November, 2018
I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
I AM the sublime stillness of my outer circumstances.
As well, I AM a tangible inner Forcefield
of Celestial Grace and Dignity.
The final harvest of this calendar year reveals herself, even
as the emerging Forcefield of our new Solar Year
gently reveals her gestation within us.
I AM enchanted by timelessness,
which comes from the God Illumination,
that I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Light!
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Great Silence,
of being ‘empty of self’ …and One with Universal Divine Order!
I AM Expanding / Projecting the Great Silence,
of being ‘empty of self’ …and One with Universal Divine Order!
I let go and let God.
I surrender my ego to the Light.
I AM in the flow of Universal I AM.
I AM abiding in the Ocean of my own Celestial Reality.
My life flows along the River of my own True Divinity.
My outer life becomes only an expression of energy and vibration,
through which my Eternal Flame asserts its Divine Authority
to set life free and return it to its Divine Potential.
As I do so, I AM detached from these outer circumstances,
remaining in the Great Silence of my Eternal Flame
and the Blessings of its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM abiding in the Forcefield of the Great Solar Disc,
expressing the Reality of my own Divine Potential,
and, the Divine Potential of our sweet Earth, at
this moment of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!
I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love!
All life around me, personal and global, responds
to the call of this Eternal Three-fold Flame.
I AM living my Ascended Mastery!
I AM the Cosmic Flame of Divine Order.
Divine Order precedes my Three-fold Flame.
Divine Order is the Source of my Three-fold Flame.
Divine Order is the Radiation of my Three-fold Flame.
I AM my Three-fold Flame …and, I AM its Divine Order!
Divine Order is Universal I AM, unfolding as it should.
I AM in this Cosmic Flow of Divine Order and I AM the
full Potential of Divine Order expressing within Humanity!
The I AM Race is the full potential of Divine Order for Humanity!
Within my own Eternal Flame,
I AM enchanted by timelessness!
This is Peace Divine, my Great Silence!
This God Illumination arises from deep within my
Eternal Flame … that I AM its timelessness
expressing as its Infinite Radiant Light!
Beloved Ones, we have just been given the gift of God Illumination from the Mayan Retreat of Beloved Kenich Ahan …the Temple of the Eternal Flame. Here we have refined and purified our spirit, renewing our Cosmic Vows to serve the Light …while still in one of the most complex venues of Light Service known within Universal I AM (our sweet Earth). Here there is a great story of redemption unfolding …one of holding true to Divine Origins and the Immaculate Concept of our Beloved Father / Mother God. The great usurper calls to Humanity to seek something other than her Divine Potential …and so we answer the call to hold true to the Light!
In this Light Service ‘at the front lines’, we must also care for our own personal Harmony and Balance, so that we may remain at the height of our own potential for Light Service. This is the practice of Lord Gautama’s teachings on detachment from the illusion of karma, however relenting it appears! Beloved Saint Germain expressed this same teaching when he encourages the students of Light Service to ‘take time to be Holy’. This present monthly cycle occurs at an auspicious moment, when Ascended and Free Light Service was just recently centered at the Temple of the Eternal Flame of Beloved Kenich Ahan …and, as we have now entered the new (as of yet inner) Solar Year …and while steadily reaping the harvest of the closing calendar year.[1] So there is a Cosmic Momentum to take advantage of.
And so, we dedicate and consecrate this Momentum to our personal spiritual care. For within our True Identity is the Divine Tranquility, the Celestial Peace of the Great Silence and the Divine Grace …that we have sought through the centuries of our Light Service! We have all served within different bodies (male and female), different cultures and various religions …all aimed at serving Humanity but also trying to find personal redemption. And because of our progress in Light Service, we may now find personal revitalization in any moment of meditation or mindfulness that we plan into our daily routines. Let us ‘take time to be Holy’ as we practice personal detachment from karmic illusion, however close to home it seems to reveal itself!
As we refine our thoughts in meditation, such Purity then allows for utilizing the Higher Emotional Powers of Holy Spirit. Part of our personal peace is finding the answer to the imbalance (personal or global) that presents itself to our door step. We learn that the Purity of our mind (in our True Identity as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light) then allows the fulfillment of our calling: Come Holy Spirit, Come! As Sun of the Sun, not only are we at ‘the Source of all’ …we become ‘the Source’: of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness (Flame) …as well as Energy, Matter and Intelligence (its Radiant Light) …that combined, allows full dominion of co-creation in our daily life. Here there is no helplessness, no powerlessness, no victimhood …only the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love, pouring through a Divine Director, living her True Identity! Meditate on this! Let us discover a ‘personal Peace Divine’.
