October, 2024



I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


at the center of the




anchoring the




(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Permanent Atom
at the center of the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Permanent Atom
at the center of the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential!


I AM the Flame of Immortality embodied.
I AM serving through the gifts of Immortality.
I AM serving through all of Eternity and Infinity.
I AM the TAO …the Temple of Alpha and Omega!

I hold the Immaculate Concept for the Divine Potential.

I AM …that I AM …that I AM!

I abide in the Divine Alchemy of
my Twelve-fold Great Solar Disc.

I stand in the Divine Alignment …of
all Suns of the Twelve Aspects of Deity,
now blazing within my Eternal Solar Aura.

I AM the four Cardinal Points of a Maltese
Cross, spiralling at each of three Gates
of embodied Solar Consciousness.

These Twelve Cardinal Points are the Twelve Houses
of the Sun …in the Co-creation my Solar Spine!

I AM the immense expansiveness of Divine Alchemy
between Forcefields of the Twelve Houses of the Sun.

This is my Solar Presence and my True Identity.

I AM a Celestial Ray of Higher Frequency Energy,
unfolding itself on Earth as a Vibrational Field,
encoded with Cosmic Consciousness.
This is the Eternal Flame, I AM!

I AM the Infinite Radiant Light of this Eternal Flame.
I AM a constant flow of photons, each one a Forcefield
of Co-creation …containing Quantum State Energy,
Matter, and Intelligence that I send into the world!

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity.
I AM the Gathering of all Divine Potential.
I AM the Divine Potential made manifest!
I AM the Gathering of all Divine Potential.
OM is the Gathering of all Divine Potential.
I AM the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential!

I AM the Divine Alchemist …interweaving Perfection Patterns
of the Divine Potential, finding their way into manifest destiny!


I AM God in Action in Divine Co-creation!




Beloved Ones, in our spiritual understanding of our True Identity and Divine Instrument, we know it is based on the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  This Truth comes to us in terms of the glorious spectrum of light and its spiritual rainbow of color.  In the scientific studies of astrophysics, this spectrum is stated as …

  • “light and color are precisely measured quantities that carry most of the information from which we understand the universe. Light is electro-magnetic radiation. Light is an electromagnetic wave, which means it has two wave fronts. One is an oscillating electric field, and the other is a perpendicular, oscillating magnetic field. The energy of electromagnetic waves is based on their frequency or wavelength.”

Such current scientific understanding correlates well with our current spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom about our Divine Instrument and our True Identity. We understand our Eternal Flame radiates continuous and ever-expanding Light! And just as the Universe is ever-expanding, so is our co-creation ever-expanding.  This Light is composed of force carrier photons, that transpose the power of co-creation into manifestation. Light is composed of Quantum State Energy (electro-magnetic waves), Quantum State Matter (etheric substance or ‘quantum foam’) and Quantum State Intelligence …that innate intelligence within all atomic, molecular and cellular activity that allows life to flourish in the world of form. Thus, in our bodies we have a Divine Potential for a Celestial electric energy …a Vibrational Field of Divinely Aligned magnetic polarity …and an intelligent connectome synchronized with Universal I AM  that all are accessible when standing in the Light of our Eternal Flame. This is an embodied Solar Christ Self!

And this Truth is also reflected in our global Light Service. Together, standing in the Light I AM a Forcefield I AM a Force Carrier …in both its 'particle-function' (as my embodied Solar Consciousness) …and in its 'wave-function' (as photons of Light radiating from my Eternal Flame) …as a Light Being. I AM also but one cell, one photon within Gathering of Ascending Humanity …and together, standing in the Light, I AM a Major Force Carrier …a Global Force of Creation …for all Ascending Goodness …all Ascending Energy, Vibration and Consciousness on Earth! I AM building the Divine Future for Humanity and all Earth’s Lifeforce, right here and now!

