December, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and
Elementals, through the cohesive Power of Divine
Love, uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the Feminine Ray in
action: holding the Immaculate Concept and the Divine
Gestation of a New Age …as Builders of Divine Self;
Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders
of an Eternal Life in the Light …in daily life!

 I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the
Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light
as the Cosmic Womb of the Eternal Mother God!




(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Cosmic
Co-creation Powers within the Divine Feminine Ray!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Cosmic
Co-creation Powers within the Divine Feminine Ray!



I AM Sun of the Sun …I AM Ascended and Free!
I hold within me the Divine Spirit Spark of Eternal God Being!
This Spirit Spark had grown into a full Light Being, clothed
in the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of Life!

I AM currently anchored on Earth …through her Beloved
Elemental Kingdom …for the Divine Purpose of expanding the
Borders of the Kingdom of Perfection in the world of form!

I AM the Immaculate Conception, the Divine Gestation, and
the Victorious Birth of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom
into the world of form, revealing the full Glory
of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
of my Divine Purpose as Keeper of the Flame!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
of my True Identity as a Divine Director of Sacred Fire!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of
my Divine Instrument as Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light! 

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Divine Influence of
the Eternal Flame in all areas of my life …and, all daily life.
Its Higher Frequency Divine Order now guides, guards and
directs its Sacred Influence into my world, affairs and
finances; my health and spiritual well-being; and
all persons, places, conditions and things!

As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!
All domains of past, present and future are raised up with me!

Past, present and future become one Cosmic Moment and
as I AM raised up, everything is raised up with me!
In this Great Cosmic Inbreath, all potential is
now raised up into its Divine Potential!

To ensure the Victory of this Light Service, I now invoke
Lord Michael the Archangel, to protect the Gathering of
Ascended Humanity, as he has personally protected all
spiritual leaders who serve to forward Humanity,
regardless of their outer standing in daily life!

To ensure the Victory of this Light Service, I now invoke the
Cosmic Law of Forgiveness!  As I AM forgiven, so is all life
forgiven with me. As I forgive, so does all life forgive with me.

As I AM anchoring the Law of Forgiveness, so all life embodies
Forgiveness with me. I AM the Cosmic Law of Mercy,
Compassion and Forgiveness, in action on Earth!

To ensure the Victory of this Light Service, I AM fully
Consecrated to the Crystalline Perfection of my Mighty I AM
Presence within my Permanent Atom I AM but one of its
magnificent Cosmic Rays projected into Universal Light Service.

I AM my full Divine Potential …my Solar Christ Self in action!
I AM the Clarity of each Chakra Sun in its perfect form & function.
I AM every cell, atom and electron in its ‘quantum matter’ form,
my ‘Spirit Being’ operating through my outer consciousness!

I AM Ascended and Free …together, standing in the Light!
I AM Governing the outcome of the world!

I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM Governing the outcome of the world!

I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.
I AM Governing the outcome of the world!

I AM the global Gathering of Ascended Humanity.
I AM Governing the outcome of the world! 

I AM the Divine Power of the Celestial Seventh Ray!
I AM the Divine Power of the Celestial Feminine Ray!
I AM the Divine Power of the Ray of Spiritual Freedom!

I AM the Voice of the Great I AM,
releasing the Power of the Celestial Seventh Ray,
the Feminine Ray and the Cosmic Ray of Spiritual Freedom.

I AM the Voice of the Great I AM …expressed as Energy,
Vibration and Consciousness through my Eternal Flame
Radiating out to the world through its Infinite Light!

I AM the Voice of the Great I AM!
I AM that I AM!




 Dear Ones: we tend to think of ‘good order’ as things going ‘according to plan’…going well in our lives.  But there is a Divine Alchemy involved with Divine Order, especially as we prepare our sweet Earth for her Great Cosmic Inbreath.  Scientifically, Divine Order is the transformation of matter from entropy (the chaos / randomness of ego creation) to the Higher Frequency Order and Symmetry within Divine Potential.  Let us review our understanding of this aspect of our Light Service.

