June, 2020

June 2020 PDF


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light: The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals, through the cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and Thoughtform
of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:










(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Permanent Atom of the I AM Race,
the Next Wave of Life Coming!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Permanent Atom of the I AM Race,
the Next Wave of Life Coming!



I AM Builders of Divine Self!
I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness!
I AM Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!

I AM the Transformational Events in Consciousness
I desire for the world, in all the layered levels
of consciousness within daily life!

I AM Transformational Events in mental Consciousness and
I AM transmuting and letting go all condemnation,
criticism and judgment within myself!

I AM the Transformational Events in emotional Consciousness and
I AM transmuting and letting go all imbalance in my feelings!

I AM Transformational Events in etheric Consciousness and
I AM transmuting all memories less than my Eternal Flame
and its Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM Transformational Events in physical Consciousness and
I AM transmuting and letting go all distress, disease and aging.

I AM the Open Door for all Perfection Patterns
…physical, etheric, mental and emotional!

At the center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross, I AM building the
Crystalline Sun of Ascended and Free Humanity,
her Quantum State Permanent Atom!

I AM the Invocation of Transformational Events in Consciousness
accelerating our sweet Earth into her Higher Frequency,
Feminine Ray / New Age of Spiritual Freedom!

The Permanent Atom is my Divine Instrument and True Identity.
Here I AM empty of self …of all patterns of disease and aging.

I AM filled with the Electronic Perfection Patterns within the
Crystalline Permanent Atom of the I AM Race!

Empty of self, time and space,
I AM here, there, everywhere present!
I AM that I AM, here, there, everywhere present!

I AM Ascended and Free Humanity, directing the assimilation of
the New Age of Spiritual Freedom into Earth and Humanity!

I AM the Next Wave of Life Coming!




The Cosmic Christ compels us: ‘Go forth and reveal the Kingdom of Heaven …the quantum Oneness of all Consciousness …the quantum Oneness of all matter …the quantum Oneness of all spirit’. And in response, we individually affirm: ‘I AM revealing all these levels of Truth in the Reality of my Divine Instrument …becoming Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!’ We also respond collectively: affirming: ‘We gather as Ascended and Free Humanity in this Truth …and together, standing in the Light, we gather all Humanity in their Flame of Eternal Truth …and its Infinite Radiant Light … together bringing Transformational Events in Consciousness into daily life.’ And SO IT IS!

Our desire for Humanity is that her ancient and eternal quest to understand her spiritual mysteries be fulfilled. We desire these Unveiled Mysteries and their Magic Presence revealed! within the Transformational Events in Consciousness we now invoke. We offer this Revelation to Humanity through our Seventh Ray Invocation of Sacred Fire …specifically the Cosmic Violet Fire! When Beloved Ascended Master Jesus reminded us that we are to fulfill the Divine Potential of his Christian Age (so that it can lead directly into the New Age) he reminded us to “feed my sheep!”…to care for the Soul Consciousness of ‘his flock’ (Humanity) and feed them with the Celestial Sustenance of Sacred Fire Consciousness.

Everything about the Christian Dispensation is now elevated into its Higher Frequency. Thus, ‘Holy Communion’ of this New Age is now realized as ‘Sacred Fire and Divine Consciousness’ of the Cosmic Christ …the ‘Higher Frequency version’ of the ‘blood and body of Christ’. The Officiant of this Holy Communion is the indwelling Holy Christ Self within each one …with no requirement of an outer priest. And for this New Age, this Divine Ceremony would be as if Beloved Ascended Master Jesus himself is giving us each Holy Communion …as every Holy Christ Self is a direct correspondent of the great Cosmic Christ (…no matter the state of the outer personality or its flesh).

The Unity of Humanity is based on her original creation as the “image and likeness” of Father / Mother God …which at the Soul level is the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light! It comes into embodiment as the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self anchored through every ‘beating heart and working consciousness’ within Humanity. And this Holy Christ Self now wishes to govern the Creative Faculties of Humanity as was the original Divine Plan! And then beyond, to reveal its own graduation into the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self …destined for Revelation in an entirely New Age!

