December, 2016


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in her Ascended State:

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:






(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Consecrated, Ceremonious
Cascading Flow of Sacred Fire through my Creative Faculties!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Consecrated, Ceremonious
Cascading Flow of Sacred Fire through my Creative Faculties!



I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM its Cascading Flow of Energy, Matter and
Intelligence from Highest Divine Source.

I AM a Cascading Flow of Divine Cause, the Source of Perfection
Patterns, now pulsating its Electronic Currents into daily life.

My Divine Instrument is this Eternal Flame.
My Divine Light Body is its Infinite Radiant Light.
This Divine Light Body shines through my physical, etheric,
mental and emotional vehicles, transforming me as it flows and
transforming all life around me as it radiates Perfection Patterns.

I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.
As I ever more become this Divine Instrument, I AM thus
ever more open and receptive to Higher Celestial Frequency.

Eternal Flame is open and receptive!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Love!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Wisdom!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Divine Power!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to the
Universal Three-fold Flame!

Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Purity!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Healing!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Ministration!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Mercy, Compassion
and Forgiveness …and all the gifts of Seventh Ray Violet Fire!

Eternal Flame is open and receptive to Precipitation!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to the Feminine Ray!
Eternal Flame is open and receptive to all the Sacred Forcefields
within the Theme and Thoughtform of this glorious Solar Year!

Ascended and Free Humanity is the Light of a Thousand Suns!
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is open and receptive.
Our Light Service is open and receptive to all Sacred Fire,
of every Ascended and Free Temple …of all Seven Root
Races …within the Realms of Light around New Earth!

This is the Realm of Cause we serve within and from.
Our vehicles of expression are anchored within daily life.
Our Divine Instrument of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Light
is however, anchored in the Eternal Realms of Divine Cause.

This Divine Cause streams through our Ascended and Free
Consciousness into daily life …as glorious Perfection Patterns.
These Perfection Patterns establish Divine Cause in the realm
Humanity needs most assistance …into persons, places,
conditions and things within daily life!

I AM a hollow reed, a Divine Instrument …a Celestial Conduit.
Empty of self, time and space, the flow along my Silver Cord
from the Mighty I AM Presence is that of unadulterated
Electronic Light and its Divine Consciousness.

As an Eternal Flame within daily life, I AM open and receptive to
this Magic Presence and its Divine Currents of Perfection Patterns
…for me …for all life around me …and, for all the world!

I AM empty of self …time …and space.
I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM open to the Realms, Dimensions and Spheres of Light,
within Eternal Flame.  I AM Flame’s Radiant Light, expanding
outward with all the Energy, Matter and Intelligence from within
those Celestial Realms, Dimensions and Spheres of Light.

This is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.
Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light may govern every
situation, condition and thing in my universe, when I AM abiding
in my Divine Instrument, in my Ascended and Free Consciousness.
It governs through the God Illumination that develops from
continuously invoking Frequencies of Divine Love.




Let us review the concept of the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …both as an individual (Ascended and Free Consciousness) and then, as the collective Gathering of Ascended Humanity …the re-union of the I AM Race.  This is our Celestial Family Reunion!  We have now established a clear Momentum of becoming our Divine Instrument …as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  As we further build this Momentum …as Builders of Divine Consciousness …we further understand and see more clearly the God Illumination within our True Identity.

For within my Flame are all the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light within Universal I AM.  All Eternal Flames, even that of Father / Mother God (Helios and Vesta, Alpha and Omega and Elohae and Eloha), are in continuous Oneness Consciousness.  Thus I have access to all the Perfection Patterns within any of these limitless, eternal and infinite Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light.  I understand that Divine Consciousness is the avenue to oneness with and complete access to all these Celestial Domains of Universal I AM. This represents all the Ascended and Free hopes, dreams and desires I could ever imagine.

So within my Divine Instrument, I not only find peace, solace and comfort from the outer world of illusion, I also may explore the Infinite Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light within my Eternal Flame!  Here I may choose with free will any Perfection Patterns that I desire to expand and project into daily life from within my Flame …along any of the Seven Planetary Rays or Twelve Solar Rays.

