November, 2016
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in her Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Electronic Spheres
of Infinite Light of my own Cosmic, Causal Body!
I AM Expanding and Projecting these Spheres of Infinite
Light as Perfection Patterns pulsating into daily life!
I have let go of self and everything associated
with self …and all that remains is Flame.
I have let go of time, waiting, frustration and aging
…and all that remains is Eternal Flame.
I have let go of space, separation and distance …and all that
remains is Eternal Flame and its Infinitely Radiant Light.
I have let go and let God …and, I AM a Sun of the Sun!
Within my daily life, I AM an Eternal Flame,
abiding within my own Cosmic Spheres of Light.
I abide in the same Spheres of Light as does my
Mighty I AM Presence in the Celestial Realms.
Daily life then mirrors my Cosmic Reality,
and I become the Solar Christ Self:
God in Action, here and now!
My Sphere of Influence is a living, breathing, pulsating Forcefield!
It is in front of me, behind me, on each side of me, above me
and below me. It is Multi-dimensional and its Sphere of
Influence governs the many Dimensions of
my Celestial and embodied Being!
My personal Sphere of Influence contains all the Celestial Energy,
Vibration and Consciousness developed along my Cosmic
Journey! Its Luminous Light contains all the Energy,
Matter and Intelligence necessary for my part in the
co-creation of the New Age Spiritual Freedom!
Within my Spheres of Light are endless Perfection Patterns.
Within my Spheres of Light are the Infinite Ascension Concepts
from the Eternal Mind of God. Within my Spheres of Light
is the Force, Stamina and Power to overcome all
obstacles of karmic influence, in daily life.
Within my Spheres of Light is an undying Divine Love that only
expands and magnifies with every breath of this embodiment.
Within my Spheres of Light is my True Identity …as a
Divine Instrument here in embodiment, in the
Creation a New Age of Spiritual Freedom!
I let go and I let God!
I AM an eternally abiding Cosmic Flame.
I AM enveloped in its Mighty Spheres of Light!
I AM a Sun generating my own Sphere of Influence,
my own Causal Realms of Energy, Matter and Intelligence!
I AM a Sun of Light!
I AM a Sun of the Sun!
This is my Divine Instrument!
Dear Cells in the global Body of the Cosmic Christ, we are called on by Beloved Saint Germain to ‘use and use the Violet Fire’. The Violet Fire of Transmutation transmutes ego-self, so as to make it easier to be free of karma (and everything associated with self) … as karma reveals itself through persons, places, conditions and things in our life. This is the ‘unattached to self’ teaching of the Buddha …living in the Light of Eternal Flame …rather than in the shadows of ego. The Violet Fire transmutes time, so as to be empty of its illusions of waiting, aging and frustration. The Violet Fire transmutes all facets of space and its limitations, so as to be free of distance, separation and duality of opposites (health and disease, joy and sadness, life and death, etc.). Free of these constraints of time, space and self, all that is left is the original Eternal Flame. And thus we enter the Spheres of Eternal Bliss…the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light. It is really that simple!
This discipline allows the development of a Celestial Sphere of Influence within daily life. We understand and accept that our Mighty I AM Presence, as well as our White Fire Being, exist within Celestial Spheres of Influence …our Cosmic Causal Body! But we hesitate to fully accept that this same Forcefield may enter through our embodied Creative Faculties into daily life! Yet developing this Divine Instrument is the very purposes of our embodiment. This is our Ascended Master training in the world of form!
Our Divine Consciousness is our vehicle to travel between our own developed Spheres of Influence …to travel effortlessly within the totality of our True Identity. This is also our Celestial passport to travel anywhere in Universal I AM! Ascended Mastery may only advance through the Vehicle of the Divine Consciousness. Understanding this development of Divine Consciousness is the Gem of Ascended Master Teaching. Once in Divine Consciousness, we see then that Father / Mother God has fulfilled a need even before we realized the need. “Before they have called, I have answered”.
