August, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:




I AM the Violet Fire’s Holy Breath.
I AM the Violet Fire’s Holy Light.
I AM the Violet Fire’s Divine Desire.

I AM filled with the Ascending Feminine Ray!
I AM radiating the Perfection Patterns of a
Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing

I AM Expanding and Projecting




I AM Holy Breath.
I AM glowing with Light.
I AM only its Divine Essence.

I AM filled with the Feminine Ray.
I AM radiating the Perfection Patterns of the
Seventh Ray / Violet Fire Age of Spiritual Freedom.

I AM an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light,
expressing as endless variations of Perfection Patterns, in
whatever Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light I choose!
This is my Divine Potential unfolding  …my Divine Plan
manifesting my Cosmic Intention …my Free Will!

I AM empty of self.
I AM as Free as Flame.
I AM ‘the Way’ of the Flame.

I AM empty of time.
I AM eternally expressing as Flame.
I AM eternally free …as I AM Eternal Flame!

I AM empty of space.
I AM an Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM Energy, Matter and Intelligence,
expressing as electronic Perfection Patterns.

I AM an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM all Eternal Flame, the totality of Sacred Fire.
I AM the Radiant Light of all Divine Qualities.
I AM a Forcefield of Cosmic Holy Spirit!

I AM! …that I AM! …that I AM!

I AM God in Action on all levels of my Being:
at the level of my cells, atoms and electrons;
at every level of daily life in embodiment;
at the level of Suns, and Central Suns.
I AM the Truth of Divine Potential!

These are the levels that I AM God in Action!
I AM! (cells, atoms and electrons)
that I AM! (persons, places, conditions and things)
that I AM! (Suns, Central Suns and beyond)!
I AM! …that I AM! …that I AM!

I AM Ascended and Free, together, standing in the Light!

I AM Free!
I AM Spiritually Free!
I AM Ascended and Free!




There is a theme of many current ‘science-fiction stories’ where Humanity is leaving a dying earth.  This is symbolic of Humanity ascending from (or ‘leaving’) a ‘dying ego consciousness’ (of distress and decay) …and arriving at a new planet of Hope and Potential.  Our Theme and Thoughtform of 2019 captures this theme at its Highest Frequency …Humanity Ascending into Cosmic Consciousness …free of self, time and space …and arriving at her New Home, her New Earth …her Star of Spiritual Freedom! But unlike science fiction, this is all accomplished through the known Cosmic Laws governing Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!  And this is our expertise, our embodied Ascended and Free service to life!

This ‘Ascension process’ is ever accelerating and multi-dimensional. It also embraces that our New Home itself is simultaneously awaiting her own opportunity to further ascend within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  In this sense, we are in the midst of a ‘great Cosmic Drama’, involving many Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Coherently Connected Divine Existence.  The Christian dispensation began with the ‘Christian Drama’ …a great story of Hope and Redemption …and now, following this wonderful example, we forward this ‘grand story’ into its final chapter, with our sweet Earth and her entire life-force Ascended and Free!

Our vehicle of ascension (or ‘lifting off Earth’) is not a ‘rocket ship’ pushing against gravity …but rather the accelerating, Ascending Nature of Sacred Fire ….and how it dramatically ‘raises up’ all Energy, Matter and Intelligence, including our sweet Earth itself. When intelligently directed and gracefully accepted, Sacred Fire reverses the gravity of ‘ego inertia’ that keeps us anchored in lower vibrations. The Cosmic Violet Fire allows persons, places, conditions and things to ‘lift off’ from those lower frequencies.  This allows the same persons, places, conditions and things we are accustomed to …but now functioning in their Higher Frequencies!

This is the promise of reciprocity in our Light Service: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!  This is Beloved Jesus promising: “My Father’s House has many rooms, for all of the Earth and all of the Heavens”.  These are the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light within Spiritual Freedom, awaiting Humanity and our sweet Earth!  Our Light Service is building this Spiritual Freedom for Humanity …as Builders of Divine Self; Builders of Divine Consciousness; Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!

