March 2021


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light!

From within this Infinite Sphere of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


I AM the Resurrection and the Life …here and now, for
the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves,
the entire Lifeforce on our sweet Earth!

Each level of the Pagoda now ascends into its next level of
Divine Potential, empowered to Arise through the Seven
Chakra Suns of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
arising now into their next level of Divine Potential!

As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my Christ Self!
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Divine
Instrument of Humanity …the I AM Race!

As I AM Ascending along my Seven Chakra Sun Kundalini River,
into my Solar Consciousness …so too does all Humanity and the
Angels and Elementals Resurrect with me into Eternal Light!

I AM the Cosmic Christ …standing together
in the Light with all life on Earth!



(empty of self and breathing only as Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Cosmic River of the
Divine Love Principle, flowing through Solar Consciousness!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Cosmic River of the
Divine Love Principle, flowing through Solar Consciousness!


I AM that I AM!
I AM the Alpha and Omega Flame!

In this Solar Consciousness Reality,
I AM an ever-increasing intensity of my Light!
I AM an ever-increasing acceleration of my Light!
I AM an ever-increasing amplification of my Light!
I AM ever-empowering the Light of my Eternal Flame!

I AM the Flame of Immortality expressing:
through the Next Life Wave Coming!
through the Great Cosmic Inbreath!
through the Seventh Ray Dispensation!
through the Feminine Ray revealed …as well as
through the Sixth and Seventh Root Races embodying!

I AM all of this …the Alpha and Omega Flame revealing
Its Presence on our sweet Earth, through the Gathering of
Ascended Humanity …now entering Solar Consciousness!

I see all of this through the Eye of Divine Liberty.
I AM all of this, as I pass through the Eye of Divine Liberty
and into my Spiritual Liberation, living Ascended and Free!

Within the Celestial Influence of the Divine Feminine Ray,
I AM the Sacred Synergy of Angels, Elementals and Humanity!
I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …One with the
Royal Kingdom of Angels, Elementals and One
with the Immaculate Concept of all life!

I AM a Sun! I AM Sun of the Sun!
I AM a Sun of the Sun in Solar Consciousness!

As Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light,
I AM open and receptive to Universal I AM.
I AM the Keeper of the Flame.
I AM that I AM!

I AM the Permanent Atom of an
Eternal Life in the Light for our sweet Earth!
I AM the Permanent Atom of an embodied
life in Solar Christ Consciousness!

I AM of the Kingdom of Flame and Light!
My Flame burns Eternally and is ever expanding!
My Light blesses every person, place, condition and
thing with all that is required for its Ascension in the Light!

 I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty, Humanity's
Portal into Eternal Solar Consciousness!




Beloved Ones consider this. In developing Solar Consciousness while in embodiment, time and space are still present …they are just held in obeyance …until needed for the physical expression of form.  This is the Power of living Ascended and Free …where I AM Master of time and space (and not vice versa). This is also the Power of Precipitation …the ability to place 'wave-function' Perfection Patterns of the Realms of Light within time and space …and thus expressing in 'particle-function' (matter and form). Ascended Masters live beyond time and space in the Realms of Light of continuous Perfection Patterns …but may access time and space whenever their Service to our sweet Earth and her Humanity call for it.  We now join them and take our place as part of the Great Light Brotherhood / Sisterhood …living Ascended and Free lives, accessing time and space when it is necessary …and otherwise abide in the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …within the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light!  Contemplate this as our Spiritual Freedom!

Ascending Humanity …and … Ascended Humanity

As well, Beloved Ones, consider this. The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is Holy Spirit in action Love made manifest on every level of life on Earth.  One way of conceiving the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is 'all of the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way' …whatever their current level of Consciousness! We shall call this the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …Ascension Currents thriving throughout the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves. The Gathering of Ascended Humanity are those living Ascended and Free at the apex of the Pagoda, within their Flame of Alpha and Omega …and one with the Spiritual Hierarchy in Solar Consciousness. This is truly an Awakened Spiritual Service.

This Thoughtform is an established Perfection Pattern for the Restoration of our sweet Earth! The Resurrection and the Life of the Original Divine Plan was a gift of Beloved Ascended Master Jesus and the Sixth Ray Dispensation. This Perfection Pattern now again enters time and space …manifesting in daily life. For even in the Spheres of Light, the Great Cosmic Inbreath calls for the Ascension to the next level of Consciousness from whatever the starting point is …anywhere, in any realm …from the Great Central Sun through to the Causal Body (Seven Ray) Realms around our sweet Earth …to the individual expressions of Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom …whatever their level of Consciousness or expression currently is.