As the Power of the Divine Feminine Ray emerges into daily life, Harmony and Balance is set to be restored within creation.  This involves the Angel of Restoration, one of the Sponsors of this closing Solar Year. Rather than the chaos / randomness of ego creation, the predictable, calm stillness of the Great Silence is to be anchored and felt by all.  All matter and substance is now to reveal its Divinely Intelligent Order and Higher Order manifestation.

We are aware of ‘Orders’ within the Church; as well as ‘Orders of Angels or Elemental Beings’ …with each succeeding ‘Order’ a Higher Frequency than the last …or if you will, a ‘promotion’ from Order to Order into Higher Frequency expressions of Being and Light Service. In similar fashion, let us consider Higher Order Being within our True Identity …as we focus on manifesting the quantum Reality of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  This involves the Restoration of ‘a new order’ of cells, atoms and electrons within physical life …involving the fundamental order and arrangement of matter itself.  This is Divine Alchemy!

Divine Order is the innate connectedness all life shares. Science already knows that when objects are in the same energy field, they will ‘self-organize’.  Such an energy field may be a physical locality with a certain frequency …like within a crystal. But consider that a ‘certain level of Consciousness’ is also a defined space …a field of energy (or Forcefield) within which everything self-organizes.  The Great Cosmic Inbreath represents the self-organization / alignment of everything within Universal I AM …re-organized from the central core of its Divine Potential …the Unity of all Permanent Atoms!

Divine Order is Holy Spirit …the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State …the self-organization of all life in its Ascended and Free State.  Divine Order will now ‘self-organize’ on all levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …from sub-atomic particles …to cells, atoms and electrons forming substance and matter …to basic plant and animal life …to complex plant and animal life and the Elemental Spirits that govern those realms of nature …to the mass consciousness of Humanity, through to higher and higher levels of spiritual awareness within Humanity and ending with the Gathering of Ascended Humanity in her innate Oneness Consciousness across the globe.

Again, that ‘Sacred Place’ where the Highest Order ‘self-organization’ takes place …is the “Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State” …our Ascended and Free Declaration Cosmic Holy Spirit! In this Consciousness, we trust that all Light Servers have Holy Communion with their Mighty I AM Presence …and experience concepts and ideas of God Illumination continuously delivered for them specifically …and for the specific part of world they influence.  This is the Spiritual Leadership we envision across all domains of daily life.  This ultimate goal is our Light Service to Spiritual Freedom …in guiding and directing Humanity back to her Divine Potential …through a self-organized, global Forcefield of united, embodied Light Service in every area of daily life …whether it appears ‘overtly spiritual’ or not!

And on Inner Planes, through the Power of Divine Order, Humanity is now ‘self-organizing’ into the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.  Think on this.  The Spiritual Force empowering this ‘self-organization’ is the same Eternal Flame / Spirit Spark within every human heart …and the same Cosmic Christ Principle acting through every Holy Christ Self …all leading eventually to Ascended and Free Humanity, together standing in the Light!  But outside of time, this need not ‘take time’ …and can be relatively instantaneous (in cosmic terms). And we approach this ‘tipping point’.  There is a global ‘letting go’ of old ego ways and an acceptance of Oneness Consciousness on so many levels of daily life.

This is our Faith …as we remain collectively entrusted with the ‘Voice of the Great I AM’ in the expansion and projection of our Ascended and Free Light Service with Sacred Fire!  Let us understand Divine Order, as well as its Divine Alchemy, and allow this to guide our Revelation of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED GOD AND GODDESS MERU… On Divine Order within the Co-creation Powers of the Feminine Ray ...

