May, 2021

May, 2021 PDF


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Sphere of Light:

The Gathering of Ascending Humanity,
in union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:








(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Flame of Immortality
…the Eternity of the Divine …now expressing on Earth!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Flame of Immortality
…the Eternity of the Divine …now expressing on Earth!


I AM the Eternity of the Divine!

I AM the Fire Breath of Universal I AM,
breathed into, and expanded through, all Life.

I AM the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves,
merging with my Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns.

I AM the Eternity of the Divine …now expressing on Earth!

On behalf of Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom,
I AM the Temple of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

I AM the Flame of Alpha and Omega,
upon the Altar of Holy Spirit!

I AM that I AM!

I AM a Focus of the Great Cosmic Inbreath,
radiating its Truth through the Flame of my Divinity,
its Love, Wisdom and Power now streaming into daily life!

I AM here to complete our collective Mission, in the
Building of Spiritual Freedom for our sweet Earth!   

Each photon of our Radiant Light is filled with 'Divine Potential'
for every person, place, condition and thing it engages, on
its return journey back to our own Causal Body!

With our River of Kundalini Fire Ascending along our Solar Spine
and with the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves now
in Divine Alignment with our Seven Chakra Suns;

I AM abiding within the entire world!
The world is now abiding within us!
The entire world is Ascending
within our Ascension!
I AM that I AM!

I AM in Divine Alignment with the Next Life Wave Coming!

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …all the right and
perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right
and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right
and perfect way …all now in Divine Alignment with
the Ascension within the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

In the Name of Alpha & Omega,
I AM all Suns in Divine Alignment!

In the Name of all the Elohim, Archangels and
Ascended Masters within the Great Light Brotherhood:

I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming!
I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming!




Dear Ones in Light Service: as a beginning to each month, let us consider a suggestion …a potential Ceremony …that for each Journal Discourse, Ascension Concepts and Affirmations, we record them out loud (on our phone or other device), in our finest, soft, rhythmic, guided meditation / visualization voice …and then play it back to ourselves …as if we are listing to our own Solar Christ Self …and also, as if we are playing it back to the entire world, across the global Etheric Realms …where all Humanity, all Nature and all Angels hear the Voice of the Great I AM through us! The Voice of our own Mighty I AM Presence then reverberates across all levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.  And all Earth's Lifeforce is raised up …as I AM raised up! And then we imagine that every moment of every day, one of the Voices of Ascended and Free Light Service is reverberating through the Ethers with Ascended and Free Energy, Vibration and Consciousness! And, SO IT IS!

And as we listen to the Voice of the Great I AM through us, let us visualize our Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns aligned with the Seven Levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …functioning as the One Gathering of Ascending Humanity …together now, standing in the Light …directly in the center of the Eye of Divine Liberty.  All life, as well as every aspect of ourselves, is now firmly on the Path of Solar Consciousness …fully engaged together …within the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

Let us see, feel and deeply accept that we enfold the entire Lifeforce of our sweet Earth within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …embracing it along our Solar Spine. We affirm and deeply accept that the entire world is Ascending within my Ascension! And we may also add to this Ceremony a soft, rhythmic, recitation of the Buddha's Hearth Sutra: “Gone, gone, gone beyond gone altogether beyond; Oh what an awakening; all Hail”.  We feel the entire world Ascending along their own Solar Spine …into their own Solar Consciousness. And we silently affirm 'As I AM raised up along my Ascending Seven Chakra Suns, so is all life raised up into their next Divine Potential, into their own Next Life Wave Coming!

This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity applying our Divine Instrument …pursuing the goal of our United Mission on Earth.  We entered this embodiment knowing I AM the world and everything in it! Let us feel this Victory, as our Divine Instrument breathes the Holy Breath …a slow four-count in …then a four-count held in (breathing in and absorbing the Cohesive Power of Divine Love) …then a slow four-count outbreath and four-count held out (expanding and projecting uniting all life in her Ascended State).  This Ceremony of Holy Breath sustains all life-force within the Eye of Divine Liberty …on its Path to Solar Consciousness …greeting the Next Life Wave Coming with open arms, hearts and minds!

