity has not changed, in that I promised to assist Humanity with all the Power of my Being, until she is permanently off the  ‘wheel of birth and death’ and into her permanent Ascended and Free State …as the ‘I AM Race’ living on her ‘Star of Spiritual Freedom’. This was foreseen when our Beloved Sanat Kumara first came to Earth …and this Crystal Vision is all the closer now with his return to Venus …in preparation of all the planets for the Great Cosmic Inbreath. We are indeed at a transformational Cosmic Moment.

In the Occult Teachings, you have been aware that through history, I have directed the Ascension Temple in the Etheric Realm over Luxor in Egypt. In this Focus, I would place Candidates for the Ascension in direct contact with those persons, places, conditions and things that might best test their Harmony and Balance and thus their preparedness for the final Ascension. Now however, we have transferred this Ascension Process from ‘Temple Life’ into ‘daily life’! But contemplate …that until recently in history, average individuals in daily life did not get much exposure to ‘the rest of the world’, as many did not venture far from the home and culture they were born into. Therefore this required that they met ‘new challenges’ in my Temple, in order not to have to wait on many embodiments to have such exposure. Now however, with mass media coverage of literally everything globally, such exposure to the full diversity of Humanity and the full variety of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds are part of ordinary daily life. Therefore, this is exactly where the Ascension Temple now operates …in daily life! This is the Higher Purpose of Humanity (and Light Servers) ‘continually feeling tested’ in daily life! Contemplate this.

We still invite Light Servers to attend etherically, in projected Consciousness, to our Ascension Temple. But the focus when here will be on daily life, where the Ascension of all Humanity is taking place. Again, this is why all humanity feels exposed to challenging and difficult ideas, morals and attitudes …as you are all in the Ascension Temple striving towards your personal Ascension …but together, standing in the Light! Here the Ascension Angels assist Humanity in staying Harmonious and Balanced, even when challenged by very difficult persons, places, conditions and things. As well, Candidates for the Ascension (of which there are many, covering all races, religions, cultures and creeds) have all agreed to postpone their personal Ascension until all ‘who desire the Ascension’ could do so on mass …together, standing in the Light! Hence our Ascended and Free Declaration (at the beginning of each monthly Journal).

The Ascension can be distilled into the Practice of Becoming True Identity, moment to moment within this embodiment …and holding to that Truth above all else. This is what Beloved Jesus accomplished, when He too faced very challenging persons, places, conditions and things. He could, in an instant, re-set his Energy, Vibration and Consciousness at the level of True Identity …and thus retain the flow of Divine Revelation from the Cosmic Christ through his Divine Instrument …in any given moment! This now is your Divine Potential, in your Ascension Process!

And now this Ascension Process falls to the Divine Directors of Sacred Fire …you who are becoming your Seventh Ray Solar Christ Selves in service to Beloved Saint Germain. Our discipline is that whenever our calm, mindful awareness alerts us to imbalance, we then immediately invoke our True Identity and thus our Divine Instrument “to do its Perfect Work”. Remember the words of Beloved Jesus; “It is the Father within (the Flame within) that doeth the works”. And like Beloved Jesus, we again ‘become the ONE’ (Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence), which then ‘becomes the Three’ (the Three-fold Flame within the Permanent Atom); then becoming the Seven (our personal chakras, as well as the Seven levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves); the Twelve (as an Infinite Circle of Light around the Maltese Cross); and again the ONE …the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM. Now we are truly God in Action and ready for the Ascension ..and, ready for any challenge of daily life!

Ascending into her Solar Consciousness, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity magnetizes this Mystic Ring of Violet Fire into Humanity. This Mystic Circle then draws inward toward the center of Humanity, from the four directions of the Maltese Cross. These four Gates of the Maltese Cross bring in all the Forcefields within the 2020 Theme and Thoughtform. Here we are building the Ascension Temple for all Humanity. See, feel and deeply accept the Twelve Seraphim at the Twelve Houses of the Sun around the Maltese Cross. Assimilate this Forcefield into your Consciousness. For we seek Holy Communion with the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …as the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity!

