January 2024
January, 2024 PDF
January, 2024
I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the
I AM the Theme and Thoughtform for the previous Solar Years,
anchored and expanding within my Light Commanding Presence:
I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty opened!
I AM the Star of Sanat Kumara revealed!
I AM the Star of Spiritual Freedom initiated!
And now in Solar Year 2024
Embodied Solar Consciousness is the gift of Spiritual Freedom
which Beloved Saint Germain secured from the Central Sun
for the Seventh Ray Dispensation on Earth!
I AM the embodied Solar Consciousness
within the Cosmic Violet Fire!
I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity as
the Gathering of embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM the Violet Fire accelerating all vibrational fields
within every cell, atom and electron of my embodied
being, into their individual Divine Potential.
And so, to Initiate this new Solar Year,
I declare with my full Spiritual Agency:
I AM the embodied Solar Consciousness
within the Cosmic Violet Fire!
Ascended and Free Light Service is the embodied Solar
Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is the embodied Solar
Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
All Ascending Energies becomes the embodied Solar
Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
All Ascending Vibrational Fields becomes the embodied
Solar Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
All Ascending Consciousness is the embodied Solar
Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
Humanity is initiated into her embodied Solar
Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
I AM the three Suns of embodied Solar Consciousness,
each with four arms of the Maltese Cross, manifesting
the Twelve Houses of the Sun into Humanity’s
developing Twelve-fold Solar Spine.
I AM the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!
I AM the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit!
I AM the Eternal Sun of God Illumination!
Embodied Solar Consciousness fulfills the Divine Law
of ‘what I think and feel, I bring into form’!
As I AM raided up, so is Humanity raised up with me!
(the Sun of God Illumination)
(the Sun of Holy Spirit)
(the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy)
I AM the new thinking and feeling centers for Humanity.
This is Humanity’s embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM reclaiming the Divine Potential of God in Action,
…empty of ego and its attachment to persons,
places, conditions and things.
I AM the Gathering of embodied Solar Consciousness,
a Transformational Event in Consciousness
…an ‘emergent phenomena’ of this
New Age Spiritual Freedom!
Once again, we visualize ourselves as the Cosmic Maltese Cross, in whatever variation one desires. This Inbreath / Outbreath Ceremony begins its Magnetization / Inbreath Activity of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …from the periphery of the four arms of the Maltese Cross into our Heart Center. On a grander scale we see and know this as Ceremony as the Cosmic Violet Fire Forcefield absorbed into Earth and her Lifeforce from the four cardinal points …directly to its planetary center, its Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …its Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy.
Then the Radiation / Outbreath Activity is the expanding Circle of the Twelve Houses of the Sun …seen as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …the Twelve Aspects of Deity within the Violet Fire …radiating from this center outwards through all Lifeforce, uniting all life in her Ascended State! This is the Inbreath / Outbreath Activity of this Solar Year, as well as for each monthly Zodiac Cycle of the coming year. This is the Inbreath / Outbreath of embodied Solar Consciousness on a global level!
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing my own
lived experience of embodied Solar Consciousness.
I AM Expanding and Projecting Humanity’s
lived experience of embodied Solar Consciousness.
The Spirit of the Cosmic Violet Fire for this Systems of Worlds functioning within many Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light!
The Spirit of Solar Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
The Feminine Ray Archangel of the Seventh Ray!
The Transmitter of Solar Consciousness through
Seventh Ray New Age of Spiritual Liberty!
The Order of Zadkiel evolving again on Earth,
within the Seventh Ray / Feminine Ray
Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom.
And …further empowering these Celestial Activities
Lady Miriam …
Feminine Ray Chohan of the First Ray
Lady Amazon …
Feminine Ray Elohim of the First Ray
representing the Divine Intent and Celestial Power within the
Feminine Ray and within the Sixth and Seventh Root Races.
As well as
The Manus of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races
Lord Saithru and Lady Mercedes
God and Goddess Meru!
Embodied Solar Consciousness expresses at the Star of Spiritual Freedom in its Multi-dimensional, Maltese Cross form …the four arms of which are the four Foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming …the Feminine Ray, the Seventh Ray Dispensation, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races and the Great Cosmic Inbreath …all now interacting in Sacred Geometric Dimensions
Together, standing in the Light, this Unity of Forcefields
initiates all Lifeforce with embodied Solar Consciousness.
Together standing within the four arms of the Cosmic
Maltese Cross, let us now affirm with every breath:
(on the Inbreath)
I AM continuously placing ‘self’, moment to moment,
within the Transmuting Violet Fire …the Cohesive Power
of Divine Love, uniting all of my life in her Ascended State!
(on the Outbreath)
I AM continuously placing Humanity, moment to moment,
within the Transmuting Violet Fire …the Cohesive Power
of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State!
(affirming as we do)
I AM empty of self …of every person, place,
condition and thing …associated with daily life.
I AM only Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM building an Ascending Forcefield of Eternal Flame!
Humanity is Ascending within this Forcefield of Eternal Flame!
In Oneness Consciousness with Humanity,
I AM Free in the Light!
I AM this Victory of Transformation
through Eternal Flame!
I AM the birth of embodied Solar Consciousness
conceived within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
I AM the Divine Potential of Solar Consciousness,
innate within the Seventh Ray Dispensation.
In the name of Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst
I claim this embodied Solar Consciousness …
as Humanity’s Spiritual Freedom, here and now!
The Order of Zadkiel is this lived experience
of embodied Solar Consciousness …as a
Divine Director of Sacred Fire!
I AM a Priest / Priestess of this Divine Order,
the lived experience of 'wave-function' Consciousness
centered within the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant
Light …while yet in my 'particle-function' embodied state.
I AM the Twelve-fold 'wave-function' Solar Spine
of Violet Fire Consciousness, embodied now
along my 'particle-function' physical
spine and its Seven Chakras Suns.
I feel the Majestic Wings of the Amethyst Archangel,
unfolding around my newly forming Solar Spine.
I AM the embodied Solar Christ Consciousness
of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!
This Powerful Seventh Ray Archangel now sends her Angelic Legions of the Violet Fire to everyone on the Ascension Path …everyone desiring to expand the goodness of the world! In turn, each of us responds, invoking with an open mind, a peaceful heart and clear intent:
I Invoke …I invoke …I INVOKE!
the Solar Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire,
to bath Humanity in the Reality her own Divine Potential!
I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty opened within Humanity,
Radiating the Solar Consciousness within this Sacred Fire.
I AM a Forcefield of Spiritual Liberty and Divine Agency!
I AM the Star of Sanat Kumara revealed!
I AM its Transformational Events in Consciousness,
Quantum Fluctuations in Vibrations, Atomic Acceleration
of Matter…within and around me …and all Humanity!
I AM the Star of Spiritual Freedom made manifest,
the Sun of Spiritual Freedom blazing across Humanity,
the Seventh Ray embodied as Solar Consciousness!
And, directly from the Cosmic Spirit of the
Violet Fire for this Solar System, I invoke:
Oh Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst, Spirit of
the Cosmic Violet Fire, Come Forth Now!
I AM One with Thee, as the Spirit of Solar
Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet
Fire …now embodied on Earth!
I AM the Living Spirit of the Cosmic Violet Fire!
Beloved Children of the Seventh Ray …I AM the Spirit of the Violet Fire …everywhere present here and now! I AM the Violet Fire doing its ‘right and perfect Action’ in every ‘Eternal Moment of now’ across every Plane, Dimension, Realm or Sphere of Existence …including here and now on our sweet Earth. I may serve on any or all these Planes of Existence but presently, I AM focused primarily on Earth, ensuring the Divine Powers of this Sacred Fire are now wielded by Light Servers in this world of form …Divine Directors of Sacred Fire, as the Light Commanding Presence of this New Age.
Affirm with me:
The Eye of Divine Liberty is now open and
I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty open!
The Star of Sanat Kumara is now revealed and
I AM the Star of Sanat Kumara revealed!
The Star of Spiritual Freedom is now Initiated and
I AM the Star of Spiritual Freedom Initiated!
I AM the Spirit of the Cosmic Violet Fire moving within!
I AM the Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM the Gates of Eternal Spiritual Freedom!
I greet each of you everywhere present …and I have directed a Glorious Angel of embodied Solar Consciousness to be with you, abiding within your Aura. Their home now will be your Presence, your Sanctuary. I come to open the Three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness. We begin with the embodied aspect of Solar Consciousness, unique to our sweet Earth. This is possible when the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure, just as it functions in the center of the Planet, becomes anchored, open and receptive along the base of the spine …the Higher Frequency service of the three Chakras beginning from the base of the spine. This constitutes the Elemental Foundation of embodied Solar Consciousness …and its reproduction from the Inner planes of 'wave-function', to its birth in the outer planes of 'particle-function', within matter and form. This Focus holds all the forces of Nature in Harmony and Balance …a Focus of Elemental Constancy allowing for embodied Solar Consciousness!
The Gates of Spiritual Freedom then further open at the Sun of Holy Spirit …incorporating the Heart Chakra, as well as the Voice of the Great I AM at the throat …giving Voice to Heart Centered Divine Love. Then upwards to the Gates of Enlightenment at the Head Centers of the Third Eye and Thousand Petaled Lotus …the Sun of God Illumination! With these Three Suns open, receptive, and in Divine Alignment …this gives birth to the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self …empowered as a Feminine Ray Activity! This is part of the meaning of ‘all Suns in Divine Alignment’ …giving birth to embodied Solar Consciousness. This Solar Year is dedicated to establishing an embodied momentum of this practice …in the Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness and as Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!
In such meditation practice, the Sacred Violet Fire moves through every heartbeat, every breath, every molecular interaction, all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds generated on every level of physical, etheric, mental and emotional being …until “I AM a moving, flowing, ever expanding Forcefield of Violet Fire in all that I AM!” This is the Spiritual Agency of the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self! Each one becomes a Priest / Priestess in the Order of Zadkiel …a Light Commanding Presence within their own Temple of Cosmic Violet Fire!
Let us understand that beyond invoking the Violet Fire …we now become it, embody it …knowing I AM it’s Spirit moving within Humanity …raising her towards her Divine Potential as an Innate Being of Light …ever-expanding the Ascension Process of formless Perfection Patterns manifesting within form. This is the miracle of Divine Life on Earth! This is the promise of Spiritual Freedom!
To that end, I AM with you this Solar Year in mind, body and spirit. I serve with you as the representative of the Four Foundations of the Maltese Cross, and of the Next Life Wave Coming. I stand before your in my Cosmic Presence as an Archangel of the Seventh Ray …as the Feminine Ray in action …as the Seventh Ray Dispensation in action …as the Sixth and Seventh Root Races in action …and as the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action. For these Forcefields all begin in the Central Sun, from whence I serve this sweet Earth!
And further, I project my Temple of Service into your Eternal Flame …and thus my Legions may now serve from your Focus of Light as well. And in reciprocity, through this Transmission of the Flame, you too may serve from the Central Sun, even as you serve from within daily life on Earth. Think of it! And further, all Cosmic Forces within the Central Sun may also see, feel and deeply accept that they too may serve Humanity through your Divine Instrument. Feel the First Ray Chohan (Lady Miriam) and First Ray Elohim (Lady Amazon) empower this Feminine Ray Activity through your Presence!
The purpose for the Sixth Ray Christian Dispensation was to bring Humanity to her Holy Christ Self State …and from there to experience embodied Solar Consciousness within the Seventh Ray Dispensation. The Violet Fire has many gifts for Humanity. Beloved Jesus was born karma free, having earned his Ascension, but volunteered to be the Avatar for the Cosmic Christ Lord Maitreya. With Beloved Jesus’s promise that ‘everything I have done shall ye also do, and greater things …’ the Christian Dispensation is now completed in this New Age of Spiritual Freedom.
The Violet Fire is key in the transmutation of ego …transforming the smaller lens seen through self, time and space. Our daily practice of ‘empty of self, time and space’ …and abiding in the Great Solar Quiet of the Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light …now brings us to the point of ‘re-born karma free’ …and further, through the Laws of Reciprocity, offering this opportunity for Spiritual Freedom to all Humanity! This is the gift of becoming the living Spirit of Cosmic Violet Fire!
The Violet Fire is a Cosmic Forcefield, known and adored across many Dimensions, Realms, and Spheres of Light. It contains a Celestial Vitality and Dynamism …representing an accelerated Matrix of Energy, a Higher Frequency Vibrational Field and a Divine Force of Higher Consciousness. It’s action upon any other matrix of energy, vibrational field or force of consciousness is to raise it up towards its Divine Potential. When the Forcefield of Violet Fire interacts with a cell, atom or electron, that tiny vibrational field and energy matrix accelerates towards its Divine Potential. Everything in daily life is but fields of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and thus the Violet Fire can assert it action here, there and everywhere present!
Think of a living cell. As it interacts with the Violet Fire, the vibrational fields of each particle of matter accelerates and the cell transforms into its intended higher frequency functionality …that of Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty …as well as Simplicity and Symmetry, Harmony and Balance. Every electron within the cell vibrates closer to its Divine Axis and Orbit, thus transforming atoms as the basis of all living matter. And on and on this Atomic Accelerator proceeds. This is equally true on macro levels of larger objects and systems within embodied daily life (race, religion, culture, society).
Our daily practice is to see, feel and deeply accept the Violet Fire, as the Forcefield of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …the most powerful vibrational field of Divine Love. This Violet unites the Blue Ray of Power and the Pink Ray of Love. Its action is in uniting all life in her Ascended State …every cell, atom and electron of Lifeforce raised up to its Divine Potential. And in the Ascension Process, we come to feel every Inbreath as the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …and every Outbreath as uniting all life in her Ascended State. Then every moment becomes the Violet Fire in action! This is our Purpose if being embodied within Humanity!
To assist the Light Servers in this Practice, I come into this Solar Year with Legions of Cosmic Angels …some of whom are serving Earth for the first time …Seraphim, Cherubim and Angelic Hosts …magnetizing all good intentions within Humanity into its corresponding Solar Consciousness, leading to a greater impact on all Humanity! Therefore, good intentions, prayers and meditations from whatever source become more impactful. These Angels generate an inner longing for our Divine Origins …the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light in which Humanity was born …as an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light! Affirm:
I AM one with the Beloved Angels of the Violet Fire,
enveloping my embodied Solar Consciousness,
manifesting through my Beloved Body Elemental.
I see, feel and deeply accept my longing for the Highest Potential
of my Divine Instrument …made manifest through me now!
I AM the embodied Solar Consciousness
within the Cosmic Violet Fire!
These Angels have trained to meet Humanity with Integrity and Honor …at the level of her present being …physically, mentally, emotionally and etherically embodied …to meet Humanity where she is …and accelerate her upwards in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness from that point. They help create the Spiritual Freedom from karmic patterns …as well as Spiritual Freedom into the remembrance and lived experience of Twelve-fold Solar Consciousness. And they are so Joyous to be in your Aura!
I AM with these Angels and therefore with you …through this Solar Year …and into Eternity! And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!
Breathing easily and rhythmically, relaxed in a calm place …let us see, feel and deeply accept that I AM only Flame …the Flame of Father / Mother God …a Focus of their Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, radiating their Light of Quantum State Energy, Matter and Intelligence, right here and now …(Pause). I dwell in the Eternal Moment of Now …as I have known in the Spheres of Light …now enjoyed as a Light Commanding Presence on Earth.
Let us see ourselves as the Star of Spiritual Freedom in its Maltese Cross Sacred Geometry. Let us abide at its center, its ‘Sun of the Seventh Ray’! From here, the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire expands out to the periphery, forming our ever-expanding Circle of Light. I see, feel and deeply accept this Activity continually flooding the Earth, accelerating the thinking and feeling centers of Humanity into their Higher Frequency. The vertical arms of the Maltese Cross go deep into the Earth, connecting with all Humanity and Elemental life …as well as high into the Spheres of Light connecting with Universal I AM. The horizontal arms extend into daily life, radiating the Quantum State Fluctuations in Energy, Matter and Intelligence necessary for Spiritual Freedom! I AM the Force of the Next Life Wave Coming!
In becoming this Star of Spiritual Freedom, we remember that the Seventh Ray is the final sub-Ray of the Hand of Holy Spirit. This is the final chapter of the Love Ray of the Three-fold Flame (of Love, Wisdom and Power). At the core of the Star of Spiritual Freedom is the Rose of Divine Love. Guiding, guarding and directing this Forcefield of Love is the Wisdom Flame of Solar Consciousness expressing its God Illumination …as well as the Power Flame …the power of all we have accomplished thus far in anchoring the New Age of Spiritual Freedom.
Becoming the Star of Spiritual Freedom is the realization that in our True Identity, we are the engines of creation, the generators of reality and the producers of the New Age Spiritual Freedom. Let us accept this! We realize we have the assistance of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Great Light Brotherhood and all the Angels and Elementals. But it is us, the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, that is this Force of Divine Creation in the world! We realize we have unlimited Cosmic Support, but we also realize that our New Age is us becoming those Higher Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light …right here and now on our sweet Earth. We are the engines and generators of Creation. This is our purpose …and I AM that I AM!
Each photon of my Infinite Radiant Light is itself a Star of Spiritual Freedom …until collectively, as the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, we fill the atmosphere of Earth with countless Stars of Spiritual Freedom! And then we know ‘I AM the Light of the world’! We expand and project these countless photons filled with the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of our Eternal Flame into all life. Together standing in the Light, we fill the world with Divine Creation and Manifestation. We stand within our Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame …and thus, this Forcefield cannot be denied in its desire to set this sweet Earth Free into the Light!
Visualize a Pink Rose at the Center of a Maltese Cross …from which expands the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. We abide in this Forcefield of Divine Love, as we embody the Solar Consciousness streaming through the Eye of Divine Liberty. From here, we reveal the Star of Sanat Kumara and its nature of Quantum State Fluctuations generating Transformational Events in Consciousness. All of this gives birth to our embodied Presence of Spiritual Liberty …as the Star of Spiritual Freedom. This is our Spiritual Agency …our Divine Presence achieving its Divine Will, Intent and Purpose on Earth.
We affirm: I AM all of the past Solar Years embodied …the Eye of Divine Liberty (standing with the Goddess of Liberty), the Star of Sanat Kumara (standing with Beloved Sanat Kumara), and the Star of Spiritual Freedom (standing with Beloved Saint Germain and the Seventh Ray Dispensation). These Forcefields are no longer seen as ‘somewhere else’ shinning down on us …it is all right here and now within us, embodied through us. I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty living amongst Humanity! I AM the Star of Sanat Kumara invoking Transformational Events in Consciousness, living amongst Humanity! I AM the Star of Spiritual Freedom embodied within my physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicle, shining amongst Humanity!
As the Star of Spiritual Freedom …
I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of
my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light
Humanity abides in the Great Solar Quiet of her
Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.
Our sweet Earth abides in the Great Solar Quiet
of her Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light
I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty opening Solar Consciousness.
I AM the Star of Sanat Kumara, the harbinger of Quantum State
Fluctuations on Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.
I AM a Transformational Event in Consciousness!
…the pinnacle of which is embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM the Star of Spiritual Freedom, open and
receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming.
I AM the Next Life Wave Coming!
We are now at the full sunrise of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. It began when Beloved Saint Germain journeyed in Consciousness to Father / Mother God, invoking a dispensation on behalf of Humanity for a New Age of Spiritual Freedom. That gift was the Cosmic Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love …the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State! Embodied Solar Consciousness is that gift received from Alpha and Omega. Though this gift, Beloved Saint Germain Initiated a Cosmic Invocation of Spiritual Freedom …to unfold during his Seventh Ray Dispensation on our sweet Earth.
This Seventh Ray New Age began with the Transmutation Powers of Sacred Fire, as well as the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness aspects of the Violet Fire necessary to move past the ego illusion. And now with a powerful momentum of inner progress (even though karmic illusion is yet vivid) the Seventh Ray now graduates into its embodied Solar Consciousness Cycle of Spiritual Freedom on Earth.
I AM the embodied Solar Consciousness within the Cosmic Violet Fire. The Violet Fire is the harbinger of Solar Consciousness. Beloved Goddess of Liberty is the Cosmic Mother of Beloved Saint Germain, and it is she who opens the world to Solar Consciousness through her Son and the Mighty Violet Fire. The Eye of Divine Liberty has been opened and now it resides in Humanity …as the Initiated Star of Spiritual Freedom.
And it was Beloved Sanat Kumara who played the intermediary in this Activity. His Golden five-pointed Star always brings the necessary Transformational Events in Consciousness to awaken a Race of Beings to their Divine Potential. This is the final chapter of his liberation of our sweet Earth, in her return to producing the Light of her Divine Potential into the Solar System …Ascended and Free Humanity on her Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit of Divine Love.
The Cosmic Violet Fire is the
Transmitter of Solar Consciousness!
I AM the Transmission of this Flame
into Humanity’s global Consciousness!
I AM the Violet Fire of Solar Consciousness!
The center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross is the Eye of Divine
Liberty, expanding outwards as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.
Together, standing in Solar Consciousness, the Divine Potential
automatically takes precedence …takes command!
I AM a Light Commanding Presence!
I AM a Cosmic Flame of Transmutation,
for all that needs to be transmuted!
I AM a Cosmic Flame of Spiritual Freedom
for all that seeks its Freedom in the Light!
Dear Ones, the Eye of Divine Liberty is seen on the cover of each Ascended and Free Journal. It represents the center of a Galaxy and thus represents Solar Consciousness on a galactic level. And now it also reflects the centre of our embodied Solar Consciousness within each of us …a personal Star of Spiritual Freedom manifesting in daily life. It symbolizes the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Spiritual Freedom …radiating its Quantum Energy, Quantum Matter and Quantum Intelligence into daily life. And I AM that I AM!