January, 2021


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,

Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Solar Year 2021:



Holy Communion with Solar Consciousness
A Portal of Divine Liberty through the Feminine Ray
Spiritual Freedom through the Seventh Ray Dispensation
Crystal Vision of Divine Truth through the Cosmic Third Eye

Alpha and Omega has decreed:
'I AM all Suns in Divine Alignment',
including now 'Suns of the Sun' on Earth,
Expressing their Solar Christ Consciousness!

I AM Humanity ready for the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

In the words of Beloved Jesus, from ‘Revelations 1:8’ -
"I AM Alpha and Omega …who is …and who was
…and who is coming …the Almighty!"

I AM Holy Communion with Solar Consciousness!


(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
(centripetal and centrifugal forces in perfect balance)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Sacred Fire of the Solar
Year Forcefield …The Cohesive Power of Divine Love!

I AM Expanding and Projecting this Solar Year Forcefield
within Humanity …Uniting all life in her Ascended State!

Solar Year Breathing visualization 

This Solar Year Inbreath / Outbreath clears and elevates ‘our Spiritual Vision’ …revealing the Eye of Divine Liberty! Like a windshield wiper clearing a foggy window, we now see Solar Consciousness clearly through 'Higher Frequency Crystal Vision'.

(on the Inbreath)

The Cohesive Power of Divine Love is inbreathed into the center through the four sides of the Cosmic Maltese Cross …an 'Elohimic Activity' that now converges all Solar Year, Sacred Fire Forcefields …inward into the Permanent Atom of Ascended and Free Earth and, into the Permanent Atom of Ascended and Free Humanity.

(on the Outbreath)

The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is then expanded and projected out from the center, filled with the Forcefield of uniting all life in her Ascended State.  This is a 'Gathering of Ascended Humanity Activity', which expands out from a single point within the Permanent Atom and extends throughout all life. As this Sphere of Violet Fire expands outward with every breath, it gradually reveals the Eye of Divine Liberty within the Consciousness of Humanity …like 'clearing away the rock from the tomb' …our portal into Solar Consciousness! "Knock and the door shall be opened!"

With the Crystal Vision of the Elohim I breathe;
I see; I move; our sweet Earth and Humanity
through the Cosmic Eye of Divine Liberty
within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire!

With every Holy Breath, the Infinite Radiant Light of my
Eternal Flame becomes my Infinite Circle of Light,
inclusive of all life Living Free in the Light!

I AM in Holy Communion with Solar Consciousness.
I AM the Holy Communion of Solar Christ Consciousness.

I AM the Flame of Immortality of Universal I AM in
Holy Communion with the Flame of Immortality within me!
I AM in Holy Communion with the Next Life Wave Coming!





I AM that I AM!
I Alpha …AM Omega!

I AM a Temple of Universal I AM!
I AM a Temple of Alpha and Omega!
I AM a Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit!

I AM the original Alpha and Omega Flame,
when first born as the Flame of Immortality.
I AM the coming of Beloved Sanat Kumara,
returning the Flame of Immortality to Earth.
I AM all of this present …here and now!

The Flame of Alpha and Omega opens when
immersed in the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity.
I AM that Solar Christ Consciousness now!
I AM that Flame of Immortality awake!

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, now
anchoring the Flame of Immortality through daily life,
through the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!

I AM the Alpha and Omega Crystalline Sun at the
summit of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.

I AM the Alpha and Omega Flame of Immortality, blazing
within my physical, etheric, mental and emotional
vehicles …as well as blazing within the physical,
etheric, mental and emotional realms of Earth.

I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love,
the Infinite Radiant Light of my Eternal Flame of Immortality.
I AM enfolding all aspects of my life, fully synchronizing all
persons, places, conditions and things this day, in the vast
interconnectedness of Universal I AM, with everything
in this day synchronized at its ‘Divine Potential’.
I AM all Suns in Divine Alignment!

I AM the Voice of the Great I AM, speaking Clarion Truth
into the unified matrix of Humanity, raising up every level of
Consciousness into its Divine Potential, at this Cosmic Moment!

I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Waves / Rays of Light.
I AM blessing the entire Earth instantaneously with the Three-fold
Flame of Harmony and Balance: everything I desire for the world!

Through the Eye of Divine Liberty, I see that
I AM holding the Earth in Harmony and Balance!
This is the Alpha and Omega of my Being, as
an embodied Child of the Sun on Earth!

On behalf of all Humanity, I AM claiming the Liberty to
empower Transformational Events in Consciousness!

