October, 2016


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in her Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:

In our Solar Year Thoughtform:


I AM a Sun of Holy Spirit!
Angels serve within and through Holy Spirit.
The Elemental Kingdom is governed by Holy Spirit.
The Spiritual Hierarchy lives within Holy Spirit.
My daily life transpires within Holy Spirit.
I AM a Sun of Holy Spirit.
All life is One in me!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Higher Frequency
Creative Fire, now pulsating within Holy Spirit.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Higher Frequency
Creative Fire, now pulsating within Holy Spirit.



I AM empty of self and I AM Flame!
I AM empty of time and I AM Eternal Flame!
I AM empty of space and I AM Eternal
Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM Sun of the Sun!

I AM a Sun of Holy Spirit!
Angels serve within and through Holy Spirit.
The Elemental Kingdom is governed by Holy Spirit.
The Spiritual Hierarchy lives within Holy Spirit.
My daily life takes place within Holy Spirit.
I AM a Sun of Holy Spirit!
All life lives in Love.
All life lives in me!

I AM empty of self and I AM Flame.
My Flame was here before self and it is here after self.
In this Truth, I AM Sun of the Sun!

I AM empty of time and I AM Eternal Flame.
My Eternal Flame was here before ‘time’
and is now present after time.

I AM empty of space, I AM the Eternal Flame and I AM its
Infinite Radiant Light!  My Flame and its Light were here
before ‘space’ (distance, separation) and will be after space!
My Flame came before ‘form’ and is now ever present after form.

I AM a Flame within the Great Fire of Spiritual Freedom.
I AM a sparkle within the Unrestrained Blaze of Divine Love.
I AM a droplet within the Ocean of Oneness Consciousness.
I AM one Solar Christ Self within the great Cosmic Christ!

I AM empty of self and I AM Eternal Flame.
My Eternal Flame abides in the Great, Great Silence,
The Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light,
where my Flame is an unfolding Celestial Buddha.

My Eternal Buddhic Consciousness abides in the Great Silence.
Here I abide within a Circle of Celestial Buddhas, around which is
a larger Circle of Celestial Buddhas, and within which is a smaller
Circle of Celestial Buddhas …whose Circles go on into Infinity.

The entire Universal I AM unfolds within Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is the context, backdrop and source of all
Energy, Matter and Intelligence for co-creation!
Cosmic Holy Spirit is Love made manifest!

I AM opening like a Cosmic Flower to the gifts of Holy Spirit,
that I may co-create with every other Celestial Intelligence
who also directs Divine Love into manifestation.
This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
This is what I AM and I AM that I AM!




Beloved Ones; Sun of the Sun is a title, an honor bestowed upon the enlightened as to our True Identity within the I AM Race.  It refers to an individual Co-creator, within the Universal ‘Great Creator’!  In the Inner Realms of Light, you may hear your Inner Sacred Name; then next your title …Sun of the Sun!  Sun of the Sun is also a noun; something one becomes …a Sun of the Sun!  Ascended and Free Humanity are both: that someone who has become their True Identity in Light Service …and, we hold that Title within the aspiring Spiritual Hierarchy …the embodied Great Light Brotherhood within Humanity. This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!

This month is dedicated to Holy Spirit and its service within the Thoughtform of this Cosmic Moment.  In this Solar Year, Holy Spirit has been seen and felt across the Arc of Dawn of Humanity aspiring Consciousness …approaching Humanity, as in ‘the dawning’ of this New Age.  She has radiated an Illumined Love of a particular nature, allowing global Humanity to learn from what she has been exposed to …allowing her to make a conscious free will choice to become Love …or, to choose its opposite.

To assist Humanity with this choice (a choice demanded by the Cosmic Law of free will), we rhythmically invoke on behalf of Humanity: Come Holy Spirit Come!  Thank you for revealing upon the screen of life, that which is Love and that which is less than Love.  Grant Humanity the Feminine Ray strength to choose Love. As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, we are (I AM!) Disciples of Holy Spirit and we live, move, breathe and have our Being within this Cosmic Love! Here we bring the Holy Comforter to Humanity.  It comes as the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of a Higher Frequency Love now within the Feminine Ray …establishing a tangible, embodied Solace within daily life that now affects (and directs) the free will choice of Humanity.

