November, 2019


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and
Elementals, through the cohesive Power of Divine
Love uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:

I AM the Permanent Atom governing the manifestation of Earth,
until it fulfills its Divine Potential as the Star of Spiritual Freedom!

The Permanent Atom is Divinely Intelligent Matter, a quantum
expression of Light.  Light comes from Eternal Flame and so
its manifestation is governed by Sacred Fire …which is but
Energy qualified as Divine Vibration and Consciousness.  


I AM Sacred Fire …so therefore I AM governing the
expression of the Permanent Atom …of myself
…of Humanity …and of our sweet Earth!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Creative Presence of the
Permanent Atom, a Sacred Forcefield governing all manifestation.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Creative Presence of the
Permanent Atom, a Sacred Forcefield governing all manifestation.



I AM the Creative Presence of the Permanent Atom!
I AM governing the manifestation of our sweet Earth, until it
fulfills its Divine Potential as the Star of Spiritual Freedom!  

The Permanent Atom is Divinely Intelligent Matter, an expression
of Light.  Light comes from Eternal Flame and so its manifestation
 is governed by Sacred Fire …which is but Energy qualified
at its Divine Vibration and Consciousness.

 I AM Sacred Fire …so therefore I AM governing the
expression of the Permanent Atom …of myself
…of Humanity …and of our sweet Earth!
I AM God in Action in daily life!

I AM the constant motion and Sacred Influence of the
Permanent Atom Forcefield, through my Creative Faculties:

I AM the Permanent Atom at my Heart Center and abide in the
Angelic Realms of Holy Spirit and all Divine Feelings.
I AM the Permanent Atom of Divine Mind and abide in the
Elemental Kingdom of Divine, All-Seeing Perception.
I AM the Permanent Atom in my Causal Body and abide
in the Divine Realms of Celestial Memory and Reality.
I AM the Permanent Atom in Divinely Intelligent Matter
and I abide in my quantum Solar Christ Light Body.


I AM empty of self, time and space.
I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM an electro-magnetic Forcefield in constant motion!
My Light radiates through all time, space and consciousness:

I AM entering all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Humanity.
I AM entering the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of all Light.
I AM entering the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Devas.
I AM entering the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Angels.
I AM entering the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Father /
Mother God …and all Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.


I AM at Heart Center! I AM in the Angelic Realms!
I AM Holy Spirit and all Divine Feelings.

I AM Divine Mind! I AM in the Elemental Kingdom!
I AM the Divine Intelligence and Perception within manifestation.

I AM in my Causal Body! I AM in the Multi-dimensional Realms
of Celestial Memory, Momentum and Higher Order Reality.

I AM embodied in Quantum Matter and I abide in my
Etheric Light Body as the Solar Christ Self.




 Atoms are the building blocks of manifestation. The Permanent Atom is that point where Spirit (Eternal Flame as Divine Consciousness and Cohesive Vibration) chooses to become Manifest …as Divinely Intelligent Matter, its expression of Light.  From this Transmission Momentum of the Permanent Atom (Spirit transitioning into matter), all other atoms of any particular nature then proceed into the world of form …as the multi-diverse universe.

Light (Energy as Divinely Intelligent Matter) comes from Eternal Flame and so its manifestation is governed by Sacred Fire …which is but Energy qualified at its Divine Vibration and Consciousness. As Keepers of the Flame and Divine Directors of Sacred Fire, we then understand that the Gathering of Ascended Humanity may govern the manifestation of the world …as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light.  This all stems from directing the Activity of the Permanent Atom. This is also referred to as the Resurrection and the Life …into the Kingdom of Heaven …as promised by Beloved Ascended Master Jesus at the end of the Christian Dispensation. And here we are …here I AM manifesting it ...Ascended and Free!

