March, 2016


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


I AM a projection of my White Fire Being, standing in the Mystic
Ring of Violet Fire, expanding and projecting the Perfection
Patterns of Spiritual Freedom from the Great
Central Sun, into Earth and Humanity!

I AM the Mighty I AM Presence expanding and projecting my
Causal Body into the Spheres of Light around New Earth
in her New Orbit …the New Inner Realms
of Ascended and Free Humanity!

I AM the Solar Christ Self as the Sun of the Sun, living
the daily life of Humanity in the Spiritual Freedom
of my True Identity, in union with the Royal
Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Perfection Patterns
of Spiritual Freedom from the Great Central Sun.

I AM Expanding / Projecting the Perfection Patterns
of Spiritual Freedom from the Great Central Sun.



I AM empty of self …and every
aspect, attribute and dimension of self.
I AM absolute, pure, original God Flame!

I AM empty of time and I AM Eternal Flame.
I AM Eternally Flame …whereas other aspects of my Being,
including my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies and
their karmic ties are temporarily in creation associated with
physical embodiment …but as to my permanent,
eternal, absolute True Identity: I AM Flame!

I AM empty of space and all sense of separation and distance.
I AM an Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM a Sun of the Sun in Coherently Connected Divine
Consciousness …together, the Cosmic Sun of Earth!

I AM the Flame of Life I AM!
I AM the Matrix / Hologram of the Sun of Earth.
I AM the Matrix / Hologram of the Sun of the Sun.
Every bit of the Hologram reflects the entire Hologram.
If there is imbalance within Earth then it is within me; and
I AM Transmuting and Resurrecting it to its Ascended State!
Equally, because there is Perfection within me, then the Earth also
manifests this Perfection of Spiritual Freedom of the Great I AM!
I AM the Earth and the Earth is I …the Earth is I AM!

I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love, for my
entire world
and myself! As Flame within Flame, I AM equally
the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love for the planet and
all her affairs …within persons, places, conditions and things!

I AM detached from the illusion of the outer world.
I AM attached only to the Great God Self within,
the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame;
and through it to everything good
and perfect in the Universe!

I AM together, standing in the Light!
I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness,
in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness,
actively Co-creating until all Humanity is Transfigured
in the magnificent Light of their own Great God Self within!

I stand together with every White Fire Being in the Light of the
Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, who have projected their Presence
from the Highest Frequencies of the Sun,  Central Sun and
Great Central Sun …into our Thoughtform of 2016!

Here, I AM everywhere present on Earth, expanding
and Projecting the Perfection Patterns of the
New Age of Spiritual Freedom.

Here I AM serving with Celestial Buddhas from Spheres of Light
that are beyond the Great Central Sun.  Every Dimension of the
Great Cosmic Inbreath is represented here …in the Sacred
Co-creation of a Cosmic Bridge for the great migration
of Souls into the New Age Spiritual Freedom!

Here I AM with Ascended and Free Humanity, on her Ascended
and Free Earth …in her Ascended and Free Heavens.

I AM now Present at the central focal point of the entire Galaxy
of Alpha and Omega and beyond …as all Builders of Divine
Consciousness from all the Cosmos gather with Ascended
and Free Humanity, creating Freedom's Holy Star. 

Here, I AM an Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.
Here, I AM Eternally Free in that Light.  Here, I AM in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angelic and Elemental Builders of Divine Consciousness.  Here I AM the Divine Brotherhood of Angelic,
Elemental Builders with the entire Gathering of Ascended
Humanity, co-creating our Star of Spiritual Freedom!




Dear Ones, ‘Empty of self, time and space’ is what happens between embodiments, so as to get a good rest from ‘the rigors of physical embodiment’ (within self, time and space).  Therefore, let us regularly, rhythmically, and ceremoniously take this ‘sweet rest of the eternal’ any moment we choose, so as to replenish our Souls within daily life.  Becoming ‘purely Flame’ relieves us from the stress of human thoughts, feelings, words and deeds; and relieves us, in that moment, of our relationships with persons, places, conditions and things in our lives.  On an etheric, mental and emotional level, becoming only Eternal Flame may take on the form or substance of an ethereal nature …becoming in that moment our Light Body. When empty of embodied life, being Eternally Flame is the equivalent of ‘nirvana’.  Here we may access the Higher Frequency Planes of the Eternal Buddhas and other Great Cosmic Beings. Mostly however, we focus on the ‘nirvana’ of our own Ascended and Free State …our personal  ‘sweet rest of the Soul’.