This is my Celestial Purpose! Each photon radiating from my Eternal Flame is a Force Carrier. Each photon of Light is a Forcefield of Co-creation unto itself. Each photon is my Eternal Flame’s Radiant Forcefield of Quantum State Energy, Matter and Intelligence. I send each of these Forcefields of Co-creation into manifestation …as the thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of my Creative Faculties. And to secure tis Victory I remember the words of Beloved Saint Germain ‘take time to be Holy’, so that even with the daily responsibilities of embodiment, I also fulfill my Celestial Purpose.

I AM the Flame of Immortality in action! This Forcefield contains all the Cosmic Momentums from the Vibrational Fields / Spheres of Light known as my Causal Body. Placed at the forefront of this Activity are all the patterns of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness aimed at my specific purpose in this embodiment! And they are now to be released into the world, as I develope spiritually to the point where I can give all my attention to this Higher Self …even as I attend to the tasks of daily life that continually seek my attention.  The Law of Life is clear: “where my attention goes, my energy flows and my energy is my life”.

Let us accept that our ‘Solar Spine’ may express in various geometric designs …from a ‘Rod of Light and Fire’ (as is our physical spine and its Seven Chakra Suns) to an Infinite Circle of Light (as in the Spheres of Light around our Mighty I AM Presence and our White Fire Being). Let us now see the Violet Flame enfolding our Solar Spine Forcefield. Therefore, we are continually enfolded by the Liberation of karmic patterns as well as the Liberation of embodied Solar Consciousnessboth endeavors active, all the time, everywhere present, in any moment of time and space. This is the gift of the Cosmic Violet Flame, in achieving our Solar Christ Self!

Let us incorporate into this visualization the Seven Chakra Suns along our embodied spine. This Ascending Kundalini River is the Fire of Life arising from the base of the spine to the top of the head.  This will appear like a rising spiral of the Seven Rhythms of Embodiment …the Seven Sacred Energies of the Holy Christ Self.  We see, feel & deeply accept this Sacred Kundalini River ascending up our spine through all the Qualities of each of the Seven Chakra Suns operating at their Divine Potential. This creates the aura of the Holy Christ Self. This is the Christ returned to Earth, fulfilling the Christian Dispensation and the prophecy of Beloved Jesus the Christ “everything I have done, so shall ye also do ...and greater things shall ye do!”

So, then we graduate to ‘the greater things’ …the Twelve-fold Great Solar Disc, where the Twelve Rhythms of Embodiment create a circular or spherical Kundalini River. These Power Points representing the Twelve Houses of the Sun are replicated in the etheric and physical body, by the Twelve Solar Meridians. This represents the Solar Christ Self, as well as the Feminine Ray of circularity and inclusiveness …through Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness of all points involved.  This is the ‘connectome’ of the Twelve Aspects of Deity operating in synchronicity within us …as the Solar Christ Self …Ascended and Free from persons, places, conditions and things …and Ascended and Free into producing the Divine Potential, liberating it from its 'wave-function' state to its 'particle-function' state. This is our Solar Aura that is now be activated within daily life!

The Seven Chakra Suns of the Holy Christ Self along the spine is our Ascending Kundalini River, spiraling upwards in our embodied Ascension Process towards our God Illumination …becoming the Christ in Action. The Great Solar Disc is a spiraling Ocean of Kundalini Fire …flowing in from the Twelve Houses of the Sun and Central Sun …becoming the Solar Christ Self with all the Cosmic Momentum of the Twelve Aspects of Deity flowing into daily life.

The Seven Chakra Suns along our spine then operate perfectly within the Great Solar Disc …the Seven Rhythms of Embodiment operating within the Twelve Rhythms of Celestial Life.  And thus, our physical Ascension Process arises along with this spiritual graduation into the Solar Christ Self …all in Oneness Consciousness. This is the Christ walking the Earth as a Sun of the Sun …in the support of the Spiritual Freedom of all Lifeforce, everywhere present.

Within this Ascension Process, we begin to understand that the circular / spherical Great Solar Disc extends well beyond the three-dimensional world into the many Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Lightnow all accessible within us.  Previously, we might have expected to experience these Ascended Realms when in the Ascended Master Temples or in the Temples of the Sun and Central Sun. But now we may visit such Domains of Solar Consciousness within the spiritual depths of our own Great Solar Disc. This is Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness, and Building an Eternal Life in the Light!

