June 2024


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:

I AM a Focus of Eternity and Infinity
within the temporary world of form.

I AM a Focus of Father / Mother God.

I AM their Flame of Immortality, a Temple of
their Energy, Vibration and Consciousness on Earth.

I give Gratitude and Adoration to my Body Elemental,
and the earth, air, fire and water elementals, for the
opportunity to anchor this Eternal Flame on Earth. 

I AM One with the Realms of Nature,
as well as One with the Realms of Divinity,
for it is all the expression of Universal I AM.

And I AM …that I AM …that I AM!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the lived Reality of the
Eternal Flame expressing through my Creative Faculties!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the lived Reality of the
Eternal Flame expressing through Humanity’s Creative Faculties!


I AM the Flame of Eternal Life,
upon the Altar of Infinite Light!

I AM a Focus of Eternity and Infinity,
within the temporary world of form.

I AM a Focus of Father / Mother God.

I AM their Flame of Immortality, a Temple of
their Energy, Vibration and Consciousness on Earth.

I give loving Gratitude and Adoration to my Body Elemental
and the earth, air, fire and water elementals for allowing
me to anchor this Eternal Flame in the world of form.

I AM one with Nature and One with Divinity,
for I AM Universal I AM, expressing herself.

I AM empty of self, time and space,
and I AM embodied Solar Consciousness.

I AM the Violet Flame transmuting karmic debt.
I AM the Cosmic Violet Fire …opening
embodied Solar Consciousness!

I AM empty of criticism, condemnation and judgment.
I AM the Eternal Sun of God Illumination.

I AM empty of anger, fear, impatience and resentment.
I AM the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.

I AM empty of distress, disease, injury and aging.
I AM the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy!

I AM these Three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self!

I AM the Sun of Elemental Constancy.
I AM Home in the Body of God.

I AM the Sun of Holy Spirit.
I AM Home in the Heart of God.

I AM the Sun of God Illumination.
I AM Home in the Mind of God.

I AM Home, I AM Home, I AM HOME!

I AM this tangible lived Reality …for
I AM Ascended and Free Humanity,
on her Ascended and Free Earth,
in her Ascended and Free Orbit!

I AM the Gathering of the Next Life Wave Coming!




Beloved Ones, let us focus on the Perfection Patterns of the Cosmic Violet Fire, the Keynote of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  This month we begin with the first action of the Violet Flame, the transmutation of karmic debt. For only then can the subsequent action of the Violet Flame take hold and truly anchor embodied Solar Consciousness within Humanity. This is the Theme and Thoughtform for our New Age of Spiritual Freedom …and the gift of Father / Mother God from the Central Sun, given to our Beloved Saint Germain …to Initiate his Star of Spiritual Freedom as the manifest Divine Potential of our sweet Earth!

In our contemplation of the Violet Flame, let us first acknowledge and invoke the Law of Forgiveness! Forgiveness is the action of understanding that all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds are but Energy, Vibration and Consciousness from Source, expressing through a set of Creative Faculties …that is, from a set of coordinates within Universal I AM. We then understand and accept that the core of our Light Service is to set free every electron of that originally innocent Lifeforce, from however it was wrongly qualified. We detach from the cause, effect, record and memory of the original offence in the mis-qualification of that energy (and its consequences across time and space) …and focus on the Spiritual Freedom of that innocent Lifeforce. This is Light Service with the Violet Flame!

We fervently ask forgiveness for any misuse of God's Holy Energy and the Elemental Kingdom through any of our own Creative Faculties of thought, feeling, word and deed …and then, that of Humanity. We consciously, tangibly forgive all those who have ever caused us distress back unto the very beginning of time, before the ‘great fall’ in Consciousness. We both forgive and accept forgiveness. This action initiates the Violet Fire within and through us …as a Focus of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness on Earth. And finally, through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love within the Violet Flame …we accept it done! We affirm:

I ask forgiveness for any misuse of God's Holy Energy and
the Elemental Kingdom since the beginning of time.

I forgive all life who has ever caused
me distress, since the beginning of time.

I Forgive!
I AM Forgiven!
I AM the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness!

