June, 2018
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
through which
Revealing the Divine Presence of Angels and Elementals …
in my aura, as well as in, through and around our sweet Earth!
Revealing the Sisterhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity!
Revealing the Immaculate Concept for Ascended and Free Earth!
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing this Forcefield of Divine Cause
and its Revelation of an Age of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM Expanding and Projecting this Forcefield of Divine
Consciousness and its Revelation of an Age of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM that I AM!
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM empty of self, time and space!
I AM the Boundless States of Buddhahood!
I see an empty circle.
I AM this empty circle.
I see an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM this Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM inclusive of all life living Free in the Light.
As this Infinite Circle,
I AM empty of self, time and space.
I AM an Eternal Flame and I AM its Radiant Light.
I live in the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light!
I AM a Multi-Universe, as a Multi-dimensional Flame.
I AM an Eternal Multi-Universe, Multi-dimensional Flame.
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light blazing across multiple
Universes, infinite Spheres and endless Dimensions.
I AM …that I AM …that I AM!
I AM the Great Solar Disc, expressing from
out of the Eternal Flame …within my Circle of Light.
Within this Great Solar Disc, the entire world lives within me.
I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals
Through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all life in her Ascended State
I AM a Celestial Forcefield of Divine Cause,
specific for this Cosmic Moment on Earth,
now revealing its Truth to all Humanity!
Within the Great Solar Disc of my Eternal Flame and its Infinite
Radiant Light, I AM holding my physical, etheric, mental and
emotional frequencies at their Ascended and Free State.
I AM radiating these Ascended and Free thoughts, feelings,
words and deeds into daily life. Thus I AM revealing
the ONE; the THREE; the SEVEN; the TWELVE;
and again the ONE; into the world of form!
Hence, I AM Ascended and Free!
Oh Beloved Father / Mother God, Universal I AM!
In this Cosmic Moment …embodied on Earth,
I AM offering you my Divine Instrument!
I AM embodied within physical, etheric, mental and emotional
vehicles, all now with Higher Frequency thoughts, feelings,
words and deeds. I AM now raised into the Ascended
and Free State of the Solar Christ Self.
I AM the Eternal Flame of my True Being.
My embodied presence is its Infinite Radiant Light.
My gift is the Energy, Matter and Intelligence within
that Light …that I AM now directing into daily life!
I AM empty of self, time and space …and all
persons, places, conditions and things associated with self.
Yet, I hold all these persons, conditions and things in
Reverence, Compassion, Mercy and Eternal Love.
Empty of self, time and space, the Gathering of Ascended
Humanity is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.
My collective Light reveals the Angels and Elementals
to all Humanity, thus revealing their own Solar Christ Self!
I AM training in the deep Perfection of Wisdom.
I AM entering the Blissfulness of Nirvana:
Forcefield of Divine Cause
Beloved Ones, during this Sacred Cycle, let us stand in the Flame of our Great Solar Disc and fully realize ourselves as a global Forcefield of Divine Cause …individually as a Sun of the Sun …as well as collectively as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, the Heart Cells of the I AM Race. Let us see and feel we stand together in the Ascended and Free Realms of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation, each as our own individual Temple of Light …yet in a completely united global Forcefield. And, in the Victory of each other’s Light, we hold the Immaculate Concept for the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …as a certainty (empty of all doubts of ‘self’ …as well as any frustration regarding ‘time’)!
One of the foundations of this New Age is the Brother/Sisterhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity. Let us practice the Perfect Wisdom of the Great Solar Disc while serving this specific Cause. First comes the Revelation to outer consciousness of the Reality of Angels and Elementals …as Royal Kingdoms also using our sweet Earth as a school room. Then comes the Revelation of the original, innate Divinity of Humanity …as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! Both of these Truths become illumined by the Infinite Radiant Light of our collective Eternal Flame. This is an undeniable planetary Force! As well, assisting us from within these Causal Realms are the Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters who serve the Angels and Elementals and advance their Cause within Humanity’s Consciousness! They are myriad and Almighty!
So with this understanding, let us stand specifically within the Flame of Beloved Mother Mary and absorb her Flame of the Immaculate Concept …for an Ascended and Free Elemental Kingdom …and, for the Gathering of Ascended Humanity in Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals. We know Beloved Mother Mary as the Queen of the Angels, as well as a Great Teacher in the Elemental Temples. She assists tiny elemental beings in learning to hold the Immaculate Concept of their Divine Potential (for the flower or other part of nature they desire to manifest) …just as she held the Immaculate Concept for Beloved Ascended Master Jesus in his final embodiment. She continues to do so for all of us in our present embodiment …as well as for our collective Divine Potential as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.
Let us notice that Humanity’s consciousness has evolved towards being potentially aware of everything, all the time. Daily life evolves in a 24 hour information cycle of ‘all news all the time’. In all past embodiments, the injustice and imbalance that took place (since the 'great fall') was known only in small amounts by a few people, as there was little spread of knowledge (and many secrets). But now with increased awareness (and it was invoked) we are now aware of all the imbalance all the time! What we may not have realized in balancing this positively, is that this rapid change in planetary consciousness has also allowed that equally, we know all the Perfection Patterns all the time. It depends what Humanity focuses on, where our attention is. Plus, on another positive note, we also now have the tools to manage imbalance as never before …instantaneously through the Divine Power of Sacred Fire …and as a global Forcefield doing so in Oneness Consciousness!
Understanding this, we also understand the entire purpose of the Great Solar Disc! As Light Servers, we have received what we invoked …a broader awareness on both planetary and Cosmic levels. And we may now focus our active attention on the Cosmic solutions to imbalance …with only ‘detached noticing’ that such imbalance still exists in the world. We are Priests and Priestesses of Sacred Fire …and thus always aware of the suffering from karma (as was the Buddha) but committed to guiding, guarding and directing the Sacred Fire into the cause, core, effect, record and memory of all karmic situations …as Divine Directors …a Spiritual Office! Most of us earned this responsibility before entering this embodiment. We are in fact, in the right and perfect place …doing the right and perfect service …at the right and perfect time!
Again, Revelation of Angels and Elementals comes from our own expanding Light …lighting their Presence. As we establish our ever-brighter Ascended and Free Aura, the Angels and Elementals are then progressively uncovered by our Light …discovered in simple, routine events in daily life. For when attuned to Angels and Elementals at their Divine Frequency, the little things bring ‘tranquil happiness’ and ‘peace of mind’ (rather than stress). An Angel or Elemental may reveal its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness in daily routines; in the thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of relationships; or, in any event / situation of daily life.
As this gains Momentum in our routine lives, then in moments of crises, our constant attunement with them brings forward their Quantum States of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness into any imbalanced situation …with sometimes miraculous effects! Revelation of the Angels and Elementals takes place at the level of the Solar Christ Self (our Sun of the Sun shining on Earth, revealing Angels and Elementals). This arises before it reaches the outer senses of Humanity …occurring first ‘in spirit’, before it occurs ‘in form’. But this Bridge to Spiritual Freedom …from spirit to form …is exactly what we are building in Consciousness!
Then consider that our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light illumines the Presence of the Ascended Master Hosts of Light! We have all dreamed of the Golden Ages when ‘we walked and talked with the Gods’! Here, together, standing in the Light, we see and feel the Angels and Elementals (in all their graded Orders) as well as the Ascended Hosts …all revealed by the Mighty God Presence of all Humanity around us, everywhere present! Now I walk amongst the Gods / Goddesses (countless Suns of the Sun); amongst the Bodhisattvas; amongst the Princes and Princesses of Peace! Here, I AM HOME …in my Eternal Life in the Light!
Our Light (I AM!) is the Source of all Perfection Patterns we could ever desire. The Light pouring through our Flame from the Mighty I AM Presence contains all the Perfection Patterns of an Eternal Life in the Light …of happiness, supply, purpose, integrity, etc. Let us affirm:
I go forth today the Solar Christ Self in action!
I AM the Original Innocence of Divine Light through me.
The Violet Fire resets all energy currently in my Lifestream,
at the frequency of its original Perfection Pattern.
I AM the full Creative Power of Good!
Think of it. Every Ascended Master is also an expression of their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. So when we invoke an Ascended Master, let us visualize them as an Eternal Flame …and then invite that Flame into our Flame …Flame within Flame …as it is in the Great Solar Disc! As well, imagine we invite an ‘Angelic or Elemental Presence’ into our Eternal Flame. Imagine the Cosmic Being of that Flame joins us upon the Altar of our Temple Flame Room …or, that our Eternal Flame melds with the Flame upon the Altar of that Angel’s or Ascended Master’s Retreat. Then do we know the full Union with the Great Light Brotherhood / Sisterhood. Let us practice this daily!
For example: Feel Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst as a Cosmic Violet Fire …blazing within your embodied presence. Feel and see this as an Eternal Flame within an Eternal Flame. Let us invoke her Transmuting Power of Divine Love through our thought frequency; our feeling frequency; our etheric / memory frequency; and finally through our physical flesh frequency. Feel all karmic frequency released, released, released from our presence on Earth …until all that is left is the shining Solar Christ Self, standing within the Archangel’s Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Then, feel the Divine Potential within every thought, feeling, word, and deed now go forth as our Divine Plan fulfilled!
Then let us perform this same Ceremony with the Healing Flame of Beloved Hilarion or Archangel Raphael …or the Ascension Flame of Beloved Serapis Bey …or the Flame of God Illumination of the World Teacher, Beloved Kuthumi; and more. We began by standing in the Flame of Beloved Mother Mary, so as to have her full Cosmic Momentum of holding the Immaculate Concept for the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity …revealed through us within daily life! Such Divine Ceremonies with our Spiritual Hierarchy, is the Divine Potential of the Great Solar Disc!
For the Great Solar Disc is the Light and Flame of a ‘Thousand Suns’; all Ascended Masters serving our sweet Earth …as well as every Solar Christ Self come forth now …thus the Light and Flame of Billions of Suns. This Great Solar Disc presents itself as this global Forcefield of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …as well as our individual Divine Presence on Earth, a Sun of the Sun!
I AM empty of self, time and space and
I AM an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
Within the Great Solar Disc, I may meld with any
Cosmic Flame I choose to Invoke / Meditate on:
I AM empty of self …and:
I AM Healing’s Eternal Flame!
I AM Ascension’s Eternal Flame!
I AM Tranquility’s Eternal Flame!
I AM Wisdom’s Eternal Flame!
I AM Mercy’s Eternal Flame!
I AM Love’s Eternal Flame!
I AM empty of self and I AM Ascended and Free:
Together, standing in the Light of a Thousand Suns!
I AM, I AM, I AM the Great Solar Disc!
I AM now expressing the Ascended and Free thought / feeling
Frequency of the Cosmic Violet Fire and all the Mercy,
Compassion, Forgiveness and Transmutation
of Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst!
I AM now expressing the Ascended and Free thought / feeling
Frequency of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept …and all
the Divine Consecration and Healing of Beloved Mother Mary!
(etc. for any Ascended Master Flame or Cosmic Momentum,
as well as for any of the Three-fold Flame Quantum States
or the Seven-fold Solar Christ Self Qualities or the
Twelve-fold Cosmic Causal Momentums
of our own Mighty God Presence)
And here ALL HAIL the Presence of the Angels and
Elementals! Here, I AM in Oneness Consciousness
with the Brotherhood of Angels and Elementals!
Beloved Ones: we speak of ‘the Cosmic Moment’ and ‘holding the Immaculate Concept’ for the Reality of a Golden Age. ‘A moment’ in daily life is a concept of time (seconds, minutes, hours or days) …but Cosmic Moments are designed and occur outside of time …and thus not restricted by time or space constraints. Even when we think of the ‘dawning Golden Age’ it appears to be measured in time …as when night finishes, the sun rises and light returns to the sky. This occurs in a linear fashion along the time / space continuum …night, then dawn, then day …all in the same space. Yet, in another ‘space’ and another ‘time’ (zone) the reverse is occurring …the process of day, changing to dusk, then night.