And as to our specific Spiritual Purpose, we might dedicate our Solar Aura to a particular Sacred Fire within the Twelve Houses of the Sun.  We might then visualize and become a Sphere (or Sun) of Healing Energies dedicated to any physical, etheric, mental and emotional disease or distress …or, a Sun of  Violet Fire Energies of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness enfolding any particular person, place, condition or thing … or, a Sun of Peace Divine enfolding the entire Earth!  Such Spiritual Freedom is the Spiritual Agency of our Solar Aura! For we are embodied to apply these Sacred Fires to the world …as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire …so that as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! This is becoming a Sun of the Sun! And I AM the Power of this Spiritual Agency in action!

The Great Solar Disc places us in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with all Higher Aspects of our full Divine Instrument …Sacred Fire and Infinite Light …as seen in the “image and likeness of Father / Mother God.” Affirm:

I AM empty of self, time and space.
I AM returned to Origin …born again.
I AM completely in the Realms of Cause.
I AM the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential.

I see myself as I AM seen in Realms of Light,
as the “image and likeness of Father / Mother God.”




Beloved Cells in the body of Universal I AM …as I stated through Beloved Jesus “I AM with you always, even unto the end of this world”. And you will truly feel this Truth when empty of self …which is central to the Ascension Process.  Only when this discipline is achieved do the Gifts of Immortality from the Realms of Cause fully flow into daily life.  The example was our Beloved Ascended Master Jesus at the dawn of the previous dispensation …even as you embody at the dawn of this present Seventh Ray Dispensation. Contemplate:

I AM the Flame of Immortality embodied.
I AM serving through the gifts of Immortality.
I AM serving through all of Eternity and Infinity.
I AM the TAO …the Temple of Alpha and Omega!

 Empty of self is being free of the pull of persons, places, conditions and things …and then completely trusting that all goodness and happiness in life comes from the Flame of Immortality. Any thought or feeling less than this Loyalty to the Eternal Flame interrupts the Flow of the Divine. For this Activity is the River of your Divine Life emptying into the Ocean of daily life …into the vast interconnectedness of Co-creation on Earth.

Any thought of judgment of external affairs, personal or global, should all be sublimated into this Loyalty to the Eternal Flame.  Common sense tells us there is both Higher Frequency Energies and, low frequency imbalance. Our Light Service is to assist the expansion of all goodness in the world, as well as to set free the Lifeforce yet trapped in negativity. But in order to do so from the most Powerful Position, is to serve from within the Loyalty to the Eternal Flame …putting all else aside, no matter our personal feelings of injustice or imbalance that arise within daily life. Such is the discipline of the Ascension Process.

Yet, within the guiding purpose of Eternal Service to the Light, we also desire serene happiness and contentment. Rather than seeking this from a desired outcome in external affairs, this  serenity is found most fully in ‘Loyalty to the Eternal Flame’.  Seeking ‘happiness from without’ is always temporary …as everything in the world of form has a beginning, a middle and an end …ever changing!  The serene happiness within the Flame of Immortality is part of that Flame …and thus ‘immortal itself’.

Such Serene Contentment within the Eternal Flame is always present and never withdrawn, always constant and not determined by the fluctuations of persons, places, conditions and things around us. Here we seek our Peace Divine! With this Loyalty to the Eternal Flame and thus to our Gifts of Immortality flowing through, we achieve both goals …our Light Service given from the Power of our Divine Potential …as well as developing a serene Ascended Master Peace within the world of form. This is the Teachings of the Cosmic Christ.

