May, 2018
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light!
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
I AM the Way of Infinite Light!
I AM the Way of Holy Spirit!
I AM the Way of Life within the Great Solar Disc;
the Way of Divine Power of the Feminine Ray;
the Way of our Spiritual Path incarnate:
The Way of Living Holy Spirit!
I AM The One
…The Three …The Seven
…The Twelve …Returning to the One.
I AM all aspects of the Great Solar Disc,
living through me and flourishing in daily life.
I AM the Tender, Unwavering Power of the Feminine Ray!
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Tender,
unwavering Love of Cosmic Holy Spirit!
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Tender,
unwavering Love of Cosmic Holy Spirit!
I AM that I AM!
I AM the Great Solar Disc!
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
within the Multi-Dimensional Great Solar Disc.
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
of the Divine Power within the Feminine Ray.
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life of our
Spiritual Path incarnate; the Way of Holy Spirit!
I AM The One
…The Three …The Seven
…The Twelve …Returning to the One.
I AM all aspects of the Great Solar Disc,
living through me and flourishing in daily life.
I AM the Tender, Unwavering Power of the Feminine Ray!
I AM all aspects of my own True Identity,
living through me and flourishing in daily life.
I AM the Tender, Unwavering Power of the Feminine Ray!
I AM the Tender, Unwavering Love
of the Ray of Cosmic Holy Spirit!
I AM the Great Solar Disc!
I AM that I AM!
Beloved Ones, let us contemplate ‘Ascension concepts’. These are the foundations of thinking, feeling, remembering and acting that bring Humanity and our sweet Earth ever-closer to Ascended and Free …together, standing in the Light! Let us see and feel that each one of us inbreathe, absorb, expand and project these concepts as best we can, at this moment in our own Ascension Process. Whatever level of understanding we each bring, that exact level is vital to a large portion of Humanity …who need this level of Truth held before them, as the Immaculate Concept of what they need to attain, assuring the necessary progress of the Great Cosmic Inbreath.
So …each month, besides what appears ‘officially’ in the Journal, let us all place our personal Ascension Concepts into words or visualization …as if our personal level of understanding then appears in the printed Journal …that what we each think, feel, remember and affirm into the world is an important Focus for Light Service for ourselves individually and for much of the world globally. Let us contemplate this …and then do this!
With this in mind, let us consider our Ascension Concepts regarding the Power of the Feminine Ray. ‘Together, standing in the Light’ is an affirmation inclusive of every level of daily life within the world of form. Thus, as we do our monthly Light Service together, standing in the Light …we may truly see, think, feel and become all life on Earth Ascending in Oneness Consciousness! At the Gates of Birth, we all made vows to be Spiritual Leaders (rather than followers) in Humanity’s Ascension Process. The Love Nature of the Feminine Ray is such that it draws forth leaders in a quiet, yet dynamic way …often humble and anonymous, yet always exercising the greatest Spiritual Powers available …becoming Priests / Priestesses of Sacred Fire, as well as Directors of Cosmic Forcefields!
The Divine Feminine Ray is inclusive and cohesive …not only in a parallel fashion (all Races, Cultures, Creeds, Nations and Peoples) but inclusive of all the Multi-Dimensional Aspects of our own True Being …a True Sun of the Sun …and that of all Humanity! I AM inclusive and cohesive with the potential Light and Flame of the One, the Three-fold Flame, the Seven-fold Flame, the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity and then again One with Universal I AM …of all Humanity! In this all-inclusive, multi-dimensional Ascended State, we are the most evolved of our Cosmic Self! Here I AM the Twelve-fold White Fire Being, who serves at the levels of the Central Sun and Great Central Sun! Here the Mighty I AM Presence is one of a set of Divine Twins in the direct lineage of this White Fire Being. The Mighty I AM Presence has our Causal Body as its Cosmic Aura … mirroring both the Twelve Spheres of Light around the Central Sun Alpha and Omega …and the Seven Spheres of Light around the Sun of our Solar System, Beloved Helios and Vesta.
Then a Mighty Projection of this Cosmic Truth was to walk the Earth ‘in form’ (originally much less dense, more etheric form), and project all of this Cosmic Reality into the solidity of form (never before accomplished to such a level of atomic concentration). This was all part of the original Divine Plan of Father / Mother God (Helios and Vesta) in ‘expanding the Borders of Perfection’. Then with the 'great fall' in Consciousness, the levels of density within form (physical, etheric, mental and emotional) became all the more solid and unyielding to Higher Frequency …a process of ‘devolution’ that required Beloved Sanat Kumara to ‘volunteer to save this sweet Earth’ through a Cosmic Sacrifice of Divine Love.
