MAY, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infi nite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:

I AM open and receptive to the Mystic Month of May.

I AM accepting its Mysteries of Divine Life now unveiled,
revealed through my Eternal Flame and Infi nite Radiant Light,
in all my meditations …and activities of daily life,
in all that I do, think, say or feel!




(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Restoration of Original
Intent …released in the opening of the Permanent Atom!

 I AM Expanding and Projecting the Restoration of Original
Intent …released in the opening of the Permanent Atom!



I AM the opening of the Permanent Atom of Perfection.
I AM the Inter-dimensional Passage of Sacred Fire.
I AM the Multi-dimensional Revelation of
the Celestial Mysteries of Divinity!

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.
I AM the Gathering of Permanent Atoms,
opening their Glory into the world!

Beloved Sacred Fires of the Celestial Mysteries:
blaze through me! Reveal the Love, Wisdom and Power
of Cosmic Consciousness embodied in the Permanent Atom,
anchored at the Center of my life, and that of our sweet Earth!

I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action on Earth!
I AM the Seven Chakras, Seven Planets, Seven Suns!
I AM the Twelve-fold Nature of the Star of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM the Portal of Violet Fire that leads into the Higher
Frequencies of the Solar System, Galaxy and Beyond.

I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action on Earth!
I AM an Ascended and Free Temple of the Permanent Atom.
I AM the Divine Director of this Temple of Sacred Fire.
I AM the High Altar of the Temple Flame Room.
I AM the Eternal Flame upon the High Altar.
I AM the Permanent Atom of Perfection.
I AM …that I AM …that I AM!

I AM the Forcefield of the Restoration
opening within the Permanent Atom.
I AM the Forcefield of Original Innocence
opening within the Permanent Atom.
I AM the Forcefield of Divine Potential
opening within the Permanent Atom.

By the Power of the Eternal Flame vested in me,
I AM claiming this Divine Potential
within the Permanent Atom!

I AM a Multi-dimensional Eternal Flame,
endowed with the Power of Inter-dimensional Passage.

Humanity is a Multi-dimensional Eternal Flame,
endowed with the Power of Inter-dimensional Passage.

The Earth is a Multi-dimensional Eternal Flame,
endowed with the Power of Inter-dimensional Passage.

I AM God in Eternal Action,
endowed with the Great Cosmic Inbreath!




The Original Holy Innocence within Humanity awaits ‘Restored Revelation’ … or, in Ascended and Free terms, its Inter-dimensional Passage into daily life. It is said that ‘in the innocence of childhood’, we more easily see the elves and fairies. Biblically, the Prophets saw inter-dimensionally … the ‘burning bush’ or Ezekiel’s ‘spinning wheel of Sacred Fire’. Astrophysicists try to see ‘inter-dimensional passage’ in observing blackholes in deep space. We achieve interdimensional passage in meditation … or, as our Beloved Lord Gautama’s Heart Sutra described: gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone altogether beyond! Oh, what an awakening ...All Hail!

Inter-dimensional passage is the essence of Spiritual Freedom … and becomes a natural aspect of our developing Ascended Mastery. It is, therefore, not relegated to ‘phenomenon’. It becomes as natural as breathing or seeing or hearing … one of our Higher Frequency Creative Faculties. It reveals itself when our seven planetary Chakras achieve Purity and Restoration. As our Kundalini Fire strengthens, this River of Seven Sacred Fires sends its Sacred Keynote to open our Higher Creative Faculties, achieving ‘inter-dimensional sight, sound, taste, texture and touch’.

As we attain our True Identity (as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light), then does every aspect of our being also attain its True Identity …or, its Ascended and Free functioning …its Divine Potential! Therefore we maintain our attention wholly upon our True Identity …our Divine Instrument … as well as that of all life around us. This is ‘holding the Immaculate Concept’ of ourselves  and of the world. This discipline of our attention is our protection as well … for inter-dimensional passage can also occur from (psychic and astral) realms of imbalance. So it becomes very important as to where and upon what we place our attention.

