January, 2017


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in her Ascended State:

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Solar Year 2017:


The Sun of Earth as a Three-fold Flame, expressed as:

A upward pointing Sword of Blue Flame; centered in
a Diamond of Golden Light within which are
Seven levels of White Ascension Doves;
around which is a pulsating Pink Sun!

Around the Sun of Earth is the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.
Around it vibrates the Causal Realms of Ascended
and Free Temples of the entire I AM Race!


The Three-fold Sun of Earth …reflecting the collective nature of every individual Solar Christ Self …the Oneness Consciousness of all Suns of the Sun.  The Cosmic Dove of Holy Spirit continues to anchor Higher Frequency Divine Love into New Earth, Ascending into her Ascended and Free Orbit, into all levels of life.


The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire pulsating around New Earth continues to station the Cosmic Beings representing the Synchronicity of the Feminine Ray and the Seventh Ray. The White Fire Being also continues to populate the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around New Earth, conveying the Perfection Patterns of Spiritual Freedom directly from Father / Mother God.


The Gathering of the I AM Race: the Spheres of Light containing the Temples of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.  The Hierarch of each Temple is the Mighty I AM Presence of each one of Humanity.  This Gathering now includes the First Three Root Races, who long ago Ascended into their Ascended and Free State …and, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races, who now embody to manifest the Age of Spiritual Freedom …and finally, that of every Mighty God Presence of the Fourth and Fifth Root Race, regardless of the development of the outer self (whose ego is to no longer hold back the Divine Plan).  Let us feel and experience our Ascended and Free Realms of Light as encompassing Spheres of Sacred Fire (rather than viewing them as two dimensional circles from afar).  These Realms are our Ascended and Free Home. Let us live, move, breathe and have our Being at Home in the Light!


The transforming Sun of Earth expressing as
a Three-fold Flame, now manifests as:

The central Blue Flame now shines and blazes as an
upward pointing Sword of Blue, surrounded by
its own Radiant Circle of Blue!

The Golden Flame of God Illumination spirals between
the levels of life on Earth …represented by the levels of White
Ascension Doves …each level emanating a Golden White Light.

The Pink Flame pulsates as the
Sun of Higher Frequency Divine Love
from Beloved Krishna and Sophia and the planet Venus,
establishing our Sun of Earth as the Star of Spiritual Freedom.

Each pulsation of this magnificent Pink Sun represents a continuous expansion / intensification of this Higher Frequency Divine Love …emerging from within this Sun of Earth (rather than from above it)…revealing itself from Higher Dimensions. It may be visualized as an expanding rose-petal Sun …a continuously opening flower with an eternal production of Multi-dimensional, Higher Frequency Realms of Divine Love!


The Vehicle of the Manu, as a Crystalline Shimmering Diamond

What was a four-square Forcefield now transforms into a diamond shape.  This Crystalline Shimmering Diamond abides within the Sun of Earth, touching both upper and lower poles and, at its circumference, radiates to the equator at the center.  Its form encompasses a ‘Pagoda of Seven Doves’ (smallest at the top, largest at the center and then its mirror image, again smallest at the bottom).  This Diamond of White Ascension Doves represents Holy Spirit permeating every level of life on Earth, manifesting the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …uniting all life in her Ascended State!  This Vehicle of the Manu emits a continuous Golden White Light, becoming the Presence of God Illumination within daily life …like a Golden Robe or Aura around each one of Humanity …until it reveals Humanity living Ascended and Free!


The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.

As well as pulsating around New Earth, this Sacred Violet Fire Activity now becomes the principal aspect of our personal aura …expressing as our Violet Fire Chakra within daily life.  Our White Fire Being thus expresses itself more directly through our personal Forcefield, granting our own personal experience of Higher Frequency Spiritual Freedom.  Our White Fire Being was born in the ‘image and likeness of God’ as an Infinite Circle of Light …now projected on Earth as an Infinite Circle of Violet Light!  And then within daily life, all of this Mystic Ring Activity blazes from our Seventh Ray Chakra, as our own Violet Fire Sun.