The New Age of Spiritual Freedom has Oneness Consciousness at its core …wherein every Solar Christ Self ‘connects in oneness’ at the level of Quantum State feeling (Holy Spirit), Quantum State thinking (Ascended and Free concepts) and Quantum State matter (experiencing our Light Body) …all in a great global matrix of unity and synchronized connectivity[1].  In our Vision of New Earth,  each one of Humanity has achieved their state of ‘Solar Christ Self’, through understanding, accepting and directing Sacred Fire. And from this Truth comes Unity of Consciousness!

Ascended and Free concepts include the nature of ‘Unity in Diversity’, where limitless individual potential unites into a massive global Divine Potential …that shines like ‘a Sun in the Heavens’ as our Star of Spiritual Freedom! This is the Home of the I AM Race!  But in order to achieve this Victory we are required to use our expertise: Keepers of the Flame and Divine Directors of Sacred Fire.

The Keynote Blessing of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom is that: the Violet Fire transmutes karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained! And further, that this Truth is an aspect of a complementary Truth: the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State … the fundamental foundation of Holy Spirit currently accelerating the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  One is an aspect of the other; one facilitates the other!

These two principles are the Yin / Yang of our present Cosmic Moment: Power and Love as seen through God Illumination …the Governing (First Ray) God Intelligence (Second Ray) of Divine Love (Holy Spirit and Rays Three through Seven).  This completes the Holy Trinity and unfolds the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self.  And from this Divine Potential, Humanity graduates into her Twelve-fold Solar Christ Development …one with the Mighty I AM Presence!

Let us affirm:

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, gathering
under the Radiation of Beloved Saint Germain’s
Seventh Ray Banner of Spiritual Freedom!

The Cosmic Violet Fire is a gift from the Central Sun.
Violet Fire is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all life at its Divine Potential!

This is the Age of Spiritual Freedom,
the New Age of Holy Spirit,
along the Seventh Ray!

I AM empty of self.
I AM an Eternal Flame.
I AM Its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM its Infinite Radiant Consciousness.
I AM the Cosmic Consciousness of my True Identity!

Beloved Ones, after the 'great fall' in Consciousness, when our Beloved Sanat Kumara took on the responsibility for our sweet Earth, it was in the context of larger preparations across the entire Galaxy! For it was always known that the Great Cosmic Inbreath would reveal itself …uniting all life in her Ascended State.  There is a rhythmic Cycle within all Galaxies, where a Divine Command goes forth, issuing the next level of Divine Potential for all life everywhere.  So again, it was the specific Love Ray of Beloved Krishna and Sophia that was already being prepared and perfected for the entire Universe’s purpose …but was used first in the Redemption of Earth!  Think of it!  The Earth required this type of accelerated redemption because the Great Cosmic Inbreath required all Planets and Suns to be in a State of Unified Consciousness.  Beloved Sanat Kumara’s specific service to Earth was a harbinger of the Great Cosmic Inbreath to follow.

In service to this great Cause of Redemption and Spiritual Freedom  a promise was made by all current Light Servers before our present embodiment …that together, standing in the Light, we shall build the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom …and, Humanity shall cross it!  There is a famous saying: Build it and they will come!  And so we build!  …Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!  We build with the fabric of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …using the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of our collective Light …all within the Thoughtform of the Solar Year.

And as we come to a fuller understanding of this Light Service, our Solar Year approaches her full harvest …while at the same time, the inner incubation of the next Solar Year begins.  These are the foundations of our Ascended and Free concepts.




Beloved Ones: standing Transfigured in the Light of the Permanent Atom …the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure manifesting within …let us pay homage through Loving Adoration to the Body Elemental, a Great Deva who has trained in Devic Temples under the supervision of the Silent Watchers, Builders of Form and the Mighty Elohim …specifically to ensure Humanity’s opportunity for ‘Mastery in Elemental Form’ …which is unique in all the Universe!  In loving adoration, let us affirm:

I AM Flame and my Body Elemental
may express this Divine Nature.

I AM Eternal Flame and my Elemental
Light Body expresses this Truth, eternally!

I AM the Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light and
my Beloved Body Elemental may express
this Light in all I do, think, say or feel.

I AM empty of self and my Body
Elemental stands within the Flame …empty
of persons, places, conditions and things …only
revealing Perfection Patterns of Health and Wellness.

I AM empty of time and my Body Elemental
expresses my Eternal Flame, emanating
only Eternal Youth and Beauty.