In our True Identity: I AM Sacred Fire …so therefore I AM governing the expression of the Permanent Atom …no longer allowing ego to usurp this Divine Right …of myself …of Humanity …and of our sweet Earth! I AM governing the manifestation of our sweet Earth until it fulfills its Divine Potential. I AM the Immaculate Reality of the Star of Spiritual Freedom … and the Golden Ray transitioning to it, a Ray from the Sun of Eternal Cosmic Peace (the Ascension Pathway of Light as seen in the Theme and Thoughtform of 2019). I AM holding all this Perfection Pattern in my Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

I AM an Eternal Flame …a Sun of the Sun! I present myself to Father / Mother God …and to Humanity …and to the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals …as the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, between ego reality and Humanity’s Divine Potential. I AM  holding the Immaculate Concept for all life associated with our sweet Earth.  I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love for all life!

As a ‘Sun of the Sun’, I radiate its Infinite Light into all persons, places, conditions and things …raising them up until they see, know and become their own Eternal Flame and its own Radiant Light.  I AM in the service of the Cosmic Christ, as the intermediary between the Spiritual Hierarchy and Humanity …until there is no longer a need for such, and all life lives in Oneness Consciousness with their own Great God Self …and, with Universal I AM.

The Divine Plan unfolds as the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love radiating from my Eternal Flame.  This Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power ensures the Divine Order and Alignment of the energies of ‘all involved’ …of every person, place, condition or thing …ensuring that the right and perfect people are in the right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time.  This is Divine Governance at the level of Cause! As the Source of that Eternal Flame, we know only Divine First Cause. We ‘let go’ all else …allowing this Higher Frequency Love, Wisdom and Power to ensure the best possible outcome of all involved.  This is the Spiritual Freedom of our New Age!

I AM empty of time and space …and with this Truth, I remember that I have agreed at the Gates of Birth to serve the Light of First Cause throughout this embodiment …regardless of time (how long it takes) and space (where it takes place) and circumstances (persons, places, conditions and things that emerge within my daily life). I agreed to serve First Cause above all else and move Humanity forward towards her Victory in the Light!  This is my Sacred Vow and here I AM fulfilling it!  And …as I come to know life beyond self, time and space …then during this Service to the Light, I also live Ascended and Free!  This is my Spiritual Freedom!  This is my New Age!

The Law of Reciprocity ensures that as we are raised up, so is all life raised up with us.  How is this so?  All Sacred Fire is connected, unified at a Higher Frequency and always in Oneness Consciousness.  This the basis of the Law of Reciprocity.  So as our Eternal Flame sends forth its Infinite Radiant Light along the Seven Rays, then all other Sacred Fire responds in like manner …through whatever persons, places, conditions and things are involved.  Let us practice this Eternal Law of Life as we unfold our Solar Year Thoughtform to full blossom …becoming the One; the Three (-fold Flame); the Seven (Chakra Suns); the Twelve (Aspects of Deity); and again, the ONE …the One Light of Universal I AM.

Reviewing this, let us visualize, feel and know that ‘I AM the One Original Ray of Cosmic First Cause, projected from my Mighty I AM Presence into the world of form (pause).  Then all life around me or connected to me through persons, places, conditions and things, likewise receives a gift of Revelation of their Divine Source …sensing their own Mighty God Presence within.  Progressing onwards in my Practice, as my One Ray of Cosmic Light bursts forth into the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of Eternal Life …then all life connected to me also experiences their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …in experiences unique to them.  (Pause and contemplate this).

As the Three-fold Flame becomes the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self, we turn our attention again to our River of Kundalini Fire.  Here we build on the Teachings of Beloved Goddess of Liberty (from her recent September Journal Discourse).  My Three-fold Flame unfolds into its Seven Rays of Seven Chakra Suns, with my Cosmic River of Kundalini Fire spiraling up my Solar Spine. Then, in Divine Alignment with all Humanity, every Chakra in any person aligned with me in any way, on any level of daily life also rises into a Higher Frequency or function in that moment.  This is part of the Law of Reciprocity, in action through us: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! Therefore, let us progress through the Seven Chakra Suns again and experience our Ascension now raising up the Chakra Suns of all Humanity!

