APRIL 2024

April, 2024


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,

In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,

Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love

uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and

Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:







(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Immortal Victorious
Three-fold Flame, as a Focus of Father / Mother God on Earth.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Immortal Victorious
Three-fold Flame, as a Focus of Father / Mother God on Earth.


I AM that I AM!
I AM Father / Mother God in action!

Before substance, form and matter, there was only
Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

After substance, form and matter, there is only
Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

While in substance, form and matter, I remain a
Being of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

The Light I AM is Infinite!
The Flame I AM is Eternal!
I AM Eternity & Infinity expressed.
I AM embodied Solar Consciousness!

As embodied Solar Consciousness, I AM the Eternal
Flame’s Twelve-fold Radiance of Expansiveness Divinity!
I AM this Focus of Celestial Reality …here and now!

This same Focus of Father / Mother God is within every
spark of the Eternal Flame within Humanity, just as
it is within the Eternal Flame of every Angel,
Deva, Ascended Master and Cosmic Being!

The Divine Potential of our sweet Earth is Universal I AM
expressing its endless Perfection Patterns, manifesting
Limitless Physical Perfection though all Lifeforce, as
the Land of Boundless Splendor & Infinite Light.

In order to manifest this Divine Potential, the Gathering
of Ascending Humanity is heralding the necessary
embodied Solar Consciousness of Humanity!

Empty of self, time and space, I AM the Spiritual
Future of Humanity …manifesting here and now!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the
Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform!

The Eye of Divine Liberty opens within me, and thus
I AM Humanity’s opening to Solar Consciousness!

The Star of Sanat Kumara is revealed within me,
and thus, I AM these Transformational Events
in Consciousness …now within Humanity!

The Star of Spiritual Freedom is initiated
within me, and thus within Humanity!

My Star of Spiritual Freedom is the Seventh
Ray Dispensation made manifest.  I AM a
Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self!

The Violet Fire is the Ray of Solar Consciousness.
I abide in its Infinite Ray of Spiritual Liberty.
I AM this Solar Ray anchored on Earth.

I AM the Flame of Energy, Vibration and
Consciousness …upon its Altar of Light …as
it expresses Co-creation in the world of matter!

I AM open and receptive of the Solar Year Theme and
Thoughtform and all its Perfection Patterns.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of my Eternal Flame.
Here, I AM empty of self …and my mind dwells in
Great Peace within the Sun of God Illumination!

I AM empty of self and my
feelings dwell in the Great Solar
Quiet within the Sun of Holy Spirit!
I AM the Divine Delight of True Identity!

Here I AM empty of self and my Body
Elemental dwells in the Great Elemental Quiet of
Tranquility, within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.

I AM empty of self …of time …and of space!
I dwell within my embodied Solar Consciousness,
as I peacefully, calmly navigate my daily life
within my full Spiritual Agency.




Let us meditate …

Before there was substance, form and matter,
there was Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

Before there were physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles,
there was only Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light,
…only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

In the beginning was the Command ‘Let there be Light’!
Before the creation of persons, places, conditions and things,
there was only the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of the Light!

I AM this Eternal Flame of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light of Energy, Matter and Intelligence.

I AM the Co-creation of myself!
I AM the Co-creation of the world!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
of this Cosmic Truth, anchored within and
through my embodied Solar Consciousness.


Beloved Children of the Sun / Expressions of the Great I AM …our embodied Solar Consciousness allows us our full Spiritual Liberty. This Momentum of Cosmic Truth is stored within our Causal Body, the Aura of our Mighty I AM Presence. It is the Celestial Motion / Action / Momentum  of all our experiences within greater Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light in which we have trained and lived …across time and space, as well as beyond time and space. It is a Forcefield to behold! Such Cosmic Momentum is to be delivered into this world of form, time and space, in this present embodiment. This is the Grand Plan of this New Age of Spiritual Freedom!

As we now practice and endeavor living through the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness …the Gates of Elemental Harmony and Balance, the Gates of Cosmic Holy Spirit and the Gates of God Illumination …then our Causal Body releases through the Divine Alignment of these Suns, its great Forcefield of Divine Power and Wisdom that returns the world to Love …the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love[1] …the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State!

