August, 2018
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
We are harmonized, unified, balanced, poised in Holy Spirit …now floating in the Orbit of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …existing in the 'wave-function' ocean of Higher Frequency Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …of Spiritual Freedom. We have built a certain Spiritual infrastructure and now we rest in this Energy, Vibration and Consciousness as we await the God Illumination that comes with the closing of this Solar Year …and arising into the next!
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing Holy Spirit …Love’s Power
Vibration …and Love’s Consciousness of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM Expanding and Projecting Holy Spirit … Love’s Power
Vibration …and Love’s Consciousness of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM empty of self, time and space.
Gone, gone, gone beyond: altogether beyond!
I AM the Earth …resting in the arms of Holy Spirit.
I AM empty of self and all layers of this life,
and all previous lives I have lived in Light Service.
I AM here, living now as an Atomic Accelerator, for the
transformation of all Energy, Matter and Intelligence
within daily life …into its Higher Frequency
Divine Potential within Holy Spirit.
My Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant
Light is my own individual Atomic Accelerator.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity’s Eternal Flame
and its Infinite Radiant Light, is Earth’s Atomic Accelerator!
My Eternal Flame radiates its Infinite Light on Earth.
My Light reveals the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
My Light reveals Humanity’s Union with Angels and Elementals.
My Light reveals the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting
all life in her Divine Potential …in her Ascended State!
All Hail …All Hail …All Hail what my Light reveals!
I AM the Revelation of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM living my True Identity!
I AM empty of self, time and space.
And I AM resting in the arms of Holy Spirit.
I AM a Focus of the One Light of Universal I AM.
This is a White Sun of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.
From this Sun manifests the Three-fold Flame of the
Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.
From this manifests the Kundalini River of Seven Chakras
along my spine and the Seven-fold Flame at the
Crown of the Elohim upon my forehead!
From this Enlightened Being emerges the
Twelve-fold Nature of Solar Being, the Spiritual
Consciousness of all levels of the Sun, Central Sun and
Great Central Sun …united as my Ascended and Free Vehicles.
I AM in my True Identity, living Free in the Light!
And as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!
Through this Solar Year,[1] we have built a certain Spiritual infrastructure. Now, as this Solar Year comes to full harvest, let us peacefully rest in these Forcefields of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Here await with focused expectation the God Illumination that will come through the closing of this Solar Year and opening into the next. Let us relax in the Comfort of Holy Spirit …absorbing and projecting Divine Peace …in preparation for the Divine Perception and Wisdom coming from Realms of Light within the Great Solar Disc in the months to come.
Our peaceful rest begins with becoming the Great Solar Disc. We stand in the Eternal Flame and Infinite Radiant Light of our own True Identity …our Divine Instrument! We further stand in the Eternal Flame of our Cosmic Gurus and Ascended Masters …and invoke them to stand in our Eternal Flame …with this representing the deepest meaning of ‘Guru and Chela’ …as well as ‘together, standing in the Light!’ In the progression of this Peace and God Illumination, we ultimately stand in the Eternal Flame and Infinite Radiant Light of every Solar Christ Self within Humanity …all Seven Root Races …and they stand in our Eternal Flame! Then we are all together, standing in the Light …One Eternal Flame and One Infinite Radiant Light …One I AM Race! This is our Ascended and Free True Identity and, our Eternal Life in the Light on our Ascended and Free Earth! And SO IT IS!
And during this Divine Repose, we need move no further than our daily meditation …extending it through every moment of our daily life. Our expanding Ascended and Free Consciousness breaks the bonds of self, time and space! We visualize our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Light. We rest in the understanding that our Flame is our Cosmic Focus of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …full of the same Perfection Patterns that are everywhere present within Universal I AM. Contemplate this reality! Then, the Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light becomes our expression in the world of form …whereby we translate that Flame’s Forcefield into physical Energy, Matter and Intelligence, precipitating these Perfection Patterns tangibly into daily life.