We are (I AM!) moving into Holy Spirit …so that Holy Spirit may move within Humanity! I AM vibrating at the Higher Frequency of Holy Spirit.  I inbreathe, absorb, expand and project Holy Spirit.  I AM Holy Spirit moving, breathing, thinking, feeling and doing within Humanity.  Holy Spirit is moving deeper into Humanity …into the Heart of Humanity’s daily life.  In our Solar Year Thoughtform, we now may visualize the Cosmic Dove moving from the Arc of Dawn of Humanity’s awareness towards the center of our Sun of Earth.  The Cosmic Dove may now unfold her Celestial Wings within the Heart of Humanity!  Here she reveals to Humanity’s Consciousness the Three-fold Flame: the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …now so clearly present within this Sun of Earth, our ‘Light of a Thousand Suns’ in our Solar Year Thoughtform.

Holy Spirit is Love made manifest across the spectrum of Humanity daily life …across the spectrum of Elemental daily life …across the spectrum of Angelic daily life.  The Higher Frequency Love Ray from Beloved Krishna and Sophia is Holy Spirit at its Multi-dimensional Higher Frequency never before introduced into Earth and Humanity.  Our collective Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light is the anchorage of this Higher Frequency Love Ray.  And now we bring all persons, places, conditions and things into this Divine Love Ray, through our Ascended Master direction of Sacred Fire, using our Ascended and Free Creative Faculties!

To ensure that we anchor this Higher Frequency Divine Love tangibly, we pause to include our Beloved Body Elemental in this process.  This Divine Elemental Being governs our physical form and its etheric, mental and emotional counter parts.  The more the Body Elemental resides within our Eternal Flame and is bathed in its Infinite Radiant Light, the more the Perfection Patterns of Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness take form and thus eventually bring Eternal Life on Earth!  We visualize our Eternal Flame reaching from below our feet, to above our head, to the outer most reaches of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles. We stand within the Flame of our own Divinity. Then together, we stand in the global Flame of Ascended and Free Humanity …together, standing in the Light of the I AM Race in its full Glory!

Our Eternal Flame is spaceless, weightless, timeless …yet able to be seen by ‘eyes seeking the Light’. Our Eternal Flame comes with its Cloak of Invisibility to all else less than the Light. Then, as the Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness of Ascended and Free Light Service …we become the Matrix / Hologram of the Sun of Earth …the same spaceless, weightless, timeless Eternal Flame but on a global level!  This is our service to life and collectively, this is what I AM!


I AM a Force of God moving upon this sweet Earth!
I AM an upward rushing Force of Energy, Vibration and
Consciousness, which is my Eternal Flame …my True Identity!

This Eternal Flame becomes my Electronic Aura spiraling in,
through and around me! Cosmic Energy flows through this Aura!

I AM One with all Light …Universal I AM!
I AM a Being of very powerful Light!

And, I AM that I AM!



Beloved Ones, we come to sojourn with our precious Gathering of Ascended Humanity to reveal more of our Service with the Higher Frequency Love Ray entering your System and Planet …directly from our Sun.  Our purpose is to raise up the general demeanor of Consciousness within Humanity and her discourse of daily life.  The Love Ray (and the Feminine Ray within it) both desire to express the finer qualities of Holiness and Reverence that Humanity so desires …that which is beautiful and uplifting. These are specifically gifts of our Beloved planet Venus.

The Law of Life affirms: ‘What your attention is upon, that you become’.  This Law has been usurped by ego since the 'great fall' in Consciousness.  In fact its reversal created the 'great fall'.  Even now you see how a very tiny minority of Humanity places so much discord on the screen of life, trying to capture Humanity’s attention.  It is not only big events, but the little things that divert attention from the Divinity, Holiness, Beauty and Sacredness of life.  There is a continuous diversion from that which is truly important to the ‘shiny ornaments’ of ego-life.  Our Higher Frequency Love Ray comes with the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness to accelerate Humanity beyond this …towards using her Creative Faculties for the co-creation of Perfection Patterns for the spiritual benefit of all!  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the conduit for this Love Ray of Krishna and Sophia (and the Kumaras of Venus) to reach into the Consciousness of Humanity and achieve anchorage …and thus manifest within daily life.  But first, allow please a review of how Divine Love unfolds in co-creation.

The entire Universal I AM unfolds within Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit is the context, backdrop and source of all Energy, Matter and Intelligence for a co-creation! It is the Light from the Flame of Original Intent. Holy Spirit is Love made manifest. Every Ascended Master and Cosmic Being knows: I AM opening like a Cosmic Flower to the gifts of Holy Spirit, that I may co-create with every other Divine Intelligence who also directs Divine Love into manifestation.  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is that Forcefield on Earth upon whom we depend, to reveal this Truth …silently, through living this Law of Co-creation!