This Forcefield of Divine Love is what we now understand to be the Ray of Holy Spirit …first evolved through the Sun Gods Krishna and Sophia, then perfected on their Beloved planet Venus and their I AM Race …from whom most of our Beloved Spiritual Hierarchy has originated (coming again and again over many embodiments) to confirm that the tender power of Love overcomes all else …no matter the density (or intensity) of ego imbalance. We currently serve in this same Lineage of Light Service and have volunteered to finish this Redemption, so the sweet Earth may fully participate in the Great Cosmic Inbreath!
The ‘illusion of separateness’ attempts to cover this Truth. Yet we know deep in our Hearts that the Cohesive Power of Divine Love always prevails. This Faith is represented in the Affirmation of Ascended and Free Light Service: inclusive of all life living free in the Light. In Ascended Master Teachings, the White Fire Being is seen as an Infinite Circle of Light, within which is an Eternal Life in the Light! To move closer to this Reality, the Feminine Ray is now revealing Herself on Earth, arising from the depths of ‘the previously unknown’ …spiritually and scientifically. Our specific Light Service is the God Illumination of directing the Synergy of Cosmic Forcefields (as in the Great Solar Disc). At the same moment, we see science’s higher understanding of similar sub-atomic forces of cohesion and togetherness. Both of these advancements represent this Revelation of the Feminine Ray!
This Cohesive Power of Divine Love within the Feminine Ray operates on every level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves. At the base of this Pagoda, Humanity has become like the sub-atomic ‘quark’ ...with the power binding us always greater than the force trying to separate us. This Truth is in our most basic, fundamental makeup! Within Humanity is a unified, self-directed Consciousness that reflects the foundational forces of the Universe. We think of this as Father / Mother God …or, Great Cosmic Beings …or, simply the innate Intelligence of Universal I AM. But Intelligence is always revealed as a Power …and, if moving forward and upward in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …is always governed by Love. Hence the Three-fold Flame at the Heart of all Co-creation …the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love. And now we live, move and breathe this Truth as the Great Solar Disc …the Eternal Flame at the Heart of the emerging Feminine Ray!
The Great Solar Disc holds this entire Immaculate Concept. With all Suns in Divine Alignment and Divine Order, this self-directed Consciousness may now manifest as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …and thus, as every individual Solar Christ Self within Humanity …until we fully manifest the I AM Race! Then once again, the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love reigns on Earth. The full Power of the Feminine Ray is the One; the Three; the Seven; the Twelve; all synergistically functioning on Earth as the foundational Forces of Creation in daily life!
Let us consider the term ‘White Fire Being’. This is both the declaration of a Presence that has been Initiated into the Sun and Central Sun …but also the declaration of an Divine Action …of Pure White Sacred Fire now being present (with the word ‘being’ now a verb) … Celestial White Fire existing …Celestial White Fire being …and present …here and now in the form of an Infinite Circle of Light! The White Fire Being is perfect Harmony and Balance …of the Feminine Ray and Masculine Ray in its Divine Alignment, Order and Oneness …and therefore, the perfect representation of the Great Solar Disc. As we know, the White Fire Being now resides as a Presence in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire within our Solar Year Thoughtform. It delivers to us the greatest Powers of the Universal I AM for our keeping and use in this Cosmic Moment …within daily life on Earth!
This grants us an all-powerful Divine Knowledge and Wisdom! For Sacred Fire is spiritual technology …the tools for ‘Builders of Divine Self; Builders of Divine Consciousness; and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light’ …only operated through the Divine Instrument of an Ascended and Free Consciousness …a Sun of the Sun …a Solar Christ Self!
I stand before the Light,
empty of self,
as Flame!
I stand before the Light
empty of time, as Eternal Flame!
I stand before the Light,
empty of space, distance and separation,
as an Eternal Light, standing before Eternal Light!
As I AM the One, the Three, the Seven, the Twelve …then, I AM the One embodied: its Three-fold Flame, its Seven-fold Holy Christ Self …and then instantly its Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and White Fire Being! I AM my entire Eternal Being operating in Oneness Consciousness …in this present moment …in this present embodiment!