And on the return current, these 'wave-function' Perfection Patterns ‘come home’ to form our aura, …which is but one aspect of the Causal Body of our Eternal Flame. Our Causal Body is the Cosmic Momentum of all Perfection Patterns we have ever sent forth in this embodiment, any previous embodiment …and, anywhere our Eternal Flame has ever expressed its Light in any of the infinite Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light. Let us rest in the Comfort of our Cosmic Causal Body, for it is our Universe of Light!
In our Tranquil Repose within Holy Spirit, we see the Plan of Creation. We see the spiritual development of Humanity within the Great Solar Disc. In the beginning, we are granted the One Light of Universal I AM as a Great God Self (patterned after an Infinite Circle of Light referred to as the White Fire Being) …and later, if we so choose, into a personal embodiment on Earth. From this White Sun emerges the Three-fold Flame of the Holy Triumvirate. Then we may affirm: I AM Present!
Then ‘the Three’ prepares for further expansion into the Seven-fold nature of the embodied God Self …with Seven Chakras and the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim[2] as a Focus of Precipitation at the forehead. Once this Seven-fold Nature is perfected along a series of embodiments, then we become again One with the Twelve-fold Solar Nature of Cosmic Being: the Higher Vehicles we refer to as the Solar Christ Self; Mighty I AM Presence; Causal Body; and the White Fire Being. And then from this Solar Identity, our Oneness with all of Universal I AM is again a continuous experience of the One Light! This is the Plan of Creation and is completely summarized within and as the Great Solar Disc!
The Plan of Creation intended that each individual Great God Self becomes a Co-creator within Universal I AM. In this Great Plan, the Cause of everything (existing in form …or in spirit) manifested from the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Eternal Flame. Then the manifestation of all such creation (in form or spirit) arises out of the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of the Radiant Light of that Flame. Therefore we are each one a Sun, with a central Three-fold Flame establishing the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …and then its Radiant Light brings forth manifestation through the Alchemy of its Energy, Matter and Intelligence dispensed through a set of Creative Faculties (thoughts, feelings, words and deeds).
Every Solar Christ Self is a Sun creating its own Universe of persons, places, conditions and things …all according to the Perfection Patterns emitting from that ‘Sun of God’. This is the blueprint of all life, eternally living Ascended and Free!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED KUTHUMI… On the Serene Happiness, Peace, and Tranquility of the Eternal Flame.
Beloved travellers on the Path of continuous Enlightenment: in my many embodiments, I have followed Beloved Lord Krishna, the Beloved Buddha, the Tao as well as the Cosmic Christ as embodied through Ascended Master Jesus, the Christ. From this I have come to understand a Path of Enlightenment that serves Humanity well at the dawning of this New Age of Spiritual Freedom. I come to sojourn with you, in my Office as the World Teacher, to guide you along this Path.
Let us begin with a mindful visualization of the mingling of our Eternal Flames, each with the other, all in Oneness Consciousness. It may be that you see and feel your Flame within my Flame …or, my Flame within your Flame …or, neither …where there is only One Flame and has only ever been One Flame. The Buddha has encouraged that we not strive for ‘self’ …nor do we strive for ‘non-self’ …but rather relax into the Pure Essence of ‘just being’. Possibly therein lies the answer to our collective Flames mingling in Oneness Consciousness …One Pure Mind, Pure Heart, Pure Being.
This is also the Path of the Tao …empty of self; one with The Way; The Way is filled with Virtue. It is also the Way of Devotion to Holy Spirit, that of the Christian Mystics. In this New Age of Beloved Saint Germain and the centrality of Sacred Fire, we would state this Truth as becoming our True Identity …the Pure Essence of the Eternal Flame, and expressing the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of its Infinite Radiant Light, through our embodied Creative Faculties. This is the Path of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …leading Humanity over her Bridge to Spiritual Freedom! Here we become Builders of Divine Consciousness; Builders of Divine Self; and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light! This is the present core message of the World Teacher!
