June, 2016


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:



Holy Spirit visits each of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh
Root Races, with the Gifts, Qualities and Blessings uniquely
necessary for the Victory of each Root Race.

Holy Spirit brings completion within the 4th and 5th Root Races,
sustaining a Peace within Humanity that is tangible.

Holy Spirit brings engagement within the 6th and 7th Root Races,
sustaining a Promise within Humanity that is tangible!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the
Sacred Fire Breath of Holy Spirit!

I AM Expanding / Projecting the
Sacred Fire Breath of Holy Spirit!



I AM that I AM!
I AM empty of self and I AM Flame!
I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM a Sacred Fire within Holy Spirit!
I AM the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of
Sacred Prana, uniting all life at its Original Essence of Being.

As an embodied Being of Sacred Fire, I AM
a Disciple of Holy Spirit, and I raise all life to this State.
I AM the Sacred Fire Breath within Humanity,
arising to full Consciousness in daily life!

As a Flame and only Flame …absolute Flame,
I return to my birthplace within Father / Mother God!

Within Flame as Flame, as
a Seventh Ray, Solar Christ Self:

I AM Forgiving …I AM Forgiven;
I AM the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness!
I AM giving Mercy; I AM receiving Mercy;
I AM the Cosmic Law of Mercy!

As Seventh Ray, Ascended and
Free Humanity: I AM empty of self!
I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

This Light becomes a global Sun of the Sun …the Sun
of Earth, whose Radiance becomes the Light of daily life!

Within Flame, as Flame, as Ascended and Free Beings,
I AM the thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of Holy Spirit.

I AM the physical, etheric, mental and emotional expression of
the Divine Potential …contained within the Light of Holy Spirit!

As a Flame of Holy Spirit within its Sacred Fire
Breath, I stand within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire!
I AM empty of self and I AM Flame; the Violet Flame!
I AM Empty of time and space: I AM the Eternal Violet Fire!
I AM the Cosmic Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness.




 In the previous month, we delved into the Higher Vehicles of our One Divine Being and their specific position of Light Service within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2016. We have also traversed the Sacred Energies of Easter and then of the Mystic Month of May (Pentecost and Wesak).  Here in June, we expand and project these Sacred Energies into Humanity’s Festival of Good Will, celebrating and expanding the Forcefield of the Innate Sacred Innocence and Goodness within Humanity (as opposed to the illusion upon the screen of life of imbalance and chaos).  These Sacred Energies will peak mid-month with its height on June 20 at the full moon of Gemini.  This will unite Humanity in the Oneness of their Sacred Essence (Holy Spirit) and their indefinable spiritual quest towards oneness with their own God Self …a shared quality throughout Humanity as part of our inevitable journey ‘back to source’ …Flame returning to Flame; Flame assimilating Flame.  This translates differently across cultures and religions but is the same primordial magnetic pull back to the Divine.

Beloved Jesus stated: ‘I must leave so that Holy Spirit comes unto you’.  This Wisdom translated to his Disciples as no longer being dependent on a physical, tangible closeness to God, but rather on the Breath of God, the Prana of Universal I AM …on the Spirit or Electronic level of Sacred Fire (versus the atomic level of the flesh).  We now hear this same message from our own Mighty God Presence, to know and feel the Indivisible Flowing Essence of our Higher Presence …here, there, everywhere present through our entire Divine Being.   To be ‘on Fire with Holy Spirit’ is the Passion of Sacred Fire breathed into us from the Higher Spheres of Light of our own God Being (White Fire Being, Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body).  And this entire ‘Ascension Process’ takes place within the Solar Year Thoughtform, which accurately summarizes our present Light Service.

The mystical Seven Gifts of Holy Spirit are listed as Divine Qualities, all contained within this Sacred Fire Holy Breath: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude (or strength), Knowledge, Godliness, and Innocence.  It is our Divine Intent this month to immerse Humanity in this Forcefield of Holy Spirit through the open door of their collective Good Will …the Festival of this Sacred Month.  Even when chaotic events take place outwardly, it brings forth an even stronger Forcefield of this Innate Good Will. Let us review our own acceptance of Holy Spirit and thus our Light Service this month …and the Blessings we desire for all Humanity through our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with her. Let us contemplate these Divine Qualities:

Wisdom (the highest of these Gifts of Holy Spirit) has been described as a “supernatural Gift of the Holy Spirit which enables us to know God and to rejoice in perfect love” (St. Bernard). Wisdom aims our desires towards Perfection Patterns, so that we take greater happiness in the Divine (rather than from any evidence of the outer world).  Wisdom helps to sever our worldly attachments, ever more becoming empty of self …and thus, assume our True Identity as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.