At every one of the Twelve Houses of the Sun, we meditate on Humanity becoming Ascended and Free! We become the Eternal Flame of each Zodiac Principle and every Divine Quality of that Sacred Fire. See, feel and deeply accept the Twelve Seraphim, and affirm: I AM the Pure Celestial Emotion of all Twelve Cosmic Rays, each at its perfect keynote; at its purest color and fragrance; each Ray at its Highest Frequency of Divine thought and feeling! Let us magnetize Humanity into this experience, accelerating all her Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. Affirm for Humanity:

I AM every Chakra Sun now at its Ascended and Free Frequency,
expressing the Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform
in all that I do, think, say or feel!

Then, once aligned with all the aspects of the Solar Year Thoughtform, let us place every person, place, condition and thing that challenges us, within our Ascension Temple …in its own Maltese Cross. We 'contain daily life' within the dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun, with all the Cosmic Forcefields of Assistance pouring in from Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …specific to every person or situation. The Ascension Process is uniquely individualized … even as we all have in common being simultaneously swept up into the Great Cosmic Inbreath.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LORD ZADKIEL… Hierarch of the Violet Fire Temple for Humanity and its training within the Order of Zadkiel ...

Beloved Ones forming the embodied Brotherhood of Angels and Elementals; let us for a moment visualize and Invoke our Solar Year Maltese Cross now becoming the Cosmic Cross of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …enfolding all persons, places, conditions and things! Let us see the Gathering of All Humanity within the Diamond Crystalline Sun at its center now filled with Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness for each other and themselves. And as they do, the Brotherhood of Angels and Elementals give our Ascended and Free Declaration ...knowing that as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me. We affirm:

(within the Heart of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness!)

(see the Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubim and all Angelic Hosts pouring
their Sacred Fire through all four arms of the Maltese Cross
into the Gathering of All Humanity)


Beloved Ones, in our collective Service on the Seventh Ray, we are transmuting ‘human ego’ (including the potential of ‘spiritual pride’ within Light Service). Ego is all the negative polarity of the Seven Chakra Suns derived from the misuse of God’s Holy Energy and the Elemental Kingdom! We remember that it is the Electronic Substance of the Mighty I AM Presence, flowing along the ‘Silver Cord’ into the Heart’s Permanent Atom …which allows Humanity ‘consciousness’ and ‘volition’ in the world of form. The original Divine Plan called for this Stream of Electronic Light to flow into the world without interruption or misqualification …and thus manifest the Perfection Patterns it naturally carries from a Higher Frequency of our Great God Self. And exactly this perfection flourished in the first Three Root Races!

However, since the 'great fall' in Consciousness (the invitation of the laggards into Humanity’s evolution during the third sub-race of the fourth Root Race) …this precious Life Energy was requalifi ed with ego intent …which became the inverse of the intent of the Seven Chakra Suns and their purpose of creating ‘Heaven on Earth’ (…or Electronic Perfection Patterns manifesting in atomic form …'wave-function' collapsing into ‘particle-function’). Hence since this 'great fall' we have seen the manifestation of dis-ease, distress and death … instead of the intended ‘Eternal Life in the Light’, as it functions on other Ascended Planets, through their I AM Races. To correct this ‘inverse of purpose’ we have been given the Violet Fire of Spiritual Freedom …directly from the Central Sun, through the auspices of Beloved Saint Germain and his Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!

This is our fundamental purpose of Service! And so now as the Archangel of Invocation, I Invoke all the ‘Order of Zadkiel’ currently embodied, as well as serving within the Spiritual Hierarchy …to anchor this Violet Fire Forcefield into all persons, places, conditions and things yet requiring redemption! We are all called forth by Father / Mother God to prepare Earth and her Humanity for the acceleration of Humanity into the Great Cosmic Inbreath. And so we Invoke Cosmic Forces …and gather together, standing in the Light …for the Grand Endeavor we are called forth to do!

Let us see, feel and deeply accept the ‘finished product’ and invoke: I AM the Revelation of Cosmic Consciousness throughout Humanity now! Feel all the gathered Cosmic Consciousness pouring into Humanity’s Three-fold Flame within the center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross …with each of the Grand Triangle of Three Fire Signs directing Cosmic Consciousness into Humanity’s Eternal Flame. Feel the Cohesive Power of Divine Love now rushing into Humanity’s Eternal Flame …from above, from below and from all sides! Here I AM at the center of Humanity …and I AM raising up all life, as I AM raised up! I AM sharing my True Identity with all Humanity! And SO IT IS!