To achieve true tranquility and spiritual happiness within our Light Service, let us consider ourselves as self-sufficient as an Ascended Master! When we may be inclined to invoke a Divine Quality from the Spiritual Hierarchy …as for example: “I call forth Beloved Lord Michael for Cosmic Protection” …let us as well / or instead …call forth our own Light to reveal the same Perfection Pattern …directly from our own Eternal Flame! For example: “I call forth the Infinite Radiant Light of my own Eternal Flame to reveal to me my Cosmic Protection”! Herein is the same self-reliance of the Ascended Masters, who practice the Truth that Universal I AM presents everything we ever require …or desire …in our service to Life. We only need to reveal it through our Light!
Beloved Ones, there is an infinity of revelations waiting in the (etheric) Akashic Records …waiting for the Light of Ascended and Free Humanity to reveal it …all for the greater good of Humanity! Some of these revelations will be personal, some scientific, some artistic, some diplomatic …but all of them representing one of the Seven Major Rays of the Divine Human. Our Beloved Kenich Ahan is particularly active with such revelations, along with all the Brothers / Sisters of the Golden Robe, as this Solar Year closes and a New Solar Year begins. Hence a sojourn (physically or in projected Consciousness) to his Beloved Yucatan Retreat is planned by Light Servers within Ascended and Free early in the New Solar Year.[3]
As teachers of Humanity, let us understand the Light of our Eternal Flame may be revealed along an entire spectrum of Divine Potential. It may begin from within the One Light ‘anchored from above’ (from Universal I AM through the Mighty I AM Presence) …or, along the Three-fold spectrum of the Holy Triumvirate (Love, Wisdom and Power), spiritually governing the individual as the Three-fold Flame and spiritually governing the Earth from the Shamballa Focus …or, seen through the prism of the Seven Rays of the Elohim (Holy Christ Self, planetary Buddha Nature and the Divine Human of the Highest expression of the Body Elemental, a magnificent Devic Being, within the Great Solar Disc) …or, the Twelve-fold prism of Solar and Cosmic Being (as seen within the Twelve Chakras of the Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence and White Fire Being …including the Twelve Houses of the Sun / the Twelve Deities within the Cosmic Causal Body).
With the ‘free will of the Gods’, you may choose which prism and, which Ray, you desire to be revealed to you …or for a particular situation …personally or globally. Herein is the Power of Invocation. And the Power of Invocation has now been amplified many fold by the Forcefield of the Great Solar Disc …and an entire Solar Year’s Activity within this Sacred Forcefield!
In this month’s Sacred Repose, let us place our attention on the Holy Breath. We include the Breathing Statement in our Sacred Template. This Divine Ceremony is best thought of as the Sacred Tone of mindfulness. When we Inbreath, it is the act of mindfully accepting the gifts of Sacred Fire within Universal I AM and absorbing them into ourselves …and, through Oneness Consciousness, into all Humanity and all life everywhere present! Then on the Outbreath, we are mindful of blessing life …our physical, etheric, mental and emotional environment, as well as all life everywhere present, in any Dimension, Realm and Sphere of Light! The Inbreath / Outbreath is a Ceremony of Divine Reverence for all Life …being One with all life. And we are here to teach this Harmony and Balance to Humanity!
This Inbreath / Outbreath Ceremony allows for the greatest impact on the developing Consciousness of Humanity and her evolving oneness with each other …as well as with the Angels and Elementals. Many Adepts simply train for and then spend an entire embodiment perfecting this Breath Ceremony. It is the Path towards our stated Ascended and Free goal: an Infinite Circle of Light, inclusive of all life living free in the Light! On the Inbreath, this Infinite Circle of Light draws all Perfection Patterns everywhere present into us …and on the Outbreath, this Infinite Circle of Light expands to include all life everywhere present in manifesting those Perfection Patterns.
Therefore, as we practice this Holy Breath, we move the entire world …and, the entire world moves with us. This occurs right from our personal (and collective) meditation on the Power of Sacred Fire and its Divine Light! The Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of everything is touched by this all-inclusive Breath of Holy Spirit. And thus the outcome of persons, places, conditions and things in that moment would be affected, raised up (from whatever may have been the outcome without being touched by Holy Spirit). The keynote of this month is non-being, non-action …and the pure Being and Action of expanding Divine Consciousness! This is the Buddha’s teaching!