The Angels and Elementals keenly await our achieving this Ascended and Free State, so as to unite their Forces with ours …within daily life. This is the ‘Heavenly Life’ we have always desired. Angels and Elementals desire our ‘open door’, so they may enter into our 'elevated senses’ and ‘truly live in union with us’ … forming the Royal Kingdoms of Angels, Elementals and Ascended and Free Humanity! Then we know: I AM a Co-creator of Heaven on Earth! I AM the I AM Race …living upon her Ascended and Free Earth!

The Cosmic Law of Creation is: “What you think and feel you bring into form”. This Cosmic Law holds true on all levels but has immediacy in Ascended and Free Realms of Light. In terms of current science, this Ascended and Free Law may be stated as: Our Quantum State thoughts (Mind of God) empowered by Quantum State feelings (the action of Cosmic Holy Spirit) bring about Quantum State matter …an etheric Light substance which is tangible and formed (electron as particle) and is indestructible (from lower frequencies). Yet, it is also easily and quickly etherealized back into its wave-form, at the command of the God Intelligence that sent it forth into form …when such Precipitation is performed at Ascended and Free levels. This is how Heaven is described …when together, living in the Light!

However, on an ego level, the same law (‘what you think and feel’) has created disease, distress, aging and eventual death. It is the same Cosmic Law, but now within lower frequencies … an unfortunate effect which followed ‘the great fall in consciousness’. Specific to Earth, the Mercy of the Karmic Board has allowed this Cosmic Law to be 'stretched over time’ in the physical realm, so as to not be immediately overwhelming! And thus ‘karma’ (the Law of the Circle) was established … sometimes stretching over many embodiments. Scientifically, this is the study of genetics and the human genome, which reveals personal, family, national, racial and cultural karmic effects. Such forces then influence ‘our genetics’ for a particular embodiment. Karma and genetics are not fate … but, must be managed … hence the truly blessed gift of the New Age is Beloved Saint Germain’s Violet Fire and the Power to transmute karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained. The management of karmic cause and effect on both a personal and planetary level is a complex undertaking! We are so grateful to the Karmic Board for this service.

Gratefully, we now leave the ‘age of karma’ and enter the Age of God … of Divine co-creation and becoming spiritually free from karma … and thus, spiritually free into the immediacy of cocreation on an Ascended and Free Frequency … which is Spiritual Freedom! Through Quantum State thinking (the Mind of God flowing through our thoughts and concepts), as well as Quantum State feeling (consecrating our Creative Faculties and Chakras to the Divine Qualities of Holy Spirit), we are thus creating Quantum State matter … our Light Body and ‘a life lived in the Light’! We are steadily transforming the physical nature of every aspect of daily life into its Light Substance …into its Divine Potential!

These aspects of Ascended Master development are attained through consecration and dedication to our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light … both in periods of meditation / contemplation … and then, mindfully applying this Reality in daily life. Such ‘practice’ is sometimes called ‘developing a Temple Life’ … followed by practicing that Temple Life in all activities. We have all trained in Temple Life (before and between embodiments) and the Momentum of this Divine Living is within our Causal Body. This Forcefield now seeks its entrance into the world through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

In the Seven Steps of Precipitation, the Ray of Consecration and Constancy in the Power of Concentration comes into play. This is when the Foundations of our Co-creation are all in place …yet require constant application, adoration and consistency. This is now true of our current Co-creation …as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness, and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light. We now develop a ‘clear determination in becoming and practicing life as a Divine Director’ …of the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Collectively, I AM Keepers of the Flame! The goal here is to develop a global foundation of this Consecration …as an Inter-dimensional Network of Light Service, in Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals. This is our Crystal Vision! This is our Divine Potential! And SO IT IS!