The Gift of Understanding enables us to know and comprehend the mysteries.  There is an Inner Light that followers of Buddha refer to as the Ground Luminosity of Pure Consciousness.  This interior Light of Understanding deepens our insight into the Divine Mysteries …grasping the ‘inner meaning’ of revealed (or ‘outer’) truths in our personal daily life, and within global events. With this Understanding, we are (I AM!) stirred into more active Light Service, releasing the full Forcefield of our Eternal Flame and its unique Gifts, Qualities and Blessings from our Temples of Ascended and Free!

Counsel endows the Soul with Higher Frequency Vision, empowering a discriminating intelligence based on Divine Love, directly from the Mind of our Mighty I AM Presence. This grants us the ability to see beyond the obvious events within time and space …and see the greater pattern working itself out in the context of Cosmic Spiritual Laws.  Fortitude strengthens us to practice virtue, especially at difficult times.  This gift is ever more possible when we become empty of self and thus of any circumstances of persons, places, conditions and things.  We offer Humanity this Forcefield of following their original spiritual instincts (rather than ego interpretation of others), thus ‘following their Heart Flame’ into their own Divine Potential.

Guided by the Light of Knowledge, we put the Law of Life first (Ascended Master Teachings, as reflected in the Innate Truths of all Cultures and Religions), and value above all else our relationship with every level of our own Multi-dimensional God Being, and with the Spiritual Hierarchy.  Beloved Jesus described this as ‘Loyalty to the Father Within’.  Then, the Gift of Godliness infuses Reverence for Life and a heart that tends first to the Honor and Glory of God within all other life. This then leads to childlike Innocence …knowing I AM a Child of Father / Mother God …listening for and seeing only the noble and beautiful …keeping us on The Path of Light.  It is this innate Innocence of Good Will that we principally celebrate this month.

These Divine Qualities are similar to the Gifts of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path of the Buddha.  The Path leads to supreme Bodhi or Awakening, described as "the mind like fire unbound." It is waking up to the true nature of reality, our true Buddha Nature. The Qualities of this Ascension Process are captured in terms like True Nature, Original Mind, Infinite Light and Life …all found beyond space and time. We have just experienced the blending or merging of these two great Paths at the height of Pentecost / Wesak last month. And we bring all of this Forcefield into the Festival of Good Will.

In order to be Victorious this month, we as Light Servers within Cause, focus on living this Ascension Process as our own Spiritual Freedom first…and then offer it to all of Humanity through our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with all life …all culminating in the Festival of Good Will!  Here we undo the effects of outer chaos with the much stronger Cause of Spiritual Freedom, in our collective desire for Peace and Spiritual Freedom for all!  To achieve this Victory, we visualize again the Forcefield of Sacred Fire within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2016:

For this Victory, let us see the Cosmic White Dove Holy Spirit within the Thoughtform of 2016 slightly differently, hovering now within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.  For a moment, see only a glistening, electronic White Dove (created only from ethereal waves of Sacred Fire Breath) within a Circle of Violet Radiance.  We are the formless essence of Holy Breath within the Infinite Circle of Violet Light …the Indivisible Flowing Energy, Matter and Intelligence of Spiritual Freedom.  This Prana of Holy Spirit flows through us …as us …into the world, as the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of our Eternal Flame and that of the Sponsors of this Solar Year …and thus our collective Flame’s Infinite Radiant Intent of Good Will to all Humanity!

Feeling the Flow of Sacred Prana through our Thoughtform, let us see and feel a Forcefield of Violet Fire that transmutes all karmic debt.  For within our Thoughtform, the Higher Frequency Divine Love from Krishna and Sophia now flows directly into every cell, atom and electron of karma associated with the 4th and 5th Root Races.  Let us feel a Cosmic Forcefield of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness from the Great Central Sun that completely inbreathes and absorbs this karma of imbalance …all the while expanding and projecting the Seventh Ray Gifts of Holy Spirit …Rhythm, Synchronicity, Harmony and Balance, Divine Ceremony and Spiritual Freedom …into the world.