In fulfilling this Divine Plan, the greatest protection from the imbalance of returning karma (through persons, places, conditions and things in our lives) is to live in a Forcefield of Sacred Fire. For all returning energy looking to be set free, automatically passes through these Forcefields and will be transmuted / transformed into its Divine Potential before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained. Therefore, all our returning karma is already Resurrected into its Divine Innocence before it enters our awareness! And when it does enter awareness, it simply offers its Peace, Harmony, Balance and Loving Kindness as originally planned by Father / Mother God. And if we notice imbalance anywhere in life, we see and know it only as ‘life looking to be set free’. And we have precisely the Sacred Fire tools to do so, if detached from its expression in the world of form. We remain empty of self and One with the Way of Sacred Fire.
Let us affirm: I AM empty of self and I AM Flame …filled with my own Three-fold Flame; Seven-fold Flame; and Twelve-fold Flame. As well: ‘I AM empty of self and I AM filled with the Transmutation Flame of Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst’ …or, ‘I AM empty of self and I AM filled with the Flame of Love of Beloved Lady Nada’; or, any other Cosmic Flame / Ray of any of the Spiritual Hierarchy; or, of our own Mighty God Presence!
Then, empty of self, time and space and only Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …then I AM all of my True Identity …my complete Divine Instrument …flowing into daily life …the Miracle Working Presence of Sacred Fire in the world of form! This is the ‘promised miracles’ from the Spheres of Light, manifesting here and now ‘in form’!
Science confirms the Cohesive Power of Divine Love even at the most sub-atomic level! The ‘quark’ particle is such a Forcefield of Cohesiveness …as if representing the Three-fold Flame at the sub-atomic level. Quarks are particles that can be observed, yet they are ‘packets of energy and frequency’. They are always seen as ‘threefold’ (three aspects to each quark), like the Three-fold Flame. Quarks always are found standing together, as if ‘hugging each other in threes’. And when in a laboratory attempts are made to separate these basic three elements of quarks …the farther they are forced apart, the stronger the binding force grows between them, always assuring eventual togetherness …always returning to Oneness Consciousness. Think of it …this is a basic force within every level of life, from the sub-atomic realm, on into infinity ...and certainly includes forces within and between Humanity.
This is the Divine Feminine Ray revealing herself! Our Light Service is within this Revelation …the New Dawn of Spiritual Service in the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation of a Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom!
Beloved Ones: I welcome you into my Eternal Flame, standing with me in the Light …even as I feel welcomed into your Flame …as well as its Infinite Radiant Light. I sojourn with you in Consciousness this cycle representing that Divine Synergy of the Seventh Ray with the Feminine Ray …including how both of these current Forcefields impact the Office of the Planetary Buddha within the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Let us celebrate the Initiation of Ascended and Free Light Servers. The ‘Epiphany’ is a Christian Celebration of the coming of the Christ into the world …when the Three Kings (representing the Three-fold Flame) came from afar to acknowledge this Sacred Event. Epiphany also is that time of Baptism, when every embodied potential Christed Being (anointed with Holiness) is united with the Cosmic Christ (referred to as the “Father within”), as was Beloved Jesus at the River Jordan, by John the Baptist. Achieving the station of ‘Anointed with Holiness’ is measured only as having evolved in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness towards the Ascension, yet continuing a desire to serve ‘in the world’ …rather than necessarily measured by outer cultural or religious ceremonious recognition.
Epiphany also refers to a range of experiences, including a sudden realization of Higher Frequency Reality …or, in the Buddha’s words: ‘Boundless Enlightenment’ …as well as, the ‘deeper Perfection of Wisdom’. Everyone on a spiritual path desires this ‘great revelation’ …whether sudden, as in stories in scripture …or, over embodiments, the way Enlightenment occurs for most. Remember dear ones, that beyond the restrictions of time and space, an embodiment is ‘just a moment’ in the Eternal Journey of our Sacred Flame.
From the Greek “epiphaneia” (‘appearance’ or ‘manifestation’), an epiphany may represent a true turning point, an ‘Eternal Moment’ in any life story (of an embodiment or series of embodiments) …where one attains Higher Realization or Awareness. This reflects Crystal Vision as seen through the lens of a New Light. And there is New Light continuously pouring into this planet, offering all Humanity a New Lens! This ‘moment’ then persists forever, remembered even when having evolved into other Systems of Worlds in the ‘great beyond’.