So in our Light Service let us examine our understanding of spiritual progress in the steadily Ascending Consciousness of Humanity! Let us contemplate the concepts: ‘empty of self, time / space’. I hope I have been an example of this. I held the Immaculate Concept for Beloved Jesus and the Christian Dispensation. I did so in my last embodiment during ‘the time’ of an oppressive foreign power, difficult life experiences and ultimately witnessing the death of my dear son. But I held this ‘Power of Truth’ while maintaining ‘empty of self, time and space’ …for I was trained in the Temples for this Elevated State, just as you have been trained for this same Consciousness in your present embodied service.
This training allowed me to realize that the ‘outer world’ I knew was not just ‘one long, difficult embodiment’ …but rather an opportunity to build a spiritual infrastructure (in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness) using the spiritual tools of Sacred Fire and Divine Forcefields …all with the assistance of the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals! Simultaneously, I was teaching others (the Disciples) to become Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light! And our simple but dedicated service ‘at that time’, left a legacy that eventually changed the world, powerfully influencing the next ‘period of time’ (2000 year cycle of the Christian Age), and preparing the Way for our Light Service in this present Cosmic Moment …for the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom!
Now it is your opportunity, embodying the same Feminine Ray as did I, to hold the Immaculate Concept and proceed through the present Cosmic Moment …without ‘restricting it within time and space constraints’ (and thus suffering through it). This allows for an embodiment of spiritual contentment in our Light Service, while avoiding the frustration or disappointment of ‘expected time frames’ not being met. Such time frames are only projections of ‘time measurement’ …of Multi-dimensional events of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …that are created and enforced free of self, time and space constraints …from Higher Spheres of Light!
Within embodied daily life, it does appear there is a ‘linear framework’ of a New Age …where we could plot the progress (or setbacks) of Humanity’s Consciousness on a graph …eventually ending this progression at a ‘manifest Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom’! And we may think or feel, ‘this takes far too long’. But even the ancients understood that the entire history of Earth and Humanity is ‘but the blink of an eye for Father / Mother God’. This remains true today as seen from the Ascended Master Consciousness, outside of self and time / space limitations.
We serve to co-create a Golden Age …yet this same Golden Age has always existed at higher levels of Divine Consciousness within the Realms of Light. Our collective Light Service is to build these Realms of Light within daily life! And in every moment of this service, I AM with you within your Eternal Flame …even as you stand within my Eternal Flame of the Immaculate Concept!
I AM always with you, within your very breath!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED POLARIS AND MAGNUS… On the alignment of our Chakra Suns: our ROD of Co-creation …our STAFF of Divine LIFE
Beloved Ones anchoring the Age of Divine Alchemy, I see your personal Divine Instrument as a Wand of Sacred Fire …and collectively, as a planetary Rod of Divine Alignment ...embodied with the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. One of the foundational tenets of this New Age is the straightening of Earth’s spiritual and physical axis. This begins with the Divine Alignment of individual souls with their Divine Potential. Thus, let us amplify this Power of Divine Alchemy by beginning our sojourn together this month in Divine Alignment with all Suns …every level of which is represented by the Great Solar Disc.
Representing every embodied soul is a Sun of the Sun. This is the Mighty I AM Presence projecting its Divine Presence into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional realms of daily life as the Solar Christ Self. This co-creative process is part of a Divine Lineage of Co-creative Suns …spanning from the atom, through to the Great Central Sun …manifesting at each stage along that spectrum. This is the ONE Light delivering itself to Earth and embodies as the THREE: the Three-fold Flame.
Then the THREE becomes the SEVEN. Each of the Seven Chakras within an embodied soul is a potential boundless Sun, with Multi-dimensional Energy, Vibration and Consciousness streaming into and from these Forcefields of Sacred Fire. Each of the Seven Rays of Precipitation, Co-creation and Causation are within our presently embodied Systems of Worlds (physical systems, etheric systems, mental systems and emotional systems). And when these Seven Suns are ‘together, standing in the Light’ …then the Holy Christ Self stands forth as the Divine Instrument, the Wand of Divine Alchemy and Co-creation. With this in full operation, it then reveals the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self.
Let us first visualize the Seven Chakras from bottom to top of our embodied Rod of Life …our perfectly aligned personal spine as well as the perfectly aligned axis of our sweet Earth. This begins with the White Fire Ascension Chakra at the base of the spine; then the Violet Fire Chakra Sun at the center of the abdomen; then the Golden/Ruby Chakra Sun at the Solar Plexus; then the Pink Chakra Sun of Divine Love at the Heart; then the Blue Sun Chakra of Divine Power at the throat; then the Emerald Green Sun Chakra at the forehead; and finally the Sunshine Yellow, Thousand Petaled Lotus Sun Chakra atop the head. We see all are in Divine Alignment at this Cosmic Moment of the Ascension!
Let us see, think and feel each of the seven embodied Chakra Suns in their Multi-dimensional Quantum States of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …each a complex Multi-dimensional Sun now in Divine Alignment with the Twelve-fold Solar Presence (Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence and White Fire Being), …as well as in Divine Alignment with the Sun of this Solar System (Helios and Vesta) and all the Suns in the Galaxy of Alpha and Omega …as well as in Divine Alignment with all cells, atoms and electrons of our embodied vehicles …all ‘Suns’ expressing in the world of form.
With the power of our attention through rhythmic meditation, each Chakra Sun continually expands in its Ray of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. The further it expands, the more powerful its Forcefield becomes …whether of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …or Divine Truth …or Perfect Peace …or God Illumination, etc. See, feel and know that within each Chakra Sun are spiraling Spheres of Light, Realms of Sacred Fire and Dimensions of all Seven Rays of Co-creation. By building ever-greater momentum, each Sun Chakra expands to enfold our entire presence …then our entire family, our neighborhood, community, city, province /state, nation, continent …and finally planet, our sweet Earth. And when each of our Ascended and Free Chakras collectively enfolds the Earth, then we become the Spiritual Hierarchy in action on Earth …and a True Candidates for the Ascension, bringing the entire world with us! As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!
The Powers of Divine Alchemy within the Great Solar Disc allows us to become the Rod of Life; the Staff of Divine Co-creation! This is its gift to us. Here we stand with the Elohim; the Builders of form; the Silent Watchers and other great Cosmic Beings. Our Wands of Sacred Fire allows us to co-create solutions to problems thought to be unsolvable …as well as the co-creation of Perfection Patterns yet undreamed of. We are trained not only in the full Seven-fold Rod of Sacred Fire, but in smaller units of Alignment. There is a specific Divine Alchemy between aligning any two or three Chakra Suns.
For example, visualize the Violet Fire Chakra Sun (at the abdomen) linked through a mighty Shaft of Golden Light up to the Thousand Petaled Lotus at the top of the head. Here a specific service can be rendered. Gold and Violet are complementary Colors / Rays. Or, meditate on the Pure White Fire Sun at the base of the spine linked by a Mighty Rod of Light to the soft pink Sun at the Heart Chakra. Here a different service can be effected, for both personal and global purposes. As we practice these specific combinations using two or three Chakra Suns, we begin to remember our Ascended Master Training in the Temples of Light before we entered this embodiment. And the Cosmic Momentum of this training becomes more fully anchored in our daily life.
As we twin any two or three Chakras in meditation, let us then invoke a Cosmic Ray of Light from a particular Ascended Master …or Angel …or any of the Spirit / Sponsors of this Solar Year …into this Alchemy of Sun Chakras. Then we feel and know the Power of Divine Alchemy …all the Quantum State Divine Qualities involved in the Multi-dimensional Forcefield of the Great Solar Disc! Here we function as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!
From this vantage, we see we have the entire Universe within us. Each of the Seven Chakras is a Sun of that particular Cosmic Ray. Each is a Sun within a Sun …each within the Sun of the Sun (our Solar Christ Self). Each Solar Christ Self is also a Sun within a Sun (within the Sun of New Earth …the Star of Spiritual Freedom). The New Earth is a Sun within a Sun …within the Forcefield of Father / Mother God Helios and Vesta …who are also a Sun within a Sun …of Beloved Alpha and Omega. And on it goes into Infinity. This is everything the Great Solar Disc represents.