Aspiring Children of the Sun: at our Cosmic Birth, we were Vested with the Love, Wisdom and Power of the Three-fold Flame by the Feminine Ray.  Think on this.  For our present Solar System, this Ceremony was performed by Beloved Lady Vesta …represented by her very name. Father / Mother God intends that we carry this Divine Authority and Responsibility through our entire, endless journey of Eternal Life.  Central to this Divine Initiation is that the Feminine Ray is the basis of Divine Order. In Creation, whatever Father God manifests (expands and projects forth into the Universe), Mother God in turn holds in Divine Order …as the Immaculate Concept, within her Cohesive Power of Divine Love.

The Immaculate Concept is the beginning of creation as it is known in all Cosmic Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light.  It begins with Divine Intention between Two Flames …of which Alpha and Omega are the Divine Examples for this Universe. From such intentional ‘Flame to Flame Union’ is conceived all Divine Potential. Within the Galaxy of Alpha and Omega, this would be seen as a Spirit Spark (or emergent Eternal Flame) at the core of a newly born Intelligent God Presence.

This New Being might then evolve within the Angelic Kingdom to serve wholly in expanding the Feeling Nature of Universal I AM …towards becoming a Cherubim, Seraphim or even a Mighty Archangel. Or, such a newborn Being may evolve within the Elemental Kingdom, becoming the form and substance of Creation …evolving towards becoming Devas, Builders of Form, the Mighty Elohim of Creation and even the Silent Watcher of a Planet, Solar System or Galaxy.

And then other Spirit Sparks evolve along the Path of developing both an Elemental and Angelic Nature.  These Beings go onto evolve within Root Races under the Guidance of their Manu …as part of the Divine Plan of a planet …who itself is evolving towards becoming a Sun, Central Sun or even a Great Central Sun.  Their Divine Potential is to evolve towards Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings within a certain Solar System or Galaxy.  This would include Humanity and her Seven Root Races …and now as well, the ‘delayed souls’ she took in from another ‘System of Worlds’ to care for and raise up back to their Divine Potential (the laggards who entered Humanity during the third sub-race of the Fourth Root Race).

Humanity was Pure and Perfect in manifesting her Divine Plan through the first three Root Races.  Then came the Cosmic call for assistance for a Race of Beings who had fallen behind the developmental curve of their home planet and needed a place of refuge for a slower and more dense vibration, in order to ‘catch up’.  At that same Cosmic Moment, the Earth was a perfect fit.  The details of this are complex but in summary, it involved Humanity evolving into her fourth Root Race and therefore most akin to the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Gaia (with previous Root Races being more Etheric and less dense).

As well, at that same moment of a Cosmic Cycle, the Outbreath of Father / Mother God had brought the Earth herself to the furthest arc from the Sun and therefore of denser frequencies (as closer to the Sun are the finer frequencies). Being the fourth of seven planets (in the Solar System of Helios and Vesta), at that particular Cosmic Moment, the Earth has three planets behind her still proceeding out from the Sun and three planets ahead of her proceeding back towards the Sun. As you try to visualize this Beloved Ones, understand that Planets of a Solar System do not evolve in ‘three dimensional linear orbits’ (as seen in school pictures) but rather in an arc across many Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of existence …proceeding in an circular arc out from their Sun (on the Outbreath) …and then, as Cosmic Cycles pass, back in towards their Sun on the returning cycle of the Great Cosmic Inbreath (as is happening to Earth presently).

Planets that our astronomers see through telescopes or even space exploration are remnants of previous Ascended Races …who have Ascended from the need of requiring embodiment.  Rather, they have left the Elemental Kingdom of that planet to now evolve in its own unique way, without requirement to support embodied life.  Planets slowly etherealize after they have performed their service to an evolving Root Race of potential Cosmic Beings …at a pace designed strictly for the needs of that particular Elemental Kingdom involved.  Remember dear ones, there are many Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of developing Races that have not yet revealed themselves to Humanity …but await the moment when they can …when Humanity’s Consciousness is elevated enough towards the Love Ray within Universal I AM!