Beginning at the base of the spine, as my White Ascension Chakra accelerates, then does all lust for lower frequency activity raise up with this Crystalline Flame.  Thus, an experience of Purity, Resurrection and Ascension effects every such situation …directed from the Elohim of Purity, Archangel Gabriel and Beloved Serapis Bey and their Legions of Light. And the Ascension begins! Then, proceeding up our Solar Spine, as our Violet Fire Chakra Sun accelerates, so too is all anger, malice and animosity raised up with me! Then, the Invocation Ray of Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Beloved Elohim Arcturus takes precedence.

Proceeding upwards, we arrive at the Golden-Ruby Chakra …and as this Sun of Peace in us is accelerated, then does all greed and fear everywhere raise up towards its Divine Potential of Tranquility and Serenity.  Here Beloved Ascended Master Jesus, Archangel Uriel, and the Elohim of Peace exert their Divine Influence.  Next, we arrive at out Heart Center and as our Chakra Sun of Divine Love is accelerated, then all lethargy, frustration and exhaustion is raised up to its Divine Potential of: “I AM putting all of my Heart into my Service to Life” …at every level of daily life!  Here the Elohim Orion and Angelica, the Archangel Chamuel and our Lord Maha Chohan direct their Mighty Rays of Divine Love through our daily Meditation / Visualization …connected through us to all life everywhere at the level of the Heart Chakra!

Now we focus at the Throat Center. As our Power Chakra is purified and accelerated, so too is all imbalanced, unilateral power of the Masculine Ray raised up to its Higher Frequency in complete Harmony and Balance with Feminine Ray Power …where the Wisdom of Love is the only outcome of such united Divine Power. Here the Chohan El Morya and Lady Miriam; the Archangel Lord Michael and Lady Faith; and the Elohim Hercules and Lady Amazon direct their Mighty God Intention to assist in the Ascension of this Chakra in all Humanity.  Then we arrive at the Third Eye Chakra. As this emerald green Sun of Divine Truth is further accelerated within me, so is all pride, condemnation, criticism and judgment in all Humanity raised up with me …into the Divine Mind of God.  Then all life connected with us sees life with the same Crystal Vision of Higher Frequency, Multi-Dimensional Reality!  And SO IT IS!

Lastly, we arrive at the Thousand Petaled Lotus …the accelerated God Illumination Chakra …for once the Kundalini Fire has accelerated along the other Chakra Suns, then we may truly affirm the Heart Sutra of our Beloved Lord Gautama: gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone altogether beyond!  Oh what an awakening ...All Hail!  Here we abide in a Realms of Light that is ‘free of self’ and any attachments to any imbalance of daily life; ‘free of time’ and understanding deeply the nature of Eternity and Immortality …and ‘free of space’ where there are no floors, no ceilings, no walls and no bounds whatsoever …and our Presence is simply One with Universal I AM.

As we practice this Chakra Ceremony with sustained Rhythm, we develop a more profound understanding of the Law of Reciprocity, based on all Sacred Fire being Oneness Consciousness. Standing as each Chakra Sun within our Eternal Flame, let us feel our Cosmic River of Kundalini Fire …as the Presence of the Divine Feminine Ray …for they are now one and the same Divine Power:

I AM the Cosmic Power of the Divine Ascension Flame!
I AM the Cosmic Power of Transmuting Violet Fire!
I AM the Cosmic Power of a Sun of Sacred Peace!
I AM the Cosmic Power of the Divine Love Ray!
I AM the Cosmic Power of Celestial Will and Faith!
I AM the Cosmic Power of Crystal Vision and Certainty!
I AM the Cosmic Power of the Flame of God Illumination!

