March, 2025
I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and
Elementals, through the cohesive Power of Divine
Love uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
Achieving our Divine Potential
is abiding within the Highest Frequency
Quantum States …within all possible quantum states.
The Highest Frequency Quantum State
achievable on Earth is Ascended and Free.
The Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light
offers this Highest Frequency of all ‘possible
quantum states’, as its Sacred Vibrational
Field …allowing for the Ascension
while abiding on our sweet Earth!
I AM living life within this Sacred Vibrational Field,
in Oneness Consciousness with all Lifeforce …
Together, standing in the Light!
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Highest Frequency
within the Eternal Flame of Divine Potential.
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Highest Frequency
within the Eternal Flame of Divine Potential.
I AM that I AM!
I AM Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!
My True Identity is as an Eternal Flame:
a Qualified Celestial Ray of Energy, unfolding its Sacred
Vibrational Fields, of Embodied Solar Consciousness.
The Eternal Flame is constantly radiating Light, composed of
Quantum States of Energy, Matter and Intelligent Divine
Order, into Co-creation through my Creative Faculties!
As embodied Solar Consciousness …
I Inbreathe, Absorb, Assimilate, Expand and Project
the Four Foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming:
the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination, the
Sixth and Seventh Root Races, the Seventh
Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom,
as well as the Great Cosmic Inbreath
from the Great Central Sun.
I AM prepared to fully live embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM fully prepared to abide in this New Age …of the
Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!
The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, representing
the Electromagnetic Field of our sweet Earth, is
filled with Transformational Events in Consciousness,
as well as the emerging Divine Potential in all Domains
of Life, within the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!
I abide in a New Age of all-inclusive Spiritual Agency …
together, standing in the Light of complete Spiritual Liberty.
Let us meditate on the Spiritual Certainty
within our Declaration of Original Intent:
I AM a Ray of Celestial Energy,
anchored as a Sacred Vibrational Field,
fully encoded with Cosmic Consciousness.
This Celestial Ray is a River of Divine Dynamism.
This Force animates my thoughts, feelings, memories
and physical presence towards their Divine Potential.
This Sacred Vibrational Field manifests physically,
etherically, mentally and emotionally as
my Divine Instrument on Earth.
I AM the embodiment of Cosmic Consciousness.
I AM this Permanent Atom Three-fold Flame,
here and now …and everywhere present!
I AM the Governing, God Intelligence, of Divine Love,
the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame in action!
I AM the Standard of Universal Order, expressing its
Reverence for all Life …here, now, and everywhere present!
The Laws of Life are these Governing Principles:
God’s Will …is Divine Wisdom, arising from
Perfect Love …all active in Co-creation!
This is the Love, Wisdom and Power that began everything,
placing all things ‘into Being’ through Co-creation.
This is the Power and Authority of the Three-fold Flame
…vested in me by Father / Mother God!
And by the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me
I now set free and return to its Divine Potential, all life
yet suffering, all life seeking its God Illumination
and its Spiritual Freedom in the Light!
I AM Divine Love in action!
I AM Keeper of this Flame!
I AM this Divine Instrument in action!
I AM operating only through this True Identity!
I AM a Builder of Divine Self!
I AM a Builder of Divine Consciousness!
I AM Building an Eternal Life in the Light!
I AM empty of ego-self, time and space.
I AM Ascending along my Seven Chakra Kundalini River
and expanding into my Twelve Houses of Kundalini Ocean.
I AM the Spiritual Freedom of ‘the beginning’,
I AM the Spiritual Freedom of the future, and I AM
all Spiritual Freedom, everywhere present, here and now!
Beloved Ones, let us contemplate a concept …that the Higher Frequency Quantum States offers the greatest probability within all possible quantum states, in achieving Divine Potential. The Highest Frequency Quantum State achievable on Earth is Ascended and Free. And the Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light offers this opportunity of ‘Highest Frequency’ of all ‘possible Quantum States’ …allowing this Divine Completion in ‘the Ascension’. We refer to this as living our True Identity and our Divine Instrument. The Eternal Flame is created by a Celestial Ray, anchoring as a Sacred Vibrational Field, fully encoded with Cosmic Consciousness. This action is the Mighty I AM Presence choosing to embody a Celestial Ray ('wave-function') of its own Eternal Flame, into its 'particle-function' potential …entering the world of form. This is our True Origin.
