April, 2020


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and Thoughtform
of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


pouring in through the Four Gates of the Cosmic Maltese Cross!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Ascended Humanity
…at the center of the Mystic Maltese Cross
…at her point of Spiritual Freedom, Ascended and Free!




(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Reality of Resurrection
…the Restoration of Divine Consciousness within daily life!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Reality of Resurrection
…the Restoration of Divine Consciousness within daily life!


I AM that I AM!
I AM the Resurrection and the Life …
Of my Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

This is the primary focus of my Light Service!
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Divine on Earth!
I AM Divine Consciousness expressing Divinely Intelligent Matter.

Within the Diamond Crystalline Sun centering the Maltese Cross:
I AM Humanity ‘empty of self’; and in this ‘Great Silence’ …
becoming her Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM Humanity in her moment of ‘letting go’ of the
outer conditions and things of life and experiencing
her Collective Immortality as an Eternal Flame!

I AM Humanity as the Gathering of All Goodness in the world!
I AM Humanity abiding in the Grace of Cosmic Holy Spirit!
I AM this Cohesive Power of Divine Love, pouring into the
Maltese Cross from all corners of the Universe!

I AM the Divine Instrument of Invocation!
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the I AM Race,
living on her Ascended and Free Earth, in its Ascended and Free Orbit,
now manifesting itself at the Center of this Cosmic Maltese Cross.

From the Eternal Flame of all Love, Wisdom and Power
at the Center of this Divine Instrument of Invocation:

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the most
perfect outcome for each one in Humanity!

Because I AM One with Universal I AM, and one with Humanity
I AM now the Divine Instrument ‘downloading’ all the Love,
Wisdom and Power necessary for the full Victory in
the Light, for Humanity and our sweet Earth!

I AM the Sacred Breath of Cosmic Holy Spirit!

On the Outbreath, I AM the outgoing Masculine Ray!
I AM the outgoing Fourth and Fifth Root Races!

On the Inbreath I AM the incoming Divine Feminine Ray!
I AM the incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races.

This is the Divine Love I have for Humanity.
This is the Divine Love I AM for Humanity.
I AM …that I AM that I AM!

This is God's Will!



Beloved Ones: let us meditate on the Reality of Resurrection. When we understand its Spiritual underpinnings, we can then accept it as an actual reality (rather than a spiritual concept)! Consider that within the Universe of Multi-dimensional Consciousness, there is and always was an ‘original state’. When this becomes altered by un-intended consequences, there is always a mechanism to return to original conditions (or ‘default settings’). This is the essence of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness culminating in Divine Grace. On a spiritual frequency, this original state was Oneness Consciousness with Universal I AM! From this ‘original state’, we chose our Path into Individuation towards becoming an Intelligent God Presence. This Path is endless and evolves into unimaginable frontiers of Cosmic Being.

But there was always provided an opportunity to ‘reboot’ if we got unsustainably ‘off course’ in our journey through Universal I AM! The acceptance of the laggards into the Fourth Root Race …as an act of Cosmic Compassion and Mercy on behalf of various Solar Systems …did unfortunately take Humanity untenably off course …and into an unintended but endless karmic loop. This Solar Year however contains the necessary Forcefield of Sacred Fire to reset Humanity’s evolution towards her Divine Potential, as the I AM Race. All the necessary Energy, Vibration and Consciousness is now focused into the Divine Instrument of Invocation …and specifically the dazzling, Diamond Crystalline Sun centering the Cosmic Maltese Cross … where the Immaculate Concept of Humanity now abides. Here are focused the Forces of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …the Transmutation of the cause, core, effect, record and memory of how Humanity got off course …as well as the Seventh Ray Rhythm and Ceremony of how to reset Humanity back to ‘Original Oneness Consciousness’ …all of which is Divine Grace in action.

In this process, let us focus on the need for Oneness Consciousness within Humanity …so that she proceeds through this ‘reboot’ together standing in the Light! This is the Ascension of Humanity collectively, for the purpose of Earth being allowed fully into the Great Cosmic Inbreath …in which all life moves forward into her next appropriate level of spiritual development. We do so by co- creating a Forcefield of Reverence for all Life …thereby sustaining a Forcefield of Divine Grace for all life to transform within.