Then with this Victory in place, the Three-fold Flame reveals to Humanity the Seven Cosmic Rays through Seven Chakra Suns …the embodied Holy Christ Self. This is the intended Biblical meaning of “Christ walking and talking within Humanity” …yet One with Father / Mother God on Higher Frequencies. And always there was a connection and unity with the Twelve-fold Mighty I AM Presence on this Higher Frequency. And again, according to the Great Plan of Life, I AM sharing this aspect of my True Identity with all Humanity!

Let us remember our profound Faith; that we share a common Divine Heritage with all Humanity and all will return to this True Identity with the current Redemption and subsequent Ascension. Our unity with all Humanity at each of these levels, signifies how importantour individual Light Service is …for again, through the Laws of Unity and Reciprocity: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! This is our Rhythmic Invocation, given from our True Identity…as a Priest / Priestess in the Order of Zadkiel!

In the Spirit of Invocation, we stand with all the Archangels and all the Mighty Seraphim. Let us see, feel and deeply accept the entire Order of Zadkiel from all Solar Systems, come forth through us …whenever we Invoke Sacred Fire! This is a Powerful Cosmic Forcefield that has brought Victory to many Root Races and Planets, along various Solar Systems. We now Invoke with and through the Cosmic Power of Invocation of all such Majestic Beings. This includes our Beloved Sanat Kumara and Beloved Saint Germain as well as all members of our current Spiritual Hierarchy.

Let us also invoke Great Light in Unity with the first Three Root Races …as they had already found Victory as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! These majestic Beings have long ago attained their collective Ascension. Let us Invoke that Reality of Victory known on Earth before the ‘great fall’! We Invoke that Cosmic Memory …that Thoughtform already established …but here and now, into this same lovely planet they ascended from! In this, we feel every Being who has ever Mastered the Powers of Invocation on any planet serving alongside us, as co-creators within the Order of Zadkiel …all serving together, standing in the Light!

Beloved Ones, all the Root Races and their Manus realize that the Divine Plan of Earth is not complete until all Seven Root Races are Ascended and Free and have had their ‘Dispensation of Glory’ flourish on Earth. The first Three Root Races did so and now dwell in the Realms of Light with their Manus …as do the Sixth and Seventh Root Races with their Manus, Beloved God and Goddess Meru and the Great Divine Director and Lady Mercedes. Everything awaits the Redemption and Ascension of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races and this is at hand …with the current Cosmic Assistance awaiting to be invoked through us in this Solar Year.

Affirm: As a member of the Order of Zadkiel, I AM listening for the Voice of the Great I AM …coming through all that I do, think, say or feel …and listening for the Voice of the Great I AM through what others do, think, say or feel. I AM empty of self …of my ‘self’ and the ‘self’ of others …and only ever listening for the Voice of the Great I AM! In this way, I AM Invoking the Solar Christ Self of all Humanity to come forth now! Here we are listening for all the Cosmic Assistance pouring into Earth through us …through the Cosmic Maltese Cross into Humanity. We are listening for it always …in all ways …through all persons, places, conditions and things!

Beloved Ones; the Maltese Cross is the Cosmic Symbol of Invocation …as if all points of Universal I AM are focused on one locality, one endeavor and one Cause …in order that it reach its Victory in the Light! This is here and now on Earth! Affirm:

I AM empty of self, time and space …
and I AM an Eternal Flame at the center of this Maltese Cross!

I AM a Focus of Eternal Flame, through which I AM
revealing Light, expressed as Intelligent Matter.
I AM the Transformation I desire!

Therefore, from within the Center of all Invocation,
I AM the ‘Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love’ in all things.

All the Forces of the Spiritual Hierarchy and all Cosmic Beings,
now pour into this Maltese Cross through the Brotherhood of
Angels, Elementals and Ascended Humanity …into
all Humanity and all the world, this day!

Here, I AM the Powers of the Order of Zadkiel!
Here I AM the Power of Invocation!
Here, I AM Ascended and Free!
Here, I AM that I AM!