March, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Sphere of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac: 








(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Victory of the
Permanent Atom of Perfection, the True Resurrection and the Life!

I AM Expanding / Projecting the Victory of the
Permanent Atom of Perfection, the True Resurrection and the Life!


The Permanent Atom is the Perfection Keynote:
of Interdimensional Being!
of Celestial Happiness!
of Divine Tranquility!
of Celestial Peace!
of True Identity!

I AM inbreathing and absorbing the Permanent Atom of Perfection
…a Forcefield now completely enfolding my spiritual development.
I AM expanding and projecting the Permanent Atom of Perfection,
a Forcefield now enfolding Humanity’s spiritual development.

I AM Humanity’s Three-fold Flame, her Permanent Atom
of Perfection. I AM this same Forcefield also expressing in the
Eternal Sun of Even Pressure and, in the Sun and Central Sun of
Father / Mother God …the Permanent Atom of Love, Wisdom
and Power, the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love!

Within her Permanent Atom of Perfection, the
Gathering of Ascended Humanity exists
as a Manifesto of Spiritual Freedom!

Within her Permanent Atom of Perfection, the
Gathering of Ascended Humanity exists
as a Divine Alchemy of Sacred Fire!

Within her Permanent Atom of Perfection, the
Gathering of Ascended Humanity exists
as Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit!

I AM our sweet Earth, spinning on her Ascended and Free Axis
…within her glorious Permanent Atom of Perfection
…the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.

I AM all daily life, operating within Earth’s Permanent Atom,
held within its Forcefield; its Holy Breath; its Immaculate Concept!




The Permanent Atom of Perfection is a Forcefield of Sacred Fire, in which the Gathering of Ascended Humanity becomes its full confidence and competence …that: I AM now the Governing God Illumination of Divine Love necessary to bring Harmony and Balance back to the world.  As ‘a gathering’, we steadily grow into this Divine confidence and competence. And as we do, we operate this Divine Instrument globally …enfolding the entire world of form, the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves. This ‘gathering’ of global Light Service abides in the Great Silence of Holy Spirit.

The Earth, her Humanity and her Elemental Kingdom need solace, comfort and rest …especially while ego fully reveals itself for the purpose of transmutation.  As did our Ascended Master Gurus before us, we hold Humanity here in the Great Silence, allowing respite from ego-self …while also re-aligning with the Divine Peace of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Here, the Cosmic Law of Forgivenessactively forgiving as well as fully accepting being forgiven …goes into in action in and around Humanity and all Elemental life.  Within this Forcefield is the Great Golden Silence of Divine Peace …an aspect of Earth’s Ascension process, where:

Life is in a holding pattern between realities.
All is revealed and displayed for all to see.
Humanity makes her free will choice.

During this Cosmic Moment, I AM sustaining the Permanent Atom of Perfection, as the Immaculate Concept of Humanity’s Ascension process. Collectively, I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …a Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit, a Source of Divine Comfort for Humanity and all Elemental Life! I AM the direct application of the Permanent Atom Forcefield into the Elemental Kingdom …causing an Elemental Harmony and Balance that corrects Humanity’s imbalance …through the Law of Forgiveness.

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is a global Temple of Holy Spirit …the specific Love Ray from the Majestic Krishna and Sophia, through Beloved Sanat Kumara and the I AM Race of Venus …enfolding Earth, so as to allow her full entrance into the Orbit of our Ascended sister planet Venus, and thus acceptance into the Great Cosmic Inbreath …despite any lingering karmic limitations.  The Ascension of Humanity requires only the majority of her energies ascending!  And we are close to that point of singularity.

From our Light Service in the previous Solar Year, the New Earth and her Arisen Humanity are already living within the Forcefield of the Great Solar Disc …seeing, understanding and Being her Divine Potential …of the One; the Three; the Seven; and the Twelve; and again ‘the One’ (with Universal I AM). The entire, original Divine Plan of Father / Mother God is a process manifesting before us as a Vision …manifesting within us as a Forcefield …and manifesting through us as the Light of the World!  And SO IT IS!

This current Forcefield of the Permanent Atom of Perfection represents the process of Spiritual Freedom, which is what Wisdom sees …rather than any specific content, which is what the outer eye sees. Here the Permanent Atom of Perfection transforms from ‘an object’ to worship and adore …towards becoming the Vision of Humanity’s Ascension …the process of Being Spiritual Free …and the action of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness in motion.  Here I accept that:

My Eternal Flame exists across all time …all space …and all self:
…all Dimensions of time …all Dimensions of space
…and, all Dimensions of self!

