August, 2016
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Cosmic Momentum of God's
Will as it pertains to this present Cosmic Moment!
I AM Expanding / Projecting the Cosmic Momentum of God's
Will as it pertains to this present Cosmic Moment!
I AM that I AM!
I AM God's Will!
As an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light:
I AM shining for the Glory of Father / Mother God!
I AM shining with the Glory of Father / Mother God!
I AM shining with the Glory of Mighty I AM Presence!
I AM shining with the Glory of my Solar Christ Self!
I AM shining with the Glory of Cosmic Causal Body!
I AM shining with the Glory of my White Fire Being!
By the Power of the Three-fold Flame invested in me,
I bless all life on Earth back to the Great Central Sun for
repolarization, never again having to serve ego creation!
By the Power of the Three-fold Flame invested in the Gathering
of Ascended Humanity, I bless this Earth and her life force
back to the Great Central Sun for repolarization, never
again having to serve ego creation.
By the Power of the Three-fold Flame invested in the Gathering
of Ascended Humanity, the Spiritual Hierarchy and all Seven
Root Races of the I AM Race, I bless this Earth and her life force
back to the Great Central Sun for repolarization,
never again having to serve ego creation
I stand forth in the Light of a Thousand Suns!
This is the full force of every Three-fold Flame within
every Solar Christ Self! This is the Will of God …our
collective Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love!
I AM invoking the Solar Christ Self of all
Humanity, to express their Light into daily life.
I AM together, standing in the Light with each one!
Collectively, I AM the Light of infinite Suns, the Sun of
all Seven Root Races and the Home of the entire I AM Race.
It is God's Will that I AM empty of self and that I AM Flame!
God's Will is that I AM empty of time and thus an Eternal Flame!
It is God's Will that I AM empty of space …an Eternal Flame
and its Infinite Radiant Light, here, there, everywhere present!
God's Will is my Divine Instrument flourishing on Earth!
Free of self, time and space and all such restrictions:
Wherever there is Light, there I AM!
Wherever there is Love, there I AM!
Wherever there is Wisdom, there I AM!
Wherever there is God's Will, there I AM!
Wherever there is Divine Power, there I AM!
Wherever there is Spiritual Freedom, there I AM!
Wherever there is Sacred Fire, there I AM!
Wherever Holy Spirit is, there I AM!
As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity:
As Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light:
I AM gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom!
I look out upon the Universe from within my Eternal Flame,
upon the Altar of my Ascended and Free Temple. Here I
inbreathe, absorb, expand and project the Divine Essence
of my Cosmic Momentum, of all Seven Rays, into the world!
Here I shine as a Sun of the Sun, my Solar Christ Self!
I AM in Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with every
other Sun of the Sun within the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
Here I AM the Transmission of the Flame from Temple to Temple,
from Sun to Sun, until we have built the Sun of Earth, the Light of
a Thousand Suns, into our Matrix / Hologram of this Solar Year!
Here I AM the White Fire Being, stationed within the Mystic Ring of
Violet Fire; the Mighty I AM Presence as the Hierarch of this Temple;
and my Causal Body as the Momentum of this Temple.
Here I see the visitation of Holy Spirit upon the Arc of the
'Dawn of New Earth', as well as the Arc of Dawn of every one
within Humanity. Here I witness the Earth become the
Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.
Here I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with the
Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals, through the Cohesive
Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State!
I AM an individual Light Server!
I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
I AM New Earth in her New Heavens. I AM the
Seven Root Races all in Oneness. I AM the I AM Race!
I AM gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom.
These are the Forcefields of Sacred Fire within the Solar Year!
God's Will is that the Power of Sacred Fire …as the Governing,
God Intelligence, of Divine Love …now governs Humanity!
I AM gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom. These are the Forcefields of Sacred Fire within the Solar Year Thoughtform. They involve all Seven Root Races. God's Will / Desire is that the Divine Power of Sacred Fire now sets Humanity free. Let us review these Forces of Spiritual Freedom.
