March, 2017


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light!

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in her Ascended State:

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:




I AM embodied Ascended and Free Energy, Vibration and
Consciousness …transmitting Higher Frequency Energy,
Vibration and Consciousness …from Infinite Realms of Light!

Our Theme and Thoughtform is an expression of the
Three-fold Flame, allowing Holy Spirit to move
through us, into all levels of life on Earth!




(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Sacred Fires of Holy Spirit,
moving through me into all levels of life on Earth.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Sacred Fires of Holy Spirit,
moving through Humanity into all levels of life on Earth.



I AM an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM the endless, eternal Joy of Co-creation!
I AM the Infinite God Illumination
of the Eternal Flame!

I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life …spoken in the
language of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness
…Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM Builders of Divine Self.
I AM Builders of Divine Consciousness.|
I AM Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!

I AM standing within Eternal Flame …within my True Identity!
From within Flame comes an acceleration of my cells, atoms
and electrons …now vibrating at the Higher Frequency
of my Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light!
I AM Transfigured in the Light!

From within Eternal Flame comes the Sacred Life Essence,
whose Sacred Substance expressing in form undoes
distress, disease, degeneration and death, so that
here and now: I AM Eternal Life in the Light!

Beloved Jesus commanded this Reality from his Eternal Flame.
And this is what I now Invoke and Command …in the
Sacred Name ‘I AM’ …from my Eternal Flame!

I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
This Divine Light contains all the necessary Energy,
Matter and Intelligence …to create a Forcefield
of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation,
until I become everything that I AM!
And, I AM that I AM!

I AM the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation
of Youth and Beauty …within me and my world.

I AM the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation
of Health and Wellness …within me and my world.

I AM the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation
of Opulence and Supply …within me and my world.

I AM the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation
of Divine Consciousness …within me and my world.

I AM the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation
of my Body of Light in this world of daily life.

I AM the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation
of my Eternal Life in the Light, here and now!

I AM empty of self …of the thoughts of my mental body; the
feelings of my emotional body; the memories of my etheric body;
and the disease / distress / aging of my physical body.

Within Eternal Flame …I AM filled with the thoughts of God;
the Quantum State feelings of Holy Spirit; the momentums of
Perfection Patterns within my Causal Body
; and the Youth
and Beauty of my Light Body …all created from innate
Energy, Matter and Intelligence within Eternal Flame.

I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love!
I AM surrounded by the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire!
I AM serving within the Realms of Precipitation,
Causation and Co-creation!




Let us continue to directly experience the Spheres, Realms and Dimensions of Sacred Fire within the Solar Year Thoughtform. Within Flame and its Radiant Light are all the Divine Qualities necessary for Eternal Life in the Light, granted to all life in the beginning by Father / Mother God! Sacred Life Essence is embedded within the Radiating Light of my Eternal Flame …transfigured through our Three-fold Flame into Sacred Life Substance physically …which then maintains perfect Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty, Opulence and Supply, Peace and Joy, and every other Quantum State of the Seven Rays, right here and now in daily life.  These are the Teachings of Immortality from all Ascended Master Gurus, Avatars and Sages.  It is once again offered to us …to reveal to all Humanity …for her collective Ascension into Eternal Life in the Light! This is our Light Service!

To this end, the Theme and Thoughtform we now embody can be summarized as an expression of the Three-fold Flame, through which Holy Spirit may freely move into all levels of life on Earth! This Forcefield then becomes the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love within all levels of life.  This Forcefield comes automatically enfolded by the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire … which pours forth the Highest Frequency of Spiritual Freedom from each White Fire Being of Humanity! Contemplate this Perfection!  And all of this comes enveloped within the Causal Body Realms of the I AM Race …the ultimate Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation Forcefield of all Seven Root Races in complete Unity, Harmony and Balance …our completed Bridge to Spiritual Freedom!

Let us again focus on direct experience of our Solar Year Thoughtform …seeing, feeling and conceptualizing deeply this Truth, with every fiber of our Being!  Standing in Lord Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame delivers us from self, time and space.  These swirling waves of electric Blue Lightning re-align us with the frequency of Spiritual Freedom we originally knew when free of time and space restraints. The Sword of Blue Flame comes with a ‘cutting free’ activity.  This simply means that lower frequencies can no longer attach to or influence our being …as our Higher Frequency is re-established within every cell, atom and electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.  Plus …around the Sword of Blue Flame automatically appears the Circle of Blue Lightning signifying our Sphere of Protection from lower frequencies! Every Ascended Master has this Aura …and now, so do we!

Around the Sword of Blue Flame, we stand in a larger Forcefield of the Brothers of the Golden Robe.  Here we feel our personal, shimmering Golden Robe placed around our presence as a soft, glowing Golden Aura of God Illumination!  It represents our steadily growing Cosmic Understanding of our Light Service to Earth! Let us feel its Sacred Presence around and about us.  Once we accept our True Identity within this Golden Light, the Seven Levels of Life appear within us …as Seven White Ascension Doves.  Their formation appears as a Crystalline Shimmering Diamond …the Ascension Diamond within its Golden Aura.

In the soft Golden Light of God Illumination, we understand Oneness Consciousness. It originates from seeing, with Crystal Vision, that all life, on every level of life, originates from Light …animate and inanimate …biological, psychological, social and spiritual life …all originate from the One Light …each level derived from the Energy, Matter and Intelligence within Light, according to Divine Design!  And Light originates from Sacred Fire …our Eternal Flame …Father / Mother God’s Eternal Flame …and on into the Eternal Flame of Universal I AM!

With the Diamond Presence of the White Ascension Doves comes the Voice of the Great I AM, affirming: I AM within all life …and all life is within me!  We respond with: Come, Holy Spirit, come!  Move through my Divine Instrument!  This is the God Illumination accepted and practiced by all Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.  This tangible Oneness Consciousness is what the Brothers of the Golden Robe now offer us.  Let us pause and acceptand feel …and give our Adoration and Gratitude to …Beloved Lord Gautama, Beloved Lord Maitreya, Beloved Kuthumi and all Brothers/Sisters of the Golden Robe.

Thus once again: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me …and we fulfill the Law of Coherence.  In the soft Golden Light of our Golden Robe is the Governing God Intelligence necessary for the Great Cosmic Inbreath to include all levels of life on Earth.  Then, within the Rose-pedaled Pulsating Pink Sun is a Cosmic Blessing …pouring forth all the Quantum States of Cosmic Holy Spirit!  Contemplate this!  Enveloped in this Pink Radiation allows the God Intelligence of Divine Love to govern individual and collective Consciousness …on all levels of life.  Each pedal of the Pink Sun is an unfolding Dimension of Higher Frequency Divine Love …streaming in from our Ascended Sister Planet Venus, the Great Kumaras and their Sun, Beloved Krishna and Sophia. And there is a ‘petal’ (Sphere, Dimension, Realm) of unfolding Divine Love from this Pink Sun of Holy Spirit for every person, place, condition and thing needing this assistance!  All life is now loved free!  And SO IT IS!

Standing in the Diamond Presence of Seven White Ascension Doves, in the soft Light of the Golden Robe, we are Ascended into the Oneness Consciousness of Reverence for all Life.  And with us, all the levels of life in and around Mother Earth are likewise raised up into this Divine Potential.  Here, representing Father / Mother God and in their Oneness Consciousness …we realize:

I AM the Governing God Intelligence of the Mighty I AM Presence,
bringing all life into its Divine Harmony and Balance

I AM the Higher Frequency Divine Love of New Earth
in her Ascended and Free Realms. 

I AM Divine Love …as the Cohesive Power
uniting all life in her Ascended State!

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is unified as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness, and Builders of Eternal Life in the Light!  The purpose of Our Divine Instrument is for Flame passing through Flame …for Holy Spirit moving into the World!  We are (I AM!) a Portal of Divinity into a vibratory level we have chosen to serve and to Transform …Earth and her life-force.  It is the same for Father / Mother God. Their Three-fold Flame is the medium for all Higher Frequency Spheres, Realms and Dimensions to enter this Solar System, bringing its attendant Blessings to Planets and Races therein.  Our Three-fold Flame is likewise designed to allow for the Higher Frequency Spheres, Realms and Dimensions of Ascended Master Light to find anchorage and become established into the earth plane of daily life.  This is what Beloved Jesus and all the Great Masters have done …open a Great Portal of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness for Humanity! Now we do so as well, in the collective, worldwide Gathering of Ascended Humanity …the Light of a Thousand Suns foretold by the Ancients!