I AM empty of space and my Beloved Body Elemental
radiates Light …standing forth as my Light Body,
composed of indestructible quantum matter!


In the beginning was the original Great Silence, into which the Earth was born.  Then slowly she filled with elemental life and eventually with persons, places, conditions and things.  The Earth was born Ascended and Free, with a great Divine Potential of developing Seven Root Races, which taken in its totality, becomes the I AM Race!  The first three Root Races unfolded their Ascended and Free State according to the Divine Plan.  And then came the great sacrifice in service to the laggards (of ‘other systems’) who required a ‘slower vibration’, which the Earth could offer as it was uniquely expressing ‘Divinity of Spirit’ in the ‘density of form’. And subsequently, the 'great fall' in Consciousness befell us … immersing Humanity in ego.

And when we return to that same Great Silence, we also steadily return Earth to her original Ascended and Free State. We do this through the Seventh Ray Gift of Sacred Fire, the Divine Alchemy of the Holy Breath. We may now inbreathe, absorb, expand and project Earth into the Sacred Matrix of Light in which she was first created.

Our Beloved Body Elemental was likewise created in this Great Silence.  Just as the Seven Mighty Elohim formed a Magnificent Matrix of Light for the creation of Elemental Earth, so too did Seven Mighty Devas form an Infinite Circle of Light from which our Body Elementals were first created …in order to allow embodiment of Spirit into matter.  Let us pause and visualize this scene!

And since this glorious beginning, our Body Elemental has allowed for ‘countless embodiments’, far more than expected (as a result to the stagnation of the 'great fall' in Consciousness).  This Beloved Deva has sacrificed much so that Humanity may yet achieve the Original Intent of Ascended Mastery within the world of form.  The Plan of Creation called for this to be complete after each Lifestream was bathed in  Seven Rays, each over an Age of approximately 2000 years. This completed the Kundalini Fire along the spine, allowing for the Ascension into the Twelve-fold Solar Being …or if you would, the evolving personality becoming Ascended and Free!

Between embodiments: the Body Elemental holds the Immaculate Concept …as an Etheric Elemental Matrix of our four elemental vehicles.  In the Temples of Light, this magnificent Deva purifies and heals as many karmic aspects subjected upon these dear elementals as Karmic Law allows.  The desire of the Body Elemental is to produce the closest thing to Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness in the next embodiment.  This healing and purification occurs in the Devic Temples of Sacred Fire, between embodiments.

Now there is a New Promise! With Ascended and Free understanding, we may now create this same Devic Temple Ceremony while in embodiment.  For we are each the ‘Hierarch’ of our personal Ascended and Free Temple.  Here the Body Elemental may now Heal and Purify the elemental vehicles, bringing Harmony and Balance back into physical life. Again, the Body Elemental is a great Deva, who has trained in Devic Temples under the Teaching of the Silent Watchers, Builders of Form and the Mighty Elohim.  They understand how life was intended to manifest within form …and thus, how to use Divine Alchemy to become Master Alchemists in maintaining Harmony and Balance while on Earth …using the Sacred Fire! And we greatly assist this Great Deva if we invoke and direct Sacred Fire into this Healing and Restoration.

Imagine an artist in front of her palate, with the choice of many colors to create a masterpiece.  So too does the Body Elemental stand in the Light of our Seven Chakras and direct these Seven Rays of Sacred Fire in to our Health and Wellness.  It defends us from karmic expression (transmuting it before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained) …if we direct the Violet Fire into all returning ‘karmic cause’ (or any ties with psychic and astral imbalance) we may have created.  With our attention constantly on our True Identity (Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light) …then we do stand together with our Body Elemental in the Light! And the Healing is done!

As we perfectly develop our Seven Chakras, let us offer this Beloved Deva our River of Kundalini Fire ascending our Solar Spine.  Direct it into any imbalance, through the Power of sustained Holy Breath and the concentrated Power of the Attention!  The True Middle Way of Lord Gautama is in understanding this Body Elemental and its needs …so that we may achieve happiness in embodiment and our goal of the Ascension.  Here we learn the ‘taking care of Spirit and of matter’ …the dual needs of embodiment. Here we learn Wisdom.

