April, 2018


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:



Together, standing in the Light of the Great Solar Disc!

Oh Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, fill me with the

Love, Wisdom and Power of the Great Solar Disc!

Fill the entire world and all Humanity with

the Love, Wisdom and Power

of the Great Solar Disc!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the
Great Solar Disc of my own True Being!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the
Great Solar Disc of Universal True Being!



I AM …I AM!I AM that I AM!
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my own True Being:
the One; the Three; the Seven; the Twelve …and the One!

I AM empty of self …
empty of the circumstances of my life,
empty of the circumstances of the world!

My life is my Divine Teacher!
This life is my Spiritual Freedom,
free from the outer world …and free into
the Perfection Patterns of my Eternal Flame!

Within the Great Solar Disc, I AM Spiritually Free!
I AM on my spiritual quest to understand my place within
Universal I AM! Here Humanity is on her spiritual quest
to discover her place within Universal I AM …the
I AM Race of Earth!  On behalf of Humanity,
I AM accepting all the Celestial Assistance
of all Cosmic Forcefields and Beings
within the Great Solar Disc!

I AM a Soul within Infinity!
I AM discovering Divine Self!
I AM discovering Divine Earth!
I AM discovering Divine Humanity!

Here, I AM Building Divine Consciousness,
Building Divine Self; Building Eternal Life in the Light!

As I offer my Light Service within the Great Solar Disc:

I AM protected by the Mantle of Light of my Great
God Self …guided, guarded and directed
by the Mighty I AM Presence!

Within this Mantle of Solar Protection,
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
of Ascended and Free Humanity!




Beloved Cosmic ‘Pulsar Stars’ / embodied ‘Pacemaker cells’ from the Heart of Universal I AM …let us affirm together our collective True Identity …as we stand forth in our Ascended and Free Light:

I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

Beloved Ones, the Sacred Mantra ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ means: “Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus”.  As we practice this Divine Intonation, let us affirm: I AM the Jewel in the Lotus!  The Jewel is our Eternal Flame …and the Lotus is its Infinite Radiant Light. And in chanting this Mantra, this becomes the only Truth we knowbeing that Jewel in the Lotus!  Here we are (I AM!) empty of self and one with the Way of this Cosmic Truth.  ‘Empty of self’ means letting go of the outer world, and offering our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds to be set at the frequency of this Eternal Flame.  Here we discover the thought frequency …the feeling frequency …the etheric frequency …and the physical frequency of the Solar Christ Self …thus directly anchoring our Mighty I AM Presence.  Now, as I AM thinking Perfection Patterns and I AM feeling Perfection Patterns …then I AM creating only Limitless Physical Perfection! This is the Great Law: What I think and feel I bring into form! And I AM the Law of Life in action!

This month begins with Easter Sunday.  The ‘Resurrection and the Life’ is the Restoration of Divine Frequency.  The Divine Plan envisions that Humanity’s thought frequency, feeling frequency, etheric frequency and physical frequency all align with the Solar Christ Self’s Frequency ... the same Celestial Frequency of the Silver Cord of Divine Light (‘the One’ Light) flowing in from the Mighty I AM Presence …through us …to bless the world!

The Resurrection and the Life calls for the Restoration of simplicity …the natural Harmony and Balance within and between all persons, places, conditions and things …Human, Angelic and Elemental. In this regard, technology makes daily life easier for Humanity, but does not necessarily bring greater Harmony and Balance.  We are embodied to evolve Consciousness …and in doing so, let us remember Consciousness evolves technology (and not vice versa).  As Consciousness stretches towards its Ascended and Free State, its ‘technology’ is beyond machines, devices and gadgets.  Using Sacred Fire is the technology of the New Age!  Truth becomes the technology of the Divine Laws of Life in action in ‘everyday affairs’ …where the science of relationships; of our world, affairs and finances; and of all persons, places, conditions and things in our lives …all manifest Harmony and Balance. Daily life then becomes simple, balanced, happy and harmonious …only requiring the necessary effort of ‘evolving our Consciousness’ …through applying and directing Sacred Fire!

As this Solar Year evolves, the Great Solar Disc further enfolds the world!  Within this Forcefield, the Golden Aura of the Golden Robe is ever more active.  Again this Golden Aura is not from a ‘distant mysterious place,’ but rather emanating photons of Golden Light from the Ascended and Free Flame currently burning ever more brightly within all Humanity.  This becomes a Consciousness of God Illumination expressing through Humanity, raising her frequency of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  This is a ‘spiritual technology’ that bypasses gadgets and only requires a beating heart and an operating consciousness. This Golden Aura of the Golden Robe enfolds Humanity as well as all Angels and Elementals …so that there is an ever-greater Divine Alignment of the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity.