My Divine Instrument then becomes my Retreat / Temple for meditation on Divine Peace (the Inbreath) …my Oasis of Perfection within the desert of outer illusion …but also, the Outbreath (expansion and projection) of everything I came into embodiment to add to the world, from a limitless Source of all Sacred Fires, all Divine Light and all Perfection Patterns.  This Inbreath / Outbreath Activity is my Ascended Mastery in the world.  Here I understand Sacred Fire, its proper use, including the Divine Ceremony of Invocation of these Sacred Fires.

From within my Eternal Flame blazing upon the Altar of my Ascended and Free Temple, I re-create (co-create) the world, from within Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Divine Cause.   This Cause is Divine Love, the Sacred Tone …the Primary Vibration that sets all other vibration into manifest effects. Blazing upon this Altar of Divine Love, I know that this Cause is Supreme …and when properly invoked, will undo the smaller karmic causes of ego and thus all the outer effects of karma …suffering, distress and disease.  Here I create the world of my Eternal Dreams.  This is my Divine Right as a Child of Father / Mother God.  I AM simply further perfecting my training in Divine Consciousness …within the world of form.  This was the gift of this embodiment!

And of all Sacred Fires, the Seventh Ray now becomes steadily central within Humanity’s Consciousness.  And whereas it took several centuries for the Christian (Sixth Ray) Dispensation to achieve this goal in the past Age, the ‘time frames’ for the Seventh Ray to achieve centrality in daily life are now much smaller.  For as we begin to understand and accept freedom from the restrictions of self, time and space, we approach the moment of instantaneous centrality of the Seventh Ray Divine Qualities within Humanity’s Consciousness.

These Quantum States of Consciousness include Synchronicity; Divine Order; Divine Ceremony; Rhythmic Invocation; and all the Feminine Ray Qualities of collective Co-creation …rhythmic application of Sacred Fire from a global community, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!  So let us review some of these Principles and Foundations of becoming Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. For this is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth …the ‘Kingdom’ of which our Beloved Saint Germain is ‘Lord and King’ …a Kingdom of Divine Consciousness!

The more the Light Server raises his/her Consciousness towards Divinity and Holiness, the more such levels of Consciousness become working tools of co-creation for that one. So, it is important to raise-up our Consciousness to its Ascended and Free State, so that the subtle vibrations of the Divine may find anchorage therein. But it is equally important to then use that Ascended Mastery to recreate the world at that same Divine Frequency …to impact the world from the level of Cause!

Raising up or ascending the Consciousness comes from using our Creative Faculties in an ordered, rhythmic, ceremonious fashion.  These are the disciplines of ‘the Initiate’.  Through the history of Ascended Master Teaching, ‘Candidates for the Ascension’, as identified by the Karmic Board, are guided towards finding the proper use of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  ‘When the student is ready, the Master appears’ is a well-known concept.  All the great Spiritual Teachers and Gurus over the Ages have fashioned disciplines for Ascended Mastery.  These have not only included disciplines for thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, but also the sensory changes to attract the subtle vibrations of Angels and their attendant Holiness …repeating Sacred mantras and applying Higher Frequency music, color, images, scents and movement.

In using Divine Ceremony, we are (I AM!) a major signal to Universal I AM that Earth is prepared to be included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath. We represent the Unity that all Seven Root Races serve together …together standing in the Light! We form a Forcefield as co-creators in Divine Consciousness …as we represent the Fourth and Fifth Root Races (and their Guardians of Light) who now take their rightful place in the Ascended and Free Realms.

Karma also expresses across many planes, dimensions, realms and spheres of existence.  Again, this is why karma (as a cause) and its effects are so difficult to assess and manage within daily life.  But there is an advantage we must make use of.  For karma is restricted by the restraints of time and space, only manifesting therein. Thus, a Higher Frequency Law (Sacred Fire) from beyond self, time and space, overcomes lower karmic law …just as calculus overcomes grade school math …or quantum physics overcomes much more simple concepts of science. Sacred Fire can enter the unseen multi-dimensional forcefields of karma with the Higher Frequency Energies that can easily access all these unseen planes and realms of imbalance …and dissolve it …before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

One can then easily see the essence of Ascended Mastery and why this may appear to the untrained eye as ‘the Magic Presence’! This Mastery is applying the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love and then clearing the way for its innate Victory by remaining beyond self, time and space restraints, consecrated to our Ascended and Free Consciousness!  This is the Divine Ceremony we establish within daily life …as Builders of Divine Consciousness.  This understands that Divine Consciousness is the ‘gem of Ascended Master Teaching’ and becoming it …applying it …is our purpose of serving Humanity at this Cosmic Moment.

