February, 2017


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in her Ascended State:

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and

Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


Our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light
is intended to express and manifest its Perfection Patterns
within the Ascended and Free Realms of Light …but also
in embodiment, creating Eternal Life in the Light within form!

This is the final depth of expression of the Mighty I AM Presence:
Its Electronic Light streaming along the Silver Cord
…into daily life on Earth!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Atomic Accelerator Activity
of my Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light
directly within my Elemental vehicles!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Atomic Accelerator Activity
of the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light
directly within Humanity’s Elemental vehicles!



I stand in the True Identity of my Divine Instrument,
as an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant
Light, within the Solar Year Thoughtform.

I stand with Beloved Lord Michael!
I stand in the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame.

I stand with the Brothers of the Golden Robe!
I stand in the Crystalline Shimmering Diamond.
I stand in the Golden Light of God Illumination.

I stand in the Seven levels of the Cosmic Dove.
I stand in the Rose-petalled Pulsating Pink Sun!
I stand with Holy Spirit and the Angels of Love.

I stand in the blazing Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.
I stand in the Ascended and Free Realms of Cause.
I stand with the entire Gathering of Ascended Humanity.


I exist in an ever-expanding Temple of Light, surrounded by the
Light pouring forth from every atom of inanimate form and, every
cell of animate form …are all shining their Light. 


In the name of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness
And, I AM Builders of Divine Self!

I stand forth Transfigured in the Light!

My Eternal Flame expands to greet the Mantle of Light from my
Mighty I AM Presence and I AM Transfigured in this Light.




Beloved Friends of Freedom; let us seek the validation of our Light Service …of our True Peace …of evidence of the Victory of the Light within us, for therein lies the Kingdom of Heaven.  If we look to the external world of illusion, we remain prone to disappointment.  Within us lies an infinity of Perfection Patterns, greater than any source of validation outside of us.  Know dear ones that we have the training …of sustaining our Divine Instrument (our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light) to achieve this Victory!  Our Victory is becoming Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light …and sustaining this Truth in daily life!  We become a lighthouse for this Divine Reality in the ocean of daily life.  Lighthouses abide near the shore …and here we guide the ‘ships of Humanity’ towards the shoreline of Heaven on Earth …Eternal Life in the Light!

As we stand within our Thoughtform of 2017, we focus on our inner experience, for here we guide Humanity to her Inner Kingdom of Light! Our Divine Instrument remains actively and directly aware of the multi-dimensional aspects of all karma seeking its freedom.  Our Eternal Flame then actively, directly releases all karma into the Violet Fire blazing all around and through us …as the Mystic Sphere of Violet Fire.  Our Light Service is in throwing off the shackles of self, time and space.  We actively and tangibly experience becoming empty of self …of persons, places, conditions and things (especially the most challenging conditions) associated with self …as well as roles and responsibilities of self.

We actively and directly let go of time and space …of waiting, aging and frustration …while deeply accepting that I AM only and forever an Eternal Flame …eternally FlameI exist only as its Infinite Radiant Light …that wherever I AM, there is Light …and that wherever there is Light, there I AM! I abide in my Light throughout the Cosmos …as well as into the depth of every cell, atom and electron of my being.  On a collective basis, together, standing in the Light, we do this as well for all Energy, Matter and Intelligence associated with Earth …all life seeking its Spiritual Freedom at the dawn of this New Age.

Beloved Ones, we live in an Ascension Temple called daily life.  In this New Age, the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Orders who guard our Ascension Process now aim the experiences we require as a race of Humanity (rather than individual experiences for the individual Ascension, as in ages past). Possibly unseen by the outer mind is that all experience is aimed towards Humanity developing the full Seven Rays of the Mighty God Presenceto earn our Ascension and prove it is complete.  Beloved Serapis Bey did this for all who have ascended before us (in the era of personal Ascension).  But with the New Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom for all, a similar Ascension process within a global Ascension Temple is underway for Humanity.  Beloved Serapis Bey has stated: ‘Within my Ascension Temple, I shall place you amongst situations and people to reveal your Mastery of each of the Seven Rays.  These are sometimes difficult experiences but they do lead to your Ascension over matter and illusion’.   No less training is presently scheduled for all Humanity in her current Ascension process.