Since the beginning of this Solar Year, we have invoked ‘Come, Holy Spirit, Come’.  The return call is the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, where Father / Mother God from Highest Frequency comes forth to finalize our Sacred Desire …a Forcefield that forever deletes this imbalance from our sweet Earth.  In its place, we invoke the Gifts, Qualities and Blessings of Holy Spirit towards the spiritual awakening of all Humanity …so that the forces of chaos are completely transmuted by the Forces of Peace!  And SO IT IS!

Now let us visualize specifically the Higher Frequency Divine Love from the Sun of Krishna and Sophia, flowing through both poles of the Star of Spiritual Freedom …both freeing the 4th and 5th Root Races from their karma and, preparing ‘the Way’ of the 6th and 7th Root Races to enter their embodied Perfection Patterns on Earth.  This Forcefield clears ‘the Way’ to our New Earth in her New Heavens, as our sweet Earth Ascends in Orbital Frequency to that of our Sister Ascended Planet, Venus.

Beloved Light Servers, in contemplating this elevated Light Service, let us see that the Gifts, Qualities and Blessings of Holy Spirit are scientific equations as much as they are lovely qualities.  This is true of all Perfection Patterns from Father / Mother God, such as the Principle of Divine Alignment or, of Divine Harmony and Balance.  When we are immersed in Spiritual Holiness in a wonderful meditation, let us remain as confident as the scientist who ‘knows the formula’ and has worked out all the details for Victory through proper equations of physics and math.  It is the Yin / Yang of Holy Spirit, that Sacred Fire exists as a fundamental Truth of Universal I AM …and is ours to utilize, practice and manifest through Divine Right.  This is living the Mighty I AM Presence as the Solar Christ Self in daily life, practicing this Divine Alignment of every aspect of our Divine Being.  Let us affirm:

I AM in Divine Alignment with the 2016 Thoughtform!
I AM the White Fire Being in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.
I AM the Mighty I AM Presence and its Cosmic Causal Body,
serving from the Temples of Ascended and Free Humanity.

I AM the Solar Christ Self as the Sun of the Sun,
together, standing in Divine Light as the Sun of Earth!
I AM every aspect of my Divine Self in Divine Alignment.
I AM the Visitation of Holy Spirit, for my own Ascension and
for all of Humanity.  Through this, I AM the Indivisible Flowing
Wholeness on my entire Divine Being …embodied here on Earth!


Beloved Ones, the Sun of the Sun is the Solar Christ Self manifesting as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …just as the Flame manifests uniquely within any of the Infinite Spheres of Existence.  Our Beloved Jesus was called both the Son of God and the Son of Man, for this Sun of the Sun can manifest in the Higher Spheres of the Godhead and, it can walk amongst Humanity in daily life.  Such is the Nature of the Cosmic Christ individualized.  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity manifests likewise …the Cosmic Christ manifesting collectively.

There are religious stories of ‘a great, blinding Light’ or of ‘the burning bush’ or of ‘Ezekiel’s Wheel’ where the Eternal Flame manifests itself. But the Spiritual Hierarchy sees us as beyond the need for such phenomenon, trusting both Light Servers and Humanity to perceive at the level of Consciousness.  I AM content with knowing that my Eternal Flame manifests itself as Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.  And collectively I AM the Solar Year Thoughtform now governing the Energy, Matter and Intelligence entering Humanity’s global consciousness!  I AM the Cause of Good Will to all Life everywhere!

In the Thoughtform of 2016, the Multi-dimensional Matrix / Hologram of our Sun of Earth is the Vehicle of the Manu …is our Solar Christ Selves collectively expressing their Indivisible Flowing Wholeness on Earth.  It is composed of the same Perfection Patterns as was this dear planet when first designed in the Heart of Father / Mother God and created by the Elohim …of gleaming elemental substance manifesting Eternal Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness within her embodied Kingdoms …with Good Will and Peace on Earth to all. These are the Innate Perfection Patterns …established long before ego took Humanity off the path of Spiritual Freedom. And here we are (here I AM!) …the Cosmic Force of Restoration of this Innocence …all within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2016.