Here we are attuned to Source and therefore not to ego. And when attuned to Source …as Father / Mother God in the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun …as well as to Father / Mother God in our own Three-fold Flame …then we discover our personal inspiration and our Divine Guidance! Each time we do this, our level of God Illumination increases and our personal experience of revitalization and redemption increases! This is ‘the attainment’ we have sought through the ages …and here we are (here I AM!) attaining it …and, at any moment we chose …in rhythmic dedication to our personal spiritual care! Again, meditate on this!
Within the Great Solar Disc, our Three-fold Flame expresses as the Divine Seven Rays …all Sevens Chakras in Harmony and Balance with their Kundalini Fire spiraling up the spine, becoming the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim at the forehead. This is our Divine Human or Holy Christ Self. Here we then become our own Resonating, Attuned Channel …living the Mighty I AM Presence in daily life …as its Solar Christ Self. Here we express the Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power we have brought to this sweet Earth …along any or all of the Seven Rays! This is our True Identity and Divine Instrument, as we move about the world in our daily life!
As we build momentum on this Inner Wisdom, it brings a strength of character that withstands the harshest karmic winds. This is our Mantle of Protection …and our Ring Pass Not of Cosmic Christ Lightening. Our Faith in this True Identity is our Circle and Sword of Blue Flame …that expresses Divine Will through all our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds! This Divine Instrument is our Ascended Master Presence …something the Karmic Board knew was necessary for the redemption of our sweet Earth in this Cosmic moment now unfolding. And this is why we were granted embodiment at this Cosmic Moment!
This is also our creativity, as a unique Presence of Light in the Universe. We create through the Power of feelings …the Divine Emotional Universe of Celestial Qualities …the Realms of Cosmic Holy Spirit …the Dimensions and Spheres of the Causal Body and the Home of the Angels. The Divine Mind maintains the Great Silence of God Illumination …which is the universal foundation for Precipitation and Co-creation. In this Great Silence is the Purified thoughts of Divine Will unfolding. Whereas ego sees the mind as the generator of thoughts and mental concepts, Divine Mind is a clear ocean of stillness …of the clarity of the Divine Order of Universal I AM already in operation!
This is how genius operates …understanding Universal I AM and how it expresses in the foundational principles of science, art, music, beauty, and in the interactions of individuals, including personal, national and global interactions. Every aspect of Universal I AM is seeking to express its innate Harmony and Balance …the Ascended and Free State it left after its original creation in the Heart of Father / Mother God. It left on a journey of discovery of how to express its gifts and blessings to the Universe. Just as Einstein grasped the concepts of Quantum State physics, so do we offer the concepts of Divine Cause …until all aspects of daily life, along all the Seven Rays, finally discover the Harmony and Balance of their innate Divine Order.
In Ascended and Free Light Service we anchor these foundations into Earth’s atmosphere, so that genius may be discovered in every aspect of daily life …relationships, family, communities, and nations …arts, sciences, healing, diplomacy and government …culminating in the Oneness Consciousness of all life …including the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity.
Divine Mind then allows the Will of God to be understood in concepts that can then be channeled into the Heart Flame of Divine Emotions. Light Servers understand the Three-fold Flame of Creation. It begins with the First Ray of God's Will. Here we sustain our Illumined Faith and develop a Consecrated Loyalty to this Divine Order within Universal I AM constantly unfolding …which is what is called ‘God's Will’. Then this ‘First and Forever Attunement to Divine Will’ proceeds to the mind where it is appreciated as concepts as to how Universal I AM truly works …from quantum physics to the spiritual development of Consciousness and every other aspect involving the Ascension of the I AM Race on our sweet Earth.
For example, Divine Mind understands Liquid Light, something Beloved Saint Germain has spoken about for decades. Regular light behaves like a wave, and sometimes like a particle, always travelling in a straight line. That's why your eyes can't see around corners or objects. But when in an Accelerated Vibration of a Higher Octave, Light can also act like a liquid, and actually flows around objects, in all directions, and across all dimensions. Beloved Saint Germain would precipitate Liquid Light and offer it to Light Servers as an elixir. Yet it is ours to access directly from our Mighty I AM Presence!
This Divine Light can flow into disease and rebalance it towards its original Harmony. It can revitalize the body towards Youth and Beauty …as well as Health and Wellness. It can free the mind of condemnation, criticism and judgment; free the heart of human ego or spiritual pride …and free the memory of all previous trauma. But we now realize this elixir is as available as doing a profound meditation on becoming our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …directing the Light with consecrated attention into any person, place, condition or thing we desire.