Our Ascension Process is living as this Sun of the Sun, this Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Until this Seventh Ray New Age, our Divine Instrument has focused on anchoring the Causal Body Aura of the Seven Spheres in becoming the Holy Christ Self …through a life well lived in Christ. This was to be the culmination of the Christian Dispensation. And now, further into our Ascension Process within this New Age, our Divine Instrument releases the Radiant Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Twelve Houses of the Sun and their Powers of Solar Consciousness from the Sun and Central Sun. Within this Cosmic Moment, this Twelve-fold Solar Forcefield is now to vibrate within and around our embodied Solar Consciousness! This is the Aura of a Sun of the Sun …living as embodied Solar Consciousness!

Such Solar Energies flow out from us, as a continuation of our Cosmic River of Life …now to be expressed through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. Here within this Celestial Vibrational Field, I AM living Ascended and Free! This Forcefield is what we offer Humanity and our sweet Earth in the Transmission of our Flame across time and space. We desire Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with all Humanity at this level of Solar Consciousness! This is our global Holy Communion as Priests / Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel, made possible through the Spirit of this Solar Year, Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst. This is the Divine Ceremony fundamental to the Seventh Ray Dispensation.

As above, so below. The Causal Body of our sweet Earth is also her synchronized experiences / momentum / memories across time and space …and before time and space …as a developing planet on her own Ascension Process …towards one Cosmic Day becoming a Sun of her own Solar System. This is her Divine Potential. The Causal Body of Earth is her Seven Spheres, representing the Seven Rays of completed Christ Development.   But in this New Age of Spiritual Freedom, Mother Earth is to evolve into the Twelve  Spheres of Light of her own Cosmic Causal Body. This requires Ascended and Free Humanity guiding and directing the Elemental Kingdom, through Loving Gratitude, into being open and receptive to manifesting this Divine Potential as Earth’s embodied Solar Consciousness. Think on this opportunity as Ascending Humanity! This requires our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with Humanity …and with the Elemental Kingdom!

The Causal Forcefields within the Elemental Kingdom are filled with Perfection Patterns ready and prepared to be made manifest in this New Age. And from the Ascending Vibrational Fields developing within Humanity, so shall it be! Humanity was intended to be the Governing God Intelligence on the planet …through Love. The Co-creation of such Perfection Patterns was to be through Humanity’s Three-fold Flame in action …becoming this Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love! This is the Divine Plan of Father / Mother God in action …for Humanity and for the Elemental Kingdom of our sweet Earth!

VISUALIZATION …of the Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness of Ascending Humanity, establishing the required Forcefield of Spiritual Endowment for all Lifeforce on Earth!

Let us begin with becoming calm and relaxed in our physical presence, breathing easily and rhythmically. Let us assume our True Identity within our Divine Instrument …an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  Let us abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light. Here I AM within the Great, Great Silence …of the endless Golden Light of Divine Peace. I AM sealed in this Celestial Truth! (Pause)

As I rhythmically breath in and out within this Vibrational Field, I notice its medley of Divine Color and Sacred Tone. I then realize with elevated perception that I also abide in the Great Golden Light of every other Eternal Flame. This includes the Ascended Master Vibrational Fields of Light Eternal …but also the Radiant Vibrational Fields of  the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, now all vibrating together in the Light of our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness!  And into this we draw the soft Light of every Spirit Spark (of Eternal Flame) within all Humanity. Here we acknowledge all Humanity having an anchorage of Father / Mother God, and that each one is the potential Standard Bearer of their own Eternal Flame. Ascended and Free Light Service contains the Divine Potential of every Spirit Spark, however developed or undeveloped, however hidden by ego it may be at present. This is our Holy Communion …our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness!