This now defines our Solar Year Light Service with the Permanent Atom of Perfection. We constantly apply the Truth we have gathered from Higher Realms of Light … and in this application, we gain our Spiritual Freedom and that of our sweet Earth. We anchor Sacred Fire along all Seven Rays, each with their own Quantum State Qualities. As well, we continually develop the ‘unique Sacred Fire of each of us’ … each Flame with its Quantum State Qualities. We affirm: I AM Consecrated to the unique Sacred Fire of my own True Identity! This is our Ascended and Free Presence!

Just as there is the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness … or, the Sacred Fire of Divine Love … or the Sacred Fire of God Illumination … there is also the unique Sacred Fires of our Causal Body, generated over boundless experiences, across endless Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Universal I AM. And now is our incomparable opportunity to anchor all of this Divine Momentum through our embodied Eternal Flame … into the Cause of Spiritual Freedom on Earth! We have all been ‘called to assist’, so that our sweet Earth may attain her Divine Potential in this present Cosmic Moment!

And we have answered the call … we are here and present …and we are Consecrated to this endeavor to apply our Sacred Fire into the Cause of Spiritual Freedom! We are here to bring the Beauty, Delight, Joy and Spiritual Freedom of our Eternal Flame into the world of form. We are (I AM!) here and present to reveal the Power of Sacred Fire to Transform the World!



On becoming open and receptive to the

I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action on Earth!
I AM an Ascended and Free Temple of the Permanent Atom.
I AM the Divine Director of this Temple of Sacred Fire.
I AM the High Altar of the Temple Flame Room.
I AM the Eternal Flame upon the High Altar.
I AM the Permanent Atom of Perfection!
I AM that I AM that I AM!

Beloved Ones of dedicated Light Service: let us bring the understanding …and action …of the Great Cosmic Inbreath into daily recognition. The Great Cosmic Inbreath takes place at levels of Solar Systems and Galaxies, with all planets and their Races of God Beings accelerated in a Grand Ascension Cycle. But as well, the Great Cosmic Inbreath takes place with every breath in every moment …of every Being on every level of existence …down to the cells, atoms and electrons of those Beings. The Great Cosmic Inbreath includes the Angels and Elementals that serve in every Dimension, Realm and Sphere of existence. So let us today learn to be ‘mindful of this Divine Process’, in the ‘present moment’ of our daily life. In Ascended Master development, we become mindful of Cosmic Activity …as well as mindful of cellular activity …in any moment …for these are all the levels of Consciousness we currently exist at. This is our free will choice of current embodied Light Service! And this is a cherished opportunity within our Solar System! And you earned this opportunity! Contemplate this!

Therefore, let us further understand our Solar Year Theme of ‘Divine Alignment of all Suns’ …in preparation for the Great Cosmic Inbreath. This concept includes every level …of every lifestream …on every planet …in every Solar System …in every Galaxy. This is the extent of Oneness Consciousness we now anchor on Earth …all part of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State…the Power of Cosmic Holy Spirit! So as we become and reveal the Sacred Forces within the Permanent Atom of Perfection, we do so in this Oneness Consciousness with all of Universal I AM. Think of it! From every Focus of Father / Mother God in every Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun … through to every cell, atom and electron of life on the countless planets, with all their Races of God Beings …‘all of this’ is what ‘I AM aligned with’! This creates a Grand and Glorious Reality of our daily Light Service! Such is our current wonderful opportunity!

Through our Ascending Creative Faculties, we ‘open and direct the Permanent Atom of Perfection’. This is an active, tangible, creative, intelligent Activity of Light Service! We again become the ‘Divine Directors of Cosmic Forces’ we were created to be! As we do, we further open our Divine Nature of Quantum State thinking, Quantum State feeling and thus actively direct the co-creation of Quantum State matter … co-creating the New Age of Spiritual Freedom! This is our Sacred Purpose. In the Mystic Month of May, the mysterious Celestial Nature of this wondrous Cosmic Inbreath flows more strongly than other points of the calendar or Zodiac Cycle.