I AM a Being of Eternal Flame, composed only
of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

I AM emitting an Infinite Radiant Light,
composed of Energy, Matter and Intelligence.

From this Truth, I AM Causing the
Universe that I AM …becoming who I AM!

I AM a Being of Cause alone:
that Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone.

I AM Ascended and Free
together, standing in the Light!

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …in union
with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all life in her Ascended State!

I AM in Perfect Union with the Angels and Elementals.
I AM in Heart Union with the Angels and Elementals.
I AM in Mind Union with the Angels and Elementals.
I AM Etherically One with the Angels and Elementals.

And I AM experiencing all of this from the fiery
core of my Permanent Atom of Perfection.

Centered within my Permanent Atom of Perfection:

I AM a Disciple of Cosmic Holy Spirit!
I AM an Eternal Keeper of this Flame!
I AM a Temple of this Eternal Flame!
I AM living in the Great, Great Silence
of my own Permanent Atom of Perfection,
an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM the Permanent Atom of Perfection
for Ascended and Free Group Light Service.

I AM the Permanent Atom of …and thus the
Victory of Ascended and Free Light Service!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Divine Self.

I AM living in a Sacred State of Quantum Matter.
I AM living in a Sacred State of Quantum Thought.
I AM living in a Sacred State of Quantum Feelings!
I AM continuously living in a Celestial, Sacred State!

Through the Resurrection and the Life of the Permanent Atom,
I AM the Governing God Intelligence of my life this day!
I AM the Governing God Intelligence of all daily life!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Star of Spiritual
Freedom and, I AM the I AM Race thriving upon it!

I AM the full confidence and competence of
the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, assuring
the Resurrection and the Life of our sweet Earth!

I further affirm: by the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me vested as me …I bless all remaining karma associated with this and all previous embodiments …all Elemental substance and all innocent Life Energy I have ever misused …all disease, distress or aging from that misuse …all attachments to persons, places, conditions and things that yet causes imbalance in my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …or in the world in general.  I bless it all back to the Great Central Sun for re-polarization, never again having to serve human creation.  And SO IT IS!

For the purposes of my Light Service in this embodiment, I AM only an Eternal Flame and I AM only its Infinite Radiant Light …and I AM the Infinite Perfection Patterns flowing from this Eternal Flame and this Radiant Light …expressing in all aspects of my life, my world and of the entire world!




Beloved Ones: the Resurrection and the Life is a Mighty Victory, wherein the Permanent Atom of Life expresses itself on any level of life, through the Divine Direction of the presiding God Intelligence. Beloved Jesus expressed this Victory on a personal level.  The Resurrection and the Life of a Race of Beings, or of a Planet (our sweet Earth) is when the Infinite Radiant Light of each Eternal Flame reaches out and meshes with the Infinite Radiant Light of all other Eternal Flames of that whole …and together, standing in that Great Light, the Permanent Atom of Perfection expresses according to Original Intention …a perfected Race, a perfected Planet! Again, this is what Beloved Jesus personally revealed …and now we do the same for an entire planet.

The Resurrection and the Life also pertains to the opening of the Permanent Atom of any ‘gathering’ or ‘whole’ …a family, city or a nation.  On a much larger cosmic scale, this is also the Victory of the Great Cosmic Inbreath, seeing the Infinite Radiant Light of Solar Systems and Galaxies blending together …wherein every Permanent Atom within that Infinite Circle of Light fully expresses God's Will, achieving their Divine Potential!

Let us first meditate on personal Victory. Affirm with me: I AM an Eternal Flame and my life is its Infinite Radiant Light! This affirmation refers back to our Celestial Origins as a God Intelligence.  This same Truth is now to be restored within Humanity. Within the Spirit of this Solar Year, let us realize that the Ray of Restoration is a Cosmic Frequency of Victory and Healing. The Healing of Humanity is the Victory of our sweet Earth.  The Power of our Attention on this Victory is a remarkable Divine Instrument.  It is the Victory of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!

The Healing of this sweet Earth is seen as this Victory extending through all levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …healing every level of life on Earth! Celestial Restoration is renewing the Permanent Atom of Perfection of every particle of life originally set forth from Father / Mother God into Creation, through the Seven Mighty Elohim!