A well-known example of this is electricity. It was always available but not until Humanity evolved to understand it, could it benefit Humanity’s daily life. So it is with Sacred Fire. It has always been available and plentiful, a natural, endless foundation of the Universe …as abundant as electricity! But it does not improve daily life until Humanity understands it and knows how to harness Sacred Fire …until she becomes Enlightened as to the Power and Potential of Sacred Fire. Yet once it is harnessed, it will do so much more for daily life than electricity or any other technological benefit. It will transform the world into what was always intended …manifest Perfection Patterns in the constant co-creation of daily life.
Likewise, we might say that ‘travel’ was always available to Humanity, even in the darkest of days, at least by foot. But not until someone invoked a faster, more efficient means of travel did the cart, or car or airplane come into manifestation. Now travel by Divine Consciousness when invoked, will be so much better than any of this …and absolutely free and available to all, by Divine Right. For each one is an Eternal Flame upon the Altar of their Divine Consciousness. Each one is the Hierarch of their Ascended and Free Temple and the Eternal Flame upon that Sacred Altar. This is the Immaculate Concept we hold …for the I AM Race thriving upon Ascended and Free Earth!
Individually, we are (I AM) known by Universal I AM as a Lifestream …a stream of Energy, a stream of Vibration and a stream of Consciousness …‘blazing a trail’, a Multi-dimensional sequence of cause and effect, throughout creation. As we understand ourselves as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, we may more easily accept this as our True Identity. The Elohim, Archangels, Silent Watchers, Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters are all Lifestreams. They are our example of how to ‘stream’ our Energy, Vibration and Consciousness into an endeavor on behalf of the Divine Plan of Father / Mother God …each with our own specific role.
Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness is the Universal Divine Instrument. This is Eternal Co-creation, using the totality of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds across many dimensions simultaneously, together! Here we see the same Immaculate Concept; think at the same level of God Illumination; feel the same Divine Love within Cosmic Holy Spirit; and do the same practice of constant Spiritual Freedom. In our Light Service, this is captured in our Ascended and Free affirmation: together, standing in the Light! Then we follow the motto of the Great Light Brotherhood: to know, to dare, to do and to be silent!
The intent (or Divine Will) of the Violet Fire of Transmutation is to restore our Great God Self …the uncontaminated flow of Electronic Light from the Mighty I AM Presence into our Three-fold Flame within embodied life. This allows us to become a perfect reflection of the Mighty I AM Presence in form …as was the Original Intent of Father / Mother God …the embodied Solar Christ Self. It was intended that our Solar Christ Self thrive within the same Spheres of Light as the Mighty I AM Presence ...our Cosmic Causal Body …but within daily life on Earth!
It is only since the 'great fall' in Consciousness that time and space constraints have created an illusion of distance between our Sphere of Influence …making them unavailable to access or, even to have knowledge of these Divine Aspects of ourselves. Now we have both, knowledge of and access to our Divine Mighty God Presence. In our developed ‘Oneness Consciousness’, we see, know, feel and accept all our Divine Aspects are functioning within the same time and space …continuously, contiguously, synchronously and constantly. These Cosmic Spheres of Light then become our personal Sphere of Influence in daily life. This Sphere of Influence is our Cosmic Identity, known to Universal I AM …and now to become our True Identity moment to moment, here and now, on Earth.
Our Sphere of Influence is unique to us …amongst all of Universal I AM. Generated in our Cosmic Journey before embodiment, our Sphere of Influence is like our Cosmic Signature. And Cycle after Cycle, we have expanded and magnified this personal Forcefield, including our adventures within embodiment (even if along the way we also generated karma). Remember Dear Ones, that Cosmic Law awards spiritual effort and service from within the world of form, whose momentums then become Celestial Jewels in the Crown of Accomplishment, along our Spiritual Journey. This is why it is an honor, rather than a burden, for Light Servers to achieve embodiment!