Abiding at the Center of the Divine Instrument of Invocation, let us affirm: I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Oneness Consciousness within Humanity. We see, feel and deeply accept this, meditating together within the Great Temple of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. There is already a momentum of Reverence for all Life within daily life …towards all Humanity and all Elemental life being treated with respect. But now we expand this momentum limitlessly, while centered within Divine Consciousness, as well as centered within Humanity …as the Cosmic Christ in action! Here I AM a Cosmic Invocation for the transmutation of separateness … of all that seemingly divides Humanity from herself and from the Elemental Kingdom.

In the Eternal Three-fold Flame there is the necessary Love, Wisdom and Power so that all life receives Original Reverence and Divine Respect. Then every aspect of daily life receives the necessary resources to discover their own Spiritual Freedom! And in so doing, each aspect of Humanity (races, religions, cultures and creeds) reveal to themselves their Original Oneness Consciousness with Humanity …and then the overall Oneness Consciousness of Humanity …and then, Humanity’s Oneness Consciousness with Angels and Elementals …and then the Oneness Consciousness of all of this with Universal I AM!

Our spiritual purpose within the Maltese Cross Thoughtform is to receive into and through our Consciousness the Cosmic Forcefields so invoked from Higher Frequencies. Meditate on this! We shall rise above separateness with our Love …as Beloved Jesus did. We are the culmination of his Message …as his Dispensation ends, and the New Age of Spiritual Freedom begins. At the center of the Maltese Cross we stand within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves, representing all levels of life on Earth. Here we feel the totality of life on Earth rising up from ‘the tomb of separation’, standing forth in the Light of Oneness Consciousness. Here we practice the Law of Reciprocity: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! Here Holy Spirit is present through us, to assure ‘I AM the Resurrection and the Life’ of all the Forcefields of Sacred Fire necessary for this Truth!  And SO IT IS!

On a personal level, let us affirm: I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my full Faith in the Divine Plan. I AM the Celestial Faith that others will do their part …that other persons, places, conditions and things will be in their right and perfect place, at the right and perfect time, doing the right and perfect thing, in the right and perfect way! I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my Faith in Oneness Consciousness of the Divine Plan working itself out! And then, I do my part as an Ascended and Free Light Server …in the right and perfect way, at the right and perfect time! The “cohesion” within the Truth of ‘the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State’, is the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM finally operating on Earth, to reveal the Divine Plan of being united within a Grand Ascension of all life! This is our Faith, our Loyalty and our Consecration! We are (I AM!) ‘in this together’!

The Violet Fire is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …the perfect unity of the Ray of Faith (blue) and the Love Ray (pink) …and thus the Violet Fire. We are aware of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire enfolding the Maltese Cross …with all the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Central Sun pouring its Power of the Divine Feminine Ray into the Maltese Cross and through the Gathering of Ascended Humanity into daily life on Earth …for the Ascension for all Humanity together!

The Twelve-fold Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is ours to Invoke! This Forcefield is the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Central Sun. This Forcefield is One with the Mystic Maltese Cross …and its Twelve-fold Power of Invocation! Here is the full Cosmic Power of Invocation of Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst and the full Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom. The Gathering of Ascended Humanity condenses all of this Cosmic Assistance into a central point of Spiritual Freedom within Humanity! I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Cosmic Christ in action for Humanity!

In our practice of Rhythm and Ceremony, let us Invoke our Holy Christ Self and thus our Seven-fold Ascending River of Kundalini Fire into this Invocation. For here in this Divine Meditation, I AM in Divine Alignment with the Kundalini Fire of Beloved Helios and Vesta and their Seven Planets (chakras) …as well as the Kundalini Fire of Beloved Alpha and Omega and their seven ‘Sun Chakras’ … and even the Kundalini Fire of the Great Central Sun (Elohae and Eloha) and their seven ‘Central Sun Chakras’! Together, standing in the Maltese Cross within our own Permanent Atom, we Invoke: ‘I AM all Suns in Divine Alignment’ …and I feel this Reality deeply anchored in our own Ascending River of Kundalini Fire. I AM the Seven Sun Chakras as a Declaration of Spiritual Freedom! I AM building my Forcefield of True Identity: my Rod of Power as my Ascended and Free Presence on Earth! Here let us practice a daily, even moment to moment, Invocation of our personal River of Kundalini Fire:


(from the base of the spine upwards, through the first three Chakras)
I AM Ascending through the Violet Fire into Divine Peace!