In the beginning, the gift of Life is Consciousness!  Consciousness becomes Quantum States of Being …beyond time and space restraints. Yet specific to Earth’s Divine Plan, we are allowed to develop Consciousness within time and space!  Think of it! This is the gift of Father / Mother God in expanding the Borders of Perfection ‘deeper into matter’, into the world of form.  Hence, developing Cosmic Consciousness is also our path out of time, space and matter …into Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light in the ‘great beyond’ from daily life.  This is called the Ascension.  Here we remember Beloved Buddha’s Heart Sutra: Gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone, altogether beyond!  Oh what an awakening ...All Hail!  This is the Joy of developing Cosmic Consciousness from within a physical embodiment.  This is a unique Victory, a unique Joy, related to embodiment on Earth.  Think on this!

Therefore, Father / Mother God’s ‘gift of free will’ (as it uniquely pertains to Earth) is that we may choose to Master the development of Consciousness within the restrains (time, space and matter) where Consciousness does not naturally develop!  Think of it!  In embodiment we are composed of cells, atoms and electrons of elemental life …composed from the world of form.  The Ascension of matter into Spirit is akin to the butterfly emerging form its cocoon.  This requires the Victory of our Attention on the Divine Vision.  This is because Consciousness follows Cosmic Law …that simply by placing our attention on something (in science, ‘observing a particle's path’) we change the outcome of that moment.  We may change the trajectory of events through the Power of our Attention.  This is Cosmic Law.  What you think, feel and see, you bring into form!  This is the Victory of ‘group Light Service’!

In our Ascension process, we learn to become Divine Directors …directing the photons of Light that emanate from our Eternal Flame.  We learn to direct them through the frequency of our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  Now it is clear to the Light Servers that we can choose to direct this Light directly from the Permanent Atom!  If we encounter ‘particles’ or ‘frequencies’ of life less than Harmony and Balance, we may observe them from within the Great Silence of our Permanent Atom. Then, through the Crystal Vision of our Divine Creative Faculties, unattached from aspects of ego-self, we change the frequency of the particles/waves that compose that person, place, condition or thing …towards its Divine Potential.  This action is our Ascended Mastery!  This is our Victory!

Consciousness also operates within another known phenomenon in quantum physics on the sub-atomic level …where two ‘particles’ are in the same state, no matter how separated by ‘space’, they act together as one (as if there is no space). This is known scientifically as ‘quantum entanglement’, and biblically as “when two or more are gathered in my Name”. In our present collective Light Service, ‘quantum entanglement’ is when we are truly together, standing in the Light!  In this Quantum State, there is no time and space!  Here, we are gathered in the Name of the Cosmic Christ and able to do so much more with our Divine Consciousness together, than any of us might alone.  Hence Beloved Jesus said of us; “Everything I have done so shall ye also do …and greater things”!  We are beyond a single Christed Being (Sun of God) shining on Earth …and we now represent all Suns in Divine AlignmentSuns of the Sun together, standing in the Light on Earth …composing the Celestial Body of the Cosmic Christ in daily life!  This is our Victory!

This Truth bears repeating: Cosmic Holy Spirit refers to our recent Higher Frequency Understanding …that a specific Love Ray from the Sun of Beloved Krishna and Sophia, as well as all the Kumaras from Venus …now pervades the entire Solar System and Galaxy of Beloved Alpha and Omega!  It does so as the Governing Principle in preparation for the entire Great Cosmic Inbreath.  It truly is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State!  And this Truth remains a foundation of our Declaration / Affirmation at the core of Ascended and Free Light Service! (see opening page of the Journal).

There are many aspects to the Universal Love Ray within the Three-fold Flame …and this ‘Holy Spirit aspect’ is that which specifically unites all life at their Divine Potential!  It is the Love Ray necessary for Solar Systems and Galaxies to move forward in the Celestial Rhythm of the Great Cosmic Cycles within Universal I AM!  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the conduit of this Divine Love Forcefield into Earth …at this Cosmic Moment of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  This is our collective Cosmic Victory!