Outer world events and circumstances often point Humanity towards stillness, rather than the typical fast paced events of a busy daily life. We are proceeding through such a period. Events in the natural order of nature sometimes serve a higher purpose …which is then utilized by the Great Light Brotherhood in its service to Humanity. Sometimes nature has a way of turning the attention from ‘the ego- illusion of the outer world’ …rather, refocusing Humanity to the ‘fundamentals of life and its central purpose’. This assists the Great Light Brotherhood and the Spiritual Hierarchy in their efforts to bring about a Unity Consciousness within Humanity …and then accelerate that Unity towards her Divine Plan fulfilled.

Let us remember the Ascension we seek is not measured so much in ‘content’ …but in ‘the process’ of Sacred Transformation! The Great Silence is a State of Sacredness and Holiness. It is this state of Purity and Sanctity to which we were ‘first born’ as Children of Father-Mother God …as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. It is this State of Blessedness and Grace that Sacred Fire will open Humanity’s Hearts and Minds. This allows for a vivid remembrance that Humanity is a Kingdom of Souls …who were given an opportunity to enter the elemental ‘world of form’ and master Perfection Patterns within this physical realm. It is also to remind the Gathering of Ascended Humanity that our Light Service is in the Celestial feeding of all these Souls (“Feed my sheep!”)!

The process of Redemption, Transformation and Ascension occur when the ‘particle-function’ (underlying the manifestion of matter and substance) begins to accelerate in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness towards its Original 'wave-function' …Perfection Patterns as when they ‘first arose from the Permanent Atom’ and its attunement with Universal I AM! Divine Matter and Substance originally included our bodies …as well as our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. For it is our Creative Faculties that determine the state of our matter and substance. Everything about our material world is determined by ‘the frequency’ which the ‘particle-function’ is exposed to …as directed by the operating consciousness therein.

And once again the gift of the New Age is exactly such a Divine Instrument …Sacred Fire …and especially the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, which was created for this specific purpose. Father / Mother God has long ago prepared everything their Children may need. And this is why Beloved Saint Germain travelled in Consciousness to the Great Central Sun to secure the most Powerful Activity of Love …as the answer to Humanity’s endless karmic loop …the Cosmic Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love, to transmute karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

As well, exposing our (‘particle-function’) matter to all the Forces of Beauty, Symmetry, Art, Sacred Movement …as well as accelerating the senses to constructive Color, Fragrance, Healing Touch, Tones and Music …all forward this Ascension Process. It transforms the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness ‘of the material’ towards ‘the Sacred and the Divine’. We were always intended to experience our Light Body in this physical realm …so that we may tangibly experience our ongoing Ascension.

This would also include experiencing more Celestial 'wave-function' through our Creative Faculties …thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. They would just ‘flow forth’ from the Great Silence. The Perfection Patterns of our Mighty I AM Presence then manifest the Quantum States of our material body (Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty) …as well as experiencing quantum thoughts, feelings, words and deeds (our personal God Illumination). This is living Ascended and Free! …free from the endless karmic loop …and free into the natural Perfection of Being within Universal I AM!

In our Light Service, the Divinely Intelligent Matter radiating as photons of Light from our Eternal Flame (and of all Sacred Fire we invoke) goes forth into the world and mixes with all other matter and substance of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …at the level of ‘particle-function’ and 'wave-function'. The resulting Divine Alchemy brings all other matter closer to its Divine Potential. And we build a momentum with our Seventh Ray Rhythm of sustained Ceremony in the use of the Sacred Fire …until all life has reached its Ascended and Free State …its Divine Potential!

Let us rejoice Beloved Ones that our Cosmic Moment is upon us … that we are (I AM!) the Next Life Wave Coming …the return of the Cosmic Christ as promised. We sustain Humanity through her Holy Communion with Sacred Fire and its Divine Consciousness …until she can do so for herself. And with that Victory, then we may ‘retire’ into our personal Nirvana, in the Eternal Realms of Light!




 Beloved Ones, the Divine Alchemy of the Seventh Ray is intended for the tangible experience of personal Spiritual Freedom …as well as globally experiencing the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. This Solar Year Thoughtform is geared to this specific purpose …a greater sense of Spiritual Liberty for Light Servers and for all Humanity. The very best time to focus on Spiritual Freedom and Liberty is when the outer world conditions seem ‘beyond our control’ …which in turn emphasizes togetherness …and seeking respite together. And our guiding principle of our present Ascension into Spiritual Freedom is ‘out of adversity comes Victory’! We serve from the Realms of Cause …knowing as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! So, let us begin.