And we gratefully acknowledge and accept that Power of the Divine Feminine Ray is greater than any ‘outer ego power’ of imbalance.  This is our Light Service and our expertise as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!  And with this established, we may then turn our attention to the Twelve Aspects of the Deity …and the development of our Solar Christ Self …the Mighty I AM Presence functioning on Earth! And here we visualize the Electronic Pattern of Beloved Saint Germain’s Maltese Cross now seen as the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom …our True Solar Nature connecting us with the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM.

Beloved Ones, the ‘Maltese Cross Electronic Pattern of Spiritual Freedom’ is composed of the Twelve Aspects of Deity, representing the Twelve Central Suns and Twelve Great Central Suns. This Forcefield propels us into and through Cosmic Consciousness! It is the Atomic Accelerator promised by Beloved Saint Germain for this New Age of Spiritual Freedom. In contrast, our Seven Chakras represent the Seven Rays of planetary Ascension, the Seven Root Races; Seven Planets and Seven Suns associated with Earth and her Solar System.  And once this Seven-fold Nature has been accelerated enough, then the Maltese Cross / Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom takes us into Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM![1]

As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, we are ever closer to our Ascension goal and fulfilling our vows from the Inner Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light from whence we came.  Rejoice!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF OUR BELOVED ANGEL OF UNITY… and the Divine Potential of our United ‘Ascended and Free’ Light Service:

Beloved embodied cells of the Cosmic Christ:  Let us conceive of Ascended and Free Light Service as ‘a Team’ …where all are leaders (with no ‘followers’), as each one has a specific role that only they may unfold.  And so, we each lead with that unique Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. In many areas of daily life, including spiritual service, success is often personalized to ‘one person’ or ‘inner core of people’, discounting how important all members of their team were to Victory.  Often those singled out as the cause of the success realize how much of ‘their success’ was due to the unique team they served with.  Ascended and Free Light Service is such a unique team …constructed to the finest detail before we passed through the Gates of Birth!  It is an expression of the Divine Alchemy of Sacred Fire and how all unique Sacred Fires within the Gathering of Ascended Humanity unite to ensure Victory of the Whole!

Individually, we are (I AM!) Keepers of the Sacred Fire …which on a group or global level is also Keepers of Divine Alchemy.  In previous times, transformation through alchemy was about changing lead (representing lower vibration) into gold (or Higher Frequency vibrations).  But under the guidance of Beloved Saint Germain, we now understand Divine Alchemy as transmuting karmic cause into the Divine First Cause of Spiritual Freedom.  Our United Light Service is transmuting all lower frequency vibrations into the Higher Frequencies of Spiritual Freedom …in every area of daily life!

Thus, Divine Alchemy is central to our Light Service …not only its ‘content or purpose,’ but also the process of our Light Service. This entails our alchemy as a ‘community or gathering’ …as we transform planetary Consciousness together, standing in the Light!  Our collective Divine Alchemy on a global scale, may be defined as that: “we trust that the right and perfect person (embodied Eternal Flame) is at the right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect things (Activities of Transformation), at the right and perfect time”. And into this matrix, we add our individual Light Service (of being at the right and perfect place doing the right and perfect activity at the right and perfect time) …helping anchor a massive, global structure of Unified Divine Alchemy …knowing with certainty that, collectively: Victory is ours!

Again, this was all worked out to the finest detail before we passed through the Gates of Birth, even as it was with the Christian Drama.  Within our Causal Body memory, we know that any given day, hour or minute may well be the Cosmic Moment when the scales tip and a New Age is tangibly evident in the Consciousness of Humanity.  Each day let us affirm this Divine Optimism, that: this is the very day all Humanity assimilates into the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …and reveals herself in the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light, of the Angels and Elementals and Cosmic Beings!  Every piece of uplifting music, art, drama, science, diplomacy and all good and perfect efforts in the world, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant …adds to this Divine Alchemy …which is rapidly building to a crescendo!  We confirm this Truth of Divine Alchemy with our Declaration of Ascended and Free:

I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all life in her Ascended State!