Imagine millions of Ascended and Free Beings in collective Oneness Consciousness …a shared Quantum State of Divine Love.  This is Cosmic Holy Spirit!  This Consciousness was developed on our Beloved planet Venus by their I AM Race …their gift to Earth through Beloved Sanat Kumara …so she may manifest as the Star of Spiritual Freedom …fulfilling the Divine Edict that all life may now move forward in the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

Let us contemplate the Victory of the Solar Year Thoughtform.  We focus on the Electric Blue Rod and its Seven-fold Perfection Patterns (Seven Chakras, Planets and Suns). With Crystal Vision, we see here that each level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves has our corresponding Chakra Sun within it. As our River of Kundalini Fire ascends from the base of our spine through to our Thousand Petaled Lotus, simultaneously our collective Chakra Suns govern this same Ascension process through the entire Pagoda!  As we meditate on our rising Seven-fold Kundalini Fire, let us know with certainty that the Earth’s Kundalini Fire is also rising, revealing this Ascending Consciousness in daily life.  And with such steady planetary awakening, with the Initiation of every Solar Christ Self …someone, somewhere on Earth, recognizing their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …each such Initiation strengthens the electro-magnetic Forcefield of our sweet Earth and brings her closer to her orbit necessary for the Great Cosmic Inbreath. This is Victory!

We generate this Forcefield within Humanity through the Law of Reciprocity: ‘As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me’.  Imagine amongst all the masses of Humanity how many millions are on the verge of such an awakening …and only require the assistance of our radiating Ascended and Free Forcefield.  The Etheric Body and seven planetary Chakras of Humanity are more prepared for this awakening than outer evidence suggests. The Light projected by the Gathering of Ascended Humanity contains a Frequency of Energy, Matter and Intelligence affecting the Etheric Body …creating a Quantum envelope around the tangible flesh …Quantum States of energy, Quantum States of matter and Quantum States of intelligence.  This is the Victory of our Light Service!

This is the ‘Second Coming’ throughout Humanity, with the assistance of our Solar Year Thoughtform …and its ‘gathering of Sacred Fires’, directed globally by the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!  Victory is ours!  And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!



Beloved Ones, embodied as the Eternal Flame, affirm with me:

I AM the Light of the World!
The Eternal Flame is the Light of the World!
Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light is the Light of the World!
The Permanent Atom of Christ is the Light of the World!
Ascended Humanity is the Light of the World!
I AM the Light of the World!

Beloved Ones, I join you now in Holy Communion.  It was said that the ‘Last Supper’ with my Disciples was also the first Holy Communion. When I was in embodiment representing the Cosmic Christ, the level of Humanity’s consciousness was such that I often spoke in parables, or allegorically. That was appropriate for the moment.  Consciousness then was mostly attuned to physical survival …and so ‘bread’ was for the Body of the Cosmic Christ and ‘wine’ was the Holy Energy flowing through the Christ Incarnate.  Now Holy Communion can be as it is in Ascended and Free Realms of Light …Sacred Fire uniting with Sacred Fire …Permanent Atom uniting with Permanent Atom …Light uniting with Light …all entirely on levels of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!

Given Humanity’s steady ascent in consciousness over the last dispensation, we may now be crystal clear in our message. We might therefore state Cosmic Truth ‘in the vernacular’, as: What is there to be frustrated by, worried about or impatient with, when you fully realize you are your Sacred Flame (as when I pointed to my Heart Flame) …that your Flame is Eternal …and therefore, that you are Eternal within the Body of Father / Mother God …expressing your Permanent Atom of Perfection …here, there, everywhere present …in all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of existence, including physical embodiment!  Such clear Truth is the present Ministry of the Cosmic Christ within daily life.

As an act of Divine Love, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity now becomes that message …voicing it as an Ascended and Free Focus of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness amongst Humanity. As I AM the chief representative of the Christian Dispensation, I now greet you as I do our Beloved Saint Germain, the chief representative of the Age of Spiritual Freedom …handing over the torch of Cosmic Truth to the next wave of spiritual development for our sweet Earth.  And just as this Divine Ceremony of ‘passing the torch of the Ages’ occurred with the Great Halls of Shamballa and of the Royal Teton Retreat, so it does now to the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …with the Spiritual Hierarchy bearing witness!

Beloved Ones, the central teaching of the Christian Age is that of Divine Love.  In fact, across all Spiritual Teaching, it is known that Love is patient and kind …because it knows itself as Eternal …and further, that anything less than Love is an illusion of the moment. And the illusion is strong at present …as all must be revealed in preparation for the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  But you were all trained for this Cosmic Moment in the Ascended Master Temples before birth and you are ready for your specialized Light Service.