Such revelation is the Divine Potential of this Solar Year, in working with the Forcefields within the Great Solar Disc. It combines ancient teachings of the Ascended Master along various lineages, with the very current Higher Frequency Energies and Enlightenment of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Light Brotherhood. And the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is being honored in knowing and practicing both!
Let us for a moment peer through the lens of our Beloved Lord Gautama and his Teachings of Perfect Wisdom. I too walked daily life in embodiment, teaching the Heart Sutra of the Buddha. Ascended and Free Light Servers already practice the ‘teachings of emptiness’ …to be in the world but not of it …to be aware of suffering in the world and then offer ‘the Way’ out of that suffering. Becoming empty of self and everything associated with self (persons, places, conditions and things) …then empty of time (and its restrictions of waiting, aging and frustration) …then empty of space and becoming Boundless States of Being and non-Being …here, there, everywhere present as only Divine Light …this is the Way out!
Your Light will instantly fill ‘the vacuum of becoming empty’ with the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of Original Innocence … returning a person or situation to its Divine Plan. Imagine possessing the intelligence (knowledge and wisdom), matter (substance) and energy (ability) to solve any problem (personal or global)! Yet this is the precise definition of your Divine Light …Energy, Matter and Intelligence! The present Keynote of this ‘problem solving’ is the Feminine Ray / Seventh Ray Synergy …offering Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness and Transmutation, which then reveals Spiritual Freedom (revealing that person, place, condition or thing in its own Light …in its own Divine Potential).
Let us see the Great Solar Disc Forcefield in action through us …as us! Our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light ‘stands in’ at the center of any person, place, condition or thing that comes to our attention. Standing there in our Light, we affirm our mantra: I AM empty of self, time and space …I AM filled with the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light! The Light that instantly fills the ‘vacuum of emptiness’ is the One Light of the Silver Cord pouring in from the Mighty I AM Presence …the ONE. This Light then reveals the THREE …its Source (its Sun), the Three-fold Flame!
This Eternal Three-fold Flame has a ‘Presence’, revealing the SEVEN …the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self with the Seven Perfected Chakras (each a Sun), as well as the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim (evident on the forehead). This allows ‘becoming Divine Directors of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation’ …within that situation or problem. As the Holy Christ Self is allowed its True Identity, it instantly becomes the TWELVE, the Twelve-fold Flame …with Twelve Chakras of the Solar Christ Self; Mighty I AM Presence; and White Fire Being …all now present and active in this situation!
From this exalted State of the TWELVE …of becoming our full True Identity (our entire Divine Instrument), we may then enter Nirvana …the ONE …returning to the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM! This is ‘the Way’ of the Great Solar Disc …all Suns in Divine Alignment …across all Multi-Dimensional Spheres of Light …that I AM! In this Holy State, we become ‘the Liberation of all suffering’, entering Nirvana for our own Spiritual Freedom …as well as the end of suffering for all life …the entire world of form with whom we are One (the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves). This is our greatest Compassion for the world!
In acknowledging the state of emptiness (of self, time and space),
and becoming only Eternal Flame & its Infinite Radiant Light,
the Heart Sutra of the Buddha describes it as a mantra:
for the training in the deep Perfection of Wisdom
and entering the Blissfulness of Nirvana:
Within the Great Solar Disc we feel States of Boundlessness in the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light ...that deep Perfection of Wisdom beyond the bounds of self, time and space. Let us contemplate the ‘Boundless States’ of being and non-being. Disciples of Holy Spirit are the Bodhisattvas …the ones who listen the Teachings the Sacred Tone the Sacred Heart the Rhythms of Universal I AM! They know the One (stream of Light along the Silver Cord from the Mighty I AM Presence). They know the Three (the Three-fold Flame; the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus). They know the Seven (the Seven Chakra Suns of the Holy Christ Self and the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim of Creation). They know the Twelve (the Twelve Chakra Suns of the Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence, White Fire Being and Causal Body, as well as the Twelve Deities of the Godhead). And finally they know the One (Oneness of Universal I AM, Nirvana and the great, great Beyond). They know the deeper Perfection of Wisdom!