Let us affirm together: Within the Permanent Atom of Perfection is the Divine Potential of every Sacred Fire ...and, the potential to become the Spirit of any of those Flames. Contemplate the immensity of this Truth! Think of every Ascended Master and Cosmic Being we feel close to. Then beyond that, possibly the greatest gift is in becoming the Spirit of our own unique Divine Alchemy of Sacred Fire! Just as Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst is the Spirit of the Violet Fire …or Beloved Pallas Athena is the Spirit of Divine Truth … so too do we all evolve to become the Spirit of our own Sacred Fire. It is the unique, Eternal Blessing we offer Universal I AM. We nurture this Flame and its Sphere of Infl uence … holding its Immaculate Concept ... until it becomes our Temple of Ascended Mastery! This Temple already exists on the Higher Frequency Realms of Light … with each of us as its Hierarch … and now we anchor this Cosmic Forcefield into planetary consciousness!

Imagine in Great Cosmic Days to yet unfold, that because we have trained on Earth (the greatest opportunity for training in the Universe!), we may then bring the Spirit of our Eternal Flame into other planets that require our specific Divine Quality, in order that they move forward in their evolutionary path. Meditate on this! Imagine that you (with your Divine Twin) hold the Immaculate Concept for a Cosmic Ray ... known throughout the Solar System as ‘that specific Cosmic Flame’. For example, this is true for Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst and their Flame of the Cosmic Violet Fire. They have served on many Planets, within many Solar Systems, within many Galaxies … in developing this expertise! And now they shine this Sacred Fire on Earth!

As well, it is Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus that hold the Divine Love Ray that unites all life in her Ascended State … exactly the Quality necessary for current forward progress in the Great Cosmic Inbreath …across the Galaxy. This is part of their training to become full God Parents of a complete Solar System. They have been trained in this by their Sun God, Beloved Krishna and Sophia. We are all trained by an array of God Beings, who themselves were trained by other Great God Beings …and on into infinity. And all of us will train others to unfold their Cosmic Flame … functioning as the Spirit of our Divine Ray.

We all know of the Seven Major Rays of this Solar System (and thus Seven Chakras, Planets and Suns). But now in our Ascension into the Solar Christ Self, we have the Twelve Solar Rays …and thus the Twelve Houses of the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun. This now allows our Consciousness to expand further into Father / Mother God! There are infinite Rays of Divine Qualities throughout Universal I AM … just as there are infinite Divine Beings unfolding their Eternal Flames. The Spiritual Hierarchy likewise envisions the Gathering of Ascended Humanity … as ‘the unfolding of limitless Divine Rays’ … from developed Eternal Flames anchored in the world of form! This is the requirement of the Cosmic Moment … and, here you are … fulling Divine Promise.

Imagine the Power of all Permanent Atoms opening together. Visualize the right and perfect people, in the right and perfect place, at the right and perfect time, doing the right and perfect thing …in every area of daily life, opening their Permanent Atom of Perfection and revealing their Cosmic Purpose …releasing their Eternal Flame into the world, each in their unique way …each influencing the Ascension of Humanity’s Consciousness! This is the Vision of the World Teacher! This manifests our affirmation: Ascended and Free, together, standing in the Light! We trust in Oneness Consciousness!

To achieve this, we co-create the ‘Great Altar of our collective Eternal Flame’. Together, we develop a Great, Great Silence within us … that Sacred Place of our Eternal Flame and its Cosmic Ray. This ‘Throne Room of the Great Silence’ has no floor, no walls and no ceiling … empty of self, time and space! This vision is the development of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light … our unique Cosmic Ray anchored on Earth … our Ascended Temple of Sacred Fire!


In daily life, our training is to become a photon of Light … within a Ray of Light … within an Ocean of Light! On a scientific view, when the Sun shines its Light onto its Solar System, the Light arrives instantaneously … and, at every point in the Universe simultaneously. How is this possible? Light is composed of photons, which have no mass (matter) and thus do not travel through the ‘time / space’ fabric. Therefore, ‘from the perspective of the photon’, as soon as photons leave the sun, they arrive at their destination …in ‘no time’ and across ‘no space’. Therefore our Light may also be here, there, everywhere present!