In the dawn of previous Golden Ages, the Ascended Masters entered daily life to prepare ‘the Way’ for the masses.  Here it was easily obvious to all Humanity what was the necessary transformation in their Consciousness.  And the obvious Divinity of these Cosmic Beings became the narrative of the world’s great religions. None of these Golden Ages remained permanent, even though they rose to great heights of spiritual development.  So to ensure a permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom, it was necessary for some within Humanity to step into their Ascended and Free State by their own Will, Illumination and Love Nature (their Three-fold Flame) and clear the Way as a global force …and thus anonymously provide this same service as previously done by the Ascended Hosts. And here you are!

This is our time …our Cosmic Moment!  The specific Higher Frequency Love Ray from our Sun comes to serve and expand the Feminine Ray within the Theme and Thoughtform of these recent Solar Years. I remind the Light Servers that the Feminine Ray has stationed within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, six Magnificent Feminine Ray Beings who continue to hold the Immaculate Concept for the full alchemy of the Feminine Ray and the Seventh Ray Violet Fire!  For both these Major Rays come into their ascendency in this Age of Spiritual Freedom.  And the Higher Frequency Love Ray from our Sun accelerates them both!

Holy Spirit embodies the Feminine Ray as Love made manifest …the spiritual birthing of Divine Love and all its attributes into manifestation.  Its current purpose is to rebalance the long unbalanced Masculine Ray (and all its attendant suffering) …and bring back the Harmony and Balance of the two in perfect Divine Union.  The Feminine Ray brought back into prominence now restores a refinement in Consciousness that Humanity strives for and can see …but cannot yet manifest during the imbalanced Masculine Ray. The Feminine Ray is the collective Prayer Force of Humanity …all her spoken, felt, thought or ‘wished for’ desires to be spiritually free and happy!   It is the Divine Mother’s wish for all her children.

PRAYER FORCE. Prayer is invoking Co-creation ...through invoking the creative powers of the Three-fold Flame vested in all God Intelligences. When Humanity prays in the name of their God …Beloved Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha or Allah or ‘Heavenly Father within’, in reality they are invoking the Creative Fire of the Solar Christ Self / Mighty I AM Presence within.  This was the original intent of Father / Mother God …for the I AM Race to shine forth as full participants in co-creation in the realm of form.  Restoring this Reality is one of the absolute foundations of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …the freedom to co-create our own Divine Reality on Earth …but now under the direction of the Divine Self, instead of ego-self!

At present, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity holds the Immaculate Concept for this Aspect of Spiritual Freedom …of each one becoming a conscious co-creator with Father/Mother God.  So, together, standing in the Light, let us feel the PRAYER FORCE OF THE BILLIONS …who daily invoke Heavenly Father, Allah, Lord Buddha, Beloved Jesus Christ and every other Sacred Name or Title for Universal I AM / Father/Mother God …the Creative Fire anchored in all of us.  The Light Servers become True Disciples of Holy Spirit through holding the Immaculate Concept for this Reality!  For this global Prayer Force is Holy Spirit as she flows through the world into the Consciousness of Humanity.  Now we add to it the specific Sacred Fires pertinent to the present Cosmic Moment …all within the Theme and Thoughtform of this Solar Year. This Light Service is delivered through our daily invocation: Together, standing in the Light, as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!

The original Divine Plan for each Mighty I AM Presence is as a conduit for Cosmic Holy Spirit to manifest its Divine Destiny of Love made manifest.  Our Ascended and Free Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness is a representative symbol of Cosmic Holy Spirit ...a totality of Divine Oneness Consciousness anchored within Humanity from which all things are created …all Perfection Patterns made manifest ...the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of Divine Light expressing itself. This is Universal I AM unfolding perfectly.  This Truth is embodied our Matrix / Hologram of New Earth within the Theme and Thoughtform, Earth in her Ascended and Free State.

Holy Spirit is the Creative Sacred Fire of Universal I AM expressing in Oneness Consciousness ...as is each individual Three-fold Flame within its own Aura.  Let us meditate on this Truth as our True Identity, both individually and collectively …and affirm its Reality in our daily life:

I AM empty of self and I AM Flame.
I AM empty of time and I AM Eternal Flame.
Eternal Flame is timeless, weightless, spaceless and selfless.
Therefore, I AM timeless, weightless, spaceless and selfless!
I think, feel and accept this Reality even within daily life.
This is the Victory of my Ascended Master training!