Allow the following Affirmation[1] to guide this ‘sweet rest of the Soul’:

I rest my eyes to the outer world …
And I focus on my Inner Vision of the Divine Plan.

I rest my ears to the outer world…
And I focus on the Musical Tones of my Keynote.

I rest my nostrils to the outer world …
And I focus on the many Fragrances of Holy Spirit.

I rest my taste of the outer world …
And I focus on the Delicacies of Liquid Light.

I rest my thoughts of the outer world …
And I focus on the Clarity of Divine Mind.

I rest my feeling of the outer world
And I focus on the Heart of Sacred Fire.

I rest my memories of the outer world …
And I focus on the Experiences within my Causal Body.

I rest my awareness of the outer world …
And I focus on my Ascended and Free Consciousness.

I rest my life from the clamor of the outer world …
And I focus on the Great Silence of the Holy of Holies
…the Sanctuary within my own Sacred Heart!


It is from this Ascended and Free State that we truly serve as Builders of Divine Consciousness …co-creating the Multi-dimensional Thoughtform of 2016, from its central core of the Three-fold Flame, our personal Sun of the Sun …expanding to become the global Three-fold ‘Sun of Earth’ …as well as all the other subsequent Sacred Dimensions expressing the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love within the Thoughtform.

Let us again visualize ourselves as our True Identity …a ‘Sun of the Sun’ …as our Presence in the world.  We begin as the dazzling Electric-Blue Diamond of God's Will …encompassing our entire physical body, from below our feet to above our head. With every Sacred Breath, it pulsates with currents of Blue Lightning.  Around this Blue Core is a Golden-Yellow Flame encompassing our entire aura …expanding to a good distance around us.  This Multi-dimensional Sun Light illumines the Truth all around and within us.  Then, around this Flame is a magnificent Pink Radiation of Divine Love, extending as far as we choose to project it …our Pink Sun of Love.  The periphery of this Pink Sun Radiance is a perfect circle …our Infinite Circle of Light, inclusive of all life living Free in the Light.  The Infinite Circle of Light is the Original Image of our White Fire Being. In my True Identity, I AM the projected Presence of my White Fire Being …my Highest Frequency of Expression, now entering the world.

Now we begin to understand the Higher Frequency Light Service we are capable of in this Solar Year.  For when we first turned our Cosmic Attention to this sweet Earth before we ever embodied, we knew that we would have to ‘grow into’ the fullness of our Cosmic Nature while embodied, before it could be fully liberated through us.  Every Aspect of our Great God Presence, from our embodied elemental vehicles through to our Cosmic Causal Body and onwards to our White Fire Being now aligns with the Divine Purpose of our Higher Frequency Light Service.  This is our Divine Alignment, under the Guidance and Protection of Beloved Polaris and Magnus.  Contemplate their Cosmic Service within the Theme and Thoughtform, as well as to our personal Ascension.

During this embodiment of Light Service, as there develops a Oneness Consciousness with my Mighty I AM Presence, Cosmic Causal Body and even my White Fire Being …then all the Cosmic Rays that these Higher Aspects of Divine Self direct across the Celestial Spheres of Light (beyond time and space), may now enter through the Solar Christ Self into daily life within time and space.  Imagine our own Mighty I AM Presence as a Great Cosmic Aura enfolding us within every present moment, with no separation of time or space. These Mighty Cosmic Light Rays now penetrate into daily life through our Creative Faculties. This Celestial Aspect of our Divinity continues radiating into Higher Spheres of Light in Cosmic Service within the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun …yet more and more of its Great Celestial Influence now radiates into daily life within Humanity.  Our increasing Oneness Consciousness with Multi-dimensional Reality allows for this momentous influence of our own Divine Alignment, in daily life.

Because of the Law of Resonance, as we increase our Oneness Consciousness with all Humanity, we in turn expand the impact of collective Light Service within Humanity: ‘As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me’! Through this we raise up the Consciousness of Humanity with us! We therefore create greater numbers of Humanity consciously directing the Cosmic Light Rays of their Mighty I AM Presence within daily life …known or unknown to their outer mind! This is the point where great Mysteries and Revelations are unveiled …and where the Causal Body of Ascended and Free Humanity truly manifests its gifts and blessings. This is the Celestial Transformation in Consciousness we have always anticipated for Humanity!