In our Divine Repose, let us consider God Illumination as Heart Knowing …meditating on the Higher Emotional Powers within the Flame …attainment of Divine Quantum State feelings …the Inner Wisdom of the Feminine Ray …the Divine Peace and Power of timelessness …where we ‘enchant Humanity’ to come forth with us into the Revelations of Holy Spirit! We affirm: Come Holy Spirit come! Here we express totality …to activate and direct Divine Will …to practice God’s Wisdom and thus, anchor all the Children of Divine Love …the entire Ray of Holy Spirit!
In closing, let us affirm:
Standing within my Eternal Flame
and its Infinite Radiant Light:
I ask my Light to reveal to me a perfect day this day.
I ask my Light to reveal to me the full potential of Light
Service occurring around me in every area of my daily life.
I ask my Light to reveal the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
I ask my Light to reveal to me …(fill in with our own Divine Desire,
of our own personal and collective Service to Life).
And in my daily Light Service …
My Light now reveals my Mantle of Protection.
My Light now reveals the ‘Ring Pass Not of Cosmic
Christ Lightning’ …around all the goodness in the world.
My Light now reveals the Cloak of Invisibility in and around me!
My Light reveals my Peace, Tranquility and Comfort in the world!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LA MORAE… On the Three-fold Flame of Harmony and Balance and the Ancient Lemurian Energies of the Harmony and Balance of the Feminine Ray in its perfect expression;
My Light reveals the Harmony and Balance of the
Feminine Ray, in all its Harmony and Balance.
I AM first an ‘empty circle’…an ‘empty of self’ circle.
Then I may become be an Infinite Circle of Light,
Inclusive of all life living free in the Light!
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light …empty of self!
An empty mental vehicle becomes a perfected mind.
An empty emotional vehicle becomes a perfected heart.
An empty etheric vehicle becomes a perfected memory.
An empty physical vehicle becomes a perfected body.
Beloved Ones: I bring you the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Golden Ages of Lemuria, as well as every Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom when the Feminine Ray was predominant and revealed her Harmony and Balance in the daily life of all peoples. This is the target of our current Ascension of Humanity and our sweet Earth. The Great Solar Disc is symbolic of these Divine Ages when Humanity had the training of the Spiritual Hierarchy to become empty of self, time and space …and thus live in vehicles of Harmony and Balance, sustaining a world that reflected only this Divine Peace and Inclusion.
In such Golden Ages, each one was trained in becoming an empty Circle of Light, so that the Creative Faculties could then allow the flow of Divine Consciousness from the Mighty I AM Presence into daily life through the embodied Christ Self. Each one allowed their existence to begin with ‘the ONE’ Light of the Mighty I AM Presence to define them. From that came ‘the THREE’ …Three-fold Flame …from which the Light of a Thousand Suns flows with Energy, Matter and Intelligence that would ensure Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light.
From ‘the Three’ came ‘the SEVEN’ …the Seven Rays of the Great Solar Disc …Seven Chakras and the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim. From this, co-creation began at the level of Harmony and Balance and remained at this Ascended and Free State throughout society and every aspect of daily life. From there came ‘the TWELVE’ …the fundamental Oneness Consciousness with Universal I AM …through Unity with the Higher Frequency Vehicles of the Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and ultimate White Fire Being (“I and the Father are One”).
Harmony and Balance is ‘silently resting in Holy Spirit’[4] …which fills our empty Circles of Light. These circles are symbolic of the inclusiveness of the Feminine Ray …of all life living free in the Light! In the beginning of any Soul embodying on Earth was such a Circle of Light. Into this empty circle was projected the Breath of Life (Holy Spirit) through the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence …seen as a Sun of White Light beginning the Soul’s journey on Earth. This Breath of Light contained the Energy, Matter and Intelligence necessary for all co-creation on Earth, in the world of form. From this Sun of White Light came forth the Three-fold Flame …the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …the Holy Triumvirate for an Eternal Life in the Light on Earth. This is the Flame of Cosmic Peace and the Flame of Harmony and Balance in all things …all persons, places, conditions and things that would evolve on Earth.
