April 2022

April, 2022


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.

I AM …Ascended and Free!

I AM inclusive of all life,

living Free in the Light.


From within this Infinite Sphere of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,

In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,

Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love

uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and

Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:












(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the global Forcefield

of all the goodness in the world!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the global Forcefield

of all the goodness in the world!


I AM that I AM!

I AM God in Action!

In preparation for Light Service this month, I now

raise up my elemental vehicles into their Divine Potential,

to live the Mysteries of the Flame of Immortality in daily life!

I place my earth elementals into the Flame of Immortality

and I accelerate this precious substance into its Quantum State.

I place my water elementals into the Flame of Immortality

and I accelerate this precious substance into its Quantum State.

I place my air elementals into the Flame of Immortality

and I accelerate this precious substance into its Quantum State.

I place my fire elementals into the Flame of Immortality

and I accelerate this precious substance into its Quantum State.

And I stand forth in my Quantum State Light Body!

I AM Ascended and Free, together, standing in this Light!

Therefore I AM! …

open and receptive to the unified

Causal Body Energies of the Solar System.

I AM in the stream of Oneness Consciousness

of all Suns in Divine Alignment: from the Eternal Sun

of Even Pressure at the center of Earth, to the Sun of the Sun

as the Divine Potential of Humanity …to the Sun, Central Sun

and Great Central Sun in the Eternal Realms of Light!

I AM open and receptive to the Divine Potential

of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

I AM Seven Chakra Suns functioning as Seven Sun Temples!

I AM Seven Rays of the Holy Christ Self anchored on Earth.

This is the basis of the Pagoda of Seven Ascension Patterns

…raising up all life as I AM raised up! And as I AM

Ascending into Solar Christ Consciousness,

so all life Ascends with me!

I AM the Victory of the Flame of Immortality embodied on Earth!

I AM a completed Seven-fold Holy Christ Self, anointed by

Holy Spirit in First Cause …Love, and Love alone!

I AM a Twelve-fold Solar Being, representing

the Twelve Houses of the Sun!

In every 'mindful moment' …as my True Identity …as the

Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, I affirm:

As I AM raised up in this moment, so is all life

raised up with me …in this very moment!

And then in every moment, upon every moment,

all life is continually raised up into her Divine Potential!




Beloved Ones, let us begin all Light Service this Solar Year within Lord Michael's Sword of Cosmic Blue Lightning, wrapped in that Cloak of Invisibility and Invincibility, surrounded by Legions of Cosmic Seraphim in Victory Formation.  And from this Ascended and Free State of Power, Protection and Invisibility to any forces less than the Light, we move forward in the Ascension Currents within the Flame of Immortality and the Infinite Perfection Patterns contained within its Radiant Light.  Here I AM the Cosmic Christ in action. From this position of full Power and Authority do we offer our Solar Year Light Service. And SO IT IS![1]

Dear Ones, this monthly cycle is dedicated to the Mighty Victory of the Divine Potential of all life.  But first, let us examine the concept of Victory in our use of language in Ascended and Free concepts.  Outside of time, we affirm the finished product, the Divine Plan fulfilled …and WE KNOW AND DECLARE IT SO!  Within time, we affirm we are building the Divine Consciousness that will eventually (within time) fully manifest that Divine Potential. One statement is "I AM Ascended and Free"! And SO IT IS! Another truth is "I AM a dedicated Keeper of the Flame, building Divine Self, building Divine Consciousness and building an Eternal Life in the Light! And SO IT IS! Both are True. Let us invoke the Holy Spirit of Comfort …the Holy Comforter …to be comfortable with both realities …for such is our daily Light Service!

In this State of Comfort, let us attune to one of the Sponsors of this Solar Year, Beloved Mighty Victory. The motto of the Great Light Brotherhood is a Victory Statement …To know, to dare, to do, and to be silent!  Let us examine our Light Service within this motto …and give Gratitude to the many millennia of Light Service by the Great Beings who have walked this Path before us. Let us contemplate this motto we serve …this maxim of Light Service followed through the centuries …into the present moment.

'To know' is to understand the Plan of Creation and the Divine Potential for Earth and Humanity.  This itself is an amazing accomplishment of Enlightenment …seeing with Crystal Vision the concept of the Victory of Divine Potential …the Highest Possible Outcome …over so many other potentials, probabilities or possibilities.  This is understanding and sustaining immense Faith in the Immaculate Concept …that we are Children of the Light, from Higher Frequency Realms, embodying on Earth to reveal this same Light within the world of form. This is Humanity's Divine Potential.