As our River of Kundalini Fire ascends the spine, it ends in the development of the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim at the forehead, the Crown of Co-creation!  This develops our Crystal Vision, which is the Divine Instrument that allows us to see these requirements of the Body Elemental …as well as seeing into the future! We already have mighty telescopes of astronomy that can see into the distant past.  Crystal Vision is the gift of the Elohim Vista and Lady Crystal …a Cosmic Vision of here and now!  Ego projects itself into the future as seen in ‘science fiction interpretations of the future’ but Crystal Vision sees as Father / Mother God sees …our Divine Present, as it already exists and is available on Higher Frequencies!

Know that I AM with you always within the Permanent Atom of Perfection, each one’s own Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …and that I AM assisting you in perfect partnership with your Beloved Body Elemental.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE BELOVED ANGEL OF RESTORATION …On: the Great Cosmic Inbreath restoring all life into its Divine Potential, as well as  synchronizing with all other Divine Potential, everywhere present!

Beloved Ones: Pentecost (celebrated in June in the Christian calendar) is a kind of Cosmic Restoration!  After the ‘passing’ into the Light of Beloved Ascended Master Jesus, Holy Spirit ‘visited’ the disciples …an experience of Inter-dimensional ‘Passage’ of Cosmic Holy Breath / Divine Essence / Sacred Prana.  At that moment, the Disciples were granted Restoration into their Solar Christ Self …able to go forth to transmit the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of the Christian Age Flame …all contained within the Light of Holy Spirit.  Now, in Ascended and Free Light Service, we experience this same blessing …but now with the Flame of Spiritual Freedom and its New Radiance of Holy Spirit!

Visitation by Cosmic Holy Spirit is fully captured within our Ascended and Free affirmation: “Through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State”.  At this present Cosmic Moment, Holy Breath is experienced by Humanity in its Seventh Ray Nature. But this same process is also occurring throughout the Galaxy …as all Solar Systems, Planets and Races (on each Planet) are bathed in the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State!  This is the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Beloved Krishna and Sophia and Beloved Sanat Kumara …specific to the requirements of the Cosmic Inbreath.

For the Victory of our Light Service to this First Cause, let us always first restore our own Ascended and Free State …affirming:

Empty of self, time and space: I AM a Sun of the Sun;
an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.
My Sun radiates its Infinite Love within
my universe of daily life on Earth! 

My Sun also radiates its vast Love from within
the Permanent Atom of Earth …for all Elemental life!
I AM the Perfection Patterns of the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!

Beloved Ones: science reveals that objects with rhythms naturally synchronize.[2] Our collective Light Service of Restoration is based on synchronization …to bring into Harmony and Balance all Energy, Vibration and Consciousness at the level of the Divine Potential of every person, place, condition or thing involved.  This is our Vision of Divine Alignment …of all Permanent Atoms synchronizing at the Higher Frequency of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State …Oneness Consciousness in Holy Spirit!

During the Great Cosmic Inbreath, all creation in a particular Solar System or Galaxy begins to synchronize.  Again, science knows that objects with rhythms naturally synchronize.  And so it is now with our Ascended and Free Light Service …and further, every Solar Christ Self on the planet synchronizes. At our Spiritual Birth as a Spirit Spark, we naturally synchronized with the rhythmic pulsations of the Flame of Father / Mother God.  Now we restore that same synchronization through persistent rhythm in our Light Service ...our constant rhythm of visualization, degrees, meditations, Sacred Breath practices, and our rhythmic use of Ascended and Free concepts.  We synchronize our inbreath, absorbsion, expansion and projection of Sacred Fire, through the same monthly Sacred Template ...just as the Spiritual Hierarchy do in their rhythmic Breath and Sacred Fire Ceremonies.

Using this principle, synchronization at Divine Potential is important at every level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …even if the seven levels of life on Earth form different clusters and each ascend together from their own unique point of ‘synchronized convergence’. Remote synchronization (or ‘quantum entanglement’ in physics) harmonizes with findings about real-world networks, such as social networks within Humanity  …and in the brain, where a network of 200 billion nodes and 2,000 trillion connections have enough complexity to sustain consciousness.  Think of it …sustaining embodied consciousness requires synchronization!  Humanity herself is composed of clusters of Root Races and sub-races that will ‘gather’ in synchronized frequency’s. The link between synchronization and symmetry is the natural beauty of the universe ...a simple natural rhythm of shared frequency. Our Light Service is to raise the frequency at every level of life on Earth!