Our goal now is to simply allow that same Love, Wisdom and Power we know so well in Celestial Realms into daily life …anonymously, silently, constantly, lovingly, humbly and gratefully. We seek no outer validation, knowing such would only be illusion. Cosmic Truth is Cosmic Truth and needs no validation. We thus train to ensure that there is no ego disruption in the deployment of our Divine Consciousness that connects our Mighty I AM Presence to our embodied self. We build this Cosmic Momentum until a slim ‘Silver Cord of Light’ becomes a Cosmic Cascade of Electronic Light into our embodied consciousness. We practice our Creative Faculties of invocation, absorption, focus, acceptance, anchorage, expansion and projection of these Perfection Patterns into manifestation, developing our daily Spiritual Practice …our Path to Ascended Mastery! These Perfection Patterns either pass directly through us into manifestation …or, we establish a Forcefield of Cause, leaving a legacy for others to then use and manifest through their own Creative Faculties. Either way, some aspect of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom comes into manifestation. This is our Practice in becoming Divine Directors of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, under the guidance of the Great Divine Director, Lord Saithru.
Universal Divine Light is that medium which allows for Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness. This Oneness Consciousness is to ensure the fulfillment of Humanity’s Ascension as the I AM Race …beyond the capacity of the individual Ascension into the Light (the foundation of all current religion). Energy, Matter and Intelligence compose Divine Light and are the Quantum States within the Light. But the totality of Divine Light is what allows Oneness Consciousness …one Breath, one Body of Light Service …Oneness Consciousness of Spiritual Freedom. This is the Foundation of Ascended and Free Light Service …born out of the concept of a global Group Avatar …so as to become a planetary Vehicle of the Manu …a conduit for a New Age.
Developing Divine Consciousness is in understanding and accepting (an activity of Holy Spirit) that I AM an Eternal Flame and thus I AM its Infinite Radiant Light. We expand this concept[1] to become: I AM Eternally Flame …and I AM its Infinitely Radiant Light! This slight change of wording is an acceleration of God Illumination, an increasing ability to sustain our embodied consciousness at the level of our Divine Consciousness. We then have greater impact on the world, knowing the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect. Our Divine Consciousness serves from Cause and we know the ‘effects’ will take care of themselves once this Divine Cause is anchored in the world of form. This is our Declaration of Faith, lived out in daily life.
Our Ascension is our free will mastery of the level of Consciousness we remain present within! Our personal Ascension is our own free will creation. The Ascension of Humanity is our collective free will co-creation, through our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness …activating the Light of a Thousand Suns! Beyond the symbolism of this phrase, there are numerically at least one thousand active Solar Christ Selves (or Suns of the Sun) within our planetary Ascended and Free Light Service. This alone has built the Light of a Thousand Suns into daily life …a core Foundation of our Sun of Earth, within the Solar Year Thoughtform. This is our Victory as Builders of Divine Consciousness!
Every Dimension of our Ascended and Free Being is in action here and now …in this very time and space. Our White Fire Being blazes with Cosmic Glory; our Mighty I AM Presence is about its Celestial Co-creation; and our Causal Body Spheres of Light are pulsating with Quantum State Perfection Patterns …here and now in this same time and space, where I AM living my Spiritual Liberty! Discovering this and applying this Truth within Humanity is my Ascended Mastery. And I accept that this True Identity is what I AM!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED HOLY AMETHYST: on Oneness Consciousness within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire:
Dearest Friends of Freedom in service to our Beloved Saint Germain and the New Age of Spiritual Freedom: I greet you in Adoration …and desire to sojourn with you within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. Let us all feel the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Violet Fire, now blazing into your physical, etheric, mental and emotional levels. The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around New Earth is the Home of the planetary Violet Fire and all its Temples; the Home of the Feminine Ray for this Cosmic Moment of Earth; and the Home of Spiritual Freedom from its Highest Frequency …that of the White Fire Being of all Humanity. This month we shall call this Violet Fire Forcefield ‘Home’ …the Home of our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness along our Seventh Ray service.