Let us affirm: I AM empty of self, time and space and I AM my deep Perfection Flame and its Boundless States of Eternal Light. I AM a Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit. I AM the lineage of Cosmic Holy Spirit passed on through Beloved Krishna and Sophia; Beloved Sanat Kumara; Beloved Lord of the World Gautama Buddha; Lord Maitreya, Cosmic Christ; Beloved Kuthumi, World Teacher; Beloved Ascended Master Jesus; Beloved Mighty Victory …and so many other Cosmic Beings along the magnificent Love Ray. I AM in the Stream of these Mighty Bodhisattvas!
Beloved Triple-Jewels in the Heart of the Lotus: The Great Solar Disc Forcefield is a Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit. My own Temple of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness (in the Ascended and Free Realms) is likewise a Cosmic Temple of Holy Spirit. All the Suns now in Divine Alignment are Temples of Cosmic Holy Spirit …from every Permanent Atom originating form, through to the Chakra Suns innate within all Humanity …to every Sun of the Sun (Solar Christ Self), every Sun in this Solar System and every Sun in Galaxies beyond …all represent the Celestial Comfort of Holy Spirit.
The current Ascension Process within the Great Cosmic Inbreath calls for all Humanity to become Disciples of Holy Spirit and true Candidates for the Ascension within the Great Cosmic Inbreath! Our Light Service is in developing enough Love Nature of Holy Spirit, especially the Seventh Ray of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, that Humanity ‘en masse’ becomes Candidates for the Ascension. We invoke great Powers of Co-creation within the Great Solar Disc to evoke a great Revelation of Transformation. And representing these great Powers of Divine Love is the Elohim of the Third Ray, serving as Sponsor of this Solar Year.
As we learned at the Initiation of this Year of Opportunity: “Beloved Elohim of Love, Orion and Lady Angelica, act as the Sponsors of this Divine Love Forcefield. They are a Sun! They now ensure that the Permanent Atom within ‘all formed life’ on Earth is perfectly aligned with the Elohimic Divine Love that created Earth in the beginning …ensuring all Suns, on all levels, now arrange themselves in Divine Alignment, Divine Order and Divine Affiliation …all of which is the Co-Creative Power of Love”. This Elohimic Power of Divine Love is within and behind the entire Forcefield of Sacred Fire we invoke and direct this Solar Year. Feel it!
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is ordained to attain the Boundless States of Compassion …on behalf of Humanity …that are mine to offer all those on the Path. I will be there with Beloved Lord Gautama and all Great Celestial Buddhas, to greet you as you practice entering your Boundless States of Perfect Wisdom, affirming the Heart Sutra of the Buddha!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF ARCHAII HOPE …Representing the Cosmic Planes of the Feminine Ray
Beloved Ones serving our sweet Earth: …I AM the Flame of Hope! I also carry the Flame of the First Ray, the Eternal Forcefields of Faith and Charity sustaining the Energy of Divine Will and Power. I come to Ascended and Free Humanity to comfort and nurture you. For as a Forcefield of the Feminine Ray, I deeply feel your Ascension Process …for yours is the progress of all …of all creation returning to its Cosmic Origins!
Cosmic Planes of the Feminine Ray are now being stationed within the Eternal Flame of your Heart …surrounding you in the Solar Aura of the Great Solar Disc. For I AM the Feminine Ray …the vision and certainty of the Good that IS ...of the Perfection that already IS. I come to bring assurance, for I AM Hope! I dwell in your heart, as I AM the very fabric of your wish and desire for a New World …and, I AM the Reality that this Victory is always present, here and now!
The Divine Plan’s Fiat is moving forward all creation with absolute Perfect Precision. The progression of the Planets, Suns and Galaxies is ready for its Initiation. But first, Ascended and Free Humanity is the Sacred Keynote for the necessary preparation of our Sweet Earth. I offer Gratitude to you, Beloved Suns of the Sun, for the Radiation of Light that has allowed the inclusion of our sweet Earth into this Sacred Universal Symphony.
Within the Feminine Ray, Beloved Immaculata and Lady Circulata hold the Immaculate Concept for Earth and this Solar System …and have since their Cosmic Origins. The entire Feminine Ray has been holding the Vision and Celestial Memory of Humanity’s True Identity ...a Celestial Reality rooted deeply in all hearts, even though still clouded by the 'great fall' in consciousness. But I have been here always; very present; very real …in every good endeavor; every good action; every good word; every good feeling; and every good purpose within Humanity! For all Humanity carries the Perfection Pattern that IS already …beyond time and space …now to manifest within time and space.