Eternal Flame is every Perfection Pattern of Universal I AM … of
Eternal Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness, Strength and
Stamina, Illumination and Enlightenment …and every
other Spiritual Gift and Blessing of Holy Spirit.

And I AM Holy Spirit expressing these Divine Qualities in form,
through my Creative Faculties in the worldLove made manifest!
My Creative Faculties transform Energy, Matter and Intelligence
of Divine Light into an expression of Heaven on Earth.

As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
I AM Humanity as a Disciple of Holy Spirit!
I AM the Solar Christ Self, who Holy Spirit has visited!

Empty of self, I AM a conduit for the gifts of Holy Spirit.
I AM a transformer of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness
into thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of Love within Humanity.


Our Service as Disciples of Holy Spirit is to build the scaffolding that holds this Immaculate Concept of Divine Life in place within daily life …until Humanity is raised up sufficiently to do so for herself. We do so by ensuring our own Creative Faculties are in Oneness Consciousness with the Ocean of co-creation that is Cosmic Holy Spirit! We then hold Humanity within the Harmony and Balance of their True Identity, directing this Creative Sacred Fire through all life … until Humanity can do so for herself. This Victory is only accomplished through United Light Service …together, globally, standing in the Light!

Here I AM in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with the Higher Frequency of all Humanity!  The majority of Humanity desires this harmonious outcome and their prayers inwardly inspire our Light Service to initiate fulfillment of their own God desire.  This is contrary to the world of illusion portrayed upon the outer screen of daily life, where the tiny minority appears to dictate a lower frequency of daily life.  The Victory here is in holding firm to the Immaculate Concept regardless of outer circumstances, as always exampled by the Ascended Masters who came to clear the way for us …and now we do the same for all Humanity.

The formless Spirit / Essence / Quantum States of Holy Spirit are carried within the bodies of Angels.  We feel this Creative Faculties in their Holy Presence.  As well, the beauty and diversity of Holy Spirit is tangibly expressed in the Elemental Kingdom ...Love actually made manifest. This includes our Beloved Body Elemental.  This also includes all of Nature …and in New Earth in her Ascended and Free frequency, ‘the lion does indeed lie down with the lamb’ …removing eternally the lower frequency projected from human ego that negatively transformed aspects of the nature kingdom.  Holy Spirit also expresses through the laws of the physical universe as she unfolds ...from the mystery of sub-atomic particles ...through to individual flowers and gems ...to vast sunsets and mountain ranges ...to the heavenly firmament of stars and galaxies in the heavens.  The totality of this magnificence is the Multi-dimensional Reality of Holy Spirit!

All Humanity was first born in Father / Mother God and at that Cosmic Moment, there was an investiture ...an investment in a Child of God and a Co-creator within Universal I AM.  Let us hold this Immaculate Concept for each one of Humanity, that no matter their present set of circumstances or understanding, that: I AM this Cosmic Investment coming to fruition, in the co-creation of New Earth in her New Heavens.  I combine this with the Law of Reciprocity: "As I AM raised up so is all of raised up with me"!  And thus, as I enter my Ascended and Free State, so does all life everywhere.  I may affirm this as Truth because of the Power of Holy Spirit working through me ...because of the Three-fold Flame vested in me! This is equally true for all Humanity!  Contemplate this deeply.  Again, I AM an Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!  It is all the Creative Sacred Fire of Holy Spirit …and then given over to the Energy, Matter and Intelligence within that Divine Light, which then manifests some aspect of Divine Love.  This is the Divine Instrument that I AM!  This is the Divine Instrument that all Humanity represents in their Perfect Potential!

The Elemental Kingdom embodies, inspires and evokes the very Quantum States (Divine Qualities) we seek from Holy Spirit.  And this is why it is said that Holy Spirit governs the Elemental Kingdom.  Let us contemplate these Quantum States.  Being in nature, feeling one with nature, inspires awe and wonder; delicacy and symmetry; beauty and balance; serenity and tranquility; majesty and clarity; ...etc.  When we genuinely invoke the 'gifts of Holy Spirit', then the Elemental Kingdom expands and projects these Blessings into our Consciousness and anchors them into our own Elemental Being (physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles). It is our choice to immerse ourselves in this Higher Frequency environment (physically, etherically, mentally and emotionally ...including the very finest surroundings of nature, music, art and beauty.  In nature, we bath our Creative Faculties in Holy Spirit so that they may manifest only Perfection Patterns in our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