And so, we become that Light! Thus, all Perfection Patterns within our Light are already here, there, everywhere present! Our Light operates like the photon, beyond time and space. So let us visualize and deeply feel this Reality. Let us pause and breathe this Holy Breath. Let us sense and know our Light Body as having no mass and therefore weightless … yet in the same breath, is formed and anchored on Earth. Let us affirm that our ‘anchorage on Earth’ arises from our free will Divine Intention of Light Service … rather than simply from ‘physical gravity’.

Let us feel this Cosmic Reality as a tangible comfort in our weightless, timeless, selfless Light Body! Let us visualize and feel our Solar Spine as the Seven Chakras and its Sacred River of Ascending Kundalini Fire. We feel this in our body, yet at the same moment, we stretch this visualization across the Solar System. Here we feel the Kundalini Fire arising along the Seven Planets of Helios and Vesta … and the Seven Suns of Alpha and Omega … as we are all Suns in Divine Alignment, in Oneness Consciousness. Let us feel the Celestial Immensity of the Kundalini Fire along our Seven Chakras … as ‘Universal I AM in action’ … embodied as a lifestream on Earth … in preparation for the Great Cosmic Inbreath. This is the expanding immensity of our Light Service!

Then from our Solar Spine, we shift our focus to our mind and thoughts. Ascended and Free concepts naturally arise from within this Great Silence. We therefore grasp the Divine Mind of Universal I AM in all its glorious Celestial Nature … while at the same moment successfully manage the mundane activities of embodied life. Then focused on our emotions, our emotional vehicle inbreathes and absorbs Celestial Feelings … which are rooted in Joy, Bliss and Divine Peace. These intense positive feelings are as majestic as our Cosmic Origins … yet as serene and tranquil as falling snow. We then expand and project such Quantum State feelings into the world.

In its entirety, this is the nature of our Quantum State Light Service! This is the Power and Peace of Ascended Mastery! So as we develop our True Identity as a Sun of the Sun, as the Permanent Atom of Perfection, we send out the Infinite Radiant Light of our Eternal Flame. It arrives instantly (from its perspective) … and arrives with the full Cosmic Momentum we send it forth. Just as the light from the Sun arrives with all the power of nurturance for physical life on Earth, losing none along the way, so too does our Divine Light arrive with the full Power of our Eternal Flame for the benefit of spiritual progress on Earth. And in our Light Body, we arrive with that Light … as that Light …and are therefore very present with that person, place, condition or thing we desire to serve. I AM Present!

Think of it! We serve to restore Humanity’s original condition. When Lord Michael welcomed the First Root Race onto Earth, they embodied into etheric Light Bodies … composed of Quantum Matter. It was only after the 'great fall' in Consciousness that the physical body became so dense and diffi cult (as a repository of karmic eff ects). These original Light Bodies were maintained ‘in form’ through Quantum State feelings and Quantum State thinking. What you think and feel you bring into form is an eternal Law of Life. Therefore, in Humanity’s Restoration of her Light Body, she is first required to restore the Great Silence within … where Higher Frequency thoughts, feelings, words and deeds naturally arise. The Great Silence within is ‘empty of self, time and space’. With these restrictions gone, the Great Silence arises …and we are then: gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone altogether beyond! Oh what an awakening ...All Hail!

Let us together visualize the Solar Year Thoughtform (pause and recall it). As the Permanent Atom of Earth and her I AM Race shines its spiraling Ray of Golden Light upwards towards its Divine Self (the Star of Spiritual Freedom), that Light arrives instantaneously! And thus Earth and her Humanity arrive instantaneously in their Divine Self as well. And then … there I AM! … as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity … on Ascended and Free Earth … as the Star of Spiritual Freedom! This is the Solar Year Thoughtform in action, acting instantaneously. Together, standing in the Light, I AM God in Action on Earth as a Multi-dimensional Forcefield of Sacred Fires, all acting simultaneously and instantly … through the Gathering of Ascended Humanity … in Oneness Consciousness!