Easter represents the Resurrection and the Life of Original Innocence and Purity of the Solar Christ Self …arising from the tomb of human ego. This brings God Illumination, which filters through every level of the world (the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves). This allows the teachers of each level to come forth …to step out of the tomb of ego illusion and guide the masses forward! Humanity is then globally influenced by the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ and World Teacher.  Let us invoke these teachers on every level of life …daily invoking Love’s Cohesive Power, uniting all life at its full State of Divine Potential!

Our focus this month is the Spiraling Circles of Sacred Fire within Vibrant Spheres of Radiant Light …the entire Unifying Forcefield within the Great Solar Disc.  In the ‘world of form’ there are also fundamental unifying forces, used in understanding the physical universe: gravity, magnetism, weak force and strong force.  Let us similarly understand the Great Solar Disc as ‘those Divine Forces binding all creation in Oneness Consciousness’.  In developing our Consciousness, we give such fundamental forces ‘spiritual qualities’ (whereas science gives them physical attributes).  Spiritually we refer to such ‘primary binding forces’ as the ‘Cohesive Power of Divine Love’ …at its Highest Divine Potential of uniting all life in her Ascended State!  Science also understands limitless potentials …of any particle, wave or event.  In our Light Service we refer to our goal of re-establishing ‘Divine Potential’ …from the tiniest particle out to the entire planet …all seen as expressions of Energy and Consciousness (rather than ‘form’).

So within this ‘larger picture’ of our Light Service, we focus on these Cosmic Powers, while ‘letting go’ our life’s circumstances as ‘simply energy returning to be set free’. Whether it is personal, family, national, cultural, racial or global karmic energies …it is still the Light of Original Innocence and Purity that we honor …yet trapped within the imbalanced manifestations seen on the screen of life. Our service is to love it free …Resurrecting it into its Divine Potential!  And we have the Sacred Tools to do so …the True technology of the New Age as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire … Spiraling Circles of Sacred Fire / Vibrant Spheres of Radiant Light!

I AM living the motto of Ascended and Free!
(as Spiraling Circles of Sacred Fire within
Vibrant Spheres of Radiant Light!) 

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
(wherein everyone reaches his / her Divine Potential)

In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals
(the Royal Brotherhood / Sisterhood of the New Age) 

Through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all life in her Ascended State
(within the Great Solar Disc!)

I AM the Great Solar Disc, the Infinite Circle of Light:
inclusive of all life living free in the Light!




Beloved Ones: The Path to Solar Consciousness lies in the mastery of the Creative Faculties granted to us as a living God Intelligence.  All of Universal I AM is at our disposal if we learn to make use of its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …as intended by Father / Mother God.  Sacred Fire is the instrument of Co-creation …and as well, of its Perfection of Being.  Hence we are learning our True Identity as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  This begins the Path to Ascended Mastery and its Solar Consciousness.  Let us further develop this Teaching in becoming Divine Directors of Sacred Fire, as Masters of ‘Love in action’.

As we evolve in Consciousness, we learn to generate and project a perfect thought or feeling regarding the subject of our attention.  Before becoming ‘awakened’ into a life ‘lived in the Light’, Humanity has little knowledge or ownership of the generation / production of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  They are presumed to be instinctual or sub-conscious …and ‘out of our control’.  As we awaken, we see the source of our thoughts and feelings.  We then have a free will choice …whether we choose our Eternal Flame radiating its Divine Frequency through our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles and their Creative Faculties …or, we choose ego imbalance and karma, which then drive these thoughts and feelings from unseen or subconscious lower sources.  This is Humanity’s free will …but it requires ‘awakening’ to even see this free will!

This ‘free will choice’ is once again very evident before Humanity.  And as regards global Light Service, once choosing to be a Disciple of Holy Spirit (a Candidate for the Ascension) we then become loyal only to the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light (to the ‘Father within’) as the source of all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  This becomes a daily practice of mindfulness of which source we serve …with every breath we take.  This is as true for Ascended Masters and Solar Archangels in Cosmic Realms of Light, as it is for Humanity within daily life …loyalty to the Cosmic Christ!

