April, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:








(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing & Absorbing the Permanent Atom of Perfection,
a Multi-dimensional Forcefield opening into the world!

I AM Expanding & Projecting the Permanent Atom of Perfection,
a Multi-dimensional Forcefield opening into the world!


I AM that I AM!
I AM in Divine Alignment!
I AM in Divine Harmony and Balance!
I AM the Opening of the Permanent Atom!

I AM the Inter-dimensional Passage of Sacred Fire.
I AM the Inter-dimensional Passage of Sacred Self.
I AM the Inter-dimensional Passage of Sacred Reality.

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
…of my Sacred Kundalini Fire!
…of my Quantum States of Holy Spirit!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
…of Humanity’s Seven Perfected Chakras
…of her Seven Suns in Divine Alignment
…of her Quantum States of Holy Spirit.

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
…the Revelation of the Permanent Atom; of my
Ascended and Free Self; of Ascended and Free
Humanity ...and of Ascended and Free Earth!

I AM the Restoration of the Permanent Atom
of Ascended and Free Humanity.
I AM the I AM Race, Arising!

I AM Builders of Divine Self.
I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness.
I AM Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light.

I AM the Foundations of a New Earth, in her Ascended
and Free Orbit, now streaming forth from within
the Permanent Atom of Humanity!

I AM the Permanent Atom in Holy Communion with every
other Permanent Atom, in Oneness Consciousness!
I AM all Suns in Divine Alignment! 

I AM Multi-dimensional, Infinite Spheres of Light
…Forcefields of Inter-dimensional Sacred Fire,
opening into the world, through my Being! 

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
of the necessary Energetic Foundations
for the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom! 




 Beloved Family of Light Servers, as we gather together through this Journal, let us remember that ‘the words we read’ are simply the avenue or format through which we attune together …in Divine Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.  We stand together in the Light, before the Altar of Sacred Fire!  It is our being together, gathering togetherstanding in the Light together, that is the Victory of our Service.  We are a global, Inter-dimensional Forcefield of Divine Consciousness.

And as we further become our Eternal Flame on an individual level, we collectively progress to becoming the Sacred Fire blazing upon a planetary Altar …which itself accelerates our Light Service beyond imagination.  And then we fulfill the necessary Energetic Foundations of embodied Humanity anchoring the New Age (rather than the Spiritual Hierarchy projecting it from Realms above) …so that it is anchors as a permanent Age of Spiritual Freedom!

In ages past, it was the Guru / Chela relationship that was fundamental to the Ascension Path.  This occurred on an individual level, such that “when the chela is ready, the Master appears”.  The Master was ‘the Ascended and Free Focus’ for the developing student on the path. Now, as evidence of how far the consciousness of Humanity has progressed, the basic relationship for the Ascension Path is between Humanity and a planetary enfolding ‘Ascended and Free Presence’ …global Ascended and Free Consciousness!

Here the Ascension is seen on a collective scale …the Ascension of Humanity (rather than the individual) …and, with ‘the Master’ in our relationship being the Star of Spiritual Freedom …a Multi-dimensional Forcefield of Sacred Fire …our Ascended and Free Earth!  In addition, any of our Beloved Ascended Masters personally assisting us is now part of this all-inclusive Forcefield.  Thus, ‘the Guru / Chela relationship’ is now the ‘Gathering of Ascended Humanity / Star of Spiritual Freedom relationship’ …on behalf of all Humanity and all Angelic / Elemental Lifeforce on Earth!  This  is entirely manifested within the Solar Year Thoughtform.  Contemplate this ‘shift in Consciousness’, regarding the Ascension process! Here the Permanent Atom of all Humanity, as well as every Elemental and Angel, now turns to the Star of Spiritual Freedom as its Focus of Ascension!

The  Celestial Energetic Foundations of New Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit, now flood forth from within the Permanent Atom of Earth …the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.  The Permanent Atom of New Earth is opening releasing and revealing its Divine Essence / its Celestial Prana / its Holy Breath / its Sacred Fire …into the collective consciousness of Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom.  It does so through the Permanent Atom of every person …as if every individual Permanent Atom is an oasis of this Sacred Essence …a nodal point in a Multi-dimensional Matrix …with Divine Sustenance arising from deep within the well-spring of every Permanent Atom.