Then from the Three-fold Flame came the Seven Rays of the Divine Human …the Bodhisattva or planetary Holy Christ Self. This was to be the Divine Being in the world of form who carried the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love into all manifest creation. The evolution of this Divine Being would then experience the Cycles of the Seven Major Rays eventually achieving Ascended Master on Earth. From there they would return to the Higher Frequency in the Ascension, becoming the Twelve-fold Solar Being of Cosmic Consciousness and return to the ONE Light of Universal I AM.
From the Retreats of the Feminine Ray across these Golden Ages would be heard the following chants:
I began in the Great, Great Beyond as an
Infinite Circle of Light …inclusive of
all life living free in the Light
…the White Fire Being!
I originally embodied on Earth as an
Empty Circle of Light, the potential Divine Human.
In this Circle were placed the Creative Faculties
of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds for
the co-creation of Perfection Patterns!
From within this Circle of Light of Original Earth,
the Three-fold Flame of Creation, Harmony and Balance
emerged at its center …the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure,
which then expressed as the Three-fold Flame of Harmony!
The New Earth is thus this same empty Circle of Light,
with the ONE …becoming the THREE …becoming the SEVEN
…becoming the TWELVE …and again becoming the ONE …
all of which is the limitless Divine Potential of every
Solar Christ Self of all Seven Root Races!
The Great Solar Disc is this
Harmony and Balance on the Grand Scale.
I AM this Harmony and Balance on the individual scale.
Thus, I AM a manifest outpost of the Universe,
right here and now on Earth!
Beloved Ones: the Divine Feminine Ray is the Forcefield which brings the individual Ascension journeys, however far along towards Divine Potential, into a functioning Oneness Consciousness …the Collective God Self of the I AM Race thriving in all its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness on Earth! The Ray of Harmony and Balance and the Feminine Ray exist together …just as Divine Twins exist together. Each has an individual expression, yet always in Union at the Higher Frequency of Oneness Consciousness. Contemplate this!
In previous Golden Ages the Priests / Priestesses of Sacred Fire drew these Forcefields into society, so as to express the Divine Plan in all areas of life. This is now the Light Service of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. But it requires the foundations of this Truth understood and anchored into enough aspects of daily life …as a Forcefield of Divine Cause …that it may then have its desired effect on the outcomes of society and its forward progress of the Ascension Process.
A truly ‘empty Circle of Light’ is always filled with Divine Potential …but still only potential. It requires the Creative Faculties of embodied beings to transpose that Divine Potential into the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of actual creation of that Divine Potential. Let us pledge our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds to the Great God Self within. And in return, see and feel the sign of the heart, throat, head and hands returned to you all …as you develop your Ascended and Free Creative Faculties in this present embodiment of Light Service. You are both the empty Circle of Light, filled with Divine Potential …and, as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, you are the embodied Creative Faculties capable of the transposing that potential into the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom made manifest.
In the Three-fold Flame of Harmony and Balance, I remain in service to the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa.
You are here to become Masters of Love.
There is no lifestream in all the Great Universe of God who is not in some manner a Dispenser of the Love Element.
Love is the dual force of expansion and contraction …cohesion and radiation. It is the Centripetal and Centrifugal Force.
The lifestream must be anchored in the exact center of his/her world and the two Forces equally controlled, according to the requirement of the moment. This is Mastery.
Love must be able to give of itself in the release of radiation …as well as hold an object in its own orbit …so that it neither comes too close nor goes too far from the Governing Central Intelligence, according to the God Design.
This is the most difficult aspect in the achievement of Mastery …to control the indrawing vibration of the Love force and keep the balance between Blessing and Absorption.
Witness: if the attraction of the Sun draws a planet an infinitesimal proportion too close to the center, it ceases to be. If a planet is driven just a little too far out of its orbit by the Sun, it ceases to be.
So it is with Humanity in her relation to every living and breathing thing …and every inanimate object, every force and power with which she is endowed.
This subject has multiple ramifications in many areas of life, but taken spiritually, the person who draws knowledge and power from Life and does not give back a balance in service …is off center.