And in this Great Solar Quiet, I breath in unison with it all …at the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Divinity within. As this Ocean of Holy Communion expands, I sense one Breath, one Heartbeat, one Consciousness and one Family of Humanity! I acknowledge this same experience is also occurring within everyone else that I AM in Holy Communion with! For we are (I AM!) synchronized at a level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …untouched by ego! It matters only that I operate within my full Spiritual Agency in this Holy Communion …knowing that as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! And I AM the Faith that such higher perception now grows and develops in all life that I AM in Holy Communion with. This is the Transformational Event in Consciousness that I serve! This is fulfilling the Ascension Process of Humanity. Here I understand the Divine Plan! (Pause)

I see, feel and deeply accept this Forcefield of Spiritual Endowment  as the purpose of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …that embodied Humanity is now responsible for her own Ascension Process …with the unlimited assistance of the Spiritual Hierarchy and all Beings of Great Light.  As I breathe with Humanity, I place all Lifeforce at the center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross. Every Inbreath is the absorption and assimilation of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love into the very fabric of embodiment. Every Outbreath is a further expansion and projection of this Forcefield into daily life uniting all life in her Ascended State. The encompassing of nature of Divine Love is inclusive of all life living free in the Light. (Pause)

Then I present before Humanity the Divine Potential of her True Identity …an embodied Eternal Flame of developing Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, experiencing its endless journey across Universal I AM …currently embodied in the world of form. I hold the Immaculate Concept of each one’s Divine Potential as an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …experienced in elemental vehicles, but with the full support of the Seven Chakra Suns, Twelve Solar Meridians and the Violet Fire that transmutes karma …so that the possibilities of Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty, Strength and Stamina can be maintained throughout this embodiment …revealing an enlightened journey of endless possibilities across many embodiments! I present Humanity with her free will choice of the Divine Potential …once ego illusion has been cleared. And I AM committed to this Light Service until all life is Ascended and Free! We invoke the Transformational Events in Consciousness necessary for this Awakening, until all are aware of their Divine Instrument …of being an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

In doing so, I hold before Humanity the Divine Potential of her embodied Solar Consciousness. That instead of a dystopian future of ego illusion, Humanity’s Ascension Process leads to a utopian vision of the I AM Race …Ascended and Free Humanity living on her Ascended and Free Earth, in its Ascended and Free Orbit. I present before Humanity the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure occupying the three Chakra Suns beginning at the base of the spine. This is the Eternal Sun of Elemental Perfection Patterns as originally designed in the Divine Plan …for a utopian life in embodiment, rather than waiting for this Reality in ‘an afterlife’.

This Eternal Sun of Even Pressure is a 'wave-function' Electronic Forcefield, in which Elemental life achieves her Divine Potential in it’s 'particle-function' form. Meditate on this! As the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self, I AM both …Elemental Perfection Patterns in their 'wave-function' Light Body, and my embodied Solar Consciousness materialized in its 'particle-function' state of Elemental Vehicles. All of this is possible in the Divine Activity of the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy, Harmony and Balance. This opens my Ascended Mastery! And in a Divine Reverence for all Elemental life, I AM open and receptive to living my Ascended Mastery in the Elemental Kingdom through Love Divine …Elemental life within me …and of all Elemental life within Nature.

Above this Elemental Sun is the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit …the Divine Potential of our feeling nature. This occupies our Heart and Throat Chakra Suns … giving Voice and Presence to Divine Love in all its aspects. Then towards the top of the spine is the Eternal Sun of God Illumination, centered within our Third Eye / Crown of the Elohim at the forehead, as well as the Thousand Petaled Lotus Chakra atop the head. This opens us to the Infinite Mind of God at Higher Perceptions of Reality. We open these three Gates and reflect this Reality of embodied Solar Consciousness to Humanity!

We reveal the Divine Alignment of these three Suns, as a vision of the Twelve-fold Solar Spine of embodied Solar Consciousness. Each Sun or Forcefield has its Four Cardinal Points, as if a Maltese Cross …totalling Twelve Cardinal Points (3x4), reproducing the Twelve Houses of the Sun. Then in this Ascended and Free State, as an embodied member of Humanity, I have at my disposal the Major Forces of Co-creation from the Sun and Central Sun of Father / Mother God. This was intended in the Original Divine Plan for our sweet Earth and her Humanity …that the Cosmic Christ Principle of Divine Love governs the Elemental Kingdom of our sweet Earth in Reverence for all Life, manifesting Heaven on Earth.