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity are like the Temple Attendants in this process.  We serve and observe with the greatest compassion as ‘the student’ undergoes all her ‘tests’ for the Ascension. The student is now Humanity’s mass Consciousness, where we now see the largest Cosmic Dove of Holy Spirit abiding.   The Gathering of Ascended Humanity are also like the Angels, in that we carry in our Causal Body all the Divine Quantum States necessary for Humanity to succeed …and like Angels, we radiate those Qualities of Sacred Fire to all, with an ever-expanding expectation of acceptance and incorporation into daily life.  And, like the Angels, we serve patiently and anonymously until Victory is ours …all the while abiding in our personal experience of Ascended and Free Consciousness.

Let us take the example of Light Service on our Ascended sister planet Venus.  There, an I AM Race of Divine Love has prospered and wishes to guide Humanity to the same Eternal Life in the Light.  ‘Kumara’ is a title of the highest advancement of Divine Love attained within the I AM Race on Venus.  Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus are the head of this Great Family of God Beings.  Their God Parents (and main Teacher) is Beloved Krishna and Sophia …just as Father / Mother God for Earth is Beloved Helios and Vesta.  We know from Ascended Master Teachings that Beloved Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya, Beloved Jesus and many other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy originated from Venus.

This is no surprise, as Father / Mother God knew long ago the Path to Spiritual Freedom for Earth was to achieve the Higher Frequency Divine Love of the Venus Race. So, preparations for clearing a Path to this Victory came from those on Venus …including Mighty Victory himself!  Thus, let us feel that we have become the equivalent of this continuing Light Service, as we manifest the I AM Race of Earth. Light Servers in embodiment on Earth may in fact originally be from Venus …or other Ascended Planets / Solar Systems.  But our common current purpose is the co-creation of a Family of God Beings on Earth, leading the Way to Eternal Life in the Light of Higher Frequency Divine Love!

The Order of Service of the Kumaras of Venus is to clear the way for Earth …for us to enter our Higher Frequency of Love.  The concept of Holy Spirit as we know it originated in this desire. Daily life in this Higher Frequency of Divine Love is a wondrous experience and these Great Beings strongly desire Humanity to move to this point of her own evolution.  Their Light Service here began when Beloved Sanat Kumara first called for assistance to maintain enough Light on Earth (at her darkest moment, following the 'great fall'), so as she would not face dissolution as a planet.  Therefore, Beloved Sanat Kumara is known as the ‘true savior’ of Earth, along with all who have assisted him (including Beloved Jesus and others of the Spiritual Hierarchy).

This Higher Frequency Divine Love is to now govern Humanity’s Consciousness …the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love!  This Higher Frequency pours in though the Office of Cosmic Holy Spirit directly into the ‘pacemaker cells’ …the Light Servers within Humanity. This is the same process as when the Silver Cord of Electronic Light from the Mighty I AM Presence anchors in the Heart Flame …only then ascending to the brain, sustaining consciousness. So too does the Higher Frequency Divine Love from Venus and Beloved Krishna and Sophia pour into Humanity’s Heart Flame and then into her overall Consciousness …for accelerating the transformation of her mass consciousness.

Within our Thoughtform of 2017, the Ascended and Free Realms of Seven-fold I AM Race (including the Temples of the embodied Gathering of Ascended Humanity) represents the Realms of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation of New Earth.  This is the Theme of 2017: Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self and Builders of Eternal Life in the Light! Here the Higher Aspects of all Humanity …that which has always remained Ascended and Free …the Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and Solar Christ Self …truly begins to govern Earth from the Causal Plane, through the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love in all Humanity!



Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Beloved Holy Amethyst and her ‘Order of Zadkiel’ Angelic Legions:

Beloved Ones: I begin our sojourn together by asking the Angelic Orders of Holy Amethyst to anoint you personally with the Sacred Violet Fire, especially consecrating and accelerating your Creative Faculties, your attributes and talents, for Higher Frequency Light Service within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2017.  In this Consecration Service, all the Archangels are present as a magnificent Seven-fold Flame.  Lord Michael presides at the Head, as both lead Archangel and Sponsor for 2017. Lord Raphael and Mother Mary project forth their Major Ray of Consecration ..but I (Lady Holy Amethyst) have asked that I may officiate, in the name of the Seventh Ray and of the Sacred Violet Fire.

Let us pause and allow this Divine Service to occur now and throughout this monthly cycle.  Feel your Creative Faculties (thoughts, feelings, words and deeds) become only a facet of the expression of your Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  Let us achieve Oneness Consciousness within the Sacred Fire in this Consecration Activity this month.  Here we begin to live, move, breathe and have our daily life expression only our Eternal Flame and its Divine Energy, Matter and Intelligence! (pause)

Beloved Ones; the Solar Year Thoughtform is intended as ‘being immersed in an experience’, more so than a picture to be visualized.  In this spirit, let us sojourn together standing in the Light …standing together in the Solar Year Thoughtform! Let our daily spiritual practice become the knowing of Multi-Dimensional Divine Reality …the process of being Builders of Divine Consciousness; Builders of Divine Self; and Builders of Eternal Life in the Light.  In experiencing the Thoughtform, let us feel that our spine becomes the Rod of Power, the Cosmic Spine around which the Thoughtform coalesces.  Within the Thoughtform, this Cosmic Rod of Power extends from the upper pole of the Ascended and Free Realms of Light, passing through the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire and the Sun of Earth …through to the lower pole of each.  Beloved Polaris and Magnus sustain this Cosmic Rod of Power in its right and perfect place.  The more we feel this Rod of Power along our own spine, the more we embody the Thoughtform of 2017 …and thus begin to experience and enjoy its Multi-Dimensional Reality of Spiritual Freedom. Let us constantly use this Activity as a focal point of our daily meditation.

With this beginning, we then turn to the Sword of Blue Flame, which in turn clears the way for the Violet Fire. This combination of Sacred Fires transmutes the restrictions of self, time and space …so we can see, know and live our lives across infinite Spheres of Light, within innumerable Realms of Love, and inclusive of all the Multi-Dimensional levels of existence comprising Universal I AM.  Understanding this Divine Potential is the true journey of Ascended Mastery.  Therefore, we stand in the Sword of Blue Flame at the center of the Three-fold Flame …feeling as well the Mystic Sphere of Violet Fire around us, being cut free, transmuting / transforming and then, using our faculties of free will and clear intent, actively letting go of the restrictions of form, self, time and space!  And from this vantage point we now see, know and live the full Multi-dimensional Thoughtform.

Standing in Lord Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame delivers us from self, time and space.  Standing in the Diamond Presence of Seven Glistening White Cosmic Doves, basking in their soft Golden Light, delivers us into the Governing God Intelligence unfolding throughout Universal I AM! We affirm: I AM the Governing God Intelligence of the Mighty I AM Presence.  Then, standing in the Rose-pedaled, Pulsating Pink Sun, we are delivered into Higher Frequency Divine Love.  We affirm: I AM the Higher Frequency Divine Love; the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of New Earth in her Ascended and Free Realms!