Dear Ones, I come now at the Invocation of Holy Spirit. I come from my Temple in the Central Sun representing the Twelve Aspects of the Deity. I come so that you may feel the Twelve Houses of the Sun in your personal Presence, as if standing yourself within the Aura of the Central Sun. And this gift has been offered to the Gathering of Ascended Humanity through the instrument of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. For as you know, within this Cosmic Forcefield abide the White Fire Beings of all Humanity, having descended from Higher Frequencies (via Light Rays) directly into Earth and her daily life! These Cosmic Beings come with all the Divine Alchemy of the Twelve Aspects of the Deity from the Central Sun. Meditate on this …and accept its Reality!

The Solar Year Thoughtform sees the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around the Maltese Cross (of Divine Invocation). We have invoked each one of Humanity into the center, within the Diamond Crystalline Sun! In this togetherness, standing in the Light, let us then see the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire individualized around every person …as well as every place, condition and thing. Then our Solar Year Thoughtform intensifies, now seeing billions of ‘Mystic Rings’, visualized throughout Humanity’s daily life. This is now an immense Cosmic Assistance for every person, in their personal quest for Higher Consciousness …to fulfill their Divine Potential. Our vow of Light Service is to bring the Twelve-fold Aspects of Divine Alchemy into all facets of daily life. Now we begin to see and utilize the Solar Aspects of our Divine Instrument!

Our desired Spiritual Liberty for Humanity is the ‘independence of Higher Consciousness’! This is found within Spiritual Freedom! Liberty originates within Cosmic Consciousness …discovered as we steadily acquire the Unified Divine Alchemy of the Twelve Houses of the Sun. This is equally true of any Lifestream, even those Souls that have never embodied and remained only in the Realms of Light. Let us remember that Father / Mother God cares so much about us individually that they allow their Twelve-fold Cosmic Consciousness to be individualized within and around us as our private Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, specific for this Cosmic Moment.

Here our White Fire Being …that Majestic Wholeness of our Masculine and Feminine Twin Rays …abides closely enough that we may access it to establish these Transformational Events in Consciousness we so desire! The Twelve -fold Aspects of Deity always work in Unity …as Oneness Consciousness …even when lead by one of the Twelve Rays for a specific service to life.

When Beloved Jesus said to his disciples upon his departure from them: “But now I AM going to Him who sent me. Yet none of you asks me, 'Where are you going?' Rather, you are filled with grief because I have said these things”. (John 16: 5, 6). Now the Flame of Spiritual Freedom allows you to ‘go now to where He went’ …yet still ‘be in the body’ for Light Service! This is a level of Spiritual Liberty that is finally available to all Humanity with the Advent of this New Age. And in doing so, let us bring them all Home …now!


Allow me to draw our attention to an aspect of Twelve-fold Deity

…the All-Seeing Eye of Supreme Liberty. Here in our Solar Consciousness, we graduate into seeing the Truth of everything in its full Divine Potential …its full Liberty in the Light. Our attention sees only the Original Intention of Father / Mother God for all persons, places, conditions and things. We begin to understand the nature of Spiritual Freedom …in seeing life undistorted, where the Immaculate Concept of something is all we see and relate to. This way we automatically draw that person or situation closer to its Divine Plan fulfilled …closer to its own Spiritual Freedom.

In visualization, let us see the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around us, representing the Twelve Houses of the Sun …in action here and now! In our collective meditation (done in our own personal sanctuaries), we visualize a Violet Sun. We gaze into it through our own Third Eye. This is our only focus and we deliver this Vision our full attention. On the return current, we then see reflected back at us the All-Seeing Eye of Supreme Liberty a ‘beautiful feminine eye’ enfolded in a Circle of Violet Flame. We practice this with Rhythmic Ceremony. And eventually we see and feel ourselves standing within the Eye …itself within the Violet Fire Sun …and then we are seeing Universal I AM, everywhere present!

This is our Liberty! This is the Feminine Ray Way of seeing the Truth …of everything at its Divine Potential. This is the Spiritual Liberty to see Life in her original Perfection Patterns …as Father / Mother God would see all their Creation. Now we have the Liberty to live life at this level of Father / Mother God! This is Spiritual Freedom! This is living Ascended and Free! This is becoming true Children of the Sun!