This Gathering of the Ascended Forces of Spiritual Freedom includes the Angels and Elementals. Consider their contributions as they have waited eons for an Ascended and Free Humanity on Earth to join their ranks in living in the Light. The Seven Archangels and the Seven Elohim guide the efforts of the Angels and Elementals Kingdom, bringing to bear the Forcefield of Sacred Fire into the physical realm. The Angels do this through the Radiance of Divine Qualities into the aura of persons, places, conditions and things. The Elemental Kingdom does this through their very presence / manifestation within the physical realm. They have waited eons for Humanity to attune to their Divine Presence of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, expressed in their Elemental fashion.
In this Gathering of the Ascended Forces of Spiritual Freedom, Cosmic Holy Spirit now visits the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love within Humanity …that Divine Aspect of all Humanity. This is preparation for the coming of the Cosmic Christ. The Cosmic Christ is gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom! Holy Spirit is gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom. The Lord of the World is gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom. The World Teacher is gathering the Forces of Spiritual Freedom. The Solar Year Thoughtform contains all the Forces of Spiritual Freedom!
The Higher Frequency Divine Love from Krishna and Sophia and the Kumaras is a magnetic Forcefield that now penetrates deep into the karmic substance of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races and draws them up towards the Higher Frequency of this Love Ray. In this journey, the karmic patterns of ego and inequity of the overly dominant Masculine Ray now bring such imbalance into awareness …and thus easier to be transmuted. All the Forcefields within the Solar Year Thoughtform is what will transmute this karmic energy …and, create the Matrix / Hologram for the New Earth …the Sun of Earth …the Light of a Thousand Suns!
Let us see New Earth as the Three-fold Flame of Creation …the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love. We may see this as the Diamond Blue Jewel at the center, surrounded by the sunshine yellow Flame of God Illumination, surrounded by the Radiant Sun of Divine Love. This Three-fold Flame contains all the Energy, Matter and Intelligence necessary for Victory. Holy Spirit then Illumines Humanity through this Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love anchoring into daily life consciousness.
As above, so below! This Spiritual Law now comes into prominence, as the Mighty I AM Presence and its Cosmic Causal Body is lived through the Solar Christ Self and its Twelve Solar Chakras …into daily life! All Humanity notices as the outer world of ego illusion reveals ever-greater duality, separation, and division. There is a force within Humanity that desires to fulfill the Law of Love and all the Children of Love …Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, Oneness Consciousness and Respect for all Life.
So, even as the outer world appears to separate into higher and lower frequencies, the Higher Frequency of Divine Love pours into Humanity to align all the ‘forces of goodness’ (seen and unseen, known and unknown) within daily life. And our role as Light Servers is the anchorage of these Higher Frequencies through our Creative Faculties, to ensure the Ascended Forces of Spiritual Freedom are readily accessible to Humanity. The Cosmic Christ …through the embodied Christ …is and always has been, the conduit between daily life and the Realms of Sacred Fire.
Imagine our Allies …the Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom through every Mighty God Presence within all Seven Root Races united as One Forcefield …that we refer to as ‘the Ascended and Free Realms’ in our Solar Year Thoughtform. The Cosmic Forcefield enters the world through our Creative Faculties …so that we prove the Law of as above, so below!
The great majority of Humanity has chosen Oneness Consciousness and thus has a magnetic attraction to this Law and through such alignment, they now proceed to prove it themselves …each in their own unique way, along whatever Ray they serve. Our Divine Plan in Ascended and Free Light Service is to establish and anchor this Forcefield of electro-magnetic attraction so that Humanity will naturally follow her Divine Instincts and draw closer to her own Solar Christ Self. The Perfection Patterns of Ascended and Free Consciousness then pour through the majority of Humanity. And with the majority of her Energy, Vibration and Consciousness ascending, the Golden Age then manifests!
The personal Ascension is achievable when greater than 50% of personal energies are Ascending! This is equally true for Humanity as a whole. Therefore, the greater the Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom anchored into Humanity, the closer we are to this ‘tipping point’ and the Golden Age appearing from within. And then it will seem like it has always been there …for indeed it has! It will simply be that the ‘veil of Maya’ covering this Truth has been lifted …transmuted through the Vehicle of the Manu. This is our Matrix / Hologram of Sacred Fire …our Thoughtform of this Solar Year, as it progresses through its cycles.