I AM the Inbreath of the Cosmic Maltese Cross …and
then the Outbreath of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire
…all in the constant motion of the Holy Breath!

This is the Inbreath / Outbreath of Divine Love!
Centripetal / Centrifugal Forces in Divine Balance!

I AM a Solar Christ Self, Sun of the Sun!
I AM the Spirit of the Twelve-fold Aspects!
I AM the Divine synchronicity of the Twelve,
all Divine Aspects working through me in Oneness!

Within Solar Christ Consciousness, I AM in my Infinite Circle of
Light, where my Consciousness now has Holy Communion
with every other Consciousness …in Humanity and
in the Angelic and Elemental Kingdom! I AM
in Oneness Consciousness with all life!

I AM the tangible anchorage of Divine Light as Sacred Fire!
My Eternal Flame then gives forth its Infinite Radiant Light,
which traverses the Earth and anchors again as a tiny Focus
of Sacred Fire in every cell, atom and electron of all life.
And therefore, I AM that I AM, raising up all life!

I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
in the Higher Frequency Love Orbit of Venus;
Ascended and Free together, standing in the Light;
in Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels / Elementals
all of this through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
Uniting all life in her Ascended State!

I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.


 Let us fully utilize our Divine Liberty …declaring these affirmations! Let us visualize standing within the full length, breadth and depth of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves, unified in Oneness Consciousness with all life.  Each level of the Pagoda is aligned with one of our Seven Chakra Suns, so that our Solar Spine now traverses the entire Pyramid of Life. We see through Crystal Vision our Beloved Alpha and Omega as a shining, diamond Crystalline Sun, at the top of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …magnetically accelerating all life at every level, up into its Divine Potential for this Cosmic Moment!


I AM Alpha and Omega the I (the Presence of True Identity)
and the AM (the Essence of Divine Being
OM).  Standing
in this Flame of Immortality, I now see our sweet Earth
and Humanity through the Eye of Divine Liberty,
revealed within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.

The Temple of Alpha and Omega in the Central Sun now
seeks to manifest itself on Earth at this Cosmic Moment!
This is the Coming of Alpha and Omega to Earth!
This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
This is Solar Christ Consciousness revealed!

This Temple of Alpha and Omega is anchored through the Eternal Flame and Infinite Radiant Light revealed through many levels of Light Service …embodied as well as in the Realms of Light!  I AM the Temple of Alpha and Omega!  I AM its Radiance of Cosmic Holy Spirit! I AM the TAO …flowing perfectly through Humanity!

I AM the Divine Influence of the Twelve Aspects of the Deity within daily life, so as to bring forth Solar Consciousness …manifesting as the Solar Christ Self within Humanity …allowing the White Fire Being and Mighty I AM Presence to engage more directly with the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …and thus with all daily life. This is Cosmic Contact! This is Global Holy Communion!

The Masculine Ray within me is a Son/Sun of Flame. The Feminine Ray within me is a Daughter of Light, the Essence of Divinity.  I AM Alpha and Omega …an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …the I and the AM of Ascended and Free Presence!  Our Light is full of life-giving Perfection Patterns for a New Life, in a New Age of Spiritual Freedom …just as the physical sun is full of life-giving essence for the physical plane of manifestation.  The radiating and expanding Perfection Patterns within our Light are the foundation of Ascended and Free Humanity, on her Ascended and Free Earth!  And SO IT IS!






On every Inbreath, the entire Maltese Cross spirals inward to 'Center' …center of Humanity, center of Earth and center of the Eye of Divine Liberty …building and intensifying Forcefields of Spiritual Freedom on all Seven Levels of the Pagoda!

On the Outbreath the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire expands the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness of the Seventh Ray …which now transforms the mental and emotional aspects of daily life towards its Spiritual Freedom. With each complete Cosmic Breath, the Eye of Divine Liberty …Humanity’s Bridge to Spiritual Freedom …is steadily and ever-more revealed in daily life!

The Eye of Divine Liberty reveals herself within us …so that we see a Crystal Vision of Humanity Liberated …Home in her Ascended and Free State.  We see the Eye of Divine Liberty, but She also sees us! From these Realms of Light which we now enter, we look back at our lives from a Cosmic perspective.  We see through Liberty's Eyes a Celestial Vision of daily life …expressing the Peace and Serenity of a spiritual life, centered within Harmony!

This Eye of Divine Liberty is a portal through which we not only see 'True Identity' with Crystal Vision …but also move through that portal, Ascending into that True Identity …individually into Solar Christ Consciousness …and as a planet, into Ascended and Free Humanity abiding on her Ascended and Free Earth, in her ever-Ascending Orbit of Divine Love!


I AM the Love, Wisdom and Power of Father / Mother God within daily life …the Infinite Radiant Light of my Three-fold Flame of Immortality …enfolding all aspects of my life. I AM fully synchronizing every person, place, condition and thing of this day in the vast interconnectedness of Universal I AM …with everything in this moment synchronized at its ‘Divine Potential’.  This is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love acting to hold the Immaculate Concept for all life!  And SO IT IS!

Within daily life, Revelation continues! …of that which yet requires Redemption, Transformation, Harmony and Balance …and simultaneously revealing its elevation into its Divine Potential! I AM Cosmic Forcefields Initiating such Sacred Service …clearing the way for Revelation of the Divine Potential of all Levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!

Holy Spirit inspires Purification of our Inner Life, helping to refine
our thoughts so that we may utilize the Higher Emotional
Powers within the Twelve Houses of the Sun!

I AM the Holy Spirit of Higher Emotional Powers!
I abide in Solar Consciousness …as the Solar Christ Self!

Solar Consciousness allows for greater attunement to our Highest Source …for Inspiration and Guidance, Attainment, Inner Wisdom, and Faith. Solar Consciousness expresses the Power of Timelessness …which is to transform another (person, place, condition or thing) through the expansion and projection of Sacred Fire and its Infinite Radiant Light. Timelessness is activated by aligning the mind with the heart, thus filtering all creative thought through the Heart Flame of Immortality.

Solar Consciousness expresses the Power of ‘spacelessness’ …the ability to see beyond all ‘isms’ (nationalism, racism, etc., anything that divides Humanity) and truly have the Crystal Vision of Oneness Consciousness that pervades and governs all of Universal I AM …now to include daily life on Earth.

Solar Consciousness expresses the Power to manifest the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity in their totality …as Ascended and Free thoughts, feelings and concepts …and, to appreciate the Higher Emotional Powers of the Twelve Houses of the Sun in their totality!  Heart and Mind united in Solar Consciousness …the Harmony and Balance of the Masculine / Feminine Ray!




I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath
I Alpha AM Omega!



Our Silent Watcher and holder of the Immaculate Concept
of all aspects of the Next Life Wave Coming the right
and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing,
at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect
way, all according to the Next Life Wave Coming!



representing the Twelve Aspects of Deity
and our open Portal into Solar Consciousness.


The ALL SEEING, CRYSTAL VISION of the Seven Mighty
, opening Humanity's Consciousness into Cosmic Truth.



I AM the Crystal Vision of our sweet Earth and Humanity through the Eye of Divine Liberty …gazing through the lens of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.  The Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity now constantly activate within daily life, though us. On every Inbreath, the Maltese Cross collapses into the center of Earth and Humanity …with the full Forcefield of Divine Liberty.  Then on every Outbreath, an ever- expanding circular wave of Violet Fire expands outwards from the center of our being …from the center of the entire world …as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.





Beloved Ones: Ascended and Free Light Service is a planetary Holy Communion of Divine Consciousness …a communing of Light Servers whose collective, united, Infinite Sphere of Light expands to include all life everywhere.  We are (I AM!) the Flame Keepers ...of the Fire of Immortality embodied …of the Eternity and Infinity of Divine Consciousness this Sacred Fire anchors …now bringing forth a New Age of Spiritual Freedom on Earth.

As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, I AM the Invocation, Focus, Application, Direction and Manifestation of Transformational Events in Consciousness through Sacred Fire …across the entire spectrum of daily life on Earth …which we have come to know as the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.  Here the White Fire Dove blazes at each level, representing both the Ascension Flame (accelerating vibrations) and a Focus of Holy Spirit (the Dove) …both conspiring towards the Ascension of each level of the Pagoda into its Divine Potential …each level reaching its Higher Frequency State of Perfection Patterns, based on the Mystic Principles of Divine Love.

In this Crystal Vision, we become One with the Seven Ascension Doves. Here I AM the Ascension Flame of Holy Spirit blazing through every level of the Pyramid of Life. We visualize each aspect of life going through its own Transformational Events in Consciousness:

from sub-atomic life;
to simple cellular plant and animal life;
to complex and developed plant and animal life;
to mass consciousness of Humanity in her daily life,
to 'accelerating evolving awareness' of Humanity;
to the Wisdom Consciousness of Humanity;
to Ascended and Free Humanity!