Outside time and space, all original Perfection Patterns are all here and now.  Such Perfection Patterns now begin to reveal themselves in my present affairs and finances, as well as all persons, places, conditions and things; into all cells, atoms and electrons that give them form and function.  Such Perfection Patterns transmute my karmic past …as well as enshrine my glorious future in the Light of a Thousand Suns (a prophecy of how ancient Seers would envision our current Sun of Earth …the united Radiant Light of all Solar Christ Selves, of all Root Races).

I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.  I AM the Truth of a single photon within my Divine Radiance seeking to express itself in every Sphere of Light within Universal I AM.  And through each of my infinite photons of Light, I AM thus in every Sphere of Light right here and now …I AM here, there, everywhere present!  I may experience them all in my glorious meditations on Oneness with Universal I AM …but I AM principally focused on our sweet Earth and her Spiritual Freedom.  For this is my Joy and my central Purpose …and I AM at Peace.




Beloved Ones who embody during these last stages of the 5th Root Race, greeting and gratitude for all your Light Service to my Cause.  I AM here with you in Consciousness to express the infinite Gratitude that all Four Manus have for your embodied Light Service.  For you form our collective Vehicle …in the guiding, guarding and directing of our Root Races.  You have all earned the Spiritual Title of embodied Divine Director (guiding Humanity), as given by our Beloved Manu Lord Saithru, in his Office as the Great Divine Director.  The entire Spiritual Hierarchy is with me now as I sojourn with the Light Servers, for I rarely speak …having entered the Great Silence until the point of assured Ascension of my Beloved 5th Root Race.  And here I AM now …and thus, here we are at this Cosmic Moment of Victory!  And SO IT IS!

First dear ones, the Lord of the World and the Spiritual Hierarchy had to make it abundantly clear as to which souls still refuse to go on into their own Ascension.  The results you see before you.  These souls now stand out in manifesting lower frequency of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, all by their own free will.  For as you know, each one in Humanity has complete free will to choose his/her own frequency of living life on Earth.

The Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness still applies and all will be given the opportunity for their Ascension, whether on Ascended and Free Earth (Ascended into the Orbit of Venus) or on a planet of lower frequency (currently slowly incorporating itself as a distinct entity within daily life …and obvious to all) …and begin again a slower the Path to Spiritual Freedom.  The distinctness of the two options stands before you.  As this choice is made and each goes their own way, many Higher Souls will volunteer to assist the laggards …as have many Cosmic Beings already assisted Humanity through some very difficult times.

Since the 'great fall' in Consciousness during the Root Race of my Beloved Brother Lord Himalaya, we have survived and developed through periods of low frequency that have never been seen in this Solar System or beyond.  The entire Spiritual Hierarchy has learned more about the nature of ‘being separate from’ the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of Universal I AM (the opposite of living in the Light) …than had ever been thought possible.

So, we have established a continuously building Solar Year Forcefield under the banner of Spiritual Freedom of Beloved Saint Germain.  The Violet Fire specifically reverses this alternate universe …through the laws of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness and the Transmutation of karma that accumulated because of reversal of the Laws of Life …that caused the disease, distress and death of ego dominant life.  We are here to restore this into everlasting Life in the Light.  And here we are: together, standing in the Light: the Doer, the Doing and the Deed of this Transformation …the Great Light Brotherhood in action!

With this Solar Year, we collectively co-created the Vehicle of the Manus …a Matrix / Hologram immersed in the Spiritual Freedom of the Central Sun!  Each Solar Christ Self as the Sun of the Sun …collectively the Sun of Earth, is immersed in its own Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, the very Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Spiritual Freedom from the Central Sun that Beloved Saint Germain journeyed to …in order to invoke, focus, consecrate and sustain this Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!  Let us affirm:

Together, standing in the Light,
I AM the Forcefield: Vehicle of the Manu!
I have dreamed of this service since first choosing
to unite my Light within the Earth’s Great Light Brotherhood.

I AM a Divine Director of the Major Cycles of the Root Races.
I AM here to guide, guard and direct the Root Races into
the Light of their own Divine Potential.

I AM the Vehicle of the Manu!
I AM its Matrix / Hologram of Sacred Fire.
I AM the Forcefield of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness
necessary for this Victory of the Ages …this Victory in the Light!