This Mystic Sphere of Light now represents a profound, Higher Frequency Forgiveness …the Cosmic Power to transmute the cause, core, effect, record and memory of all karma back unto the very beginning of time.  Much imbalance has been brought to the surface of awareness for this very purpose.  This Transformation Activity occurs through a profound release of a Higher Frequency Law of Mercy and Compassion …a multi-dimensional synchronicity of the Feminine Ray, Violet Fire and the specific vibration of Divine Love from Beloved Krishna and Sophia …pouring through our White Fire Being within the Mystic Ring, anchoring in daily life …through us!


The Pagoda of Cosmic Doves …Holy Spirit now progressively descends from the top of the Sun of Earth (representing the dawn of Divine Consciousness) and now is centered at the Heart of Humanity, governing daily life in Divine Love. Each level of the Seven Cosmic Doves represents a level of life on Earth, together forming a diamond.

The very bottom Dove (at the lower pole of the diamond) represents all inanimate elemental life, the foundation of form in our quest for Mastery of Consciousness within form.  This includes all minerals and elements within the periodic table, as well as the sub-atomic life within these atoms.

Next level of Dove represents all simple animal and plant life, from molecules to single cell creatures, through to all species of life operating through a Group Deva.  Next Dove up is all complex plant and animal life, each one having attained a certain level of consciousness unto themselves.  The central largest (middle) Dove represents the mass Consciousness of Humanity as she currently exists …including all imbalance that presently surfaces for its redemption …as well as the constant expansion of all innate goodness within Humanity.

The upper three Doves of Holy Spirit represent the advancing spiritual development of Humanity …from elevated mass Consciousness …to an evolving commitment to advanced spiritual development …towards the very top where Ascended and Free Consciousness is the norm of daily life.

All Orders of Angels and Elemental Devas attend every level of life expressing on Earth.  Magnificent Hosts of Seraphim, Cherubim, Devas and ‘Great Builders of form’ spiral around and through each level or Sphere of Influence within elemental and human life …all encompassed within the Golden White Light of God Illumination inside the Crystalline Shimmering Diamond.

As well, Holy Spirit is represented here as the Lord Maha Chohan.  This Office within the Spiritual Hierarchy oversees the Seven Chohans of the Seven Planetary Rays now expressing in the diamond.  The Lord Maha Chohan maintains Oneness Consciousness along all Seven Rays. The Seven Chohans govern aspects of each level of life expression on Earth …along with the Seven Archangels and Elohim of each Ray.  In this same vein, each level of the Dove represents one of the Seven Chakras of Humanity. The largest Dove is at the Heart Chakra, holding the mass consciousness of Humanity …with three Doves (or Chakras) above …and three below, reflecting a Solar Christ Self!  Thus each one of Humanity individually becomes the Diamond Vehicle of the Manu …as each Solar Christ Self expresses the Theme and Thoughtform of 2017!

This Vehicle of the Manu also represents the restoration of the constant, full, uninterrupted flow of Divine Electronic Light from the Mighty I AM Presence …along the Silver Cord, into the Heart Flame …for the co-creation of Divine Self as well as creating Eternal Life in the Light for all life everywhere!  This electronic current is our Divine River of Life …a flow of Divine Consciousness from the center of Universal I AM directly into daily life on Earth …for the creation within daily life of Perfection Patterns aligned with the Divine Plan.

These seven levels of the Cosmic Dove expressing itself create the dazzling Crystalline Shimmering Diamond Vehicle of the Manu. The Golden Light of God Illumination (from the Brothers of the Golden Robe and their Angelic Hosts) spiral up and down these levels of life, uniting all life in Oneness Consciousness. This now creates the Cause for a Revelation of the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …within daily life!



I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness.
I AM Builders of Eternal Life in the Light!
I AM Builders of Divine Self …within daily life.
I AM Builders of Divine Earth, as the Star of Spiritual Freedom!

Holy Spirit at the Heart of Humanity:
expressing as the major Force of co-creation through
all levels of life …the full manifestation of
Higher Frequency Divine Love.




I AM igniting Holy Spirit on Earth!  The Higher Frequency Divine Love of Cosmic Holy Spirit is accelerated by Beloved Krishna and Sophia, for the express purpose of elevating every Sphere of Influence / Realm of Life on Earth!  Holy Spirit serves the Elemental Kingdom on Earth. Co-directing this Restoration of full Harmony and Balance within the Elemental Kingdom are the Directors of the Four Elements …Beloved Helios and Vesta; Beloved Thor and Aries; Beloved Neptune and Lunara and Beloved Pelleur and Virgo. I AM loving all Elemental life free!


with Lord Michael at the lead, attending every aspect
of our Multi-dimensional Thoughtform.  



  1. A. Representing the Cosmic Three-fold Flame as the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …manifesting both individually as the Sun of the Sun, and collectively as the Sun of Earth:
  1. The Blue Flame: represented by Beloved Lord Michael and his Circle and Sword of Blue Flame, accompanied by the countless Cosmic Legions of Blue Flame who serve with Lord Michael. Lord Michael leads the incoming Root Races onto Earth!
  2. The Gold Flame: represented by the Brothers of the Golden Robe …including our Beloved Lord of the World Gautama, Beloved Lord Maitreya, and our Beloved World Teacher Kuthumi …establishing God Illumination as a Heart centered communal Divine Intuition, in Humanity.
  3. The Pink Flame: represented by Beloved Sanat Kumara and the Cosmic Angels of Venus, who attend the Higher Frequencies of Divine Love, pouring in from Beloved Krishna and Sophia.


  1. B. The Beloved Manus: of the outgoing Fourth and Fifth Root Races, as well as the incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races. Beloved Lord Himalaya and Manu Vaisasvatu are stationed at north / south poles and Beloved Lord Saithru and God Meru at the east / west stations of the Crystalline Shimmering Diamond …maintaining the horizontal and vertical axis of the diamond. Here the Divine Axis of Universal I AM, through Beloved Polaris and Magnus, assists in the stability of this Diamond Manu Vehicle!


  1. C. The Divine Synchronicity of the Feminine Ray / Seventh Ray represented by Beloved Goddess of Liberty, Beloved Kwan Yin, Beloved Lady Mercedes, Beloved Elohim Diana, Beloved Lady Portia, and Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst …continuing within their stations within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.


(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Radiant Light
of Sacred Flame, creating Divine Self as a
manifestation of Divine Love, in me!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Radiant Light of
Sacred Flame, creating Eternal Life in the Light,
revealing Divine Love everywhere present!



I AM the I AM Eternal Flame!
I AM the I AM Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM the I AM Eternal Moment of Now!
I AM that I AM …in my Eternal Life in the Light!

Within Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light
is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
living her Eternal Life in the Light!

Within Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light is
the Star of Spiritual Freedom, our Sun of Earth,
living her Eternal Life in the Light!

Within Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light
is Universal I AM, living her Eternal Life in the Light!

Within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2017, the Circle
and Sword of Blue Flame becomes my portal back to Divine
Will …and a Forcefield of release from self, time and space.
In this Blue Forcefield, I AM in the Eternal Moment of Now!

Within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2017, I AM the Golden
Wisdom Flame
spiraling through the Diamond Mind of God.
It contains all Divine Ideas, all Ascended and Free concepts
necessary for Humanity’s Ascension …accessible to all!

Within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2017, I AM the pulsating
Pink Sun of Divine Love, containing every Quantum State of
Holy Spirit, every Divine Feeling State known to the
Angels. I AM the Cosmic Heart of Holy Spirit!

Here I AM Builders of Divine Self on Earth.
Here I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness.
Here I AM Builders of Eternal Life in the Light!

I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
Divine Light is Energy, Matter and Intelligence!
I AM a Being of Divine Energy!
I AM a Being of Divine Matter!
I AM a Being of Divine Intelligence!

I AM the Solar Christ Self! I AM the Sun of the Sun!
I stand in the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame.
And I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.

I stand in the Flame of God Illumination.
And I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.

I stand in the Sun of Divine Love.
And I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM the Three-fold Flame: Sun of the Sun!
I AM the Central Flame of the Sun of Earth!




Blue Flame blazes!
Golden Flame spirals!
Pink Flame PULSATES!

Blue Flame blazes upward through my Being,
from below my feet to above my head.
I stand as a Sword of Blue Flame!

Golden Light of God Illumination spirals up and down the
Crystalline Shimmering Diamond that I stand within.
I hold the Immaculate Concept for all levels
of life …now expressing within me!

Pink Flame pulsates, pulsates, PULSATES as my Sphere
of Influence … with Higher Frequency Divine
Love radiating to all life everywhere!

In 2017, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity further becomes its True Identity …as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light! Within this Divine Instrument, the Light blazing inward on the Inbreath, creates Divine Self!  The Light blazing outwards on the Outbreath, co-creates Eternal Life in the Light …an Elemental magnificence of Heaven on Earth.  To allow this Divine Instrument of the I AM Race to properly function, we need only truly understand and practice being empty of self …of all persons, places, conditions (any condition!) and things, as well as all roles and responsibilities of self.  Simultaneously, we become empty of time and space …free of waiting, aging and frustration …and, of distance, separation and duality.  Each day we grow into the completeness of this discipline …becoming the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

Let us visualize our seven planetary Chakras over-lighted by the Seven Doves of Holy Spirit.  Thus we individually manifest the incoming Higher Frequency Divine Love at every level of our Creative Faculties. On a collective level, together, standing in the Light, we hold every level of life existing on Earth within our Being.  This activity extends from the base of our spine to the top of our head …and correspondingly, from the north to the south pole of Earth.  Our seven Chakras manifest within the Crystalline Shimmering Diamond of Golden White spiraling Light, with largest wingspan of the Seven Ascension Doves at the Heart Chakra and progressively smaller top to bottom. Within this Diamond is the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame …and, around this Diamond is the pulsating Sun of Divine Love. The Diamond extends from pole to pole of the Sun of Earth and merges its Light at its widest point with the circumference of the Sun of Earth.

Humanity is attracted / magnetized to the Eternal Flame.  Humanity is attracted / magnetized to the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness within Flame.  Humanity is attracted / magnetized to the Divine Energy, Matter and Intelligence within the Light radiating from Eternal Flame.  In this Solar Year, we simply create an embodied Cosmic Forcefield of attraction / magnetization greater than any lure of an ego entity.  The Gathering of Ascended Humanity brings Humanity what she desires at the core …a silent but crystal clear directive, back to her own Divine Instrument of Being.

As we feel the flow of Universal I AM into daily life, let us see that the Silver Cord from the Mighty I AM Presence does not so much ‘pour down from a physical height’, but rather emerges from a Higher Frequency, into the Three-fold Flame anchored in the Heart.  The White Fire Being, Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and Solar Christ Self are all in this same moment of here and now …all at different frequencies.  We choose at which frequency we abide at …and, in that choice is our Spiritual Freedom!

In our Ascended and Free Consciousness, we live in a Realm of warmth, love, peace and beauty …the ‘Kingdom of Heaven within’!  Our co-creation comes from our collective Three-fold Flame …our Mighty God Presence in action.  From our Flame and its Light, this Governing God Intelligence can and will build for us a Light-body and Light-environment, meant for living a Divine Life in the world of form …living our Ascended and Free Consciousness ‘in form’ …our Solar Christ Self living its Ascended and Free life on New Earth!

Living this True Identity, we become Foci for all other life to be raised up into their Spiritual Freedom.  In Ascended and Free Light Service, we become motivational centers and foci of Divine Cause …emitting rhythmic pulsations of Ascended and Free Spiritual Freedom, setting a tempo and tone of daily life at a Higher Frequency of Divine Love.  We are the ‘pacemaker cells’ within Humanity …setting the frequency for Spiritual Freedom!

Following the Path of our Gurus within the Great Light Brotherhood, we manifest their motto: We know this Truth; we dare to practice it, live it …we co-create through doing this Truth and then we remain in the Great Silence, humble before the Light, and anonymous to the world.  To know; to dare; to do; and to be silent!  I AM the Great Light Brotherhood in action on Earth!

In our True Identity and within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2017 (a 1 year in numerology), we practice true Reverence for all Life …at every level existing on and within Earth …all represented within the Thoughtform of 2017 vibrating within us.  We are (I AM!) the God Illumination of Golden White Light …spiraling up and down between all the levels of life …radiating the Law of Coherence: as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

From within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire pours forth the Law of Forgiveness.  Our majestic White Fire Being abides here to finally and fully forgive the inner cause, core, effect, record and memory of all imbalance …and thus heal its outer effects of disease, aging and death.  We replace it with a Forcefield of Higher Frequency Cause within the Theme and Thoughtform of 2017.  This is how Beloved Jesus healed, delving deep within a person’s Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …forgiving the cause of disease or even death itself (Lazarus) and replacing it with the Perfection Patterns of Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty and Eternal Life in the Light.  Now we as embodied Light Beings do as Jesus did; for he said: ‘‘Everything I have done, so shall ye also do …and greater things!”

