July, 2016
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Reality of the United
Forcefields of all Seven Root Races, within One I AM Race!
I AM Expanding / Projecting the Reality of the United
Forcefields of all Seven Root Races, within One I AM Race!
I AM a Flame of Violet Fire.
I AM twin Pillars of Violet Fire.
I AM the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.
I AM the Mystic Spheres of Violet Fire.
I AM the Cosmic Flame of the Seventh Ray!
The Violet Fire is the Perfection of Love.
Violet Fire is the most Powerful Activity of Love.
This Activity of Divine Love now expands and projects
through all Seven Root Races and all their lovely sub-Races.
Each White Fire Being of the Seven Root Races stands with us in
the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. Each of their Mighty I AM
Presences and their Causal Body, serves with us in the
Temples of Earth’s Ascended and Free Realms.
I AM empty of self, time and space!
I AM the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
Each electron of my Infinite Light expresses simultaneously in
every Multi-dimensional Realm of existence. Therefore, I AM
everywhere present, expressing in every Sphere of Light, every
Domain of Influence …including the Realms of Angels,
Elementals, Ascended Masters, and Cosmic Beings.
I AM the Atomic Acceleration of form, of my physical, etheric,
mental and emotional vehicles into their Electronic Light Essence.
I AM now empty of time and space and all the world of form.
I AM filled with Cosmic Perfection Patterns that may now
express as Divine Qualities within the world of form.
This is my Solar Christ Self, a Sun of the Sun!
I AM the oneness of the re-unified I AM Race!
I AM the oneness of Ascended and Free Humanity!
Ascended and Free Humanity is the united Seven Root Races!
Together standing in the Light, all of this Immaculate Concept
is blazing within the Thoughtform of our Solar Year!
Dear co-creators of Spiritual Freedom on Earth, Builders of Divine Consciousness: what a joy to realize the fullness of the Immaculate Concept we serve and create the foundation of. We now realize that within our Thoughtform of the Solar Year, the Realms of Ascended and Free Temples of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity contain not only the Temples of the currently embodied Illumined Light Servers but as well, that of the Mighty I AM Presence / Solar Christ Self / Causal Body of all Humanity across all Seven Root Races …the entire I AM Race!
The Temples of Ascended and Free around Earth have always been the Home of all the Root Races. The Divine Plan calls for one Root Race to embody over a 14,000-year Major Cycle, being exposed to the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of each of the Seven Rays in succession (over 2,000 year Minor Cycles or Dispensations), completing the embodied Seven-fold Holy Christ Self. This embodied Light Being then became the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self, reuniting in Oneness with the Mighty I AM Presence. The first three Root Races began this process victoriously, with each Root Race completing their Ascension Process ‘on schedule’. After each Root Race succeeded in its Ascension, the Mighty Manu withdrew his Root Race back into their Ascended and Free Realms of Light, serving within these Temples …until eventually all Seven Root Races have completed their Ascension Cycle.
So these Ascended and Free Spheres of Light (which we see in our Solar Year Thoughtform) only grew more concentrated and powerful with each ‘graduating class’. They also grew more powerful with each Ascended Root Race developing their Creative Faculties of Sacred Fire in these Spheres of Light, while waiting the Cycles of their brothers and sisters in other Root Races. So think of it …even though the Cycles of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races have been much delayed, the Cosmic Momentum of Sacred Fire developed within the first Three Root Races (having Ascended) and the Sixth and Seventh Root Races (awaiting their cycles of embodiment) are a powerful Forcefield for embodied Humanity to unite with in our present Light Service on Earth!
As Light Servers, we now Ascend into our Mighty I AM Presence lived through our embodied Solar Christ Self and into daily life. Thus our Temples of Cosmic Momentum and all of our Divine Potential in Service, now emerges within these Spheres of Light, continually accelerating the reunification all Seven Root Races into the One I AM Race!
In review, we know that the Divine Plan was so successful with the first Three Root Races, the Great Cosmic Council was held, as to giving assistance to planetary orphans (the ‘laggards’). They were invited to complete their Cosmic Journey to the Ascension within the confines of Earth’s denser form (their previous planets being more etheric or ‘wave form’ rather than ‘particle form’). These ‘orphans’ required a slower frequency as they had chosen not to accelerate their atomic nature with their original Planet.
These laggards would also have access to the Ascended and Free Realms of Earth’s I AM Race. This is a Powerful Forcefield …certainly sufficient to counteract and rebalance the karmic discord / imbalance arising from all the misuse of Divine Light since the 'great fall' in consciousness that followed the coming of the laggards. The Divine Light of these Spheres of Light was always intended to flow into creation, from every Mighty I AM Presence of every Root Race …to assist with the co-creation and manifestation of the Perfection Patterns of the embodied Root Race and then to raise up the laggards. It was intended that each Root Race would serve the others, especially the one embodied …currently us!
Our current Solar Year Thoughtform already focuses on the Fourth and Fifth embodied Root Races and the Sixth and Seventh incoming Root Races within the ‘four-square’ of the Mighty Manus. Let us now include the first Three Root Races in this Thoughtform. Let us see the first Three Root Races represented in this Multi-dimensional Matrix / Hologram as the Sun of Earth. At the center of the Thoughtform is the Three-fold Flame, the Foundation of all Perfection Patterns manifesting. This is where the first Three Root Races anchor their Perfection Patterns …literally representing the First, Second and Third Rays of co-creation. They represent by the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …a Forcefield we not only draw upon, but also to which we add the Cosmic Momentum of our Flame.
It was the first Three Root Races that had established the Three-fold Flame as a foundation of Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit. They were the original Builders of Divine Consciousness! It is only the Fourth and Fifth Root Races that have generated karma …because of the laggards that came with karma when given opportunity to embody within the Fourth Root Race. The first Three Root Races, as well as the Sixth and Seventh Root Races, have no personal, family, cultural, religious or racial karma. The incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races enter into embodiment karma free …with the intent to transform the karmic patterns of ego to the Perfection Patterns of the Mighty I AM Presence, lived through the embodied Solar Christ Self. This is the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!
For eons since their Ascension, the first Three Root Races have continuously been Builders of Divine Consciousness, utilizing their collective Three-fold Flame. They have become Ascended Masters in their own right, all the while awaiting the Ascension of their brothers / sisters within the subsequent Root Races to add to this magnificent co-creation …Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit. Contemplate this. For their combined Forcefields is what principally constructs New Earth in her New Heavens with her New Humanity. Their Energy, Vibration and Consciousness produce a Forcefield of the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love. It has existed from before ‘time’ …from before time was introduced by ego after the 'great fall'.
We have become familiar with the concept of the Sun of Earth, composed of the Solar Christ Self (Sun of the Sun) of everyone within Humanity. We have supposed this meant currently embodied Humanity, meaning the Fourth and Fifth Root Races and their Guardians. Now we realize the Sun of Earth contains the united Cosmic Momentum of all Seven Root Races. This has been referred to through the history of Light Service as the ancient term: the Light of a Thousand Suns. Now we might say the Light of Ten Billion Suns or the Light of Infinite Suns …but let us not confine or restrict it by a number …as the ‘Light of a Thousand Suns’ simply meant to ancients ‘as much Light as we can conceive’.
Another term we use often now comes with greater multi-dimensional meaning. Ascended and Free Humanity now represents all seven Root Races of the I AM Race! Contemplate this. We have already conceived the Gathering of Ascended Humanity including the Spiritual Hierarchy who have Ascended from Earthly sojourns, but it is so much grander than even that! And when we affirm: I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …this now includes the Forcefields of all Seven Root Races, all contained within the Temples of Ascended and Free Realms around New Earth …our Sun of Earth in the Solar Thoughtform.
Now added to this Forcefield is the Higher Frequency Love Ray flooding in from Beloved Krishna and Sophia, through our Beloved Planet Venus and the Kumaras. It is the Love frequency that holds in its Heart the Immaculate Concept for the Orbit of Love that our New Earth now ascends into. This Higher Frequency Divine Love now facilitates and accelerates a Higher Order Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love Forcefield. Let us give Gratitude for the powerful Forcefields we have at our call!
