June, 2019

June 2020 PDF


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:









(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Cosmic Forcefield
of my unfolding Permanent Atom of Perfection.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Cosmic Forcefield
of my unfolding Permanent Atom of Perfection.



I AM empty of self
and therefore empty of any cause associated
with ego: any karmic disease or distress.

I AM Flame
and filled only with the First Cause of Spiritual Freedom.
I AM opening the Permanent Atom of Perfection.

I AM empty of time
and therefore empty of any cause associated
with time: any waiting, frustration, aging.

I AM Eternal Flame
and only its First Cause of Love, Wisdom and Power.
I AM opening the Permanent Atom of Perfection.

I AM empty of space
and therefore empty of any cause associated
with space: any separation and exclusion.
I AM Infinite Oneness Consciousness.

I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light
filled only with the First Cause of Oneness Consciousness
…Radiating the Perfection Patterns of Universal I AM.

I AM opening the Permanent Atom of Perfection! 

The Kundalini Fire spirals up the Solar Spine,
stronger and stronger …steadily opening the
Permanent Atom of Cosmic Consciousness.
Here: I AM …that I AMthat I AM!

I AM gone, gone, gone beyond: gone altogether beyond!
Oh, what an awakening ...All Hail the Flame!

The Permanent Atom of Perfection is a
Multi-dimensional, Infinite, Sphere of Light;
A Forcefield of Inter-Dimensional Sacred Fire, as
Quantum State Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

I AM revealing the Quantum State ‘Image and Likeness’
of Father / Mother God …as expressed through
the Beloved Angels and Elementals!

I AM the Inbreath / Outbreath of Universal I AM!
I AM embracing the Light of Heaven, as
the Light of Heaven embraces me.

Humanity embraces the Light of Heaven, as
the Light of Heaven embraces Humanity.

Our Earth embraces the Light of Heaven, as
the Light of Heaven embraces Earth.

I AM the Inbreath / Outbreath of Universal I AM!


Reveal the Restoration of the Permanent Atom’s Flame.
Reveal the Harmony and Balance of the Three-fold Flame.
Reveal the Purity and Perfection of the Ascension Flame.
Reveal the Adoration and Gratitude of the Love Flame.
Reveal the Youth and Beauty of the Healing Flame.
Reveal the Enlightenment of Wisdom’s Flame.
Reveal the Power of the Transmuting Flame.
Reveal the Truth of the Eternal Flame!

I AM empty of self, time and space.
I AM empty of persons, places, conditions
and things associated with self, time and space.

I AM transmuting all condemnation, criticism and
judgment of those persons, places, conditions and things.

I AM transmuting all fear or imbalance of those persons,
places, conditions and things …past, present or future!

I AM transmuting all past, present and future attachments, so
that I AM only a continuous, Celestial Peacehere and now!




In Nature, trees and plants grow towards the sun, their source of energy, nurturance and life giving essence.  If the sun is blocked, the tree or plant shifts to find the sunlight …or if unavailable, lack of sunlight will stunt its growth.  Likewise, Humanity grows towards the Light for its Source of energy, nurturance and life giving essence …not only for physical growth and energy (the physical sun), but the required Energy, Vibration and Consciousness necessary for the Soul.  If continually blocked, Soul growth will be stunted or stopped.  This is the state of the masses …and has been for millennium. But when the Sun is blocked, the Soul will struggle to find its Source and shift in its character to fine its Sun (Sun of the Sun)!  And this defines our Light Service …to open the Sun of the Sun, on a global level!

Our purpose in opening of the Permanent Atom of Perfection is to assure that every embodied Soul has direct access to the Sun of Father / Mother God, directly from within!  ‘Divine Source’ comes from deep within, where ego cannot eclipse it.  And the Restoration of this Truth is the Light Service of our Solar Year.  This Source of Father / Mother God is already within, placed there ‘in the beginning’ at our Spiritual Birth within the Sun, as a ‘spirit spark’.  This is our Permanent Atom of Perfection!  And, the Permanent Atom is the convergence of all Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness!

We are attuned to the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State …the Love Ray of Venus …now known on Earth as Holy Spirit.  Beloved Sanat Kumara began the Restoration of Earth many eons ago …using this particular Love Ray Nature that would then become the central Theme of the entire Great Cosmic Inbreath …in the Great Cosmic Cycles that would come.  This Love Ray was developed by Beloved Krishna and Sophia in their training to one day become a Central Sun. It was taken up by their prodigy, Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus in their training to become a Sun and develop a Solar System …just as successfully as they had developed an Ascended and Free Planet.