Let us stand in our own Ascended and Free Realm of Light, masterfully invoking, focusing, concentrating, applying and directing a cascading flow of Sacred Fire through our Creative Faculties.  Let us become the ‘Commanding Presence of the Great I AM’!  Let us see with Crystal Vision the Higher Order Law of Sacred Fire interweaving on a multi-dimensional level any karmic condition of persons, places, conditions and things …and transmuting its cause, effect, record and memory …before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!  And in a State of Harmony and Balance, this will happen automatically, without the outer mind needing to be involved, until we are (I AM!) a constant Beacon of Perfection Patterns flowing into the world.  Let us be the Builders of Divine Consciousness we came to be.  And in doing so in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, we reveal to the world the Cosmic Christ in its full Glory and Presence.




Beloved Ones: I represent the invocation, focus, concentration, application and direction of Sacred Fire.  This is the Divine Alchemy (or science) of Precipitation, as well as multiple uses or formulas of applying Sacred Fire for specific causes.  The desired end result is the complete transmutation and resolution of karma …so that Humanity may step out of her karmically imbalanced, carbon-based body into her originally intended Light-based Body …the Solar Christ Self in action in daily life!

When I first agreed to serve as Elohim in the creation of this Solar System under the auspices of Beloved Helios and Vesta, Humanity (on Earth) was intended to manifest as a network of Divine Energy, forming a perfect ‘energy-vehicle’ in the world of form. This would allow the Mighty I AM Presence to project a clear stream of electronic Perfection Patterns into the world.  This ‘energy network’ is the intended Light Body of the Solar Christ Self …and through this, Humanity re-gains her Mastery of Sacred Fire. This Victory then re-establishes the I AM Race …a Forcefield of Coherently Connected Divine Co-creation within daily life, collectively expressing Perfection Patterns ‘in form’.  Scientifically this is the electron proceeding from its 'wave-function' into its ‘particle function’ without any change of its Higher Frequency Perfection Pattern. Karma did however change this process …so now we change it back …through the Divine Direction of Sacred Fire!

Thus, I come to you as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …the embodiment of the Eternal Flame of Sacred Fire in the world. Together, we re-create the process where all Divine Light flowing freely from the Mighty I AM Presence to Humanity (along the Silver Cord) can now and forever be set free into its Divine Potential …rather than be altered by humanity’s lower ‘karma producing’ consciousness!  This use of Sacred Fire restores all energy within karmic patterns into its original Ascended and Free State, producing Higher Frequency expressions within daily life!  Instead of distress, disease and disintegration, now we achieve Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness and the Harmony and Balance in all things.  Instead of karma adding to our ‘heavy earthly aura’, this Energy returns many fold as Ascended and Free Perfection Patterns, fully expanded to their Divine Potential, within the Spheres of Light in our Cosmic Causal Body.  It is this Causal Body that the entire Universe knows us by …our Cosmic Signature of ever-building Momentums of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

And to our Beloved Light Servers living Ascended and Free, I also bring you the Infinite Spiritual Freedom embodied within the Seventh Ray.  You realize (but may forget from time to time) that when you were first born from the Eternal Flame of Father / Mother God, you were individualized from First Cause.  That is, you were born from Cause …born to set effects into motion … ‘effects’ of your own Divine Design.  So when you place your attention upon your Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, you are truly Home in the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Divine Cause.  This is the Home of Father / Mother God, as well as the Home of the Elohim and all the ‘Builders of Form’ …including the Gathering of Ascended Humanity as builders of this New Age!

You were ‘first born’ from Divine Cause as the White Fire Being.  You now realize this Celestial Aspect of your Mighty God Presence is stationed within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …found around New Earth in her Ascended and Free Frequency …but also projected into your Violet Fire Chakra …your personal Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. Understanding this is a glorious opportunity, for the White Fire Being accesses the same Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light now as on that first day of birth from Father / Mother God …as can your Seventh Ray Chakra (a Violet Fire Sun in its own right)!  Contemplate this!  It is a foundation of your Mastery of Sacred Fire.

