September, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:

(Visualizing the upper part of the 2019 Theme and Thoughtform)


emotionally accelerating her Energy, Vibration and Consciousness

along the dazzling Ray of Golden Light: from present daily life

into the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light of her

permanent Home …the Star of Spiritual Freedom!

I AM the Divine Feelings in our Ascended and Free

Light Service …now completely revealed!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM In-breathing and Absorbing the all-inclusive,
unconditional, Divine Feeling Nature of the Feminine Ray!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the all-inclusive,
unconditional, Divine Feeling Nature of the Feminine Ray!



I AM Free!
I AM Spiritually Free!
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM the Permanent Atom of Perfection!

The Permanent Atom is the convergence
of all Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness!
I AM this Eternal Sun of Oneness Consciousness!
I AM this Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!

I AM Free!
I AM that I AM!
I AM empty of self.
I AM an Eternal Flame.
I AM Its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM its Infinite Radiant Consciousness.
I AM the Cosmic Consciousness of my True Identity!

I AM empty of self and I AM an Eternal Flame!
I AM here and now present in my Flame!
I AM precisely present as my Flame!
I AM …that I AMthat I AM!

I AM the co-creative, unconditional, all-inclusive
limitless Divine Love of the Feminine Ray!

My Permanent Atom is composed of Energy expressing as
Vibration and Consciousness
while also emitting
Energy expressing as Matter and Intelligence into creation.
I AM an Eternal Source of Perfection Patterns!

I AM invoking the Theme / Thoughtform of our Solar Year:

By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me,
I AM the Spirit of the Cosmic Violet Fire!

And together …standing in this Violet Light,
I AM transmuting all karma related to this day,
before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

By the Power of the Violet Fire vested in me, I AM transmuting
all lesser cause …into the First Cause of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM waves upon waves of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power
continuously expanding from my Eternal Flame
, into the world.

By the Power of the Healing Flame vested in me
I AM healing all dis-ease this day, before it
can act, manifest or longer be sustained:
In my world …and in all the world!

I AM the Divine Potential of all I do, think, say, or feel this day.
I AM every Sacred Fire pulsating through me, now released in
every occasion of my thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds.

I AM Free! I AM Free! I AM Ascended and Free!
And, I AM setting the world Free, into her Spiritual Freedom!





Beloved Ones, we are here to Resurrect and Restore an Age of Sacred Fire …a New Age of Spiritual Freedom through Sacred Fire!  Sacred Fire is the Divine Consciousness of Father / Mother God. Flame is Energy expressed as the Vibration and Consciousness of Divine Potential …emitting or radiating Light …Energy expressed as the Matter and Intelligence within creation!  Contemplate this!

This Solar Year, our Light Service has the assistance of a Galactic Being, the Angel of Restoration!  This Mighty Cosmic Being has served Father / Mother God on many Solar Systems and Galaxies.  The Angelic Kingdom evolves primarily through the control of Divine Radiation. They vow obedience to the Radiation of First Cause of Father / Mother God …and for purposes of this Cosmic Moment, vows taken for Spiritual Freedom of Earth! Their only Purpose is that the Great Cosmic Inbreath proceed as originally directed. As Beloved Mother Mary has taught us, Angels evolve from the tiniest ‘guardian of a small flower’ and its radiance of beauty …through to ‘Guardians of Galaxies and Protectors of all Beings evolving within.’

As we also know, Angels may embody …to gain Mastery of form for greater service to life. And in preparation for this present Cosmic Moment, more Angels walk amongst Humanity than ever before! Contemplate this! And once they gain their Ascension, they return to their Angelic State and grow in service from there. Our Beloved Mother Mary is a wonderful example of this. Thirty years after the Ascension of Beloved Jesus, Mother Mary gained her Ascension and returned to her elevated position within the Spiritual Hierarchy as the Twin Flame of the Archangel Rafael.

With this context in mind, our Beloved Angel of Restoration now calls on all Angels, in the world of form and in the Realms of Light serving Humanity …as well as to the Angelic nature within all Humanity …to now focus on the Restoration a New Age of Sacred Fire.  This is an Angelic Forcefield moving through Humanity’s Consciousness. To expand this, let us gratefully acknowledge and accept all Orders of Angels, from the smallest neophyte Angels through to Cherubim, Seraphim, Archangels and beyond! And our Beloved Angel of Restoration comes with the assistance of all Orders of Angels …in this First Cause of restoring a New Age of Sacred Fire.