In honoring the Ceremonious Aspect of the Seventh Ray, please allow a reminder of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame Activity, which generally precedes Violet Fire Transmutation Activity. Lord Michael, in his massive service to Humanity (especially her ties to psychic and astral imbalance) has developed a specific Forcefield that assists the Violet Fire in Transmutation. The Circle and Sword of Blue Flame of disrupts or ‘breaks down’ crystalized karmic patterns, so that the Sacred Fire of Transformation may blaze in, through and around every aspect and dimension of such karma. Like every other aspect of creation, karma also has multi-dimensional realities and properties that Humanity does not fully grasp. This is why it appears unseen, and has thus governed daily life for so long.
The Divine Power within the Sword of Blue Flame will reveal every electron expressing on any dimension of karma. Contemplate this Power to reveal …where nothing may hide and everything is brought into the Light! Then the Cohesive Power within the Circle of Blue Flame holds steady these imbalanced forces until the Violet Fire may do its right and perfect work …transmuting and accelerating every electron into its own Spiritual Freedom! For this service we all Love and Adore our Beloved Lord Michael and his Heavenly Hosts!
With this Divine Ceremony of Sacred Fire in mind, let us consider that all present planetary karma was generated during from 4th and 5th Root Race Ages. Therefore in the current transition of the Root Races (to the Sixth and Seventh Root Races), transmutation of all earthly karma is mandatory. And who better that to spearhead this Activity of Sacred Fire than the Vehicle of the Manu …the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! Let us remember that Cosmic Law only requires 51% of karmic energy must be accelerated into its Spiritual Freedom for the Ascension of all karma to become tangible. Have Faith, for we approach this point (…even though this still allows for significant karma to be obvious upon the ‘screen of life’). Observed from the Realm of Cause however, the ‘projector’ (that places images upon the screen of life, like a movie theater) is transforming and soon will reflect Perfection Patterns within daily life. And ‘a brand new movie appears upon the screen’!
The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire has both centrifugal and centripetal activity …Inbreath / Outbreath …as does all Divine Activity. As this Forcefield envelopes Earth in a Sphere of Violet Fire, it magnetizes into itself all karmic energy seeking its Freedom in the Light. This un-ascended life essence must reveal itself in cause, must come into awareness, to be set free. This is ‘the difficult part’, especially for those dear souls who come into embodiment with only beauty and loveliness in their Consciousness. This is where we require the detachment of the Buddha to remain in Harmony and Balance. This Divine Quality is now an aspect of the Feminine Ray, with Beloved Kwan Yin representing this Buddha Nature along the Feminine Ray. Once ‘the cause’ is revealed, the Violet Fire may then transmute karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained …if those who direct this Sacred Fire understand this process. This is what Beloved Saint Germain means when he encourages: use and use the Violet Fire!
Then we turn to the Outbreath Activity of this Mystic Sphere. This is the Violet Fire expanding and projecting Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …as well as the Synchronicity, Divine Ceremony and Spiritual Freedom of the Seventh Ray …into the world. This is where the service of the White Fire Beings now populating this Sphere of Light comes into greater action …generating a Cosmic Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom never before projected into daily life on Earth. For it is the Highest Nature of all Humanity (her highest Divine Self) setting her ego-self free! This is the ultimate ‘Humanity taking responsibility for Earth’, as is required by Cosmic Law.
In doing so, let us (the Gathering of Ascended Humanity) feel and see that I AM the world, all of it! I AM the Sun of Earth …the Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness of all Solar Christ Selves. I AM the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, its Inbreath / Outbreath activities, transmuting all physical, etheric, mental and emotional karma of Humanity …from within Humanity! I AM every Divine Quality of the Seventh Ray Violet Fire …the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, Transmutation, Rhythm, Synchronicity, Divine Ceremony and final Spiritual Freedom. I AM the White Fire Being of Spiritual Freedom …as Commanders / Divine Directors of the Violet Fire …from within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. I AM this entire Activity!