'To dare' is to hold to this Divine Potential in the face of the imbalanced consciousness all around us …daring against all evidence that suggests 'what we hold to' is very improbable or even impossible.  Why do we dare …? Because someone must 'dare'.  Whether building a new business, new technology, new education system or new government…someone has 'to dare' to envision and declare the highest possible outcome and then hold to that Immaculate Concept endlessly, without fail, in the face of all opposition.  And here is our Light Service …building a New Age of Spiritual Freedom in the same fashion, with the same spirit …spiritual entrepreneurism …daring to dream the Highest Dream!

'To do' is the work of building the new creation.  This too is our Light Service …Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness, Building an Eternal Life in the Light! This our 'doing', us building our Divine Potential as we best understand the Plan of Creation.  This we do even with (or despite) all the karmic complexity that accompanies embodiment …all the karma of self and the karma of the world.  This is our individual and collective work in meditation, visualization, affirmations / decrees, mantras and song, music and tone …all in a daily Rhythmic Ceremony and with a constancy of application.  This is our Victory of clearing the Way in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness for our new creation.

'To be silent' is to do this Light Service free of ego and spiritual pride, to perform our spiritual practice anonymously, in the Great, Great Silence …as in empty of all the noise of 'self, time and space'! And then to give Light Service the same way Ascended Masters do …as a glad gift of Love …given in the free, uninterrupted flow of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  This is our Victory and our Victory Statement!  This is our Ascension!

This is the Victory of everything Beloved Sanat Kumara came to do …and now to finish!  He created the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Light Brotherhood …and its motto! And for those of us who have served his Cause over untold Earth cycles, and all the disappointments of having to build and then rebuild Shamballa several times …to build and then rebuild several Golden Ages …we have done so through putting this motto of the Great Light Brotherhood into practice!

And now to the present moment…of Endings and New Beginnings …and to its Victory through practice of the same spiritual motto, still in service to Beloved Sanat Kumara and to his Spiritual Hierarchy …now very much including the Gathering of Ascending Humanity and its Ascended and Free Light Service …all within the eternal lineage of Great Light Servers of Earth.

In this Spirit of the Great Light Brotherhood and its Eternal Motto, let us visualize our Solar Spine and its Seven Chakra Suns now abiding within the Star of Sanat Kumara …within the Solar Consciousness of the Eye of Divine Liberty.  We stand together in the Crystalline White Light at the center of the Great Love Star …in the Pure Ascension Flame! We see, feel and deeply accept our True Identity as the Eternal Flame …Eternally Flame …as well as its Infinite Radiant Light, which now blends with this Sacred White Fire we stand within. And as we Gather in the Great Love Star, we see, feel and deeply accept our Solar Spine and the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves along it …Ascending all lifeforce on Earth into its Divine Potential! We affirm:

As I stand within the Ascension Flame, within the Great Love Star,

I AM Ascending …and all Lifeforce is Ascending with me!

I hold the Immaculate Concept of all Lifeforce on Earth,

fully engaged with the Next Life Wave Coming.

I AM all Lifeforce Ascending towards

Its Infinite Source …all within

the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

I AM that I AM!




Beloved Light Servers embodied in the world of form; I AM so very Grateful for your acknowledgement of our Cosmic Light Service. We are here to further your understanding in harnessing Consciousness within the denseness of form (particle-function). This is a great challenge, versus achieving this Mastery within the Electronic Lightness of Spirit (wave-function). Therefore, the Earth is an extraordinary opportunity for Mastery found nowhere else in this Solar System. But once accomplished, such Mastery then allows for free travel inter-dimensionally. Think of it! Humanity dreams of inter-planetary or even inter-galactic travel, but this dream is still a three-dimensional vision …encompassing a very narrow view of Reality known within our Multi-dimensional Universe.

Inter-dimensional travel begins with the individual Ascension Process. As you already know from your own practice, this allows for easy transition between different vibrational states of ourselves …of our Multi-dimensional True Identity.  Individually, we may experience any of our embodied Elemental Vehicles (physical, etheric, mental and emotional) and our Higher Nature through the entrance portal of our Eternal Flame …into States known as the Solar Christ Self …the Mighty I AM Presence …the Causal Body and ultimately, the White Fire Being in the Sun and Central Sun.