Let us further understand emotional power within our Eternal Flame. Out Light flows directly from the Mighty I AM Presence. So as we expand and project our Light then we actually ‘send forth’ our Mighty I AM Presence ahead of us (before the body goes). The Laws of Life state: “Where your attention goes, your energy flows and your energy is your Life; where your attention goes, there you are (in your Divine Presence), for you are your Consciousness, your Divine Consciousness!” Beloved Ones, our Light goes forth with the Power of Divine Will …and with the God Illumination of Wisdom’s Ray. Our Light goes forth with the energy to change things, the matter to co-create things and the intelligence to see that all is Divine Order!
Then, our emotional power is the activity of Divine Love in action! This is a force cultivated over many millennium on our Ascended Sister Planet Venus and their Sun, their Source of all …our Beloved Krishna and Sophia. This is Cosmic Holy Spirit! When this Forcefield is directed to nature, then we may become one with nature and nature responds, enfolding us in her Divine Order. When we direct this Forcefield to the Angels, we become one with this Mighty Kingdom and can feel the Angels everywhere present, dispensing all of their Divine Qualities. When this Forcefield of Divine Love is directed impersonally towards all Humanity, free of ego’s condemnation, criticism and judgment, we become one with Humanity …as did the Cosmic Christ through Beloved Jesus. And as we practice all three Activities of Love, then we fulfill the Foundation of the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity …a necessity for Earth’s full inclusion in the Great Cosmic Inbreath and revealing the Age of Spiritual Freedom!
And all of this is accomplished free of time and space …even with our physical presence yet within time and space. This is Ascended Master living, truly understanding and using the principles of our Eternal Flame …as the Source of Higher Octave Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …so that as we project our Light forth, it may then operate outside of time and space as Electronic Liquid Light …and hence create the miracles the Living Christ has always done!
I AM the Cosmic Flame of Divine Order.
Divine Order precedes my Three-fold Flame.
Divine Order is the Source of my Three-fold Flame.
Divine Order is the Radiation of my Three-fold Flame.
I AM my Three-fold Flame …and, I AM its Divine Order!
Feel deeply and accept: I AM the Eternal Three-fold Flame of Divine Order! Here there is the flow of Pure Light of the Mighty I AM Presence into daily life. Here there is no condemnation, criticism and judgment of ego to disrupt the natural flow of Divine Order. Here I love life as it is and I AM at Peace. Also, I AM dreaming of Divine Potential; I AM visualizing Divine Potential; and I AM the co-creation / precipitation of Divine Potential. I hold the Oneness Consciousness for the Divine Potential for all life.
But in this moment, here and now, I AM the Eternal Flame of Divine Order and I trust the Universe is unfolding perfectly …including as it must for the unique Divine Plan of Earth’s redemption. It is fairly easy to love life already expressing its Divine Potential ...but I can also love life on its journey to Divine Potential …just as it presently is …free of condemnation, criticism and judgment! This is the eternal detachment of my Buddhahood. This is the Sublime Peace of my Christ Self. This is my Ascended Mastery!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED PRINCIPA: holder of the Immaculate Concept of Divine Order …for the Ascension Process of Humanity:
Beloved Ones: Divine Order comes from our Infinite Radiant Light preceding us as the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of co-creation in the world. It precedes us, arriving via projected Consciousness (outside of time and space constraints) …before our physical presence even arrives (within time and space) …clearing the way in the world for the Divine Plan …an Ascended Master life lived in the Light, in that very moment!
There is a Divine Order unfolding if one can see beyond the complex illusion of karma that currently presents itself. In this time, Humanity is presented with a vast array of potential futures …that may arise out of the current moment. The Divine Order of this comes in its unfolding process …wherein Humanity sees a clear choice …and more, is steadily accepting greater responsibility for that choice …exercising her free will in a determined fashion (that would please even our Beloved El Morya!). Herein is the Divine Order of evolving Consciousness unique to our sweet Earth!
Once individuals understand the Truth of their ‘inner self’ (Eternal Flame) as the source of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and their Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light as the Energy, Matter and Intelligence that is subsequently the source of co-creation within daily life …then the Divine Plan is seen to be unfolding. The understanding and acceptance of the source of individual power in this process is crucial …not an extraneous source but from within. Only then Divine Order flows from that Truth. For again, Divine Order is a process …rather than any particular content (or dogma).