Let us daily enter this Kingdom of Heaven. Our Holy Communion with Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom is a Forcefield of safety and solace …our living Sanctuary! For this is the purpose of our embodiment …and of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!

Sealing this mediation in Peace Divine,


ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED KWAN YIN …on the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness preparing ‘the Way’ of our embodied Solar Consciousness:

The Eternal Sun of Even Pressure
is the Eternal Presence of Elemental Constancy …
is the Eternal Spring of Elemental Harmony and Balance …
is the Electronic Sun of Elemental Perfection Patterns …
is the Elemental Womb of embodied Solar Consciousness!

Beloved Friends of Spiritual Freedom …I greet you from my Lotus Flower of Divine Consciousness flourishing along the Feminine Ray and the Seventh Ray …and, as a Feminine Ray Buddha assisting the developing Consciousness of Humanity for this Cosmic Moment.

Dear ones, the Feminine Ray has been developing and evolving the womb of embodied Solar Consciousness …done over many generations. And we do so on behalf of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Beloved Saint Germain. For the Cosmic Violet Fire is destined to bring the birth of embodied Solar Consciousness to Humanity. This first takes place on the Spiritual Level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Already the Sixth and Seventh Root Races have been anchoring this womb of embodied Solar Consciousness. The Great Cosmic Inbreath establishes the Resurrection and the Life of this portal of embodied Solar Consciousness into Humanity …beginning the development of the I AM Race.  These are the Four Foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming, all involved in this Sacred Activity! Let us begin …

Beloved Ones …like the planning of any birth, the womb needs to be prepared, nurtured and protected, so that the birth may occur in Divine Order.  All of these necessary steps are within the Cosmic Violet Fire.

The Violet Fire first transmutes karmic debt, through the
Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness.

The Cosmic Violet Fire then gives birth to an embodied Solar
, nourishing its ongoing manifest existence
through Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness and Divine
Ceremony, until she is thriving within daily life.

This is the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!
Through Higher Frequency Vibrational Fields, the
Divine Potential of our True Identity thrives!

I AM an Eternal Flame, and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
My Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light is everywhere present!
Therefore, as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me.
Together, all life abides in the Great Solar Quiet of
my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM a Sun of the Sun!

This is my Holy Communion with the world!
Here, I AM Ascended and Free!

I AM the Eternal Flame’s
Twelve-fold Radiance of Infinite Divinity.
I AM Sun of the Sun and my Light gives life to the world!


Dear Ones, as our embodied Solar Consciousness gains Momentum in the world of form, it transposes the Love, Wisdom and Power of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame into daily life. The Unconditional Love Nature of Father / Mother God is supreme and is Inbreathed, Absorbed, and Assimilated …then Expanded and Projected forth through the Sun of Holy Spirit.  The Wisdom Nature of Father / Mother God is absolute and anchored through the Sun of God Illumination …allowing for Oneness with the Mind of God.  This is the understanding ‘that surpasses the outer mind’.

The Power Nature of Father / Mother God is transposed into the world of form through the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …the Eternal Sun of Elemental Perfection Patterns …in order to empower Co-creation within Humanity.  Perfection Patterns of Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty are now empowered …rather than karmic debt empowering distress, disease and death. Again, all of this fulfills the Law of Life …what I think and feel, I bring into form. These are the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness in Divine Alignment! This is the basis of becoming the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self …a Light Commanding Presence building the foundation of Spiritual Freedom on Earth!

Let us once again visualize these three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness. We begin with the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy …the hologram of the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at the center of Earth. This Forcefield maintains 'particle-function' Harmony and Balance that allows for embodied Solar Consciousness. The Ascension Chakra at the base of the spine represents the Unity of the Masculine and Feminine Ray Qualities within Humanity. Along the journey of Spiritual Development, this unity may occur on the physical, etheric, mental and emotional levels of functioning …and be experienced uniquely.