Shamballa is the Home of Beloved Sanat Kumara and carries the Light of Venus and their Eternal Flame …the vibratory action of Venus.  This particular frequency of Divine Love was never before on Earth in the first Three Root Races …as it was not necessary.  Their Ascension was completed on time with their own Divine Plan in place …and all was Victorious!  Then came the 'great fall' and the sacrifice of Beloved Sanat Kumara.  He came to Earth and anchored his Home (his ‘City of the Sun’), which became our Shamballa.

The Love Ray of Venus is the Ray of the Venus Flame …also known as the Fire of Immortality!  It was the answer to the ‘death’ (of spiritual life) that ego brought to Humanity after the 'great fall'.  The Love Ray was anchored at Shamballa, but the goal was to eventually have it anchored in every human heart …as a fundamental part of every Three-fold Flame within Humanity!  This Flame needs sufficient anchorage within Humanity in order for our sister planet Venus to magnetize our sweet Earth into her Celestial Orbit …a Higher Frequency within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

The Christ Principle was evolved to further this anchorage of Shamballa into every human heart …named after its founder Lord Krishna.  And ever since, a member from the Spiritual Hierarchy, often a Soul from planet Venus, has held this Immaculate Concept as the Cosmic Christ and sent forth a number of Avatars into the world to teach this Christ Principle.  Beloved Jesus was one such Avatar and served as a representative of Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya (spoken of as the ‘Father within’).  Now Beloved Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama and Beloved Lord Maitreya (the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa) have sent us forth …as a Mighty Group Avatar …embodied as a global Forcefield of Light Service!

The direction of our lives in Ascended and Free Light Service …and in daily life …comes from within.  Events may take place around us, in relationships of family, work, recreation, service, etc.  But the True Cause of our life unfolds from within. ‘Follow your heart’ is a common phrase.  But if we track back this concept, it would take us to the Ray of Cosmic Light from the Mighty I AM Presence …the Silver Cord anchoring in our Three-fold Flame …which then directs this Energy, Matter and Intelligence up to our brain. And it is this Light of the Mighty I AM Presence that initiates Consciousness …and thus the executive function and reflective thinking needed to have success in daily life.  This is the Taoist Way …empty of self, one with The Way …The Way is filled with virtue!

This is also the Plan of Creation.  After the 'great fall' there has been many attempts to restore this Great Plan.  And presently, with all the Cosmic Assistance associated with the Great Cosmic Inbreath, the Silver Cord of Light from the Mighty I AM Presence now rushes into the Consciousness of Humanity.  It comes with all the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State.  This is occurring across the Galaxy (preparing for the Great Cosmic Inbreath) …but this is also the added bonus of embodiment now on Earth …even as the screen of life reveals all the imbalance requiring Purification, Resurrection and Ascension. This Restoration of Original Intent is the Great Hope for …and the certain Reality of …Ascended and Free Earth.

This Higher Frequency Energy, Matter and Intelligence entering from the Mighty I AM Presence is equally true for all Humanity regardless of outer circumstances or current level of consciousness.  It will have different effects in different parts of Humanity but the Cause is the same …the Cause of Spiritual Freedom and full inclusion in the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  This is possible precisely because it is the Mighty I AM Presence that projects forth the Light that allows the heart to beat and the brain to reveal consciousness.  This remains fundamental to life on Earth but now at Higher Ascended and Free Frequencies!

Becoming empty of self allows full Consecration to this Original Intent of embodiment.  For it is the Eternal Flame (heart) and its Infinite Radiant Light blazing through Consciousness (brain)  …that allows for the Path of the Ascension of the individual and of our sweet Earth.




Beloved Brotherhood / Sisterhood of Light, we are in Oneness Consciousness, together, standing in the Light!  As the Cycle of 2019 continues to unfold, Restorative Currents of Light are being felt strongly and are entering every level of daily life. We are truly ascending with our sweet Earth, into its New Orbit of Divine Love …in the New Spiral that already corresponds to our Light Bodies.

In our collective Light Service, let us express our profound gratitude for all contributions of Love to this great Victory on Earth. To all those who contributed their Radiation from their personal Flame, as well as those who may gather in Powerful Group Forcefields, we are collectively Grateful!  And due to the tremendous acceleration the Earth is experiencing (and thus revealing all that requires balancing), let us share some guidelines received from the Higher Planes to permanently secure this Victory.

The Divine Plan for Humanity calls for each evolving Root Race to become Masters of the Energy and the Electronic Substance pouring forth from their own Mighty I AM Presence.  For this, Humanity must understand that all ‘energy’ used in thought, feeling, spoken word and action must be maintained in the Purity in which it was emitted from the Heart of God. Let us remember, dear ones, that  the Original Divine Plan was for each Root Race to attain such Ascended Mastery in a cycle of 14,000 years …2000 years (or a certain number of embodiments) under the influence of each of the Seven Major Rays. Since the 'great fall', this period has been extended indefinitely! And, although some did reach the Ascension, there are still billions who have not achieved it, greatly delaying the Divine Plan.

Nothing in the Cosmos is static. The Planets and the Suns themselves must all evolve in the Great Plan towards the powerful goal of achieving Divine Potential for all life. And at this Cosmic Moment, the Earth is rapidly moving towards a Great Cosmic Initiation …in order to move forward with her Solar System …rather than remain further delayed in her Divine Potential. And those who have reached a certain degree of Ascended and Free status are in the privileged position of contributing even more with our energies of life for this advancement in Consciousness. We achieve this through purifying ourselves (empty of self, time and space) so as to participate in this great moment, applying everything we have understood and practiced in our present path of Spiritual Evolution.

Light flows freely and constantly from the Source of Universal I AM into our Three-fold Flame. Within each photon is the Divine Potential of every qualification of Sacred Fire. Then, together standing in the Light, all the Cosmic Power of the Sacred Fire from Cosmic Levels, may be sustained within the atmosphere of the Earth through the Enlightened Group Consciousness therein. When we invoke Cosmic Beings from the Realms of Light, such an Ascended Presence magnetizes the Divine Quality within his/her Eternal Flame into each photon of Radiating Light, propelling this quantum Forcefield into the activity in which it is invoked.

Therefore, we have two activities working in unison ... the fusion of our personal Co-creation Activity (invocation, absorption, expansion, projection of Sacred Fire) with the same Cosmic Activity of the invoked Ascended Master …which is amplifying our efforts. Whether it be the Sacred Fire of Transmutation through the Presence of Lady Holy Amethyst; or the Resurrection Flame through the Presence of Beloved Archangel Gabriel, the Principle remains the same …Inbreath / Outbreath together, standing in the Light!

When we invoke the Quantum State emotion of any Sacred Fire, we will then feel the action and activity of that Flame within us. As we do, this powerful feeling is discharged through us …transforming the quality of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, accelerating the vibratory action in our cells, atoms and electrons  …elevating them to the Higher Frequency of the Light Realms from which the photons of Sacred Fire were sent.

Within each photon of Divine Essence flowing to us through Invocation and Affirmation ...there awaits the Sacred Fire!  Filled with this Light, we then become the Sacred Fire that Transforms our energies into Harmony and Balance. The Sacred Fire becomes the Elixir of our Healing; becomes the Resurrection of the Divine Powers we knew in the Central Sun and in all Spheres of Light we have ever abided within …even here in the material world in previous embodiments of training in Light Service. And it is this same Sacred Fire, that when magnetized and expanded moment by moment with our daily application, where the Permanent Atom of Earth opens, giving Humanity a wonderful experience of Ascension.

Each time we practice becoming Divine Directors, the Sacred Fire  reminds us: I can do all this ... and more!  Therefore, let us rhythmically invoke and magnetize from within the depths of our being …creating a solid Oneness Consciousness with Sacred Fire … directing it into every requirement brought to our attention in any moment. And with our expanding Consciousness, the opportunities are multiple …opportunities to Radiate Divine Peace; Justice; Harmony; Restoration of Divine Intent; Balance within mind and body; or Celestial Supply of any necessary requirement. Within the electron lies the Essence of all of this …if we have placed it there by our Divine Direction of Sacred Fire!

Humanity is steadily more aware of the Source that supplies life; that gives intelligence; that allows free will; that sustains a purpose in mind when living daily life! In the Great Cosmic Inbreath, Humanity is returning to her Source and this now reveals itself in the inner workings of mind, body and soul.  The Revelation of Divine Purpose is awakening and guiding our lives to the fulfillment of that purpose! In the course of this embodiment, we can transform all the imbalance of many ages, in a single life as Sacred Fire in Action! We can fulfill the purpose for which we accepted this embodiment …done with the Karmic Board as our witness!

In our decades of Light Service, we have been weaving our Energies into the creation of magnificent Forcefields of every Divine Quality, fulfilling the vow we took before the Source of all Light to expand the borders of Perfection. These Forcefields are now totally active and vibrant, nurturing the Consciousness of Humanity and creating New Inner Spheres of Learning …for New Earth in her New Age!

Our innate Love Nature urged us to apply for Light Service on Earth, and, Love holds us together while we fulfill this Service on this beautiful planet. This Cohesive Power of Divine Love pulsates strongly, anchoring in our hearts, filling our feelings …and then Radiating forth …enlightening Humanity’s Consciousness. This Divine Love is comforting; it is Joy; it is Enthusiasm …it is ALL we need. This Love Ray is the same Comfort, Joy and Enthusiasm we knew before taking a physical body, when we were with Beloved Saint Germain in Freedom’s Holy Realms.  Here we developed Friends of Freedom …our co-creators also entering embodiment, when we were all wearing Freedom Robes and lived a Divine Existence that did not know disease, limitation or imbalance. This is what we now restore on Earth!

So, in the course of our daily life it is our privileged opportunity to rhythmically invoke and accept this Love Ray and its Cosmic Vitality, to sustain us through this embodiment. For this to manifest, we first establish a deep feeling of attunement with our Mighty I AM Presence, surrendering into this Light our Creative Faculties at every moment.  This is our discipline. We attune ourselves to its Purifying and Elevating Energies, naturally arising above the imbalance on the screen of illusion.  We invoke and direct the Flame of Grace within the Violet Flame and the Law of Forgiveness.  We hear the command: Be Still and know I AM!  Then we become One with the natural flow of Divine Light that flows in our Heart Center. We are filled with Joy and Gratitude for the limitless blessings we receive.  For within this Light is the open door of our Divine Plan.

We now realize an important lesson; that no statement, mantra, decree or affirmation has any efficacy unless powered with feelings of acceptance and understanding of the Truth affirmed …accompanied with the power of our mental concentration on the mantra or decree affirmed. Through the energies of our own Permanent Atom Forcefield, we extract the Truth of the affirmation, until it becomes visible and realized to us in our own auras.  Then every fiber and cell of our Being confirms our affirmation. Then we have made it ours in a practical and manifest way!

The effectiveness of our decrees and affirmations is determined by the amount of emotion and conviction expressed through it, as well as by the clarity of the vision held in our mind. Lacking this, the decree or affirmation does not yet manifest itself, remaining more etheric. There can be no doubt in our feeling nature about the result of our affirmations. That is why we make them true for ourselves …for this is the proof of the Truth we desire for others.

Thus our own advancement is only reflected when we externalize the Truth in what we affirm.  The development of our path in this Cosmic Moment depends on what we have become …rather than what we know or have read. Our goal is Being the Truth!  And the discipline, perseverance and consecration of our energies to reveal our Truth is the Key for the Permanent Victory of all life on Earth!

When we decree for our Perfection and purify our elemental vehicles with the Violet Fire …and further assume control of our Creative Faculties of thoughts and feelings …we create impersonal conductors, which enables the Heavenly Host to pour their Radiation into the Earth through us, through our Eternal Flame. Our Flame’s Radiation is then expanded through the atmosphere of Earth as Infinite Radiant Light, vibrating through the embodied vehicles of Humanity, forwarding their Ascension Path in infinite unique ways.

The seeds sown for millennia by our beloved Ascended Masters have been nurtured and developed by ourselves in the course of many embodiments. Now we are in the moment of expressing the harvest  of these efforts.  Here we clearly understand that it is not the amount of knowledge that brings results, but rather it is the application of the Ascended and Free knowledge that brings results …and that this is the proof of our Ascended Mastery …and the dawning Spiritual Freedom of Humanity! Let us affirm: We only live in the Light of the Truth we are capable of becoming!

Our daily Application (Spiritual Practice) protects us from the different influences that surround us in daily life, an area currently filled with unbalanced thoughts and energy. Therefore our daily application results in personal protection as well as planetary blessings.  Let us begin each day by anchoring our Consciousness in the Feeling and Presence of our Eternal Flame. Then, with a sustained elevation, let us go out into the world of our daily activities, transmitting that Divine Consciousness in thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

Like our Ascended Gurus before us, only when our Service of Light and Love is anchored, that we become our Divine Instrumentour Truth! Through applying the instructions that we have received from the Higher Dimensions of our own Self, will the Silent Fiat to advance be revealed: "This Light Server is ready to be the repository of expanding Truth, of greater Spiritual Powers and of a deeper Understanding of the Cosmic Laws."

Today, thanks to the commitment and effort of thousands and thousands of Servers of Light around the world, Earth’s Victory is assured! And yet it is necessary to sustain this Victory daily.  For this principle of being continually responsible for Spiritual Freedom is the essence of the New and permanent Golden Age. Here, each individual assumes our Divine Potential in the Great Plan, allowing the Divine Energy radiating from our own Eternal Flame to flow through our embodied vehicles, fully carrying out our Cosmic Service in this transcendental hour for our sweet Earth.

Enveloped in the Radiation of Freedom’s Holy Star, where my Love surrounds you always …I AM the Spirit of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!




Beloved cells of Ascended and Free Humanity it is with great Joy and profound Gratitude that we salute you at this hour! We come to share with you the marvelous realization that the Earth is Radiating the New Frequency required to be fully included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath. We see a ‘ground swell’ of evolving Consciousness, just below the ‘surface of imbalance’ so evident on ‘the screen of life’.  As you know, the Great Cosmic Law requires the eventual return of all Suns and their Solar Systems into the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy. This process is taking place right now, as each Sun begins to regulate its own Solar Forcefield, in order to maintain Harmony and Balance in the progression of the planets belonging to Its system.

Since the 'great fall' when Earth’s axis gradually fell out of its original position, we have been sustaining the original Electronic Pattern for Earth’s Divine Axis and Orbit.  Her Cosmic Rotation and Flow of Light is the very essence of our Being.  Under the Authority of Beloved Helios and Vesta, we direct Cosmic Currents into Earth. And, it is with great Joy that we inform you that Earth is responding to these Higher Frequencies from the Eternal Flame of Helios and Vesta. This Forcefield of Cosmic Alignment is gradually straightening Earth’s axis and this is being done with loving care.

Each of the planets of Beloved Helios and Vesta are being quickened …sustaining itself in the Higher Frequency Orbit of the next graduating planet. And we are delegated the task of quickening the vibration of every planet. And together standing in the Light, you stand with us in the responsibility of raising the Earth to vibrate at the present Perfection of Venus.

It is for this present Cosmic Moment we all have been preparing! Every Ascended Being, Angel, Deva and Cosmic Being throughout the ages have invested abundant Forcefields of Love, Life, Energy and Radiation to Earth and its Humanity. And now the Light Servers’ assistance at this hour is the main factor of accomplishment!  In this great endeavor, there are two activities of all life. There is the IN BREATH and the OUT BREATH! There is the MAGNETIZATION (the inbreath) of the gifts and powers of the God Presence, and then its RADIATION (the outbreath). Both of these activities take place at Cosmic Levels of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness in any Solar System or Galaxies …as well as within ourselves!

On the OUTBREATH when creation takes place, the Central Sun breathes forth Suns from within its own Aura. Each Sun then in its turn breathes out the planets destined to be part of its Solar System. At the end of a 'Cosmic Day', the Great Central Sun of that system, notifies all of its evolving Suns that it is time for the INBREATH of their Planets, in preparation for the Inbreath of all Suns and their Planets back into the Heart of the Great Central Sun.

For our own Galaxy, we are at this very moment of the in-breath! A New Cosmic Day begins, in which all Suns and Planets have received the Fiat to ascend forward in the Great Cosmic Inbreath. The Great Central Sun has completed the Outbreath in the great rhythm of Cosmic Creation. All is in Divine Readiness except for our sweet Earth.  This is why the initiation of the Earth is the focus of all the planets, toward the fulfillment of the Divine Edict in the raising of its vibration and redemption of all misqualified energies. The entire Solar System and Galaxy is focused on evolving Humanity homeward towards the Heart of Eternal Love.

Every other planet of our Sun has already signalled 'ready'! Yet the Cosmos waited for Earth to send the signal for so long and at this Cosmic Hour the EARTH HAS SENT THE 'GO AHEAD' SIGNAL from the hearts of every men, woman and child... AND THE SIGNAL HAS BEEN HEARD !!

Our affirmation: I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, together, standing in the Light!  …this is the signal to Universal I AM that the Earth is now ready!  Therefore, the pressure of Divine Light is so great at this hour. It is enfolding Humanity and all the Leaders of all activities in the world with Love, Tolerance, Compassion and the spirit of Humility and Inclusiveness, the True signs of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom within the Feminine Ray.

New channels are being opened to assist Humanity! Servers of Light are coming to the forefront in all areas of life. Friends of the Great Light Brotherhood are rising up from every direction and all are being successful as Light Servers sustain and expand the courage and stamina to nurture the currents of this New Dawn. Ego cannot stop the onrush of this Cosmic Christ Power releasing the Spiritual Currents of Light of the Hour! Never before can it be more truly said of the leaders of the world; "By their fruits you shall know them!”

VISUALIZATION: As Cosmic Beings assisting Humanity, we share with you a process to elevate your Sphere of Influence with the Electronic Currents flowing in and out of Earth at this hour.  Please place your attention on your breathing and relax your outer senses, letting your attention be placed upon the Eternal Flame. Let this become your True Identity.

Breathe and let the full power of the Eternal Flame envelope you, becoming you. Let the steady stream of pure Light flow through your feeling nature. Let this Mighty Cosmic Current pass through you with its waves of light and color, flowing into your four embodied vehicles, changing the color and tone of the energy released by them. During this process, a new expanding Hope fills your inner bodies. Let yourself be filled with the added impetus of Courage, Inspiration, Strength and Love …to hold the pathway of the Ascension open before you in your daily life.

These Cosmic Currents are then rhythmically pulsating throughout the Earth plane. Feel and become ONE with these Mighty Currents of Light. Feel and realize all your divine aspirations expanding upwards and outwards through all Humanity. Feel this River of Luminous Light now fortify your Heart Flame and that of all Humanity …so they too can see the ‘karmic illusion on the screen of life’ for what it is …and greater still, see the expanding Forcefield of Goodness arising from within, just below the surface of  illusion.

At this moment we then consciously realize that every Ascended Being now synchronizes their Eternal Flame to this Ascending River of Light! We affirm: I AM as a conductor of Humanity’s  Consciousness back to its Eternal Flame.  As we let this current of Light pass through us unimpeded, the vibration of Earth rises exponentially …allowing Humanity to feel synchronized to this River of Ascending Energy in their own heart. And in their own way, each one is ‘drawn within’ to the full momentum of the Higher Frequency being ‘downloaded’ from their Mighty Presence I AM.

We feel the Solar Light of the Central Sun, Beloved Alpha and Omega and our Sun, Beloved Helios and Vesta connected to this Current of Light and we feel their upward rushing Forcefield  placing us instantly in the Ascended Masters' Octave, the Omnipresent Holy Spirit of God, and the Angelic Host. Here we form the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom over which Humanity may move into the Light.  We become radiating centers of inspiration to others. This Current of Electronic Substance intensifies the Light in the heart of all Humanity …enabling every person the Realization of their own Oneness with the Eternal Father / Mother God!

Pause …feel and see this Reality, knowing it is your own Truth! Allow yourself to be the vessel of this current of Light. Feel it flowing through your body and accelerating the vibration of your atoms and electrons. As Guardians of Light and Keepers of the Flame, we sustain the Mighty Waves of Cosmic Currents arriving from the Higher Planes …as well as sustaining the expanding Light Earth is sending to the Cosmos! Both these Currents of Light converge in our Permanent Atom.  Pause and feel ourselves becoming this Permanent Atom ...its radiation ...its pulsation ...its Light!

I AM the Bridge to Humanity’s Liberation! I AM uniting all Life in its Ascended State! I AM the fulfillment of Earth’s Divine Plan as intended in God’s Mind! I AM the Ascension of Earth and Humanity into this new Cosmic Day! I AM rhythmically breathing this Truth in constant pulsations. This River of Light now accelerates Ascended and Free Light Service to New Heights; to New Dimensions of Being! Trust these Cosmic Currents as you trust your heart. Trust that this River of Light has all the Energy, Matter and Intelligence for the complete Victory of Earth’s Ascension!

May the Light of a Thousand Suns shine brightly in your Sphere of Influence!  And, SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!