Builders of Divine Self Builders of Divine Consciousness Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light.  These are ‘offices of spiritual development’ and are earned through using only the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love, the embodied Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Solar Christ Self.  This is our Three-fold Flame in action. Here we become its Divine Instrument …as the Eternal Flame and its radiation of Energy, Matter and Intelligence …setting the Perfect Frequency of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds in daily life

Light Servers graduate to becoming Divine Directors through learning the steps to Ascended Mastery: to invoke Sacred Fire; focus Sacred Fire …then constantly consolidate or concentrate Sacred Fire Forcefields (some available from within our own Causal Body, others created by Cosmic and Ascended Beings, but always available at a moments notice) …then to expand and project these Sacred Fire Forcefields into any person, place, condition or thing that is the focus of our attention.  The Law of Life states: What you think and feel, you bring into form.  Where your attention goes your energy flows and your energy is your life.  Loyalty to this process of Divine Co-creation, to our Eternal Flame and its Radiant Divine Light, is the Path to Solar Consciousness!

You have an ‘already developed Cosmic Momentum’ in this training …else your interest in Light Service would not have become apparent in this embodiment.  This Cosmic Momentum may temporarily be hidden under the ‘tugs and pulls of daily life’, but it always re-emerges at some point of an embodiment.  These Causal Body Momentums then become a beacon, lighting our Path to Solar Consciousness. In fact, all Humanity has journeyed through the Seven Spheres of the Seven Rays before embodiment. But the Momentum of these Causal Energies may be so hidden by ‘karmic burden’ that it requires a Revelation of this Truth close to them in daily life …for their ‘beacon of Light to turn on and be seen’ …as it was for those close to Beloved Jesus or Lord Gautama, souls they personally touched with their Light through the centuries.

And hence we see the Gathering of Ascended Humanity being assembled for exactly this purpose.  Our Oneness with Universal I AM …as well as our Oneness with Humanity …allows us to be this conduit between the Divine and the mundane for the rest of Humanity!  This is our sacrifice of enduring the difficulties of embodiment, in order to become Disciples of Holy Spirit and true representatives of the Cosmic Christ!

The embodied Christ serves through Holy Spirit.  As we know, Holy Spirit is that specific Realm of Divine Love prepared for eons of time through the Sun Gods Beloved Krishna and Sophia (and specifically their Beloved Planet Venus and thus our Beloved Sanat Kumara).  Every Avatar, Guru and Saint that has represented the Divine has represented this Love Forcefield.  Most of our known Spiritual Hierarchy is originally from this Lineage, from our Ascended Sister Planet Venus (such as Beloved Lord Gautama; Lord Maitreya; Beloved Jesus; Mighty Victory; etc.).  They came to ensure that Earth’s frequency would not descend so low as to mandate the planet’s ‘second death’ (where there is so much negativity and so little emanation of Light that the Great Cosmic Councils predict planetary dissolution). They all came at the calling of Beloved Sanat Kumara to ensure Humanity Resurrect her Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and Ascend back into this Love Nature (a story evidenced in the Christian drama).

And hence our continued Light Service as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …so that our Beloved Spiritual Hierarchy (who have served so long and so well) might return to their Home Star, awaiting the Initiation of the Great Cosmic Inbreath. Our service is to ensure enough emanation of Divine Light from Earth.  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity forms the ‘core heart cells of the I AM Race’ … holding the Earth and Humanity in the Realms of Light within the Great Solar Disc …through which Shamballa’s Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love may govern all remaining Root Races, thus Resurrecting the I AM Race on Earth!

In our Light Service, let us remember a basic law of science: energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed.  Let us take a basic element of water …its vibratory level (as to amount of energy applied to it as fire or heat) will dictate whether it manifests as a solid, liquid or gas.  Karma is a basic elemental state of energy and the vibratory level applied to it (lower ego frequency or Higher Frequency Sacred Fire) will dictate whether it presents as an imbalanced event …or, transformed into its original Perfection Patterns …all decided by actively directing its vibratory level.  Karma manifests itself within and between human beings, as well as between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom (weather and the physical events of nature).  So everything on the ‘screen of life’ may be influenced by our application of Sacred Fire.