And we absolutely can Co-create this Reality! For in achieving the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self, we also attain the Seven-fold Crown of the Elohim, taking our rightful place in the Divine Co-creation of the World.  And further, as we enter Solar Christ Consciousness, we begin to attain the Twelve-fold Crown of the Elohim …as the Twelve Aspects of Deity.  Then we begin our journey in the Co-creation of Universal I AM …and the entire Divine Plan of Father / Mother God …not just that of our sweet Earth. This is living the Flame of Alpha and Omega …and joining our Universal Family!

Let us affirm: I stand upright in the Light …in the Divine Axis of my Mighty I AM Presence.  Here I AM restoring the Divine Axis of Earth and that of Humanity …together, standing in the Light! Here the Earth is upright along her Divine Axis of Spiritual Freedom!  This visualization is Multi-dimensional along our Solar Spine and inclusive of all levels of the White Pagoda. And as we abide empty of time, then this Reality takes place here and now …then extending into an Eternal Cosmic Moment …of an Eternal Golden Age!

Let us be empty of self, time and space. The Mighty Elohim exist 'empty of time'. They have seen (on the outer screen of life) civilizations and continents come and go over centuries of time. But they know this as an illusion of time, one of its restrictions …and why everything in form is temporary …that it may come and go. As well, when empty of space, we see the Ascension into Divine Potential of the entire lifeforce of our sweet Earth all happening along our Solar Spine …in that 'space' …as there is no limitation of space …no big and small …just our Co-creation with the Divine …when empty of time and space and all their restrictions.

Let us place our abiding Faith in the Truth …that our Eternal Flame and its Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns is the embodiment of Eternity and Infinity!  We carry the Divine Potential to perfectly reflect the Central Sun and its Seven Solar Systems …embodied in the world.  This is the Flame of Alpha and Omega …the Fire of Immortality expressed within Humanity …as her Divine Potential! In understanding and practicing this Gift of 'becoming Divine Director of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light', we then see the beauty of the interactions between Light and matter …and how our Service to First Cause does effect changes, regardless of physical distance or restrictions of time. I AM Divine Light piercing directly into physical matter, Co-creating through the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love.

As our Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns reaches its zenith as the Holy Christ Self, our Crown of the Elohim is a semi-circle at the forehead, manifesting the Tierra of Co-creation for Earth.  But with graduation into Solar Consciousness and the Twelve-fold Nature of Universal I AM, the Crown of the Elohim is an Infinite Circle of the Twelve Aspects of Deity, continually flooding our Consciousness with the entire spectrum of Multi-dimensional Solar Consciousness. And now we join Co-creation within Universal I AM. This Twelve -fold Crown of the Elohim is our Infinite Circle of Light …inclusive of all Life living free in the Light!  And our Beloved Goddess of Liberty invites us into the Eye of Divine Liberty to anchor this Reality into our embodied Divinity, our evolving Ascended Mastery.

I now affirm for all Humanity and all Lifeforce on Earth:

I AM empty of self and free of all condemnation, criticism and
judgment of persons, places, conditions and things and all
the imbalanced feelings they may have generated.

I AM empty of time and space …free of all stagnation
in time (waiting, aging) or of space (division and separation).

As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!

As I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light,
so too is the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves
simultaneously raised up into thier own Divine Potential!

As I become a Sun of the Sun …our planet becomes
a Sun of Earth, an Eternal Sun of Even Pressure!

As I Ascend into Solar Consciousness, so too does
all Lifeforce raise up into her Spiritual Freedom!




Welcome into the Mystic Month of May, that Divine Ceremony within the Solar Year …where Solar Consciousness opens herself to Humanity. This has occurred through the ages, such as Wesak, Saint Germain's Ascension Day (May Day), Mother's Day (Feminine Ray Day) as well as Pentecost (the Coming of Holy Spirit) …where so many Ceremonies of the Divine have transpired.  Now for this Mystic Month of May, let us anchor the Divine Ceremony of being receptive of Solar Consciousness and the Next Life Wave Coming!

Beloved Friends of Freedom, I greet you with this Title as would Beloved Saint Germain …those who embodied already attuned and aligned with the Ray of Spiritual Freedom from the Sun and Central Sun! Such is the birth of a Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self on Earth …born to unlock the Divine Potential of this Planet and her I AM Race! This Cosmic Ray has done this Service on other Planets and Systems of Worlds. For those born into the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, their Eternal Bond is to the Cosmic Flame of Spiritual Freedom.  As the Archangels of this current Dispensation for Humanity, such is our Service …and now yours, as Seventh Ray Solar Christ Selves embodied.

Priests / Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel is another Title you are graduating into.  All life is Energy and Consciousness …but the frequency at which these Divine Forces are expressed is the key. Frequencies manifesting Harmony and Balance (and all its resulting Perfection Patterns) is the desire …and not the imbalanced frequencies of distress, disease and disintegration.  On the physical plane, if you apply fire to ice, you accelerate its atomic energy and vibration, with the result being a transformation to a liquid (water). And if you accelerate it more, you attain the state of a gas (steam).  On the spiritual plane, if you apply Sacred Fire to any person, place, condition and thing, its Spiritual Nature (quantum properties) transform towards its Divine Potential, its Higher Frequency manifestation!

As Archangels, we have taught these Principles of Spiritual Freedom on other planets and Systems of Worlds. But we began ourselves as Light Servers as you do now …and evolved into Priest / Priestess of this Ray of Spiritual Freedom …and eventually as part of its Hierarchy …as Archangels of this Order …now named the Order of Zadkiel, for this Next Life Wave Coming. Allow me to refresh a memory …that when our Beloved Saint Germain journeyed in Projected Consciousness to the Central Sun to claim this Cosmic Ray on behalf of Humanity, you were aware and present …and made a Vow before the Spiritual Hierarchy to serve this First Cause …until its Victory! Such is an Eternal Bond with this Cosmic Ray.

Beloved Ones of Spiritual Freedom, God gives the 'Grant of Life' as Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …ours to manifest the Universe. Within this Grant of Life is absolutely limitless potential as well as the gift of free will to determine our Universe. The possibilities of manifestation, on the physical or spiritual plane, are endless.  Free will is the gift of individuality as a God Intelligent Presence, allowing us to be Co-creators with each other.  From this we learn and go on to create persons, places, conditions and things that form our personal universe …and eventually …Solar Systems!

Science also knows a core quantum principle is that there is a potential for anything to happen. Once a cause is set into motion it may take all possible paths.  Momentums (energy in motion, or, if you will, motivation) then influence this path until at some point the greatest momentum guides its 'wave-function' into its 'particle-function' of manifestation.  If the momentum or motivation changes, the manifestation may abruptly change, undergoing a transition that would affect the entire outcome.

Such a change of momentum occurred when the laggards were given opportunity to embody on Earth. Eventually, the momentum towards Co-creating the Divine Plan no longer held sway …but rather a lower frequency momentum took control of the process, with distress, disease and disintegration following. Now in the New Age Spiritual Freedom, the greatest Momentum is the Seventh Ray Violet Fire of Spiritual Freedom. And we maintain our Eternal Bond with the Origins of the Violet Fire Spiritual Freedom from the Central Sun …just as our Beloved Saint Germain does for all Humanity!

Just as you understand the power of an 'attachment bond' between a mother and her child …you understand the same bond on an Eternal Spiritual Level …that Humanity has with the Cosmic Ray of Spiritual Freedom! Seeking to strengthen that bond is the religious / spiritual quest of the Ages. And with the development of Solar Consciousness, as the Flame of Alpha and Omega opens within you, this Cosmic Bond with the Ray of Spiritual Freedom comes into clearer Crystal Vision.  Then does this Cosmic Ray reveal herself in all of our embodied Consciousness …our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  This is 'Together, standing in the Light' …standing in the Eye of Divine Liberty …living in the Ray of Spiritual Freedom!

Through this gift of Original and Eternal Oneness with the Ray of Spiritual Freedom, we always have at our disposal the Love, Wisdom and Power of Father / Mother God to forward this First Cause in the world of form …when operating as our Divine Instrument.  Affirm: I AM in Constant Union with this Original Source of Spiritual Freedom! Then, as the Seven Chakra Suns become the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love at each level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …then truly I AM the Light of the World I AM the Spiritual Freedom of the World! In this Oneness Consciousness, I AM directly united with my Solar Christ Self, my Mighty I AM Presence, my White Fire Being and through them to Father / Mother God in the Sun, Central Sun, and Great Central Sun!

Through my Flame of Immortality, my Eternal Flame
and its Infinite Radiant Light, I AM at One with:

Father / Mother God Helios and Vesta in the Sun!
Father / Mother God Alpha and Omega in the Central Sun!
Father / Mother God Eloha and Elohae in the Great Central Sun!


Beloved Friends of Freedom: every time you inbreathe into your heart from the Cosmic Maltese Cross of Violet Fire with its Cohesive Power of Divine Love …I AM there as the Archangels of the Seventh Ray.  Every time you out breathe from your heart the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …and reveal the Eye of Divine Liberty …I AM there as the Archangels of the Seventh Ray.  I AM with you always on your journey to Spiritual Freedom, assisting Humanity across her Bridge to Spiritual Freedom.




Beloved Ones, I come to further your Enlightenment. I come to remind you of your Causal Body …so as to tangibly experience the Cosmic Momentum of your own spiritual Success, Victory and Spiritual Freedom, generated in all previous embodiments …as well as all Solar Consciousness developed before embodiment on Earth, in any Dimension, Realm, or Sphere of Light!  The Next Life Wave Coming is already being anchoring in your Causal Body …and then meant for access within daily life …as the Solar Christ Self in action!

I AM open and receptive to my own Causal Body
and therefore, to the Next Life Wave Coming!

 When one Ascends into the Eye of Divine Liberty, the Mighty I AM Presence and its Causal Body is always listening to the outer self …and, the outer self is always listening to the Mighty I AM Presence / Causal Body. This then becomes the One Voice of the Great I AM going both directions …until the Voice and Listening Ears of the embodied self and the Mighty God Presence become ONE.  Then there is a flow of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness in both directions for which the outer self is fully awakened to. This is Divine Enlightenment …where all the Love, Wisdom and Power ever generated by the Soul, from previous embodiments and from 'before even this world was' …now flows into daily life. Then the Eye, Ear, Voice, Touch, Movement, Mind, Memories and Feelings become one flow of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness going in each direction.  This is the Cosmic Christ 'reborn into the world'!


Let us create daily meditations for a better understanding and experience of standing in the Eye of Divine Liberty through our Spiritual Progressions …developing the ability of becoming totally Ascended and Free in a moment …and then extending this moment through the day …and then into Eternity! This will allow our greatest Light Service to Humanity and to our sweet Earth. Let us review the steps of our Spiritual Progressions:


  • 1. Our daily meditation begins as always with a restful stance of the      physical form, with a straight spine (standing, sitting or lying) that represents being 'upright in the Light'. Then we generate a focus on our slow rhythmic breath and its increasing sense of Peace Divine. Then with a calm determination, we center on becoming empty of self and everything associated with self…all persons, places, conditions and things of the outer world. And if the mind wonders into various thoughts, feelings and memories …then simply ask yourself if your Mighty God Presence would have this feeling, this thought or this memory …and if not, then let it go and 'let God'.
  • Becoming 'empty of self' may take the greatest effort in the beginning. It opens with a particular focus of becoming free in the mind of condemnation, criticism and judgment, about circumstances in the outer world that plague us. Once we achieve this stillness of mind, we then focus on becoming free of anger, disappointment, disgust, and fear in the feelings. Once our feelings are stilled, then we may see, feel, know and deeply accept becoming an empty vessel …becoming the Holy Grail …the Great, Great Silence, which is then filled with Divine Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Affirm:

I AM empty of self and I AM Flame!

  1. Once empty of self and only a Flame, we then let go of time and its restrictions of waiting, frustration and aging (aging in place while we wait). The Flame is here and now …always has been …always will be …an Eternal Flame blazing brightly into Eternity …the Flame of Immortality of Beloved Alpha and Omega …no beginning and no end. This is our Eternal Peace and our overcoming of any fear, even that of death, as did our Beloved Jesus in proving there is no death of the "Flame within". We may always choose to Resurrect the body around that Flame in order to present ourselves in the world  …either immediately as did Beloved Jesus …or, with our next embodiment through the Gates of Birth, as we have all done many times. Empty of time, we affirm:

I AM an Eternal Flame!
I AM Eternally Flame!

  1. Once an Eternal Flame is fully accepted, then we concentrate on 'empty of space'. Here we delete all restrictions around distance, separation or disconnection. Our Eternal Flame reveals its Infinite Radiant Light that fills all space with the vast interconnectedness of Universal I AM …and all the Perfection Patterns within that Infinite Light.  It all becomes ONE …and we feel connected with the entire Life Force on our sweet Earth …the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …from subatomic life, through all nature and the Elemental Kingdom, through all levels of Humanity's Consciousness …up to the apex of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.  Here we truly represent the Cosmic Christ and Father / Mother God.  Affirm:

I AM a Sun of the Sun!
I AM an Eternal Flame and
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!


  1. Once we establish an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, we then build our Divine Instrument around that Eternal Flame …Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness, Building an Eternal Life in the Light. We focus on becoming the complete Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self, serving the Spiritual Freedom of Humanity! We begin at the beginning, when our Mighty I AM Presence chose to anchor a Ray of its Great Cosmic Self into the world, with the Sacred Purpose of expanding the Borders of Perfection into the density of form. We experience becoming THE ONE RAY OF LIGHT of the Mighty I AM Presence anchored on Earth …piercing into matter. This is becoming THE ONE!


  1. Then this Cosmic Ray anchors itself as the Three-fold Flame, the Flame of Immortality embodied! This is becoming THE THREE …the Holy Trinity, the Holy Triumvirate of Shamballa …the Three-fold Flame of Eternal Life. We stand in this Flame as it envelopes our elemental vehicles, from below our feet to above our heads. We Invoke this Eternal Flame …to absorb all aspects of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles and act through our Creative Faculties with all the Love, Wisdom and Power of Father / Mother God! I AM the Fire of Immortality, the Flame of Alpha and Omega on Earth.  This is "the Father within that doeth the works"!


  1. With this Three-fold Flame established, we then see it express itself along the Seven Rays of the Holy Christ Self …as our Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns! This is our Ascended and Free Temple on Earth …the Christ again walking and talking with Humanity as promised by the Cosmic Christ. We focus on all Seven Chakra Suns from the base of our spine to the top of our head …progressing from the Ascension Flame; through the Violet Fire; through the Chakra of Peace; up to the Love Divine Chakra; to the Power Focus at the throat; to the Third Eye of Divine Truth and Crystal Vision at the forehead; then to the Thousand Petaled Lotus of God Illumination above the head …our Crown of Enlightenment.
  • Here is the Seven-fold Crown of the Elohim …our authority for Co-creation in the world of form.  This Ascending Kundalini River takes us on the same journey in embodiment as travelled by the Buddha, now better understanding his Heart Sutra …“Gone, gone, gone beyond …gone altogether beyond; oh what an awakening; all Hail.”
  • This is Enlightenment. This is becoming THE SEVEN!
  1. Once the Holy Christ Self is fully established, then we are greeted by Solar Consciousness. This is becoming THE TWELVE! We might visualize this as the Infinite Sphere of Light of Solar Consciousness all around us in three dimensions (length, breadth and depth) …1. Vertically in an Infinite Circle of Light from front to back, 2. As well as vertically from our left to our right, 3. Then also horizontally around us …together forming our Solar Sphere of the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity and our Twelve-fold Crown of the Elohim. Here we see every Solar House unifying within us, as Spirals of multi-colored, multi-dimensional Light Rays.
  • In its entirety, these Spiralling Light Rays coming into us and then expanding through us, represent the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity pouring into Earth …Healing and Restoring all persons, places, conditions and things …and Resurrecting this planet as a True Child of Alpha and Omega.  On every Inbreath, we absorb and assimilate the Cohesive Power of Divine Love through the Cosmic Maltese Cross …and on every Outbreath, we expand and project its Nature as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …uniting all life in her Ascended State. Then we stand together in the Eye of Divine Liberty! Here is the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …together, standing in the Light …raising up the entire Lifeforce of Earth!
  1. And in this Solar Consciousness we again BECOME THE ONE …Universal I AM in action on Earth, the Flame of Immortality, the Flame of Alpha and Omega …and the ONE ASCENSION of all life on Earth …representing the entire Pagoda of Seven Electronic Perfection Patterns of the Ascension. This is the fullness of our collective Divine Instrument. We affirm:

I AM my Divine Instrument in action here and now!
The ONE …the Three …the Seven …the Twelve
…and again the ONE …Universal I AM!




ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED POLARIS AND MAGNUS …On standing upright in the Light …our Solar Spine aligned with the Divine Axis of Universal I AM! …aligned with all Builders of Divine Self, all Builders of Divine Consciousness & all Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!

The Lord of the World declares: I AM the Cause of Transformational Events in Consciousness, in order to bring the world into Divine Alignment with the Cosmic Christ!

The Cosmic Christ declares: I AM the Altar of Spiritual Freedom …of Ascended and Free Humanity on her Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free orbit!

Cosmic Holy Spirit declares: I AM the Eternal Flame upon that Altar, emitting my Infinite Radiant Light to all life.  I AM Sun of the Sun and my Light fills the world!

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity declares: My Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns raises up each level of the Pagoda of Seven Ascension Perfection Patterns.  This is my Solar Spine, and I AM always upright in the Light …one with the Divine Axis of Universal I AM …aligned with Beloved Polaris and Magnus as the poles of Ascended and Free Earth, in her Ascended and Free Orbit.

I AM the Eye of Divine Liberty, the Open Door for Humanity to cross the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom into her Divine Potential …the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity fully functional in daily life through the Flame of Alpha and Omega within Humanity.

A visualization (see, feel and deeply accept):  I AM a Solar Spine in Divine Alignment with the North and South Star. I AM the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves along this Solar Spine. I AM my Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns now becoming the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love at each level. I AM all lifeforce on Earth in Divine Alignment with Beloved Polaris and Magnus! And SO IT IS!

This entire visualization takes place within the Eye of Divine Liberty …which itself is within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire expanding out from the core of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love at the center of Earth …the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.  With every Inbreath …I AM invoking and absorbing this Cohesive Power of Divine Love into the center and then with every outbreath I AM expanding it limitlessly …Uniting all Life in her Ascended State!

At the top of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! I AM the Jewel of the Alpha and Omega Flame …and the Crown of the Elohim …the marker of full Co-creation of Humanity with Father / Mother God!

The Gathering of Earth's entire Lifeforce is within me, within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves along my Solar Spine. All Life is embraced by my Divine Instrument …and its Seven Electronic Perfection Patterns of the Ascension!

Along my Solar Spine, I congregate the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, Angels and Elementals. This is my congregation, my Spiritual Community …the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves embraced by my Seven Chakra Suns at each level …together, standing in the Light, empty of self, time and space. Here I AM inbreathing and absorbing the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …expanding and projecting all life into her Ascended State.  This is the Holy Breath …in continual action along my Solar Spine.

At the base of the Pagoda is my Ascension Chakra …and at the top, the Alpha and Omega Flame at my Crown Chakra. And I see, feel and deeply accept the Presence of the Seven Cosmic Doves, whose lovely wing spans form the curved roofs of the lovely Pagoda of Divine Light. These are the Seven Electronic Perfection Patterns of the Ascension! I hold all Lifeforce on Earth in my Consciousness.

And I bow before and give gratitude:

to Ascended and Free Humanity,
at my Crown Chakra.
to the Wisdom Consciousness of Humanity,
at my Third Eye Chakra.
to 'accelerating evolving awareness' of Humanity,
at my Throat Power Chakra.
to the mass consciousness of Humanity in her daily life,
at my Heart Love Chakra.
to complex and developed plant and animal life,
at my Cosmic Peace Chakra.
to simple cellular plant and animal life,
at my Violet Fire Chakra.
to the entirety of sub-atomic life,
at my Ascension Chakra.

This is my Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!

And I declare with the Voice of the Great I AM!
I AM in Divine Alignment with all Suns!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life!
I AM the Ascension of all life!
I AM the Next Life Wave Coming!