 (the next three Chakras of heart, throat and head)
I AM Loving …God’s Power …of Divine Truth! 

(Ascending into the Thousand Petaled Lotus)
I AM a Sun of God Illumination!

 This is my Ascending Spiral of Kundalini Fire!

Rooted in my Ascension Chakra, spiraling up through my Chakra
Suns …into my Thousand Petaled Lotus of God Illumination
This is my True Identity: the Presence of God on Earth!

Here, I AM the Powers of the Order of Zadkiel!
Here I AM the Power of Invocation!
Here, I AM Ascended and Free!
Here, I AM that I AM! 

Now with all these Powers of Invocation, let us visualize ourselves ‘moment to moment’ in our Ascended and Free Light Body … standing in the Light ‘as a Cross’ …with arms outstretched, feet on the ground and head towards the Heavens. Let us see, feel and deeply accept the ‘I AM the Cosmic Maltese Cross’ …with Sacred Fire Forcefields streaming in from both sides, above and below! Our Eternal Flame radiates its Divinely Intelligent Matter as our quantum Light Bodies! As the visualization intensifies, our Eternal Three-fold Flame becomes the dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun …the Eternal Flame of New Earth at the Center of the Maltese Cross! I AM sustaining Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit, by all the Cosmic Forces now pouring in. Together, standing in our collective Heart Flame, we affirm: ‘I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …on her Ascended and Free Earth …in her Ascended and Free Orbit’. And SO IT IS!

Here and now, I AM ‘downloading’ all the Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power necessary for Victory of this New Age! This is my service to life. I AM the Resurrection and the Life of God in Action on Earth! And I AM the Reality of the ‘Resurrection and the Life’ … moment to moment! Together, we build a Momentum of this Truth for Earth …as well as for our personal journey. We ever expand this Momentum in our meditation practice …so that even in those moments when we find ourselves temporarily submerged in negative frequency (condemnation, criticism and judgment about outer life), this Divine Momentum is sustained! And then, as we re-establish our Harmony and Balance through our transformed thoughts and feelings from a temporary negative experience, ‘the stone is rolled back’ and we again stand forth in the Light! And each time we step forth from the tomb, we prove the Resurrection and the Life of the Solar Christ Self once again walking the Earth! This is the Resurrection and the Life on a ‘moment to moment’ basis!

And we do this collectively, as we ‘are in this together’: ‘I AM the Gathering of all the Goodness of the World …an Eternal Flame of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, emitting a Divinely Intelligent Matter …a new quantum matter released on a global scale. The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is a Forcefield …the Invocation and Coalescence of ‘all the goodness in the world’ …of all people and institutions around the world …in a Mighty Forcefield of basic, innate, original goodness. It includes all the persons, places, conditions and things who really do desire goodness for all, through Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness and Loving Reverence for all Life. I AM the Gathering of all the Goodness of the World at the Center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross!

This is a Powerful Forcefield from within Humanity that pours into our Cosmic Maltese Cross! …and claims, in the name of Father / Mother God, all persons, places, conditions and things now rising up to this Divine Potential. This is what we are reviving, restoring, resurrecting! I AM the Resurrection and the Life of this Forcefield within Humanity, so as to overcome all ‘ego distortion’ of the Divine Plan of Humanity! And SO IT IS! Let us affirm:

Within the Diamond Crystalline Sun centering the Maltese Cross:
I AM Humanity ‘empty of self’, in the Great Golden Silence
of her Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM Humanity letting go of the persons, places, conditions and things
of daily life and experiencing her Immortality as Eternal Flame!

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, standing in the Light!
I AM ‘Gathering All Goodness in the World’, representing the
great majority of Humanity …and soon all of Humanity!

I AM Ascended and Free by the Grace of Holy Spirit,
the Cohesive Power of Divine Love pouring into the
Maltese Cross from all corners of Universal I AM!


The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is all the good and wonderful thoughts, feelings, words and deeds within Humanity, magnified by the Angels and Elementals …and then invoked forth as the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …by embodied God Beings, for this very day …and every day! As the Eternal Flame, we inbreathe, absorb and anchor Divine Energy (as Vibration and Consciousness) …and then, expand and project it forth as the Light of the World …the Light of Divinely Intelligent Matter (a new ‘quantum matter’) into the very persons, places, conditions and things we have come to serve. This is our Divine Plan fulfilled!