Therefore, let us inbreathe, absorb, expand and project the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Nature and the entire physical ‘world of form’ …even if our environment is in the middle of a busy city.  All form has Cosmic Holy Spirit running through it, around it and as it …if we pause and appreciate the Elementals in all buildings, articles and tools that provide for us a physical platform for embodiment.  The Original Intent of Father / Mother God (for their child ‘Earth’) was for the I AM Race to expand the Borders of Perfection further into the density of form …beyond the ‘easier’ platform of formless spirit (or Sacred Essence) …as in the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light.

Beyond observing the beauty and the other Divine Qualities of the Elemental Kingdom, let us move to fully embody those blessings …expanding them into the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Humanity and her daily life.  Affirm: ‘I dwell in form, in the physical universe and thus I dwell in an Ocean of the Sacred Essence of Holy Spirit’. This is the Honor and Glory of embodying ...a truth lost long ago in the veil of ego and karmic illusion, all within the confines and restrictions of time and space.  Of course outside time and space, embodiment is seen as a Higher Order opportunity (‘graduate school’) in the art and science of Ascended Mastery and Co-creation.  And in our Ascended and Free State, this is how we choose to see it …a Divine Opportunity.  Affirm: I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Radiant Light of Sacred Pranaflowing through my Creative Faculties and accelerating me into my Ascension …and, by extension, lifting Humanity into her Ascension.  And SO IT IS!

The honor of embodying in form, while remaining empty of ego-self, not only heals and accelerates the four embodied vehicles, but also accelerates the development of our Divine Vehicles ...our Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and even our White Fire Being.  Holy Spirit governs the world of form and through it, raises up all life ...if its Truth can flow uninterrupted through the veil of ego illusion. So this is our goal ...empty of self ...Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light ...all while in the world of form, and in that Oneness Consciousness with all form, raising up all life on Earth, everywhere present!  And SO IT IS!

This entire activity of Holy Spirit unfolding on Earth remains constantly attuned to Humanity’s global Prayer Force …whether it arises from a Temple, Mosque, Church, Meditation Center, family prayer, personal sanctuary or the voice of a little child seeking comfort …it is all an invocation to Holy Spirit! A very tangible way for Light Servers to feel one with the efforts of the great majority of Humanity is to join them in this Prayer Force (in the Invocation to Holy Spirit) and direct it into the Theme and Thoughtform of the Solar Year.

Affirm: I AM in Oneness Consciousness with all Prayer Force everywhere present ...in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with all Invocation ...for this is my reason for being as a Force of Co-creation of Spiritual Freedom.  I AM immersing myself in the Prayer Force of Holy Spirit, in that which is invoked (Inbreathed, absorbed) from Humanity through our Creative Faculties, and in that which is evoked / radiated by Holy Spirit through the Angels and Elementals for the benefit of Humanity, including nature and the entire physical universe.  Incorporating both aspects, I AM immersed in a Sea of Light, which I then rhythmically inbreath and absorb ...then expand and project with every mindful breath I draw within daily life.

As Disciples of Holy Spirit, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity affirms: I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Transformative Frequency of Divine Love expressing through me!  And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!


ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LORD GAUTAMA…and the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light…

Beloved Lotus Blossoms on the Ocean of Cosmic Enlightenment:  I too affirm, as I did when in the physical body: I AM empty of self and I AM Eternal Flame.  Now I wish to raise you to an Elevated State where this Enlightenment sustains a clear mind …that our Eternal Flame abides in the Great, Great Silence …within the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light …where our Flame has the Divine Potential of a Celestial Buddha.  Here there is a Divine Peace that I desire to pass onto all Humanity …through the Vehicle of the Manu …at this Cosmic Moment of Transition of the Root Races.

Let us meditate on the Middle Way and how living within daily life can be sustained within Holy Spirit Consciousness.  Let us draw our four embodied vehicles first into our Eternal Flame …feeling them inbreathed and absorbed into Flame …then expanded and projected into daily life as expressions of the Great Golden Silence. For when you incorporate your embodied vehicles into your meditation of becoming Eternal Flame, you take them Home into the Great, Great Silence.  Here everything settles into Harmony and Balance, as originally intended.