Thus, the Source of necessary Divine Energies within the Permanent Atom passes through Humanity, anchoring in the Elemental Kingdom. This is why we practice Adoration and Gratitude to the Elemental Kingdom …as Gratitude is the open door for all other Blessings. Through the Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, this release from the Permanent Atom occurs now …regardless of the present evolution or consciousness of Humanity …or of the Elementals. These Quantum State Foundations now enter into physical matter, steadily transforming it into its Quantum State / Etheric Light Substance …its Divine Potential!   Every Permanent Atom is accelerated, opening its Perfection Patterns in this Moment.

In this ‘Age of Revelation’, the Revelation of the Permanent Atom opening’, is also the Revelation of the ‘Resurrection and the Life’.  Let us contemplate this.  When the body of Beloved Jesus entered ‘the tomb’ lifeless, then arose again in full Ascended and Free Life, it was the Permanent Atom of Perfection that released its Divine Essence back into his body (physical, etheric, mental and emotional).  This has been called the Cosmic Breath of Holy Spirit! Beloved Jesus then arose …and manifested all the intended Perfection Patterns of an Arisen Christ walking the Earth.  And as Beloved Jesus said, this always has been the intention of ‘the Father within’ (the Sacred Flame, the Permanent Atom) for all Humanity!

So within the Solar Year Thoughtform we see the Permanent Atom manifesting its Perfection Patterns on an individual level, as well as on a planetary level.  As above, so below.  As the Resurrection and the Life occurs for Mother Earth, so it is fashioned for every person …and, as it happens for each one, so too does the Resurrection and the Life of our sweet Earth.  As the Permanent Atom of Earth (the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at the center of the planet) opens and releases its Divine Essence / Holy Breath …so too does the Three-fold Flame / Permanent Atom release it Divine Essence / Holy Breath to each one in Humanity …each in its unique fashion.

We are Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self and Builders of Ascended and Free Earth.  We are building the inner Spiritual Foundations for the Restoration of Humanity and Earth.  Throughout this Solar Year, we do so through the release of Divine Essence directly from the Original Permanent Atom at her Heart Center …which first created Earth!  The Solar Year Thoughtform is this Vision, as seen through the eyes of Father / Mother God.  They have decreed the Redemption of the karmic cycle …and the Resurrection and the Life of Original Intent …the Age of God!

Let us visualize all of this in the Solar Year Thoughtform.  Let us envision the Permanent Atom of each individual; of the I AM Race; and of Ascended and Free Earth …all in one time and space moment …together opening up and blazing forth ‘the Light of a Thousand Suns’.  This Cosmic Energy, Vibration and Consciousness perfuses the entire planet …all persons, places, conditions and things. This collective ‘Permanent Atom Forcefield’ sends a Cosmic Ray upwards in frequency to the Star of Spiritual Freedom, connecting the two in Divine Union (of Guru / Chela).  This connecting Golden Ray of Cosmic Light further reveals the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire enfolding the Star of Spiritual Freedom …a Cosmic Portal guiding Earth’s New Orbit in the progression of the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

We then have the entire Solar Year Thoughtform …seeing, feeling and knowing we are at its core …that it comes from within us …and, that I AM the Solar Year Forcefield as God in Action on Earth!  This is everything Beloved Jesus did when in embodiment and everything he was trained for in the Temples of the East by the Great Divine Director.  He trained in holding the Immaculate Concept for an entire Age, before his relatively short ‘outer Ministry’ in the Holy Land.  This is what we have likewise trained for and here we are (here I AM!)  …revealing it and anchoring it …now!

And just as Beloved Jesus was supervised and trained by his parents (Beloved Mother Mary and Beloved Saint Germain) and his Gurus (Beloved Great Divine Director, Beloved Lord Maitreya and others) …so too are we!  Beloved Jesus was  attuned to ‘the Father within’ …even as we are now attuned to Universal Ascended and Free Consciousness …especially that coming forth from our own Permanent Atom of Perfection, our Solar Christ Self.  This is all Suns in Divine Alignment.  This is the Living Christ in action and thus, the Second Coming as prophesized!

The ‘action’ of Light Service necessary now is the inner ability to invoke, focus, concentrate, apply and direct the Sacred Fires within the Solar Year Thoughtform.  The Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa, in consultation with the Great Light Brotherhood, chooses the correct formula of Sacred Fires (or ‘Divine Alchemy’) necessary for a Solar Year …all in the preparation for the Great Cosmic Inbreath of Earth, her Solar System and its Galaxy!   The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is ‘the open door’ for this Divine Alchemy into the world …embodied in the realm that requires the assistance.