We have in my Retreat a Golden Bar about eighteen inches long which stands on a pyramid whose apex is a hairs breadth in size. This Bar never moves, no matter what the planetary changes or Earth upheavals may be. It is the representation of Love in perfect balance.
Humanity in her present experiments with the Law and Power of Love uses either too much of the outgoing force, which repels the presence of people and things …or, through the mis-use of the cohesive power, accumulates more than she can balance in service.
The great lesson the soul must learn is Balanced Activity ...
October 20 to 24, 2018 ...Tulum, Mexico.
To all our Beloved Co-Servers of Light on Earth, we send you this message sharing the progress of our Ascended and Free Conference 2018. We ask that we all pause in our daily life and synchronize our hearts with the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness from the Higher Dimensions that is already being Released for this Cause. Let us feel the Unity of our Being as a single Forcefield of Power, Illumination and Love that guarantees the success of our Reunion. Each day, preparations unfold with precision and enthusiasm. We innately know the importance this Great Conference holds for our sweet Earth, in its present process of Transformation and Elevation. Ascended and Free Humanity is a vital aspect of this, agreeing to contribute our Energy, Vibration and Consciousness for its permanent triumph!
The Great Solar Disc is vibrating with all its power as the open door for this Quantum Leap for Humanity. It is attracting, magnetizing, absorbing and radiating the Forces and Powers of Light of the Universe for this great planetary opportunity. We, as One Chalice of Light, are transmitting these energies to the physical plane by elevating ourselves in Oneness Consciousness …manifesting the full Power of the I AM Race, united with the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as the Angels and Elementals in each Dimension of Light. The Great Solar Disc represents our connection with the Higher Evolutionary Planes and has remained in our Inner Consciousness, awaiting the moment of its Resurrection …where Humanity may tangibly access its Luminous Essence and manifest these Divine Forces in the world of form! That moment has arrived and IT IS NOW!
The Eternal Flame of God Illumination at the Uxmal Retreat burns with full awareness of our Reunion. It knows and supports our global, united Light Service. This Cosmic Flame increases its Cosmic Momentum, moment by moment. Its Divine Rhythm is being expanded by our Beloved Kenich Ahan …through Ceremonies with his Divine Breath and his Cosmic Consciousness. With his Forcefield being merged with the Great Solar Disc, the Power of Manifesting this Golden Flame’s Light is infinitely multiplied by the Light of every Sun now in Divine Alignment! This is the Highest Vibration and Radiation in the Universe!
Our Sanctuary in Tulum and its planned Solar Activities for the week, is already vibrating with these Sacred Energies, Frequencies, Radiations and Consecrations. This is of the Highest Level, since its earliest preparation of its physical space through visualizations, mantras, decrees, essences and projections of Divine Love. Here the Frequencies of the Seven Cosmic Rays vibrate and ascend towards the Twelve Spheres of Light of our Father-Mother Creator.
Truly there is Joy and Happiness in the Higher Dimensions for this Divine Opportunity for all Humanity. Our hearts are full of Light, Love and Expectation as we await the moment to physically reunite again (physically or in projected Consciousness) and elevate the Earth towards her Sacred Tone being once again expressed in the Great Universal Symphony.
As we already stand united in the Light, Victory is ours! And during our Ascended and Free Uxmal-Tulum 2018 Conference, we will have the opportunity to manifest that IT IS SO!!!
[1] The Solar Year runs on the Zodiac Cycle …with the New Solar Year beginning its conception with the transition to Virgo in late August. It is then born into the world with the calander New Year.
[2] The Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim is intended to represent a Focus of Precipitation and is seen at the forehead, where the executive function of the brain operates at its highest capacity. From this Focus we may Precipitate a Divine Life, through mindful attention to the Laws of Creation: ‘what I think and feel, I bring into form’.
[3] Conclave of Ascended and Free in October, 2018. See website for details.
[4] 'Silent' meaning non-distraction from self …free of ‘the noise’ of persons, places, conditions and things of daily life ...not necessarily free of sound.