…and loyalty only to this Ascension Process:


I AM empty …emptyempty
of persons, places, conditions and things in the world.

I AM empty …emptyempty
of condemnation, criticism and judgment of the world.

I AM empty …emptyempty
of fear, anger or frustration toward the world.

I AM empty, empty, empty of self!
I AM loyal only to the Eternal Flame within!
I AM manifesting only its Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM revealing, revealing, revealing only the innate
Divine Potential of all life I encounter this day!

I AM dedicated, consecrated and focused only on Eternal Flame,
only on the Divine Consciousness creating this Eternal Flame.

I AM Revealing the Highest Potential of its Radiating Light
…through all my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds!

This is my Pledge of Consecration to the Divine Plan:

I AM empty, empty …empty of self.
I AM empty, empty …empty of persons, places,
conditions and things associated with self.

I AM consecrated, loyal and focused only on the Eternal Flame
and channeling its Energy, Vibration and
Consciousness into the world.

I AM embodied only for ‘Higher Frequency problem solving’
…through the Sacred Forcefields of Divine Alchemy.

I AM an anonymous Light Server, using unseen Forces within
the Realms of Cause, that result in the desired outer effects:

I AM the Co-creative Laws of Life.
What I think and feel, I bring into form!
What my attention is upon, that I become!

I AM a global Forcefield of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
‘focused on’ and ‘invoking forth’ the Highest Divine
Potential for our sweet Earth and her Humanity.

This is my Loyalty and my Consecration.

 I AM the Power of Divine Alchemy!
I AM the Power of its Divine Invocation!
I AM the Power of the Divine Feminine Ray!

Beloved Candidates for the Ascension; I bring you the Crystal Vision of our Beloved Elohim of the Fifth Ray. In this Light of Truth, let us examine the layers within becoming ‘empty of self’. Let us begin with reminding ourselves that what we currently experience are the persons, places, conditions and things of this embodiment. We’ve had hundreds of embodiments and therefore hundreds of family relationships and roles in those families …hundreds of ways we’ve earned sustenance …hundreds of outer world circumstances that we have lived through …and hundreds of causes we’ve aligned ourselves with. But beyond all these layers, is the Celestial Truth of our Eternal Flame on its Cosmic Journey …in or out of embodiment …on Earth or elsewhere. The only purpose our Eternal Flame desires is to bless and set life free …especially now on this sweet Earth. And so with this perspective, we set our selves apart from all ‘outer noise and distraction’ of daily life …and affirm:

“I AM finally focused on only ONE CAUSE …the Seventh Ray, New Age of Spiritual Freedom …even while I maintain ‘as best I can’ harmony and balance with the particular set of circumstances in my current embodiment. I AM forever kind and compassionate to myself and I remember that within my Ascended Master training is a far more powerful force than any daily errors I may reveal. As best I can, I choose Buddha’s ‘detached way’ of non-condemnation, criticism and judgment …while loving all life (including myself) ‘as it is’. For I serve a larger purpose …to clear the path for the expression of all energies within daily life Ascending into their Higher Potential! And all of this is through the Ascended Master training I have been honored with …in order to accomplish this Victory! And SO IT IS!”

When ‘empty of self’, it is so much easier to love all life without being bothered by it …not condoning anything negative, but simply addressing the innocent energy within any situation that was mis-qualified …and then loving it free! And I AM doing so with Harmony and Balance …with all the Love, Wisdom and Power of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame. For I AM the same Eternal Flame that every Ascended Master and Cosmic Being has ever mastered, in order to set life free!

When centered within the Three-fold Flame, I then affirm to any part of life I see yet struggling to find its Divine Potential: “Through the Power of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame, I bless you back to the Great Central Sun for repolarization, never again having to serve human creation”! Here I AM releasing that part of life into the Great Cosmic Inbreath, on its path back to the Source from whence it came. In this Activity, I AM already the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action! Use and use this affirmation for any part of daily life that has not yet met its Divine Potential and lingers yet in some lower frequency of ego creation. This is Light Service!