This Ascension brings about ‘miracles’ in the arena of transformed consciousness (rather than focusing on miracles as ‘material phenomenon’). Transformed Consciousness then allows for greater Revelation of Higher Order Truth in all areas of daily life. Magnificent Perfection Patterns then come to fruition that will seem ‘miraculous’ …but will simply reflect ‘the science’ of the Divine Direction of Light Rays within Ascended and Free Consciousness …as always lived by the Mighty I AM Presence and all Ascended Masters.  This is the Great Law of Life expressing its Truth on Earth.  This is what I AM!

Let us use our Creative Faculties of visualization to envision the planet as she appears in our Three-fold Sun of Earth.  As we anchor this in our collective Consciousness, we further establish the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …physically, etherically, mentally and emotionally.  With this anchored, other Aspects of the Thoughtform then have greater Spheres of Influence within daily life. The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire; the Causal Body Realms of the Ascended and Free Temples of Light; the Higher Frequency Love Ray from Krishna and Sophia …then do their perfect work.  Here we form the Ascended Master Spheres of Light around New Earth! And what were once the psychic and astral realms of imbalance suppressing spiritual growth, now become the Realms of ever increasing Spiritual Freedom for the accelerating Ascension of all Humanity.

Let us specifically focus on our Higher Frequency Light Service within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. Here I AM everywhere present (no restrictions of time and space) …all at the command of my Divine Desire to serve Humanity.  Everywhere I choose, I AM expanding and projecting the Perfection Patterns of the New Age Spiritual Freedom.  I stand with any person, place, condition or thing where I choose to expand the Forcefield of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness.  Here I AM serving with Beloved Amida Buddha (the Buddha of Eternal Life and Infinite Light), Beloved Kwan Yin, and all the Celestial Buddhas, from Spheres of Light beyond even the Great Central Sun.

In this Seventh Ray, Mystic Sphere of Influence, every aspect of the Great Cosmic Inbreath is represented in the building of a Celestial Bridge of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …for the great migration of Souls into the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …into Ascended and Free Humanity on her Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Heavens.  Here, I AM standing at the central focal point of the full attention of the entire Galaxy of Alpha and Omega (and beyond) …as all Builders of Divine Consciousness gather with Ascended and Free Humanity, co-creating Freedom's Holy Star.  Feel and accept this Divine Sphere of Influence and our place within it!

Here I AM in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms, as well as every Solar Christ Self …and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy.  Angels are the wave functions of Divine Qualities from this Sphere of Light, which enter into daily life when directed by an Illumined Consciousness through Invocation.  Here we also stand together with Elemental Kingdom in its 'wave-function' (Silent Watchers, Devas and Elemental Spirits) even as we also salute Nature in her manifest elemental form all around us in daily life.  We feel their Celestial Vibration as a wave function radiating through us …thus transforming our nature into its wave function …our Electronic I AM Presence!  This is truly living our Ascended and Free State: ‘in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals’!

Finally let us see the Celestial Sun of Earth as our own Three-fold Flame! Here, I AM the Earth and the Earth is I!  Then, all the Theme and Thoughtform is pouring into and through us …expanded to all life by us. Here, I AM a planetary Sphere of Influence.  As the Sacred Fires of the Solar Thoughtform sweep through our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, then the karma associated with our many embodiments is spun off into the Cosmic Violet Fire, forever transmuted into the Light. With this Higher Frequency comes Healing.  Lower frequency can no longer attach itself to the quicker vibration of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  And we practice this Healing for the Planet and its entire Race, even as we practice it for our personal Ascension. For, as I AM raised up so is all life raised up with me!

Let us discover the great Joy and Strength within our collective, global Sphere of Influence.  And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!


ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED SAINT GERMAIN; from within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …on the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom, its meaning today and for eternity.

Beloved Ones: I stand within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire as I greet you in Love Divine. The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is the Central Source from which the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom now radiates, radiates, RADIATES …by the Power of the 3 X 3 …into the Consciousness of Humanity! Here in this Seventh Sphere, all Humanity stands in their Ascended and Free State, co-creating our New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  You have been alerted that you stand here in the Essence of your White Fire Being …a Seventh Ray Cosmic Being of Pure Violet Light.   The Celestial Activity of Co-creation …with Builders of Divine Consciousness from all levels of Creation, from all the Royal Kingdoms of Angels, Elementals, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings and Humanity …now broadens and deepens to include every dimension of our Being.  Here there are no time and space restrictions …so that all necessary assistance is present and active …right here, right now, all within our Thoughtform of 2016.