When we look closely at the Laws of Life; “What you think and feel you bring into form, where your attention is, there you are” ... we see clearly the Keynote of Liberation: ‘the Way’ to elevate ourselves into the Higher Spheres of Consciousness. As we move forward in the Great Cosmic Inbreath, we also achieve a new understanding of the Laws of Life. We discover the Divine Intent of Father Mother God, granting Spiritual Freedom to every Being. We may choose with our free will the Dimension or Plane to express and manifest our Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. And I come today to infuse you in a New Hope that this New Day is here!
“In the Name of the Beloved Presence of God that I AM, in the Name of all Glory and Hope that has ever existed: I AM taking responsibility in this moment for the Radiation of Light from our collective Eternal Flame! We consciously ignite our own True Identity, our Flame of Life I AM! This Three-Fold Flame of Power, Wisdom and Divine Love purifies all things …radiating powerfully as me, and around me! This Flame becomes me …here there and everywhere present …in the atoms and sub-atomic world …as well as in the Mighty Suns in the Galaxy, pervading all Dimensions and Octaves of experience everywhere. Let us recognize ourselves as a Divine Consciousness at every level of Itself. I AM an Eternal Flame, continuously flowing and radiating in Universal Consciousness, now accessing new levels of personal experience, as well as the Infinite Perfection of the Whole of Creation.
By the Power of God invested in me as Archaii Hope, as daughter of the Cosmic Intelligence, the Great Universal I AM, in unity with Ascended and Free Humanity, I declare: I AM opening the doors of my Causal Body and the Causal Body of all Root Race Manus within the Great Solar Disc! I AM invoking the Cosmic Momentum of Perfect Good, Perfect HOPE and Perfect Divine Light stored in the Causal Realms of Beloved Helios and Vesta, Beloved Alpha and Omega, and Suns beyond these Suns! I AM releasing my own Cosmic Momentum of all the Light and Hope on Earth as well as on all Multi-Dimensional Octaves of Consciousness since the beginning of Creation! I AM invoking all of this to manifest within the Great Solar Disc now! Now! NOW! I AM opening the Portals of our sweet Earth, as well as of all Humanity, to the Light of the Universe …to the Good everywhere present …to all Hope and Perfection that exists in all the Creation; to the Cohesive Power of Divine Love that is the sustaining essence of all that Is and Exists!
I AM HOPE AND I AM WITHIN THE GREAT SOLAR DISC! I AM opening the Portals of Blessings to manifest and expand in all life; along all paths within our New Earth …here and now!
We affirm:
I AM Light and I magnify Joy!
I AM Light and I magnify Faith!
I AM Light and I magnify Light!
I AM Light and I magnify Love!
I AM Light and I magnify Peace!
I AM Light and I magnify Unity!
I AM Light and I magnify Purity!
I AM Light and I magnify Health!
I AM Light and I magnify Strength!
I AM Light and I magnify Harmony!
I AM Light and I magnify Prosperity!
I AM Light and I magnify Balance and Equilibrium!
I AM Light and I magnify Boldness, Courage!
I AM Light and I magnify Transformation!
I AM Light and I magnify Abundance!
I AM Light and I magnify Devotion!
I AM Light and I magnify Inclusion!
I AM Light and I magnify Wisdom!
I AM Light and I magnify Freedom!
I AM all Divine Light and I magnify
everything that is Good and Perfect![1]
Here and now, together standing in the Light of the Great Solar Disc: I AM the New Hope for all Root Races, the new generations of Ascended Beings! We affirm: LOVE IS UNITY; LOVE IS COHESION; LOVES IS ONENESS; LOVE IS ALL! And all Root Races (past, present and future generations) are now included, sustained and illuminated with the Rainbow of Multi-Dimensional Light of the Twelve Aspects of Deity! And in this New Day, these Spheres, Realms and Dimensions of Light are now healing, restoring, aligning, vivifying, illuminating and ascending all Humanity …everyone since the beginning of time …and for all eternity! I AM Hope and I declare A NEW HOPE! I AM my new expression of Being and with this, I AM declaring PEACE ON EARTH! I declare this sweet Earth ASCENDED AND FREE! And SO IT IS!
May the Grace, Light, Love and Blessings of the Eternal Flame now permanently expand on Earth ! And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!
[1] We may interchange the phrase: ‘I AM Light and I magnify …’ for ‘I AM Hope and I magnify …’ or, ‘I AM the Great Solar Disc and I magnify …’ and so forth.