This Multi-dimensional Unified Light Service is also the Law of Divine Order …when everything works out as it should …with the Universe unfolding as it should!  This Divine Law also weaves through our global Light Service!  Here we remember that included in our Gathering of Ascended Humanity are all the Spiritual Hierarchy, Cosmic Beings and the I AM Race of Venus and other Ascended and Free Planets now assisting Humanity.  As well, the Angels of all Graded Orders …Cherubim, Seraphim, Archangels and Archaii and their Countless Legions of Angelic Hosts are part of the Divine Alchemy of Light Service.  This includes our own Listening Angel, our Guardian Angel and any other Angelic Hosts we have drawn into our individual Light Service through the Ages on Earth and across all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of our Celestial Existence! Let us reflect that, upon accepting our ‘final Ascension’, we will each have our own Angelic Hosts …as do all Ascended and Free Beings.

The Majestic Elementals are also fundamental to the Divine Alchemy of our United Light Service. Again, Elemental Beings are connected with our Light Service globally across our planet, but also universally across all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of our Cosmic Light Service through our Mighty I AM Presence and White Fire Being.  These Elemental Co-servers include not only those that we see and tangibly grasp in nature (plants, animals and mineral kingdoms etc.), but also Majestic Sentinels that guide, guard and direct Galactic Forcefields.  These magnificent Elemental Beings govern our Solar System and the very physics of our Planet …the Silent Watchers; the Mighty Elohim; Builders of Form; and great Devic Beings …and of course the Spirits of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water (often referred to as Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders and Undines along all their Graded Orders).

Thus, our Gathering of Ascended Humanity is a massive Cosmic Mission in preparation for the Great Cosmic Inbreath, to which we add our personal …and group …Light Service.  We may be a small Forcefield in comparison to the Galactic Forcefields of an Elohim …but our Light Service within daily life is just as necessary …for it anchors this entire Unified Forcefield into the very realm needing the assistance!  So, let us appreciate and tangibly feel ‘our team’ …of which we are but one part.  The ‘whole team’ needs to do their part successfully in order for our ultimate Victory in the Light …which is Ascended and Free Humanity on her Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit …within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!


Let us visualize every Eternal Flame blazing within the Gathering of Ascended Humanity as one continuous Transmission of the Flame Ceremony …one Flame to the next in constant succession.  Then at the Higher Frequency of Divine Light, we know and feel Oneness Consciousness …the unity and connectedness of every Flame with every other expression of life …including our own.  It has been said that when reaching God Illumination, one understands that they …as well as every other life expression …are at the very center of Universal I AM.  Within time and space this seems illogical …but beyond time and space this is the Truth of Oneness Consciousness and Unified Eternal Flame!  Contemplate this in meditation as your Eternal Flame and Radiant Light operating beyond time and space!

Previously in Light Service, the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony was understood as an Ascended Master Activity …between the Sacred Fires anchored at various Temples of the Spiritual Hierarchy …when a certain Temple of Light became the principal focus of all Light Service that particular month. Examples would have included: The Royal Teton Retreat; the Ascension Retreat at Luxor; the Temple of Lord Michael at Banff; the Violet Fire Retreat over Cuba; the Temple of Eternal Light of Beloved Kenich Ahan over Yucatan; the Resurrection Temple over the Holy Land; and so many more.  But now with our spiritual advancement …and bearing more responsibility on behalf of the Spiritual Hierarchy …the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony now involves each of our Eternal Flames …anchored at our Temples of Light, in the Causal Realms of Ascended and Free Earth …yet physically anchored on Earth …where I AM presently embodied!