Now all of this context brings us back to the Gathering of Ascended Humanity and her service to the Feminine Ray …and, her Power of Co-creation of a New Earth, New Humanity and New Age.  This goal of co-creation is ‘the Sacred Planet into which our Beloved Sixth and Seventh Root Races are now to be born into’ …their Garden of Eden …their Star of Spiritual Freedom!  At the center of this endeavor physically, are areas of the Earth that have been resting for centuries, as free as possible from mass human consciousness.  These remote areas have been cared for by ‘ancient land keepers’ of the Fourth Root Race (Indigenous Peoples).  Now these areas move towards being revealed as the New Home for the Sixth and Seventh Root Races …all within the Love Nature of Reverence for all Life.

These ‘sacred places’ that have been resting have been thought to be inhospitable for human development …as great forests, mountains ranges or, residing under water.  Chief amongst these areas is the Amazon Region of South America[1]. And it is no surprise that the Cosmic Feminine Ray has been protected within such a ‘resting area’.[2]  Our Light Service as God and Goddess Meru at Lake Titicaca anchors the Feminine Ray for the Planet. We also serve as the Manu of the Sixth Root Race, who now embody the Glory of both the Feminine Ray and the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom. Our Great Temples are within this Amazon area, as are the Temples of the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, Beloved Lord Saithru (the Great Divine Director) and his Beloved Lady Mercedes.  And like all Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters serving Earth, we may have Temples or Foci of Light around the globe, anchoring through both the physical ‘Crystal Grid System’ and the ‘Matrix of Etheric Currents’ of Light in the atmosphere of Earth.

Our Light Service is of Cosmic proportions, as we also serve in assisting the Ascension of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races …as well as this transformation of Humanity’s Path from a Masculine Ray emphasis to a Feminine Ray emphasis …all at the same Cosmic Moment of transformation from the Sixth Ray Christian Dispensations to the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom  …as well as the Cosmic Moment of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  This is a delicate, complex arrangement of Celestial Forces entrusted to many Cosmic Beings, of whom the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is primary! For this current Matrix of Transformational Cosmic Forcefields all requires anchorage in the realm needing the assistance most …outer daily life! This requires embodied co-servers to understand and engage their Creative Faculties in such complex Cosmic Affairs…to ensure the Victory of a permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom on Earth developed from within, rather than given to Humanity from without …as was the case in previous Golden Ages that did not remain permanent!

Besides having ‘rested areas’ of the physical planet, you now reside in a Consciousness that has been ‘at rest’ …for Humanity has not ‘gathered’ in Cosmic Christ Consciousness on a global scale since the last Golden Age.  Individuals and small groups of followers have but now we open up this area of the planet’s Consciousness to all Humanity  (akin to inviting Humanity on the physical level to immigrate and begin a new life on a new continent) …but rather to immigrate to a New Consciousness in a New Age …yet on the same planet.  The present Gathering of Ascended Humanity are the pioneers or early explorers to this New Land of ‘Ascended and Free living’ within their Solar Christ Self.  It is this reality that we are co-creating with your Light Service combined with Cosmic Assistance!

We would like to welcome the Gathering of Ascended Humanity into the Forcefield of the Feminine Ray …and its co-creational Powers as known in other Ascended Planets, Suns and Central Suns!  The conception, gestation and birth of the Transformation of Ages …as well as the Transformation of Root Races, is all within our Feminine Ray Forcefield!  Great Cosmic Rays from Suns and Central Suns pour into our Forcefield, ever expanding its Celestial Influence. From there it expands out through the Great Rivers of Etheric Light Currents …as well as physically across the Crystal Grid System …eventually anchoring in all persons, places, conditions and things of daily life.  It is like the great rivers that flow across the amazon region and bring new life to every nook and cranny.  But now this occurs at the Higher Frequency of Divine Potential …across the globe and into Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of all daily life …as seen within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …inclusive of all life living Free in the Light!