And as regards your individual spiritual development, we further realize that embodiment is the finest school in all the Universe that best teaches this Truth of Divine Love.  It is what the Apostle Paul learned and taught in the name of the embodied Christ at the dawn of our Christian Dispensation.  And now we collectively radiate this same Truth in the name of the embodied Christ in all Humanity; in the name of the Cosmic Christ; and in the name of Beloved Saint Germain’s Star of Spiritual Freedom!  The message stands as it always has, that: Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful; it is not rude.  Love does not insist on its own way; is not irritable or resentful; does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends.  (1Cor. 4-8)

In our present Light Service, this Truth is now centered where it belongs, that each one in Humanity is an embodied Eternal Flame and may exemplify its Infinite Radiant Light.  This Truth is now the Light of the World! And with the present Initiation of the Great Cosmic Inbreath, this Truth of the Eternal Love of the Eternal Flame is now the Holy Grail …that ‘overflows from within’ …for all Humanityeach in their own unique way.  Have Faith Beloved Ones …that the right and perfect people are in their right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect things with their lives …so that Universal I AM may witness Divine Love manifesting in limitless ways during the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension of our sweet Earth!

The Holy Grail has been a mystery, sought after through the entire Christian Dispensation.  It represents the Cup of the Divine!  Every seeker sought to ‘drink in full’ from The Cup.  But this mystery is now revealed …seen as it should be …the Eternal Flame (of Father / Mother God’s Energy, Vibration and Consciousness) and its Infinite Radiant Light (of Energy, Matter and Intelligence).  This is the Holy Grail!  Every Solar Christ Self, Sun of the Sun, is the Holy Grail! The Eternal Flame is the Sacred Cup.  And drinking from it through the Power of the Attention and the Clarity of Intention, brings forth Eternal Life within Holy Spirit!  And SO IT IS!

The Union of Permanent Atoms in Divine Love is like the Union of ‘Mother and Child’ or of ‘Guru and Chela’.  It is Holy Communion …it is Divine Baptism by Sacred Fire …and it is the Visitation of Holy Spirit (Pentecost) …all in One Divine Ceremony …one exceptional Cosmic Moment.  During this Solar Year, the Cosmic Christ and the gathering of embodied Light Servers are now in such Union. Then, through the Law of Reciprocity, let us bring all Humanity into this Divine Ceremony.  For then all life drinks from the Holy Grail …of the Divine Essence of their own Permanent Atom of Perfection. With this comes a powerful acceleration of the natural flow of Perfection Patterns into daily life …and we then witness multitudes of exceptional Cosmic Moments!

Imagine Holy Communion, Divine Baptism and Visitation by Holy Spirit given to all the masses.  This is the Crystal Vision of the Permanent Atom flowing out to conscious awareness.  This then allows Humanity to tangibly experience Holy Spirit …the Celestial, Quantum State Emotions that Father / Mother God originally intended for Humanity. At present, ‘lower frequencies feelings’ appear to run rampant. But as the Permanent Atom opens, its Divine Essence will penetrate the seven planetary Chakras and Humanity’s  Creative Faculties.  Now, instead of ego’s lower emotions usurping Humanity’s attention, Divine Emotions will steadily emerge into daily life and capture Humanity’s intention in daily life.

This will not be so much determined by ‘outer events’ but rather on an inner Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension through the Permanent Atom Forcefield.  But as already taught and experienced, a period of ‘necessary revelation’ of ‘that which needs to be brought into Harmony and Balance’ now completes itself …and when complete, the focus of Humanity’s attention and intention now returns to Holy Spirit and its limitless ways of expressing Eternal Divine Love. Then our sweet Earth is ready to enter the Love Orbit of our Beloved Venus and the Great Cosmic Inbreath goes forward!

On the Last Supper, I attuned each of the Disciples inwardly to their own Holy Grail and reminded them that by doing so they would communicate in the Name of the Cosmic Christ …and would be ‘visited by’ (supported in full by) Holy Spirit, all along the way.  And at Pentecost, this was revealed as Tongues of Flame …further revealing each disciple’s Divine Nature.  And so it is now with present Light Service!  This I now promise to you, the global Light Servers …but as well, to all Humanity, with the Revelation of every Solar Christ Self!  This is now possible through the Invocation of the opening of all Permanent Atoms during this Solar Year!

Holy Spirit now attends each of the Light Servers and specifically, each of your seven planetary Chakras (with a White Ascension Dove at each Chakra) …as clearly as Holy Spirit attended my Beloved Disciples after I left my physical body.  For you have left your physical body …not in death but rather as the main focus of your Attention and Intention.  Now your focus is on the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  Just as the Disciples gathered at Pentecost, Holy Spirit now constantly attends the Gathering of Ascended Humanity within the Solar Year Forcefield.  During this season of Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension, your global gathering within the Permanent Atom Forcefield will heighten this experience for all Humanity …until each one experiences the Resurrection and the Life of their own True Nature, each in their own unique way.