We are most attuned to this level of Light Service when assuming our own True Identity. The Love, Wisdom and Power vested in us by Father / Mother God at our birth in the Central Sun, is to become Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. Humanity has relegated these Sacred Powers to the ‘ancient gods of mythology.’  But we bring the Truth of this into daily life now, as Children of the Central Sun, who yet remember a Divine Life based in Sacred Fire. Such a planetary life has perfectly balanced our individual freedoms with service to the whole; love of family; a society that practices ‘unity in diversity’ as well as Oneness Consciousness with Angels and Elementals. And the Immaculate Concept of this on Earth is the I AM Race!

With the aid of such Mighty Cosmic Beings, we are here now to restore Sacred Fire Temples …as we further our development as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness, and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light. Our Sacred Fire Temples begin with our True Identity, as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Like our Ascended Master Gurus before us, we have each revealed our Sacred Fire Temple in the Ascended and Free Realms around Earth. And it is from this Higher Frequency we do our daily Light Service. ‘Daily life’ is but our opportunity to anchor our Sacred Fire within Humanity …especially when we maintain Harmony and Balance within that daily life.

The Keynote of this planetary Restoration is the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom and the Banner of Beloved Saint Germain. Its Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is Cosmic Holy Spirit in action …its Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State. The Violet Fire is the unity of the Masculine Ray (Blue) and the Feminine Ray (Pink) …the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love. And this Unity of Masculine and Feminine Rays is best conceived of as the White Fire Being …the merger of Twin Flames (two Mighty I AM Presences) …and it is in this Mystic Ring of Violet Fire that our White Fire Being now positions its Radiance.

In the Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform, the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is seen around the Star of Spiritual Freedom …becoming its portal into the Great Cosmic Inbreath …taking our sweet Earth into indescribable Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Spiritual Freedom …into her Eternal Glory as the Home of the I AM Race and her Eternal Children of the Light! It is from this frequency of Light Service that our Beloved Angel of Restoration serves. There are Cosmic Levels of preparations for the Great Cosmic Inbreath that we might only imagine. Yet as this Mighty Sponsor of our Solar Year draws forth our Angelic Nature, we are still aligned with these Cosmic Frequencies, even if our mind may not understand them.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED GODDESS OF LIBERTY…  On becoming Builders of Divine Self under the Feminine Ray:

Beloved Light Servers, I come representing the Twelve Aspects of Deity and the Twelve Houses of the Sun and Central Sun.  Feel my manifold expression! (pause) But first, allow me to begin at the planetary level of ‘the Seven,’ for mastery here allows for Solar Being.

Let us focus on our Kundalini Fire in the Ascension Process. Each of the Seven Chakras evolves as a Forcefield of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, representing each of the Seven Rays …a ‘Sun’ in its own right.  The purpose of this focus is that the Archangels, Elohim, and Chohans of the Seven Rays now serve to unite Humanity with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals …at the level of their Chakra Suns. The Chakras uniting their Forcefields into a River of Kundalini Fire creates the individual and collective Ascension, becoming Builders of Divine Consciousness; Builders of Divine Self; and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light! Here I AM aligned with all Suns and Central Suns in the Solar System …who themselves are evolving as Chakras of much greater Beings! Think of it!

Let us understand each of the Seven Chakra Suns. Chakras are governed by our thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds; by our cooperation with our Body Elemental; and through Cosmic Influences from the Spiritual Hierarchy. Each of the Chohans, Archangels and Elohim of the Sevens Rays serves to further the progress of these Chakras, to meet the requirements of the Ascension and fulfill the Divine Plan. Their aid in our ‘Chakra development’ is but Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and can be best attuned to through Sacred Tones and Music; Divine Colors; and Invocations of the Divine Qualities. They desire to be assimilated into our rising and expanding Kundalini Fire. The names of these Cosmic Beings are derived from historical practice, when their Invocation was a natural part of daily life. But it is their Sacred Fire we incorporate.

Beginning at the base of the spine, the development of the Ascension Chakra is under the Divine Direction of its Beloved Chohan, Serapis Bey; the Archangel Gabriel (and Lady Hope) and the Elohim of Purity (Beloved Claire and Lady Astrea) as well as the Multi-dimensional Forces holding the Immaculate Concept.  As we practice becoming Builders of Divine Self, we focus on these Divine Qualities. We see this Chakra as a dazzling White Sun, anchoring us to Elemental life while maintaining Purity within our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. This evolves through developing a happy but disciplined Temple Life, as Beloved Serapis Bey has done through the centuries with all Keepers of the Flame in training in his Luxor Temple but now done within daily life. Here we train, learn and practice in the moral and ethical balance of being in an elemental body, while yet evolving Cosmic Consciousness. As we do, the Ascension Chakra initiates the ‘Atomic Accelerator effect’ of our Kundalini Fire, accelerating up our spine.