To access the full Cosmic Momentum of this Truth, we come to this Light Service empty of self, time and space …so as to be the conduit for this Resurrection of Perfection Patterns into all life …throughout the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.  This is crucial, as such 'wave-function' Perfection Patterns are very delicate, especially when entering the world of form.  Therefore, it is essential that we maintain Harmony and Balance in our Creative Faculties …acting as their entrance point into form.  This is our Divine Instrument! To assist us in this, the Royal Kingdoms of Angels (embodying 'wave-function' Spirit) and Elementals (embodying 'particle-function' form) serve with us. For they are experts at this and created for this very purpose in their Service to Earth.  This Sacred Synergy of Angels, Elementals and Humanity assures Victory in this endeavor and is one of the foundations of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …transposing 'wave-function' Perfection Patterns into 'particle-function' manifestation in daily life!

As an analogy, consider this. On the physical plane, we might stand in the warm sunshine of Beloved Helios and Vesta, as they bless us with their physical Sun Rays. This is a blessing we have all known and, on a grander scale, one that grants physical life to Humanity and the Nature Kingdom. Imagine now standing in Solar Consciousness and being blessed with the Multi-dimensional Sun Rays of Beloved Helios and Vesta, Beloved Alpha and Omega and, Beloved Elohae and Eloha …Sun Rays of Immense Light from the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun. Here we bask in Sun Light from Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of the Highest Frequencies. Here we are granted Eternal Life in the Light …beyond physical life on Earth! Here we know Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness, all in the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light! And yet we may still serve in embodiment …for the Glory of Father / Mother God 'expressed in form' …as we originally applied to do before the Karmic Board …who then granted us our present embodiment!

Again, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is a Multi-dimensional Matrix of Light Service far beyond those of us who consciously anchor and practice these Ascension Concepts. It includes the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …"the right and perfect people in the right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect thing, in the right and perfect way and at the right and perfect time". And this now includes the majority of Humanity, whose desire is to improve the world and allow her to reveal her Higher Potential. It remains only a small minority that yet vigorously resist this progress into the Light.

Faith in this Truth develops the Divine Certainty of Victory ...a Forcefield we serve within.  The Light of God is always Victorious! This includes the Gathering of Ascending Humanity serving 'at one' with the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Light Brotherhood.  This is the Divine Order of the Universe now unfolding on Earth.  This is the Divine Alignment of all Suns …including the Eternal Flame within every human heart, even the tiniest spark emitting the tiniest Light. This allows us to remain free of condemnation, criticism and judgment, as we never really know how others are adding 'in their own way' to the Ascension process.  Sometimes a crisis will happen so that Humanity may see the 'silver lining' …and move on through that 'door of opportunity' to Higher Frequency understanding. These are all Transformational Events in Consciousness moving us forward!

Beloved Ones consider this. When empty of self, time and space (and filled with the Infinite Radiant Light of the Eternal Flame) I AM as happy and confident as I AM between embodiments …as when I joyfully meditate within the Ascended Master Temples …or even when I stood before the Karmic Board and accepted this embodiment. We all declared then, that "of course I can serve the Light and of course I could deflect the ego nature …as I AM so full of Light and Enthusiasm and Determination that I cannot fail!"  This is our Ascended and Free State now, as we stand within our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light here in embodiment. We affirm I AM this Eternal Flame …and so I AM its Eternal and Infinite Happiness and Enthusiasm!  And SO IT IS!

Let us also consider that there is no higher calling than to be consciously aware of Serving the Light!  This is our personal Resurrection and the Life …fully into our Mission, just as every Avatar before us have awakened into their Ministry! The Gathering of Ascending Humanity now includes all the good in the world …the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing! But even with this certainty of progression on every level of Humanity, there is still no higher calling than to be consciously aware of Serving the Lightand to be loyal only to that calling.

Another concept for consideration. In order for the Ascension of the entire Fourth and Fifth Root Races to occur, there will appear to be more embodied souls that originally planned for …a moment of ‘overpopulation’.  But in order for a collective Ascension of the entire Fourth and Fifth Root Races, there needs to be a ‘gathering in one place' at the source of where the ‘great fall’ took place in embodiment. So, more Fourth and Fifth Root Races Souls are due to be embodied than the Divine Plan might otherwise call for, especially while early pioneers of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races are already coming into embodiment.