This ensures the Victory.  Such Light Service opens up Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light into daily life that allows the Fourth and Fifth Root Races to make their Ascension in this New Age of Spiritual Freedom …and therefore allows for the ongoing embodiment of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races to express their full Glory on Earth …in the New Cycle of Dispensations to come.

This is our Purpose; our Joy; and our Ascension!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED PELLEUR AND VIRGO: Directors of the Earth Element and Guardians of the Permanent Atom of our sweet Earth!

Beloved Ones: our Temple (of Beloved Pelleur and Virgo) has the Permanent Atom of Earth upon its High Altar.  We welcome you,  ‘Suns of the Sun’, into this Forcefield.  Here we live and serve from the Heart Center of Earth.  This is not understood so much in physical terms but rather as serving at the center of a Forcefield of Energy, Matter and Intelligence that you refer to as ‘Earth’ …a planet in the Solar System of Beloved Helios and Vesta.  We invite you to sojourn here to our Forcefield, in projected Consciousness …during meditation or when the outer body is asleep (but always enfolded by the Mantle of Protection).

Here you will be greeted by Devic Beings and escorted into the immense ‘Grand Sanctuary’.  Here you witness Angels, Devas and Ascended Beings coming and going in various Ceremonies, on a constant basis. In this Grand Hall, there is only endless space …as if no ceiling, no floor and no walls.  Our Retreat / Forcefield functions beyond time and space restraints …even though we are the center of a physical planet upon which you are currently embodied.  Contemplate this.  Our Forcefield will seem like Home …when you come in your True Identity …as the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Then you add your Cosmic Momentum of Sacred Fire and therefore produce a greater Radiant Light within our Grand Sanctuary!  Thus, we welcome you and your Great Light!

Here in our Focus we build and maintain ‘the Inner Foundations’ of how a planet is sustained in its material and spiritual orbit. As well, this Forcefield produces the necessary sustenance of life for both Nature and Humanity.  Just as the Sun of Helios and Vesta is the Source of all physical and spiritual life in the Solar System, this same process is localized here in our Focus, as it specifically pertains to our sweet Earth.  These are the Services and Ceremonies that are continuously ongoing in our Focus …and involve all Three Kingdoms of Angels, Elementals and Ascended and Free Humanity …as well as members of the Spiritual Hierarchy!

Contemplate this Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity. It represents the Harmony and Balance of spirit and matter …a Theme of our Retreat and Light Service!  Angels express as pure spirit (but can express in matter temporarily) …Elementals express as matter yet have a Devic or ‘Spirit’ Overseer (Silent Watcher) …and Humanity was intended as the perfect Harmony and Balance of both spirit (Soul) and matter (elemental embodiment). To draw you further into our Ceremonies, when visiting us in projected Consciousness, let us affirm: 

I AM Light Service within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.
Here, the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals
is the Royal Kingdoms of Spirit and Matter.
I AM that Harmony and Balance
embodied as Humanity! 

I AM the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity.
I AM the Divine Alignment of Spirit and Matter
as Ascended and Free Humanity.

 Beloved Ones, in the concept of ‘all Suns in Divine Alignment’, our Retreat is one of these Suns …as are you (as a Sun of the Sun) …as is the Sun of Helios and Vesta!  Within our Retreat, we manifest the Solar Year Thoughtform in a spectacular array of Inter-dimensional Sacred Fire.  All Beings here present see, feel and know ourselves as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …the Permanent Atom of Perfection of ourselves and of our sweet Earth …opening and revealing her Perfection Patterns intended for all.  Here we are all in Divine Alignment …with the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure upon our High Altar …with every Three-fold Flame / Permanent Atom in Humanity …and with the Permanent Atom in the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun. Visualize this all of this Light!

Now expand this concept to include all the countless Galaxies known to exist in the Universe.  Here our Light Service beyond time and space restraintsbecomes lucid.  Here we are now in alignment with every Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun …as well as all the Permanent Atoms of Perfection existing within those Solar Systems and their I AM Races …throughout infinity! Then turning our attention inward, let us see ourselves in alignment with the countless array of physical atoms that went into the creation of Earth …all in Divine Alignment with our Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.  All atoms of the ‘world of form’ now align with every Permanent Atom of Humanity …in a global Alignment of Oneness Consciousnessspirit and matter in Harmony and Balance!