And this takes the individual from very dense forms of physical existence, including the dense emotional and mental experiences of this realm, all the way up to the exquisite Celestial Realms of Light within the Central Sun.  This is the Inter-dimensional travel the Ascended Masters experience at will …now open to the receptive Light Servers who practice and sustain True Identity …through centering within the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. And then imagine fulfilling Humanity's dreams of Interplanetary travel, through the Ascension Process. Such is the Divine Potential you represent!

This is what the Five-Pointed Golden Love Star of Venus represents …the assimilation of a Higher Frequency Multi-Dimensional Ascended Planet …for observation and mirroring; for engagement and for learning, during Earth's Planetary Ascension …to eventually becoming such an Ascended Planet herself …taking her rightful place in the heavenly diadem of Father / Mother God. This is Earth's developmental trajectory. Within time restrictions this may seem 'somewhere off in the future'. But outside of time, it is already done …experienced by Ascended Masters and now Ascending Humanity!

When scientific observatories see and measure the planet Venus with current technology, they see but the cocoon …which the beautiful butterfly once evolved from, its left-over corporeal nature from long ago. This is not the Divine Potential of the Great Love Star we see with our Multi-dimensional Crystal Vision. It would be like our Beloved Jesus might look back to his embodied physical vehicle from thousands of years ago from the heights of his exalted Electronic Ascended Master Body of Light now. Here, scientists can measure remnants of life possibly once there …but have no way yet to witness and measure the Multi-dimensional Glory of the Ascended I AM Race of Great Light Beings having evolved from a denser state to a Higher Frequency Spiritual form. But we see it …the Spiritual Planet / Forcefield that we know as the Great Love Star!

Beloved Ones, everything about Earth's Redemption from a 'fallen planet' through now to her New Age of Spiritual Freedom, comes from Beloved Sanat Kumara's sacrifice of 'millions of years of service' (within time). The coming of the Star of Sanat Kumara is like an Atomic Accelerator for Humanity[2] …possibly bringing disturbances in Humanity and in the Elemental Kingdom during this transformation process. But changes are all part of Endings and New Beginnings. Old patterns fall away, and new ones take flight.

The Great Love Star is an Electro-magnetic Forcefield, where every Eternal Flame is in Oneness Consciousness with every other Eternal Flame. And this Indivisible Flowing Wholeness becomes the fabric of an Ascended Planet, as the Cohesive Power of Divine Love. And this now creates the fabric of our Ascended and Free Earth …as Freedom's Holy Star!

Like you, I AM a Cosmic Being here to assist our Beloved Sanat Kumara in the final stages of this Redemption.  And for this service, all that is required is an offering …whereby "I offer self and the karma of self into the Eternal Flame". And then all I AM left with is the Infinite Radiant Light of the Eternal Flame …and this Light I offer to the world. This is all the goodness of my Lifestream blending with the Forcefield of all the goodness in the world …which accelerates the Earth Ascending!

Then I make a further offering. Here I offer 'all the karma of the world' into the global Eternal Flame. Then Humanity is left only with the Infinite Radiant Light of her Eternal Flame …which is now housed within all the goodness of the world. And this Forcefield of Light we collectively offer to the Great Cosmic Inbreath. This is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State. This is the Co-creation of Ascended and Free Earth! This is the Divine Potential we hold for our sweet Earth, as we sustain her perfect Axis within her perfect Orbit.

Beloved Ones, when the Divine Instrument is achieved …and there is only the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …then you have developed your Electro-magnetic Forcefield here on Earth.  Then together, standing in the Light, as countless Eternal Flames and their collective Infinite Radiant Light, we create a global Electro-magnetic Forcefield.  This then melds with the Electro-magnetic Forcefield that I sustain between the poles of Earth …and between the poles of our Solar System …and beyond, from the poles of our Galaxy of Alpha and Omega. Let us then feel the connection of all Electro-magnetic Forcefields in Oneness Consciousness …all aimed at raising the frequency of our sweet Earth into her Divine Potential. This is the grand, cosmic scale of 'together, standing in the Light!'