The Transformational Events we seek on Earth are derived from the Realm of Cause and not from the world of effects. Such Light Service occurs at the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness … Transformational Events in Energy and Frequencies, Transformational Events in the Vibrational Fields of daily life and Transformational Events in planetary levels of Consciousness. And when we abide in the Great Solar Quiet of our Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light, we are (I AM!) at these levels of Causal Transformation.  This is the Realm of Cause …and from there, the effects we so desire come to pass. In the words of Beloved Jesus, “it is the Father (Father / Mother God) within that doeth the works”.

The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is like the pacemaker cells in the physical heart.  They are not responsible for the obvious end result (nurturance flowing to all parts of the body). Rather they are simply there to  establish a rhythm, frequency and harmony of the heart function from an electrical level ('wave-function'), so that the rest of the heart can do the job of maintaining blood flow and sustaining life ('particle-function'). Similarly, the Gathering of Ascending Humanity sets the Vibrational Fields of Energy at Higher Frequencies and encodes Solar Consciousness into the Heart of Humanity …so that every other aspect of daily life flows naturally towards fulfilling its Divine Potential. If the pacemaker cells try to play another role, then the entire heart remains imbalanced.

Pacemaker cells within Humanity are called Keepers of the Flame and Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. Such Souls are here to transpose 'wave-function' Electro-magnetic Light into its ‘manifestation in the world of form’ …the activities within daily life. Here we trust that the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way …will perform daily life at these Higher Frequency Perfection Patterns of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness through their own Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. It will be this ‘collective Truth’ that then manifests the Divine Order and Peace we so desire in daily life.

And whereas Beloved Jesus might state “it is the Father within that doeth the works”, we might affirm and practice daily, that “it is the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light within” …or “it is the Sun of the Sun within” or “it is the embodied Solar Consciousness within” that brings forth the manifestation of the Divine Potential of Spiritual Freedom. This is our affirmation and daily practice …our one-pointed loyalty. This is why we ‘take time to be Holy’ daily becoming empty of self, time and space …so that the Divine Potential may flow through us uninhibited. And then we abide at the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential …unencumbered by ego and at our most agile, effective and creative Light Service!

The discipline of the Cosmic Christ asks that we Guide, Guard and Protect our Light Service from ego and spiritual pride.  This means that when we are practising empty of self, that we no longer carry any private thoughts or favors of ‘what we hope occurs’ for the Divine Potential of a particular set of circumstances, situation or event …however laudable this desire might be. Our only desire is the Divine Potential …often unknowable to our outer mind.

Becoming truly empty of self requires no attachment to the world of effects and being constantly loyal only to the Cause of allowing the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light to do its perfect work, …allowing its Perfection Patterns to flow forth as Cause, no matter if the effects are not exactly what we had personally hoped for.  Our mind cannot fathom the Multi-dimensional vast interconnectedness of things and what the Divine Potential for all involved may actually be.  We simply ask that we are (I AM!) the open door for it …empty of self, time and space …‘open and receptive’ to our Flame of Immortality in action. Affirm:

I AM empty of self.
I AM the Flame of Immortality!

I AM empty of time.
I AM the Eternal Moment of Now!

I AM empty of space.
I AM here, there and everywhere present!


I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Flame of Immortality.
I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Eternal Moment of Now.
I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of here, there, everywhere present!


I AM a Celestial Ray of Light Energy,
expressing as a Sacred Vibrational Field,
fully encoded with Divine Consciousness!

As I AM raised up into this Ascended and Free State,

I AM empty of self, time and space.
I AM truly empty, empty, empty!
I AM only the Eternal Flame and its Light.

Here I abide in the Great Solar Quiet
of the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential.
I AM immersed wholly in the Realms of Cause!
(pause and deeply accept this Reality)

I hold this Divine Potential for every person,
place, condition and thing in my life.
I AM the CAUSE of its Spiritual Freedom!

I hold this Divine Potential for every person,
place, condition and thing in Humanity’s life.
I AM the CAUSE of its Spiritual Freedom!

I hold this Divine Potential for the Elemental
and Angelic Kingdoms serving our sweet Earth.
I AM the CAUSE of its Spiritual Freedom!

I hold this Divine Potential for all life force our sweet
Earth, no matter its current frequency of expression.
I AM the CAUSE of its Spiritual Freedom!