In our Retreat, there is opportunity for Light Servers to assimilate the Solar Year Thoughtform and further align electronically with its Perfection Patterns.  As we take our first step into the Solar Year Thoughtform, we behold the Electric Blue Rod.  It enfolds us! The Sacred Kundalini Fire spirals up our spine. We feel our personal Solar System of Seven Chakras further aligned with the Seven Planets of Helios and Vesta and the Seven Suns of Alpha and Omega …all now in Divine Alignment within us and through us, with the entire world …all of which is more fully prepared for the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

Once in alignment with the Blue Rod at the center of the Solar Year Thoughtform, then we become aware of the enfolding Golden Sun of God Illumination.  Here the Twelve Houses of the Sun offer us their Illumined Love Nature …their Quantum States of Cosmic Holy Spirit. We pause here and radiate this aspect of the Feminine Ray into the feeling nature and mind of Humanity, accelerating the development of Solar Consciousness within daily life. Only then do we understand and appreciate the Great Pink Radiance of Holy Spirit around the Golden Sun, further expanding the Quantum States of Holy Spirit into all Humanity …enlightening Humanity as to the true Comfort of Holy Spirit …each one feeling the Holy Breath …even as Beloved Jesus did within the tomb …each one becoming spiritually Reborn …Restored …Resurrected!

Here in our Retreat we teach the myriad purposes and principles within Universal Divine Love.  We especially focus on the specific Divine Love necessary for the Cosmic Moment. This is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State …a specialized aspect of Divine Love generated for eons by the Sun God Krishna and Sophia …more specifically on their planet Venus and the Great Kumaras evolving thereon.  This specific Nature of Cosmic Love was developed in preparation for this present Great Cosmic Inbreath.

Once this ‘progression of the planets’ has taken place and all is in its Higher Frequency / Divine Potential …then other attributes of Divine Love will become more prominent.  But all Solar Systems and Galaxies are presently focused on this specific goal of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State! And Ascended and Free Humanity is in Divine Alignment with this Galactic Light Service!  Think of your Light Service in these grandest terms!


Let us consider that the collective Permanent Atom of all Humanity …plus the Permanent Atom in the center of the Earth (Eternal Sun of Even Pressure) …plus the Permanent Atom on all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light assisting our sweet Earth …this is the Lord of the World. At Shamballa, the Holy Triumvirate holds this entire Forcefield in their loving embrace. This is visualized as Lord Gautama on his Lotus Throne, meditating on the Three-fold Flame upon the High Altar at Shamballa.   We do the same within the Permanent Atom of Earth, within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!  And you do so now as well, meditating on your own Permanent Atom of Perfection …as you mediate before the High Altar of your own Eternal Flame …your own Forcefield of Inter-dimensional Sacred Fire!

With this current progress, Humanity may now participate in the service of the Lord of the World …as ‘Keepers of the Flame’ of this Forcefield, through the Power of their Attention and Concentration on their own Permanent Atom / Eternal Flame!   The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the Guardian of this Sacred Promise …of Humanity moving forward in assuming responsibility for the New Earth.  This progress ensures this Solar Year Thoughtform now pours forth from within all spirit and matterand floods the planet with the necessary Inner Foundations of the Age of Spiritual Freedom.  This sets the passage of all life on a new course, towards the Ascension …whose Victory is within the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

In our Retreat, there are dedicated Flame Rooms where we train Humanity as to the current spiritual and material transformation of our sweet Earth.  The Transformation is from very dense matter and lower consciousness to a more refined, etheric Quantum State matter  …and Ascended and Free Consciousness …for both the planet and of individuals.  Here we teach becoming ‘empty of self, time and space’.

Here Humanity begins to understand there is only an internal focus of control …that I AM God in Action co-creating the desired outcome, as an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …the Permanent Atom of Perfection …rather than waiting for ‘an outside influence’ (external focus) to change / transform things.  The basic Ascended Master Teaching here is ‘our Focus’ …both as ‘our attention’ …and, as our ‘Temple of Light’! Through our Focus, the Brothers / Sisters of the Golden Robe and the Office of the World Teacher have access to the world. Welcome into this specific Light Service, where we are each vested with our own Golden Robe!