You are learning about the nature of Divine Order within the Feminine Ray and how Planetary Transformation takes place according to Cosmic Law.  Welcome into this service of the Feminine Ray and becoming a part of our Activity within our Temples and our training of Light Servers!  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the crucible of Father / Mother God embodied …holding the Immaculate Concept; the ongoing Gestation; and the peaceful, ordered Cosmic Birth of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE MIGHTY ELOHIM LADY AMAZON… On the Seven Steps of Precipitation, the Seven Rays of the Kundalini Fire … and the Co-creation Powers of the Feminine Ray

I AM the Feminine Ray of Protection …protecting and guarding the Immaculate Conception; the Divine gestation; and the Cosmic Birth of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  This same process includes the gestation and birth of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races!  This Sacred Co-creation is taking place across countless Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Life …on, in and around our sweet Earth.  It involves countless Ascended Master and Cosmic Beings, great Sentinels of the Elemental Kingdom up to the Elohim and Silent Watchers …and Angels of all Orders up to the Mighty Archangels.  And all of this is anchored through embodied souls who care enough to study and understand our present Co-creation of a New Age in all its spiritual complexity.  And so, I welcome you dear Gathering of Ascended Humanity …for in some ways you are the final piece of a great Cosmic Mystery unfolding.

Let us review the Seven Steps of Precipitation and how they relate to our True Identity within the Feminine Ray.  We begin to realize that our Seven Chakras Suns represent the Seven Steps of Precipitation. As well, we realize that the service of Cosmic Protection (along with my Beloved, Elohim Hercules) operates across many Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of life. Most of our ‘Cosmic Protection service’ goes un-noticed by Humanity …yet it has a big impact and allows daily life to ‘carry on’.  What also goes un-noticed within daily life is Humanity’s Three-fold Flame, her ‘yet untapped’ Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love, a Celestial Power reserved for her within the Divine Plan.  It is especially important that this be re-awakened now with the influence of the Feminine Ray and the Incoming Seventh Ray!

In the Seven Steps of Precipitation, let us now delve into each corresponding Chakra Sun.  As we project our Consciousness into each chakra, let us realize we can “go beyond”…as in the Buddha’s Heart Sutra: “gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone altogether beyond!  Oh what an awakening ...All Hail” …deeper and deeper into the Seven Steps of Precipitation! Here we delve into every chakra, into ‘the great beyond’ of all Seven Rays …into the great beyond of Humanity’s Powers of Co-creation!

As we proceed through the Seven Steps of Precipitation let us remember they are circular and moving in Higher Frequency orbits as do the planets around a sun.  It is simplest to see them along the Solar Spine and forming the Ascending River of Kundalini Fire.  Their order along the Solar Spine (bottom to top) will seem out of order of the Seven Rays as normally seen from First to Seventh Ray.  But in a circle one can begin anywhere and be in the wholeness of that circle or sphere …one with Cosmic Laws of Self-Organization and Precipitation.

We start first with the Rays as they have been outlined within Seven Steps of Precipitation.  The First Ray of Power, Faith and God's Will begins the process with Divine Intent. We are clear about the Divine Will of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom. We stand within the Light of the Blue Ray at the Throat Center and know that we are (I AM!) the Voice of the Great I AM!  We then tap into the Second Ray of God Illumination and the Mind of God, where God's Will is formulated into Multi-dimensional Ascended and Free concepts that we may then build upon. Here we are in ‘the Great Beyond’ of the Thousand Petaled Lotus of the Buddha and One with the Infinite Mind of God.

Then we place our attention on the Third Ray of Holy Spirit and the Divine Love Nature of Father / Mother God, especially as it now proceeds forth specifically through the Feminine Ray. Here we stand in the Pink Sun …and the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State.  Here we are ‘gone into the Great Beyond of Sacred and Holy Being’ …as only a Divine Instrument of Cosmic Love.  Here we feel the Love Nature of the Sun God Krishna and Sophia and their Cohesive Power of Divine Love that has Ascended Venus into her Perfection Patterns and now does the same for Earth.  This Chakra Focus of Krishna and Sophia we now realize is that of Cosmic Holy Spirit …guiding our personal Ascension, that of Humanity and our sweet Earth …as well as the entire Great Cosmic Inbreath!