The Violet Fire transmutes all illusion, so that every day may truly be revealed as a New Day of Divine Potential. Humanity then sees Cosmic Truth where she once saw illusion. Imagine every morning is awakening to a New Dawn of Consciousness, as if we are once again first born from the Eternal Flame. We then mirror the Mighty I AM Presence, ‘whose eyes are too pure to behold iniquity’,[2] and we see only Perfection Patterns unfolding within and around our sweet Earth.
We are cleansed of ego suffering with each new day and we steadily learn not to reclaim such illusion from the dustbin of little self. Here the great hope of each day is the attainment of greater Youth and Beauty in our lives; and greater Health and Wellness in our bodily experience, all aimed at greater Light Service! This is being a Builder of Divine Consciousness within our own Life Stream! This is our Ascended and Free choice, of actively choosing the continuous co-creation of ones own life. Contemplate this!
And we do this together …together, standing in the Light! For the Cosmic Christ said (through Beloved Jesus): ‘when two or more are gathered in my Name, there I shall also be!’ And here we are, here I AM …the global Gathering of Ascended Humanity, as Builders of Divine Consciousness. And we also remember what the Cosmic Christ said through Beloved Jesus: ‘whatever I have done (begun a New Age) so shall ye also do …and greater things’ (an even greater New Age, one of complete Spiritual Freedom for all Humanity).
The expansion of the Light is manifesting itself in ways that are seen and unseen by the masses. The treatment of the Elemental Kingdom within our sweet Earth is vastly improving. Revelation of wrongdoing is becoming clearer, with a clear general raising of Consciousness. As well, the revelation of Love, Wisdom and Power being applied to daily life also becomes clearer. The revelation of imbalance gets ‘the headlines’ but the Revelation of the Light is clearly building the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. There are countless embodied souls that contribute as Builders of Divine Consciousness …far beyond the smaller numbers of conscious Light Servers.
Let us understand, feel and accept that our personal Sphere of Influence …and especially our global Coherently Connected Sphere of Influence …has great impact on the outcome of Humanity and of our sweet Earth. We believe this, accept this and then operate with supreme confidence in this Truth, empowering our daily Light Service. We understand that the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire blazes into the Earth Plane, into all persons, places, conditions and things requiring purification and transmutation. But its also blazes outward into the Cosmos, announcing Earths readiness to be Spiritually Free …and therefore her readiness to be included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath …where all life is moved towards a Higher Frequency of Divine Love.
Beloved Friends of Freedom, you are truly clearing the Way …a path from the illusion of suffering and imbalance on the outer screen of life …and clearing a Life Path to the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light within each one …the Eternal Flame and its Infinitely Radiant Light. The Mighty I AM Presence sees you as its conduit for Higher Frequency Perfection Patterns expanding into daily life. And in your Ascended Master development, you are serving Humanity well. The entire Spiritual Hierarchy is with you in this endeavor and desires to flow through you. Serving together, standing in the Light, we are (I AM!) the Sun of New Earth, shinning now in her Orbit of Divine Love, perfecting Spiritual Freedom as the complete I AM Race!
Repeat with me …and feel deeply this Initiation …as you are now welcomed into the Cosmic Hosts of the Violet Fire:
I AM an Eternal Flame and its Infinitely Radiant Light!
My Flame is One with Cosmic Violet Fire.
I live, move, breath and vibrate to this Sacred Fire,
as it pours through my Creative Faculties into daily life.
I radiate this Divine Alchemy of Transformation, of all Energy,
Matter and Intelligence, in every aspect of daily life!
I AM like an Angel embodied in Service to Life!
I AM an Angel of the Cosmic Violet Fire!
Serving with Beloved Holy Amethyst and the Hosts of Violet Fire:
I AM an Angel of the Violet Fire and I carry this Cosmic
Momentum of Spiritual Freedom within my body and Being!
I AM an Angel of the Violet Fire and I carry this Cosmic
Momentum of Spiritual Freedom within my body and Being!