As karma arises for purification, Humanity then individually and collectively chooses which law they follow, the ‘ego of self’ or the Law of Love. It is God's Will that karmic patterns be made clear to Humanity (the illusionary life of ego) and equally, that Perfection Patterns of Divine Love (Theme and Thoughtform of Solar Year) be made clear …and that each one within Humanity chooses their path with their own free will at this Cosmic Moment. On the screen of life, one sees the karmic patterns in current affairs, as well as in personal details of daily life. This process of ‘clearly seeing’ is unique to each and its content is not the same. But the process is equally clear …to choose the expression of our free will …to direct the expression of our Energy, Vibration and Consciousness as co-creators of our world …for good (God's Will) or otherwise.
All Humanity now faces this free will choice. Our Service to the Light is to draw Humanity towards the Light within, through the Law of (electro-magnetic) Attraction. This is the attraction of qualities, and these Qualities express along all Seven Rays. As we practice our spiritual discipline along Ascended and Free Light Service and hold the Immaculate Concept for our central Theme and Thoughtform, then the Law of as above, so below …or, as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me …comes into action.
The Cosmic Laws work as automatically as physical laws. If we pick up a ball and then drop it, we do not command it to the ground, but rather the force of gravity draws it to the ground. Likewise, as we practice Oneness Consciousness with all Humanity and at the same moment draw ourselves into the Light and live there, the Law of Attraction is a spiritual impetus that draws ‘all that we are in Oneness Consciousness with’ into that same Light. We already know that the same law of attraction is present for ego (with examples all around in daily life). Therefore, we vowed to co-create a more powerful Forcefield of Attraction with Sacred Fire …the Higher Frequency Forces of Spiritual Freedom!
This service is a science …a devotion …a spiritual discipline and the expression of our free will! It is being a Disciple of Holy Spirit, with the Law of Love attracting Love being the electro-magnetic essence of Holy Spirit. In our True Identity, living as our Divine Instrument, we become a Radiating Forcefield of Love attracting Love. When the Christian Disciples left the physical presence of Beloved Jesus, they used this Law to attract followers to the Faith and build a worldwide Momentum of the Teachings of Christ …the Teachings of Divine Love. In our case, we left the Celestial Presence of the Cosmic Christ (as we came into embodiment) but with the same Higher Purpose, to become a Forcefield of Love attracting Love, within daily life.
And because we serve from the level of Cause …that is, on the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …we do not challenge personal beliefs of others. Rather, we allow for them to gently attune their personal lives to the Higher Frequency of Divine Love. We seal them in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, which serves to transmute the karmic patterns of ego attraction. Through the same Law of Attraction (but on a Higher Frequency), we invoke their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light to do its perfect work, to find their unique expression of God's Will. We set up the right and perfect circumstances for the Spiritual Laws to take their intended effects (which is God's Will in action) …no different than the law of gravity.
We have many allies in this Light Service …one of which is that Higher Laws supersede lower laws (just like in daily life, where the laws or decisions of higher courts supersede the laws or decisions of lower courts). Ego attraction of ‘low vibration living’ always surrenders to Higher Frequency Laws of Love attracting Love …if the Forcefield of Love generated is sufficient! And herein is our collective Light Service. For within our planetary Oneness Consciousness …our Matrix / Hologram of Spiritual Freedom …our Solar Year Thoughtform …there is a sufficient Forcefield for such Victory!
Beloved expressions of God's Will in Light Service to our sweet Earth: welcome into the Flame upon the Altar of God's First Ray. Let us explore together the First Ray and the nature of God's Will.
As you see on the outer screen of daily life, there are many levels of karmic patterns revealing themselves to be set free. The individuals involved have a false sense of reality. But in truth, they are simply revealing what needs to be set free. The Spiritual Hierarchy appreciates the stamina of all those that have Faith in goodness (includes the majority of Humanity), to withstand the constant and repetitive ‘veil of illusion’ of ‘lower frequency living’. Light Servers see this and still serve to anchor and sustain the Forcefield of Higher Frequency living …living Ascended and Free on Earth as a beacon of Divine Cause.