Next, the development of the Violet Fire Chakra Sun (just below the navel) is under the Divine Direction of Beloved Chohan Saint Germain and Lady Portia; Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst; and the Elohim Arcturus and Lady Diana. In the Building of Divine Self, this Chakra Sun carries the Divine Momentum of Rhythm in the daily ceremonies of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …as well as the rhythmic Invocation of Sacred Fire into all areas of daily life. The effect of our Kundalini Fire at this Chakra expands the Atomic Accelerator through ‘Forces opening the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom.’

Next, the development of the Sixth Ray Golden Ruby Chakra Sun at the Solar Plexus is under the Divine Direction of Beloved Chohan Lady Nada; the Archangel Uriel and the Elohim of Peace (Tranquility and Pacifica). This Chakra Sun develops the courage to overcome fear and find Peace; to further discover the Harmony and Balance of living an embodied life, meeting the requirements of daily life while also forwarding the Ascension Process.  This leads to True Peace on Earth …which then opens the portals to the Celestial Consciousness of Cosmic Peace.

The development of the Third Ray of Divine Love at the Heart Chakra is under the Divine Direction of Beloved Maha Chohan and the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State.  The Archangel Chamuel and Lady Charity serve at this Heart Chakra, as does the Elohim Orion and Lady Angelica. They desire to build a Focus of Holy Spirit anchoring the specially developed Love Nature of Venus …so that our sweet Earth may be governed by Divine Love and thus Ascend into the Orbit (Higher Frequency) of our Ascended Sister Planet during the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

Next, the development of the First Ray of Power, Faith and Protection at the Voice Center (at the throat) is under the Divine Direction of Beloved Chohan El Morya and Lady Miriam; the Archangel Lord Michael and Lady Faith; and the Elohim, Hercules and Lady Amazon.  This Chakra currently represents the Force, Power and Fearlessness of the Feminine Ray.  It is a powerful protection for Light Servers in the world of form.  You see increasing evidence of the Feminine Ray ‘gaining her voice’ within Humanity!

The development of the Fifth Ray of Truth, Consecration, Concentration, Music at the ‘All Seeing Eye’ is under the direction of Beloved Chohan Hilarion; the Archangel Rafael and Mother Mary; and the Elohim Vista and Lady Crystal. The progression of ‘seeing Truth’ is in ‘seeing inter-dimensionally’ …with the steady opening of the Third Eye. In the Seven Steps of Precipitation, this Fifth Ray step is in ‘Consecration to the Divine Plan’ …whether it be a small daily plan or the Cosmic Divine Plan. This requires concentration of focus …staying ‘on purpose’ …and it is this Fifth Ray Chakra that most determines success in daily life.

The development of the Second Ray Chakra of Illumined Love, Understanding and Wisdom is under the direction of Beloved Brothers / Sisters of the Golden Robe; the World Teacher, Beloved Kuthumi; the Beloved Buddha of Enlightenment; the Archangel Jophiel and Lady Constance and the Elohim Cassiopeia and Lady Minerva.  This Crown Chakra is the Thousand Petaled Lotus of God Illumination, Perception and Wisdom. Its opening is the fulfillment of the River of Kundalini Fire as it rises up to the top of the head.  It establishes the ‘Halo of the Sainted Ones’ and is best experienced as the Buddha’s Heart Sutra: gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone altogether beyond! Oh what an awakening ...All Hail!

Then, as all Seven Chakras become developed and work together within Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim opens upon the forehead. This is the Jewel in the Crown of Divine Co-creation …something all Ascended Masters reveal. It is open during embodiment by the Enlightened. Through the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim now formed by our rising Cosmic Kundalini Fire …we create the Sacred Place, the Great, Great Silence …for Ascended and Free Humanity to gather on her Ascended and Free Earth, in her Ascended and Free Orbit.

During this Solar Year, the Permanent Atom now gains creative control over our Seven Chakras.  This is because on a larger scale, the united, synchronized Chakras of Ascended and Free Humanity now govern a level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!  Contemplate this! This manifests the Law: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me …literally accelerated in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness through each of our Chakras raised up along our Solar Spine of Kundalini Fire.  The Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves represents all seven levels of life on Earth and with our Ascension, we raise up all these levels of life!