Think of the Sacred Fire as the Atomic Accelerator of all life …physical, etheric, mental and emotional life …as well as all energy ever sent forth on this planet since the beginning of time (since the 'great fall'). The term ‘Atomic Accelerator’ includes an atomic acceleration of form …as well as the spiritual acceleration of consciousness (the Resurrection).  We have been given the use of Seven Cosmic Rays to transform all Energy, Vibration and Consciousness expressing within form …back to its original Perfection Patterns.  We are offered the use of the Love Ray; the Healing Ray; the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness Ray; the Ray of Cosmic Peace; the Ray of Purity, Resurrection and Ascension; and many more.  Then we have specific sub-Rays within those Seven Cosmic Rays, as well as the Twelve Solar Rays …the Ray of Victory; the Ray of Divine Order; the Ray of Harmony and Balance; the Ray of Divine Alignment; etc. We are here to develop an Ascended Mastery of all Cosmic Rays!

The Angels and Elementals are the allies of Ascended and Free Humanity and definitely respond to the call of Sacred Fire.  They are drawn to the Sacred Fire within every Solar Christ Self …as well as that of Ascended and Cosmic Beings.  Affirming: ‘I AM the Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light’ quickly draws the Angels and Elementals into our service, instantly assisting in the invocation, focus, direction and application of Sacred Fire …as well as holding / sustaining its Immaculate Concept as a Forcefield (…after our outer attention may have wandered back to daily life).

The Resurrection and the Life of all Three Kingdoms is within the Great Solar Disc!  This may be visualized as massive sheets of blazing White Electronic Light spiraling upwards.  This is actually the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …with every aspect of ‘life expressing in form’ spiraling upwards in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness towards its Divine Potential of manifestation.  One level spirals into the next …in what science verifies as ‘evolution’ (within time and space) and what spiritually we verify as the Ascension …that can be instantaneous when free of the restrictions of time and space.

And while the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves spirals all life upward, the entire Great Solar Disc pulsates in and out …with the Inbreath / Outbreath of the Root Races in an Ascension Activity. This includes the Fourth and Fifth Root Races inbreathed into their Manu, joining Beloved Vaisasvatu and Lord Himalaya in their Realms of Light …as well as the outbreath carrying the Sixth and Seventh Root Race towards their intended influence within daily life, bringing the Gifts and Blessings of Manus Lord Saithru and the Meru Gods into the world.

And finally Beloved Ones, the Solar Archangels are of the Feminine Ray …and thus carry all the sweet lovingness of the Great Mother Goddess.  This is central to our Teaching in the Path to Solar Consciousness.  The world needs tenderness and you are our representatives in this Action of Divine Love.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED KENICH AHAU …Hierarch of the Temple of God Illumination at Uxmal ...

Beloved Freedom’s Holy Star ...I love you!  Again I come to you as I AM expanding my Solar Presence within your Consciousness …while enveloping all Humanity with the Cosmic Rays of the Eternal Flame from within my Temple of Light. I AM touching all hearts and minds, restoring the remembrance of the origins of their True Being. I AM Kenich Ahau (also written Kenich Ahan), a Solar Priest in a Cosmic Order, who’s Celestial Consciousness desires to unite in deep Oneness with Humanity.  I seek those souls who are ready now to manifest the New Frequency of the Solar Age.  I AM with you to share a visualization of an Ascension process …in preparation for our Service through this Solar Year.

Let us begin by inhaling gently the Breath of Life, the Holy Spirit of our whole being …uniting, aligning and synchronizing our breath with the Cosmic Breath of Universal I AM. Slowly inhaling, slowly exhaling ...consciously, continuously accessing the Higher Planes …free of time and space. Feel the Harmony and Balance of the Sacred Breath as we enter (in projected Consciousness) the Crystal Golden Sanctuary in Uxmal! Here the Light of God Illumination has been radiating for eons of time. Here a Golden Flame blazes on the Altar …radiating powerful Rays, blessing the atmosphere of Earth with its Divine Essence. In this moment, feel our Light uniting our Divine Presences as One ...and know then that I AM A SUN OF THE SUN! And together in Oneness Consciousness, I AM the Light of a Thousand Suns! (pause...)

Here, let us feel the Cosmic Mother’s Presence, maintaining our Oneness Consciousness. She sustains us. In this moment we also acknowledge and feel the Causal Momentum from our Beloved Mayan, Egyptian, Atlantean, and Lemurian allies, being here in alliance with us eternally …free of time and space restraints! Together standing in the Light, we feel the pulsation of the Eternal Flame connecting all of our hearts …igniting the original memory of our Immortal Essence! The Flame on the Altar opens our Energy Centers, awakening our total energetic expression to all the expansive Light in the Cosmos!  And SO IT IS!