I AM an Angel of the Violet Fire and I carry this Cosmic
Momentum of Spiritual Freedom within my body and Being!
Precious Diamonds in the Crown of the Universal Elohim: let us meditate together, Elohim and embodied Solar Christ Selves, in a mighty Circle of Co-creation! (…pause and visualize). Feel the Elohim place ‘the Hand of God’ upon your forehead. Feel profoundly the Crown of the Elohim blazing there, with this Forcefield even further activated in this Initiation. For the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is greatly assisting the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Initiation / Activation of the planetary Flame of Precipitation …with the Seven Root Races once again in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, now including embodied Humanity! Even your embodied understanding of this Truth begins this Initiation / Activation, as would otherwise not be possible. For by Cosmic Law, it requires the cooperation of and co-creation with embodied Humanity for this success. And, SO IT IS!
Therefore, together we Co-create …together we Precipitate …together, we stand in the Light! Ever more empty of time and space allows us to be in the ever present here and now with each other, no matter the Sphere of Influence we naturally serve within. For in the present Cosmic Moment, we serve in Oneness Consciousness! Let us therefore live in this Reality / Truth during every aspect of daily life …all the so-called mundane activities and routines of work, family or caring for the physical body. For this is all co-creation. In each moment ‘be present’ and notice (reflect upon) some aspect of Ascended and Free Reality. It may be a Perfection Patterns of the Elemental Kingdom right in front of you; or sensing and attuning to the Silent Watcher of places, conditions and things around you; or, accepting the blessings of the Solar Christ Self of people around you. What your attention is upon that you become …that you co-create. This is the Law of Life! Be present in each Precious Moment …until every moment is precious …until you are (I AM!) continuously Ascended and Free …in embodiment! This is Spiritual Freedom!
The more Light Servers keep this Sacred Promise of being present, the more Co-creation of the New Age Spiritual Freedom takes place …by Builders of Divine Consciousness. Millions of individuals around the globe practice this Mindfulness under different guises. But to us as Elohim, it all counts towards being Builders of Divine Consciousness, Co-creating a New Age. It is the ‘being empty of self, time and space’ that allows the Eternal Flame and it’s Infinite Radiant Light to keep its Sacred Promise …with no constraints interfering.
In the beginning, God said: let there be Light! This was the beginning of the world and the beginning of Humanity as individual God Beings. Divine Light has certain innate properties, given certain situations or conditions …just as metal has certain properties when heated; or gas has certain properties when cooled; or colors certain properties when passed through a magnetic field. So too does Divine Light when passed through a Divine Consciousness …through any Being operating in the formless Spheres of Light or, in the world of form. Light Servers are to discover these properties of Divine Light as you develop into Ascended Masters here on Earth, in the world of form.
These Celestial properties of Divine Light may act on us, or through us, or both …depending on our Invocation and Divine Direction of the Light. The Radiance of the Mighty I AM Presence was never intended to follow any restrictions of self, time and space. This is why, in the world of form, it is the Magic Presence! Our Mighty God Presence is a Cosmic ‘way station’ of Divine Light from much Higher Frequency / Spheres into our embodiment …containing all the Energy, Matter and Intelligence needed in the Co-creation of a Universe of Perfection Patterns manifest in form.
Let us imagine ourselves as an ever-accelerating Source of Light …a Pure Force of Energy, Matter and Intelligence expanding out from its Central Flame …our own Eternal Flame. This is how the Spiritual Hierarchy sees the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …a Forcefield of expanding Divine Potential on Earth …the Initiator of Co-creation …the Flame of Precipitation in action in daily life. The Ascended and Free Realms around Earth, now composed of the Seven Root Race once again in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, represents this Flame of Precipitation on a Celestial level. Our Divine Consciousness is its Instrument of co-creation in the world of form. Let us deeply explore the properties of the Triune Nature of Divine Light …the Divine Alchemy of Energy, Matter and Intelligence, as these Quantum States interact within, around and through the Eternal Flame embodied within us. This is the Realm of the Elohim!