In this Oneness Consciousness of all Electro-magnetic Forcefields, let us see, feel and deeply accept the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves along our collective Solar Spine …from the poles of our personal Solar Spine, through to the poles of this Galaxy. Here our Seven Chakra Suns accelerate all chakras in all Humanity …as they then exist in this global Electro-magnetic Forcefield we co-create.  Our Eternal Flame is ascending our personal energies, which simultaneously accelerates all other awareness, into the Forcefield of all the goodness in the world … until Humanity desires only the Sacred Fire within. The development of such an Ascended and Free Planetary Matrix …Higher Frequency Electro-magnetic Forcefields in Oneness Consciousness …has occurred on all Ascended Planets.  It is this Divine Fabric of Life that the Great Love Star now offers Earth. Then Humanity may gather within 'all the goodness in the world' …as her Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State …as the Star of Spiritual Freedom!

These are the same Electromagnetic Forcefields that hold the planets in their proper orbits. It is also how local Solar Systems are interconnected in Oneness Consciousness …all connected with much larger Electromagnetic Forcefields throughout the Galaxy of Alpha and Omega and even Elohae and Eloha …the vast interconnectedness of Universal I AM. These Forcefields function in concert with each other and hold the Keys to the Great Cosmic Inbreath …of all life Ascending towards its Source. Astrophysicists now begin to understand this vast interconnectedness of Electromagnetic Forcefields. They speak of fields of 'radio waves, spin (polarization) and electromagnetic forces', where in Light Service we speak in terms of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.[3]

I leave you with this meditation on Electro-magnetic Forcefields …for this is my Service to Life. Come …join me is these Cosmic Planes within our True Identity, to experience the vastness of our Oneness Consciousness. Become your own Electro-magnetic Forcefield and your True 'Lightness of Being'!



Candidates for the Ascension!  I bow before your Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Your Ascension Path is unique …as in past centuries the Ascension was more of an individual accomplishment, and here you have pledged to bring the entire planet and all its Lifeforce with you into the Light! And I bow before this great Service to Life …given through the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. All Hail thy Light!

My current service is also greatly heightened at this moment, by the coming again of the Star of Sanat Kumara. It was his Great Cause of an entire planet's Redemption which brought me to Earth, eventually to become Guardian of its Ascension Flame.  With the coming again of the Great Love Star, the Brothers / Sisters of the Ascension Temple here on Earth, as well as our Legions of Seraphim, Cherubim and Angelic Hosts, have accelerated the atomic activation of Humanity, the Angels and Elementals. This is one of our Initiations as a Temple and its First Cause of the Ascension of all life …an Initiation which awaited the coming of this Great Love Star. This atomic acceleration will temporarily cause a disturbance in Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom …but will also globally accelerate the Ascension Process.

Our Crystalline White Ascension Flame produces a heightened Atomic Accelerator Activity, to give maximum assistance to the opening of Solar Christ Consciousness within Humanity. This occurs at the level of cells, atoms and electrons. Given the heightened confusion, divisiveness and imbalance seen in outer affairs, Humanity is ever-more driven to attune to her Inner Spiritual Life …detaching from outer life. In such a process, Humanity may find 'inner common ground'. And here is where the Ascension Flame Accelerator Activity may have its greatest effect.

The Eye of Divine Liberty reveals the Golden Love Star of Venus. From within this Forcefield, Beloved Sanat Kumara radiates his continued but accelerated Service of Redemption.  At the center of the Great Love Star is the Pure Diamond White Ascension Flame. Its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness is then assimilated into the Light Bodies of the Mighty Seraphim, Cherubim and Angelic Hosts of our Ray, who serve from within the Forcefield of the Love Star. These Cosmic Angels have served this Atomic Accelerator Activity during the Advent of every New Age …as well as every Revelation of Higher Frequency Truth …on this planet, on Venus, as well as on many other Systems.

And this is precisely the Cosmic Moment we are now within …Endings and New Beginnings! I have a long history with our sweet Earth, from even before the ‘great fall’ in Consciousness.  I was serving as one of 49 Seraphim in the Temple of Father / Mother God, when Beloved Helios and Vesta originally placed the Divine Plan for Earth into the Heart Flame of the Silent Watcher, Beloved Immaculata.  I served as the transmission from one Flame to the other, receiving this Sacred Flame from the God Parents and then offering it to the Silent Watcher.  And then again after the ‘great fall’, I came as one of the 49 Seraphim serving with Sanat Kumara in his mission to Redeem Earth.