Then the Gathering of Ascended Humanity gradually assimilates each level of 'Transformation within daily life' into the larger, complex Celestial Transformational Events in Consciousness of this Cosmic Moment …specifically honoring the Four Foundational Forces now impacting Earth and Humanity with Celestial Transfiguration:


  1. The Seventh Ray Dispensation of the
    New Age of Spiritual Freedom;
  1. The acceleration of the Feminine Ray and its qualities of Justice, Equality of Opportunity, Inclusion, and Circularity …as well as Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness that sets life free
    of the past and into the Cosmic Moment of Now;
  1. The Advent of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races …and their Manus, with their Divine Plan of Humanity living an Eternal
    Life in the Light, on her Ascended and Free Earth!
  1. All Suns in Divine Alignment and the Great Cosmic Inbreath,

All of this constitutes the Next Life Wave Coming …where
Cosmic Forces of Divine Configuration and Synchronicity
have their impact on the Alignment, Harmony
and Balance of all energies on Earth!

These four Foundational Forces pour into Humanity through the four triangles composing the Maltese Cross …each representing Cosmic Portals of incoming Celestial Forcefields of Sacred Fire.  

Completion and new Beginning …filling the completion of 'the old' with the new, the Quantum State Qualities of Holy Spirit …and ‘Seeing’ the Next Life Wave Coming through the Eye of Divine Liberty. Alpha (Α) and Omega (Ω) are the first and last letters of the classical Greek alphabet. Thus, the phrase "I AM the Alpha and the Omega" … "the beginning and the end".  And here we are at Endings and New Beginnings …the Transformation of the previous Age into the Seventh Ray New Age of Spiritual Freedom!


The Seventh Ray Dispensation, the Feminine Ray from the Central Sun, the Advent of New Root Races and the Great Cosmic Inbreath all pour into Earth. This synchronized Forcefield from Higher Spheres of Light anchors through the Cosmic Maltese Cross, radiating inward from its four Cardinal Points …into the centre of the Flame of Immortality in every human heart …and anchored within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at Earth's Heart Center.

The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire then expands out from every Heart Flame …as the Seventh Ray New Age Frequencies now expanding and projecting into daily life …as Transmutation / Transformation; as Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness; as Inclusiveness, Circularity and Reverence for all Life; all practiced in Divine Rhythm and Ceremony.  Think of it!  The Seventh Ray Dispensation is being released through the embodied Flame of Immortality, the Flame of Alpha and Omega on Earth!

This Seventh Ray Dispensation originally came from the Central Sun as a gift to Beloved Saint Germain …and is now released on Earth through the same Frequency. As it expands through daily life, it opens the Eye of Divine Liberty into Solar Consciousness for every aspect of life!  All substance, matter and energy then behave differently. Think of it! The more we create this Cosmic Momentum, the greater the subsequent momentum of Building Divine Consciousness, Building Divine Self (True Identity) and Building an Eternal Life in the Light …for all life!

Let us imagine daily life lived in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …in this global Sphere of Sacred Fire. This Violet Fire Radiation Transmutes / Transforms all karmic energy before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained.  One’s life then becomes ‘lighter’, with less stress.  One's attachment to ego illusion begins to drop away and all the persons, places, conditions and things of daily life then become our Rhythmic and Ceremonious Focus of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …rather than an erratic focus on stress or imbalance. Our True Identity as Divine Director of Sacred Fire then becomes the central emphasis of our embodiment …our Divine Potential fulfilled! We clear the Way for all Humanity to achieve this same Peace and Spiritual Freedom …for 'as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me'!

The Eye of Divine Liberty is central to the Solar Year Thoughtform. As this Revelation unfolds with every Holy Breath, we now feel as if we exist within this Eye of Divine Liberty …and see all life from its perspective. As the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire expands, it clears our vision to see, feel and understand Solar Consciousness.  The Eye of Divine Liberty is sustained in its perfect Harmony and Balance through our focused Inbreath / Outbreath.  The Eye of Divine Liberty first magnetically draws us into its Forcefield, as if opening a portal and beckons us to enter in.  Then its centrifugal force expands and projects our Consciousness into ever-expanding Solar Consciousness.