The Power of Forgiveness and Transmutation of any karmic debt is understood and accepted in the feelings. The Sun of Holy Spirit is such a Forcefield of Celestial Feeling …to which every cell, atom and electron of Lifeforce instantly responds …as an opportunity of letting go into its own Spiritual Freedom. In Light Service we practice this daily. Here we understand and accept the feelings of Divinity and Holiness around the Innocence of all Light …as when it first came forth from Father / Mother God. And in our Ascension Process, when the feeling of such understanding of karmic debt is strong and generating positive action from within, then there is never any suffering! There is only service.

Let us understand and accept a feeling of empathy so strong that there is only Reverence for all originally innocent Lifeforce …followed then with a deep desire to serve as a Divine Director of Sacred Fire, until it is all set free  …free of any personal sense of suffering, either within us, or around us within others.  This is known as Compassion and follows Forgiveness …which together propels the action of Transmutation. Such is the highest rendition of Reverence for all Life. As we observe mis-qualified energies, we see it and know it as karmic debt waiting to be set free. We then invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project the Action of the Violet Flame and the Law of Forgiveness. And with enough Momentum, the Qualities of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness then ‘come forth’ and replace the lower frequencies of any imbalanced creation. For Keepers of the Flame, this is a continual service, of Reverence for all Life. This is Love in Action.  This is the Love Principle. This is becoming Ascended and Free …our Ascended Mastery over Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …regardless of its origin or how it currently expresses as ego-distortion within creation.

Our full Spiritual Agency is becoming a Being of Cause …functioning from the Realms of Cause …no longer feeling we are ‘at the effects of things’ …at the effects of other persons, places, conditions, and things. The Realm of Cause is the Realm of Power within Co-creation. Yet with this Divine Power, it is a life lived in Reverence for all Life …a life lived in Loving Service. We simply serve the Divine Cause of setting life free. Wherever we place our attention,  we offer an opportunity for the Divine Potential to Come Forth Now!  Such Divine Action is done with the Cosmic Momentum of our own Causal Body and in co-service with all the Forces of Light and Sacred Fire …steadily transforming all involved Energy, Vibration and Consciousness towards its Divine Potential.

The Realm of Cause is the Realm of Sacred Fire. Sacred Fire embodies Cause as a Power …and desires to powerfully produce the Divine Potential everywhere present. When we affirm ‘I AM empty of self’ …we affirm I AM empty of effects …and, entirely a Being of Cause.  This is becoming a Divine Director of Sacred Fire, with all the Powers of becoming Ascended and Free! Along the Ascension Process, this occurs through the gifts of all Seven Rays of Christ development …and then graduating to the Powers within the Twelve Houses of the Sun! This is our present point of embodied Solar Consciousness!

This is also the Divine Potential of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …becoming the Cause of the I AM Race, once again flourishing on Earth.

I AM the Cosmic Violet Flame in action!

I AM empty of karmic effects.
I AM empty of karmic debt.

I AM a Being of Cause alone.
That Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone!

As a Being of Cause alone,
I AM the Flame of Eternal Life,
upon its Altar of Infinite Light!

I AM the full Love, Wisdom and Power
of embodied Solar Consciousness!

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity
…of all Ascending Energy.
…of all Ascending Vibration.
…of all Ascending Consciousness.

 I AM the Gathering of all the goodness in the world, in
Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels / Elementals.

In total, this Forcefield becomes the Governing God
Intelligence of Divine Love …for the Seventh Ray
Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!

Within this Unified Forcefield of Kingdoms,
I AM the most powerful vehicle of thoughts,
feelings, words and deeds in action on Earth!


Beloved Ones, the Sun of Holy Spirit is the Focus of profoundly feeling Celestial Power. Desire for goodness and justice should be strong! Enthusiasm in Light Service should be powerful …and come with the Feminine Ray Powers of ‘keeping a newborn creation safe and thriving’, above all else. This is a Feminine Ray Momentum throughout the Cosmos and enters now in its full Force on Earth.

The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is an Activity of Cause …of gathering and providing the necessary and sufficient spiritual conditions allowing Humanity to become open and receptive to the Divine Potentialabove all other potentials …open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming! This involves opening the Eye of Divine Liberty, as well as seeing and understanding the Transformational Events in Consciousness that follow the Star of Sanat Kumara revealing itself.

VISUALIZATION …Breathing easily and rhythmically, let us we feel a calmness in our body, mind and feelings …as we abide within the three Gates of our embodied Solar Consciousness. Here we remember our True Identity …that I AM only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. This transition to 'wave-function'  Reality begins with knowing ourselves as a Ray of Sacred Energy. We pause here and experience the thought, the feeling and the ‘felt sense’ of simply being a Ray of Cosmic Energy, anchored here with Divine Purpose.

This Ray of Energy then unfolds as a Vibrational Field, like a flower unfolding its petals. This is the Forcefield of our Divine Instrument …our 'wave-function' Presence, anchored here and now! A Vibrational Field is ‘having a Presence’ within form, without yet becoming form. It is filled with Holiness of Higher Frequency Divinity …and anchors our electronic Mighty I AM Presence within daily life. Our Vibrational Field is the Revelation of our Eternal Flame. It lives, moves, breathes and has its Being as us …within our life on Earth. This is the Miracle Working Presence of God in action. For miracles are but 'wave-function' Reality transposed into 'particle-function' form, governed through a Divine Director of Sacred Fire.

This Vibrational Field then reveals its indwelling Focus of Celestial Consciousness, expressing the awareness of all that is Divine and seeing the Divine Potential of all things!  We affirm: I AM Ascended and Free. I AM only the Sacred Energy, Vibrational Field, and Solar Consciousness of Universal I AM …at its full Divine Potential here and now!  I AM a Ray of Sacred Energy unfolding as a Celestial Vibrational Field revealing its indwelling Solar Consciousness …establishing the Realms of Light here and now within daily life.

We continue the rhythmic Holy Breath, calm and relaxed in the experience that “I AM this embodied Solar Consciousness. I AM a Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self. I AM ‘as it was in the beginning’ and as it was within the first three Root Races …the I AM Race flourishing on Earth. As known by the ancients, I AM a Sun of the Sun …expressing the Holy Triumvirate of the Three Suns of embodied Solar Consciousness.

This experience begins at the base of our spine as the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …the elemental Constancy, Harmony and Balance of having physical embodiment. It manifests the perfect Yin / Yang equilibrium in my Twelve Solar Meridians, as well as the perfect harmonious expression of the Elemental Forces of earth, air, fire, and water within me. It manifests the Divine Alchemy of Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty …as Limitless Physical Perfection!

In this Ascended and Free State, I now embody the Elemental Perfection Patterns within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …for myself, for Humanity and for our sweet Earth (who has her own Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at her core). As I dwell on Mother Earth, I feel the Unity of her Eternal Sun of Even Pressure with my own. I live, move, breathe and have my Being within the Pure Vibrational Fields of the Divine Potential of Elementals[1] …held in their pure states by the Devic Spirits and Guardians of the Water, Earth, Air and Fire Beings, who voluntarily compose my embodied vehicles.  It is my Beloved Body Elemental that governs the Divine Alchemy of their united, synchronized, balanced function …in achieving the Divine Potential of my embodied Solar Consciousness! And I AM forever Grateful to the Elemental Kingdom for my embodied Temple!

From this Ascended and Free Elemental State, next I turn my attention to the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.  This occupies the area of my thoracic / cervical spine. It is the Seat of Divine Emotional Power …with Divine Love being the greatest Power in the Universe. This Gateway involves my Heart Chakra, as well as my Throat Chakra, giving Presence, Voice and Power to Divine Love. This Sun of Holy Spirit is my Vibrational Field of Reverence for all Life!

And from this exalted feeling state, I AM then become the Eternal Sun of God Illumination, occupying the higher brain centres. Here I experience my Third Eye open, and the Seven-fold Crown of the Elohim upon my forehead …and finally, the Thousand Petaled Lotus opening into the endless Realms of Enlightenment above. Here I feel united with the Mind of God and understand the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of Universal I AM. This brings Divine Peace of Mind. Here I exist in daily life, beyond self, time and space. Here is my Home of Spiritual Freedom!

Such are the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness. Each one may express as a Maltese Cross, each with four cardinal points, equaling the Twelve Aspects of Deity along my new Solar Spine. And as we experience this Divine Instrument, we see, feel and deeply accept the Light spiraling up our expanded Kundalini River, through all corresponding Twelve Solar Foci. This produces a newfound passion for the Divine …and its Peace of Mind, Body and Spirit.

As the Kundalini Light dances between along all Twelve Cardinal Points of embodied Solar Consciousness, it reflects every conceivable permutation and combination of Sacred Geometry, allowing for the limitless aspects of Celestial Solar Consciousness, to be anchored in our experience here and now.  As the Light so dances, it incorporates all Seven Chakras, further opening us up to this embodied Solar Consciousness. This is the New Dawn …of experiencing the Solar Spine of the Mighty I AM Presence! We awaken into this full sunshine of the New Cosmic Day!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LORD MICHAEL …on the Realms of Cause as the Realm of the First Ray …as the Realms of Original Intent.

Beloved Children of God’s Will …the Original Intent of all Creation is Divine Love …manifesting though God Illumination …with the full Power of Father / Mother God. This is the Holy Triumvirate of Co-creation …the Three-fold Flame of Immortality in action in any Dimension of Existence.

The Violet Flame is this Cause of Love …the Cohesive Power of Divine Love. It contains the Activity of the Blue Power Ray with the Pink Love Ray …combining to fulfill God’s Willuniting all life in her Ascended State. This creates the Violet Flame …bringing the Transmutation of karmic debt, followed by the birth of embodied Solar Consciousness. Such is the creation of the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self!

The complimentary color of the Violet Flame is Gold …the Royal Purple[2] Flame with a Golden Radiance, which contains the God Illumination to use this Sacred Fire for the purpose it was created for in the Great Central Sun! It Purpose and Cause is setting free our sweet Earth and her entire Lifeforce from the karmic debt of the ‘great fall’ …restoring her back into Harmony and Balance with Universal I AM …through the birth of embodied Solar Consciousness within Humanity. Such is the Power of re-establishing the Divine Potential of the I AM Race!

Visualize standing with me, within a Blue Ray of Power, Protection and Faith. Let us see, feel and deeply accept this Cosmic Ray becoming our Circle and Sword of Blue Flame …that not only do we stand within it, but we also become it …and it becomes us. Then see around this Cosmic Blue Ray, a Ring Pass Not of Cosmic Christ Lightening …an aura of Cosmic Christ Protection expanding out as far as the eye can see. This Radiance also expands within, through every cell, atom and electron of our Being. We see all of this as the Circle of Blue Flame. It protects us, Humanity and our sweet Earth from lower forces of imbalance …that now cannot penetrate its Higher Frequency Vibrational Field …thus cutting us free from any ties or connection to imbalance.

And then, let us see within this Majestic Aura of Blue Flame, a Vibrational Field of Violet Flame. This combined Activity cuts us free from past or present imbalance, including any remaining in our daily life …and places it within the Violet Fire …where it is instantly transmuted. Let us place our continued Faith and Attention upon this Activity. And with this Ceremony practiced daily, we progressively become ever-more empty of self, time and space …becoming ever-more a Pure Forcefield of Sacred Fire on Earth …the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self, heralding the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!

This is embodied Solar Consciousness! And assisting you in achieving this is my service to Humanity. And with this Ascension Process, eventually we realize ‘I stand in the Light of my own Mighty I AM Presence …with full Spiritual Freedom to wield the Sacred Fire, with perfect Force and Power!’  We understand that this is who I AM in Higher Realms of Light …and further, this is who I AM on Earth, within my embodied Solar Consciousness!

As we explore the Inner Realms of our Divine Instrument, we see our True Identity! We affirm I AM the Infinite Radiant Light of the Eternal Flame, the River of its Energy, Matter and Intelligence flowing into Co-creation. This is the River of my Life. As the Eternal Flame expands and projects the Qualities of Sacred Fire, then the Light that I AM, every single photon, is filled with those Qualities and its corresponding Color, Fragrance, Vibrational Field and Sacred Tone.  For my Eternal Flame is the Eternal Flame of Father / Mother God. From that Central Flame I was born! And in becoming that Eternal Flame here and now, I return Home as a full Royal Child in the House of Father / Mother God!


And with the sustained Power and Protection of this United Activity of the Blue and Violet Flame’s, we may turn our attention to the disciplines and practices of becoming embodied Solar Consciousness. Let us review the affirmation: I AM  empty of persons, places, conditions and things. This is a discipline and a practice in the Ascension Process that is done with Reverence for all Life …as well as in Gratitude for Energies and Vibrational Fields  that have been our Teachers along the way. Our purpose here is to restore the Original Intent of our Divine Instrument when in embodiment …to ‘rebegin’ as our True Identity, ‘born again’ as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …as it was with our first Cosmic Breath. This is our Resurrection and the Life …of our Spiritual Liberty, our full Spiritual Agency and our complete Spiritual Freedom! And from this Ascended and Free State, we offer our Light Service.

Empty of persons refers to individuals we currently are aware of in this present embodiment …that have drawn on our energy or, have sent us energy …in simple daily activities of family, and loved ones …or our work colleagues, or even co-servers in Light Service. But it also refers to those that we are less aware of, who are attached to our life streams through the power of our attention (celebrities, political figures, athletes, etc.) that we have given our energy to, or they have given their energy to us. And then, there are those persons in previous lifetimes we have developed vibrational connections with …for good or otherwise. This may have been persons we have been in co-service with …or simply living with …even lifetimes of endeavors where we pass each other in many embodiments as various roles in each other’s lives. Here, our affirmation is a grand endeavour to be empty of all those persons, as a collective. We offer our Gratitude to them all as being part of our journey and include all in our Reverence for all Life.

Then we look at becoming empty of places. The same principle applies …places we know and have been in this embodiment, memories of places we may have lived or visited, including spiritual Power Points …or places that ask for attention where there is great pain and suffering. And then there are those same or similar places we've been in previous embodiments …and there are ‘places’ in other Realms and Dimensions. We want to remember those of a Higher Frequency but there may have been lower frequency vibrational fields that we would prefer to forget, including inadvertent ties to negative imbalance.

Becoming ‘empty of places’, we invoke the Blue and Violet Fires so as to be cut free from and transmute any ties to places of imbalance. But on the positive side, we have been to Higher Vibrational places, such as Temples, Retreats and Foci of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings. We long to remember those …but from those Divine places we send Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness to all life suffering within daily life …creating a ‘place’ for others to find their Spiritual Freedom. For this is our Cause …our Calling!

Next, empty of conditions refers to vibrational fields of thought, feeling and activity that we pass through in our daily lives. We understand that by the power of our attention we invite such connection, especially connected through the power of personal distressing memories …or the global akashic records …of suffering or imbalance. Thus, we strive to become empty of those conditions …all conditions presently in our families, workplaces or even in our Light Service …conditions of the masses …conditions seemingly brought about by forces greater than what we think we can influence …conditions of unfairness and injustice that we so desire to return to their Spiritual Freedom. I AM empty of those conditions …so that I may then offer the fullness of my Divine Instrumentin the Healing of such conditions.

Next, I AM empty of things …removing myself from the material world. I AM in this world but not of it! I AM in this world living a daily life, but only as a Ray of Pure Energy, revealing a Celestial Vibrational Field, and its Focus of Divine Consciousness. I AM here to radiate this Forcefield through my Light …which has the foundations of quantum state Energy, quantum state Matter and quantum state Intelligence (the innate intelligence of unfolding Universal I AM) …operating through my Eternal Flame and radiating out from me as its Infinite Light …a Sun of the Sun! This is the Higher Frequency Co-creation of the world!

This is Light Service from the Realms of Cause! And, along with Legions of Fiery Blue Ray Angels, I AM here to stand with you in this Light! I AM with you in every practice and every discipline …together, standing in the Light!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED   LORD MAITREYA …on using the Gifts and Forces specific to the Seventh Ray Dispensation, in our Light Service of setting all life free in the Light!

Dear Ones, we have the affirmation / declaration: I AM transmuting the karmic debt within this person, place, condition and thing sending its innocent primal Lifeforce back to the Central Sun for repolarization, never again having to serve human creation.  Let us explore this as a mantra of our Light Service.

On the physically embodied level, this is regarding cells, atoms and electrons involved with distress, disease and aging. Transmutation of karmic debt here is now reflected within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure …as part of our embodied Solar Consciousness.  This is where the transmuted atoms involved in disease and aging can rebalance themselves and return immediately into positive Co-creation …to be used in Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light. This is the Service of the Cosmic Christ …the Resurrection and the Life of Divine Potential.

This is the embodied Atomic Accelerator! It contains the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of the Violet Flame, as it includes the Forces within the Violet Fire Chakra. It has the required Intelligence to understand the mis-qualified energies involved …and accelerate them back into their Divine Potential …of manifesting Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty, Simplicity and Symmetry …rather than any lower frequency potential. But it requires more faith and empowerment in the Power of the Violet Flame, than was put into ego-distortion of confirming disease and aging. Contemplate this, as a discipline of where you have placed your Faith, consciously or unconsciously.

The same principles apply for karmic debt on the mental and emotional level. Those lower energies can be Transmuted by the Sacred Fire anchored within the Sun of Holy Spirit, or the Sun of God Illumination. These three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness were created in the Central Sun for this Cosmic Moment on Earth …to set Humanity free from the abyss of ego creation and retore the Divine Potential of the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self …with the I AM Race flourishing again on Earth. This is the entire purpose of Beloved Saint Germain going to the Central Sun for this gift of Spiritual Freedom!

So then, let us turn our attention to the Divine Potential of our Creative Faculties …of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. Our Sun of Elemental Balance provides that which was intended in the Original Divine Plan …where that which abides in the Realms of Light, is now reproduced in Elemental form on Earth. Along with this, the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit was to reproduce the Divine Feelings known and lived in Realms of Light. And the Eternal Sun of God Illumination is intended to reproduce the Divine thoughts experienced in Realms of Light. United together, this of allows for the Mighty I AM Presence functioning again on Earth.

Let us remember that the Divine Potential of our embodied vehicles is empty of distress, disease and aging …and filled with Youth and Beauty …as it was when Beloved Jesus arose from the tomb. The Divine Potential of our emotional nature is empty of anger, fear and righteous indignation …and filled with the Divine Rapture of the Highest States of Holiness. The Divine Potential of our thinking centers is empty of criticism, condemnation and judgment …and filled the Enlightenment of Divine Mind and the Higher Perception of Cosmic Reality. This is Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light.

Let us imagine the atom, the building block of form, as a Solar System unto itself …with a Sun at the center (the nucleus composed of neutrons and protons, each of those composed of exactly three quarks)  and its evolving planets as the electrons, which are much smaller (like a planet is much smaller than the sun). And like the visualization of the physical Solar System, there appears much ‘empty space’. But we know it is not really empty but filled with the ‘bonds of energy’ that hold the nucleus in place and the electrons orbiting perfectly, to produce the element desired (oxygen or hydrogen, or any of the elements on the periodic table).

And the Atomic Accelerator actions of the Sacred Fire, especially the Violet Flame, take place within these energy bonds that hold all substance, matter and form in its current manifestation.  With our Light Service, we Resurrect the Vibrational Fields that produce the Divine Potential of that manifestation …rather than any ego-distorted potential. The Sacred Violet Flame is designed to transform any misuse of Light back into its Original Intent …including Limitless Physical Perfection manifesting this world of form …as Heaven on Earth!  Again, think of Beloved Jesus, arising from the tomb in his Light Vehicles. The physical realm was intended to produce these Perfection Patterns of the Divine Plan.

The Violet Flame is designed to return the physical state to its zero point, ‘as it was in the beginning’ before the ‘great fall’ and thus before any karmic debt. The Perfection Patterns intended in the Divine Plan may then manifest. The Violet Fire will equally transmute karmic debt at the physical level as it would at the mental and emotional  level. Any imbalance in the mind and feelings also enters as altered energy patterns, lower frequency vibrational fields and distressed levels of consciousness …all of which are looking to be set free! And such Spiritual Freedom regarding our thoughts and feelings are within the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit and the Eternal Sun of God Illumination. Those Forcefields contain the Divine Potential of our Ascended and Free Reality!

This is Light Service in Union with the Cosmic Christ …just as I was in Union with Beloved Ascended Master Jesus in the past Christian Dispensation. And similarly, here I AM now in Union with the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, within their embodied Solar Consciousness, as the example of this New Age of Spiritual Freedom!


[1] This is the Pure Land of the Buddha …the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light, destined to reveal itself to an Age of Spiritual Freedom!

[2] Royal Purple is indeed the color of Royalty …and for the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, represents the return of Humanity to the Royal Family as Children of the Sun …Children of Father / Mother God. Each Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self is enfolded in Royal Purple Robes of Violet Flame!