I AM the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential.
I AM the Cosmic Christ in action through me.
I AM serving from the Realms of Cause.




Beloved Ones, I too join you from the Realm of Cause, where the Elohim serve with the Builders of Form, to produce the Divine Potential within the manifestation of daily life. Together, standing in the Light, we are (I AM!) all co-servers within the Realm of Cause.

Let us visualize as the Elohim do. Think of the Electronic Pattern of the Maltese Cross as a Multi-dimensional Cross …where various forces across dimensions meet …with the outcome of such connection is intended to produce Spiritual Freedom. The Maltese Cross is like a junction …where multi-dimensional intersecting forces synchronize paths on a journey …all with the purpose of forwarding the Ascension Process of Humanity and our sweet Earth. Think of the Four Foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming intersecting within your Maltese Cross!

Let us see Spheres of Light within and around the Maltese Cross. Like the Eternal Flame itself, this Forcefield gives off an Infinite Radiant Light. It is the Light of Spiritual Freedom. This Sphere of Light become the Sun of Spiritual Freedom. And thus, in embodied Solar Consciousness, we have a Sun of Spiritual Freedom at the elemental level of our being (the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure) …and a Sun of Spiritual Freedom at our emotional level of being (the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit) …as well as a Sun of Spiritual Freedom at our thinking level (the Eternal Sun of God Illumination).  These are our Centers of embodied Solar Consciousness. This fulfills the Law of “what we think and feel, we bring into form”!

Each is a Sun of Spiritual Freedom, and the Initiation of these ‘Stars of Spiritual Freedom’ was the Theme and Thoughtform of the past Solar Year …which then allowed the present Solar Year to be dedicated to expressing this embodied Solar Consciousness. For this is also the Theme of ‘all Suns in Divine Alignment’ …so that when we think and feel Spiritual Freedom (in meditation and in daily life), we bring it into manifestation!  This is the Law of Life.

What I think and feel, I bring into form.
I abide in my embodied Solar Consciousness.

I AM the Divine Potential of mental existence.
I AM the Eternal Sun of God Illumination.

I AM the Divine Potential of emotional existence.
I AM the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.

I AM the Divine Potential of elemental existence.
I AM the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.

I AM all of this …in the Eternal Moment of Now,
here, there and for all life, everywhere present!

I AM the Solar Christ Self! And …as
I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

And, SO IT IS!

The expression of Divine Love and its Spiritual Freedom:

Let us meditate on the nature of Spiritual Freedom, a concept we come to this sweet Earth to anchor for the entire Seventh Ray Dispensation. Spiritual Freedom springs forth from Divine Love and its Adoration of the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Contemplate this, for it is the nature of Father / Mother God embodied in our Divine Instrument. The commandant stated: “thou shalt have no other Gods before me”. If we examine what this means, we now understand that it requires us to have the Ascended and Free concept of ‘God’ …as Father / Mother God and the Divine Order of Universal I AM in its expression of Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planets and their Races of God Beings. And that all of this Divine Order replicates itself in us, as our Divine Instrument …just as DNA replicates itself in every human cell. This is Divine Love made manifest …and replicated on all levels of expression within Universal I AM.

Let us understand, accept and then be loyal to our knowledge of Father / Mother God …who created our White Fire Being in their ‘image and likeness’ …existing in the Highest Realms of Cause in the Sun and Central Sun.  And then this Mighty Cosmic Being divides into the Twin Rays or individualized Mighty I AM Presences …that then go forth and explore all the Dimensions, Realms, and Spheres of Light and Existence. And in so doing, create the Causal Body of all the Momentums of Love, Wisdom and Power that we generate along this journey. Let us assimilate this Truth.

And then at some point in this journey, the Mighty I AM Presence decides to embody on a manifest planet, to further explore Co-creation at various levels of frequency and density of matter, including our sweet Earth. And Earth’s Divine Plan is establishing Perfection Patterns within the most dense frequency of matter then known in this Solar System. And since the ‘great fall’, this level of density (physical, etheric, mental and emotional density) …has only become that much more a challenge to produce such Perfection Patterns within daily life. Yet here we are on the verge of Victory!