The Transmission of the Flame
There is yet another Divine Process to attune to for our Light Service. Within every Ascended and Free Temple in the Realms of Light around New Earth is a Central Flame upon the Altar, a Hierarch of that Temple, with its Blessings being the Radiance of that Hierarch. We have known our Ascended Masters as the Hierarchs of their Temples (e.g. Beloved Serapis Bey as Hierarch of the Ascension Temple; Beloved Hilarion as the Hierarch of the Temple of Truth, etc.). They were our examples of what it is that we are to graduate into, as has every member of the first Three Root Races and the incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races awaiting their embodiment. What examples of Divinity we have before us!
The Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light of each Temple travels around the entire circuit of Temples, continuously Blessing every other Temple with its Light and Love. This is how we weave the Matrix / Hologram of New Earth. Think of numbers of Transmissions from Temple to Temple and the building Forcefield …with each Temple connecting with every other Temple in these Ascended and Free Realms.
The human brain reflects this Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, in that every cell (neuron) is connected to countless other neurons, forming a tremendous interconnectedness that allows the brain to function at its rightful potential. The original pattern of this Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness is the Realms of Light of the Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and Solar Christ Self Hierarchs of every being, within all Seven Root Races of the I AM Race!
So, we affirm: I AM the Transmission of the Flame …around the Temples of Ascended and Free Humanity …continuously flowing and generating greater Momentums of Perfection Patterns …until we fully build the Matrix / Hologram of Ascended and Free Earth …Sun of Earth …Light of a Thousand Suns! This is then a co-creation of every Root Race. Affirm: This is what I AM, and this is my Light Service to Humanity …Service with the One I AM Race!
As the Transmission of the Flame proceeds within the Thoughtform of the Solar Year, Holy Spirit engages this process. Now a ‘visitation of Holy Spirit’ reaches each Being of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Root Races …with the Gifts, Qualities and Blessings uniquely necessary for each Root Race’s Divine Plan in this Cosmic Moment. Each of the Seven Root Races is actively receiving Holy Spirit Perfection Patterns of Higher Frequency Divine Love in order to fulfill their aspect of the present Cosmic Victory. Holy Spirit grants the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness to succeed. Therefore, as Ascended and Free Humanity, we invoke, focus, concentrate, direct, expand, project and sustain the Perfection Patterns of Holy Spirit into the world …knowing that all Seven Root Races are united …together, standing in the Light …the full Gathering of Ascended Humanity …the One I AM Race!
Beloved Ones, a full spectrum of ‘potential manifestation’ now faces Humanity (with all of Universal I AM observing)! This spectrum of free will choices of ‘reality’ ranges from the very lowest frequency (chaos, imbalance) manifesting in parts of the world (arising out of psychic and astral effluvia) …to the very Highest Order Frequencies arising out of Cosmic Perfection Patterns from the Ascended and Free Realms of Light. It is our chosen Light Service to maintain this Multi-dimensional Matrix / Hologram of these Perfection Patterns within the Theme and Thoughtform of this Solar Year. We constantly hold the Immaculate Concept of the original Divine Plan before Humanity, so that she may choose through free will to return to her original Divine Dignity. And we do so with the greatest strength, determination and drive that the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love allows us as Children of the Great I AM!
Knowing this level of Light Service …and together, standing in the Light as the embodied Gathering of Ascended Humanity, I affirm:
I know this Cosmic Moment and I focus only on that Truth!
I know the Power of Sacred Fire and I focus on that
specialty of spiritual service to Humanity!
This is what I AM!
I empty of self, time and space …and, as an Eternal Flame and its
Infinite Radiant Light, I AM eternally patient, letting go of
waiting, aging and the frustration of daily life.
Empty of self, and standing in the Eternal Flame:
I AM shedding embodiment after embodiment
of karma …and all remaining ego defenses.
I envision Humanity as empty of self, standing in her Eternal
Flame within the Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform. Here I see
Humanity shedding embodiment after embodiment of karma,
as well as all her remaining ego defenses. As these ancient
karmic forces arise to awareness, the Gathering of Ascended
Humanity enfolds / seals them in the Forcefields of Sacred Fire.
As I stand with Earth and Humanity within the Mystic Ring of
Violet Fire. This Cosmic Sacred Fire transmutes all thoughts,
feelings, memory and deeds arising from previous karma and the
defenses of little ego. I AM the Solar Christ Self as the Governing
God Intelligence of Divine Love of my life and of the entire world.
Empty of time, I shed all the karmic patterns operating through my
Creative Faculties. I AM now accepting the Perfection Patterns
of Holy Spirit through all my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.
I AM at Peace with my Light Service here and now. I know that if
I were not serving the Light here on Earth at this Cosmic Moment,
I would be Serving the Light on another plane of existence
…as I AM always serving the Light!
Knowing this Truth about myself, I AM always at Peace!
Knowing this Truth about Humanity, I AM always at
Peace with the current Ascension Process of our
sweet Earth! I AM simply at Peace!
Empty of self, time and space, I choose now to express my full
Divine Potential in this embodiment on Earth …as I may do
In any other Dimension of Light, anywhere present.
Beloved of the Order of Zadkiel: this is an ancient designation of those who put aside self and the restrictions of time and space coordinates. They know themselves only as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Then through their Flame may proceed the Sacred Service of remaining consecrated to the inbreath, assimilation, expansion and projection of Sacred Fire into the world. As Disciples of Holy Spirit, this specific Order of dedicated service practices the discipline of Invoking, Focusing, Concentrating and Sustaining Spiritual Freedom in any dimension of existence. Such is the eternal nature of Sacred Fire, to expand the borders of Spiritual Freedom everywhere present!
This Order of Zadkiel now is centered within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. This brings the Source of Spiritual Freedom ever more present in and around our sweet Earth …first in Cause (Energy, Matter and Intelligence) within the Theme and Thoughtform …and then in Perfection Patterns of daily life, manifesting as thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. Emanating from the Realms of Cause, this Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Spiritual Freedom becomes the source of every other freedom (political, financial, relationships, etc.).
The Order of Zadkiel is active in the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun …and all Ascended Planets and, within their countless unique I AM Races thriving there on. The Order of Zadkiel has existed within every previous Golden Age on Earth and, as well in the first three Root Races, before the 'great fall'. The Sixth and Seventh Root Races now enter with an awakened memory and momentum of this specific Light Service. The Order was created to ensure every aspect of Life had access to the Sacred Fire and its Transformative Powers. So let us review together our current Service within the Order of Zadkiel …for together, standing in the Light, we maintain an ancient legacy of Spiritual Consecration.
Through visualizing and energizing the Thoughtform of this Solar Year with your personal Sacred Fire, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity draws the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire ever closer in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness to Humanity. By doing so, the Earth is then ever more prepared to enter the Spheres of Light where she belongs …the Higher Order Love Frequency of Venus. For on our sister Planet, the Order of Zadkiel (under the direction of Cosmic Holy Spirit and the Kumaras of Venus) has long ago established a Divine Legacy of Cosmic Momentum to ensure Spiritual Freedom for all, into eternity.
Through our collective Light Service, Humanity will be more accessible to this Orbit / Frequency of Venus because of our co-created momentum of immersing her in the Source of Spiritual Freedom …the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire from the Central Sun. This is everything Beloved Saint Germain believed we could and would accomplish, in order to establish his Star of Spiritual Freedom under the Divine Dispensation of the Seventh Ray. With your own Crystal Vision, see now that the Central Sun has expanded and projected a portion of its own Seventh Sphere into and around Earth …as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire within the Thoughtform of this Solar Year.
Our service is to anchor it within daily life, amongst all the other operating patterns of energy competing for attention therein …raising them all into their Divine Potential within Spiritual Freedom. This would include all patterns of justice, finance, personal equality, as well as political, religious, cultural and social freedom. All life has its Divine Potential to achieve within the Golden Age now dawning. So, we set the foundation for this collective Ascension Process by anchoring the right and perfect Energy, Vibration and Consciousness ...all within the Thoughtform of this Solar Year.
In our present Light Service, let us see The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire begin to spin on its Divine Axis. It transforms into a Sphere of Seventh Ray Light and Energy …a shimmering, dazzling, crystalline Violet Sphere of Influence! Ascended and Free Humanity then affirms: I AM invoking this Sacred Energy of Spiritual Freedom into all persons, places, conditions and things I desire to set free. I begin as the Divine Instrument of my own Spiritual Freedom! I AM blazing the Violet Fire within every cell, atom and electron of my Being, as well as within every person, place, condition and thing in my life …including my world, affairs and finances.
We then become the Divine Instrument of our united Planetary Service …the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! Through our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness we include the entire world within this Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom as it now manifests within the Thoughtform of 2016. Into our Cosmic Momentum we invoke Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Beloved Saint Germain to assist us in remembering our momentum of training within the Order of Zadkiel.
This ‘treasure of Spiritual Practice’ is kept as a profound impulse within each one’s personal Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …the Seventh Sphere of our Causal Body. The Mighty Co-servers on the Seventh Ray stationed within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire are now activating this Momentum. Feel the Presence of Beloved Goddess of Liberty, Beloved Kwan Yin, Beloved Lady Mercedes, Beloved Lady Portia, Beloved Elohim Diana and myself, Lady Holy Amethyst. We serve so that you may find your Divine Potential within the Order of Zadkiel!
The Mystic Sphere of Violet Fire brings Spiritual Freedom to all within its Sphere of Influence. We focus our attention on using and using the Violet Fire! As we choose to set free any aspect of our personal life or that of planetary daily life, let us see a Sphere of Electronic Violet Light enfold the object of our attention. And as we co-create with this Sacred Fire Forcefield, we affirm:
I AM God in Action for the Seventh Ray, Divine Dispensation of
Spiritual Freedom! I AM a Priest / Priestess in the Order of
Zadkiel. I AM a Disciple of Holy Spirit fulfilling the
great Purpose of my embodiment …anchoring and
sustaining Ascended and Free Consciousness
into Humanity and our sweet Earth.
Empty of self and knowing I AM Flame …then by Cosmic Law, as pure Flame we may unite with any other aspect of Flame or Sacred Fire …within a Angel, Elemental, Ascended Master or any Cosmic Forcefield. As Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, we may inbreathe, absorb, expand and project the Perfection Patterns from any Higher Source, including the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun. Our Eternal Flame carries the Perfection Patterns of Universal I AM. Thus the Perfection Patterns we desire for Humanity may easily flow through such a Source of Sacred Fire with much more impact than if we conceive ourselves ‘as a body within time and space’. Once we have established this foundation of True Identity / Divine Instrument …then Divine Perfection Patterns may be channeled through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, into the world. Let us affirm:
As Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light:
I AM aligned and in Divine Order with the
Perfection Patterns within my White Fire Being!
I AM aligned and in Divine Order with the
Perfection Patterns within my Cosmic Causal Body!
I AM aligned and in Divine Order with the
Perfection Patterns within my Mighty I AM Presence!
I AM aligned and in Divine Order with the
Perfection Patterns within my Solar Christ Self!
I AM aligned and in Divine Order with the Perfection
Patterns within my Indivisible Flowing Wholeness!
I AM aligned and in Divine Order with every Ascended Master,
Cosmic Being, Angel and Elemental Spirit that is assisting my
Light Service …and all Light Service everywhere present!
The Sacred Violet Fire opens up my Light Body, setting it
free from within the cells, atoms and electrons of
my, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
The free flow of Perfection Patterns from my White Fire Being,
Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and Solar Christ Self,
streams into the world through my Creative Faculties.
I AM etherealizing ego-self into the Violet Fire and,
thus, I AM only pure, unadulterated Flame!
I AM etherealizing ‘time’ into the Violet Fire and, thus
I AM an Eternal Flame …Eternally Flame!
I AM etherealizing ‘space’ into the Violet Fire,
and thus I AM an Eternal Violet Flame and
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
I envision myself as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire!
The Ring expands into a Sacred Sphere of Violet Fire!
I stand within this Spheres of Light and become the twin Pillars
of the Violet Fire …the Masculine and Feminine Ray
aspects of the Seventh Ray Spiritual Freedom!