Here we invoke permission to Ascend beyond the physical plane:  “Beloved Mother Principle, we come here in Reverence for all Life, profoundly grateful for all the Love you have given us during our sojourn in many Dimensions and Spheres of Light. We recognize your generosity, your cooperation, and your love.  We embrace you with the Light of our heart! Feel our love …as we feel your Love for all of us. Together, standing in the Light, we feel your Oneness Consciousness with all Elemental Kingdoms: the fire, the earth, the water and the air …as well as all the animals, plants and minerals of nature.

Representing Humanity, I AM Reverence for all Life! We vibrate in Love for all Earth’s creation (pause...). We invoke permission for the channels to be opened, whereby all life ascends to its next expression in the fulfillment of its Divine Potential. We represent the Sacred Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity. Together, I AM fulfilling the Cosmic Decree to live in Harmony, Reverence and Humility with all life. I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity now fulfilling the requirements of Earth to be fully included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath!”

And we hear the Cosmic Mother’s response: “Because you have acquired the Consciousness of Love and Reverence for all Life …to take care of yourselves and the plane in which you evolve, you may take your Loving Consciousness and proceed anywhere in the Universe.”  Now we see, feel and consciously express that I AM the Light of the World!  And we affirm:

Light descend! Light descend!
Light descend, descend, descend!

Light defend! Light defend!
Light defend, defend, defend!

Light expand! Light expand!
Light expand, expand, expand!

Light command! Light command!
Light command, command, command!

Light I AM! Light I AM!
Light I AM …I AMI AM!

Pause for a moment and let this Light penetrate the core of our cells, atoms and electrons; ascending us; elevating us! We feel ourselves filled with Golden Light! We see it forming a Mighty Pillar of pure Golden Essence around us, which pulsates in descending waves directly into the center of the Earth, into the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!  Here I AM entering into the gravitational Forcefields of Earth, at the core of her Solar Power. As well, this Pillar of Golden Light pulsates in ascending waves to the Sun and Central Sun. I AM all of this Light and all of this Light is my True Identity! Wherever there is Light, there I AM! Wherever I AM, there is Light!  And SO IT IS!

Once we have deeply felt this expansion of our Consciousness we experience these Columns of Light ever-expanding, sensing our own Consciousness also expanding with them, until it reaches the Sun!  We hear the Call of the Sun ...to go higher and higher ...until we enter the Central Temple Room of the Sun, where Beloved Helios and Vesta welcome us with their Enlightened Presences.  Now we are One in our Consciousness with the entire Solar System! Here we profoundly feel our Solar Presence accelerating our embodied electronic frequency! (pause...).

Even with this acceleration, we now ask permission to our Beloved Solar Parents to go further beyond …with the Solar Passages opened for us to ascend into greater Teachings of Love in Higher Dimensions, towards the Heart of the Galaxy!  Thus we now align our Consciousness to the Galaxy! And we take with us the entire world …the earth, the water and the air; the animals; the plants and minerals; and deep into the sub-atomic world.  Here we discover an ever-deeper Reverence for all Life and we vibrate in Celestial Love for all creation on Earth! (pause...).

Here we have fulfilled Father / Mother God’s decree to live in Harmony, Reverence and Humility with all life. We ask that this be sustained eternally! And we hear the response: “Because you have acquired the Consciousness of Divine Love and Reverence for all Life, in the plane in which you evolve, you may take your Loving Consciousness anywhere in the Universe.” Once again we deeply feel this expansion of our own Consciousness, and see now the Columns of Golden Light of this Temple now enfold all life!

As our Consciousness is now aligned with Father / Mother God, we are in Reverence and Awe of the marvellous sight we behold. Standing with our Sun Parents, we are (I AM!) inbreathing and out-breathing Planets, Solar Systems, and entire Constellations! We become Galactic Intelligences, hand in hand with Beloved Alpha and Omega, who are now elevating this Galaxy into a New Level of expression within the Great Cosmic Inbreath! As an expanded Nucleus of Light, our Sacred Breath becomes filled with Pure Solar Essence! We feel a New Activation; a Higher Divine Frequency; the original magnetic Rhythm of the Universe expanding within our Consciousness!