But eventually along the Ascension Process, our Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray Harmony and Balance becomes purely experienced on a 'wave-function' basis …allowing for connection with our White Fire Being …the Twin Flames in Unity. This aspect of our Divine Instrument is the Mystic Union of the Masculine / Feminine …expanding our Consciousness to a profound Solar Frequency. This process begins at the base of the spine at the Ascension Chakra Sun and spirals up our Kundalini River along the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness, until our Ascended and Free State is assured. Here we focus our daily Divine Ceremony in this Practice!

Beloved Ones, as you do this Practice, feel enfolded by the Feminine Ray and the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom, for then there I AM!




Beloved Children of the Light, in the beginning was the Word! Co-creation began with Sacred Tone! The Elohim were there! And we are here today …to now create the new beginning of embodied Solar Consciousness …setting all Vibrational Fields ablaze with our Ascended and Free Keynote. Allow me to offer a vista from my Cosmic Vision of our sweet Earth, her present Cosmic Moment and the birth of her embodied Solar Consciousness.

The Elohim hold the Immaculate Concept in their Activity of Co-creation. We draw from Father / Mother God the Divine Blueprint of New Creation and though the Seven Steps of Precipitation, we co-create  / precipitate that Divine Potential …together, standing in the Light! This is what is captured with the Crown of the Elohim Activity upon the forehead of Humanity …when in her True Identity. This Third Eye Focus is a hologram of our Cosmic Light Service …embodied within Humanity!  It is to be opened and activated with embodied Solar Consciousness, beginning now!

Beloved ones, the Elohim are aware of your embodied Light Service.  We have some idea of the ups and downs of daily life. But what we pay close attention to is your attention and motives in your use of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. What makes Humanity so interesting a domain to serve within, is that the Divine Potential of Co-creation has been usurped by ego ever since the ‘great fall’ in consciousness. One of the present possibilities, out of endless potentials for Humanity, is that the outer world of ego illusion is to become so ‘confused through illusion’, that the only salvation will be to turn within.  And there will be a mighty pressure to do so. And there will shine the Immaculate Concept of Divine Self and of its Co-creation within daily life.

The Gathering of Ascending Humanity assists the Elohim and the Silent Watchers in holding this Divine Potential, as the most desired outcome for Humanity and our sweet Earth. Let us review this Light Service. The Gathering of Ascending Humanity first ‘gathers’ as a Sacred Energy Forcefield of Divine Expectation. Around this is built a global Vibrational Field …principally composed of Divine Feelings centered in Reverence for all Life. For this is the innate Love Nature of Holy Spirit into which Humanity was first born as the Eternal Flame upon its Altar of Infinite Light …directly from the Flame of Father / Mother God. This Reality will now be remembered, felt and experienced as Home …as Humanity ‘turns within’.  Then together, we fill this experience with God Illumination and the Divine Consciousness of the Realms of Light. This is the Gathering of Ascending Humanity serving with the Elohim and Silent Watchers.

More than what appears obvious upon the outer screen of life, Humanity strongly desires to come home Spiritually.  They are seeking! And though Light Service we now offer them the steps beyond the religious dogma appropriate for a previous age. Seeking the Light in the Christian Dispensation began with the Three Wisemen searching out and finding the Star of Bethlehem, doing so amongst all the confusion and stress of that time. So now, even when illusion and confusion appear overpowering, it prompts Humanity to turn within for the Truth. And there she will find her Guiding Starthe Star of Spiritual Freedom. It has been Initiated through your Light Service.

Here they will find surcease of physical distress and disease within the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy. Here they will find the ‘Peace that surpasses outer understanding’ within the Sun of Holy Spirit …the Sacred Vibrational Field of the Holy Comforter.  Here they find the antidote to ego confusion / illusion, within the Sun of God Illumination …discovered as Higher Perception Reality. This is the Divine Outcome of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …inclusive of all life living free in the Light!