Affirm: I AM Eternal Flame and thus I AM all the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light within Flame. The Divine Light radiating from Flame allows the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of these Higher Frequency Domains to flow into the world!  With this God Illumination I become a Divine Director.  Multi-dimensional Sacred Fires may then enter the many-dimensional world of karma (in which I voluntarily dwell) and dissolve those forces that Humanity cannot see, detect or understand.  This is the Victory of the Light …the Conquest of Sacred Fire. It is my Eternal Flame and every Sacred Fire I invoke, that performs this ‘Magic’ …this Victory of the Light!

Of course it only appears to be ‘magical’ because Humanity does not yet understand the science …of the multi-dimensionality of karma …and of the Quantum States of Sacred Fire. The Violet Fire invoked from the Great Central Sun by Beloved Saint Germain is specifically designed to understand, overcome, dissolve and transmute all the many dimensions of karma. Depending on the need, the focused use of Violet Fire alone may be sufficient …or, formulas of various Sacred Fires are invoked to transmute and redeem all un-ascended energies involved in a given situation.  Then every single electron previously misused and imbalanced by ego is accelerated back into the Causal Body of the Life Stream who first released it into creation. That individual is then closer to his or her own Ascension, with less karma to reconcile, with ‘an easier load’ in daily life.

We ask you to become empty of self, time and space.   Let us look into ‘empty’ and what it means to become the Eternal Flame.  When ‘empty of self’ we not only let go of all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …all persons, places, conditions and things …of our world, affairs and finances …but we entirely let go of this embodiment and all previous embodiments …and, that we ever ‘took form’!  We claim the Light Body we had when we first stood before the Karmic Board and applied for embodiment for Light Service on Earth in an embodied vehicle.  In fact, we claim the Light Body as when we were first born from Father / Mother God! Within Eternal Flame, we return to the very beginning!

In front of the Karmic Board, we agreed to go from limitless Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light to abide in a restricted physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicle …with a Band of Forgetfulness across our forehead, of all the Glory of those Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …so that we could focus on the necessary Light Service on Earth within daily life.  This was the sacrifice we agreed to. This Band of Forgetfulness was already a condition of embodiment by the time Light Servers came to Earth (to serve Beloved Sanat Kumara’s Cause of saving the Earth from dissolution) …as so much karma had already been generated by Humanity, that it was necessary to allow the average person to embody free of the memories of previous embodiments when they had generated such a weight of karmic mass.

We are now at the height of this Light Service to Earth.  And so it is appropriate to remind the Disciples of Sacred Fire they have already trained to invoke, focus, concentrate, apply and direct Eternal Flame into the Spiritual Freedom of Humanity.  This is a Mastery learned in the Temples of the Ascended Masters in the Realms of Light.  Now you are the Hierarchs of your own Temple in the Ascended and Free Realms of Light and as such more able to invoke, focus, concentrate, apply and direct these Sacred Fires into daily life …just as you have read about in the lives of the Spiritual Hierarchy, before they took their final Ascension, forever to remain in the Realms of Light.


You are familiar with the Violet Fire but only now have some idea of its true abilities, its Quantum States of service, which can enter into karmic situations and undo what the human mind cannot yet see, remember, understand, regulate or resolve.  There is Divine Intelligence within the Violet Fire that does all of this instantaneously.  This is no more ‘magical’ than a high-powered computer doing an instantaneous calculation that would otherwise be impossible for the outer mind to accomplish.  It was Beloved Saint Germain who recognized the need for such a Divine Instrument. He then journeyed in Consciousness to the Great Central Sun and petitioned for its release into Earth.  He was Victorious …and here you are being the release of this Divine Victory …this Divine Alchemy …into the world!

Divine Alchemy includes multiple Sacred Fires invoked in a certain Divine Order.  Beyond the single use of the Violet Fire, when the Mighty Blue Flame of the First Ray is invoked before the Violet Fire, it then heightens the results of using the Violet Fire.  The Circle and Sword of Blue Flame is designed to break up long-standing, crystallized patterns of karma into ‘manageable bits’ for the Violet Fire’s final Victory of Transmutation and Spiritual Freedom!  Thus we invoke the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame Activity into our desired project, and then invoke the Violet Fire.  Each call for a Sacred Fire will come with its own Invocation, Music, Visualization, Mantra, Movement (Inbreath / Outbreath), Focus and Release …for both the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame and the Violet Fire.