Within the Solar Year Forcefield, Holy Spirit will attend the Seven Chakras along the Electric Blue Rod of God's Will. Tongues of Flame along all the Seven Rays will flash forth into these Seven Suns of embodiment, evoking Quantum States of profound Celestial Emotions aligned with each Chakra Ray.  These Divine Feelings will perfuse the four embodied vehicles, healing imbalance.  Here ‘the Holy Breath’ will move the Power of Sacred Fire along all the embodied channels …especially into the emotional body, the largest and most powerful of the four vehicles of embodiment.

Holy Spirit then sends her Rays of Sacred Fire to ‘visit upon’ the Twelve Aspects of Deity around the Great Golden Sun (in the Solar Year Thoughtform).  This allows the Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence and White Fire Being to reveal Higher Frequency Light through the Higher Creative Faculties of Humanity!  The I AM Race was always designed to freely communicate between the Celestial Aspects of Self and the embodied aspects of self.  Now this shall be revealed as Solar Christ Selves walking the Earth.  This is the Second Coming of the Christ …as was promised …and is now emerging!

Let us meditate on the Divine Feelings of each Chakra and its corresponding Ray.  The Ascension Chakra, the Violet Fire Chakra, the Peace Chakra, the Love Chakra, the Power Chakra, the Truth / Crystal Vision Chakra and the God Illumination / Thousand Petalled Chakra …each opens within the Permanent Atom Forcefield.  Each offers the Celestial Emotions of a Joyful and Wonderous experience.  And our combined practice of this, as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, is our Blessing to Humanity this month. We open up our higher centers to Crystal Vision and God Illumination …filled in our feelings with all the Quantum State Emotions of Cosmic Holy Spirit.  Here we will know Quantum State thinking, feeling, and the experience of our Quantum State matter as our Etheric Light Body!  This is the Living Christ!  And SO IT IS NOW WITH YOU!

Beloved Ones we are in Holy Communion , together, standing in the Light!  Together, we co-create an Ascended and Free Orbit / Frequency for Earth to settle into … so that Humanity may fully express on that level of Divine Potential …Builders of Divine Self …Builders of Divine Consciousness …Builders of Divine Earth!  And beyond outer illusion, a much greater Light is rushing forth from a deep well-spring within Humanity …of the Sacred Waters of Holy Spirit …a Baptism in the Radiance from the Permanent Atom at the very core of Humanity …creating the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light of the Buddha …the Shangri-La of the I AM Race!

Visualize with me each one in Humanity as a Fountain of Light.  The source of this Sacred Fountain is the Permanent Atom of Perfection, the Solar Year Thoughtform deep within …not in distance but in layers of Consciousness.  Now the Source is revealing itself to the world …as the Solar Christ Self on Earth.  In envisioning our Solar Year Thoughtform for the planet, we see Earth’s Three-fold Permanent Atom …united with the Star of Spiritual Freedom above, through a Golden Stream of Liquid Light. On an individual level, this Golden Star is the Solar Christ Self awaiting its Revelation through its embodied Permanent Atom.  For the planet, the Star of Spiritual Freedom awaits its Revelation through its Three-fold Permanent Atom, the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.

And the Violet Fire Portal around this Solar Christ Self leads into the Mighty I AM Presence / White Fire Being / and the Glorious Realms of the Cosmic Causal Body …whereas for the Star of Spiritual Freedom, this Mystic Ring of Violet Fire leads to the Realms of the Sun of Helios and Vesta / the Great Central Sun of Alpha and Omega  / and beyond into Elohae and Eloha!  This is the limitlessness of our Solar Year Forcefield!  This is the fullest expression of the Cosmic Christ …personally and globally!

Together, standing in the Light, let us take Humanity ‘above and beyond’ …above in Frequency …and beyond into Higher Realms of Consciousness!  Together in Holy Communion …together, standing in the Light …I AM the Cosmic Christ in action on Earth!  I AM the opening of the Permanent Atom of Perfection for all Humanity!

I AM opening up the Permanent Atom!
I AM opening up to the Cosmic Christ!
I AM opening up the Cosmic Christ!
I AM knocking! The Door is Open!