Then we turn to the Fourth Ray of Purity, Resurrection and Ascension.  Here we stand in the White Sun of Holiness …feeling strongly the Ascension Currents that constantly lift us out of lower frequencies and into the Higher Frequency of the Solar Christ Self …Ascended and Free!  Here we focus on the Purity of the Divine Plan of which we have vowed to serve …never wavering from its Original Perfection Patterns.  We hold these Ascended and Free Concepts we have come to understand in their Divine Order and Perfection …and nothing less.

Then we arrive at the Emerald Green Jewel at the Third Eye …together, standing in the Light of Crystal Vision.  Standing in this Sun, we see the Vista of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom and we hold dear to this Immaculate Concept.  In the great Beyond of this Chakra Sun we feel the Immense and Eternal Consecration to the Divine Plan of Father / Mother God, and our part in its co-creation!  Here we understand the fortitude and constancy of the Seven Mighty Elohim and the Builders of form …whether it be the creation of a flower, or of an entire Galaxy.

Next is the Violet Fire Chakra Sun, remembering that in the Seven Steps of Precipitation the Sixth and Seventh Rays are reversed, so that the entire creation is sealed in Cosmic Peace.  But just before completion, all the Transformation and Transmutation Powers clear the way for Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness and then the Divine Ceremonies done Rhythmically which complete the Precipitation or Creation Principle. Then we lastly arrive at the Solar Plexus Chakra Sun …a radiating Sun of Cosmic Peace.  Here we feel all the Cosmic forces of Divine Peace and Tranquility …sealing all we have accomplished in Peace Divine, so that they are permanent and eternal within Humanity’s Consciousness!

Once we have rotated through the Chakra Suns in order of the Seven Steps of Precipitation, we then see them all aligned along Solar Spine of the Mighty I AM Presence.  We stand forth in our Solar Christ Self Light Body …along this Scepter of Cosmic Authority!  This Rod of Power is our Divine Instrument of Invocation …of all we desire for Earth and Humanity.  At the top of this Scepter is placed the Crown of Dominion, representing raised Consciousness …that we were born to create the world of our Divine Desires, into a Kingdom of Perfection for Humanity!  We are the Seed of the Cosmic Tree!  Just as the tiny seed contains the mighty Oak tree, so too does our humble Light Service with Sacred Fire contain an entire New Age of Spiritual Freedom!  Our Scepter and Crown is the Authority and Dominion of God in Action!  Victory is ours!  And, SO IT IS!

In this visualization, we see each of the Seven Rays in turn is highlighted within this process of Precipitation.  As each one becomes the Focus of our attention in our co-creation, it appears to stand forth from the spine, as if highlighted and magnified.  It is as if the Seven Mighty Elohim are all in Divine Alignment along our Solar Spine, pouring forth Cosmic Powers of Precipitation into our Co-creation of our Star of Spiritual Freedom. During this Ceremony, our sweet Earth rhythmically stands forth in each Chakra Sun, accompanied by the corresponding Elohim of that Ray …along with their Mighty Builders of form, Devas and all of the Elemental Kingdom.  This is our Scepter of God Authority!

And once we establish the Scepter of Father / Mother God on Earth, the River of Kundalini Fire rises to the forehead and forms the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim.  Here we feel the Crown of Precipitation and Accomplishment placed upon our head.  We were Vested with the Power of co-creation through the Seven Steps of Precipitation and here we are (here I AM!) fulfilling this Divine Right!  Here I wear the Crown and bear the Scepter of Authority, representing Father / Mother God …right here in daily life.  The Crown of the Elohim begins with the Blue Ray on the left side of the forehead (Hercules and Amazon); then the sunshine yellow of God Illumination (Cassiopia and Minerva); then the Pink Flame of Love (Orion and Angelica); then the center Crystal Flame of Cosmic Christ Purity (Claire and Astrea) around which is the Radiance of the primary Ray the lifestream belongs to; then the Emerald Green Flame (Vista and Crystal), then the Golden Flame of Peace (Tranquility and Pacifica) and lastly on the far right of the forehead the Violet Fire (Arcturus and Dianna).  And with this Creative Power of the Universe, we then perform our daily Light Service …the reason we were granted embodiment at this Cosmic Moment.