When we are first born in the Central Sun as a Spirit Spark, we were ‘vested’ then by Lady Vesta with the Power of the Three-fold Flame …so that whenever necessary, we may bless all life back into the Sun (Permanent Atom) for repolarization, back to Original Intent and Perfect Alignment with Universal I AM …never again to serve human creation …never again having to fulfill lower cause and now only fulfill Divine First Cause!  This is the Power vested in our Permanent Atom and why the Solar Christ Self is referred to as the ‘Sun of the Sun’.  With this Truth in mind, let us affirm:

“By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me,
I bless (this aspect of life) back to the Great Central Sun
for repolarization, never again having to serve human creation


Let us contemplate that the Great Cosmic Inbreath itself is powered by the rising Kundalini Fire from all levels of life on Earth, and beyond! This includes the ascending Kundalini Fire of all Humanity; that of all Elemental life; as well as all Ascended and Free and Cosmic Beings …up to the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.  All life adds their personal Ascension to the ‘Grand Ascension’ of the Great Cosmic Inbreath! This is truly Oneness Consciousness! And we are all an aspect of it!




Beloved Ones revealing the Gathering of Ascended Humanity and thus the I AM Race on Earth:  Spiritual Freedom implies that we may abide at the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness we choose …applying our free will through the Power of our Attention.  Our main goal is to allow our Eternal Flame to flourish in daily life through our continual attention upon it. Thus the Flame flows through and governs our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  This is possible when our daily spiritual practice includes rhythmically re-affirming our True Identity as the Eternal Flame …and that we are but its conduit into the world of form! Then our Infinite Radiant Light may impact persons, places, conditions and things in our life.

Ascended and Free Light Service has designed into it all the assistance necessary to help with this Ascension Process.  Our Ascended and Free Declaration includes our unity with Angels and Elementals: “I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals …”. Other ‘Kingdoms’ include the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light of these Mighty Spirit Beings.  So, when building a Momentum of Meditation of truly being ‘in Union’ with these Royal Realms of Angels and Elementals, we thus abide in their Spheres of Consciousness …in the Celestial Spirit of I AM Consciousness.

As well, we become Builders of Divine Self when our spiritual practice includes becoming ‘the One; the Three; the Seven; the Twelve; and again the One’; as we finalize our True Identity in embodiment!  When visualizing the ‘One Ray’ of the Mighty I AM Presence (which initiated our embodiment in form), let us see this as a Ray of Light from above (in frequency), which then unfolds itself as a Sphere of Light as our Sun, the Forcefield of our Presence on Earth.  For when empty of self, time and space, all of our Higher Frequency God Self is right here and right now.  Our Mighty I AM Presence is not above us ‘in space’, as there is no space.  It is within!

As well, as we see, feel and know the miracle working Presence of God working through us, as the only Cause governing our Creative Faculties …then does the Forcefield of the entire Solar Year Thoughtform flow through us, every moment!  All of this Cosmic Momentum unfolds within our Sphere of Light …moving within us and through us into the world.  Then we see God in Action as the Three-fold Flame, the Seven Solar Chakra Suns, and the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity …all once again shaping the world of form.

Let us affirm: “By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me as a Child of the Central Sun …I AM a Divine Director of Sacred Fire …and I now command with authority that the Cosmic Violet Fire come forth now and transmute all karma in my world this day …in all the world this day …before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!  By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me, I bless this aspect of creation (the focus of our attention needing Healing, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness) back to the Central Sun for repolarization, never again having to serve human creation”.  And SO IT IS! Let us become now the Divine Directors of Sacred Fire we embodied on Earth to be!

Let us expand the power of our Spiritual Practice by exercising our feelings in meditation.  Invoke and experience the profound Celestial Feelings of Holy Spirit. Let us deeply feel the unconditional Divine Love, as well as the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness we invoke. Let us deeply feel its action in both our personal life and for all the world. Let us expand our feelings of Holy Spirit to enfold the Earth.  Feel deeply the Spiritual Freedom of Clarity …when our minds are empty of condemnation, criticism and judgment related to the outer screen of life. Affirm: ‘From my Permanent Atom, I AM receiving waves of Celestial Energy, Vibration and Consciousness into my feeling nature …as well as into my mind and my memories’.