Beloved Ones: let me leave you with another perspective on our Light Service and the use of Forcefields. We tend to measure the potential for something by its size. But along the Fifth Ray of Science, we understand that some Forcefields are minute in size but just as powerful as the Solar Forcefields of the Sun! Some Forcefields are as tiny as those within the nucleus of the atoms that keep the protons and neutrons orbiting within the nucleus and not flying off ...and even tinier, those forcefields that keep quarks within each proton in their perfect three-fold balance …a Forcefield that ‘no known force’ can separate, keeping the proton (and other such particles) intact. But we now invoke great Cosmic Forcefields that have the same ability to ‘hold intact’ a Great Plan of Creation …including the present co-creation of this New Age of Spiritual Freedom. Herein lies our Consecration to our Light Service!




Beloved Ones, continuing in the spirit of the Crystal Vision of the Ray of Truth, let us contemplate the Celestial Forcefields within the Twelve Houses of the Sun. For these Cosmic Forces now pour into the Cosmic Maltese Cross from the Central Sun, first anchoring in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire enfolding the Cross. Each of the Twelve Aspects of the Great Solar Deity now gather (just as you ‘gather’) …and focus these Consecrated Energies one-pointedly into Earth … through the Solar Year’s Divine Instrument of Invocation.

Let us meditate on the origins of the Twelve Aspects of Cosmic Holy Spirit. It is my honor to represent the Love Ray originating from much Higher Frequencies beyond Great Central Suns …when first our series of Solar Systems were born to Beloved Alpha and Omega (as a Central Sun). The Love Ray was then further refined and empowered by Beloved Sun Gods Krishna and Sophia for their Solar System, which then Beloved Sanat Kumara specifically perfected into the daily life of Venus …and which he then brought to Earth as part of her redemption, anchoring it at Shamballa. And now it is the honor and responsibility of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity to further refine and empower this Love Ray …specifically for this Cosmic Moment on Earth. Contemplate being Holy Spirit in action!

With the dawning of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom, along the advent of the Feminine Ray …the Cosmic Violet Fire now expresses the necessary specific nature of Holy Spirit! The Seventh Ray represents completion of ‘the Seven’ …the nature of ‘fulfilled planetary Being’, leading then into Twelve-fold Being. With this ‘most Powerful Activity of Divine Love’, all life will now be presented the opportunity …unique to each one …to ascend into their Higher Twelve-fold Consciousness. All the levels within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …all Angelic and Elemental Life and all of Humanity yet within Elemental vehicles …may choose to accept their Ascension! This Ascension may be an ‘epiphany’ of spiritual vision …or, it may be a gradual acceptance of Reverence for all Life and its Oneness Consciousness. But either way, this is entirely an Activity of Divine Grace which any part of life may accept or not …according to free will!

Remember Beloved Ones of the ‘long view’ of our Light Service …that we are at the beginning of a 2000-year Cycle of the Seventh Ray in the completion of Cosmic, Twelve-fold Holy Spirit. This knowledge we hold Sacred, but will eventually become daily reality as this New Age unfolds. We currently anchor the primary foundations of this New Age …and we anchor it into the fabric of Humanity’s consciousness! There is so much more (Cosmic Consciousness) that this New Age of Spiritual Freedom has to offer than our present minds can even imagine …all of which will unfold over this Major Ray Cycle. And this New Age unfolds, Humanity will ‘catch up’ to where she would have been in spiritual evolution had there been no 'great fall' in Consciousness. But this was the sacrifice we offered (in assisting the laggards of another planetary evolution) and now is our moment of Redemption, through Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness of the Seventh Ray! This is the Love Nature of Holy Spirit in action! And it is my Love for each of you!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF LADY MIRIAM... representing the Feminine Aspect of God's Will and the Power of Invocation:

I AM the Cosmic Cause of Divine Invocation.
I AM the Cosmic Instrument of Divine Invocation.
I AM the Cosmic Implementation of Divine Invocation.


 I AM the Cosmic Action of Divine Alchemy through Invocation.
I AM the Cosmic Power of Divine Alchemy in Invocation.
I AM God's Will of Divine Alchemy through Invocation.

I AM God’s Power in action!
I call on the Twelve Solar Aspects,
the maximum Divine Alchemy known,
to pourthrough our Cosmic Maltese Cross,
and bring God's Will to Earth and Humanity!

 And SO IT IS!

