July, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:







(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Full Power
of the Emotional Presence of God, I AM!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Full Power
of the Emotional Presence of God, I AM!


I AM empty of self and I AM Flame!
I AM a Flame in an Infinite Ocean of Light.
I AM empty of time and …I AM Eternal Flame.
I AM Eternally Flame, within an Eternal Ocean of Light.
I AM empty of space and I AM Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light,
continually adding my Eternal Light to the Infinite Ocean of Light.

I AM opening my Permanent Atom!
I AM embracing its Multi-dimensional Forcefield.
I AM Revealing my Inter-dimensional Passage into True Identity.

I AM empty of self, time and space …as well as all the persons,
places, conditions and things associated with those restrictions.

I AM empty in my mind of all condemnation, criticism and judgment
of those persons, places, conditions and things.

I AM empty in my feelings of all fear and imbalance
associated with those persons, places, conditions and things.

I AM empty of the difficult etheric memories
associated with those persons, places, conditions and things.

I AM empty in my body of all physical residue of ego imbalance,
of any distress, disease, aging and suffering associated with
those persons, places, conditions and things.

As I AM raised up …so is all life raised up with me!
I AM opening the Permanent Atom of Humanity.
I AM opening Humanity’s feeling nature
to the Feminine Ray’s Divine Love.
I AM the Ascension of Humanity!

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Full Power
of the Emotional Presence of God, I AM!
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Full Power
of the Emotional Presence of God, I AM!

I AM a Divine Influencer
of the Emotional Realms of Earth
through the Feminine Ray of God in action!



Together, standing in the Light of Divine Feelings!

I AM released from the illusion of imbalance.
I AM released from the illusion of imbalance!
I AM released from the illusion of imbalance! 

I AM aligned with Cosmic Intention and Purpose.
I AM aligned with Cosmic Intention and Purpose!
I AM aligned with Cosmic Intention and Purpose!

I AM filled with the Cosmic Expansion of Holy Spirit.
I AM filled with the Cosmic Expansion of Holy Spirit!
I AM filled with the Cosmic Expansion of Holy Spirit!

I AM the Transformation I desire for the world!
I AM the Transformation I desire for the world!
I AM the Transformation I desire for the world!

I AM the deep, deep feeling nature of Cosmic Holy Spirit!
I AM living the full Emotional Presence of God!
I AM feeling and living Ascended and Free!





Beloved Ones: let us visualize with Heart Center Vision! We may now see as our Eternal Flame sees!  Normally, visualization appears to arise from the mind, as if from the head …as if seen from our ‘outer eyes’.  But now, let us visualize with our feelingsour 360 degree, all seeing Divine Emotional Presence.  Let us visualize the Universe (and us in it), through the eyes of Holy Spirit.  Here we develop our Cosmic Feeling Nature and how it leads us …seeing only the Eternal Path into the Ascension.  This is the Crystal Power of the Feminine Ray!  Immersed in this Celestial Ray: ‘I AM the deep, deep feeling nature of Cosmic Holy Spirit …the Cohesive Power of Divine Love governing the Great Cosmic Inbreath’!

Our True Identity (as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light) is, in lay terms, ‘our forever safe place’.  It is eternal; has unlimited resources; and we know we are eternally cared foron every level of our being.  Ego (and its expression as the circumstances of our daily life) appears to be the unsafe place …where we are not sure if we will be cared for, protected, or if there will be the necessary resources we require on various levels.  Ego can seem ‘unrelenting’ …but we know in our hearts it is, by definition, temporary.  Eternal Flame is …eternal!  The depth of the deep, deep feeling nature of Eternal Flame …is eternal …and infinite! Imagine …an infinity of Divine Feelings …Nirvana!  And this Eternal Divine Love is the core of our Being …within anything less being temporary illusion!