And once again I volunteered to initiate the transmission of the Ascension Flame from Father / Mother God into Humanity, holding its Focus on Earth, until Humanity could raise herself to meet us halfway! This Transmission of the Flame occurred in previous Golden Ages, when our Temple was opened to all who sought the Ascension. And presently the Gathering of Ascending Humanity meets us halfway! You have raised up to meet us at the juncture of Heaven and Earth …where Spirit infuses matter. And so, I may do this same service again, initiating Transmission of the Flame of the Great Love Star into the Global Flame of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …and through you into the entire Lifeforce you represent!

The Love Ray of Venus is closely associated with the Love Ray of Holy Spirit.  Beloved Holy Aeolus was elevated to become Cosmic Holy Spirit to this entire Solar System at the same moment Beloved Sanat Kumara gained his release from Earth …assisted by the Momentum of Light built by the Light Servers. But out of respect for Beloved Sanat Kumara, the Cosmic Holy Spirit maintained his primary Temple of Love on Earth (rather than on a more advanced planet) in order to assist in its planetary redemption. Please be aware you serve with so many dedicated Souls …on so many levels of Consciousness!


This Five-Pointed Golden Love Star may take the shape of a fully Christed Light Being …as the Cosmic Christ, the Divine Potential of the lifecycle on Earth …Ascended and Free! Let us visualize each one becoming this Five-Pointed Star …anchored on Earth! Let us stand with our Solar Spine erect …our feet slightly spread as a solid foundation on Earth. Here the Light Rays of our Great Love Star pierce deep into the planet, reaching the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at its center. Then we see our arms extending upwards and outwards, radiating the Light around the planet. We see and feel this Light circling the planet …and we feel its return current to us. And then our head held high (the 5th point), with the Light Ascending our Solar Spine, spiralling out the top of the head towards the Heavens, where it fully connects with the Great Love Star and beyond into the Infinite Realms of Father / Mother God.

This is becoming the Five-Pointed Golden Love Star …anchored on Earth, radiating the Cohesive Power of Divine Love. This is the Foundation as Builders of the Star of Spiritual Freedom, bringing Earth into Divine Alignment with all Planets and Suns already in their Ascended and Free State. This is our Electronic Light Body together, standing in the Ascension Flame …becoming the Electronic Light Body of our sweet Earth, in her Ascended and Free State! The Golden Love Star radiates with this Sacred Purpose …to initiate and magnetize the Earth into her Divine Identity as the Star of Spiritual Freedom!

As part of the Atomic Accelerator Activity, the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is now coming into Oneness Consciousness (i.e., quantum entanglement) with the Great Love Star as well as with the Forcefield of all the goodness in the world. You now become the Transmission of this Flame!  The Great Love Star thus pours directly through you, to all the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way. Think of it …the Power of this Forcefield! The Ascension Flame is that aspect of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love now uniting all life in powerfully accelerating towards its Divine Potential!

Here we stand together in the 'Secret Love Star'[5] …standing at its core, within the Shimmering White Lotus of Ascension Flame. Let us feel and deeply accept the Divine Power in this. See within this White Lotus the Seven Electronic Perfection Patterns of the Ascension …in the form of Shimmering White Electronic Doves. Each Dove holds their level of Lifeforce within its Electronic Perfection Pattern. The entire Pagoda now operates within the Great Love Star …an Atomic Accelerator for all Lifeforce on Earth! And this Activity only magnifies through our attention on it …through the Power of our rhythmic global meditations.

You know well that the great majority of Humanity do desire an ever-increasing goodness to be the principal driving force in daily life. I knew this would be the result of all the Light Service over generations.  It is why I have stayed on as the Chohan of the Fourth Ray to ensure the Ascension Flame was always burning brightly somewhere on Earth …for I knew this moment would come. And even through great cataclysmic activity, the sinking and rising of continents, the coming and going of great civilizations …here we are!  Like all the Sacred Fires, there were always Keepers of this Flame! We honor all previously embodied Light Servers and all the Seraphim, Cherubim and Angelic Hosts who have served with them in maintaining an opportunity for the Ascension of Humanity and her sweet Earth. And now, it is a privilege to serve with you!


ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LORD MICHAEL …on using the Power and Authority within the Flame of Immortality 

Beloved Friends of Freedom …I stand before you in the full Light of my Cosmic Being …just as I present myself in the Sun, Central Sun, and Great Central Sun! Yet I also stand in the Light of your Sun of the Sun, embodied within daily life …in the Radiance of your Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. So too do we all stand in the Light of your global Presence representing the I AM Race …establishing the foundation of Ascended and Free Humanity, living on her Ascended and Free Earth, in her Ascended and Free Orbit. Such is my vision of our sojourn together, this cycle!

You may be aware of my service within the lower vibrational realms of the planet, cutting life free from the binds of negativity and imbalance.  As I do this Service, I have a mantra that vibrates through me and the Legions of Angels in my Service: "By the Power of the Flame of Immortality vested in me, I bless this part of life back to the Central Sun for repolarization, never again having to serve human creation!" I use this mantra as I activate the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame Activity around the souls bound up in attachments to negative energies …most of which comes from unresolved karma, of self and of the world. I never tire in this Cause …as the Flame of Immortality never tires …in fact only generates more Power and Authority with every use! And eventually the Power expands to redeem an entire world …as in the affirmation of the Cosmic Christ: "I AM the Light of the world …I AM the Infinite Radiant Light of the Eternal Flame of Immortality"!

Join me now in this Power and Authority …for it is the Light Everlasting! It is the Diamond Crystal Sun at the center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross, within the Solar Year Thoughtform. This Sun of Light then radiates the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State. It carries a Violet Brilliance …transmuting through Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness all the karma of self and of the world. This Activity is always empowered and directed by the Flame of Immortality …the Authority of Father / Mother God alive and active within Humanity!

This is the Power and Authority of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity! Through disciplined focus, our combined Light Service now redeems the world, readying her for her Higher Frequency Love Orbit within the Great Cosmic Inbreath. Together, standing in the Light, let us affirm with the Voice of the Great I AM! ...

I AM standing in my spiraling Seven-fold Kundalini River.

I AM Ascending my creative faculties and all my

thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.


I AM the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves along

my Solar Spine, with each of the Electronic Doves

purifying every thought, feeling, word and

deed within that level of Lifeforce!


As I AM raised up, so is all life

raised up with me …including:

all sub-atomic and formed matter;

all simple cellular plant and animal life;

all complex and developed plant and animal life;

all mass consciousness of Humanity in her daily life,

all 'accelerating evolving awareness' of Humanity;

all the Wisdom Consciousness of Humanity;

and all Ascended and Free Humanity!

By the Power of the Flame of Immortality vested in me, I bless every part of life back to the Central Sun for repolarization,

never again having to serve human creation!

I now claim the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame Activity,

vested through the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!

I claim this through the Power and Authority

of the Flame of Immortality, the Divine

Instrument and my True Identity!


I AM an Eternal Flame in the Infinite Radiant

Light of the Great Solar Quiet!

I AM that I AM!


[1] We also continue to encourage the gentle reader to read the Journal as if you are reading it to the global Consciousness of Humanity.  When done in our True Identity, the spoken word "shakes the ethers" with the Vibrations of the Voice of the Great I AM. Thus, we broadcast our Ascended and Free Energy, Vibration and Consciousness throughout the inner life of all Humanity …and reach the greatest number, having the greatest impact on thoughts, feelings, words and deeds in that fashion. This inner life is the fabric upon which we scribe our Ascension Concepts. We are (I AM!) building the inner foundation for Spiritual Freedom!

[2] Beloved Saint Germain knows and uses this Atomic Accelerator for personal use and has replicas of it secured in Ascended Master Retreats, to be revealed when Humanity is more prepared.

[3] From the Journal of Astrophysics …"Magnetic fields don't exist in isolation. They all must connect to each other. So, a next step is to better understand how local magnetic fields (around sections of Earth) connect to the larger-scale galactic magnetic fields …of our Sun and Earth."

[4] Beloved Serapis Bey is a Mighty Seraphim. He is an example of how Ascended Masters can serve within the Angelic Kingdom or, how Great Cosmic Angels can assume the position of Ascended Master for a role in the Spiritual Hierarchy. Think of Beloved Mother Mary and her role in Earth's Redemption …as the Divine Twin of the great Archangel Raphael. Beloved Serapis Bey came with the entourage of Beloved Sanat Kumara from Venus, in his service of saving the Earth from dissolution. He came at the front of a V formation of 49 Seraphim (7X7). He alone stayed on indefinitely …honoring Beloved Sanat Kumara by ensuring all life on Earth has the opportunity for the Ascension.