I AM empty of self and I AM Flame!
And, I AM the Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light!
My Eternal Light is here, there, everywhere present!
Therefore, there is no place my Light is not present.  I AM
with every person, place, condition and thing I focus it upon!

Therefore, the Manu is everywhere present!
There is a visitation of Holy Spirit and of the Manu,
to every person, place, condition and thing in daily life!

As the Vehicle of the Manu, I AM living at the Source of
Spiritual Freedom within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, and
I offer this Forcefield of most Powerful Activity of Divine
Love to all the Root Races for their Ascension into
the Light of their own Divine Potential!

I AM empty of self and I AM standing
in the Infinite Love of the Mighty Manus!

I AM empty of time and space …and I AM
standing in the Light, with the Mighty Manus!

I AM standing in the four-square certainty of the
Divine Directors of the Root Races of Humanity,
and the Perfection Patterns they expand and radiate
into all Humanity, embodied and awaiting embodiment.
I AM the I AM Race in its Indivisible Flowing Wholeness!

Around this four-square, I also stand within the Mystic Ring
of Violet Fire, the Source of Spiritual Freedom from the
Central Sun …and therefore, I stand with the White
Fire Beings of all the Root Races of Humanity!

I stand within the Electronic Perfection Patterns of the Mighty
Manus …that Divine Potential of the 4th and 5th Root Races to
free themselves from all karmic patterns now expressing …
as well as the Divine Potential of the 6th and 7th Root Races,
which now allows the perfect entrance of these Beings
and their Energy, Vibration and Consciousness,
into Humanity’s current daily life.


 Imagine the Holy Innocence of the 4th Root Race when they first entered the atmosphere of Earth.  There was pristine Beauty, Elemental Perfection Patterns manifesting all around, and a sublime Harmony and Balance that thrilled the entering Soul.  This went on according to the Divine Plan until the 3rd sub-Race of the 4th Root Race, when it was decided by the Spiritual Hierarchy to allow planetary orphans to take advantage of such Harmony and Balance and find a home in the density of form, where they too might find their Ascension, having not accelerated with their own Planet and Race successfully.

Since the 'great fall' in Consciousness then ensued, there was eventually a Major Cycle that came to completion when my Beloved 5th Root Race had to enter the scene of these results.  There was the preparation of a new continent, uncontaminated by the 'great fall'.  Into this virgin land we came and reached several Golden Ages before the ego consciousness caused the sinking of that great dream.  From there history knows of the migration of peoples around the globe, mixing the Root Races into present day Humanity.

Now we achieve the Transmutation of 4th and 5th Root Race karma and then stand in the Awe and Glory of 6th and 7th Root Race Perfection Patterns.  This transformative process is represented by the four-square Forcefield of the Mighty Manus around the Sun of Earth.  Every Root Race is entirely enfolded by the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …the Source of Transmutation, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, as well as the fount of Spiritual Freedom for each of the Root Races.

Understand dear ones, that there is but One I AM Race of Humanity. It has Seven Root Races and each of these have Seven Sub-Races.  They are all ONE in the I AM Race, but each has specific Perfection Patterns to reveal in Father / Mother God’s Great Divine Plan of manifesting perfection within the density of form.  The Manus of the first three Root Races, where their Ascension as a Race was achieved within the original Divine Plan, now join us in this endeavor. These Three Mighty Beings are represented within the Three-fold Sun of Earth, as the Forcefield of the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …guiding every Solar Christ Self, of present and incoming Humanity!

Let us contemplate the continued existence of the first three Root Races, as well as the 6th and 7th Root Races …as to what Dimension they have carried on their Ascended and Free Life as they await the Unity of all Seven Root Races within the One I AM Race …all in their Ascended and Free State!  For they have not simply gone into Higher Dimensions and forgotten their One Race.  They seek the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of the One I AM Race, just as do all the remaining Root Races.

The best way to visualize their Presence with us is within the Ascended and Free Temples within our Solar Year Thoughtform.  It is only embodied Humanity (in your Ascended and Free State) that have recently joined this Forcefield. But this is where the first three Root Races await the completeness of the I AM Race and, where the 6th and 7th Root Races also await their opportunity for embodiment.  So in fact, embodied Light Servers have joined them in their natural habitat of Higher Frequency, Multi-dimensional Perfection Patterns!  This is where you go, when free of the confines of time, space and self.  And here your Manus await you!