Continuing in the Thoughtform, we become the Three-fold Flame of Pink, Gold and Blue …our own Sun of the Sun / Solar Christ Self …as well as the Sun of Earth / Ascended and Free Earth.  Surrounding us is the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire and Realms of Cause of the I AM Raceall Seven Root Races in perfect Unity of Plan and Purpose.  Each part of the Thoughtform is a part of our Ascension …part of Earth’s Ascension!  As has been taught, our Ascension is of our own creation …the Earth’s Ascension is of our collective co-creation …together, standing in the Light! Hence the Theme of 2017Builders of Divine Self; Builders of Divine Consciousness; Builders of Eternal Life in the Light!

Let us pause and experience this Reality, until we have anchored a tangible experience of it, beginning with tiny moments of this Reality throughout our daily life.  In the annals of Ascended Master development, there were always ‘moments of meditation on one concept, until it was mastered’. It did not matter how long it took, even if it was most of an embodiment.  But free of ‘time,’ it now can be instantaneous.  This is our choice …our development!  One example of this was when Beloved Jesus, in the Temple of the Divine Director while in his training for His Christian Dispensation, was given the phrase / mantra: I AM the Resurrection and the Life!  It was the only thing given by the Master and nothing else was given until he mastered the fullness of that Truth.  Then once it was mastered in His Consciousness, Victory was assured and limitless God Illumination and Divine Love flowed from that point.

So it is now with becoming our Divine Instrument of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  We meditate on the depth and breadth of this Truth, given by the Spiritual Hierarchy for our Ascension …arriving at a clear Reality of Divine Self, Divine Consciousness and an Eternal Life in the Light …right here and now! To make this more tangible, let us feel that our personal sanctuary is a physical anchorage of our etheric Ascended and Free Temple (in the Ascended and Free Realms …in Oneness Consciousness with all Seven Root Races and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy).  In this Temple, before its altar, we become only Flame …the Flame on the Altar.  We become empty of self, time and space and become the Flame …PRESENT and ALIVE as Flame.  We are formless as Flame yet present and alive in daily life, radiating all the Gifts of Holy Spirit.  Thus, our Cosmic Truth is anchored in our daily meditation, within our personal sanctuary.

Becoming the Solar Year Thoughtform of the Three-fold Flame is becoming all of Father / Mother God.  Think on this and feel it profoundly.  As a new concept, contemplate that becoming the Seven-fold Ascended and Free Realms (within the Solar Year Thoughtform) is becoming the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim! The Oneness Consciousness of all Seven Root Races now expresses through each of us, anchoring the Forcefield of Co-creation and Precipitation the Elohim used in the original creation of Earth!  Meditate on this!

On the level of our personal Ascension, becoming the Solar Year Thoughtform also now creates the Sacred Life Essence of Divine Life flowing within our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles.  These vehicles now shine with this Liquid Light Substance …flowing in and through us physically …along our Solar Meridians, nervous system, blood stream, organ systems, molecules, cells, atoms and electrons of physical being.  This Sacred Life Essence within Flame blazes from our Seven Planetary Chakras and twelve Solar Chakras …as Suns of the Sun themselves.   This Sacred Life Essence illumines our mind to the Mind of God …and, elevates our emotional body to the Heart of Holy Spirit.   I AM the Solar Year Thoughtform of 2017!

Similarly, this Pure Life Essence from the Three-fold Flame now powerfully courses through all the channels, meridians and lay-lines of Mother Earth. And through the Gathering of Ascended Humanity’s planetary Light Service, this Pure Life Essence sets in place the Perfection Patterns of Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness and Eternal Life in the Light …for all Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom!




Beloved Ones, the world needs leaders in letting go! …of the more obvious aspects of daily life such as imperfect thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …and, of imbalanced persons, places, conditions and things …but also of the subtler restrictions of time and space …of past, present, future …and of distance, separation and duality.  There is much to let go of as we clear the way for a planetary Ascension. But here, please feel my Cosmic Faith and Assurance that all evidence of imbalance on the screen of life (and thus of the accelerating need to let go of it) does not diminish our progress in raising the planet’s consciousness.  For our Victory is in the process that as we become empty of self, time and space, we are (I AM!) automatically filled with the Multi-Dimensional Reality of Universal I AM …every Perfection Pattern intended for Heaven on Earth!