The first Three Root Races await us in the Ascended and Free Realms of Light, abiding with their Manus.  The Sixth and Seventh Root Races are also primarily awaiting in the Ascended and Free Realms of Light …awaiting their opportunity to build an Eternal Life in the Light, on Earth!  Once the Fourth and Fifth Root Races are all gathered in an Ascended and Free Forcefield on Earth, then all is in readiness.  And this is our First Cause our Light Service to build an Ascended and Free Forcefield for the entire Fourth and Fifth Root Races! Then the cause, core, effect, record and memory of the ‘great fall’ and everything associated with it, can be forever transmuted …and thus, all embodied Humanity may Ascend together, standing in the Light of the ONE I AM Race!

And, as 'more people gather on Earth' and the 'greater the elevation of Consciousness continues' …then more and more of the past imbalance comes up to be set free and thus included in this 'mass Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension'.  As this imbalance of the past reveals itself, it brings up the thoughts, feelings, words and memories of the past 'as if they are real now'.  This is a source of great angst, where the vivid imbalance of past eras (the downfall of great civilizations or entire continents and all those subsequent misdeeds) seems to be present now …as if these energies requiring redemption represent events happening here and now …even though at present there is a great acceleration of Humanity’s Consciousness.  This causes confusion and a great divide in the population.

But this is all part the Resurrection and the Life. First there is the experience of 'a death' …and then the 'miracle of Resurrection'! This process is occurring throughout the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!  This is the part of the Solar Year Declaration of all Suns in Divine Alignment …personally for our Seven Chakra Suns as well as our cells, atoms and electrons …but also for our families, communities, cities, nations and planet …all in Divine Alignment with the Immaculate Concept of Father / Mother God!

Humanity is at a crossroads. This free will choice to either arrive in Divine Alignment with this Divine Potential …or choose a lesser potential of another planet and its evolving Race (already forming and being peopled) and its much slower vibratory action (towards eventually its Divine Potential).  All Humanity has free will and is choosing!  And we call upon the tremendous reservoir of Cosmic Momentum of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, and that of our Spiritual Hierarchy, to see that the right and perfect people are in the right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect thing! …so that all Humanity will quickly choose the Path of Spiritual Freedom, Harmony and Balance …and the Ascension into Divine Potential!

This process has been well planned by the Lord of the World and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy …and would begin with both a ‘great gathering of souls on Earth’…as well as the Resurrection and the Life of all those Souls.  And now we have both processes underway population growth and a steady raising of Consciousness until the Spiritual Hierarchy sees we have a ‘critical number in embodiment’ and a ‘critical level of raised Consciousness’ and then we would have fulfilled the requirements of Cosmic Law for the Ascension of Earth and Humanity into their Divine Potential!




Beloved Ones, you see a likeness of my Presence as the 'statue in the harbor'. Now however, you join me at the 'harbor of Humanity' and her New Jerusalem, as she sets off on her voyage into Solar Consciousness. Together we stand as the Forcefield of Liberty and hold high (as in 'Higher Frequency Consciousness') our Eternal Flame …while yet within embodied life on Earth …and therefore now able to be seen, felt and accessible to all Humanity, through evolving Crystal Vision, within her opening Eye of Divine Liberty.

This All-Seeing Eye allows us to see the Solar Christ Self of each other abiding in Solar Consciousness and allows us to see the Angels and Elementals …through emotional vision …through Holy Spirit.  Here our Higher Frequency Intuition sees the Angels and Elementals in their 'wave-function' …seen from within Solar Consciousness. Through the Eye of Divine Liberty, we see into Solar Consciousness …and we see as Solar Consciousness …like a Celestial Presence looking into herself, meditating on her own Divinity. Contemplate this. Here we see with Crystal Vision the Flame of Immortality expressing herself within Humanity …as the Next Life Wave Coming! Here we see the Alpha and Omega Flame, unfolding herself through Revelation …of the Great Cosmic Inbreath; of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races; the Seventh Ray Dispensation; and the Advent of the Feminine Ray! With this Synergy, all is in readiness!

Living in the Liberty of Ascended and Free life, we see, know, feel and deeply accept the fullness of our Divine Instrument. Here, one sees the four embodied vehicles and their Creative Faculties, serving as the four acolytes to the Eternal Flame.  Simultaneously, one accepts their Holy Christ Self and its completed Ascending River of Kundalini Fire …all now functioning in that same time / space continuum as their Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self …in the same time / space continuum as their Mighty I AM Presence …and of their Ascended and Free Realms of their Causal Body …and even of their White Fire Being.  In Divine Liberty it is all here and now, on Earth!

This realization of the wholeness and synchronicity of this Divine Instrument …functioning as One within daily life …gives us a glimpse of Solar Consciousness. We begin to know this Divine Instrument outside of time and space, in the vast interconnectedness of Universal I AM! Then one knows living Ascended and Free! We hold our Truth within time and space and beyond time and space! This is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love that all Ascended Masters know, now Resurrected into daily life!

In Solar Consciousness there are Quantum States of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …all experienced at a Higher Frequencies then typically known. Just as there is 'hard physical matter', there is also its etheric parallel of 'Quantum matter', just beyond the physical state (our Etheric Light Body). As well, Quantum feelings are those positive emotions (by definition 'positive', as negative feelings cannot reach this Higher Frequency) just beyond the ego state of daily life, that may now become more common in daily life …because of the opening of the Eye of Divine Liberty. This is Love made manifest …Holy Spirit in action!

This Quantum Realm of Solar Consciousness is where the Community of Angels serve Humanity. They draw us upwards toward Solar Consciousness, through allowing us into their Solar Feeling States …which they carry with great Cosmic Momentum within their 'wave-function' Light Bodies.  They greet us as 'Light Being to Light Being'.  Visualize and feel this, One with the Angelic Legions that serve the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. It is their Joy to host us to their natural Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light, so that we might anchor these Divine experiences and return to daily life to expand and radiate such Quantum Emotions into Humanity!

In such Glorious Feeling States, we affirm: As I AM raised up, so is all other life raised up with me! As I AM Liberated, so is all other life Liberated with me!  As I now see through the Eye of Divine Liberty, so all Humanity sees and feels Solar Consciousness with me! This Divine Law of Reciprocity is captured in our Victory Statement, as the Cohesive Power of Divine Love now lifts all life into their Divine Potential …Humanity, Angels and Elementals Ascending together! We steadily become Liberated into Solar Consciousness as the I AM Race, One with Angels and Elementals!

Liberation (through Ascension into our next level of Divine Potential) comes once we have gained sufficient God Illumination. With this comes greater than 50% of our energies sent forth in Harmony and Balance. Then the scales tip towards a Cascading Force of Divine Light raising us out of an ancient karmic loop into the bright dawn of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  And as we are Keepers of this Flame for the planet, then the effects of such Cause returns to us as 'Divine Potential fulfilled' …and thus may enter our Causal Body and forever expand our Cosmic Momentum. Achieving this then signals the Ascension Chakra to begin releasing us from the heaviness or gravity of embodiment. And then we float above daily life in the frequency of our Divine Light!

Until then, energies returning as less than their Divine Potential, express as karma (an energy in motion), which then is experienced as (difficult) ‘learning opportunities’ in daily life. But now, in this New Age of Spiritual Liberty, such karma may be transmuted by the Sacred Fire before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained …as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is trained to do. This is our Cosmic Liberty Flame in action. And for this I AM forever Grateful!




Beloved ones, I AM the Elohim of Cosmic Love, a Divine Forcefield so much more than an emotion …yet it contains all the Children of Love emotionally …Adoration, Gratitude, Reverence, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, all at Quantum Levels …culminating in the Cohesive Power of Divine Love that creates and binds the Universe into its Oneness Consciousness. I come to align the Gathering of Ascending Humanity with this Cohesive Power Love Principle …the foundation of all creation in any Dimension, Realm or Sphere of Light!  Welcome into this Solar Embrace!

Let us visualize a Cosmic River of Divine Love flowing through Solar Consciousness. It is a River that flows into an endless Ocean …as well as a River which flows out from that Ocean. This is the Eternal Inbreath / Outbreath of the Cosmos. Upon entering Solar Consciousness, one might feel they are in the full flow of the River's Momentum …or, they may feel in the stillness of the Cosmic Depths of its Ocean. When one enters this Enlightened State, it is as if the River begins to flow directly through them ...even though it continues to also flow through all Solar Consciousness ...all the time, everywhere present. You become the River …and you become its Infinite Ocean.

This might be described as the Great, Great Silence within our Eternal Flame …and the Divine Momentum of its Infinite Radiant Light, flowing powerfully in and out, at the direction of our attention and focus …and upon our Holy Breath. Feeling and knowing this is becoming our Divine Instrument …our Ascended and Free State. This Cascading Forcefield of Cosmic Love is Holy Spirit ...the actual ‘third person' in the Holy Trinity the Bible speaks of.

Holy Spirit is an Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Seeing it as 'a Holy Person' was a visualization Humanity could understand in Biblical times …in order to present it as a gift sent directly from God to each Soul, who personally accepted Christ Enlightenment. Then later this 'third person in the Holy Trinity' became seen as 'the dove'.  This is understandable, as the form of a dove was not only a gift of Divine Song (Tone) and Beauty and Peace …but 'a dove with its wings spread' is also a close approximation to an electronic 'wave-function' …which was actually shown by the Archangel at the beginning of the Christian Age. And now with Humanity's raised Consciousness, this 'wave-function' Forcefield of Divine Love Principle is now more appreciated beyond time and space restraints.

On one level, this Cosmic River of Divine Love anchors into the Earth plane as the Temple of Cosmic Love of the Elohim of the Third Ray (at Mt. Robson in the Rocky Mountains ...just as other Cosmic Rays anchor at various 'power points' around the globe). It may be visualized as a massive, spiraling, intense pink cylinder of the Cosmic Love Principle …anchored through the protection of a massive mountain, directly into the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure at the center of Earth. On another level, this Forcefield anchors into every Eternal Flame within Humanity …as does every Cosmic Ray. Such Truth only comes into Crystal Vision when entering Solar Consciousness …using our Third Eye of becoming Divinely Liberated. Here we begin to see and know everything, all the time, in every moment …yet all within the Great Silence of Eternal Peace.

This experience of Multi-dimensional Reality is felt more than seen …and is only understood when centered within the Eternal Flame and its vast interconnectedness with Universal I AM. Contemplate this in meditation. It is the Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Principle of Divine Love.  And this Cosmic River of Divine Love invites us in, sweeps us into its great Ocean …whenever we enter the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity …to experience its Oneness within Solar Consciousness.

The Cosmic River of Divine Love expresses itself very practically in daily life …assisting in the creation of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …as the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way! These are the 'bonds of goodness' that create the Holy Grail within and across all Humanity …into which great Cosmic Forces pour. It expands the Essence of Holy Spirit …especially when invoking and then anticipating Love made manifest!

We rejoice in this 'process' …as well as rejoice in Humanity's anticipation of its manifestation.  We may not always outwardly observe this Love Principle manifesting as the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …but our Faith knows it so! And with this Faith, we remain attuned to every Holy Christ Self …by remaining in constant Holy Communion with our own Mighty I AM Presence and its Oneness with all life.  And then 'the Way' is made clear for all Humanity being included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath …through Ascended and Free Light Service expanding this Forcefield of synchronized goodness!

And with this Light Service, the Cosmic River of Divine Love now flows through Humanity in ever greater force …through the unseen, unnoticed efforts of all those 'who desire to do good' within Humanity.  And they are all, in their own way, the 'enlightened ones' …'the right and perfect people doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way' …even if they are not outwardly aware of it …and maybe especially if they are not aware of it!  Then no ego or spiritual pride can get in the way of Cohesive Love's perfect flow into Humanity …at whatever 'level of life' these Souls serve to lift life up! This is the Nature of Love flowing into the world!

They might only know that they are driven by a purpose of making things better …in their family or local community …or even in their nation …without being outwardly 'spiritual' in any fashion.  They are people who are 'magnetizing others upwards' in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, by their thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  They are in the flow of the Cosmic River of Divine Love expressing itself on Earth …the 'very practical' unfolding of the Alpha and Omega Flame in daily life.  But for those who walk a clear Spiritual Path, this Cosmic River of Divine Love is achievable by becoming empty of self …especially empty of condemnation, criticism and judgment …so that one might be filled with all the Quantum States of Love flowing through Solar Consciousness. Rejoice in this!

The Invocation Come, Holy Spirit …come! brings this Cosmic Flow of Higher Frequency Love Principle into play …into any person, place, condition and thing.  Sometimes in daily life it appears that Humanity is directed by irrational feelings of an imbalanced nature.  The Spiritual Hierarchy has spoken often of how the feeling nature is the most powerful of the embodied Creative Faculties.  So, it is understandable when Humanity is 'led by her feelings' rather than rational thought.  This appears to many as 'irrational on the face of it' …especially unsafe when Humanity is guided by fear. But then imagine a Reality where Humanity is 'magnetized forward' by Divine Emotions ...radiated by Angels and Elemental Spirits as well as Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.  This is what we visualize within this Cosmic River of Divine Love flowing through Humanity. This is what Holy Spirit 'looks like' and 'feels like' in daily life …what we may already experience in elevated meditation.

This is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State …affirmed within our Ascended and Free Declaration …as well as within the Solar Year Forcefield being constantly assimilated and anchored in daily life …with every Holy Breath of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity in her Ascended and Free State.  This is us living our Truth …and clearing the Way for others to see …and then live …their Divine Instrument!




AN AFFIRMATION OF TRUTH within Ascended and Free Light Service …given in this present moment before Father / Mother God …and the Karmic Board:

Beloved Spiritual Hierarchy: In Gratitude for the opportunity of embodiment, I pledge my Loyalty and Love only to the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  My four embodied vehicles (physical, etheric, mental and emotional) are but the Keepers of this Flame, the four acolytes serving at its Altar.  This keeps my spiritual compass constantly pointed towards the Ascension of all life …achieving all Divine Potential at every moment of this Great Cosmic Inbreath.  My pledge is to maintain Harmony and Balance in my vehicles, so that they only convey the Radiance of Perfection Patterns emitted through the Limitless Light of my Eternal Flame!

The Eternal Flame upon my Altar is God in Action …the Fire of Immortality anchored on Earth. This is my Highest Purpose and Calling. To achieve this end, I continuously create for myself a life of Harmony and Balance.  I let go of ego and pride, of ambition for outer things …and claim only to achieve an anonymous 'life well lived' in honoring this Eternal Flame.  This is my life's goal, my Service to Life and my Ascension in the Light! In this, I may serve in any capacity that fulfills my Divine Potential …as well as fulfilling my personal Harmony and Balance!

I now stand in the Eye of Divine Liberty …looking out at our sweet Earth with such Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …and, looking inwardly at the endless expanse of Solar Consciousness, with Wonder and Awe! While evolving this Divine Instrument, I AM maintaining my four elemental vehicles as healthy, pure and strong …with my Creative Faculties directing only this Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light into persons, places, conditions and things …and raising each one into its Divine Potential of living in its own Spiritual Freedom!

I pledge to keep the perspective of the four elemental acolytes serving only 'the Master within' …the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self who directs this Eternal Flame, in Oneness with the Mighty I AM Presence. I AM the Miracle Working Presence in action! I strive to be empty of ego-self, time and space …for the Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light are products of Original Reality beyond self, time and space …the Ascended Master Realms. Like all Ascended and Free Beings, I delight in my service to the Master of Light within and I dedicate this embodiment to the Joy of this service.

I AM empty of self …and therefore empty of the world of illusion.  I continuously remember my Divine Origin, where my Mighty I AM Presence chose to project one of its Celestial Rays into 'particle-function' …to experience expanding the Borders of Perfection into the density of matter. This Cosmic Ray anchors within form and manifests as my Eternal Flame …bringing Consciousness into matter.  This is the Flame of Alpha and Omega which then expresses the Seven Rays of Christhood within form …my Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns and my Seven-fold Crown of the Elohim.

When fully developed, this Kundalini River becomes my Path to Solar Consciousness …so that I may complete the circle and return to the Twelve-fold Multi-dimensional Realms of Light along the same Cosmic Ray (Silver Cord) upon which I originally descended into form. I now know I may do so even while yet embodied. And I do so for all life …as the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves is now fully embraced within my Kundalini River Seven Chakra Suns.  As I AM raised up so is all life raised up with me! All of this is based on my Loyalty to the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. I remember that my Radiant Light is composed of the 'force-carrier' photon, which transmits the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves into its Ascended State …into its next level of Divine Potential.

My Light Service becomes global, when done through the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, which is all the good in the world in synchronicity ...the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way! And it is created with, and fueled by, the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State …which expands with every Holy Breath!

I now envelope this Service within my Cloak of Invisibility …the unseen protection of anonymity …knowing that low frequency energy cannot see, find or effect my Higher Frequency Aura or its vehicles. The four acolytes of my Eternal Flame remain free of such imbalance, as I maintain my focus and attention on the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. I AM Building Divine Self, Building Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light!