Another formula of Ceremonious use of Sacred Fire involves the application of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame and then the Violet Fire …but then further proceeds into the Cosmic Flame of Adoration where the life energy set free once again feels the original, unconditional Love of Father / Mother God it knew before it was sent into creation through the Creative Faculties of Humanity.  Next this same energy is placed within the Flame of Resurrection returning it to its Ascended and Free State …and, finally, the Cosmic Flame of the Ascension is invoked to seal this Victory in Eternity.  Then it fully achieves its Spiritual Freedom and once again is ‘Home’ within Universal I AM!  This is a formula using five Sacred Fires, in Ceremonious Divine Order.

As well, consider using all Seven Rays in the Order of Precipitation.   This is the formula of the Elohim in co-creation of this Solar System and its planets.  Or on the other hand, consider your Divine Ceremony may be a simple and powerful as one affirmationBy the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me, I bless this part of life back to the Central Sun for repolarization, never again having to serve human creation!  And then it is done, by the Power of the Great I AM!  And SO IT IS!

The entire Spiritual Hierarchy, and especially all Ascended Masters along the Seventh Ray of Ceremony and Invocation, invites you to develop your Ascended Mastery more actively.  Let us meditate on remembering the application of Sacred Fire from our own Cosmic Momentum before any embodiment on Earth.  Such capacity is within your Causal Body. Trust your Intuition in the use of Sacred Fire! For it was on these ‘credentials’ that you were awarded an embodiment at this Cosmic Moment!

And thus we also ask you to design new applications of Sacred Fire in your own capacity as a Hierarch of an Ascended and Free Temple in the Realms of Light around New Earth. Create your own formulas for the use of Sacred Fire in unique ways of Ceremonious Divine Order.  You may think of any of the Ascended Masters / Spiritual Hierarchy and the Sacred Fires they represent and then apply these Eternal Flames in formulas you deem appropriate …in setting Humanity free from karmic patterns and free into the Perfection Patterns of their Mighty I AM Presence. Let us each comprehend our own unique path to Ascended Mastery as well as our specific Light Service to Humanity!

And we do all of this with Divine Rhythm.  Affirm: I AM the invocation, focus, concentration, application and direction of the Seven Rays of Divine Flame …so that I may step out of my carbon-based body into my Light-based body.  Chose the Sacred Fire(s) you wish to invoke and then the music, visualization and other Creative Faculties that support such Divine Ceremony (scents/ fragrances; candles, symbols; colors, textures) which accelerate this Light Service.  Then not only do you serve the Cause of Spiritual Freedom for Earth and Humanity …you serve the Cause of your own Ascension …to live as the Solar Christ Self in a magnificent Light Body in this very embodiment!

I see the Gathering of Ascended Humanity as Magnificent Builders of Divine Consciousness, for that is what you are (what I AM!). The entire Spiritual Hierarchy and all of Universal I AM await the results of your Light Service, towards Earth’s forward movement within the Great Cosmic Inbreath.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED ELOHIM VISTA AND LADY CRYSTAL …on seeing the Feminine Ray of Spiritual Freedom with Crystal Vision!

I AM Elohim, dwelling with the White Fire Beings of Humanity.  As a Spiritual Forcefield, I currently focus my Light Service from within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around New Earth …and within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire of each Violet Fire Chakra of Humanity, no matter their outer circumstance.  Therefore, I serve through billions of Forcefields.  I AM here so that Humanity may more clearly see the Truth of the Feminine Ray and its multi-dimensional capacity of accelerating Spiritual Freedom for Humanity.  Ascended Master training involves becoming a Seer (also known as clairvoyant, oracle, prophet, mystic, and perceptive) …that is, generally able to discern Higher Order Truth beyond the veil of illusion.

I come to the Gathering of Ascended Humanity to teach Mystic Seeing, to calmly perceive Multi-dimensional Reality as does Father / Mother God, the Lord of the World and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, in their assessment of things associated with Humanity and her forward progress with this sweet Earth.  Whereas the Masculine Ray tended to see Humanity only with linear perception, the Feminine Ray reveals the Multi-dimensional Perception of reality.  This is the service of the Fifth Ray, of developing a Crystal Vision of Multi-dimensional Truth.

The Light Servers have recently been more keenly aware of the multi-dimensional nature of karma and why it has been so difficult for Humanity to move beyond …because she cannot see it properly and thus understand it properly.  So, we desire that the Gathering of Ascended Humanity develop these skills of Ascended Mastery so as to calmly navigate the turbulent waters of these current days (through securely knowing Higher Order Truth) …but also to bring Humanity’s mass awareness closer to this mark of spiritual development.  This comes from the Law of Coherence:  I AM one with Humanity in my embodiment and thus, as I AM raised up, so is all Humanity raised up with me!