And thus, we now serve ‘as the Angels serve’. Angels embody the photons of Light emanating from Sacred Fire … serving in their ‘electron as wave’ vehicle, in the ‘formless spiritual realms’ … whereas the physical realm reveals itself as the ‘electron as particle’ … the ‘world of form’. So the Angelic Host may instantly serve … here, there, everywhere present … when invoked by the Eternal Flame of any Being, in any Dimension! Ask … and God (Angels, Ascended Masters) will instantly answer! This Law is powerful and instantaneous when we invoke from our True Identity … the Solar Christ Self living on Earth, transforming Earth into its Star of Spiritual Freedom!

So in this Mystic Month of May and through this Solar Year, this is how our Solar Year Thoughtform becomes a Forcefield of Restoration. The loving embrace of the Mighty I AM Presence is within the Great Silence. Here, we constantly know ourselves as the Solar Christ Self … a Sun of the Sun! Just as we know there is a time / space fabric in which daily life is lived (yet we cannot see or feel it), so too is there our Light Body to live within. And the more we meditate on its Presence within and around us, the more constantly we abide in this Ascended and Free Realm! Let us affi rm with the gentle but determined Voice of the Great I AM:

Through the Sacred Fire Forcefield of the Permanent Atom,
I AM empty of self …of persons, places, conditions and things.

Through the Sacred Fire Forcefield of the Permanent Atom,
I AM empty of time …of waiting, aging and frustration.

Through the Sacred Fire Forcefield of the Permanent Atom,
I AM empty of space …of distance and separation.

I AM empty of self … time … and space.
I AM the Sacred Place of the Great, Great Silence.

I AM the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM the Harmony and Balance of my Flame’s Radiation,
revealed as my Creative Faculties; all that I do, think, say or feel!

As I AM raised up so is all life raised up with me.
As I AM empty of self, so is all life empty of self.
As I AM empty of time, so is all life empty of time.
As I AM empty of space, so is all life empty of space.

I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action on Earth!
I AM all life reaching her Divine Potential!
I AM the Permanent Atom opening!

I AM revealing the Power of Sacred Fire!
Sacred Fire guides me into the Light!




Beloved cells of Ascended and Free Humanity:

The purpose of individualization and the long journey of embodiments on Earth is the Revelation of the Flame of God I AM … in every human being.
The Radiation of this Sacred Fire is a blessing for all life around us, as this Flame is the ‘Light of God’ and the Essence through which the Mighty I AM Presence may continuously expand its Plan of Perfection, Beauty, Harmony and Love … in all Dimensions and Octaves, including daily life on Earth.

The Influence of the Sacred Fire in embodiment is determined by the amount of Light that emanates from the individual … through the Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. The efficiency of the Flame is determined by how faithful the individual has been in fulfi lling his/her Divine Plan. There is an infinite ‘spectrum of potentials’ of this Sacred Fire when embodied ... from a small spark in elemental form, through to a greatly developed Immortal Flame in fully Enlightened Beings.

And as we expand and develop in our capacity of magnetization and radiation of the Light, our own Flame expands and grows likewise. This determines the intensity and pace of our spiritual development. What the Spiritual Hierarchy desires in present Light Service, is to increase and expand the Holy Christ Flame in all Humanity … nurturing, expanding and fueling this Flame, so all may become Keepers of the Flame of God on Earth … walking the path of Ascended Mastery … as God's Will intended from the beginning! Consciously sustaining Harmony and Balance in our vehicles of expression is the best way to allow this Flame of God and its Light to flow naturally … becoming our daily Sphere of Infl uence. During this moment of planetary redemption and purifi cation, it is wise to keep our vehicles of expression ‘in check’ … observing but detached from the internal and external conditions of our lives. ‘To be in the world but not of it’ is Ascended Master Teaching. In our daily practice, we place ourselves within the Protection and Radiance of the Sacred Fire. Then our attention is more likely to reside with our Solar Christ Self (rather than ego-self), allowing our Higher Presence to be the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love … the Three-fold Flame in action … within all daily activities!