Our Ascended and Free Declaration includes this unity and connectedness …expressed as the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State. This ‘cohesiveness’ not only connects all life on Earth, but connects and unifies our ‘Light Service team’ for Earth …inclusive of Father / Mother God in the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun …through to all the Spiritual Hierarchy …as well as the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms …and, every Solar Christ Self within Humanity! Let us invoke this Cohesive Power of Divine Love every day and feel its Divine Alchemy enfold us in its Celestial Unity of Light Service.

Such is the fullness of our global and Inter-dimensional Light Service on a daily basis, and the entire purpose of our embodiment as Keepers of the Flame. This is our Hope, and this is our Glory!  For this Transmission of the Flame Ceremony now includes every Solar Christ Self …of all Humanity! And through the Solar Christ Self and the Eternal Flame, we reach every soul at their level of Truth!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED SILENT WATCHER IMMACULATA …and the Power of the Divine Feminine Ray in holding the Immaculate Concept:

Beloved Children of the Central Sun …welcome into the Unified Forcefield of our collective Light Service.  I AM also but one part of this Multi-dimensional Unified Consciousness …an immense effort aimed at the Spiritual Freedom of our sweet Earth and her Humanity …so that all are included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

In the Theme and Thoughtform of this Solar Year, my Focus has been on the upper portion …where the Permanent Atom of Earth ascends along the Golden Ray of accelerating God Illumination.  As we proceed up this Golden Pillar of Atomic Accelerator Activity, we eventually reach the Eternal Home of the I AM Race of Earth. This Immaculate Concept is a reminder of our purpose of Ascended and Free Light Service …of transforming Humanity and building her Bridge to Spiritual Freedom …to her Higher Frequency Home in the Light of the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  Then may we truly affirm: Humanity …together, standing in the Light!

In my service as the Silent Watcher I constantly invoke the all-inclusive Cohesive Power of the Divine Feminine Ray!  I stand within this Flame and inbreathe, absorb its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …then expand and project its Energy, Matter and Intelligence into Earth …of which I hold the Immaculate Concept. When you join me in this Light Service, we co-create a Forcefield of ‘accelerating self-organization’ at the level of the Immaculate Concept.  From the Permanent Atom of the Immaculate Concept we will naturally draw all life into her Higher Frequency Divine Potential without the resistance of ego …for it cannot see this Higher Order Activity. The frequency is too elevated for it to interfere with.

As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity assimilates into this Light Service of the Silent Watcher, let us anchor and bathe ourselves within the Feminine Ray. The Power of the Divine Feminine Ray is the Flame of Spiritual Freedom …the Cosmic Violet Fire!  Here we are released from ‘self’ (persons, places, conditions and things in our lives) …while simultaneously given the Eternal Moment of Now (empty of time) …while also enveloped in the Infinite Freedom of ‘no restrictions or limitations’ (empty of space …no walls, no floor, no ceiling).  We then truly know Ascended and Free in Consciousness …yet still ‘in a body’, and therefore most valuable in service to the realm in most need …Humanity within her daily life!

The Power of the Divine Feminine Ray is held in the Great, Great Silence of the Eternal Flame.  The Feminine Ray continually holds us in this Immaculate Concept …if we but accept it and release ourselves into it! Many Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings have represented the Feminine Ray, beginning with Father / Mother God and how they hold the perfect Harmony and Balance between all the Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray; Yin / Yang; and centripetal / centrifugal forces in the universe.  They hold the Supreme balance of the Inbreath / Outbreath …in which all life (Solar Systems, Planets, individual God Beings and all of the Angels and Elementals) may achieve its perfect orbit / frequency of expression …its Divine Potential.