Here in this Mystic Ring of Violet Fire co-creation is at its full Crystal Clarity. Here the Power of Precipitation is at its height! Here we apply our Creative Faculties at the Highest Frequency intended, in Spiritual Service to Earth and Humanity.  Here our training in Ascended Mastery is expanded and accelerated, in becoming Masters of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.  Here we bring to bear all that we have been endowed with, vested with, by Father / Mother God.  Here we are all the Royal Family of the Great God Parents, each endowed with the Crown (of raised Consciousness) and the Scepter (of Power) of full God Authority.  Here we stand together with the Great Light Brotherhood from the Royal Teton Retreat …within the Power of Precipitation and the Great Ceremonies of this Holy Brotherhood!

In this Divine Ceremony of the Seventh Ray, we each are appointed a Crown of Light upon our forehead and a Scepter of Authority in our hand.  The Crown represents our open and receptive Multi-dimensionality …the all-inclusive nature of our developing Ascended and Free Consciousness. This Crown of Consciousness can also be visualized over our transforming Chakras, each one a Matrix / Hologram of that Major Ray specific to our Service to Life …especially our ‘thousand-pedaled Lotus’ at the top of our head.  The Crown can also be seen as the Cosmic White Dove lighting upon our forehead, opening and raising our Consciousness to the Love Frequencies of Holy Spirit.  The Crown represents raised Consciousness.  Its ultimate manifestation is our Infinite Circle of Light …as our White Fire Being.  The Crown is the centrifugal language of God.  The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire represents the present Crown of New Earth!

The Scepter can be understood as the spine or finger of God. It is God declaring our Presence as: Here I AM! The Rod of Power is also the spine or axis of New Earth, in its Higher Frequency perfectly aligned with the Celestial Polarity of Universal I AM.  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity has its own Cosmic Spine so that it can magnetize Humanity into her Ascended and Free Polarity, which Beloved Polaris and Magnus hold for New Humanity on her New Earth in her New Orbit.  The Scepter is the centripetal language of God, around which all things coalesce in creation.  The Scepter is also the Power of Invocation; the power to concentrate and focus Energies from Higher Spheres into current ‘time and space coordinates’ …daily life on Earth!

When these two activities of the Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray are combined, we then speak with the authority of the Voice of the Great I AM! Through the Power of Invocation (scepter) and the silent, reverent listening of raised Consciousness (crown), then we have the full complement of Father / Mother God in Action …at that point of Creation.  And here we are (here I AM!) within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …victoriously accomplishing just that!  Here we stand Transfigured in the Light, vested with the Power of the Three times Three; vested with the Power of Precipitation (co-creation); vested with the Power of Transmutation; vested with all the Powers of the Seventh Ray and, as Disciples of Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Freedom means many things, but its core of Truth is liberty to access every aspect of our Divinity, our Original Cosmic Nature. Embodied consciousness is but one minor aspect of our vast Cosmic Being.  This is exactly the Spiritual Freedom that awaits Humanity in a very real, tangible fashion.  Original Freedom is being free to choose, at any moment, the frequency that we desire to manifest (or exist as) …at that point.  It may be of service in the Great Central Sun or, of service in daily life on Earth.  It may be in form (physical being), the unformed (electronic Being) …or, in the Pure Bliss of Nirvana.

In the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire we each realize: I AM in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with every other Solar Christ Self, every Mighty I AM Presence of all Ascended Races within this Solar System …and with every White Fire Being in the Central Sun and Great Central Sun.  With this heightened Light Service, there now beams a direct Ray of Light through every Solar Christ Self directly into the outer self, magnetically drawing them into this Sphere of Influence …into all the Perfection Patterns of the Great Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom.

In this Mystic Ring of Violet Fire we stand with every White Fire Being …from within Humanity and, of many Cosmic Beings …all projected from their Home within the Great Central Sun.  Here we understand Holy Breath as the Mystical Energy that pervades the Universe, continually expanding the universe from within.  Here in this Sphere of Light, it expands the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom from within this Forcefield.  Here in this Sphere of Influence, we realize that we do not so much travel through space as we travel with space, as the Universe expands with the Outbreath …even as the Great Cosmic Inbreath simultaneously draws all life closer to the Source.  Contemplate this Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray Activity in its perfect Harmony and Balance.

Our Path is a journey of Consciousness requiring us to go nowhere within time and space …yet to proceed everywhere at our hearts desire within Consciousness.  Spiritual Freedom is that next leg of the journey for exploration of Humanity’s consciousness.  It pertains to no particular dogma other than it follows the Cosmic Laws of Life …similar to the laws of physics that affect everyone and everything equally.