In my own evolution, I came to understand that my Eternal Flame and its inherent Buddha Consciousness, abides in the Great, Great Silence.  Here I abide within a Circle of Celestial Buddhas, around which is a larger Circle of Celestial Buddhas …and, within which is a smaller circle of Celestial Buddhas.  These Circles go on into Infinity …and, in my Eternal Flame, here I AM!  Here, I AM that I AM!

In this Great Silence we sit as our White Fire Being, it its Buddhic State.  In this State, when we meditate on the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, where the White Fire Beings of Humanity have joined our Solar Year endeavors within the Solar Year Thoughtform …we then join the Celestial Buddhas in the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light!  This is an aspect of the Thoughtform that the Gathering of Ascended Humanity may give more contemplation to and thus find a deeper Peace in the Serene Luminosity of Divine Consciousness.

Let us visualize the Solar Year Thoughtform as the White Fire Being within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …your own Highest Divine Aspect.  Here you join the Circle of Celestial Buddhas in the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light.  Here we co-create the Sun of Earth …with a lovely Crystal Blue Lotus at the center, surrounded by the dazzling Golden Flame of God Illumination …around which is a spiraling radiant Sun of Love expanding out into Eternity.  And together in this Infinite Circle of Buddhas, we hold this Immaculate Concept from within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …seated together as White Fire Beings, in our Highest Frequency True Identity!

The Sun of Earth expresses the Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power! This also represents the Holy Triumvirate of Shamballa. Ascended and Free Humanity now sustains the Planetary Three-fold Flame through the Theme and Thoughtform for this Solar Year.  Sanat Kumara, myself (Lord Gautama), and Cosmic Christ (Lord Maitreya) continue to serve in these capacities …but more and more Ascended and Free Humanity assumes embodied responsibilities of the Spiritual Hierarchy …as it needs to be.  Now, as well as the Holy Triumvirate sustaining the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love for the planet, we are assisted by the Gathering of Ascended Humanity in her Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness.

In the service of holding this Immaculate Concept, our Victory is ensured by remaining in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with every White Fire Being, every Mighty I AM Presence, every Causal Body and every Solar Christ Self within Humanity …within the I AM Race.  This includes every Root Race, One through Seven. Imagine this Forcefield and its Power within daily life.  For as you have been taught, this completes the Flame of Precipitation on a planetary level and greatly assists the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa.  We are (I AM!) so deeply grateful for your daily meditation upon the Thoughtform and our co-creation of its Perfection Patterns within Earth’s atmosphere!

Remember dear ones, Energy, Matter and Intelligence flows out with your Light to affect all life everywhere.  There is nothing impossible in the Light.  In the creation of the New Age, the architecture blueprints were given to us (the Theme and Thoughtform); then the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the scaffolding (of this new ‘building’ or creation); and then the actual building we desire (physical, etheric, mental and emotional creation in daily life) comes from the rest of Humanitywho embody for that purpose.  And I may assure you that these elevated Souls are in place, they just need the Initiation of our combined Energy, Vibration and Consciousness sustained in daily life. We clear the Way, with holding the Immaculate Concept of the Thoughtform …by being Builders of Divine Consciousness with our expertise in Sacred Fire.  This is our reason for being in embodiment!

The goal of the Ascension Process is living in the flow of Holy Spirit …which is to be empty of self and only Eternal Flame.  This is the Pure Luminosity of Divine Consciousness …the Gem of all Ascended Master Teaching. To this we then add the Energy and Vibration of which ever Flame we then Invoke and embody for that moment.  Every Candidate for the Ascension, when empty of self, may become the Flame of their choosing!  Thus, empty of self we may become the Flame of Healing …empty of self and become the Violet Fire …empty of self and be the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love of the Three-fold Flame …or any other of the Divine Attributes of Holy Spirit!  Remember the Taoist:  I AM empty of self, and One with ‘the Way’ …‘the Way’ is filled with Virtue!

Thus, we choose our Light Service and become more proficient at one or several Flames and their Divine Quantum States …so as to add as our Blessing to the world.  We each have a role in establishing the ‘scaffolding’ of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom and this is why and how we develop our Ascended Mastery.  This continuous spiritual development is equally true in the Ascended Master Realms of Light, in the unfolding and co-creation of Universal I AM.  We all add to the whole in the Divine Synergy of Co-creation.  This is the root of your Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness as the embodied Vehicle of the Manu and in establishing Beloved Saint Germain’s New Age.  We do not know (and do not need to know) the details of the ‘finished product’ …just to know that we do our service and to know with Cosmic Faith that the Universe is unfolding as it should!