There is a saying along many cultures: “The rising tide raises all boats”.  The Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform is that rising tide of Divine Consciousness, along the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves. It now steadily raises all aspects of life in the 'great ocean of the world'. This fulfills the Laws of Reciprocity, “As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me”. Every aspect of life has potential to express its 'wave-function' in spirit or it 'particle-function' in form …and on any frequency along that spectrum. Therefore, each one in Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom is a boat floating on the Ocean, which the tide of the Next Life Wave Coming now raises up to its Divine Potential.  Our Light Service is to clear the way so that all life may freely choose this Divine Potential (rather than choose some lesser potential) …and thus be included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

Scientifically, the ‘potential’ of every aspect of the physical realm is like a 'wave upon the ocean', rising into its fullness of expression, then falling back into the endless ocean of Oneness (Universal I AM). Like our Beloved Jesus ‘rose up’ from the dead (had gone into 'wave-function' …leaving the flesh) and returned to the 'particle-function' of his Higher Light Body to walk among us.  This is the Resurrection and the Life. This is what we now do for the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!  Imagine the Higher Frequency Expression of every aspect of life on Earth.  This is the Resurrection and the Life.  This is the promised Christ Principle 'returned' …as Heaven on Earth!

How does this Activity work in the Theme and Thoughtform of this New Solar Year? It is said that in the big bang theory of the formation of the Solar System, everything began with a single point and then expanded out to become the known Universe.  The current Endings and New Beginnings of this Solar Year reflects this.  All the Cosmic Forcefields pouring in through the Maltese Cross now comes to a single, central point on an Inbreath …anchoring in that single point at the center of Earth in the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …as well as into the Flame of Immortality within every human heart.

As the Holy Breath continues, this single point of Light then rapidly expands on the Outbreath as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …enfolding every person, place, condition and thing associated with Earth and Humanity …raising everything into its Divine Potential.  And as this Mystic Ring expands outward, the Eye of Divine Liberty reveals herself …and a Crystal Vision of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom stands revealed in all minds and hearts.

Beloved Ones, in the Book of Revelation the Disciple John witnessed ‘the Endings and New Beginnings’ …and spoke of  'humans thrown into the pit’ …which as we see in daily life now, as there is great pit of anxiety, despair and trauma, which much of Humanity has fallen into. But then John's Revelation continued: ‘And Fire from Heaven’ came, and the Cosmic Christ stated: "See! The ‘Home of God’ is within Humanity, and God will live among them. They shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death shall be no more, and never again shall there be sorrow or crying or pain. For all those former things are past and gone."  Beloved Ones, Fire from Heaven is the Sacred Fire, which we Invoke and Direct …coming as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. And the Gathering of Ascended Humanity are its witness …and more, its embodied Divine Director …living Ascended and Free as the Cosmic Christ revealed!  Affirm:

I AM the Flame of Immortality embodied.
I AM serving through the gifts of Immortality.
I AM serving through all of Eternity and Infinity.
I AM the TAO …the Temple of Alpha and Omega!

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is a Community of Divine Consciousness together, standing in the Light and emerges into Humanity as a Forcefield of Sacred Fire (see opening Statement of Ascended and Free in the first page of the Journal).  Since the ‘great fall’, there has been those who ensure that the Flame of Immortality is indeed embodied within Humanity. These Souls are called Keepers of the Flame. It began with our Beloved Lord Gautama and Lord Maitreya and grew to become our Beloved Spiritual Hierarchy.  This is now our collective Purpose and our specific Inner Training …to ensure the Perfect Essence of the Divine, through the Cosmic Christ, is continuously available to Humanity within daily life …through our Eternal Flame and its intensifying and accelerating Radiant Light.

This Truth of our 'collective community Being' goes well beyond the restrictions of self, time and space and has little to do with our ‘current outer self’ (our personalities or our circumstances in life).  It is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! It has everything to do with our Inner Training and the Cosmic Momentums within our Causal Body …now ready for transfer into daily life through our Creative Faculties …for the Ascension of all …achieving Ascended and Free Humanity on Ascended and Free Earth in her Higher Frequency Ascended and Free Orbit!

The Flame of Alpha and Omega opens when
immersed in the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity.

I AM that Solar Christ Consciousness now!
I AM that Flame of Immortality!
I AM Ascended and Free!

 We see within ourselves ‘the One, the Three, the Seven, the Twelve and again the ONE’! Specifically, as we Ascend from the Seven Rays to the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity …we Ascend into the opening of the Flame of Alpha and Omega …the One and True Flame of Immortality within Universal I AM.

It takes but several minutes to start the day in a meditation of continuously constructing our True Identity and Divine Instrument (‘the One, the Three, the Seven, the Twelve and again the ONE’) …then starting each day and ending each day in this same meditation …and then, eventually living the entire day in ‘the One, the Three, the Seven, the Twelve and again the ONE’!   I AM the Flame of Immortality embodied …just as every Ascended Master has before me.  I walk in the footsteps of the Light Servers from all past Ages and Dispensations, as well as all their developed Enlightenment. Light builds upon Light …and I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity now in action …Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!