Further, we expand Humanity’s awareness of her relationship with the Cosmos.  Here we teach and reveal Higher Frequency Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light.  Here the Solar Year Thoughtform comes to life.  Here we allow all Humanity to experience every aspect of this Solar Year Forcefield.  Here we are assisted by Mighty Cosmic Beings.  For example, the Golden Ray of Light from the Permanent Atom of Earth up to the Star of Spiritual Freedom is overseen by Beloved Polaris and Magnus.  Humanity begins to feel their own Axis in full alignment with New Earth’s Solar Spine, as well as the electro-magnetic Axis of the Galaxy.  Here the River of Kundalini Fire is strong on all these levels …and, Humanity becomes more aligned with Universal Harmony and Balance!

With the assistance of Beloved Polaris and Magnus, our Retreat teaches about Universal Foundational Forces.  For example, it is understood that the physical universe has its set of foundational forces that govern matter (such as gravity, electromagnetic and, strong / weak force).  Matter is intertwined with time and space in a continuum, which interplays with gravity and electromagnetic forces.  Science continues to prove these foundational laws do govern the physical universe.

But science also projects there are multiple universes. And we know and understand from Ascended Master Teachings, there are Foundational Forces governing the Spiritual Universe, the unformed worlds beyond the physical dimension.  These Foundational Spiritual Forces include the Cosmic Laws of Attention, the Divine Direction of Consciousness and the Invocation of the Powers of Sacred Fire …all Laws that Humanity are now free to understand and govern.  This is Ascended and Free Humanity!

And hence within our Grand Sanctuary, within our Retreat of the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure, these Foundational Forces are the focus of our Light Service.  Here we govern a Multi-dimensional Forcefield that includes the physical planet …but so much more, as seen through the Inter-dimensional Vision of the Permanent Atom.  Let us pause now and serve with Beloved Polaris and Magnus:

Oh Beloved Polaris and Magnus, I AM now standing
in your Cosmic Electro-Magnetic Polarity
…within the Center of Earth!

I AM opening the Permanent Atom of Perfection of my mind!
I AM Quantum State thinking, becoming the Mind of God.
I AM opening the Permanent Atom of Perfection of my heart!
I AM Quantum State emotions, becoming Cosmic Holy Spirit.
I AM opening the Permanent Atom of Perfection of my memory!
I AM Quantum State matter, becoming my Etheric Light Body.

This is the Holy Trinity, the Holy Triumvirate,
of Humanity’s Ascended Mastery on Earth!

Here in the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure, I place my physical body,
the residue of all my previous thoughts, feelings,
words and deeds, into the Cosmic Sacred Fire:

I AM revealing the Transformative Power of Sacred Fire!
I AM Transmuting my entire physical consciousness,
and I AM opening my Cosmic Consciousness!

I AM the Divine Polarity of my Permanent Atom of Perfection!
I AM my physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles
all now aligned with my Electronic / Solar Being!

I AM the Divine Polarity of Humanity’s Permanent Atom!
I AM all physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies
aligned with the Permanent Atom of the I AM Race!

I AM the Divine Polarity of Earth’s Permanent Atom!
I AM all Nature and Elemental Life Substance now
aligned with the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!

For any person, place, condition and thing I focus on,
I AM revealing the Authority of Sacred Fire to Transform,
I AM revealing the Polarity of Sacred Fire to Transform,
I AM revealing the Power of Sacred Fire to Transform,
…literally to ‘change form’ into its Quantum State matter, its
‘Light filled Etheric State’ of expressing its Divine Potential!



Beloved Ones, continuing our sojourn in our Retreat, ever more together standing in the Light, let us become the Star of Spiritual Freedom.  Here in this Forcefield of Ascended and Free Earth, the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire surrounds us …and, on this Star, Humanity becomes her Twelve-fold Solar Being.  In Oneness Consciousness, here we assimilate our sweet Earth and all Humanity into this Forcefield …ascending along the soaring, spiraling Golden Ray connecting the two.  As the Star of Spiritual Freedom absorbs its Permanent Atom …so too does the Silver Cord of the Mighty I AM Presence absorb its four vehicles of expression into its Realms of Light …for us here present …and (by the Law of Reciprocity) for all Humanity!  I AM the Golden Ray, along which the Star of Spiritual Freedom is assimilating our sweet Earth into her Ascension.  Here, both the individual and collective Ascension occur together, through our Gathering in the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!