In my evolution as an Archangel, evidence of imbalance has only ever propelled my Light Service forward …on Earth or on other Systems of Worlds.  My desire is that such evidence only propels the embodied Gathering of Ascended Humanity forward …ensuring there is a model, a process accessible to all, of letting go and letting God!  And whereas Humanity sees the need to let go of ‘old patterns of an old age’ (conditions and events of daily life), the Spiritual Hierarchy looks to the progress of Humanity’s ability to let go of the limitations / restrictions of self, time and space.  Herein is the Light Servers’ Ascended Mastery, as leaders in letting go!

My momentum in assisting the I AM Race of Earth begins at the beginning!  As you may know, it was my honor to lead the first sub-Race of the First Root Race onto Earth …after the Mighty Elohim and great Builders of Form had prepared a Garden of Eden on Earth for the incoming Root Races!  I now offer this same original Momentum of Leadership to the present Light Servers, accomplished through standing in my Circle and Sword of Blue Flame. Here we all become ‘Lord Michael in action’ …Legions of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame embodied on Earth!

Each new baby entering Earth Plane now steps forth from the Sword of Blue Flame with this same Cosmic Momentum!  Each incoming Root Race Soul will have passed first through the Temples of Birth of Beloved Mother Mary within the Radiant, pulsating Rose-pedaled Pink Sun and the spiraling Golden White Light of God Illumination within the Crystalline Shimmering Diamond.  Each baby coming into any Nation, Race, Religion, Culture or Creed is now of the Sixth or Seventh Root Race …while the Fourth and Fifth Root Race now make their Ascension within the Temples of Light within the Ascended and Free Realms of New Earth!  This transition of the Root Races now transforms the Consciousness of Humanity from within …as each Soul brings in the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of their own unique Light.  You are the Leadership of these Souls, assisting them along their way to New Earth! As I have done, so shall you also do!

Leadership Training …the Ascending Spiral of Evolution goes forward more powerful than ever! Let us review a basic summary of our present training to ensure we are in Oneness Consciousness regarding our Victory …our glorious advancement in letting go and ever more evolving into our Eternal Life in the Light!

We begin with a constant focus and disciplined sustained attention on our own Mighty I AM Presence …visualizing this Cosmic Being constantly expressing as our Flame, radiating Solar Rays across Multiple Dimensions and Spheres of Light, which emanate directly from an even Higher Frequency …our White Fire Being! This entire vision then manifests in daily life as our Solar Christ Self, initiated and awakened through our Invocation. This Divine Instrument is a Sun of the Sun, whose Sphere of Influence radiates into every person, place, condition and thing we contact or are made aware of in daily life. Recognizing this as our Silent Sun of Light (representing the Great Silence) we know its presence in our life as the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.

Here we see and feel the Mighty Materialization of Electronic Light that cascades from Inner Sources, emerging as a great fountainhead of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …at the Three-fold Flame in the heart. This great influx of Higher Frequency Light then radiates along all our internal circuits through the meridians and the chakras system, rejuvenating our body and recalibrating it to the New Frequencies of Pure Light. All life that enters our sphere of influence is blessed by this Divine Light, through the Law of Coherence: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

We sustain this vision of ourselves as the Three-fold Flame, shining brightly and powerfully at our heart center.  Its Cosmic Momentum constantly expands with every mindful, rhythmic breath, embracing all the planet and beyond.  We maintain our attention on the Perfection Patterns (everything that is good, healthy and perfect) …which already pulsate in the Higher Spheres awaiting our Invocation on the Inbreath and Absorption: then expanding and projecting them with the Outbreath into daily life. We claim the Voice of the Great I AM, through short, powerful affirmations: I AM the perfect Harmony and Balance emerging in this situation; I AM Higher Frequency Divine Love radiating to this person or place.