Let us review our entire journey into this Twelve-fold Divine Liberty. It began with our Mighty I AM Presence projecting a Cosmic Ray of its Electronic Light into the ‘world of form’, initiating our journey of embodiment. This Ray of Light manifested as the Three-fold Flame of Eternal Life …the Fire of Immortality on Earth! Then from this Flame proceeds the growth and development of the planetary Holy Christ Self …mastering the Seven Rays of co-creation in the physical universe. And as this portion of the journey nears completion in the Ascension process, the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim then opens us up the Soul to its Cosmic True Identity. And remember Dear Ones, the seat of the Third Eye is within the Crown of the Elohim!

With this Cosmic Vision, we see and know the Celestial Scale of Life, and the profundity of the Multi-dimensional Universe. Then we realize: “I AM a co-creator within Universal I AM”. The Twelve -fold Aspects of Deity then open up to us …and, open us to the expression of Cosmic Creation. Such God Illumination brings True Identity: “I AM a full expression of Universal I AM …its full Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity in action on this Plane. And Dear Ones, Light Servers have for some years now graduated from the Seven-fold Planetary Christ to this Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self! This is a glorious expression of the Flame of Immortality on Earth and a validation of the Ascension Process for our sweet Earth!

This summarizes some of the foundational steps in our Ascension! The Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity allow us to realize that our True Identity and Divine Instrument (before this embodiment …during this embodiment and after this embodiment) …is but one continuum of NOW …the Eternal Moment of Now. And we may abide in that Cosmic Moment, when practicing ‘empty of self, time and space’! When understood and mastered, the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity expresses Universal I AM Consciousness individualized …the Soul’s Solar Consciousness personified. All great Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings have achieved this step …coalescing all their Divine Potential into a single point of ‘individualized God Presence’ ...and then expanding such Perfection Patterns into the ‘everywhere present’ of Universal I AM …in Service to all Life!

Now let us review how to make best use of this Solar development of the Light Servers. We are in a specific Cosmic Moment. When there are unusual or catastrophic events in nature or in global affairs, it brings Humanity together like little else. And there seems to be more of these ‘unusual events’ (whether pandemics, or natural disasters associated with climate change, or even severe economic recession based on global fears). It is the responsibility of the Lord of the World to resolve the karmic debt of Humanity …always based on the Laws of Harmony and Balance. This is, as you can imagine, a massive undertaking …on a grand scale …based entirely on Cosmic Perspectives. And one that requires the assistance of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy …and especially the Karmic Board and the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa.

But given these ‘unusual events’, the Sacred Fire Forcefields we invoke in this Solar Year Thoughtform may raise Humanity’s togetherness into its Higher Frequency functioning together, standing in the Light! Again, the Spiritual Hierarchy and specifically the Lord of the World have the responsibility to balance Humanity’s karmic debt while daily life continues …and in the most harmonious and balanced way, with the least amount of ‘catastrophe’. In the history of Humanity there have been many global events that have initiated the changes of ages …some obvious (the biblical ‘great flood’ or the sinking of Atlantis) …and some more subtle. But this Transition of Ages requires a momentum of Twelve-fold Solar Beings in the realm needing the assistance, serving in their full Cosmic Consciousness! And this is our Gathering of Ascended Humanity! And I grant you the Liberty to do this here and now!

Global events have always brought life on Earth together …and made cooperation and compassion the higher priority. And please accept that the Light Service of the past century has transmuted much of the imbalance that would have otherwise ensued, given Humanity’s karmic debt. But much of it was averted because of the Sacred Fire applied through the direction of embodied Light Service! Think of it. The Great Light Brotherhood and the Spiritual Hierarchy can only do so much for Humanity and now Humanity has to become her Twelve-fold Divine Instrument and may do the rest herself. As we are entering a New Age, the ‘forces within nature’ assist globally in these changes towards global Harmony and Balance.


Standing together in the Light of our Solar Christ Self, we may affirm with certainty: I AM together, standing in the Light with all Humanity through the Power of Sacred Fire! This simply reflects the Truth and Reality of Universal I AM! When abiding in our Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity, Divine Consciousness is the atmosphere we breathe! When together, standing in the Light … then Sacred Fire is the sustenance we invoke for our Light Body …the true ‘body and blood of Christ’! Then every Sacred Breath is Holy Communion with our Mighty I AM Presence and our White Fire Being! This is our Spiritual Freedom …our Liberty to live Free!