It is said that all creation has various quantum states, as to the probability of its expression in any given moment. And as you also know, where you observe the electron, that is precisely where it expresses. That is why we practice loyalty to the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light as our only focus of attention …what Beloved Jesus called the ‘Father within that doeth the works’ …in the Co-creation of the world. For as we ‘see and observe’ our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, then that is where manifestation goes, where all the ‘atoms of form’ then express …as our Divinity and True Identity …taking form as Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness, Simplicity and Symmetry.
Ascended Mastery is the mastery over our Multi-dimensional Being …expressing our free will in choosing to be ‘within self, time and space’ and thus appear within daily life, manifesting our 'particle-function' …as well as, expressing our free will to abide in the Great Solar Quiet of our Higher Frequency Quantum States, empty of self, time and space. Here I AM in the 'wave-function' State of my Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …just as I AM in other Dimensions, Realms, and Spheres. In this way, I AM a multi-dimensional Being living across inter-dimensional Realities. And …I AM this Ascended Mastery!
Think of it. All the Stars and Suns in all the countless Galaxies within Universal I AM function as a Gathering of Ascended / Cosmic Beings. And now we join this Indivisible Flowing Wholeness as the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …‘Suns of the Sun’ on Earth …signifying ‘the I AM Race’ is now prepared to join this Infinite Gathering of Celestial Presence …that we call ‘the Heavens’. This is the Transformative Perception of our Light Service, as seen from Higher Frequency Realms of Light. This was our Vision when choosing an embodiment of Light Service. And here we are!
Let us contemplate the experience of truly becoming empty of self, time and space …the goal of our Ascension Process. We begin as our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …a Sun of the Sun existing within a Galaxy of Infinite Suns. We begin with ‘empty of space’. This might be experienced ‘as if there are no walls, no ceiling and no floor’ …and this experience goes on into infinity. Yet, at the same moment we feel entirely grounded in our Presence …held within the fabric of Universal I AM. This fabric is Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …as it is within our Divine Presence, and within Universal I AM! Therefore, we are (I AM!) One with it all …and ‘enfolded and held’ within that Oneness …in complete Comfort …as if naturally, I have known forever that I AM ‘everywhere present’.
Here, I AM like a drop of water held by the Ocean …where every drop is individualized and precious in the eyes of the Ocean …and equally realized and understood by the Ocean. Each drop of water is validated within the Ocean. Such is our relationship with Universal I AM …with Father / Mother God …and with each other when operating in our True Identity and acting within our Divine Instrument …together, standing in the Light!
And then we experience empty of time, where everything is now …as well as I AM everywhere present! In this Ascended and Free State, I AM only the 'wave-function' of the Celestial Rays, the Sacred Vibrational Fields and the fully enlightened Cosmic Consciousness …that I also experience in Realms of Light. Yet equally, I AM also embodied in 'particle-function' vehicles, living within substance, form and matter, for the purpose of Light Service to Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom on our sweet Earth. Here in this State of Enlightenment, there is no ‘before and after’ …only the Eternal Moment of Now! I have chosen to express this Ascended and Free State on Earth, to shine its Light upon the karmic patterns within Humanity …so that they may be transformed from ‘past and future’ into their Divine Potential ‘here and now’!
The framework I abide within is the same ‘in embodiment’ as it is ‘free of embodiment’ in the Realms of Light …the same fabric of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. For this Foundation of Existence preceded and caused the creation of all substance, form and matter …as well as all persons, places, conditions and things associated with the establishment of karma, and its conditions of disease, distress and suffering. Therefore, I AM very present, here and now, to fulfill my vows of bringing all the Cosmic Momentum I have, in working with the Forcefields of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, into daily life on Earth.
In this State of Enlightenment, I AM living the Inbreath, Absorption, Assimilation, Expansion and Projection of all Cosmic Momentums of my Causal Body into the Consciousness of Humanity! Here I know that as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me. Such is the Synchronized, Rhythmic and Ceremonious Nature of our Ascension Process …our Light Service at this Cosmic Moment. Affirm: I AM the very Transformational Events in Consciousness that I have invoked for Humanity and our sweet Earth. I AM one of countless Beings in embodiment doing the same …in every walk of life.
Some ‘events’ will be seen as obvious ‘agents of change’ upon the screen of daily life, in many different facets of persons, places, conditions and things. Of these, some are aimed at showing ‘the Way’ in a positive light. But others are aimed at breaking down crystallizations of past karmic patterns and thus appear as disrupting. Others still will be the Keepers of the Flame, working unseen within the Great, Great Silence of their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light (…most Light Servers)! All are necessary for the Victory of ‘the Resurrection and the Life’ of the Divine Plan.
And along this Path, Ascended and Free Light Service leaves a Treasure of Teachings from the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings for the benefit of Humanity …to be utilized now …as well as throughout the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom. This Ascension Process will include the progression of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races into the next chapter of their Spiritual Development with their Manu …as well as the full expression of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races revealing all the Glory of their Manus in an Age of Spiritual Liberty …walking this sweet Earth in the full Spiritual Agency endowed to us by Father / Mother God!
This is our Crystal Vision! And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LADY ASTREA, Feminine Ray Elohim of the Fourth Ray …on the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential …
Beloved co-servers embodied, let us contemplate the Ascension and the Diamond Purity of the Ascension Flame …and its relation to the New Solar Year and the Diamond Heart of its Divine Potential. This is the Fourth Ray upon which my principal service is given. I welcome you into the Rhythmic and Ceremonious nature of Co-creation within the Realms of the Elohim. Here we prepare a Room for you in the House of Father / Mother God, to experience your Presence beyond self, time and space …all within the Cosmic Realms of First Cause. For here the Elohim serve the Divine Potential within all that Father / Mother God desires in their Creation of the Universe. And specifically with this Solar System and our sweet Earth.
Let us begin with being open and receptive to the Realm of First Cause …where every good and perfect thing or condition we desire, is already pulsating as Cosmic Momentum within the Causal Body of Father / Mother God! From here, it flows into the Causal Body of the Elohim …as we have evolved to expand and protect those Causal Energies. From here, this Cosmic Momentum then begins to pulsate within the Light of White Fire Beings of all the Races on all the planets. And from here, it pours into the (Twin Flame) Mighty I AM Presences, which then animates the Eternal Flame and its expression of Divine Consciousness of all embodied individuals. This same Co-creation Process occurs on all the planets. These Causal Patterns are in their 'wave-function' …within the Flame and its Light. Through the Law of Life, we may transpose this Divine Potential from its 'wave-function' into its 'particle-function' …and thus manifest such Perfection Patterns in the world of form.
Hence all embodied individuals, on all planets within all Solar Systems, become Builders of Form …following the Laws of Precipitation! Father / Mother God first declared ‘Let there be Light’ and then declared ‘Go forth and Co-create the Kingdom of Heaven’. The Law of Life is what you think and feel you bring into form. This Law is represented within the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness …representing the Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, plus physical words and deeds. In this Solar System, they manifest in synchronicity with the Activity of the embodied Seven Chakras. Once this Spiritual Development is achieved, they then progress to create the Twelve-fold Solar Aura of our embodied Solar Consciousness …our Great Solar Disc. This developing this Divine Instrument announces our Presence as a ‘full Solar Being’ …a Presence active with the Light here, there and everywhere present!
Such Spiritual Progression is to once again include Humanity, just as it is on in any Ascended Planets or Star Systems. For our Mighty I AM Presence is active in all such Realms …far beyond its attention upon ‘the one Celestial Ray’ of its embodiment on Earth. This Cosmic View is the Elohimic Vision in which we see your Multi-dimensional Being. I see your Mighty I AM Presence in action …here, there and everywhere present across this Solar System and even this Galaxy …even while in embodied Light Service on Earth!
Our Elohimic Purpose is that of Precipitation, of 'wave-function' transposed into 'particle-function'. Such is the Co-creation of the world along the Seven Rays of Co-creation into form (versus Co-creation in other Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light is 'wave-function' to ‘other states of 'wave-function'’). The biblical analogy is the Seven Days of Creation. The Fourth Ray upon which I serve is the Ray of Purity of Purpose, so that the ‘long arc of Spiritual Development’ ends with the Ascension, back into the 'wave-function' of Holy Spirit. And I too hold the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Potential of Humanity …and every soul of every Root Race …in the Heart of The Cosmic Flame of Purity. Thus, for this zodiac / monthly cycle, let us assist this process by becoming a Forcefield of the Resurrection and the Life of this Immaculate Concept. This prepares Humanity for the coming ‘Resurrection Season’ (Easter is April 20, 2025) where the full Momentum of the Cosmic Christ is strong …‘arising from the tomb of human ego’. Let us prepare for taking full advantage of these powerful Spiritual Currents.
For this Victory, let us see, feel and deeply accept our vision of the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential …as anchoring and expressing the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination. Let us see the Aura of our embodied Solar Consciousness as the Great Solar Disc, the Twelve Houses of the Sun empowered on Earth …because of your Presence upon it! See, feel and deeply accept that I AM the living Temple of the Feminine Ray of God Illumination …embodied on Earth, one with the same Focus in the Andes of God / Goddess Meru, as well as in the same Sun Temples! For in this State of Enlightenment, we are ONE with Humanity …and the Elementals.
I carry the Diamond Heart of Divine Potential
within my Eternal Flame …until it finds
rebirth in the daily life of Humanity!
This is the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential! And it requires Divine Order to manifest. This includes all the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way! This is our Faith that others also reach their Divine Potential in this embodiment, however grand or mundane it may ‘appear’. Divine Order occurs on multi-dimensional levels …without any sense of judgment as to ‘its level of importance’. For there are limitless threads in this Cosmic Quilt, and each is as important as the next. Such Divine Order is initiated when Humanity puts more of her attention on the Divinity within, rather than the materialism without. Remember, the Ascension begins when more than 50 % of one’s energies are Ascending. This is when the balance tips towards the Divine Potential, rather than towards lesser outcomes. And with each one, Divine Order is that much closer and that much stronger!
This is also the Purity of our Faith …believing in the Oneness Consciousness, with all Humanity finding herself in the right and perfect place at the right and perfect time, doing the right and perfect thing, in the right and perfect way! We hold the Immaculate Concept of the limitless Divine Life within Humanity flowing into Oneness Consciousness …in a synchrony of Divine Order with Universal I AM. This is ‘as it is in Heaven’ …as well as on every Ascended and Free planet and all their Ascended and Free Races of God Beings. This is the goal of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom. This is Ascended and Free Humanity, on her Ascended and Free Earth, in her Ascended and Free Orbit! This is what the Elohim Co-create and here you are doing so with us!
Gratitude Beloved Ones, for your Light Service with us …
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED GODDESS OF LIBERTY …the Mother of all Spiritual Liberty in this Solar System …joining us from her Temple of Liberty within the Sun and Central Sun, assisting Humanity in discovering her Home within the Twelve Aspects of Deity.
The Great Solar Disc contains the Transformational
Events in Consciousness we have awaited!
I AM the Twelve Houses of the Sun
in action here and now!
The Great Solar Disc is the
Twelve-fold Aspects of Divine Alchemy!
I AM a Divine Director of this Cosmic Forcefield!
As a Sun of the Sun with these Twelve Aspects of Deity,
I AM at the origin of all Creation for our Solar System!
Beloved ones, let us contemplate your graduation into embodied Solar Consciousness …becoming the Solar Christ Self. This brings with it expanding opportunities of Light Service …with much greater planetary influence than even the Seven-fold Alchemy of the Holy Christ Self. These are both levels of Mastery of Sacred Fire but now more Multi-dimensional and with vast influences from the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun. Embrace this Graduation!
With the Twelve Aspects of Deity, the Powers of Divine Alchemy increase exponentially …where ‘setting free lower frequency energies’ becomes ever stronger and more God Victorious. This gift also brings more responsibility to be one-pointed focus on this training. The Resurrection and the Life Activity is this loyalty to the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light made manifest, even as Beloved Jesus did …fulling its Seven-fold State as the Holy Christ Self and graduating into its Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity as embodied Solar Consciousness, expressing the Great Solar Disc.
When the idea and desire of embodiment in the world of form came to pass within the Divine Plan of Father / Mother God, the basic premise was that each one would be endowed with the Love, Wisdom and Power of the Creator …anchored within the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame …the Permanent Atom. And further, using this Cosmic Endowment from the God Parents , to go forth and co-create a Realm of Perfection Patterns within the world of form …through cooperation and synchronicity with the Elemental Kingdom. Then, all future Root Races would follow this Plan in Co-creating Heaven on Earth.
The Angels would attend this Co-creation between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom, filling the emotional atmosphere with Divine Qualities, so as to have the perfect Divine Emotions to constantly draw upon. And from this Divine Origin, rather than be homogeneous or prescribed, there would be endless opportunity in expressing the infinite varieties of Divine Expression …along any of the Seven Rays of Spiritual Unfoldment in the world of form.
This Immaculate Concept is what we have come to restore, aided by the great Fourth Ray Cosmic Being, the Angel of Restoration. Imagine functioning within this Original Intent …creating through the Sacred Faculties of Love, Wisdom and Power …and thus having only the Governing Power of God Intelligence within Divine Love (the Three-fold Flame) as the only basis for all creation. This fulfills the Law of Life that what you think and feel, you bring into form. This Divine Process manifested Limitless Physical Perfection, emerging from the Quantum Matrix of Perfection Patterns within the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. This Ascension Process defines the embodiments of first Three Root Races …with a glorious experience on Earth and then the Ascension back into the arms of their Mighty Manu and onwards into other Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Divine Experience. This is Divine Liberty as first intended!
Then we all know the ‘great fall’ in Consciousness, when the Fourth Root Race, lovingly and with great compassion, took in planetary orphans who at the time required the density of our sweet Earth for their continued Life Path towards the Ascension. Rather than focusing on the Love, Wisdom and Power within the Eternal Flame in co-creation, these planetary orphans experimented with a consciousness apart from the Divine. And Humanity unfortunately followed. This began a focus on lower frequency patterns of ego-power in the desire to control others …of the ego-knowledge and understanding of deceit in order to control …and a frequency of ego-based self-love in the desire to control all resources for oneself …instead of a desire to raise up all Lifeforce.
And hence, Love, Wisdom and Power of the Eternal Flame vested in Humanity became more and more obscured from daily use …to the point of it appearing only in mythology. And in its place ego-based control, deceit and selfishness became the norm and grew into an endless cycle of creating (and then having to experience and re-experience) disease, distress, aging and eventual death over many lifetimes. And this cycle repeated through many more Ages than presently known, even with Great Avatars and Teachers coming to guide, guard and direct Humanity. Spiritual Freedom gave way to religious dogma and control, including the great religions that at one point had evolved from ‘the Great Teachers of the Way’.
Humanity was always to become the Doer, the Doing and the Deed of Co-creation …directed only by the Love, Wisdom and Power of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame within. Then the Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light (the Quantum States of Energy, Matter and Intelligence) would go forth in Co-creation, manifesting Perfection Patterns ‘from above’. The dawning New Age of Spiritual Freedom is to return Humanity to ‘loyalty to the Eternal Flame’ and away from ego-based control over co-creation. This is restoring Humanity to her Spiritual Liberty! This requires a mindful, ‘Inner Focus’ in daily life, rather that preoccupation with the ‘world of ego-illusion’ appearing on the ‘screen of life’. And with expanding Consciousness, one sees not this illusion but rather the Truth of Life based only on Energy, Vibration and Consciousness patterns of the persons, places, conditions and things involved.
So, the purpose of Ascended and Free Light Service is to reveal the Higher Frequency Love, Wisdom and Power within the Eternal Flame. This Crystal Vision is guided, guarded and directed by Light Servers as ‘the Way’ for Humanity to re-discover her Spiritual Freedom. For this service, we anchor Cosmic Forcefields of Sacred Fire to clear ‘the Way’ for Humanity …doing so in an anonymous fashion as Keepers of the Flame …where it will eventually appear to be Humanity discovering this on her own. This is in contrast to waiting for an external power to redeem her …but rather the Love, Wisdom and Power of Father / Mother God within, that was there all along. This is all part of the Next Life Wave Coming, currently focused on anchoring the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination.
Imagine directing the Love, Wisdom and Power of Father / Mother God in the Co-creation of daily life on our sweet Earth. Imagine directing the Sacred Fire of God Illumination in the design of daily ceremony that facilitates the Ascension Process …for all involved. Imagine the Divine Love of Reverence for all Life creating the resources for all to live in the Comfort of Holy Spirit …where such Reverence drives all biological, psychological, social and spiritual patterns within society. We invoke ‘the Divine Life we desire’ and find it within ourselves …with Humanity then seeing, feeling and deeply accepting this as her True Calling …her Divine Instrument embodied. This is what loyalty of the Eternal Flame means …that our focus and attention is wholly on a Divine Source within us, in showing ‘the Way’.
Imagine the Clarity when Humanity finally sees ‘the Way’ …to her Sacred Purpose and full Spiritual Agency. Envision Humanity free of illusion, no longer confused by deception, and finally finding Peace in the Eternal Flame and its Divine Guidance. This is finally ‘coming Home’, in becoming Ascended and Free. And Humanity already feels a familiarity with this is, as it was the Original Intent of Father / Mother God …that was forgotten but now remembered!
This is the outcome of loyalty to the Sacred Fire. It is in discovering the limitless ways that Divine Love, Wisdom and Power may express in Co-creation of Heaven on Earth. It is not ‘fanciful wishing’ but rather the Spiritual Liberty of understanding Divine Co-creation …sourcing it from the Sacred Energy, Vibration and Consciousness within the Eternal Flame …and then directing its Radiant Light of Infinite Quantum States (of Energy, Matter and Intelligence) into Co-creation.
When Co-creation is done from Divine Source, it builds the Causal Body of the individual involved. It builds a Forcefield of Cosmic Momentum of all goodness we have ever been part of in any Realm! And this is our own personal Causal Forcefield to offer Universal I AM in Service to the Light! And to further expedite this Spiritual Development to our full Twelve-fold Solar Nature, we now have the added powers of embodied Solar Consciousness and its unfolding Great Solar Disc within and around us! This offers our Light Service all the Cosmic Momentum of the Love, Wisdom and Power of all Twelve Houses of the Sun to augment our Eternal Flame ad its Causal Body …allowing us to more quickly remember the vast interconnectedness of our full Spiritual Agency within this Solar System and beyond. Let us use this Atomic Acceleration of our Light Service …for this is our Spiritual Liberty!
I AM the Mother of this Spiritual Liberty embracing you from Cosmic Realms …and, SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!
Beloved Ones …we offer again a meditation on the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …a Thoughtform of Holy Spirit. This reveals our Seven Chakra Suns absorbed and assimilated into the Sacred Vibrational Fields of Holy Spirit …a reflection of the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit within embodied Solar Consciousness, and now empowered further by seeing, feeling and deeply accepting our Great Solar Disc …our Divine Instrument of timelessness / spacelessness within the embrace of the Twelve Houses of the Sun.
Let us once again review the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves along our Solar Spine …visualized as Seven Levels of Doves, with Wing Spans of Radiant Light. This is but one visualization of our Seven-fold Holy Christ Self that now graduates into its Solar Christ Presence …empty of self, time and space! It becomes a Divine Instrument of deeply experiencing our Oneness Consciousness with all Lifeforce everywhere present! It aligns in synchronicity with the Seven Chakra Suns but focuses more on our Divine Alignment with all life!
The very bottom Dove is the largest and represents all inanimate elemental life, the foundation of form in our quest for the Mastery of Consciousness within form. This includes all minerals and elements within the periodic table, as well as the sub-atomic life within these atoms …the level of cells, through to atoms and then the sub-atomic particles like electrons, that continually dance between their 'wave-function' and their 'particle-function' like a continual Inbreath / Outbreath.
Next level of Dove, slightly smaller, represents all simple animal and plant life, from molecules to single cell creatures, through to all species of life operating through a Group Deva. Next Dove up is all complex plant and animal life, each one having attained a certain level of consciousness unto themselves. Here they have their own Deva or Spirit (e.g. ‘Spirit of the Tree’ or ‘Spirit of the Dolphin, etc.)
The central (middle) Dove represents the mass consciousness of Humanity as she currently exists …including all imbalance that presently surfaces for its redemption …and importantly includes the constant expansion of all innate goodness within Humanity. The upper three Doves of Holy Spirit represent the advancing spiritual development of Humanity …from elevated mass Consciousness (progressing daily) …to an evolving commitment to advanced spiritual development (along a committed spiritually based Life Path) …towards the very top of the Pagoda, where Ascended and Free Consciousness is the norm of daily life.
All Orders of Angels and Elemental Devas attend every level of life within the Pagoda. Magnificent Hosts of Seraphim, Cherubim, Devas and ‘Great Builders of form’ spiral around and through each level (or Sphere of Influence) within elemental and human life …all encompassed now within the Great Solar Disc.
Here we gather together, standing in the Light of our embodied Solar Consciousness within our Great Solar Disc! Here I AM that I AM!