This endless journey of discovery and service is an expression of Divine Love …a Love that Father / Mother God planed for all their Children of Light …part of the unfolding Divine Plan. And this Divine Love was to allow for a limitless expression of Spiritual Freedom …and to develop our Love for Father / Mother God embodied within our True Identity, as the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. To understand and become Spiritual Freedom is to return into this flow of Divine Order and the expression of Universal I AM on all levels of its Lifeforce! This Return to Origin is the Resurrection and the Life!

So yes, our loyalty as Elohim is to the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. And this is the same for our embodied co-servers, who also live ‘outer lives’ and take care of bodily needs, to love and care for family, to be a good citizen in the community, locally and globally …yet still serving with the Elohim in Building Divine Self, Building Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light!  And for this to occur in balance, we might consider the Noble Eight-fold Path of the Buddha [1]…so that we live in Harmony and Balance between our outer life and our committed Light Service.

We await manifestation of the Golden Age of God Illumination, when all Humanity understands their Ascension Process and turn to it as their main focus in life. We might use the term ‘Ascended and Free Humanity’ (a noun), as the ultimate goal of the dawning New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  And we hold fast this Immaculate Concept above all else. But we also use the term ‘Gathering of Ascending Humanity’ (a verb or action), where each one in Humanity gradually becomes aware, on progressively deeper levels, of their Ascension Process …and that this becomes the highest priority of their thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

Beloved Ones, there is all the necessary and sufficient Aspects of Deity embodied within Humanity and her Causal Body to create this Golden Age of God Illumination …living her True Identity and thus becoming the embodiment of her Divine Instrument …through which all Humanity may graduate into the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom. We just need to tap into it! This is our Prayer, our Vision …of individual Spiritual Potential manifesting in all …manifesting as a Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, so that the Divine Potential of Humanity, of our sweet Earth and of our Solar System may then express the fullness of all the Divine Love it was created to become.

And in this Divine Love, and in the Presence of the Cosmic Christ, and with you standing forth as your Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …I leave you now with …


(Often given to a beautiful rendition of Barber’s Adagio for Strings or other uplifting music)...

"Oh, thou Infinite Holy Presence of God, the Divine Source of all life, Hallowed be Thy Sacred Name! We bow before Thee in Gratitude, Praise and Thanksgiving for Thy Supreme Presence in the Universe. Because Thou Art, I AM!

We return to Thee, Almighty One, all the Power and Dominion we have ever vested in any imperfect manifestation, visible or invisible. For Thou art the ‘all Power of the Universe’ and there is no other Power that can act! Let Thy Will be done in and through us now! Let Thy Kingdom of God Consciousness be manifest across the face of this Earth, through the Heart Flames of all who are so blessed as to live upon it now.

Oh, Supreme Beloved One, as we lift our hearts, our vision, our Consciousness toward Thee, release the Substance of Thyself (Sacred Fire) to us, each according to our requirements, that as we move forward in Thy Name and upon Thy Service, we shall not be found wanting.

We ask Forgiveness for all the transgressions of Thy Law of Love and Harmony, both for ourselves, Humanity, the Forces of Nature and the Elemental Kingdom. Endow us now with Thy Power and Desire to so forgive others who have caused us distress back unto the very beginning of time.

Because we are One with Thee, we fear no imbalance, for there is no power apart from Thee. Thou art the Strength and Power by which we move ever in the Path of Love and now, Oh Father/Mother God, show us the full Glory we had with you in the beginning, before even this world was. SO BE IT!"


[1] Noble Eight-fold Path … These can also be broken down into three categories, referred to as the Three Higher Trainings in daily life:

  1. Ethics: Right Action, Right Speech, and Right Livelihood.
  2. Meditative Concentration: Right Mindfulness, Right Effort, and Right Concentration.
  3. Wisdom: Right View and Right Resolve.