The narrative of Humanity is constantly changing …from a very imbalanced state in the darkest of ages (where most of the imbalance was ‘produced in secret’ from Humanity) …towards a narrative of Harmony and Balance that is steadily increasing across the breadth of Humanity. And this progress is occurring quicker than what is obvious …as the obvious imbalance seems to magnetize the bulk of momentary awareness and ‘appears all consuming’. The good news is: what was done in secret is now revealed …on a personal and planetary level. This is the universal context of current events as seen by the Lord of the World and in this is the Divine Order of the Ascension Process of Humanity’s Consciousness.
The last of karmic imbalance must be brought to awareness, however unpleasant. Ego still hopes to usurp the ascension process and drag Humanity down to previous levels of imbalance. But it had to fully reveal itself to do so …a risk it was forced into because of the success of decades of Light Service! And as it is revealed, the Sacred Fire Momentum of our global Light Service has opportunity to transmute and transform it, through the Seventh Ray of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …which is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love radiating from the Great Solar Disc. The majority of Humanity, now more than ever before, strongly and mindfully desire that ‘good’ now overcome ‘imbalance’. And so it shall …and SO IT IS!
Divine Order is like any other Cosmic Forcefield. It can be brought forth in action through a Mighty Invocation. This Forcefield can be cultivated, where the individual Flame steadily becomes our Source of Divine Order. Then, while building this Momentum, one can simply invoke and direct the Divine Order Forcefield through them, to act on behalf of all Humanity …in any person, place, condition or thing! Love becomes Power through its invocation and its direction by any intelligent, active God Presence. This is the eternal gift of Consciousness …that anyone blessed with Consciousness may invoke Cosmic Forcefields and become these same Forcefields through practice and application.
So …Divine Order is a Cosmic Forcefield …and as well, is the context for all Cosmic Forcefields. For the invocation and direction of Sacred Fire is Divine Order in action! This is what every Ascended Master understands and practices. It is the basis of Mastery. Divine Order is the very Essence of Father / Mother God radiating forth as Holy Spirit, when invoked and directed by an individual Eternal Flame …any Eternal Flame throughout Universal I AM, including all the Ascended Races and Kingdoms on all the endless planets and stars in the creation of Father / Mother God.
This is to be ‘born of the Spirit’ …a Sacred Trust to remain God in Action and act only in God’s Most Holy Name, I AM! In this Sacred Word, I is for Beloved Alpha (God as the First Source, numeral 1) and AM (OM) is for Omega, the Oneness Consciousness of all things and, unto the endless eternity of the Universe (the beginning and end of all things). The Spirit of Divine Order is always based in service to life, where-ever and when-ever it manifests, in its eternal pursuit of Divine Potential. Service is the expansion of the Three-fold Flame …externalizing its energy waves and directing its Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love into any situation. And in service we discover our own Ascension and our own spiritual care. For as we serve life from within our Mighty God Presence, even if never moving from our personal sanctuary, life will respond …and serve us, care for us, heal us and set us free. If we serve out of ego, we only get back ego. If we serve from God, impersonal Divine Love, then Holy Spirit is what comes on the return current. This is the Law of Life. This is Divine Order!
Beloved Ones: I AM responsible for the redemption of planetary karma, its full resolution and its freedom back into the Light. From Ascended Master Realms, we see only the Holy Innocence of the original Divine Light yet trapped within that karma, whose energy was originally sent forth from Father / Mother God, through the Mighty I AM Presence of all involved and thus into creation through embodied Creative Faculties within Humanity.
Through the many ages since the 'great fall', the Spiritual Hierarchy and our representatives on Earth have done our Light Service to this end. Beloved Sanat Kumara has spoken about times when only one magnificent embodied Light Server was available and functioning, so as to maintain a focus of Light in otherwise a darkened planet, covered with a heavy fog of karmic creation. But now we have a world-wide network of Light Service that ensures enough Light that our sweet Earth may move forward in the Great Cosmic Inbreath. This does not mean karma disappears but that the Divine Plan of Earth will no longer be held hostage to karma. It allows for a Cosmic Moment when all may choose …to progress with Earth into her Ascension with her I AM Race …or, remain in ‘the karmic loop’ until such God Illumination comes to them, to progress further.