Taken in total, they find Freedom's Holy Star, whose Vibrational Fields contain the Next Life Wave Coming for Humanity …an upward rushing Force of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness ascending her into her permanent New Age of Spiritual Freedom. This Cosmic Momentum is revealed as the Resurrection and the Life …rolling back the rock of illusion and standing forth as Humanity’s Spiritual Freedom (the Arisen Christ). And from that point, Humanity graduates into embodied Solar Consciousness.

Let us visualize the Next Life Wave Coming as the four foundations of the Maltese Cross …with the ‘Sun of the Sun’ (the Solar Christ Self) at its center. We see, feel and deeply accept these Sacred Energies registering on many levels …

Sub-atomic and elemental matter,
to simple cellular plant and animal life,
to complex and developed plant and animal life,
to mass consciousness of Humanity in her daily life,
to 'accelerating evolving awareness' of Humanity,
to the Wisdom Consciousness of Humanity,
to Ascended and Free Humanity!

The role of the Elohim in this Ascension Process includes the Sacred Tone of New Life …derived from New Levels of Being. Together, we have ‘built the Way’ for this Activity. The Gathering of Ascending Humanity have cleared our way, through Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness and with us, Building an Eternal Life in the Light! Dear Ones, Sacred Tone or Divine Keynote is generated by 'wave-function' Vibrational Fields that herald this New Coming.  Before matter, substance and form, there is Sacred Tone. Biblically, we might think of Gabriel’s Horn, heralding a New Age!

Music of the Spheres

Sacred Tone is the Vibrational Fields of Co-creation. The Twelve Houses of the Sun and the Seven-fold Crown of the Elohim radiate the Keynotes of the Elohim. Music as Sacred Tone is the setter of Divine Vibrational Fields for any moment of Creation, depending on the stage of Co-creation involved.  That is why there are endless Keynotes …of endless Ascended Master and Cosmic Beings associated with the Co-creation of Heaven and Earth. This process evolves down to the levels of every cell, atom and electron, each having a tone. Here Humanity was to govern Co-creation through the setting of Sacred Tone …within all these Vibrational Fields!

Such is the Divine Potential of the Ascended and Free Humanity, living on Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit. The Vibrational Fields of all Ascending Humanity will be a Grand Symphony of billions of Keynotes of each Solar Christ Self involved. The Keynote of our sweet Earth is the Unity of all Humanity’s Sacred Tones, adding to the Music of the Spheres on the Cosmic level. And the Great Cosmic Inbreath depends on hearing enough of this collective Keynote from embodied Solar Consciousness!  Think on this, for the Universe awaits this tonal signal!

On a personal note, one’s Divine Keynote is sounded whenever an embodied Solar Consciousness establishes a Vibrational Field of its own Perfection Patterns. The Causal Body is then activated …as the sustained momentum of all our ‘vibrational fields’ of previous Light Service ever sent out in Love Divine. And the return current is magnified in its Momentum, which makes the Causal Body such a powerful contributor to our Light Service. For within its Forcefield, we might abide in the Vibrational Fields of our personal Divine Keynote …and thus set the Music of the Spheres we came to co-create with, in this embodiment …here and now!

And whereas the ego sends out a distorted tone, the Eternal Flame emits a Pure Tone. And as Humanity turns within to escape confusion / illusion, their Heart will recognize the Pure Tones of Truth and will move towards that Light! And the more our Sacred Keynotes set the Vibrational Fields within Earth’s atmosphere, the more we move Humanity forward in her Ascension Process. Let us all become Gabriel’s Horn …a collective Divine Instrument, sounding the Revelation of embodied Solar Consciousness …of the Resurrection and the Life of our Divine Instrument …and of our True Identity as a Beings of Great Light.

Oh, Children of the Sun …Children of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races …let us also listen from within our Sun of Holy Spirit for this Pure Tone from other persons, places, conditions, and things, and move towards that Light …even while simultaneously giving forth our own Ascended and Free Keynote into the Unity of Vibrational Fields, which is the Co creation of daily life on our sweet Earth!


[1] Governing is the First Ray Activity, God Intelligence is the Second Ray Activity, and Divine Love is the Third Ray Activity …together forming the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame in action!