This is ‘THE GATHERING’ we have awaited, and co-created …the Gathering of Ascended Humanity on the Star of Spiritual Freedom!  A gathering from within Humanity must govern the Cosmic Forces within the Permanent Atom ensuring Earth’s permanent Victory.  With this Gathering established, the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire then opens the Portal around the Star of Spiritual Freedom …so as to fully engage the Great Cosmic Inbreath! Earth then assumes her rightful place in Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light, eternally!  This is our collective Cosmic Purpose!  These are our roles and responsibilities in Light Service!




Beloved Ones; Every octave of music contains twelve notes that repeat in endless permutations and combinations, producing Divine Keynotes …or if you will, expressing in sound the Divine Potential of our Eternal Flame along all Twelve Aspects of Deity.  These twelve notes in every octave represent the Twelve Solar Chakras …accomplished when the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self ascends into its Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self.  Here the Twelve Houses of the Sun claim their daily influence of the persons, places, conditions and things of every God Intelligence …now to include our sweet Earth!

The Twelve-fold Nature of Solar Being brings one into communion with their Divine Keynote …and that of all life around them. In such a Symphonic Forcefield, it is so much easier to hold the Immaculate Concept (a Fifth Ray service of Beloved Mother Mary).  Achieving Solar Being opens the Crystal Vision of the Third Eye, where we see as the Elohim do! We achieve a Clarity of the Permanent Atom of Perfection of all life around us. Let us meditate together, as I project my Crystal Vision into your Third Eye …so you too may truly see how your opening Permanent Atom influences this Solar Year! I also project my Sacred Sound Ray into your Third Ear, so that you hear your Divine Keynote ringing through your entire Being. (Pause)

Then, within this Solar Year Forcefield, let us focus on the Pink Radiance of Cosmic Holy Spirit …and all of the Cosmic Assistance this establishes from Higher Dimensions, Realms and Spheres.  All of Universal I AM is Consecrated to the Resurrection and the Life of the I AM Race on Earth.  Endless Cosmic and Ascended Beings ‘gather’ in the State of the Divine Love, perfected by Beloved Krishna and Sophia through Beloved Sanat Kumara …specifically for the Redemption of this sweet Earth.  Let us see, hear and feel this Symphonic Forcefield …becoming One with this Cosmic Gathering!

This Pink Love Radiance within the Solar Year Thoughtform also represents Ascended and Free Humanity radiating out to Universal I AM, as our Loving Gratitude for this Cosmic Assistance …even as we simultaneously reveal an embodied focus of Ascended and Free Consciousness already established on Earth.  This is fundamental to Earth being accepted into the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  The Pink Radiance of Cosmic Holy Spirit represents Universal I AM breathed into Earth …as well as our return Gratitude expanded and projected out. This Inbreath / Outbreath Activity is Humanity invoking from our Ascended and Free State …and the Universe responding through us!  This is the Co-creation the Elohim know!

Beloved Ones, I now bless you with a Benediction: I AM empty of self (of attachments to persons, places, conditions and things), but I AM full of my Soul Service, the Light Service of my Mighty I AM Presence and its anchored Solar Christ Self on Earth.  In this State, I discover a serene, tranquil, quietly peaceful happiness.  This Peace is revealed to me in daily life.  This is my Ascended Mastery within embodiment …to be empty of self but full of the work of my Mighty God Presence.  My Eternal Flame reveals all the Glory of God that I AM …quantum emotions, quantum thinking, quantum matter …anchoring these Perfection Patterns through physical matter!

Immersed in the 2019 Theme and Thoughtform, we remember and reaffirm: “The Sacred Keynote of Earth's Ascension gives forth a Clarion Call from within this Golden Ray (connecting the Permanent Atom and the Star of Spiritual Freedom). This is the Sacred Sound Ray. This is an Ascending Tone spiraling into a Crescendo of Glory ...raising up all Consciousness in its Sphere of Influence. Along this Golden Ray extends the Inbreath / Outbreath Activity of Father / Mother God ...and specifically, the Ascension Power within the Great Cosmic Inbreath”.

Crystal Vision is now Revealing: