January, 2020



I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all Life in its Ascended State, now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Solar Year 2020!

…as it was originally given to Beloved Saint Germain in a
Sacred Ceremony in the Central Sun, for the purpose of Initiating
a New Age of Spiritual Freedom on Earth; when came the
Cosmic Moment of the Seventh Ray Dispensation.

And Here I AM at this Cosmic Moment!
and in this Cosmic Moment ...

I AM the Power of the Divine Feminine Ray!
I AM the Cosmic Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love!
I AM the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love!
These are all the same Celestial, Sacred Fire!
I AM a consecrated Focus of this Truth!
I AM, I AM Ascended and Free!




I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Twelve-fold Permanent Atom
of Spiritual Freedom …the Cosmic Maltese Cross!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Twelve-fold Permanent Atom
of Spiritual Freedom …the Cosmic Maltese Cross!



I AM Eternal Flame …a Focus of Sacred Energy …
at the Highest Vibration of Ascended and Free Consciousness!

I AM its Infinite Radiant Light …the Energy of Perfection Patterns
…manifesting as Divinely Intelligent Matter, creating
a world of Limitless Physical Perfection!

My Eternal Flame is a Temple of Divine Consciousness
…at its Eternal Ascended and Free Frequency.

Its Infinite Radiant Light is my Altar of Perfection Patterns,
manifesting their quantum matter of an Eternal Life in the Light.

To ensure this Victory: I AM in the world but not of it!
I AM empty of self …of persons, places, conditions and things,
as well as the condemnation, criticism and judgment, and all anger,
resentment and fear of those persons, places, conditions and things.

And ‘I AM FLAME’ …a dazzling, brilliant, diamond Sun of the Sun
at the center of my own Permanent Atom of Perfection.

This is my ‘Electronic I AM Presence’ embodied on Earth
as is God's Will from the beginning of creation!

I AM a Focus of Sacred Fire Divine Consciousness at its Eternal Ascended
and Free Vibration, embodied as its Sacred Light Radiance,
revealing perfect ‘quantum matter’.

I AM an Eternal Flame, manifesting Divine Consciousness!

I AM Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light,
co-creating through its innately Intelligent Matter.

The Eternal Flame is Pure Love, Wisdom and Power!
I AM its Pure Love …of the God Parents for all their creation!
I AM its Pure Wisdom, allowing all life to unfold Divine Potential.
I AM the Pure Power of the Divine Feminine Ray …to hold
it all perfectly within its own Immaculate Concept.

The Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light then manifests its Perfection Patterns
of Pure Youth and Beauty; Health and Wellness; and the Strength
and Stamina for Eternal Service to the Light!




I AM Serving under the Banner of
Beloved Saint Germain’s Spiritual Freedom.
I stand in the Crystal Light of my Permanent Atom,
enfolded now in His Electronic Pattern, the Maltese Cross:

I AM the Twelve-fold Electronic Pattern of a New Age, a
Crystal Diamond Three-fold Sun within this Cosmic Maltese Cross!

I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love, the
Voice of the Great I AM …the Central Sun of the Permanent Atom!

I AM the Twelve-fold Maltese Cross of Spiritual Freedom! (X3)

This Twelve-fold Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom is the
Atomic Accelerator …promised for a New Age of Spiritual
Freedom and the Ascension of Humanity!

This Twelve-fold Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom:
…now accelerates my Ascension!
…now accelerates Humanity’s Ascension!
…now accelerates our sweet Earth’s Ascension!
...into the Eternal Unity of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

At the center of the Maltese Cross is my Eternal Flame; and the
Eternal Sun of Even Pressure of our sweet Earth …as well as the
Three-fold Flame of Ascended and Free Humanity, the I AM Race!

I now call forth every Holy Christ Self of Humanity to step forth into
Holy Communion with this Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom,
becoming the Solar Christ Self, Ascended and Free!

This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!


Beloved Ones: the Maltese Cross is composed of Cosmic Violet Fire, the Highest Frequency of the Celestial Seventh Ray, brought from the Central Sun by Beloved Saint Germain …to Invoke and to Initiate the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom! This gift of the Central Sun is Inter-dimensional as well as Multi-dimensional … for it contains everything necessary for our New Age, given present circumstances. This includes the Cohesive Power of Divine Love which is the Feminine Ray and thus the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love! It is the Expression of Cosmic Holy Spirit.

This Divine Love Nature was developed through the Sun of Beloved Krishna and Sophia (themselves birthed by the Central Sun Alpha and Omega), and specifically perfected on our sister Ascended Planet Venus for use during this present Cosmic Inbreath. It carries all the Divine ‘Quantum State’ Qualities of the Feminine Ray (inclusiveness, restorative justice, nurturance, circularity, etc.) …as well as the ‘Quantum State’ Qualities of the Seventh Ray ...Transmutation and Alchemy, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …all anchored through Rhythmic Divine Ceremony.

As Light Servers, we have known for some time that we are at a Cosmic Moment …where several Celestial Dispensations are simultaneously Activated in Divine Alignment and Synchronicity. These are all incorporated within this Solar Year …and include:
1. TheTransition of Ages, withthe ChristianDispensationonEarthnow transferring Power and Dominion to the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom. Here Beloved Ascended Master Jesus hands the ‘Flame of Dominion’ over to Beloved Saint Germain …in a Ceremony before the Lord of the World and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy at Shamballa.
2. The Ascendency of the Feminine Ray, with the Masculine Ray now releasing its grip on daily life and bowing to the Feminine Ray in all matters. Here we now bear witness: that the main influx of Love, Wisdom and Power entering Earth is at its Feminine Pole.
3. The Progression of Root Races, with the necessary Ascension from Earth of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races …and the advent of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races into embodiment, upon their New Earth …their Star of Spiritual Freedom;
4. And finally, the Great Cosmic Inbreath, where the entire Galaxy is accelerating forward, along the arc of development of Races, Planets, Suns, Central Suns and even Great Central Suns!

Some of the Activities of this Cosmic Moment are directly associated with Earth …while other aspects include the Earth ‘caught up’ in a much larger Cosmic Cycle. But either way, this is a very fortuitous, fortunate moment, with ‘massive potential’ to move Earth and Humanity out of the ‘karmic loop’ she has floundered in for millennium! All of this ‘synchronized Cosmic Momentum’ is captured within the 2020 Theme and Thoughtform.

The Maltese Cross composed of dazzling, crystalline, diamond brilliant Light. The Cross has a deep Purple trim …with a lighter Violet Radiance. Then around this Cosmic Maltese Cross, this Violet Fire Aura coalesces into the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.

The Maltese Cross is the Electronic Pattern of Beloved Saint Germain …but now of Cosmic magnitudes, completely enfolding our planet. Earth is now seen as a Crystalline Sun at the center of the Permanent Atom / Maltese Cross. Imprinted upon this Crystalline Sun is the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …inclusive of all life on Earth living free in the Light!

The four triangles composing the Maltese Cross are Cosmic Portals of incoming Celestial Forcefields of Sacred Fire. The Maltese Cross is four triangles pointing to a center. On its outer side, each triangle is slightly indented, like a smaller arrow also pointing to the center. Therefore, the outer edge of each triangle has three points …and with four triangles, we arrive at the Twelve Aspects of Deity …or the Twelve Solar Houses of the Sun …all of which then form the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. Here in this ‘Central Sun Vibration’, the White Fire Beings of Humanity reside: to guide, guard and direct the incoming Cosmic Assistance from all the ‘four directions’ (Dimensions, Realms, Dominions and Spheres) of Universal I AM. These Forces include (but are not limited to):

Four Grand Triangles of the Central Sun compose the Maltese Cross, with all the assistance of Angels and Elementals and the Spiritual Hierarchy who govern the Great Cosmic Inbreath: ... The Grand Triangle of Three Fire Signs. The Grand Triangle of Three Air Signs. The Grand Triangle of Three Water Signs. The Grand Triangle of Three Earth Signs.

Four Orders of Angels: Archangels; Seraphim; Cherubim; and the Angelic Hosts of all Ascended and Cosmic Beings!

The Four Root Races and their Manus…who now all accelerate forward in their arc of development: the outgoing Fourth and Fifth Root Races and the incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races … all now take their places at the four cardinal points of the Maltese Cross.

These Four allied, synchronized Activities within the present Cosmic Moment (see above), directed by the entire Spiritual Hierarchy and all Cosmic Beings now focused on Earth; as well as the White Fire Being of all Humanity …from the Four Cardinal Points of the Universe: all Dimensions, Realms, Dominions and Spheres of Light within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire enfolding the Maltese Cross of Spiritual Freedom; composed of the Twelve Aspects of Deity, the Twelve Houses of the Sun, representing all Aspects of the Central Suns and Great Central Suns, all ascending simultaneously within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

From this is co-created the embodied Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self …the birth of the I AM Race, on Ascended and Free Earth!

I AM the Divine Power of the Celestial Seventh Ray!
I AM the Divine Power of the Celestial Feminine Ray!
I AM the Divine Power of the Ray of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM the Divine Power and Mighty Victory of this Divine Plan!

Let us visualize the Maltese Cross as Sacred Science …the Sacred Geometry of the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom. At its center is a dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun …dancing with the full Force of the Sun’s Three-fold Flame and thus ablaze with the Infinite Radiant Light of the Seven Rays! Seen within this Crystal Sun Forcefield is the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …a Grand Triangle of all life on Earth living free in this Diamond Light!

As we stand within this Diamond Crystalline Sun, let us see, feel and deeply accept every aspect of our lives immersed in this Light! This represents the Permanent Atom Maltese Cross on a ‘personal level’. We then see the Maltese Cross expanding out limitlessly, in every direction. From this Sate of Holiness, we see, feel and deeply accept the atomic acceleration of all life on Earth then all life within our Solar System …and then all life within our Galaxy! And SO IT IS!

Let us understand the Infinite Radiant Light centered within this Maltese Cross. This dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun ‘moves, pulsates, breathes and has its Being’ within and around us. We feel it move and breathe within us …as we move and breathe within it! This Forcefield manifests itself as Divinely Intelligent Quantum Matter through us …beginning with our own Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom. In this dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Light we abide in our Spiritual Freedom …in our Electronic Presence, in our Ascension! Around us is the Cosmic Maltese Cross …the Atomic Accelerator Activity …of the Ascension of every aspect of our life …as promised by Beloved Saint Germain!



Beloved Goddess of Liberty …representing the
Twelve Solar Houses of the Central Sun


The Feminine Aspect of the First Ray of Divine Power and Intent
…Beloved Elohim Lady Amazon, Beloved Archaii Faith
and Beloved Lady Miriam, Feminine Ray Chohan of the First Ray



Beloved Saint Germain and the original Flame of Spiritual Freedom
brought from the Central Sun to
Initiate this Seventh Ray New Age


The Order of Zadkiel ...Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst

I place myself at the Heart Center of the Maltese Cross of Spiritual Freedom …within the dazzling, brilliant, Diamond Crystalline Sun! I AM this Sun …a ‘Sun of the Sun’. The Earth is also this Sun … as the ‘Sun of Earth’ …the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure! Within me, I feel the entire Lifeforce of Earth moving and breathing. Here I affirm: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

As the ‘heart center’ of the Permanent Atom, I feel all the Cosmic Forces pouring into Earth from above, below and all sides … everything necessary for Humanity’s complete Victory in the Light! I feel the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms; all Ascended Master and Cosmic Being; and all Forcefields of the Seventh Ray, the Feminine Ray, all the Ascension Forces from all other Planets, Stars and Suns within the Great Cosmic Inbreath …all pouring into this Maltese Cross, fusing within this Diamond Crystalline Sun.

Then I see and feel the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around the Maltese Cross. I specifically place this Infinite Circle of Light around my entire Being; my world, affairs and finances; and all persons, places, conditions and things in my life …so that all returning karma is now transmuted before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained. Then I place this Violet Fire Forcefield around my Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …so that all outgoing energies less than Cosmic Christ Perfection are also transmuted before they can act, manifest or longer be sustained. This is the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire in action within daily life!

Within my Permanent Atom, I stand at the center of the Four Grand Triangles, the Four Portals of Cosmic Forcefields pouring into me …as I now represent Earth’s Permanent Atom. Here I feel the four forces of physics (gravitation, electromagnetism, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction) all in perfect Harmony and Balance within this Diamond Crystalline Sun …and thus within me! As well, flooding in from above are the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Ascended Master Light …from below, the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …and from all sides come the Angelic and Elemental Forcefields …as they stand in ‘united Sisterhood’ with the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. Here the Solar Christ Self of all Humanity unite and synchronize their Light and Love into this Maltese Cross!

Then I feel the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire concentrated and directed inward, around every cell, atom and electron of life associated with Earth, Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. From this stillness, I then see and feel this Mystic Ring Forcefield expanding out to include all Cosmic Aspects of the Great Cosmic Inbreath … so that all is in Divine Alignment and Synchronicity. All karmic problems are resolved through Transmutation, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. All of this Celestial Activity takes place through Ceremony involving the Solar Year Template! This is what I AM!

Here I AM my True Identity / my Divine Instrument …the ONE RAY of the Mighty I AM Presence entering the world of form … which then bursts forth into the THREE-fold Flame; which becomes the SEVEN Chakra Suns and my ascending Kundalini Fire ….then the TWELVE-fold Solar Being as the Maltese Cross Permanent Atom …which then blends again with the ONE Universal I AM Consciousness. Each aspect of my True Identity and Divine Instrument becomes a new Dimension of Light expressed on Earth …fulfilling the Divine Purpose of my embodiment. And SO IT IS!

The four triangles of the Twelve-fold Maltese Cross point inwards towards its Central Sun, the Source of Universal I AM at the center of the Permanent Atom. As Beloved Jesus said: The Kingdom of Heaven is within! All is in Divine Alignment through this Maltese Cross Thoughtform …which represents the Convergence of Multi-dimensional Energy, Vibration and Consciousness ...of all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …now within Humanity! I AM the Victory of this Solar Year!




I AM an Eternal Flame!
I AM the Presence of Sacred Fire!
I AM its Radiance of Infinite Light!
I AM empty of self and I AM Eternal Flame!

Only by becoming this Flame, as a Sun of the Sun,
may I then enter the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom,
standing as a Crystalline Sun at the Center of the Maltese Cross!

The Crystalline Sun blazes so brilliantly that the entire Maltese
Cross becomes a ‘shimmering diamond’, with a deep Purple border,
enfolded by the Twelve-fold Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around it!

Together, standing in the Light of the Permanent Atom,
I AM my personal Permanent Atom of Perfection, and
I AM the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom!

Here, I stand at the Center of Universal I AM!

I AM the Power of the Cosmic Violet Fire!
I AM the Power of the Divine Feminine Ray!
I AM the Power of the Ray of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM the Eternal Flame of Sacred Fire!
I AM Energy as a Sacred Focus of Consciousness.
I AM Energy manifesting as Divinely Intelligent Matter.

I AM the Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM Initiating my own Ascension as a Solar Christ Self.

I AM Initiating all the Root Races revealed in their Perfection.
I AM Initiating the worldwide Gathering of Ascended Humanity!

I AM the Diamond Crystalline Sun centering the Maltese Cross:
I AM both the Eternal Flame of my own Presence, a Sun of the Sun; as
well as the Eternal Flame of the Star of Spiritual Freedom, the Sun of Earth.

And, as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

I AM the Divine Instrument, ‘empty of self, time and space’: an
Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …continuously
‘downloading’ Perfection Patterns in all areas of daily life!

Through the Cosmic Portals of the Maltese Cross, all Cosmic Rays pour
into my Crystalline Sun, assisting with my Ascension …and into
the Sun of New Earth, assisting with Humanity’s Ascension.


Beloved Ones: we have known now for decades that a heightened Activity of the Seventh Ray has been focused on Earth, vibrating at the Higher Frequencies of the Central Sun. Yet the Seventh Ray has forever served in different capacities on various Planets and Solar Systems, over many Cosmic Cycles. Our Seventh Ray Archangels Lord Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst were once the Chohan of the Seventh Ray on another Systems of Worlds. Here was developed the Order of Zadkiel …of which Beloved Sanat Kumara is a High Priest, as is Beloved Saint Germain and many members of our present Spiritual Hierarchy. Now, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is being Initiated into this Order, as we have all attained enough maturity in the ‘Activity of Invocation’ through Light Service on this or other planets.

This is our most important Initiation into this Cosmic Order of Zadkiel! Earth’s present need of redemption requires the most Powerful Invocation of the Seventh Ray: Transmutation, Transformation and Transfiguration, as well as Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, all through Rhythmic Ceremony! Our Seventh Ray training within the Order of Zadkiel now comes to the fore! All of this Cosmic Momentum, built over endless Cycles of Solar Systems, is now magnified on Earth through the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire!

And as we have been informed, this Higher Frequency Forcefield of Seventh Ray allows for the White Fire Beings of all Humanity as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy serving Earth, to anchor their Cosmic Presence for the specific goal of Spiritual Freedom for a redeemed planet. The White Fire Being normally exists and serves only at the levels of the Central Sun! The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire now vibrates at this Central Sun Frequency! This Forcefield enfolds our Cosmic Maltese Cross of 2020 …so that it may act as a Portal of Transfiguration and draw forth the Twelve-fold Solar Nature of Humanity …just as she begins her Ascension out of her Seven-fold earthly development (as the Holy Christ Self) and into her greater journey of Solar Being and the Twelve-fold Cosmic Consciousness!

As well, pouring in from all four quadrants of the Cosmic Maltese Cross are Higher Frequencies of Divine Love, accelerating us into the Feminine Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom. This Divine Love is so much more than affection (although it certainly includes this quality). Rather it is a Cosmic Forcefield …with ancient Universal Origins …now invoked into action by those embodied on Earth who understand this level of Celestial Power and can use the Seven Steps of Precipitation in an Orderly Ceremony …done with a profound Consecration to First Cause. This is our training within the Order of Zadkiel! And here we are (here I AM!) to manifest this Victory!

Our Ascension Training now includes seeing the personal development of our own Permanent Atom, as the Electronic Pattern of Beloved Saint Germain …the Cosmic Maltese Cross! This Electronic Pattern is accelerating our Ascended Mastery and thus the Revelation of our Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self …standing together in the Light! Let us pause …and see, feel and accept this gift of Initiation! We are training to reveal these Perfection Patterns not only in the Spheres of Light …but also in daily life of Humanity where the requirement is greatest. These Perfection Patterns represent the Twelve Zodiac Temples of the Central Sun … each now radiating their specific Seventh Ray Nature into daily life on Earth, all Invoked through the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. Here we function as Priests / Priestesses in the Order of Zadkiel!

As above, so below! Within the Permanent Atom, whatever is happening Cosmically, is mirrored in our own development. Let us think in Cosmic terms. Our sweet Earth is one of the Seven Chakras of Beloved Helios and Vesta. The Great Cosmic Inbreath is the accelerating Kundalini Fire of their Solar System ...spiraling upwards in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. And all Seven Chakras (planets) of their Solar System must be ready and in Divine Alignment at (or near) their Divine Potential. This must be mirrored within the Races on each planet, as well as within every individual who chooses to ascend with that River of Kundalini Fire.

Through the Action of Sacred Fire, this is now to be revealed! The Christian Dispensation ends with Revelations and the New Age of Spiritual Freedom begins with Revelations! All Energy, Vibration and Consciousness on our sweet Earth is now swept up into the River of Kundalini Fire of Ascending Humanity ...as well as the ascending Kundalini Fire on Cosmic levels: of Beloved Helios and Vesta (our Solar System of Seven Planets); Beloved Alpha and Omega (our Galaxy of Seven Suns); and Beloved Elohae and Eloha (Seven Central Suns). Let us see, feel and deeply accept the Love, Wisdom and Power of this Cosmic Activity! This is the Great Cosmic Inbreath! Here we feel our own Kundalini Fire at its full development …standing in our Three-fold Flame …from below our feet to above our head, as our Seven Chakra Suns are swept up into the Celestial Kundalini Fire of Father / Mother God’ s Solar System.

(Suggested music for this Kundalini Fire visualization is Barber’s Adagio for Strings!)

Let us see our Seven-fold Kundalini Fire as “the Magic Presence” we have come to know from Beloved Saint Germain. This is the Divine Potential of Humanity as the Holy Christ Self ...seen at the center of the Maltese Cross, standing in the Crystalline Sun. Together, standing in this Light, we Invoke the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire and all its Cosmic Forcefield into Earth! This Divine Light penetrates all aspects of daily life: ...all government and diplomacy; business and commerce; education; media and entertainment; health and social services, sciences; the arts; all relationships (romantic, family, colleagues, etc.); as well as all religion, culture and racial institutions ...as well as Humanity’s relationship with the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms.

Again, as all the Chakras of Ascended and Free Humanity blaze forth in their full Cosmic State, we become the Magic Presence, the Magic Scepter of Authority. Here we carry the Authority of God in Action, invoking Solar and Cosmic Consciousness into all levels of daily life. Here we remember that ‘embodied consciousness’ must be the main Invocation / Magnetization of these Cosmic Forces, in order for this to be a Permanent Age of Spiritual Freedom.

I AM the Kundalini Fire of my Mighty I AM Presence.
I AM the Kundalini Fire of Beloved Helios and Vesta.
I AM the Kundalini Fire of Beloved Alpha and Omega.
I AM the Kundalini Fire of Beloved Elohae and Eloha.

I AM all Kundalini Fire Ascending in Divine Alignment!
I AM, I AM, I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED SANAT KUMARA ...Regent within the Holy Triumpherate at Shamballa ...

Beloved Ones, the Permanent Atom is the convergence of all Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness! Let us pause, feel and deeply accept this Truth. This is the Power of being Transfigured in the Light …in the ‘Magic Presence of the Permanent Atom’. Think of it …from a tiny atom of Divinely Intelligent Matter springs forth a single cell life-form in nature …or, an individualized God Intelligence …or, an entire planet of Root Races and even a Solar System of planets.  And from this is our Cosmic Moment of Co-creation …of the gestation and birth of New Earth as her Star of Spiritual Freedom!


Dear Ones, anchored in the Permanent Atom’s Crystalline Sun is the Love Ray of Venus. This Ray of the Venus Flame is known as the Fire of Immortality! …the Eternal Flame, the True Identity of each one’s unique Divine Potential! We have come to know this Love Flame as Cosmic Holy Spirit …the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State. This Cosmic Ray is now assisting not only the Earth into the Orbit / Frequency of her Ascended sister planet Venus, but as well, the entire Solar System of Helios and Vesta and the Galaxy of Alpha and Omega, to ensure the Victory of the Great Cosmic Inbreath for all!

The Fire of Immortality is that Love Ray anchored at Shamballa, which continually transfigures life into its next level of manifestation in the Light …a never-ending journey into the Infinite Immortality of Solar and Cosmic Being! Here, the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves spirals within the Crystal Sun of Earth, ensuring that all life on Earth is included in this Great Cosmic Inbreath. In this Solar Year Thoughtform, ‘the Pagoda’ becomes the Grand Triangle of Three Fire Signs …which is an Initiation of every Permanent Atom unfolding into its Twelve-fold Solar Nature. Now this occurs on all levels of life on Earth!

Standing within the Maltese Cross of Cosmic Violet Fire, we affirm: I AM a Being of Cause alone. I AM the First and Highest Cause of Spiritual Freedom! We then automatically see, feel and deeply accept that I AM empty of self …and all persons, places, conditions and things of daily life that yet reveal ‘the effects’ of lower karmic cause from ages past. We affirm that I AM a New Age! Within the Permanent Atom, I AM only First Cause …of a New Age of complete Spiritual Freedom …as it is known in the Central Sun! Standing in the Violet Fire, I AM the most Powerful Aspect of Divine Love in the Universe, and I AM uniting all life in her Ascended State …of becoming Spiritually Free!

Let us see, feel and deeply accept that along the Four Arms of the Cosmic Maltese Cross now flows Sacred Fire, inwards towards the Permanent Atom of Earth …from all directions, with all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light pouring forth Cosmic Assistance … transmuting all karma that may possibly stand in the way of Earth’s Divine Victory! And whereas Beloved Jesus brought Humanity Sixth Ray Love through Holy Spirit (Prince of Peace; ‘turn the other cheek’; ‘love thine enemy as yourself’; sacrifice self for redemption), Beloved Saint Germain now directs the Seventh Ray Divine Love as the Violet Fire …the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love; transmuting karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained …and thus transforming the world of form!

As Priests and Priestesses in the Order of Zadkiel, we assist Beloved Saint Germain. We anchor his Seventh Ray of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, Divine Rhythm and Ordered Ceremony within daily life. The ‘tide now turns’ …because of our Cosmic Momentum of Invocation of Sacred Fire being built and sustained through the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. Together, standing in the Light, we affirm: I AM Builders of Divine Self; Builders of Divine Consciousness; and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!

As we stand within the Maltese Cross, we remember this is the same Violet Sacred Fire that Beloved Saint Germain brought from the Central Sun to establish this New Age of Spiritual Freedom! Then in our Light Service to Beloved Saint Germain, we unite our unique Permanent Atom into this global Invocation of Sacred Fire Forcefields. We affirm: this is my Inbreath / Outbreath …everything entering my Permanent Atom is purified and transmuted into its Divine Potential …and everything leaving my lifestream (thoughts, feelings, words and deeds) is purified and transmuted into its Divine Potential.

I AM a Temple of Divine Potential …and
as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me

Within the Maltese Cross Permanent Atom, the Four Forces meet
at the Crystalline Self and the Crystalline Earth …meeting at the
Sun of the Sun …and at the Sun of Earth …together, standing in the Light!

I AM the Twelve-fold Electronic Pattern of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM the Twelve-fold Atomic Pattern of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM every Perfection Pattern of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom!

Within the Cosmic Maltese Cross,
I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.
I AM every Solar Christ Self raised up with me.
I AM the Angels and Elementals raised up with me.
I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action through me.

Oh Father / Mother God and all Mighty Cosmic Beings,
Inbreathe us into the Ascended Orbit of Spiritual Freedom,
now and forever sustained!