Here we remember that all life was given a spark of this same ‘supreme Harmony and Balance’ at its creation, for we all carry the ‘Spirit Spark’ of Father / Mother God within our own Permanent Atom. For Humanity, this refers to the One Flame of the White Fire Being, who then may choose to express as the Masculine Ray and Feminine Ray ‘Mighty I AM Presences’ in the journey through Universal I AM.  When we are immersed in our Eternal Flame, we may abide in this White Fire Being and re-experience the full Harmony and Balance of the Feminine Ray and Masculine Ray in ONE Sacred Fire.  Our Causal Body also carries this supreme Harmony and Balance, for there is an innate Oneness Consciousness between any Cosmic Momentum either the Masculine or Feminine Twin Ray might have developed.  This is the Oneness Consciousness of the Twin Rays and the basis of the eventual supreme Harmony / Balance within Ascended and Free Humanity.

Achieving an awareness of this Sacred State allows the Gathering of Ascended Humanity into Light Service with the Silent Watcher. Together, standing in the Light, we hold the Immaculate Concept for this Solar Year, until the very moment of transmission into the next Solar Year Thoughtform.  In these last months of this year, let us ‘incubate’ our Star of Spiritual Freedom …seen at the crest of our 2019 Solar Year Thoughtform. For it is into this Immaculate Forcefield that our sweet Earth is Ascending …along its Golden Ascension Ray. We are that Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom …and we hold our sweet, infant Ascended and Free Earth in our arms …like a mother and her newborn baby.  This is one of the most powerful Forcefields seen throughout the Universe and a perfect representation of the Feminine Ray!

Let us also acknowledge and rejoice in the full Harvest of the present Solar Year!  Everything we have held in our hearts and minds for this year now comes to fruition.  Remembering we serve in the Realms of Cause, we realize we have established a Forcefield of First Cause that will direct this sweet Earth towards her Ascension.  Outer illusion is yet strong, but the Inner Realms of Cause are always what determine the outcome in the end.  Faith in this Truth is at the Heart of the Power within the Feminine Ray.

So, in Light Service to the Immaculate Concept …as the ‘Gathering of Silent Watchers’ now within Humanity …we hold to the Truth of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …and to the Truth of the Eternal Flame of Universal I AM and its Infinite Radiant Light …inclusive of all life living free in the Light!



Beloved Ones, following is a daily meditation sheet for the purpose of maintaining a Unified Ascended and Free Forcefield, sustained by a short but precise daily meditation / visualization from each of us.  Please consider electronically copying it onto a single sheet for quick reference, to be easily included in our daily routines.


(Breathing rhythmically, embraced by Sacred music and fragrance
within our own personal Sanctuary …as ‘the Flame’ upon its Altar)

I AM free of all roles and responsibilities; of all persons, places,
conditions and things; of my world, affairs and finances,
as well as any past misuse of life’s Sacred Energy.

I AM empty of all condemnation, criticism and judgment;
empty of all frustration and disappointment regarding
those persons, places, conditions and things.


I AM the Power of the Divine Feminine Ray!
I AM the Cosmic Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love!
I AM Sacred Fire …as the Highest Expression of God!

I AM empty of time and space and I AM Eternally Flame:
I AM Flame before, during and after embodiment …
with Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light continuously
filling all space into Oneness Consciousness.
I AM Celestial Cosmic Consciousness!

I AM only an Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM ‘Sun of the Sun’ …the Solar Christ Self embodied!

My Light greets every person, place, condition and thing; fills all
roles and responsibilities with kindness; and directs my
world, affairs and finances perfectly …all with the
Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love!


My only memory is that of my Cosmic Causal Body Momentum,
conceiving of and accepting only this Divine Plan: with all of
my focus and attention only on the Flame …becoming its
Original State of Harmony and Balance in all things.

And then I go about living my daily life, in the Loving Embrace
of this Flame; as the Divine Grace of this Flame!

I AM an Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light! 


[1] The Maltese Cross is four triangles pointing to a center.  At its outer edge, each triangle is also slightly indented, like a smaller arrow also pointing to the center.  Therefore, the outer edge of each triangle has three points …and with four triangles, we arrive at the 12 Aspects of Deity …or the 12 Solar Houses of the Sun.