The Altar of the First Ray serves to replenish spiritual and physical stamina …to maintain this required Forcefield within Earth’s atmosphere. Most members of the Spiritual Hierarchy have also depended on the spiritual stamina of the First Ray during their embodiments within daily life. So we know exactly what your needs are and we serve you in this capacity, to maintain and sustain your fortitude in Light Service.
God's Will is purely a ‘process’ …rather than a content issue. It is in the drive to ensure the Love Nature of Father / Mother God finds expression along an infinite spectrum of manifestation. Ego has misused the notion of God's Will (as specific content) to control Humanity’s affairs in their favor. The Heart knows to follow God's Will as the process of ‘Love made manifest’. But the mind can be manipulated as to which path God prefers in outer form. Our magnetic attraction from Ascended and Free Realms is a Heart Attraction, which we pray overcomes any misguided attraction on the ego level. But as our Beloved Gandhi stated ‘the Truth always, always prevails’ …and Heart level Energy, Vibration and Consciousness is the Higher Truth that now prevails!
Father / Mother God’s only purpose is the Infinite Expression of Love in Action …and they leave the manifestation of that Cosmic Command to individual free will. This is the foundation of the creation of all ‘I AM Races’, which populate all the Infinite Universe. Those of us who serve the First Ray serve this purpose …from the Mighty Elohim through to the tiniest Elemental expressing a Love Pattern …or smallest Angel carrying this Love Frequency in her little aura.
And in our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness of Light Service, let us remember all our allies in this grand endeavor of Humanity’s Spiritual Freedom. For all the Angels and Elementals are at our ‘moments call’. Let us begin with the constant Invocation of these allies and their Forcefields of Sacred Fire, which they either carry in their Auras (Angels) or manifest in their bodies (Elementals). When you ‘see the beauty’ or ‘smell the scent’ of a blossoming flower, you actually perceive the manifestation of Sacred Fire! When you hear the sounds of the waterfall or the songs of the birds, you witness the manifestation of Sacred Fire! When you feel a Presence of a Divine Quality or the Radiation of Divinity, you perceive the Sacred Fire within the Aura of an Angel or Ascended Master. God’s Will is to fill your senses with Perfection Patterns of Divine Beauty …rather than to tell you what to think or what to believe. Once you experience Sacred Fire in all its manifestations, then your own thoughts, feelings, words and deeds will reflect your unique expression of God's Will through you. This is what your Divine Instrument was created for!
We are at a crossroads within daily life …where the evidence of ego and the evidence of Divine Beauty co-exist side by side ‘for all to see’. Thus, Forcefields of the true nature of God's Will are more needed than ever and we find them all over the globe within the community of Light Servers. The First Ray is that of Divine Power. As applied in the present moment, this Power is in sustaining the necessary and sufficient Momentum of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Perfection Patterns, to attract Humanity to their own capacity of manifesting Higher Purpose.
As you know, at the center of the Solar Year Thoughtform is the Electric Blue Diamond of God's Will. Around it blazes the Flame of Illumined Wisdom. From this Flame radiates the endless manifestations of Divine Love …an infinite array of Perfection Patterns awaiting their manifestation through an Ascended and Free Being. This Three-fold Flame represents our Ascended and Free Being …personally and that of Humanity collectively. It becomes our Ascended and Free New Earth …the Sun of Earth …the Light of a Thousand Suns
Let us serve this monthly cycle from within this Electric Blue Diamond at the center of the Thoughtform. Let us draw all life into this Forcefield of Divine Strength. We invoke for all Humanity the Power and Stamina so that she withstands all ego-illusion, even as we serve for its redemption within Sacred Fire. This is the nature of the embodied Christ and of the innate Buddha Nature …expressing the potency of Divine Love.