As we stand together in the Light of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, let us visualize these Great Laws of Life as they stream through us …akin to what the Mighty Elohim experience at the dawn of creation.  Some of these Laws of Life we know well, in the beauty of their simplicity: what you think and feel you bring into form …our Consciousness directs the electron into its orbit and vibration …and there it manifests, through the power of our attention, that which we think and feel we bring into form …co-creation through the application of our Consciousness.

Other Laws of beauty and symmetry include resonance, in that every level of manifestation reveals itself at a certain resonance, meaning a particular tone, quality and vibration …which sets the orbit, spin and velocity of the electron as it transposes from its wave function into its particle form …creating substance, matter and physical properties.  This is where the tones of music, color, fragrance and movement …all aspects of our Creative Faculties put to constructive use …all contribute to co-creation.  This is why the Ascended Masters have always included tones of color, music, fragrance and texture in our descriptions of the Realms of Light.  They are all to align you in resonance with the Frequencies of Universal I AM

In fact, this is our area of expertise as Ascended and Free Humanity, Ascended Masters in training on behalf of and resonating with all Humanity; as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! As a singular Sun of the Sun, or collectively as the Sun of Earth, I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love setting this perfect resonance.  The Perfection Patterns of Spiritual Freedom within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire establish this perfect resonance.  Physicists understand that if you change the resonance, a part or the whole of the manifestation changes and other manifestation takes its place.  This is how the Sacred Fire works, in particular the Transformative Activity of the Violet Fire of Divine Alchemy!

Allow a view of deeper understanding.  Every electron within Universal I AM has the potential to exist in its particle form (its frequency of being revealed …its revelation in the world) …or, in its wave function (spiritual frequency, unformed) …or, both simultaneously.  All the eventual Perfection Patterns of Divine Manifestation in the New Age …over the next thousands of years (in time) …already pulsate within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire (beyond time) …and are eager to manifest here and now.  Think of it!  Here these Perfection Patterns exist in their wave function and are guarded by the Legions of the Seventh Ray (Beings of wave function) …under the direction of Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and his Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst.  These Perfection Patterns do not require ‘time’ to manifest (the limited view of an Age unfolding in linear fashion, along a track of time), but rather the correct application of Divine Consciousness, to manifest purely for ‘the delight of God’ …wherever, whenever!  Proving this Law of Creation is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity’s collective reason for being embodied …right here and now!

Contemplating this Law, let us return to our visualization so as to tangibly experience the Laws of Life, as they operate through us, standing within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.  In Building Divine Consciousness, particles may be brought together to share the same wave function through intention[2].  Science may then refer to these as twin particles.  In many ways this Law defines our Light Service within the New Age Spiritual Freedom.  For although physicists see this phenomena in the laboratory with single photons, we may see it in a greater Cosmic Vista, where we bring together the wave functions of the ‘particle’ (a formed thing) known as Ascended and Free Humanity with the ‘particle’ known as humanity’s daily life (also a formed thing) and, together, standing in the Light, we intend their twinning!  This is the First Ray application of God's Will. And the two entities (particles) merge into one …merge into One Frequency …into Oneness Consciousness.  Again, this can be proved in the lab with single particles (photons of light).  But our attention is upon a much greater canvas …that of planetary transformation …the quantum jump within the context of the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

This ‘twinning of frequency’ can go both ways. In the 'great fall' of consciousness when the laggards first came to Earth, there was to be a twinning of frequency. During the glorious heights in the early rounds of the Fourth Root Race, while fulfilling its Divine Potential perfectly, the intent was for Humanity’s Consciousness to assimilate and raise up the orphan souls, restoring an opportunity for their Ascension.  As we all know, this went an unintended direction, with Humanity falling in Consciousness, rather than resurrecting the laggards.  But here we are (here I AM!) at the Grand Cosmic Opportunity to restore this event to God's Will fulfilled …for all eternity!

This is the grand allegory of the ‘ultimate sacrifice’ …the embodied Son(s) (and Daughters) of God (the Fourth Root Race functioning perfectly in their Christhood) taking on the ‘sins’ of imbalanced consciousness (the laggards from another planetary system), thus allowing them entrance into Heaven (opportunity for their Ascension) if they but accept the ‘Teachings of the Cosmic Christ’ and return to a Higher Frequency of Divine Love.  And here we are at that same point again but with all the Cosmic Assistance necessary for a complete Victory in the Light!  This Victory is assured through the strength of our embodied Gathering of Ascended Humanity …and the Cosmic Law of Resonance that: as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

Within our Thoughtform we see the four-square center of the Star of Spiritual Freedom, the four Mighty Manus directing the Root Races. Around it is the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire with the Six Sponsors, Lady Ascended Masters of the Feminine Ray / Violet Fire.  The Mighty Manus represent the Masculine Ray guidance of the Root Races of Humanity.  This is now perfectly aligned with the full Power of the Feminine Ray …all with the complete Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom pouring through them …so that the Divine Potential of each Root Race is now fulfilled, through the co-operative Creative Faculties of embodied Humanity.