In our 2017 Light Service, let us visualize our Sphere of Influence ever expanding!  For example, let us see our Violet Fire Chakra (at the abdomen) functioning perfectly …then expanding to the size of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around us!  Then let us see our personal Violet Fire Aura ever expanding to merge with the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around the planet!  Then we may do this same expansion with any aspect of the Thoughtform of 2017 …from standing within the Sword of Blue Flame to this same Forcefield expanding from the south to north poles of Earth …or, expanding the Golden White Light of God Illumination from spiraling up and down all levels of life within us …to all levels of life existing on, around or within Earth!

Let us visualize standing within our Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, wielding the Higher Frequency Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. Through us, our White Fire Being surveys the persons, places, conditions and things; roles and responsibilities and events of this life …as well as in all previous embodiments, going back to ‘before time’, before our first embodiment. I invoke from the Central Sun all the Powers of Divine Love within the Violet Fire. I feel the Power of my White Fire Being deeply forgiving, all imbalance of my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds since the beginning of time.  This Sacred Activity loves free the cause, core, effect, record and memory of such imbalance …immediately replacing karmic patterns with Perfection Patterns of Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty, and Eternal Life in the Light.

We further invoke: Beloved White Fire Being; blaze and blaze the Cosmic Violet Fire from my own Causal Body and that of the Central Sun through the length and breadth of my embodiments.  I ask forgiveness for every imbalance caused by the misuse of my Creative Faculties.  In turn I deeply, deeply, deeply forgive all life that has ever caused me distress since the beginning of time.  For I AM now existing beyond time …existing as the original Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …as I was before any embodiments on Earth! Here I stand before Father / Mother God as I was originally conceived.  I AM the White Fire Being in action doing all of this, here and now!

Then as the Gathering of the I AM Race, we do the same for all Humanity. Together, standing in the Light, within the Law of Coherence, we offer up all remaining karma of all Humanity to the Cohesive Power of Divine Love within the Cosmic Violet Fire.  For the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire and its Higher Frequency Law of Compassion continually dissolves the psychic and astral planes of karma, where all the ‘hidden’ spheres of karma yet attempt to govern daily life through the illusion of imbalance.  The Circle and Sword of Blue Flame is designed to reveal and liberate the multi-dimensional aspects of karma, which have eluded Humanity for so long.  All the innocent life energy encased / entrapped within karma patterns, calls out for its release!  This Activity of Blue Flame allows the Violet Fire to do its perfect work much quicker, returning all innocent electrons to their Divine Potential fulfilled!

Let us see this Activity as the Elohim do!  For out of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire flows the Realms of Co-creation and Precipitation.  Here we exist as Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self and Builders of Divine Earth …the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!  This is the Order of Zadkiel!  The Violet Fire continually expands the Quantum States of Rhythm, Synchronicity, Ceremony, Divine Order and all the gifts of the Feminine Ray / Seventh Ray towards all life on Earth!

We stand completely within the Sword of Blue Flame. Here we experience the Original Divine Intent of God, a Reality flowing along the Silver Cord from the Mighty I AM Presence uninterrupted …manifesting our Divine Self and our Eternal Life in the Light!   Then as Beloved Jesus did before us, we ‘behold God within all things’ …every person, place, condition and thing …animate or inanimate …regardless of their present condition or point of development.  All life first began with the affirmation: I AM!  Even the smallest Elemental, through to the basic atom itself, began this way.  So we strive to see only the Perfection Patterns within all life, even the most challenging aspects! We do this for all multi-dimensional levels of life on Earth …for all are included in our Thoughtform of 2017.  Then we live the affirmation of Ascended and Free Light Service: I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all Life in its Ascended State!

This Cohesive Power of Divine Love does create ‘Oneness Consciousness’, with no separation.  So, ‘Oneness’ is a Cosmic Truthwithin the Higher Frequency Spheres of Light!  However, within the restricted confines of self, time and space (daily life), we do witness a separation of sorts, where various aspects of Humanity are choosing by free will to move towards Oneness Consciousness in the Light …or, move away from it and still serve ego.  The current conditions of daily life direct each one to actively choose which planet they desire to co-create and subsequently live upon. Our service is to ‘clear the inner way’, so as to give all Humanity every opportunity to choose the Light!