So, let us visualize ourselves in the Solar Year Thoughtform as Flame stepping into Flame …and then we become the conduit for Flame passing through Flame!  We use our Creative Faculties to invoke, sustain and expand and project this Sacred Fire. We affirm as did Beloved Jesus: ‘It is the Father within (the Three-fold Flame of Father / Mother God, which is also my Flame within) that does this perfect work!’

Let us expand our understanding of what we are building …as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Eternal Life in the Light.  We begin with the Keynote affirmation: I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love!  We then visualize this Keynote, beginning with standing in the Sword of Blue Flame …then a Golden Robe placed around our Being …then the Pulsating Pink Sun unfolds its petals around us as an Aura of Divine love …within which are the Seven White Ascension Doves representing all levels of life on Earth.  Together, these Seven White Ascension Doves form a Crystalline Shimmering Diamond of pure Ascension Flame!

We continue to build and sustain in Consciousness the Three-fold Flame, establishing its Presence at the core of all levels of life on Earth.  This Three-fold core then radiates Spiritual Freedom …as in the Solar Year Thoughtform the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire surrounds our Sun of Earth. Expanding from this Ring of Sacred Violet Fire, we graduate into the Light of the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim …the Realms of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation!  Together, standing in the Light with this entire co-creation, we have ‘caused’ …we have ‘built’ …we now ‘sustain’ the Thoughtform of 2017. Operating from the Realms of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation, we affirm: I AM a Being of Cause alone, that Cause is Love the Sacred Tone. Here we are amongst the Ascended and Free Temples and Causal Bodies of the worldwide Gathering of Ascended Humanity …as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy …as committed, free will Beings of Divine Determination …to re-create the world as it is seen in the Divine Thoughtform of 2017!





Beloved Ones of Ascended and Free Light Service:  I AM of the Feminine Ray and I serve with my Twin Ray Elohim, as well as Beloved Archangel Gabriel and the Goddess of Light …in the service of Precipitation, Co-creation and Causation of Divine Revelation in daily life. We serve the Light within all creationformed (electron as particle) or unformed (electron as wave).  This is the service of Reverence for all Life …being directly present with all life in their current Ascension process!  We Revere and Adore all life expression …as well as determined desire to reveal the electronic white light nucleus at the core of all life …its Purity of Being!  This is the purpose of the Fourth Ray!


We see Heaven on Earth when we see through the eyes of our Eternal Flame.  It sees all the Light human eyes cannot see.  Its ‘eyes’ are its Radiant Light.  When we speak of Revelation, we expect to see something Divine …like Angels and Elemental Spirits or other ‘Divine Visions’.  Or we expect to hear something Divine …like the Music of the Spheres or the ‘Masters’ Voice’.  Yet contemplate that we are (I AM!) ourselves a Revelation on Earth …that our Divine Instrument reveals itself to the world as a Radiance of Divine Senses.  My Eternal Flame radiates this fullness of Holy Spirit within its Light: Divine Sound (my Eternal Keynote); Divine Fragrance (the Divine Scent of my Solar Christ Self); Divine Touch (able to touch the Heart and Feelings of others, to know we are present with them); Divine Movement (my Dance of Life); the Divine Taste of Liquid Light; and the Divine Sight or seeing the Light Body of the Solar Christ Self in its full Glory, in everyone!

The physical brain interprets the incoming signals from the world around us as sensations.  As the physical form is elevated in Consciousness we further sense the Divine all around us …seeing with the ‘eyes of our Flame’ the Angels or Elemental Spirits and most of all the Solar Christ Self of others …hearing the Keynote of Divine Beings in the Multi-dimensional Spheres of Light around us, feeling the Presence of the Divine in all goodness; etc.  This is the Joy of the continual Ascension, even when (especially when) outer circumstances are difficult.  The more we sense the goodness of life around us as originally intended by Father / Mother God, the more we realize that goodness (God-ness) is the only thing that persists, that is permanent …even in this world …even when there is imbalance expressing on the screen of life all around us.  It was this way for Beloved Jesus, for our Dear Lord Gautama Buddha and every other Light Server who desired to Reveal the Light on Earth!

In our Ascended Master training towards the Ascension of Humanity, let us be leaders in Revelation …accelerating our senses to the Divine …and as well, more powerfully radiating our Divinity, in all its domains of sight, sound, taste, texture, touch and movement, to all life everywhere.  To accomplish both, we need only allow our Eternal Flame to be our primary focus and know that its Infinite Radiant Light carries the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of these sensations of Holy Spirit into the world.  And we may do all of this from the Silence of our own Sanctuary[1].


We began as an Eternal Flame from a spark of the Central Flame of Father / Mother God.  The Infinite Radiant Light of this Flame expanded forth and projected my White Fire Being into Universal I AM.  The same Radiant Light then projected forth Twin Rays of a Masculine Ray and Feminine Ray Mighty I AM Presence …who then created around itself the Causal Body during its Cosmic Journey of using Eternal Flame and Sacred Fire to expand the borders of Perfection in Creation.  The Infinite Radiant Light of Mighty I AM Presence then projected along a single Cosmic Ray (the Silver Cord) elemental vehicles to establish Perfection Patterns within form …my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies on Earth.  All of this is my Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light in action.

Thus, my physical body is the vibrational ‘far end of my journey’.  I AM now on the return journey back through Solar Christ Self into the Mighty I AM Presence, its Causal Body and then eventually back into the White Fire Being along with my Twin Ray. This entire outgoing and return journey …from the One Flame to the individual Flame and its journey through Universal I AM, including time and space, and eventually back to the One Flame …is one Cosmic Day. It is one Cycle of my Circle of Life.  The Cosmic Silent Watcher Lady Circulata watches over my Cosmic Circle …my Cosmic Day.  The Silent Watcher Lady Immaculata watches over my Circle of Life as it pertains to my journey on Earth and my return to the Mighty I AM Presence.

In this return journey to the Mighty I AM Presence, whenever my Eternal Flame anchored on Earth expands sufficiently to touch the Mantle of Light of my Mighty I AM Presence, then I stand forth Transfigured in the Light!  This is my Purpose in becoming Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …to attain Transfigured in the Light …and further, to attain this with all Humanity, together, standing in the Light! Part of this Transfiguration is seeing the Solar Year Thoughtform as our Temple of Holiness.  Beloved Saint Germain has asked repeatedly to ‘take time to be Holy’ …so let us focus repeatedly on our Transfiguration in the Light and our Temple of Holiness.

In meditation, let us be present with the Angels, Elementals and Cosmic Beings who desire to attend our Temple.  We greet them in our minds and bodies, so as to anchor their Perfection Patterns  ‘where the need is’.  But in meditation, it is between the thoughts and body sensations where these Divine Beings exist in the Great Silence. When empty of self, time and space …there they area Revelation!  In meditation as Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light, I AM the Energy going forth from Flame …in my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  I AM the matter or substance of Flame going forth as my physical Presence within the physical world …and, I AM the Intelligence of this Light going forth as worldwide Ascended and Free God Illumination, in my service to Life!

In the Pure Light of the Solar Year Thoughtform, I AM the Spiritual Freedom of the Feminine Ray …specifically contained within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire.  This Spiritual Freedom begins with freedom from karmic patterns, then graduates into freedom into the Light and its Perfection Patterns.  The Circle and Sword of Blue Flame and the Violet Fire were designed in the Central Sun, to undo karma (since it was first introduced into this Solar System) before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained.  We need not understand the ‘multi-dimensional physics’ of this Activity …but rather only achieve the ‘empty of self, time and space’ requirements so that Flame may pass through Flame to access its ‘karmic target’ …allowing it to achieve its Divine Potential, its Spiritual Freedom, its Ascended State!




Beloved Friends of Freedom: Since I have returned from the Central Sun with the Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom, I have endeavored to build the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom for Earth and her Humanity towards her Ascended and Free Orbit.  I have enlisted Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self, and Builders of Eternal Life in the Light.  And together, standing in the Light, we arrive specifically at this point …represented by our Solar Year Thoughtform! I AM so very grateful for my Friends of Freedom …as you have all enlisted as my core Builders of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom.

The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is completed by the Gathering of Ascended Humanity from the Fourth and Fifth Root Races … completing the Seven-fold Completeness of the I AM Race …all Seven Root Races in Oneness Consciousness …for a New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is built from Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …a venue that you are Masters of, if you but practice your Divine Instrument …your True Identity.  Our collective ‘Home in Heaven’ is the Ascended and Free Realms, now clearly pulsating around New Earth as seen in her Solar Year Thoughtform.  This Dominion of Ascended and Free Temples constantly radiates the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of all the Seven Rays of Creation.  This Home is a Causal Body …a Oneness Consciousness of unified, inter-related Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light …a replication of the Causal Realms of the Central Sun from whence the Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom originated.

As the Gathering of Ascended Humanity steadily accepts their Divine Instrument, we begin to see, feel and know a tangible sense of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  We come to the enlightenment of Being a Flame …then of Being a Flame within Flame; of becoming a Being composed of Spheres of Light …then of knowing our individuality as Spheres of Light within Spheres of Light … of knowing and accepting our True Identity as a Being of Infinite Radiant Light …then knowing the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of our Light within our collective, unified Oneness Consciousness of Infinite, Universal I AM!  This is our full True Identity …our Divine Instrument, our Ascended Mastery!  And we each affirm: “Hear me, oh Universal I AM! This is my Holy Grail, what I offer up to Universal I AM, to be filled with my Divine Potential for Light Service”.  And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!

This Truth is the Holiness and Purity of our True Being.  Let us pause and give gratitude for this gift of Father / Mother God …of such a Divine Instrument to be granted unto us. This concept is the making of a daily meditation that brings and sustains Eternal Peace, no matter the outer circumstances of daily life.  This Truth is where we place our attention, focus, sustained Adoration and immense Gratitude!

But this concept is also the pure science of Higher Frequency Divine Love gaining entrance into the world …and then establishing the Governing God Intelligence of such Divine Love within the world.  This is the service of the Cosmic Christ. It was the Devotion of Beloved Jesus and many other Ascended Masters.  And we are each Disciples of the Cosmic Christ …as well as Disciples of Holy Spirit …Love made manifest!  And the ‘manifestation’ for this purpose is in the Realms of Cause …as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Eternal Life in the Light …rather than seeking our verification upon the screen of karmic illusion!  But our Faith is in the Inner Reality we build and offer to the world …as did Beloved Ascended Master Jesus.

Dear Friends of Freedom, the Cosmic Christ desires to ignite Cosmic Holy Spirit on Earth through the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! This has been done through every Representative of the Cosmic Christ!  In this Cosmic Moment, we see the glistening White Doves of Holy Spirit (the Ascension Diamond) embodied through the seven planetary Chakras of Ascended and Free Humanity.  Our seven Chakras represent one of the seven levels of life on Earth.  Our Eternal Flame then ignites the Fires of Holy Spirit …the Tongues of Flame of Divine Love, within every cell, atom and electron of precious life-force everywhere present.  And at whatever vibration each Domain of Life is presently at, we now accelerate it into its next expression of Higher Frequency …so that it may Ascend with New Earth into her Orbit of Divine Love!

In a meditation let us accept and feel these levels of life-force within us …for: As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me”!  In reviewing the Thoughtform of this Solar Year, we see within our Golden Robe Aura the White Ascension Doves corresponding to our planetary Chakras.  We understand the very bottom Dove at the base of our spine (our Ascension Chakra) represents all inanimate elemental life, the foundation of form in our quest for Mastery of Consciousness within form.  This includes all minerals and elements within the periodic table, as well as the sub-atomic life within atoms.  We meditate from within our White Fire Ascension Chakra upon this precious life-force within and all around us that allows our service on Earth!

The next level of Cosmic Dove is at our Seventh Ray Chakra, representing all simple animal and plant life, from molecules to single cell creatures, through to all species of life operating through a Group Deva.  Here we meditate from within our personal Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …upon this precious life-force within and all around us. (Pause).  Next Ascension Dove up is at our solar plexus Chakra, our Golden-Ruby Focus of Peace.  This Ascension Dove represents all complex plant and animal life, each one having attained a certain level of consciousness unto themselves.  From this Temple of Peace within our Ascended and Free Being, we bless all animal and plant life we currently have connection with, have ever had connection with, and all plant and animal life everywhere present.  We visualize a Ray of Divine Peace from our Eternal Flame projected to their Presence, giving every personal Blessing we desire to all Elemental life.

The central largest (middle) Ascension Dove represents the mass Consciousness of Humanity as she currently exists …including all imbalance that presently surfaces for its redemption …as well as the constant expansion of all innate goodness within Humanity. We greet this Cosmic White Dove from within our Heart Flame of Divine Love, where the Higher Frequency Divine Love from Venus and the Sun Gods Krishna and Sophia enter into our Consciousness.  Here the Rose-pedaled Pulsating Pink Sun of the Thoughtform resides and vibrates within us. Here we greet the mass of Humanity in her current state, without condemnation, criticism or judgment …rather, with all the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness she requires to make the ‘orbital jump’ to the Higher Frequency necessary for the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

The upper three Doves of Holy Spirit represent the advancing spiritual development of Humanity.  We begin from our Blue Flame Chakra greeting the elevated mass Consciousness of Humanity that has already taken the next step towards Freedom in the Light!  This includes all peoples who desire goodness in the world for all life and the acceptance of the Feminine Ray Qualities of inclusion, circularity (versus hierarchy), justice and peace for all peoples across all dimensions of society.  This is the Will of God and we greet these dear souls from our Ascended and Free Temple of Divine Power.

The next White Ascension Dove is at the Emerald Green Truth and Crystal Vision Chakra.  Here we greet all Humanity with an evolving commitment to advanced spiritual development.  This means becoming a true Seekers of Universal Truth and Devotees of the Ascension Process for all.  Then we move to the top, the Thousand-pedaled Lotus of God Illumination where Ascended and Free Consciousness is the norm of daily life.  Here we are greeted by the Brothers of the Golden Robe and the august Presence of Beloved Lord Gautama, Beloved Lord Maitreya, Beloved Kuthumi and all those who assist the Spiritual Hierarchy from Shamballa.

As we have noted from the Solar Year Thoughtform, all Orders of Angels and Elemental Devas attend every level of life expressing on Earth and now within us.  Magnificent Hosts of Seraphim, Cherubim, Devas and ‘Great Builders of form’ spiral around and through each level or Sphere of Influence within elemental and human life …all encompassed within the Golden Light of God Illumination.  All of this takes place around us as we stand within Lord Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame …free of time and space restrictions …within the Golden Robe given us for a Blessing of God Illumination …with the Rose-pedaled Pulsating Pink Sun expanding all around us with limitless Dimensions of Love unfolding continuously into the world.  This is what I AM!

Dear Ones, there is a Wisdom of the Seventh Ray that comes from the unity of Love and Power.  This Wisdom innately completes the Three-fold Flame and is derived from the Power of Divine Love.  Therefore, the Violet Fire is seen with a Golden Radiance, the perfect Harmony of Love and Power; the Wisdom of Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray Balance. Within the Solar Year Thoughtform, there is a deep tie between the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire (around our Sun of Earth) and the Golden Robe Aura (within the Sun of Earth) …housing the Seven White Ascension Doves of all levels of life.  Meditate on the reciprocal yin / yang activity between these two aspects of the Solar Year Thoughtform!

The Great Cosmic Inbreath is at the apex of its Cosmic Cycle and shall move forward all the Suns towards their Central Sun and all Planets towards their Sun.  It was always destined that Earth would move one orbit forward towards Helios and Vesta and Helios and Vesta would move one orbit upwards in Higher Frequency towards Alpha and Omega.  This puts Earth in the orbit that Venus presently occupies. So …this was always known to occur but now it is …and without further delay by human ego. What remains from the 'great fall', when the laggards came to Earth, is to be set free and given an opportunity to gain their Ascension on their own terms on a more gradually developing planet.  But the Divine Potential of our sweet Earth is no longer to be denied.  This is our collective reason for Light Service now in this time and space …a service from beyond time and space!

Beloved Ones, the direct experience of a thing is infinitely more enlightening than efforting to understand it. This is the power of meditation …of what I prefer to call: taking time to be Holy.  The direct experience of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light is a direct experience of our Mighty I AM Presence!  Contemplate this.  Remember the Ascended Master Teaching that as your Flame expands with the Power of your sustained attention …the moment your Flame expands to touch the ‘hem of the garment of your Mighty I AM Presence’ (its Mantle of Light around you) then that is the moment of Transfiguration in the Light!  Strive for this direct experience.  Such meditation is the promised Atomic Accelerator!

Cosmic Law states: “What your attention is upon, that you become!”  You dear ones of Ascended and Free Light Service, have the attention of the Spiritual Hierarchy!  Thus we are (I AM!) within you, within your Light Service!  Through you and, together standing in the Light with you, are all the Cosmic Forcefields of Builders of Divine Consciousness …Builders of Divine Self …Builders of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom …Builders of Eternal Life in the Light …from the Highest Frequency Realms of Light!



[1] This meditation on seeing, feeling, sensing through the Divine Flame is best done to sublime music, such as ‘Variations on a Theme by Thomas Tallis’ by Ralph Vaughan Williams, or ‘Romance for Violin and Orchestra’ by Michael Hoppe.