July, 2018
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
I AM a global Forcefield of Co-creation,
establishing within Humanity a Quantum State of
Builders of Divine Self; Builders of Divine Consciousness;
and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light for all Humanity!
(empty of self and breathing only as the Great Solar Disc)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Eternal Flame, I AM!
I AM Expanding / Projecting the Eternal Flame, I AM!
I AM the Eternal Flame, I AM!
I AM the Light of the World!
I shine my Light everywhere present.
My focused Light carries the Essence of Sacred Fire.
I shine it into all persons, places, conditions and things.
Through my Light, I AM the revelation of Angels and Elementals.
Through my Light, I AM the revelation of Ascended Masters.
Through my Light, I AM the revelation of all GOOD!
The Light I AM is the revelation of Cosmic Truth!
The Harmony and Balance of Life renews the Eternal Flame.
The Resurrection and the Life is the Breath of Holy Spirit,
renewing the Eternal Flame within every part of life.
This occurred for Beloved Jesus in the tomb,
restoring his physical body to life!
I AM accepting the Sacred Breath of Holy Spirit.
I AM restoring my Eternal Flame to its rightful place,
‘as it is in Heaven’, within my Solar Christ Self, Mighty
I AM Presence, Causal Body and White Fire Being.
My Light is all of this …here and now on Earth!
I AM in the world, but not of it!
I AM four empty Circles of Light.[1]
My mind is an empty Circle of Light.
My emotions are an empty Circle of Light.
My memory is an empty Circle of Light.
My body is an empty Circle of Light.
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light, inclusive
of myself living free in the Light!
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light, inclusive
of all life living free in the Light!
The Sacred Fire that I AM fills these Circles of Light.
I AM filled with Higher Frequency Thoughts of the Divine.
I AM filled with the Higher Frequency Feelings of Holy Spirit.
I AM filled with the Celestial Memories within my Causal Body.
I AM filled with Higher Frequency Limitless Physical Perfection!
This allows my Higher Frequency Circles of Light …
the Solar Christ Self; Mighty I AM Presence; Causal Body;
and White Fire Being …to manifest their Energy,
Vibration and Consciousness on Earth.
This is what I AM!
I AM that I AM!
The Infinite Radiant Light of my Eternal Flame illumines and
reveals the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
all around and about me in daily life.
The Infinite Radiant Light of my Eternal Flame illumines and
reveals the Ascended Master Hosts of Light,
all around and about me in daily life.
The Infinite Radiant Light of my Eternal Flame illumines and
reveals the Gathering of Ascended Humanity and every
Solar Christ Self, all around and about me in daily life!
My Eternal Flame is embodied here and now to
illumine and reveal the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom!
The Light of my Eternal Flame now illuminates:
The Presence of the Angels and Elementals;
The Presence of the Ascended and Free Humanity;
The Presence of the Ascended Master Hosts of Light;
The Presence of Universal I AM …everywhere present!
I AM Ascended and Free Humanity …the I AM Race!
On her Ascended and Free Earth, the Star of Spiritual Freedom!
In her Ascended and Free Orbit within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!
Here, I AM a true Disciple of Holy Spirit,
in the Great Stillness of the Great, Great Silence!
I AM an Eternal Flame within an Infinite Ocean of Sacred Fire.
Long before time, I was born into this Reality. And long after time, I shall yet dwell in this Reality …into Eternity! I may take form as I choose, on this or any Planet / Star system within Universal I AM …all according to my Divine Plan! As an Eternal Flame, the Divine Light I radiate is filled with the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of Perfection Patterns …for all persons, places, conditions and things in my awareness, no matter where or when I chose to locate, in manifesting my Eternal Flame! Presently, I choose to locate my Eternal Flame on Earth, during this Cosmic Moment of its Redemption back into its Eternal Spiritual Freedom.
In this Ocean of Sacred Fire, if I remain only a Spiritual Flame, then I manifest only formless Electronic Light. If I choose to manifest in form, creating a physical universe as matter / substance around me …then my Electronic Light (of the Mighty I AM Presence) flows into formed life, as the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of physical co-creation. In either case, I visualize my True Identity as soft waves of Divine Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, originating from every other Realm of Light in this Cosmic Ocean, into and through me for the enrichment of all life in the realm I choose to manifest within …including daily life here on Earth. I receive with gratitude and acceptance the Divine Essence of Holy Spirit …which permeates all things within this Ocean of Divine Life. My only purpose of being in the manifest world is to allow for the free-flow of such Multi-dimensional Divine Light as a source of constant blessing for this world.
While in embodiment, my Light parts the doors of Heaven into the unformed spirit world of Light and Magic. My Light reveals the Angels and Elemental Beings. My Light reveals in detail the Ascended Master Host and the Spiritual Hierarchy. My Light reveals the Glory of the I AM Race …all Seven Root Races in Divine Order and Divine Alignment …in the Oneness Consciousness of the I AM Race. My Light deters any spirit less than the Light …for I AM protected in the Light …and by the Light! All of these Perfection Patterns of Divine Potential may now be revealed by our collective Ascended and Free Light …generated from global Ascended and Free Humanity. All Hail what our Light reveals!
For eons we have invoked the Ascended Master Hosts of Light to reveal to us our Path; the Glory of the Great I AM; and the Perfection Patterns of Supreme Being. Now we call on our own Infinite Radiant Light, of our own Eternal Flame, to reveal our Path; the Glory of the Great I AM; and the Perfection Patterns of Supreme Being. This applies individually as a Solar Christ Self / Sun of the Sun …and as well, collectively as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, the Heart Pacemaker Cells of the I AM Race. We still have our Ascended Master assistance whenever we invoke it …but we continually move forward in Consciousness to being our own Great Divine Director …of our own Ascended Master Existence!
The entire Universal I AM is within me. Therefore all the Sacred Fire from Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light abides within me, awaiting my attention and invocation to come forth now into my life and world. For example, I may call forth the Cosmic Violet Fire from Lady Holy Amethyst …or, I may call it forth from my own Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …from my own Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. For I AM the One (Light of the Mighty I AM Presence streaming into my Flame), the THREE (fold Flame of Creation), the SEVEN (fold Flame of co-creation), the TWELVE (fold nature of Solar Being) and again the ONE Light of Universal I AM. I AM all of this Glory …all of the time!
As an Eternal Flame within an Ocean of Sacred Fire, I have at my disposal all Energy, Vibration and Consciousness necessary to raise up the frequency of my life into its Divine Potential of Ascended and Free …as well as the resources to raise up the entire world into its Divine Potential …as Ascended and Free Humanity on Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Orbit!
For eons we have invoked Beloved Lord Michael to cut us free from imbalance. For centuries we have invoked the Cosmic Christ to Light our Way. For decades we have called forth Beloved Saint Germain to establish the Violet Fire and an New Age Spiritual Freedom. Now, in becoming our own Divine Directors, beyond calling on the Spiritual Hierarchy, we call on our own Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light of Energy, Matter and Intelligence to do the right and perfect thing; at the right and perfect time; at the right and perfect place …all through our Ascended Mastery of Sacred Fire! We have ‘gone, gone, gone beyond’ the bounds of only ‘accepting effects’ and into the Realm of Causing our own Divine Reality. THIS is the I AM Race …and THIS is our Ascension!
All Divine experience originates in the Realms of the Great, Great Silence! Yet it remains with us, as our True Identity / Divine Instrument …even in the ‘noise’ of daily life. We generate an Aura of the Great, Great Silence around and within us …until we are only the Buddha sitting upon our Lotus Throne …within the Jewel at the Heart of the Lotus. Here we are a Sun of the Sun and bring the full Forcefield of the Great Solar Disc into the world. Here, I AM in the Stillness of Holy Spirit, in constant co-creation!
Beloved cells of my Electronic Body: it remains so important that we continuously honor our personal Ascended and Free Temples (the Retreat of our Ascended and Free Mighty God Presence) as a vibrant Reality within the Spheres of Light …within the Great Solar Disc. This includes all aspects of the Disc …but especially the Seven Spheres of the embodied Causal Body and the Twelve Spheres of Light of the Solar Causal Body. It is from these Foci of Light that we serve as the Great Divine Directors of Ascended and Free Humanity …as the Light of a Thousand Suns!