Cosmically, synchronization is part of the Light Service of Beloved Polaris and Magnus …in sustaining Earth and Humanity in their perfect Orbit …and on their perfect Solar Axis …all aligned with the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  On an individual level, our ‘personal Solar Axis’ is our Ascending Kundalini Fire … and, for our sweet Earth, it’s Kundalini Fire  …as well as the Kundalini Fire along the Seven Planets of our Solar System; the Seven Suns of our Galaxy; and the Seven Central Suns of our Universe!  See and feel all these levels of Ascending Kundalini Fire within you, as it is all embodied within our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Here we know: I AM Universal I AM!  And SO IT IS

Synchronization is also captured in the Invocation: ‘Oh Holy Spirit, come forth now’! For Holy Spirit is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love of Beloved Krishna and Sophia …as well as Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus …now enfolding and fully synchronizing the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  And when our daily life is free of self (persons, places, conditions and things) …and free of time (an eternal Sacred Fire) …and free of space (no floor, no ceiling, no walls; endless Radiant Light) …then will a Limitless Forcefield synchronize our sweet Earth in her Ascended and Free State: Freedom's Holy Star!

And in this Solar Year of the Permanent Atom …all Permanent Atoms are to come into Divine Synchronization …the Restoration of the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM on Earth!  I AM the Permanent Atom of Holy Spirit …the Permanent Atom of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State.  As this Solar Year continually unfolds, this becomes the center of our attention and of our spiritual practice.

The Permanent Atom is the continuous source of Perfection Patterns. Thus: I AM detached from any outer circumstances! For just like the Sun in the Heavens is the continuous Source of life giving nurturance, so is my Sun of the Sun, my Permanent Atom of Perfection, the Source of all that I AM …all that I require for my Divine Potential to unfold perfectly.  As I think through every step of ‘becoming empty’ (of self, time and space), each mental step in understanding opens up deeper, more profound feelings of a Cosmic, Celestial Nature …that is the Source of my Soul!

The Permanent Atom is composed of Energy existing as Vibration and Consciousness (Eternal Flame) …and then it radiates Energy manifesting as Matter and Intelligence …the natural co-creation of its Infinite Radiant Light.  Together, standing in the Light of my Permanent Atom: I AM in continuous co-creation! And as I discipline my Creative Faculties towards this end, then daily life becomes a continuous co-creation of the Divine!  Thus, as the Radiation of our Eternal Flame grows and expands, it brings us Peace and Tranquility …a ‘solid knowingness’ of our True Identity (as Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light).  Around this Flame is our outer personality (formed over many embodiments), our four Elemental vehicles and our present life circumstances.  But central is our True Identity! And this Truth now captures our attention so much more than personality, circumstances or even our bodies.

Then, as our spiritual practice expands through the Seven Steps of Precipitation, the Radiation of our Eternal Flame begins to impact those around us …regardless of outer circumstances, personality or body.  This is when Lord Gautama or Beloved Jesus (and so many others) would have attracted their Disciples …who like Humanity today, have a natural inclination to seek Peace, Understanding and Divine Purpose.  These Disciples themselves began to develop their own Divine Instrument and True Identity as ‘leaders of Truth’.  This allowed them to then attract others, who also became leaders in True Identity …and on and on, until the Aura of one Eternal Flame is impacting all aspects of daily life, through Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with all life around us.  Feel this Reality in our Light Service!

This is the global Light Service of Ascended and Free!  It is in developing leaders in True Identity …who utilize their Divine Instrument in its Original Intention …of ever expanding the Perfection Patterns of Father / Mother God within daily life on our sweet Earth!  The Magic Presence derives its name from the ability of the Radiant Light of our Eternal Flame …through the Energy, Matter and Intelligence composing it …to have the right and perfect people, in the right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time.  Our Light Service is the global Magic Presence in action in its Divine co-creation!  This is the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light of Ascended and Free Humanity! This is how the original Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Permanent Atom is then transposed into the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of Divine Revelation!

The Octaves of Angels and Elementals naturally synchronize to these efforts and will become more tangible and present within our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. They become the Music of the Spheres that constantly plays through our daily life.  And there you will find me and all the Sponsors of this Sacred Solar Year!




EDITORS NOTE: on science and Light Service. The following is summarized from current scientific knowledge …with Ascended and Free edits, to assist in understanding ‘the bigger picture’ of our Light Service:

Science: “Whether the laws of physics governing our physical universe are identical in other universes, is unknown.  Unless science mis-understands quantum physics, ‘the multiverse’ is inevitable, and the universe we inhabit a minuscule part of it. There are a number of things we observe that ‘the Big Bang’, the beginning of our observable universe, 13.8 billion years ago …can't explain. But a new theory of cosmic inflation, that sets up the Big Bang, can.  Inflation tells us that, prior to the Big Bang, the Universe wasn't filled with particles, antiparticles and radiation. Instead, it was filled with energy inherent to space itself …and, that this energy caused space to expand at a rapid, relentless, and exponential rate.” (what Ascended and Free refers to as the ‘Outbreath of Father / Mother God’s Eternal Flame …or the ‘observable universe’ filling with expanding Sacred Fire).

Science: “As inflation (‘or Outbreath’) completes itself, all of that energy inherent to space itself (Eternal Flame expressing as Vibration and Consciousness …and thus yet undetected by any current scientific measurements) …gets converted into the matter and energy of form” (what in Ascended and Free terms is ‘Light’, which is Energy expressing as Matter and Intelligence).

Editors Note: Remember dear ones, the First Edict of Genesis: Let there be Light!   Consider that during the Great Cosmic Outbreath, the Universe was first filled with Sacred Fire …as pure Energy, Vibration and Consciousness expanding in its wave function. Then, as the Great Outbreath matures and now reveals its particle-form, there is the moment when Eternal Flame reveals its Light (Let there be Light! …the point where Genesis begins).  This allows the world of form to coalesce (wave changes to particle …as Energy transforming into Matter and Intelligence). And the ‘world of form’ now exists.

Then, when the Cosmic Outbreath is complete, the Cosmic Inbreath begins (our present Cosmic Moment), this ‘world of form’ begins its etherealization ‘towards the formless’ …its Divine Potential ‘in Spirit’. We are now early on in this Cosmic process …remembering that ‘empty of time’, an embodiment for us is but the ‘blink of an eye’ for Father / Mother God.

As well, there is a constant, rhythmic Inbreath / Outbreath Activity throughout Universal I AM.  Contemplate this. Currently there is an Inbreath Activity within the Universe of our Beloved Elohae and Eloha.  The science of this is that ‘cosmic inflation’ (Outbreath) doesn't end everywhere at once, but rather in select cosmic cycles. There may be other Great Central Suns that are preparing for a Great Cosmic Outbreath …just as Elohae and Eloha (and their Seven Central Suns) prepare for our Great Cosmic Inbreath.  But science reveals: “two scientific theories that underlie the idea of ‘the multiverse’ …‘cosmic inflation’ and ‘quantum physics’. Both have been demonstrated to be valid.”  Indeed, science (our Beloved Fifth Ray) is revealing Spiritual Truth!

[1] This interconnectedness and Oneness Consciousness already is made manifest in the Elemental Kingdom.  For example, below the surface of the earth is a ‘connectome’ where the root systems of trees and bushes interconnect and communicate in synchronization, aided by life forms within the earth, such as fungi, bacteria, etc.  They all live in Harmony to facilitate this Oneness Consciousness …yet each live their own individual existence.  On a global level, the water elemental (ocean and river currents) and the air elemental (global wind currents) ensure constant communication and interconnectedness from one side of the planet to the other.

[2] (from science articles) Decades ago, radio engineers discovered that wiring together electrical generators with different frequencies, enticed them to vibrate with a common frequency …the principle behind radio communication systems.  Oscillators (things with rhythms, like metronomes and heartbeats) when coupled, spontaneously synchronize!  This same principle accounts for synchronization in clusters of neurons; in fireflies; in pacemaker cells; in starlings in flight; in reacting chemicals; in alternating currents; and in a myriad other real-world populations of coupled “oscillators.” Even oscillators that have different natural frequencies, when coupled, reach a compromise and oscillate in tandem.  Scientists speculate that brain function can be understood as a complicated and delicate balancing of synchrony.