This reception of Divine Consciousness allows for the Cosmic Emotions of the Feminine Ray …of Cosmic Thoughts from the Mind of God …and the Cosmic Memories of all the Dimensions of Light we have ever existed within …all now to be revealed through our embodied thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  Accessing our Permanent Atom is like having the Sun of Father / Mother God directly inside us …from which we may draw all Cosmic Consciousness directly into outer life. This is becoming the ‘Sun of the Sun’; the Solar Christ Self; the Mighty I AM Presence directly influencing daily life.  This is the Revelation Humanity awaits!

Let us remember our training in the Temples of Light …that Sacred Fire is Supreme, a Divine Energy that transforms / transmutes other energy of a lesser frequency. The Violet Fire is ‘an Energy that works on energy.’ Karma is but energy returning to us from earlier use of our Creative Faculties (thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds). This is the Law of the Circle. It returns to us as energy expressed in action …as persons, places, conditions, and things. Let us think of karma as cause rather than effect …and then our Light Service stays on the level of cause …to transmute ‘lower cause’ into First Cause …the Divine Intention of the Age of Spiritual Freedom!

It begins with the cause of little things in daily life and governing our responses to persons, places, conditions and things from our True Identity as Eternal Flame …empty of self, time and space. Then with rhythm and constancy, a Cosmic Momentum of our Divine Instrument builds, until the so called ‘big things’ in life transform …from the level of Cause! So when we affirm: I AM transmuting the karma of this day before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained …we are greeting returning energy from our Eternal Flame at the level of Divine Cause …and raising it up before any lower (or karmic) cause can translate further into ill-effects.

Our desire is to transmute anything of lesser frequency than the Divine Potential of all life. The Violet Fire will change the electronic charge within ‘karmic energy and action’ …into Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of First Cause. And then we have a sudden boost of positive energy. The Victory of this requires a powerful Cosmic Momentum, as ‘ego cause’ has governed the planet for so long. Hence our global activity of Gathering of Ascended Humanity in her Light Service.

Let us see the nature of karma through the Crystal Vision of our Mighty I AM Presence …as energy and cause that desires its Spiritual Freedom by returning to us, and making itself known so that we may set it free  …rather than some sort of fate we strive to avoid. Such vision will bring Peace into daily life.




 Beloved cells of Ascended and Free Humanity, Beloved Flames of Eternal Light, Beloved Atoms of Divine Love ...I welcome you into the Spheres of Radiant Light in which our I AM Presences are united in Love. I bring you greetings from the Great Host, as well as the Great Light of the Illumined Ones. I greet you as one of our own, for we truly are ONE. I come to you now to offer you a Higher Frequency of Understanding and Invocation …so necessary at this present time on our evolutionary journey.

To all those under this Seventh Ray Radiation, I would like to suggest the importance of monitoring every feeling, so that at no time do we accept a feeling less than perfection. Let us always remember that our only attention must be on our Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light …as well as a firm knowing that: I AM a Divine Presence here, there and everywhere in action.

The primary concern of the Spiritual Hierarchy at present is the harmonizing, acceleration, and expansion of our own Eternal Flame …in our own consciousness and that of our world. The sooner we understand that the One Command of the Great Law of Creation is harmony and peace in our mind and feelings (what you think and feel, you bring into form!) the quicker will Perfection manifest. Without this harmony being maintained, we cannot go beyond a certain state of progress.

Let us begin by directing our I AM Presence to command the harmony and silence of all outer activity in us …so in this way we will see, feel and become the Perfection which we so much desire. The easy way to see and feel Perfection is to qualify every thought and feeling going forth with Perfection of the Permanent Atom. When an impulse comes to do anything, instantly qualify it with this Cosmic Momentum of Perfection. In our sphere of influence of families, friends or other members of Humanity, let us cultivate a deep, sincere, unconditional Love for all. In doing so, we offer a great blessing to all …an uplifting power so necessary in the present vibration and energy on Earth.

If one feels ‘out of harmony’ or imbalance toward a person, place, condition or thing, it is a sure signal that the outer self is acting! And successful Light Service depends on correcting it immediately …becoming empty of self and only Eternal Flame! Everyone, especially those that are engaged as Keepers of the Flame and Becoming the Light of the World, must realize that we have only one primary objective …and that is to feel, see, and become the Perfection we desire, in our own worlds.