And hence the illusion of separation remains on the surface but Ascended and Free Light Service continually presents an alternative to this lesser reality …by living in the Realms of Oneness Consciousness.  This is why Ascended and Free Light Service includes every level of life spiraling upward in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness towards its Divine Potential in the Light.  Every level of life is represented in this service.

This Activity is the Resurrection and the Life of an Eternal Life in the Light. Like Beloved Jesus, we attain this Ascended and Free State on Earth through our sustained Faith only in this Truth of Oneness Consciousness …where the surface illusion of imbalance does not draw us from our Cosmic Certainty.  The Divine Light carries all the Energy, Matter and Intelligence to continuously create a Divine Life in the Light and we abide in that certainty!  Here all Peace, all Healing, all Enlightenment is ours, within the ‘Kingdom of our own Eternal Flame’!

Within Oneness Consciousness we know ourselves as ‘one drop’ within an infinite Ocean of Cosmic Light.  Yet we also know with the same certainty, that as one drop, we carry the full power of the entire Cosmic Ocean!  This Ocean is the Heart of God, the Mind of God, the Memory of God (Causal Body) and the Body of God.  Here the ‘wave form’ of electronic Perfection Patterns condense into their ‘particle-form’ producing our Light Body and, as well our environment of LightEternal Life in the Light, right here and now on Earth!

As an individualized ‘drop’ of Universal I AM, every little individual Truth carries all the Power of Universal Truth.  Every individual act or expression of Love carries all the Power of Cosmic Holy Spirit.  Every Ascended and Free concept we understand and maintain, moves forward all life into that same Enlightenment.  Every act of kindness carries the full Power of the Cosmic Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …the Keynote of the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom.  This is how we collectively co-create a New Age, by remaining Faithful to our Oneness Consciousness within the Great I AM!

Affirm:  I AM Eternal Flame and I now externalize a Radiant Light Body around me!  I AM the Governing God Intelligence that allows for this ‘miracle’.  I AM the Infinite Radiant Light of the Flame that contains all the Energy, Matter and Intelligence to create and sustain this Divine Vehicle.  My environment becomes a Sphere of Light outside the confines of time and space …where I move and travel without moving; I conceive all Universal Truth without thinking; I feel the entire breadth of Holy Spirit without effort; I feel the security of my environment yet experience no barriers or restrictions, living and experiencing an Infinite and Eternal Life in the Light.  I AM only conscious of Universal I AM expanding its Divine Reality through me …and through all life where I have directed my attention.  In my Oneness Consciousness with Universal I AM, I AM in Heaven and all of Heaven is in me!


I exist in an ever expanding Temple of Light, surrounded by the
Light pouring forth from every atom of inanimate form and, every
cell of animate form ...the people, animals, plant life, streets,
buildings, nature, space …are all shinning their Light. 


 In the name of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness
And, I AM Builders of Divine Self!

My Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light creates the
Sacred Life Essence, now flowing within and through
my White Fire Being; my Mighty I AM Presence;
my Causal Body and my Solar Christ Self,
through me, creating Divine Self and
an Eternal Life in the Light !



[1]The Thoughtform of a Solar Year has many dimensions that express across multiple Spheres and Realms of Light.  It is not easily drawn on a 2 dimensional page or even captured in a 3 dimensional image.  It functions beyond the restrictions of time and space.  If the outer mind struggles to see the Thoughtform in ‘one picture’, it is precisely because it expresses across various dimensions, realms and spheres of Divine Life …something our mind is growing into.  Here we invoke the Multi-dimensional Crystal Vision of the Elohim.  During this process, it may be best to focus on one or two aspects of the Thoughtform, until it flows into continuous oneness within the Light Server’s Consciousness.  We visualize it most completely by feeling we abide at its center and it functions within and around us …as well as seeing and feeling ourselves as every single aspect of the Thoughtform …until our Consciousness captures its multi-dimensional fullness.  Each month we will explore the multi-dimensionality of each aspect of the Thoughtform for greater understanding.