In ages past, the Spiritual Hierarchy would encourage that Light Service be spread through word of mouth, as the development of consciousness was only at that level. Hence disciples would go forth and preach / teach amongst the masses. But now we reach the masses through Oneness Consciousness …because of the progress in the raising of Consciousness to a higher vibratory level. Social media is a product of this Ascension process but is an effect, not the cause. Light Service is the Cause and you represent that Cause, anchored and expanded from Causal Levels, in the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …from whence you serve in your True Identity. You are the conduits of anchorage for these Realms of Light that sustains this Ascension Process. We see you as Temples of Light within daily life. Here you serve from your own Temples within the Causal Realms of Ascended and Free Earth! This is your Sanctuary!
We understand dear ones that karma invites condemnation, criticism and judgment by its very nature of not following the Divine Plan. Yet condemnation, criticism and judgment diminishes our Light Service, as it blocks the natural flow of Light from the Mighty I AM Presence. So I remind the dear Light Servers of detachment, like we might detach from an unruly child, still loving it but attempting to help it to learn to self-regulate it thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.
Dear ones you know from many teachings that Love is Patience; Love is Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness; Love is Kindness. This is quite achievable in our spiritual development if we serve free of time and space and therefore not concerned with the limitations and fears based in time and space. Detachment comes from True Identity, knowing you are an Eternal Flame before this embodiment, during this embodiment and will remain an Eternal Flame after this embodiment. It is one continuum of Divine existence. Herein is your patience, your kindness and your detachment.
In our Light Service, let us continually observe for communication from our Mighty I AM Presence …given to us through our Creative Faculties, as well as our senses (sight, sound, taste, texture, touch, etc.). We might prefer words as a message …so that the message seems clear. But the proverb that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ rings true, as it does for other sensory experiences through which our Mighty I AM Presence communicates with us. Comprehending these communications helps with detachment from karmic illusion, as you continue to know of a larger context for all of our Light Service (and thus not feel disillusioned by the repetitive karmic appearances). We ask for revelation …and this includes karmic revelation …but as well, includes revelation from our Mighty I AM Presence to each of us personally, daily, moment to moment!
We have all just been blessed by an outpouring from the Temple of the Eternal Flame of Beloved Kenich Ahan. This Blessing included communication for each of you, as to your personal Divine Plan. Watch for this. But as importantly, the Earth is continually blessed by an outpouring from each of your Temples of Light …on a daily and monthly basis! And hopefully this adds to our ability to detach from karmic observation and continually discover our Patience, Calmness, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness and Divine Love.
My personal blessing to you is to assist you in becoming your True Identity and Divine Instrument all contained within becoming the Great Solar Disc. Here we see, feel and know your Seven planetary Chakras as Seven Suns spiraling in Celestial Alignment and Divine Order. Now we may truly know the Kundalini Fire generated by the developed Chakras. This Forcefield spirals up your spine, gathering together at the top …as the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim.
Let us meditate on our Chakras. These vital energy centers were intended to reflect the Seven Planets of Helios and Vesta …a miniature Solar System within the embodied soul. They were intended to be convex in a centrifugal action …spiraling in Divine Order with the Sun they represent under Alpha and Omega …as well as the Planet they represent under Helios and Vesta. They were intended to be radiating centers of Perfection Patterns from Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …directly into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional fabric of Humanity! This worked perfectly in the first three Root Races and the co-creation of Heaven on Earth came through these Creative Faculties.
With the 'great fall', these centers became concave and centripetal in action, absorbing the karmic fog around them …rather than radiating Perfection Patterns of all Seven Rays from the Mighty I AM Presence. This lead to disease, distress and decay …rather than the constant Ascension of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, as received from the Chohan, Archangel and Elohim of each of the Seven Rays, as intended by the Divine Plan.
As we meditate on this Kundalini Fire, see yourself seated upon your own Lotus Flame …for I now join you there within your own Great Solar Disc. Here we are (I AM) the One Light of the Mighty I AM Presence, the Three-fold Flame of Creation and then the Sacred Seven of the Divine Human, the Holy Christ Self. The combined seven-fold rising Forcefield of Perfection Patterns from all Seven Chakras is the Kundalini Fire. When fully released from the base Ascension Chakra and equally developed and released from the other chakras …the Kundalini Fire transmutes in the Sacred Flame all karmic energies associated with each chakra …and, returns Perfection Patterns of Divine Function to all cells, atoms and electrons, every organ system and meridian …setting their frequency into their Divine Potential. The combined radiating Light of each of the Major Rays of each Chakra (Kundalini Fire) then Ascends up the spine in a spiraling fashion …and when fully developed, reveals both the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim upon the forehead, and the opened Thousand Petaled Lotus at the top of the head (the biblical ‘halo’). As its Momentum expands, Kundalini Fire brings with it Higher Frequency Octaves of Reality into daily life. Kundalini Fire slowly releases us from our present body and mind …into our Light Body and Divine Mind! This is our Ascension within daily life!