The Presence of God is best Revealed in Reverence. When in silent contemplation, our attention is placed upon the Infinite Radian Light flowing through our Eternal Flame. With practice, our focused meditation grows from a small stream of Light … becoming a powerful River of Light … that flows into an Ocean of Light! In this Sacred Place, we ‘hear the Great Silence’ … the Voice of the Great I AM! We sense and know: I AM the Breath of Holy Spirit present here! This is the Resurrection and the Life … in any moment! Here: I dwell in the Spheres of Light of my choosing … this is my SpiritualFreedom! Here, our Higher Vehicles (Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and White Fire Being ... all visualized together as an Infi nite Circle of Light) have direct opportunity to bless the world.

As we collectively accelerate the vibratory action of our lower vehicles, we are closer to the Ascended Masters Realms … not in vague thought or idea, but as a tangible living Presence … a Sacred Place … dwelling in the same Octaves as do our Spiritual Hierarchy. We become Light Bearers ... Keepers of the Flame … emanating a physical Aura of Light ... a mental Aura of Light ... an emotional Aura of Light... and, an etheric Aura of Light! This Multi-dimensional Aura shining around us is sourced from our own I AM Presence and becomes our Ascended Master Presence in daily life.

This is our discipline. The acceleration of the vibratory action of our vehicles and the sustaining of that acceleration is the KEY to abiding within … and, radiating forth … Love, Purity, Consecration, Faith, Peace and all Divine Qualities along all the Seven Rays. This is because the electrons orbiting in our atoms learn the quality we wish to manifest! Their frequency is accelerated to that Sacred Vibration. Remember dear ones, that there is intelligence at every level of life … desiring to learn its Divine Potential. And if Higher Frequency is constantly repeated in our thoughts, feelings, words and actions … then we have naturally trained our cells, atoms and electrons to become our Light Body! Contemplate this!

Let us remember that we expand our view of the Divine Plan as we develop our Ascended Mastery. Our Crystal Vision (seeing as the Elohim see) intensifies …as we constantly surrender our external consciousness to our Higher Self within. The narrow vision of mundane daily life is replaced by Ascended and Free Concepts. This brings Serenity … for ourselves, and for all life around us. In contrast, the limited ego view absorbs only the information and energy of limited thoughts, feelings, memories and experiences.

But as we radiate our Ascended and Free Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, we accelerate the opening of all Permanent Atoms! Our Light Service allows all Humanity an opportunity to envision a beautiful world far beyond what they have known! In such service, I AM Holy Spirit moving through the world! Imagine … the inner awareness of all Humanity tangibly experiencing the Truth of a Higher Frequency World. With this, the pressure of ‘mass consciousness’ is removed (even temporarily) … each time allowing the attention to further experience this Light … each time moving ‘higher in vibration in their own daily life’.

We are builders of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom … constructed on the base of Pure Energy! Thus it is imperative that all Humanity is presented with the opportunity to purify their own aura (from the mass consciousness and its limited concepts) and simultaneously infuse their own Consciousness from the Higher Octaves of Light. This will occur through attunement along any uplifting spiritual, religious, philosophical or cultural avenue that feels natural to them. For this ‘natural flow of Light’ is constantly seeking its anchorage!

Meditate and contemplate our sojourn together, in this Mystic Month of May. Practice attracting and magnetizing the Sacred Energy from the Higher Planes in your personal and group Sanctuaries. Continually expand and project it to the world. I AM at your call, hoping to assist you in developing your Ascended Master confidence … in the Celestial Power of Ascended and Free Light Service!

My Gratitude is with you all.