Let us affirm, each one, that: I AM in my True Identity! I AM the Seven Chakra Suns and the Seven-fold Flame of Co-creation (at the forehead) of my embodied Holy Christ Self! This is my permanent unity with the Seven Spheres of Light of the Causal Body around my Mighty I AM Presence …as well as my permanent unity with the Seven Spheres of Light of the Ascended and Free Realms of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation around Ascended and Free Earth …the Star of Spiritual Freedom! I AM eternally in union with this Cosmic Forcefield in this embodiment. I AM this Divine Instrument! I AM also my True Solar Identity of the Twelve-fold Nature of my Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence and White Fire Being …all now God in Action on the New Earth …that I AM co-creating here and now!
I AM the endless Perfection Patterns of the Ascended and Free Spheres of Light …as generated by Ascended and Free Humanity! Here I AM embodying the Infinite Ascension Concepts from the Eternal Mind of God. Here I AM the Divine Force, Stamina and Power to overcome all karmic influences in daily life. Here I AM the Root Cause of a Revelation …of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races seeing a clear and present Crystal Path to their Ascension …back to their Manu in Realms of Light. Here I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, the Root Cause of a clear and present Crystal Path for the Sixth and Seventh Root Races …in completely fulfilling this New Age of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM my Solar Divine Instrument! In ‘the Realm of the Twelve’ (Bands of Light) within the Great Solar Disc, vibrates the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, as well as the Music of the Spheres and all Causal Energies necessary for full Victory of our embodied Light Service …with all of us as full members of the Great Light Brotherhood / Sisterhood …fully serving the Spiritual Hierarchy. Let us clearly see our part of the great Divine Plan now in operation!
In order for this New Age to be permanent, it requires Humanity’s own embodied souls to co-direct this Forcefield of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation. This is where our Ascended and Free Retreats play such an important role …that even when we abide within self, time and space …we still serve as Divine Directors of Forcefields from beyond self, time and space …and thus co-create a truly New Age. We have stretched our Consciousness from a limited three dimensional world into the ‘many dimensional Reality’ within the Great Solar Disc …representing the subtle Realms of Light where Divine Life exists in in all its Glory and Light of Holy Spirit ...as the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light.
This is everything I AM!
My Infinite Radiant Light reveals all!
Holy Spirit flows through my Creative Faculties,
expressing these Revelations in the world of form!
Beloved Ones …Disciples of Holy Spirit and Friends of Spiritual Freedom …I come to you as both an Office within the Spiritual Hierarchy and, as the Pure Essence of Universal I AM …the Cohesive Power of Divine Love uniting all life in her Ascended State! I AM within you and flow continuously through your Creative Faculties. Thus I may speak as one of you …One with the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
Mother Mary tells the story of when, as a young women, the Beloved Archangel appeared to her with news of a New Age, that she would help give birth to. The story goes that the Archangel revealed his Glorious Presence to her. Yet Beloved Mother Mary came to realize that equally, it was the Light of her own Eternal Flame that revealed the Archangel …as much as it was the Archangel’s Light that produced the Revelation. It was the same with Beloved Hilarion on the road to Damascus, as Paul of Tarsus …his own Flame revealed the blinding Presence of the Master …defining his transition into the Disciple Paul.
As our own Light grows stronger through our devotion to our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, our True Purpose becomes ever clearer to us. And in this we find Peace Divine. For we are each Disciples of Holy Spirit and here for a specific purpose …as specific and important as Beloved Mother Mary and Beloved Hilarion in the past Christian Age. Be assured, Dear Ones, that we came into this embodiment with our Eternal Flame blazing bright enough to produce such an Enlightenment, if we but place our devotion into it!
When in the Great Silence of our True Identity and hearing the Mantra of the Buddha’s Heart Sutra, we are wrapped in the Eternity of ‘gone beyond’! And here in our Celestial Reality, our Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light then illumines the Heavens …and Reveals the Presence of Angels and Elementals …as well as the Ascended Host of Light …and thus the Buddha would continue: ‘Oh what an Awakening; all Hail! Here in this exalted State of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, we chant the ‘Heart Sutra’ Mantra:
Gone, gone, gone beyond.
(beyond self, time and space)
Gone, altogether beyond.
(into Multi-dimensional Realms of Light)
Oh …what an Awakening!
(to the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light)
All Hail!
(the entire company of Heaven)
We further affirm:
It is my Infinite Radiant Light that reveals Heaven in my life!
And, the Infinite Radiant Light of the Gathering of Ascended
Humanity reveals Heaven on Earth for all embodied life!
I AM the Celestial Revelation of the
Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals.
I AM the Source of the same Revelation for Humanity!
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the Source of a Great
Revelation for Universal I AM …that our sweet Earth
is now ready for the Great Cosmic Inbreath!
All Hail what our Light reveals!
All Hail what our Light reveals!
Beloved Ones, the Ascension Process expands through the Law of ‘like attracts like’. We enfold all life in Our Infinite Circle of Light. This is the avenue of embodied Divine Consciousness through which this Law of Attraction now succeeds! As we hold all life in the Light, then ‘as we are raised up, so is all life raised up with us’. This does not mean all people become outwardly ‘spiritual,’ but rather the notion that the World Teacher is embodied at every level of life for this purpose …at every level within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …which we hold within our Immaculate Concept.
The Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves is a Thoughtform of Holy Spirit. It holds the Immaculate Concept for all formed life. As its White Ascension Flame continues to blaze through every level, then the Flame that I AM is also blazing through all Humanity and the entire Elemental Kingdom. So, as I AM the Cosmic Violet Fire within my Eternal Flame, then all life has condemnation, criticism and judgment transmuted from their physical, etheric, mental and emotional frequencies. As I AM the Flame of God Illumination within my Eternal Flame, then all Humanity gains the Enlightenment of the next level of his/her own True Identity. And on and on through each of the Celestial Flames within the ONE, the THREE, the SEVEN, the TWELVE and again the ONE! I AM manifesting the Great Solar Disc!
This includes every aspect of daily life, from cells, atoms and electrons through to the global Gathering of Ascended Humanity! The Disciples of Holy Spirit at each of these levels become the Source of Higher Frequency thoughts, feelings, words and deeds now being revealed …within every aspect of society and daily life. As the ‘pace-maker cells’ of the I AM Race, let us invoke these Teachers / Leaders in Consciousness …already functioning within the arts, sciences, healing, government, business, family life, etc. Together, standing in the Light, this ‘expansion of the Ascension Process’ becomes the Revelation of the World Teacher!
There are so many Revelations awaiting within the Spheres of Light …all directly associated with our sweet Earth! But it takes the Infinite Radiant Light of Humanity’s Eternal Flame to turn a flood light onto them …to reveal them! Humanity’s eyes and senses are generally tuned to a small frequency of reality. To see and experience the Angels and Elementals and all their Realms of Light, one needs the Light of their own Eternal Flame to show ‘the Way’. When we see with a greater Light, we see the Realms of Angels and Elementals …as well as the Realms of Sacred Fire Forcefields!
As a Visualization of our true Light Being, contemplate that we are each composed of trillions and trillions of atoms. Let us see that each single atom now becomes its Divine Potential as a Permanent Atom …becoming its own Sun, with its own Infinite Radiant Light. We are each therefore ‘the Light of a Thousand Suns’ …the Light of trillions of Suns …just as the known Universe has trillions of Galaxies …and thus Universal I AM is ‘the Light of a trillion Suns’. In Truth, each one of Humanity reflects the Universe! Then the New Earth reflects Universal I AM, composed of billions of Solar Christ Selves, each initiated as a Sun of the Sun …with New Earth now as ‘the Light of billions of Suns’ …manifesting the Star of Spiritual Freedom! And we affirm:
Within the Great Solar Disc Forcefield and the
Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves,
all Suns are in Divine Alignment!
My Infinite Radiant Light now reveals the
Presence of the Angels and Elementals!
My Infinite Radiant Light now reveals the
Presence of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings!
My Infinite Radiant Light now reveals the
Ascended and Free Realms of Light …in all
their Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation Glory!
I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love that reveals the
Presence of Universal I AM on Earth …within all life!
My Infinite Radiant Light reveals all Divinity,
everywhere present …for all to see!
Beloved Friends of Freedom: the Divine Plan calls for the embodiment of an spiritual instrument that can manifest the Perfection Patterns of formless electronic Light into manifestation within form. The Solar Christ Self has the Creative Faculties to do just this. These Creative Faculties were functioning perfectly in the first three Root Races …and the Divine Plan flourished. However, with the 'great fall' in consciousness (after accepting the laggards into this ‘garden of Eden’), ego claimed these Creative Faculties for itself and human creation (rather than Divine Creation) then ensued. And the Laws of karma intervened in order to spread out the consequences of ego (its effects) over time …so as not to smother Humanity with its own effluvia.
The Earth and Humanity have spent many millennium in recovery from this sacrifice of assisting the laggards back to the Ascension Path. This has included several flourishing Golden Ages, that were unfortunately temporary …as they were not entirely anchored through an Ascended and Free Humanity, but rather with extraordinary help from the Spiritual Hierarchy. These Golden Ages simply could not be maintained by Humanity when the Spiritual Hierarchy receded and handed the responsibility over to embodied souls.
As you know, we have archived these Golden Ages in the sealed Hall of Records in the Royal Teton Retreat. And one day they will be released to Humanity when the mass consciousness has been sufficiently raised. Meanwhile, the work of raising the general consciousness of Humanity is underway and your enlightened use of Sacred Fire is key to this Light Service. I trust you see the effects of this progressively raised consciousness all around you …but the Cause remains within the Divine Direction of Forcefields.
Therefore, as you are aware, one of the foundations of this present Golden Age is to have it co-created and anchored by embodied Humanity …as they raise themselves into their own Ascended and Free State. This is the Keynote of Ascended and Free Light Service! You represent the Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth …in your embodiments of anonymity and humility. Thus we are free of limitations of ego-self, time and space as we truly become Builders of Divine Self; Builders of Divine Consciousness; and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!
Let us review the Plan of Creation …in regards to mastering co-creation in the world of form. The Infinite Radiant Light of the Eternal Flame comes into manifestation through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds We focus on setting the frequency of these Creative Faculties at their Divine Potential. From that Divine State, we may then create the world we desire, all according to Cosmic Law. We arrive at our Ascended and Free State, where our Creative Faculties are the deciding Forcefield for this world …clearing the Way for all Humanity to reach this their Divine Potential.
Ours is a Divine Plan of the ‘process’ of Spiritual Freedom …rather than a specific content or dogma, or …stated otherwise …inclusive of a wide spectrum of ideas and realities within Spiritual Freedom. For this is the Feminine Ray in action! A thought and feeling frequency of Perfection Patterns brings about Limitless Physical Perfection in form! This is the Law of Life. Our Light Service is the Resurrection and the Life of this process …of revealing and manifesting the Laws of Life … revealing and manifesting the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …where all Humanity understands and constructively uses these Laws of Life!
Beloved Ones, Ascended and Free Light Service is the right and perfect Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …at the right and perfect time …and the right and perfect place, here and now on Earth! This is a Cosmic Moment in time and space …that then takes us beyond time and space …into our Spiritual Freedom! Victory is ours, for Love is the greatest Power in the Universe and we serve the Love Nature in all life! We serve to Love all life Free in the Light!
We realize ‘little self’ expresses condemnation, criticism and judgment. When we notice this in ourselves, we immediately remember our Truth: I AM empty of self and I AM Flame! The Flame only loves and does not criticize. The ego worries …but the Flame is always at Peace …for the Flame existed before this moment …and exists into eternity after this moment …so what is there to worry about in this moment? It is what Beloved Jesus knew while on the cross. So when you feel ‘on the cross’, remember this Truth.
As to our daily Light Service, even as a comparatively small group globally, I see Ascended and Free as the complete Gathering of Ascended Humanity …as every Solar Christ Self is aligned with our global Forcefield. Together (standing in the Light) we are in fact ‘the Light of a Thousand Suns’ …with at least that many active Chelas who understand Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light as their Divine Instrument. Then, through these collective Creative Faculties (together, serving as a global Forcefield), we attract the Light of a Billion Suns …every Solar Christ Self of Humanity …not outwardly, but rather through inner Oneness Consciousness …as the foundation and Root Cause of our Light Service! Contemplate this! In our Light Service, we are limitless!
Beloved Ones, Humanity is closer to her Spiritual Freedom than outer effects would suggest. It always comes from within and not from external sources or phenomenon. Some outer effects are necessary to both resolve karmic conditions as well as propel people back inside to their Source. One creates one’s own Ascension, experiencing one’s own Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light! Then when this reaches a collective, global ‘critical mass’, then Earth is Ascended and Free!
So with this embodiment, you have joined a monumental project that I have anchored through my last several embodiments …and then continued for several centuries from my Ascended and Free State in Realms of Light. I know well the struggles of embodiment; the joys and the disappointments. But true peace of mind comes from a steady, constant Building of Divine Self; Building of Divine Consciousness; and Building of an Eternal Life in the Light. Such ‘spiritual service’ is always seeing the ‘bigger picture’, than what appears before you …re-setting the lens of how one appreciates Humanity’s development. But such Light Service also reveals our own Peace and Spiritual Freedom! It also reveals the Angels and Elementals in every facet of daily life. And, it reveals the Truth of Universal I AM! What a Joy!
May I offer encouragement to the rigors of daily life. Trust in the process of our spiritual work. For it is based in the Realms of Cause …rather than based on results appearing on the ‘screen of life’. This focus will bring a deep reminder of our service and training before this embodiment, from the Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …allowing for ‘inner resilience’ from the ups and downs of the outer world. Let us not arrive in the ‘waiting room’ …just waiting for something (while we age!) …but rather actively serve through our Divine Instrument and its Creative Faculties! This is the True Light Server!
As Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …we are God in Action, aligned with every other Solar Christ Self in a magnificent, multi-dimensional matrix of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …centered in the Ascended and Free Realms of Light of New Earth. Here we stand with every Solar Christ Self, with all Angels and Elementals …which our own Light has revealed! And here the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Light Brotherhood stand with us! Come to this place and live here. As the Lord Buddha’s mantra says: Gone, Gone, Gone Beyond. Gone altogether Beyond. Oh what an awakening! All Hail! …let us further affirm:
All Hail that which my personal Light reveals!
All Hail that which our global Light reveals!
All Hail that which Universal Light reveals!
All Hail Earth’s Spiritual Freedom!
I personally dedicate and consecrate my Creative Faculties
to expressing the Infinite Radiant Light of my Eternal Flame!
Global Ascended and Free Light Service now dedicates and
consecrates our Creative Faculties to expressing the
Infinite Radiant Light of our Eternal Flame.
All Hail that which my Light reveals; creates;
and manifests …before my perfect Crystal Vision!
All Hail that which our collective Light reveals;
Creates; and manifests …before our global Crystal Vision!
The Light of our Eternal Flame reveals not only the inner world of Angels and Elementals but also the Inner Truth of persons, places, conditions and things all around us. This is why an Ascended Master knows the right and perfect thing to do, to say, to think or feel …in living an Ascended Master embodiment on Earth. Our Light is the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of Universal I AM, directed by us right here and now in daily life …as God in action! There is no greater Love, Wisdom and Power in the Universe! This is our Flame!
Affirm: My Light reveals the Solar Christ Self of all people around me …that every Solar Christ Self is aligned with our Light Service. My Light reveals the Ascended and Free State …the Divine Potential …of all persons, places, conditions and things around me. My Light reveals Ascended and Free Humanity …on her Ascended and Free Earth …in her Ascended and Free Orbit. My Light reveals that:
I AM Ascended and Free together, standing in the Light!
I AM standing with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals.
The I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all life in her Ascended State!
[1] ‘empty’ is a spiritual term meaning no attention on ‘ego-self’ or its thoughts, feelings, memories or physical expression. Such a vacuum is then filled with Holy Spirit!