And we remember why we were vested with this Cosmic Power. The Divine Order within the Feminine Ray includes an ‘exit and entrance strategy’ …the embodied Fourth and Fifth Root Races yearning to be Free into the Light of their Manus …as well as, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races yearning to be Free into embodimentupon the Star of Spiritual Freedom.  This is a perfectly balanced Activity in Divine Order, using the Cosmic Power of the Sacred Fire …as Keepers of the Flame along the Feminine Ray. The Seven Steps of Precipitation guide this Divine Order of the Root Races and the Co-creation of the Star of Spiritual Freedom!  This includes the Cosmic Activity of the Seven Mighty Elohim but also the daily Light Service of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! We may attune to the Seven Mighty Elohim through our Eternal Flame and its Seven Chakra Suns, culminating as the Kundalini Fire rising up along the Solar Spine to form the Crown of the Elohim.  This is our Divinity!

Beloved Ones, the New Age dawning on Earth is like the Blueprint of an architect.  It begins with an idea and intent to create something wonderful for people to live or work within.  The ideas then need be formalized into concepts that can be written and synthesized onto paper.  Then the architect and the contractor have to “put their Heart into it”, to actually begin to manifest it physically.  All the sub-contractors must have the purity of purpose and the consecration to see it through to fruition, under the watchful eye of the architect and general contractor.  All the resources needed for success must be applied rhythmically and without stoppage.  Then when done it must bring peace and contentment to all involved, so that everyone loves it and none will want to tear it down.  These are the Seven Steps of Precipitation!

So, think of Father / Mother God and the Seven Mighty Elohim as the architects …operating in the Realms of Cause.  Think of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity as the general contractors who oversee the work ‘on site’ in the physical realm …but have the capacity to continually stay focused on the Divine Plan by also living in the Realms of Cause where it exists.  Then the sub-contractors become every aspect of Humanity (Nations, Races, Cultures, Religions, Institutions and Peoples) who actually perform the work ‘on site’.  Here we have the Faith that for every aspect of this Grand Divine Plan, there are the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect place, at the right and perfect time.  And SO IT IS!

All of this synchronized creation has already been established.  The Spiritual Hierarchy holds the Faith that the Gathering of Ascended Humanity will be that general contractor and that all the right and perfect people are in place to bring this New Age of Spiritual Freedom into its Victory in the Light! Light Servers are both Divine Directors of Sacred Fire and then, observers of its Perfection Patterns made manifest …holding its Immaculate Concept!  Through coming into synchronicity and alignment with our Eternal Flame, we direct its Electronic Life Force through Meditation and Ceremony. We may attune to any and every particular Divine Quality (Healing, Love, Peace, God Illumination, Consecration, etc.) as it manifests anywhere in the Ascended Master Realms of Light.  And then we radiate its Divinely Intelligent Matter into the world through us, peacefully observing the effects of this First Cause …holding to its Truth!

We are aligned with the Mighty Elohim, as Builders of form embodied! I AM the Eternal Flame …Energy as Vibration and Consciousness …where ‘Vibration’ originates in the many Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Perfection Patterns of Great Celestial Beings up to Father / Mother God. Consciousness is the vehicle I do this journey in!  I AM the Infinite Radiant Light of this Eternal Flame.  Here, I AM Energy as Divinely Intelligent Matter …Universal I AM manifesting itself in, through and around the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.

I AM the Divine Power of co-creation along the Feminine Ray!


[1]  The Amazon Region is twice the size of Europe!

[2] The Masculine Ray anchorage of Beloved God Himalaya is also protected within the vast Himalayan Mountain Range of Asia.