And when we gather in our Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity, the Sacred Fire we direct raises the frequency of any ‘global focus of attention’ towards its Divine Potential …directly because of Humanity being together, standing in the Light! We affirm the Cause of Spiritual Freedom when we stand together in Higher Cause …rather than the lower karmic cause. So, rather than affirming “together, standing in a pandemic” …or “together, standing in a global recession” …(or any other karmic cause being re-balanced) we remind ourselves of the Laws of Reciprocity …As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!…and instead affirm:

Together standing in the Oneness Consciousness of common cause.
Together standing in the Light of all the goodness of the world.
Together, standing in Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness.
Together standing in the Light of the Humanity’s Unity.
Together, standing in the Oneness of Divine Love.
Together, ever together, standing in the Light!

The Violet Fire is the supreme gift of the New Age! This is important because the greatest ‘open door’ for the Ascension of Humanity is the transmutation of fear. For fear allows ego to remain in its ‘usurper role’ …in the course of co-creating reality within daily life. Originally, the Divine Plan called for the I AM Race (and specifically whichever Root Race was currently in the ascendency) to be the Director of co-creation within daily life …and reproduce its vision of ‘Heaven on Earth’. This would have been a level of developing Consciousness that never knew fear or any other imbalance. This is the Divine State we now restore into Humanity …as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light! Affirm: As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity and in direct co-service with the Great Light Brotherhood:

I AM an embodied Divine Instrument of the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity
in the transmutation of fear, through the invocation
and direction of Sacred Fire

And in our Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity we may access the most powerful source of Violet Fire from the Central Sun that now enfolds our Solar Year Thoughtform of Earth …the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around the Maltese Cross. Here the White Fire Beings gather in their Higher Frequency and direct the full effect of the Cosmic Violet Fire into Humanity’s affairs.

Standing in the Divine Eye of Liberty, within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, we know and feel the full Divine Alchemy of the Twelve Houses of the Sun …pouring through us with every breath, every heartbeat, every thought, feeling, word and deed. Through this Eye of Divine Liberty, we see the Next Wave of Life Coming! We are open to Universal I AM …and become this Cosmic Wave’s open door into the world! This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED PELLEUR AND VIRGO ... On the Forces guiding, guarding and directing all evolutions of our sweet Earth

Beloved Ones of Ascended and Free Light Service: the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves has been set as a ‘visualization of the oneness of all life on Earth’. It comes as an Ascending Pyramid of Spiraling Light (spiraling upwards like Kundalini Fire), with each level emblazoned with a Thoughtform of a Dove representing Holy Spirit, governing each level of life expressing on Earth. Let us review this.

The largest and base level of the Pagoda is subatomic life and the countless particles and their infinite array of electro-magnetic bonds that hold atoms together and thus hold the physical realm together …obeying the laws of physics …the Laws of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love (holding things together). The next level of the Pagoda is the most primary form of expressed life, single cell creatures and very simple forms of life that Humanity interacts with every day. From a health aspect, these single cells creatures are the bacteria, viruses and other basic life-forms that live within and around us.

The next level in the Pagoda abide the simple animal and plant groups that live or function together under the auspices of a Group Deva. They function primarily as a group, even if they express individually as well. Insects and many plant forms abide in this level. Then we have the level of the Pagoda where more evolved plant and animal life abide, where each such Being is a Spirit unto itself (Spirit of a majestic mountain or tree …or of a majestic animal, as for example, Spirit of the bear). Indigenous cultures know this well.

Then we graduate into the various levels of Humanity’s consciousness. At the central layer of the Pagoda, we see the mass consciousness of Humanity, still struggling with daily life but desiring better. Then we have that level of Humanity who functions beyond basic survival and manifesting a better life for themselves and for our sweet Earth, whether materially or spiritually. Then we see illumined Humanity who have an understanding of their place in the ‘grand Cosmic Scheme’. And lastly, we have those fully attuned with God Illumination and actively serve the Cause of Spiritual Freedom …Ascended and Free!

Normally there is a Harmony and Balance along and between the layers of life …the levels of the Pagoda. An example of this balance is that some bacteria are necessary for Health and Wellness. Other bacteria and viruses live in balance with the animal and nature kingdom, in mutual and cooperative relationships between the levels of the Pagoda. Another example might be the upper layers of Humanity …evolving consciousness …from the base survival levels through to enlightened Humanity …all living together in as much Harmony and Balance as possible.