Beloved Cells of the Cosmic Christ: I AM here with you as tangibly as seated next to you …to assist you in becoming an Instrument of God's Will! The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the Cosmic Power of the Feminine Ray, through her Divine Invocation of Divine Alchemy. To embody the Divine Feminine Ray is to become the Power of the Twelve Houses of the Sun! Contemplate this!

Let us begin this Invocation on the physical plane, on becoming the Maltese Cross. Standing with arms outstretched, see, feel and deeply accept the four quadrants of the Cross as Celestial Energy, streaming in through your head, your feet and both arms. Next in this visualization, let us then cup our hands at the Heart Center, as if we hold the Earth in our hands …Ascended and Free Humanity …on her Ascended and Free Earth …in her Ascended and Free Orbit. Holding this Immaculate Concept in our Heart, we affirm our Ascended and Free Declaration: ‘I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity’, in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals, through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State.’ Feel the Three Kingdoms circulating in, through and around you, united in their Ascended State. Into this Unity we give the Command: Come Holy Spirit, Come!

And then our visualization changes to global proportions. Now seated in meditation, we project our Consciousness to the center of the planetary Maltese Cross, together, standing in the Light! Here we become the Divine Instrument of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom! Here we fulfill our Divine Plan …as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire necessary for the Spiritual Freedom of our sweet Earth! Think of it …as this is everything we have desired in our Light Service. Here the Spiritual Hierarchy reminds us that the ‘ups and downs of this present embodiment’ mean little in comparison to the many embodiments of dedication now culminating in our final Victory …of why we were granted opportunity to join the embodied ranks of Humanity in Light Service to Earth at this Cosmic Moment!

A Baptism of Sacred Fire within the Maltese Cross

In this New Age and specifically in this Solar Year …the Keynote is Baptism in Sacred Fire! The ‘River Jordan’ is both the River of Kundalini Fire ascending up the Solar Spine, growing ever mightier in our Ascended and Free development …and, the River of Electronic Light pouring in from the Mighty I AM Presence (the Silver Chord). These two Rivers … Humanity’s ascending Consciousness meeting with Divine Assistance from Higher Frequencies …meet at the Heart of the Maltese Cross! The Baptism occurs when the two Rivers have become the primary focus of the individual …and, are in Harmony and Balance.

This Ceremony of Baptism is continuous, with these two Rivers continuously flowing into one another. They may be visualized as the upper and lower arms of the Maltese Cross, as we stand at its center, as a Sun of the Sun. Then the left and right arms of the Cross are the Inbreath / Outbreath Activity of daily life …both flowing into our awareness, and then an outgoing blessing of Sacred Fire. In this Cosmic Moment, Baptism is added to by the incoming Forcefields from all the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light, pouring through all four portals of the Maltese Cross!

And continuing a Celestial Vision of this Ceremony of Baptism. Visualize a gigantic Sun of Radiant Light …above and all around you …with thousands of Celestial Rays blazing across the Multi- dimensional Universe of many Worlds. Then see one Cosmic Ray proceed from this Sun piercing into the ‘world of form’. This is the ‘One Ray’ that represents our embodiment (or series of embodiments) on Earth! And New Age Spiritual Baptism is being completely immersed in this Silver Chord / River of Light as the only basis of our Being …from whence all else proceeds. It begins with our beating heart and our sustained Consciousness within the body … then all other body functions in Divine Harmony and Balance. Into this then a myriad of Higher Frequency thoughts, feelings, words and deeds flow uninterrupted from the Presence, into our daily life, through our Creative Faculties. With this Baptism, ego dissolves and the Light flows …containing all the necessary solutions to lower karmic reality!

The Baptism Ceremony continues as we see the Diamond Crystalline Sun centering the Maltese Cross as our own Sun of the Sun …our Solar Christ Self. Shamballa is called the City of the Sun and so, as we abide within our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, we also abide within Shamballa. Shamballa also became the Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit, for the Holy Triumvirate includes Beloved Sanat Kumara, who brought the Holy Spirit Love Ray from Venus (and the Solar System of Beloved Krishna and Sophia) to Earth to begin her Redemption. This Love Ray of Shamballa governs all other incoming Forcefields of Sacred Fire now pouring into the world …all now coalescing at the center of the Maltese Cross. This is a united influx of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love from all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light, assuring all life united in her Ascended State! This is the Victory of God's Will!