We may tend to conceive ‘Enlightenment’ as occurring in the mind, releasing its full potential.  Yet the Heart Sutra of Lord Gautama’s enlightenment is (as the name suggests) principally for the heart (as well as expanding the mind) …where we go into endless Realms of Holy Spirit and experience the Divine Emotions of Celestial Life …gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone altogether beyond into Holy Spirit !  Oh what an awakening of Cosmic Feelings ...All Hail the Divine Mother! And here we discover the Holy Grail …the core of Divine Being …immersed in the tangible Divine Emotions of Father / Mother God; of Devas and Angels; of the One Source of all Comfort, Love and Peace.  Here I AM inbreathing, absorbing …then expanding and projecting …the Full Power of the Emotional Presence of God!  Here I AM the Feminine Ray …unfolding her Divine Crystal Presence on Earth!

Let us be discerning and ever vigil. For, becoming an ‘emotional presence’ when not yet spiritually mature …or, under stress and not well protected …can be experienced as distressing.  Humanity has therefore been reticent about this aspect of her being.  Under the predominance of the Masculine Ray, the feeling nature became excluded, even unacceptable.  But now the proper balance of the Feminine Ray / Masculine Ray becomes harmonized.  And with this, the Feminine Ray affirms its ascendency in Humanity! Part of this balance of the Masculine / Feminine Ray is always aiming at Harmony within the feeling nature and harnessing its Supreme Power for goodness!  Our emotional body is our most powerful presence on Earth.  Contemplate this! Open your Heart to this!

Let us affirm: ‘I AM empty of self and its causes of suffering’ …persons, places, conditions and things that activate lower frequency reactions, imbalance or injustice …in me or, in the world. Rather: ‘I focus my attention on my Eternal Flame and its Cause of Spiritual Freedom in this moment’ …here (in me), there (in the world), and everywhere present!  ‘I AM the full emotional Presence of Harmony and Balance within all Sacred Fire’, represented by the Three-fold Flame on the High Altar of Shamballa. I AM here, there, everywhere present …in Oneness Consciousnessin this very moment!  I AM the Eternal Flame active, here and now!

Our ‘full emotional God Presence’ is required for the Cause of Spiritual Freedom.  Feelings are the ‘Source of Power’ in co-creation! …whereas mind is the ‘Direction of Power’ in co-creation.  We require both to be in Harmony and Balance.  We are co-creating New Earth …as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!  This is creating the Quantum State of matter …our ‘Light Body’ and our ‘Light Earth’.  The Light of Universal I AM is composed of Energy, Matter and Intelligence …and, I AM the Quantum State of that Light on Earth!   It is always present and accessible through purification of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …and now (with practice in becoming  and releasing our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light): I AM that Quantum State of Light within daily life!

Whenever thoughts, feelings, words and deeds (associated with persons, places, conditions and things) block this Divine Reality, let us return to our True Identity through the tools we have learned.  It begins through avenue of Sacred Breath; continues through Ascended and Free Concepts and is solidified and anchored through the full Emotional God Presence of the Solar Christ Self.  Then again we become …we restore …our Divine Instrument!  Our restoration is complete when we calm the breath and body; restore the mind to Ascension Concepts; and resurrect our feelings to the Cosmic Emotions of Holy Spirit!

As Ascended and Free Light Service, we serve First Cause!  Let us become a global powerhouse of Cosmic Holy Spirit and its Divine Feeling Nature on such a profound level …that, in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals, it Restores the Emotional Foundations of the World!




I greet you as ‘our Beloved’ …as Infinite Spirits of Immortal Flame!  This is how the Angels see the Grace of your Eternal Flame …and its Infinite Radiant Light.  And with the opening of the Permanent Atom on an individual and collective level, your Immortal Spirit of Light now becomes a global Presence!  And the Star of Spiritual Freedom now shines brighter in the Heavens!

Let us contemplate: I AM activating Forcefields of Cosmic Emotional Currents magnetically opening the Permanent Atom!  This occurs now from the Realms of the Archangels.  Visualize this Cosmic Scene …for it is an aspect of the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  Light Servers are the anchorage of this Forcefield within daily life.  It is often perceived in Light Service that we strive to change Humanity’s mind about her spiritual evolution. But a far more powerful tool is changing / transforming Humanity’s feeling nature activating her Divine Emotional Nature! This is the greatest ‘driving force’ within Humanity!

The Alchemy of Sacred Fire works primarily at the emotional level …the portal where Holy Spirit moves through Humanity …influencing her toward her Divine Potential …working on levels of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.  In our Gathering of Ascended Humanity, we now understand our Cosmic Service: impersonally benefitting all Humanity through the Divine Direction of magnetic currents of Holy Spirit.  This is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State …at the core of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  Collectively: I AM a Cosmic Influencer of Humanity’s feeling nature!

The electro-magnetic action of the Third Ray of Divine Love and Adoration, especially with a return current of Gratitude, has transformational effects within Humanity.  This is first seen on the inner, un-noticed on the ‘outer screen of life’, until its builds a Cosmic Momentum that then changes ‘the cause within’ a person, place, condition or thing.  Only then are the effects revealed.  That is why the action of Angels and of Sacred Fire is an inner Activity …steadily transforming the individual(s) involved …and eventually transforming Humanity!

On reviewing our True Identity, we see that the original ‘embodiment of Spirit into Elemental substance’ was a Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence projected into physical matter.  This Ray of Light anchored  into intelligent elemental life first manifested as the Eternal Flame, the Three-fold Flame of Life …the ‘highest expression’ of Spirit in matter.  Then once anchored in the world of form, the ‘first nature’ of this Eternal Flame was and forever remains Adoration and Gratitude to its Source …the Mighty I AM Presence.  It has been affirmed many times that ‘Adoration and Gratitude are the open door for all further Blessings’.  And after such outpouring of Gratitude in embodiment, God's Will becomes a steady outpouring of Limitless Physical Perfection Patterns …which are then understood, accepted and made manifest through the Creative Faculties of the Root Races!  Such is the Divine Plan of Earth and her I AM Race!

The Ascension Path is in externalizing the Divine Nature of the Eternal Flame …beginning with Adoration and Gratitude.  It may help to realize that all the Solar Systems and Galaxies orbit their Suns and Central Suns in constant Adoration and Gratitude for their very existence.  As Ascended and Free Humanity (on behalf of all Humanity) sends forth the heartbeat, breath and rhythm of Adoration and Gratitude, she more constantly attunes to all Cosmic Currents, of Solar Systems and Galaxies! And therefore Humanity is in greater Oneness Consciousness with the Great Cosmic Inbreath now pulsating throughout Universal I AM …ever expanded because of Ascended and Free Light Service on Earth!

There is a perfume of Spiritual Adoration that pervades the Aura of the Enlightened.  Contemplate generating this.  It is part of a daily Divine Ceremony of ‘Gratitude that emanates from the Eternal Flame’.  This is the Holy Essence of the Third Ray of Divine Love.  One may hear its Keynote …and, tangibly feel its protective Forcefield.  It is the Song of continuous Praise to Father / Mother God.  Others will sense this Aura of Love when embraced by its emotional Sphere of Influence.  And as Ascended and Free Humanity progresses, your Sphere of Influence …your perfume of Spiritual Adoration …embraces all life on Earth in a great upliftment of Praise, Adoration and Gratitude.   This then serves as an ‘inner guide’ to all souls towards their own Ascension Path …especially to those souls who otherwise may feel lost in this present embodiment of outer confusion. What a wonderful, practical gift to all Humanity!

Adoration and Gratitude create Forcefields of Holiness where there may otherwise be none.  Humanity craves Holiness! Yet they do not realize this until they feel it.  When experienced, Holiness brings a transformation of the attention towards the Eternal Flame …the Source within!  And this is our gift to Humanity, as well as to all Elemental life.  This establishes the Comfort of Holy Spirit within, where previously ego had usurped this blessing from them.  The Holy Comforter is within our continuous Song of Praise …as an Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, our Forcefield offered to Humanity with the opening of our Permanent Atom of Perfection!

The Flame of Adoration and Gratitude is a therapy for the feeling world of Humanity …the most powerful of the embodied vehicles.  Change the feelings and you transform the person or situation!  This Third Ray Flame is not only for ‘visionaries’ or the ‘devotional’ …but can be a tangible blessing for development along all Seven Rays.  Here we bask in the absolute goodness of the Eternal Flame …and the endless Blessings of its Infinite Radiant Light.   Pause and feel this Flame of Adoration.  In this Radiance, we further align every ‘Sun of the Sun’ in Humanity, with the Suns of Solar Systems and Galaxies …‘all Suns in Divine Alignment’ as decreed by the Divine Edict of our Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform!

Adoration and Gratitude allows the open door for every blessing desired.  It was this Cosmic Flame that Beloved Jesus invoked when he supplied the masses …by multiplying the ‘fishes and loaves’.  This is a cornerstone of Divine Precipitation …of any positive desire for one’s self or for Humanity!  Adoration and Gratitude are part of Beloved Saint Germain’s Ray of Divine Alchemy …necessary in our Light Service to transform the world!  This Love Nature assists our personal Ascension, in maintaining ‘empty of self, time and space’ …by devotedly focusing on Adoration and Gratitude.  This then allows the Eternal Flame its full Sphere of Influence in daily life.  Even the most difficult persons or situations salute this Cosmic Flame, as it comes from the Heart as tangible feelings …rather than ‘only an idea’ or ‘only from the lips’.

And like every step in Precipitation, this Flame of Adoration and Gratitude requires a constant Rhythm in its application.  This Constancy is where we truly become Divine Directors of Solar Forces!  Light Servers have asked and prayed for this Ascended Master training …and here it is!  For any Divine Ray we have an affinity for …such as the Violet Ray, or the Ray of God Illumination …practicing Adoration and Gratitude to that Cosmic Ray brings forth its most Powerful Emotional Presence!  Possibly the highest calling is simply to Adore the Flame of Life I AM …with no expectation of anything …and then observe how the Universe rushes in to fill our every Divine Desire!  What a wonderful daily meditation …both in our sanctuary …and, moving through our day!

Specific to the Flame of Adoration and Gratitude, may I suggest that you surround yourself with colors, tones, scents and movements that further this Third Ray Cause.  You know the principal color is pink; the keynote is found in many soft, uplifting songs and music of praise; the scent is of your choosing that creates comfort …and affirmations along this Ray are those of your own creation or those presented to you.  Love’s movements are soft and caressing.  We strive to represent this Primary Ray of our Eternal Being, not only in meditation, but within all of daily life!

In doing so we anchor the Temples of the Third Ray …reflecting the Elohim Orion and Angelica; the Archangels (myself and Lady Charity) and our Angelic Hosts; and the Lord Maha Chohan and all Ascended Masters serving the Love Ray (Lady Nada and many others, especially along the Feminine Ray).  Here you may feel the personal Radiance of any of these Divine Beings. But know that their Light is focused on revealing the full Power of your Eternal Flame!  For they most desire your Ascended Mastery …through the open door of Adoration and Gratitude!

Consider our Third Ray Flame and how it guides the opportunities afforded in present Light Service.  As we practice Adoration, we are offered greater opportunity for greater Light Service. We open this ‘door of opportunity’ through Gratitude.  This is especially true when offering Light Service under trying circumstances.  And then instead of suffering, we rather powerfully envision the great magnetic Cosmic Currents flowing through us …drawing our Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light into various co-creative endeavors in the Cause of Spiritual Freedom …globally.  Affirm: ‘I AM co-creating Inter-dimensional Forcefields on Multi-dimensional levels’!  Contemplate that this expanding opportunity in Light Service is generated through humble, rhythmic Adoration of our Eternal Flame.

The Silent Watchers guide, guard and direct these great magnetic Cosmic Currents.  Again, our daily Light Service arises to their Cosmic Awareness through constant, rhythmic Adoration and Gratitude.  This is the signal that guides them in ‘moving the pieces’ in their Cosmic Activities on behalf of our sweet Earth …including Ascended and Free Light Service!  Sometimes we hear the call of such Cosmic Beings through silent meditation …but sometimes we are called to greater Light Service through a change in our outer circumstances.  Contemplate this in the silent reflections of our current life.  This is our ‘Temple Life’.

Through all our embodiments there has been an unseen hand guiding our circumstances …and this guidance is yet very active today, right here and now.  Embrace this, while in the Radiance of Adoration and Gratitude.  Like our Ascended Master Gurus before us, our circumstances of embodiment will be fluid. But regardless of outer change, we always have our inner Mystic Life with Angels and Divine Beings, creating an Inner Beauty that makes all outer circumstances tolerable …centered in the Joy and Gratitude of Divine Opportunity in Light Service.

Let us practice standing in our Eternal Flame …standing as our Eternal Flame …and giving it our undivided Adoration and Gratitude …pouring all of our Heart Energy and all of our Emotional God Presence into that Song of Praise and Love.  This is what Beloved Jesus did in the ‘40 days in the desert’ …as well as in the ‘garden of Gethsemane’.  Gratitude for Light Service forwards us into the Victory of that Light Service!

Therefore, through the ‘Power of our Attention’ on Adoration and Gratitude, we expand our Light Service.  We also open the door to practical supports from the Universe.  In this practice, we ensure our supply of necessary things of daily life; we magnify our spiritual enthusiasm; and we create Joy and Holiness in areas of life otherwise bereft of such Divinity.

I steadily enfold you in Legions of the Flame of Adoration and Gratitude …embracing you in the Mighty Pink Radiance of the Love Ray.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LADY VESTA: Director of the Feminine Ray for this Solar System:  On our Divine Instrument (as our Permanent Atom opens we rediscover Divine Instrument …as we now mirror all of Universal I AM …here in embodiment!)

Beloved Ones: I AM here representing ‘the One Light of Universal I AM’ …as well as, ‘the Infinite Rays of my Eternal Flame’.  Here I AM the One Flame of Life everywhere present …yet anchored right here and now with you as my Three-fold Flame. I AM here representing the Seven Planets of this Solar System (Beloved Helios and myself) and the Seven Suns of this Galaxy (Beloved Alpha and Omega) …as well as the Kundalini Fire accelerating up the Solar Spine of the Galaxy, the Solar System and the Solar Spine of every Mighty I AM Presence embodied on our sweet Earth.  I AM here as the Twelve Aspects of Deity, the Twelve Houses of the Sun …in a glorious Sun of Golden God Illumination!  Flowing through this Temple Presence is the same ‘Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State’ that now governs the entire Great Cosmic Inbreath!  Here, I AM Present!

Here I AM my Permanent Atom of Perfection opening into the world …with all the Perfection Patterns of Universal I AM, also opening into the world!  This is what all Humanity was designed to become on her Spiritual Level.  This is the ultimate Divine Instrument designed for the Great Plan of Earth and her I AM Race …the Highest Frequencies of Perfection Patterns anchored into the world of form!  And I AM here to open and activate your Divine Instrument …your Permanent Atom of Perfection!

You already recognize your Divine Instrument in acts of kindness and compassion ..in mindful thoughts of oneness and inclusion …in feelings of adoration and gratitude …in memories of the glorious displays of nature …as well as in the innate goodness of Humanity. This is where you know your Divine Instrument and that of the I AM Race …as God in Action! Reaffirm rhythmically: I AM God in Action! I AM God in Action!  I AM God in Action!  And SO IT IS!

Let us visualize this Divine Instrument as the Seven and the Twelve …the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self graduating into the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self.  Visualize a great Cosmic Scene …with the Seven Suns of Alpha and Omega aligned along our Solar Spine …as our Seven Chakras. Then we have become Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of everything. Feel the Kundalini Fire arising …climaxing as the Thousand Petaled Lotus …as well as the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim at the forehead.  Pause and Breathe …becoming that vision.  Then see the Golden Sun of the Twelve Aspects of the Deity around this Solar Spine.  Pause and become this Golden Sun …the Alpha and Omega of our Being …our Sun of the Sun!  I AM both the Seven-fold Solar Spine …with a Twelve-fold Circle of Golden Light around it. (Pause and Breathe).

At this point we are empty of self, time and space …as if nothing else exists except this Great Silence!  Then all the Universe is a Great Golden Silence. (Pause and Inbreathe)  And on the Outbreath, everything that ever was, is now or ever will be …exists around this Divine Axis and its Infinite Circle of Light …around our Divine Instrument! (Pause / Breathe out).  We are equally at Peace in either scene …in the Inbreath of the Great Silence within us …or, on the Outbreath of everything existing around us!  I AM at Peace with Inbreath: I AM at Peace with Outbreath! Either way, I AM at Peace!

When we try to assist another soul or their situation through our Eternal Flame, let us remember that our Divine Instrument operates in Cause …abiding within a Cosmic River of First Cause.  Then we inbreathe, absorb, expand and project such Divine Cause …invoking it into those persons, places, conditions and things …rhythmically … until the cause of those circumstances have been superseded by a greater Cause!  And then ‘the effects’ or circumstances will adjust accordingly, will take on a Higher Frequency or Vibration aligned with First Cause. Let us affirm throughout our Light Service:

The Seven-fold Kundalini Fire ascending our Solar Spine
opens and liberates the Mind of all involved.

The Cohesive Power of Divine Love …radiating from our
Permanent Atom, our Eternal Sun of Even Pressure,
opens and liberates the Heart of all involved!

With the Mind and Heart liberated into quantum
thought and feeling, then may all exist in
quantum matter …liberated into
their Etheric Light Body!

Within all Light Service, I AM God in Action!
I AM the One; the Three; the Seven;
the Twelve; and again the One!
I AM Ascended and Free!
And So It Is!

Beloved Ones, I AM vesting you as your Divine Instrument! Like any instrument, this requires calibration, tuning and adjustments.  This is the purpose of Sacred Fire, in the maintenance of our Light Bodies as Divine Instrument.  The Violet Fire will harmonize, balance and calibrate our Light Body.  The Love Flame will attune our Quantum State thoughts, feelings and matter into a Cohesive Power …truly representing Oneness Consciousness as a Divine Instrument in embodiment.  This is the Original Intention of Father / Mother God.  The Healing Flame, the Flame of Purity and all the Sacred Fires will help restore the Harmony, Balance and Oneness Consciousness within the Divine Instrument …a Celestial tune-up!

The Archangels and especially the Angel of Restoration, oversees this restitution of the Divine Instrument within embodiment.  This process is part of the opening of the Permanent Atom of Perfection.  This Restoration is what we now offer the Sixth and Seven Root Races as they now flood into embodiment …and equally, offer the Fourth and Fifth Root Races as they Ascend into their Cosmic Journey beyond our sweet Earth, back into the Loving Embrace of their Mighty Manu.

As Ascended and Free Humanity (together, standing in the Light!), our Divine Instrument is in Oneness Consciousness with all other Divine Instruments.  When we affirm: I AM the miracle working Presence of God in action here! …this is the Celestial Activity of our Divine Instrument …and, in Oneness Consciousness with the Divine Instruments of all involved with that particular situation …all acting together in concert: One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Synchronicity!  By the Power of our Three-fold Flame shall we be known!  Here I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State! Here, with the full Power of Lord Chamuel, I AM the profound emotions of the Cosmic Feminine Ray!

My Eternal Keynote opens my profound feeling nature.
My Crystal Vision opens my profound feeling nature.
The Great Silence opens my profound feeling nature.
Elemental Beauty opens my profound feeling nature.
The Holy Breath opens my profound feeling nature.
Angelic Choirs open my profound feeling nature.

I AM deepening my feeling nature within Cosmic Holy Spirit.
I AM deepening my feeling nature within my Permanent Atom.
I AM deepening my feeling nature standing in my Eternal Flame.

Within the Great, Golden Silence is a profound sense of Self …of our Divine Instrument at its origins.  Here is only formless Eternal Flame and Infinite Radiant Light …together composing Forcefields of Inter-dimensional Reality on Multi-dimensional levels of Divinity. This is the ‘all of us’, the convergence of all levels of our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, the fullness of our Divine Instrument. Then, after endless experiences of this Divine Instrument within Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Flame and Light, we were offered the opportunity to bring ‘all of this’ into the world of form, into embodiment …into elemental vehicles on Earth.

But this brought new challenges in expanding the Borders of Perfection. Now, instead of working alongside Angels and Elementals in formless spirit, we chose to embody within and through Elementals (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) …and, (after the 'great fall') within the restrictions of time and space …and ‘karmic self’.  So now, at the completion of this difficult part of our Cosmic Journey, we are (I AM!) the Restoration of the original Divine Plan!  This is our Purpose and our ‘reason for being’ in this embodiment!  For again, as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

So here and now, let us return to our Origins within the Great Silence. I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!  Not only is there found a profound sense of Celestial Self, there is also the Resurrection of our profound feeling nature!  I specifically offer this as Mother God and Divine Director of the Feminine Ray. Divine Sensations of the full spectrum of Celestial Emotions shall steadily arise, emerging like a spectacular morning sunrise …a spectacular moving symphony of feelings …a spectacular color palate of emotional sensations …that fully reflect our Multi-dimensional Reality in all its Glorious Celestial Aspects.

As the Permanent Atom opens, affirm: ‘I AM opening into Cosmic Consciousness’.  As I AM empty of self, time and space, there are no restrictions of service.  I AM empty of ‘the past’ (have I fulfilled my Divine Plan?) and ‘the future’ (striving to successfully complete this embodiment of Light Service) …but only that I AM Present here and now as Eternal Flameblazing Eternally and into Infinity!  I AM in this world of form and, I AM functioning on all the limitless Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light I may invoke into this world of form! I AM all of it …in my Service to the Light!

I do such Light Service as the Solar Christ Self, under the Banner of Beloved Saint Germain.  I AM a steady Inter-dimensional flow of Perfection Patterns, within and between the Multi-dimensional levels of my Great God Self!  This is what I AM!  In the Solar Year Thoughtform, I AM the Rod of Blue. I spiral up the Seven Chakras, the Seven Planets of Helios and Vesta and the Seven Suns of Beloved Alpha and Omega . As I ascend up this Kundalini Fire, I AM the Spirit of each of these Sacred Fires, invoking the Hierarch of that Flame and its Cosmic Ray: My Sacred Kundalini Fire is:

I AM the Spirit of the Purity Flame (White Chakra)
AM the Spirit of the Violet Flame  (Violet Chakra)
I AM the Spirit of Divine Peace (Ruby/Gold Chakra)
I AM the Spirit of Reverence and Love (Pink Chakra)
I AM the Spirit of Divine Power and Will (Blue Chakra)
I AM the Spirit of Truth and Consecration (Green Chakra)
I AM the Spirit of Wisdom and Illumination (Yellow Chakra)

I AM the Seven-fold Flame Elohim at the forehead, and the
Thousand Petaled Lotus as the Crown of the Holy Christ Self.

I AM all Chakras in Divine Alignment, within me!
I AM all Planets in Divine Alignment, within me!
I AM all Suns in Divine Alignment, within me!

All of Universal I AM is in Divine Alignment within me!
I AM in Divine Alignment with Universal I AM!
I AM Universal I AM …embodied!

And I AM Ascending!