As Builders of Divine Consciousness, we co-create sustained Forcefields with our attention and energy, qualifying them with the Seven Cosmic Rays, as well as the New Frequencies emerging from our anchorage of the Solar Year Thoughtform.   Again, we use the Voice of the Great I AM, affirming for example: I AM a Forcefield of pure Green Light of Health and Wellness that constantly enfolds my home, family, and all goodness in the world! I AM a Forcefield of unlimited Abundance, Supply, Peace and Comfort in my life and in everything I focus upon! I AM constantly, rhythmically reinforcing this Activity with my Crystal Vision, visualizing a Sphere of Sacred Fire enveloping any situation, place or person with the exact Forcefield necessary to bless that part of life into its Divine Potential.  I AM the Christ in action!

Here we give recognition to the Universal Laws, understanding their application for our Ascended Mastery of this plane of existence.  We honor the Law of Polarity …repolarizing any situation that is not manifesting Harmony and Balance.  We generate a positive mantra or decree that reflects the perfection we desire.  We also generate the perfect thoughts and feeling nature, as the Cosmic Seeds of the very Perfection Patterns we desire to anchor.  This is Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation! And in our creative efforts, we remember always that no matter the outer circumstances, the Divine Plan always, always, always prevails!

Our Victory of Light Service is our Divine Instrument.  It is the application and sustained realization of ourselves …as Sacred Fire, the Eternal Flame of Life I AM! We constantly experience that I AM its Infinite Radiant Light, expanding to all areas of daily life. Our Sphere of Influence expands to Mother Earth, remembering that the Light of Sacred Fire is everywhere present in the Eternal Moment of Now. We project the Voice of the Great I AM, affirming: I AM radiating Sacred Fire from my Eternal Flame healing mother nature with the qualities of Divine Restoration!

I AM blessing the Elemental Kingdom, repolarizing it
to the Pristine Purity of the original Divine Plan!

Our Victory in the Light is in our Oneness Consciousness with Universal I AM!  We constantly sustain our attention towards the Higher Frequency Spheres of Light that flow constantly into our keeping!  Here we are (I AM!) Keepers of the Flame! We constantly expand our Consciousness to include all the Ascended Planets …the Sun, Central Sun and the Great Central Sun …now radiating their Higher Frequencies directly into our daily Light Service.  In this Eternal Moment of Now, we realize that I AM one atom of life in action …andI AM the entire Cosmos in action!  For our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light exists at each level of being. And to every level of life, we enfold you in our Rose-pedaled, Pulsating Pink Sun of Divine Love!

In our Oneness Consciousness we also forge and strengthen alliances with all those embodied who we recognize and serve the Light.  Together, standing in the Light, we co-create powerful Forcefields of Harmony and Balance, Health and Wellness, and a true Brotherhood / Sisterhood of Ascended and Free Humanity.  Herein is our hope of a New Earth!   With our co-servers, we gather physically or in ‘projected Consciousness’ for the purpose of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation of Spiritual Freedom for all.  Together we are Builders of Divine Consciousness in the co-creation of our Star of Spiritual Freedom!

In the Name of Beloved Saint Germain, we visualize and sustain the rhythmic use of the Violet Fire. Within this Sacred Fire are the Perfection Patterns needed for any karmic situation …for this is the gift of the Central Sun which Beloved Saint Germain brought to Earth for his Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom. Our service is in constant and measured application of the Violet Fire into any aspect of daily life. We invoke the Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness for the cause, core, effect, record and memory of all karma committed by ourselves or any aspect of the Fourth or Fifth Root Race. This is Transformative Light Service … transmuting karmic energy before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained!