I AM the Sacred Violet Flame embodied,
opening my Light Body here and now!
Into the Cosmic Violet Fire:
I AM shedding moments of karma!
I AM shedding relationships of karma!
I AM shedding all personal and family karma!
I AM shedding decades and embodiments of karma!
I AM shedding civilizations and all cultural karma!
I AM shedding entire Root Races of karma!
This Victory is ours: for when empty of self, time and space,
I know that, all the Light that ever was, or ever will be
…is here and now in our united Light Service!
Before karma, there was only the Immaculate Concept of Father / Mother God. And Through the Power of the Violet Fire, now the only Reality remaining is the Thoughtform of the Star of Spiritual Freedom, surrounded by the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire and enfolded by her Ascended and Free Realms, composed by all the Root Races …that have ever inhabited the Earth, will ever inhabit the Earth or presently do inhabit the Earth! Within this Thoughtform, Holy Spirit visits all …so as each one may fulfill their Divine Potential on Freedom’s Holy Star!
Within this Thoughtform of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light is all Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness leading to complete Transmutation / Transformation …and then to the Ceremony of Divine Living found within Spiritual Freedom! Now the Fourth and Fifth Root Races may truly join the first three Root Races as well as the Sixth and Seventh Root Races within the Ascended and Free Realms around New Earth! This is the Home of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …all Seven Root Races of Earth having fulfilled their Divine Plan!
Beloved Saint Germain brought the Violet Fire to Earth for this purpose …to specifically transmute, through the Power of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, all Fourth and Fifth Root Race karma! As we all know, the first three Root Races had no karma and the Sixth and Seventh Root Race are likewise entering karma free. As the embodied Gathering of Ascended Humanity, it is our Service to invoke the Cosmic Violet Fire to transmute the karma of this specific ‘time frame’ of major Root Race cycles.
The Order of Zadkiel has held the Immaculate Concept for this service of the Violet Fire. The Atomic Accelerator Activity is as aspect of such Light Service and has been introduced by Beloved Saint Germain within the Ascended Master Teachings. Atoms are the building blocks of form and our sweet Earth’s uniqueness is the Divine Plan of how far into form or density will the Perfection Patterns of Father / Mother God manifest. Many lessor patterns have manifested yet we still hold to the Immaculate Concept of Cosmic Christ Perfection Patterns manifesting in the daily life of Humanity. The Sacred Fire performs this service at the level of cells, atoms and electrons …of persons, places, conditions and things! When the Divine Potential of Sacred Fire is fully tapped, this Forcefield of Energy, Matter and Intelligence can accelerate entire Root Races out of their karmic past and into the ever present Perfection Patterns within the Causal Body of each of God’s Children so involved.
Just as we might visualize an atom or a cell, seeing the Violet Fire clearing out the auric contamination in and around it …so might we see the Sacred Fire cleansing an entire Root Race of its karmic imbalance. This will hasten the release of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races into their Spiritual Freedom and hence the full entrance of the Sixth and Seventh Root Race Children. And with the release of the currently embodied Root Races from karmic patterns, the quicker full complement of all seven Root Races gathers within the I AM Race ...the final Unity of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
This is the Immaculate Concept of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity on her Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Heavens. It includes all the Light that ever was (first Three Root Races) and all the Light that ever will be (Sixth and Seventh Root Races) …all here and now in this God Victorious Moment of the Spiritual Liberation of the Fourth and Fifth Root Race here and now!
Allow me to close our sojourn with the Joy of standing with all of you, the embodied Order of Zadkiel within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …as well as with all the representatives of the Seventh Ray and the Feminine Ray …as well as with every White Fire Being belonging to the I AM Race, from First Root Race through to Seventh Root Race …all from the Central Sun! This is the Fiery Realms of Spiritual Freedom now enfolding New Earth, the Sun of Earth, the Light of a Thousand Suns. These White Fire Beings of Spiritual Freedom are the True Suns of Freedom …the Highest Frequency of Liberty in Spirit and Pure Divine Consciousness. This is our Mystic Ring of Violet Fire! This is our Service to Life!