Thus we have the Ascended and Free Temples of the first three Root Races and the Sixth and Seventh Root Race as well, within our Thoughtform. So dear ones, welcome into the Ascended and Free Realms of Divine Earth, where the first Three Root Races have evolved since before time …and the 6th and 7th Root Races abide awaiting their Divine Opportunity …and, where the embodied 4th and 5th Root Races and their Ascended and Free embodied guides abide …when empty of self, time and space.

I leave you now in the Spirit of your oneness with all Seven Root Races …the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of all aspects of the One I AM Race.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SPIRIT OF ASCENDED AND FREE HUMANITY…On manifesting our True Identity as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2016:

I AM empty of self and I AM Flame!
I AM empty of self and every person, place,
situation, condition and thing associated with self.

I AM empty of time and I AM Eternal Flame!
I AM empty of waiting, frustration and
aging associated with time.

I AM empty of space …and, I AM Eternally
Flame and I AM Eternally its Infinite, Radiant, Light!
I AM empty of all distance, separation and illusion
associated with the concept of space.

My True Identity is Sacred Fire and its Holy Radiance,
expanding all the Gifts and Blessings of Holy Spirit.
I AM expressing this as the Thoughtform of 2016!
And I AM as constant as the sun in the sky,
in my Sacred Expression of Divine Self!

Likewise, I AM every Solar Christ Self …One in
Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness,
manifesting globally as the Sun of Earth!

Within my personal life, I AM inbreathed,
and absorbed by my Solar Christ Self!

Within my Light Service, I AM expanded
and projected by the Cosmic Christ!

As the four-square Foundation of the Manus:
I AM inbreathed, and absorbed by the Mighty Manu’s Flame.
I AM expanded and projected by the Mighty Manu’s Radiance!

As the Realms of Temples of the One I AM Race:
I AM inbreathed, and absorbed by my Mighty I AM Presence
I AM expanded and projected by the Unity of Seven Root Races.

As the Realms of Ascended and Free Humanity’s Causal Body:
I AM inbreathed, and absorbed by my Cosmic Causal Body.
I AM expanded and projected by Seven Root Races Causal Body!

As the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, representing the Central Sun:
I AM inbreathed, and absorbed by my own White Fire Being.
I AM expanded and projected by the Flame of Alpha and Omega!

As the Higher Frequency Love Ray of Beloved Krishna / Sophia:
I AM inbreathed, and absorbed by this Higher Frequency Love.
I AM expanded and projected by this Higher Frequency Love!

As the ever evolving Star of Spiritual Freedom:
I AM inbreathed, and absorbed by the Balancing Feminine Ray.
I AM expanded and projected by the Balancing Seventh Ray.

Beloved cells of the one I AM Race, here we become every aspect of the Solar Year Thoughtform.  The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is the Source of Spiritual Freedom from the Central Sun …representing the Energies of the White Fire Being …that we may invoke into any person, place, condition and thing we desire to set free into the Light of their own Divine Potential.  It is our tool of Sacred Fire.  The Ascended and Free Temples of all Seven Root Races are once again our Spiritual Home …the atmosphere of our Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit …manifesting the ONE I AM Race!

Empty of self, time and space …with all our Elemental substance in its Spiritual Freedom within the Violet Fire, we see the Ground Luminosity of Pure Consciousness.  Together, standing in this Light, we see our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, through the lens of that Divine Consciousness. We see our Light Body and the Forcefield of Sacred Fire we brought to the world.

Enfolded in the four-square Forcefield of the Mighty Manus, we stand before the world.  We see the entire world as its Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …every person, place, condition and thing. Entering the Realm of Buddhas, we see the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light …and live within its Spiritual Freedom.

As Ascended and Free Humanity, I AM the Inbreath of our Elemental substance back into Holy Spirit, through Sacred Fire Transmutation.  As Ascended and Free Humanity, I AM the outbreath of this Elemental substance back into the world, through expansion and projection of the Light Body of every Root Race. I AM the Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension of my Ascended and Free State …and that of all Humanity …into the Perfection Patterns of the One I AM Race!