Accompanying this Violet Fire service is the Invocation and Sustaining of our Circle and Sword of Blue Flame …becoming Legions of Lord Michael on Earth!  We call forth this First Ray Activity to liberate any condition less than perfect, breaking down multi-dimensional karmic crystallizations into smaller energy pockets so that the Violet Fire may then infuse and set free the source of that imbalance. We invoke, visualize, sustain and activate through affirmations the Electronic Mantle of Invincible Protection that guards and protects us from any discordant energy, while we do these Activities of Light. This Blue Mantle of Light makes us invincible to anything less than Harmony and Balance.   Likewise, in our planetary Light Service, we envision columns of Protective Light enfolding Humanity, from the center of the Earth to the Central Sun …where only the Cosmic Christ Energies may enter therein.

And in our Thoughtform of 2017, we ignite the Diamond of God Illumination, like a Golden Robe around us, all of Humanity and the entire planet. With multi-dimensional Vision, we tangibly witness the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love gaining momentum throughout daily life. Our Crystal Vision comes from realizing our Crown of the Elohim on our forehead, radiating the Seven Cosmic Rays.  Here we feel the Power of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation as do the Elohim!  Their Authority is symbolized by the Scepter of Co-Creative Power in our hands …representing the dominion of our Divine Presence in daily life.

Standing in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire we feel the Feminine Ray and its Divine Attributes.  We sustain the Cosmic Mother's Immaculate Concept now enveloping the entire planet.  We envision the Masculine Ray now wielding its own Healing Power, a Sword of Solar Diamond Light, harmonizing the ‘yet imbalanced’ masculine energies within Humanity …giving dignity and respect to the True Identity of all life.  This clears the way for the Feminine Ray within Humanity, which can be visualized as a Golden Light Chalice in our hands, lighting the way toward Divine Consciousness. This represents the Feminine Ray and its powerful balanced manifestation as a new time …beyond time!

In our Light Service, we see the Earth now vibrating in its Orbit of Higher Frequency Love. In this Higher Vibration, we feel the Divine Alignment of all Aspects of our True Identity in Oneness Consciousness. Our Solar Christ Self is fully initiated and can efficiently fulfill its ‘mediator function’ between the Higher Dimensions and earthly planes.  And we practice tangibly experiencing this in daily life.  We see our Mighty I AM Presence as a great Illuminating Sun, projecting great Currents of Light across Universal I AM, as well as directly into our Solar Christ Self and through us, into all terrestrial planes.

Our Glorious Causal Body is our Cosmic Signature of all Divine Momentum we have generated over our infinite journey through Universal I AM.  It is the storehouse of all the good and perfect Energy, Vibration and Consciousness we have created, invoked or mediated along all our evolution. Its doors are wide open and we can access all the Glory promised by Father / Mother God within the Kingdom of Heaven.  For here we are (I AM!) Home!  Our White Fire Being, the sum of the Twin Flames, radiates powerful currents from the Great Central Sun, advancing the evolution of our Star and all its Galaxy.

Today we consecrate ourselves more consciously to the great opportunity of being embodied for Light Service. There are moments of convergence of great Cosmic Cycles and their representative Cosmic Beings …and we are in such a moment now! Continuously realizing this is a catalyst to anchoring Cosmic Forces ensuring our Victory! Many Cosmic Beings are attentive to our Light Service …our applied Ascended Mastery within daily life. We are (I AM!) children of the ‘Most High’, citizens of ancient Ascended Civilizations, who now stand together in the Light in the co-creation of Freedom’s Holy Star ...achieving her Divine Orbit within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  And SO IT IS!

I recognize and accept myself as a Cosmic Being,
now Illumined and Awakened in daily life.

From the Sacred Sanctuary of my Heart,
I AM radiating the Sacred Fire’s Infinite Light!

I AM elevating this planet and its blessed Humanity
on the wings of the Holy Spirit’s Cosmic Dove.
All life now achieves the Higher Dimensions
of its own Ascended and Free State!

I AM the Cosmic Christ,
the Light, Intelligence and Love of the
great Universal I AM, embodied in daily life!