Within this Blue Diamond, visualize your Causal Body as Spheres of Light all around you …from well below your Center …to far above …and stretching as far as your Consciousness prevails. Here, you are at the Center is your Three-fold Flame …your True Identity …your Electronic Pattern that identifies your Ascended Master Presence, unique in all the Universe. Around your Eternal Flame is the Infinite Radiant Light of the Mighty I AM Presence and its projection into the world!
This is how the Angels and Elementals and Ascended Masters see you …as the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of unique Perfection Patterns. This is your True Identity …the Divine Instrument given to and developed by you for expanding the Glory of Father / Mother God. This is God's Will …that you see this Immaculate Concept when you think of your Light Service. This is the Eternal Flame Forcefield you add to the world. It is this Perfection Pattern that is weaved into the New Earth …the Sun of Earth …the overall Victory now upon us.
It is the Will of God that all Humanity brings the fullness of their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light into the world …everything the White Fire Being, Causal Body, Mighty I AM Presence, and its Solar Christ Self has to offer in the present Cosmic Moment.
I AM God's Will …a Builder of Divine Consciousness!
I AM the co-creation of the same Victory in all life everywhere!
I AM Eternal Flame, and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
My Flame floats on water, on air, on Earth and on Fire!
My Flame blazes past, present and future …all of
which I now express in this Cosmic Moment.
My Flame has the Love, Wisdom and Power of the God Parents.
My Flame has the wingspan of the Cosmic Dove of Holy Spirit.
My flame has the vision of Truth of the Mighty Elohim Vista!
My flame is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity gathers around my Flame.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity gathers at every Flame.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity gathers at the Flame
of Spiritual Essence within the Angels and Elementals.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity gathers around
every Flame within the Spiritual Hierarchy.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity
gathers around the Flame of
Universal I AM!
I AM Empty of self. I AM Eternal Flame!
I AM every Divine Quality / Quantum State of
Eternal Flame …and of its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM the Quantum State of God's Will and Purpose.
I AM the Quantum State of God Illumination.
I AM the Quantum State of Divine Adoration.
I AM the Quantum State of Sacred Purity.
I AM the Quantum State of Consecration.
I AM the Quantum State of Spiritual Freedom.
I AM the Quantum State of everlasting Peace!
These are the Seven Rays of the Godhead!
I AM the Seven Rays of the Godhead!
I AM Divine Precipitation!
Beloved Ones: we come to a point of the present Cosmic Moment where it will be more common for people to experience the Light. They may broadcast such experiences or keep it in the Great Silence. Regardless of their level of understanding or how they conceive such experience, this will be them seeing, feeling, and knowing the Light of their own Eternal Flame …its Infinite Radiant Light! God's Will is that Ascended and Free Humanity shows the way to achieving this experience …continuously …in embodiment. We serve to raise all of Humanity into the Light!
The transition we seek in embodiment (rather than waiting for the end of embodiment) is the acceleration of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …including the Atomic Acceleration of the four elemental vehicles within the Flame. Beloved Saint Germain introduced this concept of the Atomic Accelerator, and we now understand it as the transformational effect of living within our Eternal Flame. After all, the Solar Christ Self’s garment / vehicle is the Three-fold Flame!
We begin this transformational effect in earnest by experiencing self as Eternal Flame and our environment as its Infinite Radiant Light! Living in Flame is living in pure Cause. Then we graciously accept its expected effects. We accelerate this process as by striving to inbreathe, absorb, expand and project the Quantum States of Holy Spirit into daily life. These are states of thinking, doing, feeling and simply ‘being’. The Awakening of Humanity we seek brings this experience to all, the result of Holy Spirit visiting the Consciousness of each one …regardless of their present awareness or set of circumstances. All are equal in the eyes of Father / Mother God in this present Cosmic Moment.
As we continue to live in the Light, we not only experience ‘freedom from’ (worry, distress, loneliness, and frustration) …but ‘freedom into’ (Ecstasy, Peace, Divine Joy and supreme Knowing of Eternity)! These are the gifts of Holy Spirit, intended for the Disciples of the Cosmic Christ (…and not the ‘waiting and frustration’ noted within daily life of time and space constraints). Living in the Light is described as weightlessness, as gravity has released us; timelessness, as time has released us; and selflessness, as we have ‘let go (of self) and let God’. And these Spiritual Qualities are the Quantum States of Being awaiting those who actively approach, meditate on and become their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Go into the Light!