Light Servers embody in order to develop Ascended Master skills of using Divine Consciousness in the world of form.  This process is not so much exercises of the mind as it is in clearing the Way for Divine Intuition to flow through one’s Creative Faculties …and thus, know Truth without the outer mind necessarily being involved!  Contemplate this!  This is the Taoist teaching: I AM empty of self; one with the Way; the Way is filled with Virtue (Truth).  But please understand, because this is the Ascension of an entire planet and its Race (currently the Fourth and Fifth Root Race), this process no longer takes place in a ‘cloistered temple,’ but openly in daily life …keeping to the Law of Coherence.  So our mastery is in collectively raising up Humanity ‘to see’ as her Solar Christ Self sees!

And our collective meditations, together, standing in the Light, do exactly this. Just as a few specialized pacemaker cells set the tone and rate of the entire heart (and thus of the entire body), so do a few specialized cells within the body of Humanity set the vibration and frequency of how Humanity sees reality.  We are assisted in this spiritual work by parallel progress in science and healing, both pointing the way to Multi-dimensional Reality and how this vision assists Humanity in her daily life.

As we meditate daily, let us feel the Third Eye at the forehead become an Emerald of Brilliant Green Sacred Fire.  Then, see and feel the Crown of the Elohim vibrating strongly at the forehead with all Seven Rays of co-creation. See pure Crystal Light Rays emanate from this Crystal Chakra, flooding the brain and mind with Multi-dimensional Truth …all done without any struggle for the outer mind to understand or grasp this Higher Order Activity.  Rather we use the Momentum of Concentration and Consecration (of the Fifth Ray) to hold to this Ascended Master process of ‘letting go’.  Then with a peaceful serenity, await what the Truth reveals. This radiating Light then further expands to our entire Sphere of Influence, revealing the Multi-dimensional Truth to all life around us.  And together, standing in the Light, this eventually expands to include all Humanity.  This is our service to the world!

The Feminine Ray of Spiritual Freedom holds the Immaculate Concept for all that Divine Will calls for at present. The Feminine Ray of Spiritual Freedom accelerates and sustains Humanity’s Holy Innocence …the Divine feeling nature, thinking nature, and memories of Holy Innocence from before time …and therefore, before the guiles of the human ego captured the thoughts, feelings, words and deeds channeled through Humanity’s Creative Faculties. What was to be an innocent expression of formless Perfection Patterns ‘in form’, was derailed into creating patterns of karmic legacy …distress, suffering, aging and eventual death of the flesh vehicle.  This ends in this current Ascension process.

The Feminine Ray of Spiritual Freedom also gives birth to this Ascended and Free Reality. First, she does so in the Realms of Cause …then transfers this Cosmic Momentum of Creation into the Spheres of Light around New Earth and finally, into the developing Root Races thereon.  The New Earth is emerging from the Higher Frequencies of Fourth and Fifth Root Race Humanity on Earth who moved towards the Light (and away from the deceit and injustice of ego). Into this company of ‘old souls’ comes the ‘new souls’ of the Sixth and Seventh Root Race, forming the New Gathering of Ascended Humanity on New Earth.

Let us become Seers of the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light. We see with Crystal Vision that the Sacred Fire dissolves the karmic thoughts, feelings, words and deeds associated with persons, places, conditions and things …just as fire dissolves paper.  The residue from this transmutation is the original electron sent forth in Divine Light from the Mighty I AM Presence is returned to its Ascended and Free State.  These electrons then ascend back into the Causal Body and add to the Cosmic Momentum of Transformation by Sacred Fire already pulsating therein.  This is what we have come to see clearly …so that all Humanity sees it clearly and understands her own Ascension!

The Sacred Fire is the Activity of Transmutation, Transformation and Re-awakening!  Let us re-awaken to the Multi-dimensional Reality of our own Divine Instrument …and that of the Divine Potential of Humanity and our sweet Earth. Affirm: I awaken to my Eternal Flame projecting its Light Body around itself …my Solar Christ Self.  I awaken to the Health and Wellness of Flame, the Youth and Beauty of Flame, the Love, Wisdom and Power of Flame and the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Potential for all life within Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.