The Masculine Ray through the Manus guide the development of the Root Races.   This includes the embodied Fourth and Fifth Root Races and their ‘quantum jump’ to their next evolutionary period …as well as for the Sixth and Seventh Root Races and their embodiment from the Spheres of Light in which they have patiently waited their Divine Opportunity for manifestation on Earth.  The Feminine Ray, acting through the Seventh Ray within this Mystic Ring, holds the Immaculate Concept for this Victory!  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, through their Creative Faculties, now assists and anchors both these Rays …Masculine and Feminine Ray aspects of co-creation in perfect Harmony.

Dear Children of the Seventh Ray, the known laws of physics (by science) replicate what Ascended Masters refer to as the Great Cosmic Laws of Life.  These include the principles of Unity / Oneness and Resonance; complementarity (Harmony and Balance of the Feminine Ray / Masculine Ray): and ‘wave function collapse’ (where the Divine Potential precipitously manifests in form) at the ‘point of observation’ …that is, where we apply our Consciousness.  These principles use the Crystal Vision of the Elohim Vista, the All Seeing Eye of God …Divine Precipitation!

Here we sustain the Immaculate Concept of Humanity as a 'wave-function' of their Divine Potential …the all-inclusive, silent, stillness nature of Feminine Ray service, particularly that of the Silent Watcher.  To this we twin the Masculine Ray active service, as Divine Directors with the Great Manus, consciously directing as God in Action the Fourth and Fifth Root Race into their Ascension …and, the embodiment of the Sixth and Seventh Root Race into their full embodied Glory on New Earth in her New Orbit.  Such Divine Direction of Cosmic Law from within Humanity now allows for all Humanity to transform into the perfect form and function of her Solar Christ Self.

In the process of Divine Precipitation, nothing ‘happens’ until this act of ‘seeing it so’ …until the electron in its 'wave-function' is observed by an operating consciousness (in our case embodied Light Servers) and only then does the potential of something actually manifest.  This takes into account other principles of the Seven Steps of Precipitation: Purity of the vision; Consecration to the vision, Rhythmic application of our Consciousness and enfolding then entire endeavor in Peace Divine.  You will note these are the Qualities of Rays 4 through 7 in the Seven Steps of Precipitation (with Rays 6 and 7 reversed to ensure Peace is the final result).  Rays 4 through 7 are sub-Rays of the Third Ray of Holy Spirit. In the Thoughtform we currently serve, we see these Forces symbolized by the Cosmic White Dove dawning across the Sun of Earth, as she manifests in her New Heavens of Divine Love.  Once more we see the Cosmic Powers and Purpose within the Thoughtform of this Sacred Year!

Again, science can prove all of these principles at the sub-atomic, microscopic level. We have come to prove them at the macroscopic level of planetary transformation!   We, as Ascended Masters in training within the Great Light Brotherhood (the Gathering of Ascended Humanity), are here to prove the validity of the Cosmic Laws of Life to a lost race of Humanity, who have ‘wandered the desert’ of human-ego consciousness far too long.  We light the way with the Lamp of Truth …as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  We are now a unified, strongerForcefield of Precipitation’ than the laggard ego-consciousness, which ‘saw the electron at a much lower frequency’ and persuaded evolving Humanity to devolve to that lessor vision through curiosity and rebellion. The results are all the suffering, disease and distress since. We have all answered the Cosmic Call to correct this …and, here we are actually doing soto know, to dare, to do and to be silent!

Thus we can see that every aspect of our Divine Being is active within the Thoughtform of this Year…the Mighty I AM Presence and its Cosmic Causal Body creating the new Spheres of Light around New Earth …the White Fire Being from the Central Sun now projected into the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire for service to Spiritual Freedom …and the Solar Christ Self walking New Earth in her vehicle of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.


[1] Given at the Ascended and Free Conclave in Brazil, 2015.

[2] Science calls this entanglement …two objects / realities so unified they act as one!