To further accelerate this Ascension process, the Will of God is also found in ‘making amends’ for the thoughts, feelings, words and deeds less than Love. Before knowledge of Sacred Fire, this may have meant seeking out those we have offended and personally ‘making amends’. But in Ascended and Free Reality, our Mighty God Presence knows exactly the ledger of karma of our lifestream through all time and space. And through our Creative Faculties and using the Sacred Fire …we can ‘make amends’ on the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness at the direction of our all-knowing Mighty God Presence.
Thus, the Will of God is the Law of Forgiveness. It is a gift of the Seventh Ray and the completion of Holy Spirit for this Cycle …as Earth and Humanity Ascend into her next Cycle of Divine Love …prepared for us by our Beloved sister planet Venus. The Will of God is that through meditation and using our Creative Faculties of spiritual thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, we ‘make amends’ across all time and space and into every person, place, condition and thing we have ever interacted with in any embodiment! Think of the grandeur and majesty of this gift of Spiritual Freedom!
And when we make amends, we set free those persons, places, conditions and things we are karmically linked with …moving them beyond time and space restrictions of karmic patterns …sending them closer to their own Ascension Perfection Patterns. We affirm that, together standing in the Violet Fire, I AM transmuting all karmic links with self …all karmic links with time (waiting, aging, frustration) and all karmic links with space (separation and distance) …and I AM entering the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM!
It is God's Will that the Seventh Ray and the Feminine Ray unite and synchronize to empower the Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness and Transmutation necessary to bring forth into daily life all the Inclusiveness, Oneness Consciousness, Circularity and Respect for all Life, to completely bring the Masculine Ray into Harmony and Balance with itself …and, with the Feminine Ray. Then the Spiritual Freedom of Divine Life is lived as a ceremony and tribute to the Mighty God Presence within each other and all life everywhere. This is the timelessness, spacelessness and selflessness of living as the Eternal Flame and radiating its Illumined Love. This is the Respect for all Life that is the foundation of the Cosmic Christ.
It is the Will of God that I express the Perfect Flame.
I AM that Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM a Sun of the Sun …its Governing God Intelligence
of Divine Love …radiating through my Universe of
all persons, places, conditions and things!
I AM every Sun of the Sun, the Light of a Thousand Suns,
the Light of Ten Billion Suns …the new Sun of Earth!
I AM every Solar Christ Self of the I AM Race, together
standing in the Light, in Coherently Connected Divine
Consciousness, within the Thoughtform of 2016!
This Solar Year Thoughtform is our Thoughtform of God's Will!
It is the Will of God that Cosmic Holy Spirit ‘visits’ the outer
Consciousness of all Humanity, with the Higher Frequency
Divine Love pouring in from Beloved Krishna and Sophia.
It is the Will of God that the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is
the Vehicle of the Manu! Thus, I AM the Transition of the Fourth
and Fifth Root Race into their Ascended and Free Realms of Light,
and I AM the transition of the Sixth and Seventh Root Race into
the Glory of New Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit.
The Will of God is the Law of Forgiveness
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity affirms:
I AM Forgiving …I AM Forgiven!
I AM the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness!
As the Governing God Intelligence of my own Divine Will, in
Oneness Consciousness with all aspects of my Divinity, and
in the loving embrace of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire:
Every person, place, condition and thing that may have
wronged me in any way, at any time, for any reason whatsoever.
I now Love Free all debts owed to me by any aspect of life!
I Invoke the Law of Forgiveness for myself and all Humanity, for
any misuse of God’s Holy Energy, since the beginning of time.
And as I AM forgiven, I send forth a Ray of Love to balance all
debts to life that yet remain unpaid. I AM grateful to the Law of
Forgiveness …to be able to Love Life Free from the wheel of
karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!