ENERGY: Energy is defined as the ability to do things; our power supply or source; our capacity to do or create; and the vigor to give effort, to initiate! By its nature, energy is dynamic, vigorous and purposeful, always in motion, having a certain 'wave-function' and frequency and always changing at the direction of an active God Intelligence! Energy directed by Consciousness derives effective action. Energy directed by the Solar Christ Self becomes God in Action and the Co-creation of the Divine Plan (…whereas, if directed by ego, becomes ever-increasing karma). Dynamism refers to various Divine Forces in action on the same sphere of influence (including the world of form) …or, what is referred to as Divine Alchemy. This is the Divine Power of our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness!
MATTER: Matter may refer to substance, form, and the physical state of things. In physics it refers to the electron expressing in its ‘particle-function’ (as it may also express its formless 'wave-function'). The basic building block of form is the atom, composed of electrons expressing as subatomic particles (rather than waves). Matter also refers to the Divine Potential of a Quantum State (or Divine Quality), which has the potential to ‘come into mental or emotional form’. So as Divine Light passes through the Cosmos, there is always the potential that any Divine State, existing in even the Highest Spheres of Light, may also manifest. This is the Divine Promise of Father / Mother God in the Co-creation of Earth …in the ‘creation of form’.
Matter may have mass and volume but is not confined to either. Outside of time and space restrictions, matter may be massless and have no volume. It would thus be ‘spaceless’ and be able to pass through objects, as can light …physical light or Divine Light. So if a person or object is composed of Light it could be invisible, have no volume or mass and yet be composed of matter and thus part of the world. This includes the Realms of Angels and Elemental Spirits …and, includes the Mighty God Presence of each one of Humanity …an actual ‘presence’ in daily life.
INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence, in spiritual development towards Ascended Mastery, includes intuition; esoteric knowledge; the capacity to understand a situation or context; to know the forces in action in any given moment; to be extremely aware of the levels of frequency associated with any person, place, condition or thing encountered in daily life; possessing the ability to think on various levels to effect a desired outcome. Think of it! Father / Mother God has granted us a Divine Intelligence within the very substance we are created from …Divine Light! It is one of the innate qualities or properties of Light. It is already there if we but leave the Light undisturbed by ego. The Taoist concept of ‘the hollow reed’ is to allow the innate God Intelligence within the Light to flow through us undisturbed, into all persons, places, conditions and things we encounter. The Tao is: I AM empty of self, One with the Way!
In the Theme and Thoughtform of this Solar Year, it is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love that we focus on. This is the ‘Intelligence aspect’ of the Divine Light flowing in from Beloved Krishna and Sophia …through the Kumaras of Venus …accelerating the Love Nature of Holy Spirit on Earth at this Cosmic Moment. Every aspect of the Thoughtform has a Divine Intelligence that is to unfold, ensuring Victory in our global Light Service. Let us contemplate each aspect of the Thoughtform in this regard and notice our own spiritual understanding increase exponentially!
To know, to dare, to do and to be silent: this is the motto of the Great Light Brotherhood. This motto actually describes the Divine Direction of the Light …as Divine Directors in the world of form. It means the developed Divine Consciousness of that one understands and can direct the Triune Nature of Divine Light. It is the essence of Ascended Mastery! So let us contemplate the Triune Nature of Divine Light in our own Light Service …individually and in groups …including in the global Gathering of Ascended Humanity, our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness!
So here we are (here I AM!) fulfilling our Divine Plan and Purpose …Elohim and embodied Light Servers …each one Builders of Divine Consciousness! Doing so with great mindfulness / awareness …and collectively in Oneness Consciousness …then Victory is ours!
[1] All concepts within the Ascended and Free Journals are presented with the intention that the Light Servers who absorb them, may then continuously accelerate and expand them, in the flow of Divine Consciousness into daily life!
[2] A biblical description of the Mighty I AM Presence.