But when the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves gets too far out of balance because of ‘ego consciousness’, then Mother Nature restores a balance. Here we remember that Holy Spirit governs the Elemental Kingdom, so it is Holy Spirit that ‘moves in mysterious ways’ to reset Harmony. These rebalancing events are sometimes tiny and go unnoticed …but some are major and mark the important turning points of history. Some have been remembered and honored …others remain only as mythology.

So, it is imperative that we play our part as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity in conjunction with the Spiritual Hierarchy …so that the Sacred Fire accomplishes as much rebalancing from within the level of Cause …and as little destruction as possible takes place on the outer screen of life. When attuning to the Solar Year Thoughtform, let us see the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves in the center of the Maltese Cross. The Pagoda is imprinted on the dazzling, Diamond Crystalline Sun at its center …imprinted within its own Permanent Atom! Here at the center of the Maltese Cross, the Divine Alchemy of all the Sacred Fire Forcefields re-establish the necessary Harmony and Balance at the level of Cause. This allows daily life to be affected as little as possible …and, it restores an Ascending Harmony and Balance throughout the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves, in preparation for the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

Allow me to present an unprecedented opportunity to transform the entire Pagoda. You all are Disciples of Holy Spirit working at every level of the Ascension Doves …a Cosmic Forcefield we may now more consciously act through. And how do we utilize this opportunity? Beloved Ones, the Voice of the Great I AM speaks through the Gathering of Ascended Humanity when acting in her Solar Consciousness. This Divine Opportunity originates with the coming of Beloved Sanat Kumara and establishing Shamballa as the City of the Sun physically present on Earth. This brought the supreme Vibration of Venus never before anchored on Earth! With this Ray from Venus was anchored the Flame of Immortality within every human heart, uniting Humanity at this level of Divine Potential. Thus, each one now had the capacity to become a Lord / Lady of their own Flame and thus attain their own Immortality. This directly tied each one to the core of Universal I AM and thus a representative of Universal I AM …as the I AM Race. Meditate on this …for this is the gift of Beloved Sanat Kumara!

And, as Venus now moves to her Higher Frequency levels in the Great Cosmic Inbreath, their Magnetic Love Force is bound to every Eternal Flame within Humanity’s heart. This further propels Earth and Humanity towards their Higher Frequency Potential …the Next Life Wave coming! And now through our Voice of the Great I AM, we harness this magnetic Love Force within our Victory Statement: I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State!

Because the desired Transformational Events in Consciousness have begun, the ‘Voice of Ascended and Free Humanity’ may now speak directly to the Great Devas governing the Elemental Kingdom and guide, guard and direct the immediate outcome of the Harmony and Balance needed! Just as you might address the Group Deva of a beautiful flock of birds in gratitude for their beauty and harmony

…, or the spirit of a loyal pet or other animal …we can also address the Group Deva of a species of virus or bacteria …or even down the layer to the forces between sub-atomic particles …and speak directly to the governing principle of that aspect of nature! Think of the potential within Ascended and Free Light Service!

Have Faith …that when the Gathering of Ascended Humanity abides at the Diamond Crystalline Sun of the Permanent Atom, every Kingdom and Sphere of Influence hears your voice! All the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Angels and all Angelic Life hear your Voice! For they are always attuned to the Voice of the Great I AM. Every aspect of the Elemental Kingdom hears your voice, from cells, atoms and electrons …through to single cell life, through to all of the plant and animal species in Nature …including all levels of Humanity’s developing consciousness. Use and use this Cosmic Voice …it is an opportunity to bring Harmony and Balance back to the world. The Voice of the Great I AM is the Commanding Presence of Unity and Oneness Consciousness for the Universe …on every level of its existence …including now our sweet Earth!

Beloved Ones, the Next Life Wave is coming …and we prepare for these Transformational Events in Consciousness through utilizing Sacred Fire Forcefields! We are (I AM!) the Voice of the Great I AM commanding the Divine Plan! The Mighty I AM Presence and White Fire Being stands at the ready to channel through the Solar Christ Self the Electronic Light of Perfection Patterns …that will create Heaven on Earth. These are the Transformational Events in Consciousness we co-create together, standing in the Light!

I AM the Flame of Immortality! I AM Voicing the Great I AM!

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
rebalancing the karmic debt of Humanity

through the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness of the Violet Fire!
through the Love, Wisdom and Power of Cosmic Sacred Fire!
through Transformational Events in Consciousness, now
initiating our New Age of Spiritual Freedom!