This is so very important and yet the Spiritual Hierarchy is well aware how difficult the outer world of illusion can be.  Sometimes in our training in becoming our Eternal Flame, we begin to experience unwanted manifestation during our efforts, and we wonder: what am I doing wrong? Or: why is this happening? This is, as you undoubtedly know, part of the lessons of applying free will and choosing True Identity over ego.  These lessons may seem endless but that is also the illusion of time.  For we all know they culminate in the graduation of the Ascension!

We have arrived at a point in our Ascended Master training where we firmly realize the power in the statement ‘I AM’. This is our first expression of Identity when first born from the Heart of Father / Mother God. It always affirms our Divine Presence in the Universe! This Sacred Name of God in Action now comes with even greater power as we assume our Reality as the Holy Christ Self / Solar Christ Self.  So all the more reason to ensure we only declare I AM from a State of Harmony and Balance within our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. Profoundly embodying our Solar Christ Self, we begin to feel a deeper and deeper conviction that: I AM ...that I AM ...that I AM …here there and everywhere present!

Let us meditate often on feeling what this Sacred Name of God in Action means. Let us practice always coupling these two words with a Statement of Perfection, knowing that: "When you say and feel I AM, we set in motion the Limitless Power of God in whatever we couple this expression with. ‘I AM’ represents the Principle of Life, which is expressing through every activity of action, word, thought and feeling …in everybody. Thus, there is this Perfection of Life, this Divine Presence that is constantly active …even before any manifestation occurs.  And this helps understand the Alpha and Omega Principle: Life without beginning and without end.

My beloved, my heart rejoices exceedingly when I see you are feeling the conviction of this Majestic I AM Presence, which you are. Do your utmost to feel calmly and serenely this Divine Presence... close your eyes and see Perfection everywhere. For, as we apply the Truth we know, the more Energy, Vibration and Consciousness will come to us as the proof of the marvelous I AM Presence. What we will hear, feel, see, and experience in our daily life will be lifted above the din of human illusion and the more we will notice the marvel of small miracles all around us! And once understood, we will know that those miracles are the only ‘perfect effects’ emanating from the First Cause …the immediate results in applying our Ascended Mastery, our Ascended and Free State.

I AM the miracle!
And I AM the Presence compelling its
manifestation, through Divine Love, Wisdom and Power.

With all my centuries of experience in and out of embodiment, I say to you as encouragement that we are delighted when we see you are grasping this Scepter of Dominion. Go forward, My Brave Ones. Do not hesitate! Take your Scepter of Dominion! It is yours by Divine Right! Raise it! For: I AM the Scepter, the Radiant Flame, the Dazzling Light, the Perfection which once known, now comes again! Come forth and enter into your Spiritual Freedom! It is already within and surrounding you! Let me hold you in my spiritual embrace, and together, standing in the Light, know that there is only One Presence acting! I AM the Doer, the Doing and the Deed! I AM the Knower, the Doer and the Perfection expressed now!

As you progress in your Ascension, you realize there is but One Presence in the Universe that can solve any problem.  This is your Eternal Flame, with its Radiance of Energy, Matter and Intelligence contains all solutions! Your Eternal Flame is the "I AM Presence,” Its Infinite Radiant Light is everywhere present! The Perfect Attitude is to enter and become the I AM Presence knowing it is the unquestionable solver of every situation. The Magic Presence has effects on others in every situation which will move them towards the free will choice of the right and perfect outcome.  Meanwhile we await the perfect outcome free of condemnation, criticism and judgment …and as patiently as Divine Love can be. As we practice and build trust in this Ascension Process, we enter our Ascended and Free State, where there appears to be no problems …as our Focus and Peace of Mind is with the Eternal Flame.

All Avatars of the Cosmic Christ, including our Beloved Jesus, expressed this Truth clearly to the outer world. They gave no consideration to the element of time as they were empty of self, time and space. In the Realms of Light, manifestation comes instantly as there is an awareness of it always being there before the sacred Name I AM is even spoken.  And our Light Service is in moving Earth and Humanity into these very Realms of Light!  When we give full command to our I AM Presence and let it take care of all we make the declaration of Truth: I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life!

With all the Power in my Consciousness, I affirm and convey to you my conviction of feeling that when you command as one with your I AM Presence, then Almighty God moves into action ...expressing only God's Perfection. This will handle any condition of imbalance with which any of you or humanity is contending. I command the Power, Love and Light in these two Sacred Words to carry to Humanity the True Conviction and Understanding of them. Feel deeply my Presence guiding you into the full experience of I AM ...that I AM ... that I AM!

Thank you for your Service and God Bless you all, my Beloved Friends of Freedom!