One of the best ways to truly represent the Great Solar Disc in daily life is meditating on ‘All Suns in Divine Alignment’. It begins with ‘The One’ …the Silver Cord of one Light streaming in from the Mighty I AM Presence. It anchors in the Heart and becomes the Three …the Three-fold Flame of Creation. This Flame then becomes the Seven Chakra Suns of the Holy Christ Self and the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim on the forehead. Once we sustain Ascended Mastery of these Seven Rays …then the Seven become the Twelve …the Solar Christ Self; Mighty I AM Presence; Causal Body; and White Fire Being. This then becomes the One Light of Universal I AM! This realizes the Great Solar Disc!
As evolving Beings, the greater the Light of our personal and global Great Solar Disc, the greater the Revelation of Realms of Light we see, the greater the Multi-dimensional Divine Reality we experience! We reveal for ourselves …and through the Law of reciprocity, for all Humanity! The Light of our Divine Alchemy reveals the Angelic and Elemental world in all its original Glory!
I AM here to assist you in every endeavor of Divine Alignment!
I walk the Earth as an Eternal Flame within an Eternal Flame! I welcome each day knowing that Energy, Vibration and Consciousness will seek my Forcefield out, to be transmuted; healed; find its Eternal Peace; find its Divine Truth; and become its own God Illumination. I carry many Flames within my Sun of the Sun: the Great Solar Disc of the ONE, the THREE, the SEVEN, the TWELVE and again the ONE. This is how I AM …and, why
I AM …at this present Cosmic Moment! I dwell at the level of ONE Light; THREE-fold Flame; the SEVEN-fold Flam; and TWELVE-fold Suns …melding again with ONE Light of Universal I AM. I carry this Reality along my journey of daily life. I feel my oneness with all Ascended and Free Light Service …and I affirm:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is empty of self
and everything associated with self.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is Flame!
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is empty of time …
of waiting, aging and returning cycles of karma.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is Eternal Flame!
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is empty of space
and all sense of separation, distance and exclusiveness.
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is an Eternal
Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is a Sun of the Sun,
the Sun of Earth, a Great Solar Disc in the Heavens
shinning as the Star of Spiritual Freedom!
The Ring Pass Not of Cosmic Blue Lightening enfolds me,
as I give my global Light Service within the Great Solar Disc!
I AM invulnerable to ego! Therefore, I AM the Divine Director
of my Cosmic Consciousness! I AM its expression in the world!
Hear us Oh Beloved Mighty I AM Presence of all Humanity,
and every Solar Christ Self now functioning within daily life:
I AM Oneness Consciousness …together, standing in the Light!
Fill us with the Love, Wisdom and Power of the Great Solar Disc!
Oh thou Great Solar Disc: Fill the world and her Humanity
with the Love, Wisdom and Power of their own True Being!
I AM a Sun of the Sun, within the Great Solar Disc!
I AM the Light of a Thousand Suns as the Great Solar Disc!
I AM the I AM RACE upon its Star of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM Humanity empty of self, time and space.
I AM the Eternal Flame and the Infinite
Radiant Light of the I AM Race!
I AM all Seven Root Races in Divine Alignment
and in Divine Order …as originally created
within the Great Solar Disc!
The Light of Ascended and Free Humanity reveals
the Angels and Elementals throughout daily life
…an Eternal Life living in the Light!
Empty of self, time and space:
I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM Gone, gone, gone Beyond: gone, altogether Beyond!
I AM Free of the frustration of embodiment after embodiment
for …
I AM an Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
Before embodiment; during embodiment; and after embodiment;
I AM Eternal Flame and I AM eternally its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM gone, gone beyond …all restraints of self, time and space.
I AM Ascended and Free …together, standing in the Light!
I AM flowing into Holy Spirit.
Humanity is flowing into Holy Spirit.
Our sweet Earth is flowing into Holy Spirit.
Earth within Holy Spirit is the Star of Spiritual Freedom!
Perfect Happiness, Tranquility, Serenity and Peace comes
from perfect thought frequency; emotional frequency; memory
frequency; and physical frequency of action, movement and words!
I AM all of this …as the Solar Christ Self in action!
The Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …which becomes
my Personal Great Solar Disc …sets this Divine Frequency
when I AM gone beyond self, time and space, into
Eternal Flame …gone altogether Beyond!
Oh what an awakening! All Hail!