Mediation on Kundalini Fire reminds us that everything is but Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and that we were to become Divine Directors of this Seven Chakra Forcefield’s development, in a joyful co-creation of daily life …rather than be ‘at the effect of’ (or victim to) its lack of development …or worse, its devolving into human ego (disease, distress, decay and death). So we meditate on the Divine Potential of each of the Seven Chakras and its combined Forcefield of Kundalini Fire soaring up the spine in an Ascending River of Sacred Fire. Then we may see greater Divine Potential revealed in every moment of our daily life.
As Kundalini Fire expands and projects it Cosmic Influence, it incorporates increasing Higher Frequency Perfection Patterns from Realms of Light into daily life. Here we give Adoration to the Body Elemental …a Devic Being of great evolution …and thank it for allowing us an anchorage in the world of form to do our Light Service. This is the essence of Divine Opportunity when seen from Cosmic Realms. In expanding our Seven Chakras and Kundalini Fire, let us first affirm: As my Kundalini Fire ascends my Being, so too does the Kundalini Fire of all Humanity rise up her spine and reveal the Divine Human, the perfect seven-fold Holy Christ Self.
Then to ensure proper development of the Seven Chakras and Kundalini Fire, let us remember that this practice is attuned to Cosmic Holy Spirit. Let us contemplate the Forcefield we aspire to. Holy Spirit is that Love Ray from Venus and all the Spiritual Hierarchy who originate from Venus, as well as their Sun (our Beloved Krishna and Sophia) …all who answered the call from Beloved Sanat Kumara to quite literally save this sweet Earth from etherealization …back to her basic components. This Forcefield of Holy Spirit is a Cosmic Momentum of a specific Love Ray, developed over countless cycles of evolution within the Solar System of Beloved Krishna and Sophia, specifically on our sister planet Venus and her Royal Family of Kumaras.
It was Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus who invoked and gathered this Love Ray Forcefield and recruited enough strong Souls to anchor this Forcefield deep into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional fabric of Humanity on Earth. Remember dear ones that this was a very dark period on Earth …when there was insufficient Light from within Humanity to sustain her place in the Solar System (of Beloved Helios and Vesta). I answered the call …as did Beloved Lord Maitreya, Beloved Ascended Master Jesus and so many others you know as Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy.
Now, the embodied Gathering of Ascended Humanity trains to become the new Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth. And here you are …completing your embodied Light Service …just as we did, those of us who answered the original call of Beloved Sanat Kumara. We all faced trying times in the embodied phase of our training …in anchoring enough Light from within Humanity. Thus we know well what you are currently experiencing in daily life. But the strength of True Identity is what sustained all of us preceding you in ‘Ascended Master training’ on Earth. And if we remain in our True Identity, as the Divine Instrument, then Victory is assured …as Cosmic Light naturally flows unimpeded through this Divine Instrument …and the Light is always Victorious!
The greatest certainty of our Ascension and our Divine Plan fulfilled in service, is when our inbreath, absorption and assimilation of Sacred Fire …then its expansion and projection into daily life …is greater by far than the outer imbalance that reaches our attention and tries to influence us negatively. We were born of Father / Mother God to be vessels of Sacred Fire in any Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of existence we chose to serve within. On Earth, especially as karma continues to reveal itself in order to be redeemed, this training to be receptacles and radiating centers of Sacred Fire and its Infinite Radiant Light is more important than service in any other dimension we might imagine. And this is the purpose …and honor …and opportunity of our current embodiment!
Therefore, as we set a rhythmic ceremony to the development of our Seven Chakras and its combined Kundalini Fire, let us acknowledge honor and adore all the Cosmic Momentum that has preceded us. It is enfolded in their Love, Wisdom and Power that we feel empowered to fulfill our present Divine Potential in Service to the Light. For our assistance is ordained by this current Cosmic Moment …of the Great Cosmic Inbreath and, Humanity’s redemption to her rightful place in the Solar System of Father / Mother God.
Loving Adoration and Gratitude always brings the greatest return current of Cosmic Assistance. And in this Light, Victory is ours!
[1] Let us remember dear Ones that the harvest of the last three months of the calendar year is also the three Zodiac Cycles dedicated to the Inner Gestation of the New Solar Year …which then expresses outwardly (is born or revealed) at the beginning of the new calendar year.