All we see is pure Light, shining with Sacred Tones of Divine Origin. Here we claim our permanent memory, where we deeply remember that we have reached a New Age in our own understanding of True Identity! Here we see an even greater Mighty Sun, the Great Central Sun!  Here all is Light ...all is Love ...all is Peace! We sense becoming a New Being ...our Eternal Divine Self!  We are in the Inner Sanctum, the Center of All ...Pure ...Holy ...Radiant ...Divine Perfection!  Now as we walk the Earth, we walk ‘as if in Heaven’, an expanded Consciousness in daily life!

Beloved Channels of Love Divine, may the Light of the Eternal Flame shine its Pure Essence on our Heart.  And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!



Welcome to the Cycle of Opportunity within the Solar Year Thoughtform 2018!

From the Solar Radiation of Freedom’s Holy Star …our New Earth …I come to you as an ‘Alliance of Light’! Beloved companions elevating yourselves towards the Higher Dimensions within the Great Cosmic Inbreath, today Victory is ours! Within the Great Solar Disc, our Beloved Earth is already a shining Sun sounding its Great Universal Symphony!

Welcome to the wonderful Cycle of Opportunity 2018! Step by step the Divine Plan is pointing out the guidelines to strive for, so that our Radiation of Light and Love may illuminate our Solar Path …sustaining our sweet Earth and her Humanity in the Elevated Planes of Joy and Delight. The Divine Edicts for the Resurrection of Humanity are unfolding. And together standing in the Light, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is elevating the Planetary Consciousness very precisely!  For these are times of ‘closing cycles’, of letting go and letting God …as well as ‘opening cycles’, of Gratitude, Blessing and Reverence. A New Day has arrived, an opportunity of opening new cycles: times of alertness; times of awareness; times of elevation!  It is time to celebrate the Loving Kindness and Good Will of Humanity, who keep in their heart the Immortal Triple Flame. For each human heart is like a light bulb, which must be consciously connected with its Source and then illuminated from within. Then the true feeling of Divine Love, Compassion, Tolerance and Peace stimulates the potential Light within the heart, helping each person to then manifest his/her own Source.  This then allows the heart of all Humanity to shine with the fullness of its Light! Imagine and anticipate such a Revelation!

Our Light Service of meditations, and prayers (individually and in group activities), invoking and activating the Purifying Radiance of Sacred Fire, dissipates the pressures of destructively qualified energy …from Earth's atmosphere and each individual's aura! This makes it possible to reach the Divine anchored within each heart! This in turn allows each one to co-exist harmoniously with everyone around them (within families, cities, countries and between nations). The Flames of every Solar Christ Self radiate as a unique aura of Happiness, Peace, Harmony, Beauty and Love.   Together, standing in this collective Light, allows the Earth to shine brightly as Freedom’s Holy Star!

This process is precisely what has been happening. The ‘universal call’ for the Inbreath / Advancement of Planets, Suns and Galaxies towards their Source, combined with this 2018 Cycle of the Great Solar Disc, constitutes a magnificent Portal of Opportunity, in which Humanity may now access a quantum leap in her evolving consciousness! Our Light Service is in advancing this opportunity …through integrating, magnetizing and radiating the powerful Currents of Perfection Patterns from our own True Identity. In doing so, we are (I AM!) transforming planetary consciousness into a New Solar Consciousness …where the Light of Sacred Tone resounds in every human heart!

Here we are (I AM!) united as ONE BEING, ONE MIND, ONE HEART, ONE VOICE ...and, here we are Ascended and Free Humanity, SUSTAINING THE HIGHEST AND MOST ELEVATED VISION before Humanity.  We are (I AM!) providing Humanity a ‘free will opportunity’ to choose a New Planetary Reality. Here ‘we rise valiantly to the Higher Spheres of Light’ that now correspond with us …and all life is raised up with us! Henceforth our brothers and sisters on Earth are listening to the Inner Voice of their own Flame and are advancing in the direction of the Light! And our Planetary Service of 2018 is to continue holding this Vision …ever more expanded in daily life, embracing all life with our Love, Understanding, Patience, Tolerance, Light and Gratitude …without distinction, without exclusion, without separation. On behalf of Humanity, we embrace the Truth and Reality that WE ARE ALL ONE!

Truly there is Joy in Heaven! A great exaltation of Light manifests, as Ascended and Free Humanity radiates the New Frequency and Planetary Light Vibration …announcing the New Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom. I AM the Great Solar Alignment of all Suns …from the Sun of our own True Identity to the Ascended and Free Dimensions beyond the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun!