May, 2023


May, 2023


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State ...

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:







I AM that I AM!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Eternal Flame
of Divine Expectation of Mystic Union!

I AM Expanding and Projecting  the Eternal Flame
of Divine Expectation of Mystic Union!


I AM that I AM!
I AM the Mystic Month of May!
I AM its Divine Forcefield of Mystic Union!

I AM in Mystic Union with the Angels of my Ascending Aura.
I AM in Mystic Union with Angels of my Ascending Sanctuary.
I AM in Mystic Union with the Angels of my Ascending Family.
I AM in Mystic Union with Angels of my Ascending Community.
I AM in Mystic Union  with Angels of my Ascending Nationhood.
I AM in Mystic Union with Angels of our Ascending planet, Earth.
I AM in Mystic Union with Angels of our Ascending Solar System.
I AM in Mystic Union with all the Angels of our Ascending Galaxy.

I AM empty of self and one with ‘the Way’,
One with ‘the Way’ of the Angels in my aura, and
One with ‘the Way’ of the Elementals in my vehicles.

As the Holy Christ Self entering Solar Christ Consciousness,
I AM One with ‘the Way’ of all life within and around me, and in
Oneness Consciousness with the Holy Christ Self of all Humanity.

I AM empty of self and in Mystic Union
with ‘the Way’ of all life Ascending!

I AM One with the Way of the Angels in my aura, the
Angels of my home and of my family, and the Angels
of my neighborhood and then of my town, city and
through to my nation, race, religion and culture,
and out to the Angels of the entire Planet,
the Solar System and the Galaxy!

I AM One with the Way of the Elementals in my body,
and those Mighty Beings of earth, air fire and water
of my home, my world, affairs and finances, the
Nature Kingdom of my neighborhood,
city, nation, continent, planet,
Solar System and Galaxy!

I AM in Mystic Union with my Eternal Flame and
its Infinite Radiant Light, in Mystic Union
with the Co-creation of the Universe.

I AM in Mystic Union with my Holy Christ Self, my Mighty
I AM Presence, my Cosmic Causal Body and my
White Fire Being in the Realms of the Sun.

Then …

As the Holy Christ Self entering Solar Christ Consciousness,
I AM One with the Way with all life within and around me,
my family, community, city, nation and planet …in
Oneness Consciousness with the Divine in all.

I AM in Mystic Union with the Next Life Wave Coming.

I AM in Mystic Union with the Feminine Ray. I AM in
Mystic Union with the Sixth and Seventh Root Races.
I AM in Mystic Union with the Divine Dispensation
of Spiritual Freedom. I AM in Mystic Union
with the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

I AM in Mystic Union with the opening Eye of Divine Liberty.
I AM in Mystic Union with the Star of Sanat Kumara therein.
I AM in Mystic Union with the Star of Spiritual Freedom,
now initiated in all Humanity, in every Eternal Flame!

Like a river I float upon, I AM one with ‘the Way’.
This River of Life pours into Earth and Humanity
from Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light.

Therefore, I AM in Mystic Union with all life and
the full Ascension Process of our sweet Earth.




Beloved Ones, welcome into the Mystic Month of May! Let us explore its Forcefield of Mystic Union …the goal of all seekers, nuns and monks for centuries, the Quest for the Holy Grail …the apex of embodied Spiritual Freedom, one with the Cosmic Christ!

This is the Ascended and Free State of our Victory Statement …in Mystic Union with the Higher Frequency Aspects of our True Identity.  We have set our spiritual Practice for many centuries towards this Divine Potential, so that  this Victory is achievable in this embodiment. And we abide within the Laws of Reciprocity, so that as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! This Light Service ensures there is a collective planetary Ascension …at this Cosmic Moment of the Next Life Wave Coming.

We find our Spiritual Happiness,  Joy and Equilibrium in this State. Here, I AM in Mystic Union with all Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of our Divine Instrument …and the Angels and Elementals in their 'particle-function' manifestation within daily life …as well as their 'wave-function' spirit as Devic, Angelic and Cosmic Beings within various Planes of Existence.  Within my True Identity,  I AM fully open and receptive to this Mystic Union …and living in this Ascended and Free State ...right here and now in this embodiment of Light Service!  This is my Divine Potential …and I AM that I AM!

The Open Door for this Ascension Process is that I AM in Mystic Union with the Eternal Flame! This is my foremost loyalty! And within my own Flame of Immortality, I AM free to be in Mystic Union with any of the Sacred Fires of Universal I AM!  I affirm:

Within my Eternal Flame, and its Infinite Radiant Light …

I now stand forth in Mystic Union with the Violet Flame and
I AM its Radiant Light of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness!

I stand forth in Mystic Union with the Adoration Flame and
I AM its Radiant Light of Gratitude and Reverence for all Life!

I now stand forth in Mystic Union as the Healing Flame and I AM its
Radiant Light of Restoration and Revelation of Divine Potential!

 I now stand forth in Mystic Union with the Flame of God
Illumination and I AM its Radiant Light of Wisdom!

 I now stand forth in Mystic Union with any Sacred Fire I desire!
Its Infinite Radiant Light is my Light Service!


Beloved Ones, let us contemplate our Holy Communion with the Angels. May is the Mystic Month of Angels. It is our opportunity to accelerate our Ascension Process through Mystic Union with all Graded Orders of these Gracious, Selfless Quantum State Beings.  Let us visualize the countless Angels that serve this Cosmic Moment on Earth.  Imagine all the Angelic Forces associated with the Four Foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming …The Angels accompanying the Sixth and Seventh Root Races into their embodied service within daily life …the Angels of the Feminine Ray and the Forcefields of Harmony and Balance anchoring into all aspects of society and daily life …the Angels of the Seventh Ray Dispensation, carrying in their Electronic Bodies the Forces of Spiritual Freedom from the Central Sun …and finally, imagine Mystic Union with the Galactic Angels of the Great Cosmic Inbreath who serve the Mighty Elohim, the Silent Watchers and Father / Mother God …all who guide, guard and direct this Galaxy!

As the Gathering of Ascending Humanity let us see, feel and deeply accept that …I AM the Gathering of all my Ascending Energies, within the Gathering of Angels …that I AM One with the Gathering of all Forcefields within the Next Life Wave Coming, through my Mystic Union with the Angelic Forces attending these Cosmic Forces …that I AM in Mystic Union with the Gathering of Ascending Planets and all their Ascending Energies with the all the Angelic Hosts attending the Great Cosmic Inbreath …that I AM One with the Gathering of Ascending Solar Systems and all the Angelic Hosts of this Solar System of Beloved Helios and Vesta …and finally that I AM in Mystic Union with the Gathering of Ascending Galaxies and with all the Angelic Hosts of this Ascending Galaxy of Alpha and Omega!  I AM that I AM!

Beloved Ones, the Angels also have their Inbreath / Outbreath Activity. On the Inbreath, they absorb all the goodness in the world and all Ascending Energies, wherever and whenever they are released. So, where there is a great outpouring of joy, gratitude or love, the Angels attending that Activity inbreathe / absorb / assimilate that Energy as a Forcefield. On the Outbreath, the Angels may release these Ascending Energies wherever there is a great outpouring of despair or grief. The Angels radiate, expand and project the very blessings they gather from Humanity …as well as Forces of Healing, Harmony and Balance from Higher Spheres of Light …and radiate that all into despair and grief.

Let us attend the Angels …until we become as familiar with the Angels (and Elementals) within daily life, as we might be with family, friends and neighbors …but on a Higher Frequency Attunement of Mystic Union. For this is living Ascended and Free in Solar Consciousness! This is our Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals!  This becomes our daily practice.

In this State, let us also see, feel and deeply accept our Mystic Union with our Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self …our Divine Potential along the Ray of Spiritual Freedom.  The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is the early expression of this Divine Potential, and it will flourish across Humanity through the entirety of this New Age Cycle. The Star of Spiritual Freedom is this ‘embryonic phase’, anchored now through every Eternal Flame!  It carries the Spiritual Coordinates for the growth and development of Divine Consciousness during this Major Dispensation, this Great Cosmic Day! Let us explore this Mystic Union with our Divinity:

As the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self, I affirm:

I AM in Mystic Union with each of the Seventh Rays
through each of my Seven Chakra Suns …

Through the White Chakra Sun at the base of the spine,
I AM in Mystic Union with all Purity, Resurrection
and Ascension, within all Lifeforce on Earth.

Through the Violet Chakra Sun at the center of the abdomen,
in  Mystic Union with all Mercy, Compassion and
Forgiveness, everywhere present in daily life.

Thru the Golden / Ruby Chakra Sun at the solar plexus,
in Mystic Union with all thoughts, feelings, words
and deeds that promote Divine Peace on Earth.

Through the Pink Sun Chakra at the Heart, I AM
in Mystic Union with the Loving Adoration
of the Divine within Humanity.

Through the Powerful Blue Sun Chakra at the Throat,
in Mystic Union with the Voice of the Great I AM,
sounding the Divine Tone of the New Age!

Through the Emerald Green Chakra Sun at the forehead, I AM
in Mystic Union with Co-creation, through Crystal Vision
of the Third Eye and the Crown of the Elohim.

Through the Thousand Petalled Crown Chakra atop the Head,
I AM in Mystic Union with the God Illumination
developing across Enlightened Humanity!

I AM the fully developed Seventh Ray Holy Christ Self! And
thus,  I AM now in Mystic Union with the Twelve Houses
of the Sun, and the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity!

I AM now Ascending into the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self!
I AM in Mystic Union with the One, the Three, the Seven,
the Twelve …and again, the One Universal I AM!

I AM my True Identity and my Divine Instrument!




Beloved Ones, the Archangels are the Teachers of Solar Consciousness. As we explore this aspect of the Ascension Process this month, let us affirm and become this Forcefield of Divine Purpose within Humanity! Let us stand together in the Light of the Fourth Ray and its radiance of Divine Expectation.  Let us serve together …just as the Archangels Gather in Oneness Consciousness. Into our Quantum State Gathering, we welcome the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …into the Mystic Union of Cosmic Service.

I AM existing within the One Eternal Moment of Now.
I AM one moment …among limitless moments
…yet central to every moment across
all time and all space.

I AM Present here and now to transmute all
karmic potential into its Divine Potential!
I AM! And I exist to set all life Free!

This is my Divine Expectation, Anticipation, and Hope!
It springs from within the Powerful Knowingness of
Being within the Flame of Immortality!

And I AM that I AM!

As an Archangel, I serve in many Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Existence. In each, I AM the Eternal Flame of Divine Expectation …the magnetic draw that summons Transformational Events in Consciousness.  This is the Sacred Tone of Gabriel’s Trumpet …a Frequency of Hope and Anticipation that now spirals the vibratory activity of Humanity towards her Divine Potential …spirals our sweet Earth towards her Higher Frequency Orbit within the Solar System. I expect, I expect, I EXPECT …Divine Potential! Expectation is a magnetic Forcefield, drawing forth from Higher Frequency that which is needed to achieve Divine Potential at any frequency.

I ask you to join me now in my service. Stand with me as I AM officiating as an Archangel within the Flame of Divine Expectation. And standing with us will be Father / Mother God, who initiated this Divine Expectation in the beginning …as part of First Creation! Joining us also will be all the Archangels, the Mighty Seraphim and Cherubim, all who carry this Forcefield in their magnificent Light Bodies. And now I turn to the Gathering of Ascending Humanity to also sustain this Forcefield of Divine Expectation in your Light Bodies and Aura … brightly revealing this Divine Expectation in the atmosphere of daily life, in order to sustain this same Forcefield within Humanity …just as it blazes in the Realms of Light!

Together, standing in this Light of Divine Expectation, I AM invoking through embodied Light Servers the Electro-magnetic Forcefields within the Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform! I invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project this Sacred Fire into your everyday thoughts, feelings, words and deeds! This too is ‘one aspect of the Star of Spiritual Freedom …now initiated in all Humanity. It becomes a Beacon of Hope not only in the Enlightened of Humanity, but down through to the tiny Spark of Divinity present in all Humanity.  The Star of Spiritual Freedom is present in all …and has been initiated, opened and has launched …in its capacity to incorporate Humanity into the Next Life Wave Coming!

The Focus of Divine Expectation is an Eternal Flame. The Star of Spiritual Freedom represents our collective expectation of the Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light …a shimmering Radiance composed of Energy, Matter and Intelligence! But now we are more aware that the Intelligence (or information) it contains is Quantum State Intelligence …rather than the intelligence we are familiar with in everyday life. This difference is literally a quantum jump in expectation of how Co-creation can manifest …using the Light of this Eternal Flame and using the full Divine Potential of its Co-creation.

Quantum State Intelligence might seem a complex idea but outside time and space restrictions, it is rather simple and natural. This Divine Intelligence will seek out life not yet in its Divine Potential …in any person, place, condition and thing on all levels of life …and rush there to begin the Sacred Activity of Restoration, Resurrection and Ascension. This process may not appear as logical or rational …for it operates on the principle of the electron in its ‘wave-function’ rather than its ‘particle-function’. And we know that the world of form is always in both!  Daily life appears to be in a state of solid matter …but within that matter is mostly empty space (between the sub-atomic particles), waiting to be filled with the pure Essence of Sacred Fire.

And this Ascension Process then accelerates it into Quantum Matter …whether us into our Light Bodies or the Quantum State of any matter and substance! And in this process, we speak to each Elemental (earth, air, fire, and water) composing our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, blessing it with our Love and Adoration. And we invoke these Elementals to ascend from their 'particle-function' state into to their 'wave-function' State…yet maintain the same form and function of each organ system, meridian, molecule and cell. Such is our Light Body! And this is the Divine Expectation of the Ascension Process within and all around us …in our newfound Solar Consciousness.

Quantum State Intelligence is respectful …adoring of all life …and eternally grateful.  It recognizes such a large vista beyond itself and thus is eternally modest and reverent. It is what Paul the Apostle said: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love endures all”. Divine Expectation carries this Ray of Reverence for all Life. It Initiates the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom!

As Teachers of Quantum State Intelligence within Solar Consciousness, a concern we may have in its early development with Light Servers is of lingering aspects of spiritual pride.  It is the hidden worm in an otherwise perfect apple. But it can divert the growth in the Ascension Process. The expectation of your Teachers and Gurus is that one continues the daily practice of ‘empty of self, time and space’ …developing a stronger True Identity …and a more ‘present Spiritual Agency’ in serving as the Divine Instrument. For this develops a larger lens through which you see every detail and interaction of your life as simply Energy, Matter and Intelligence trying to find its Spiritual Freedom. This is moving into Higher Dimensions of Life …within daily life!  This is the Coming of Holy Spirit and the return of the Christ Nature to Earth.

At this point of the Ascension Process there is no fear …nor criticism, condemnation and judgment of the details or interactions within daily life. Imagine Quantum State Intelligence as a Divine Understanding, God Illumination and Wisdom that your outer mind may not yet possess …but your Light does, your Divine Instrument does, your True Identity does! And it your Light that goes into action with this Ascended level of understanding of the process of daily life and its desired outcome. And with this practice, we develop a Spiritual Knowingness that ‘God in Action’ is the only activity occurring, even if our outer mind does not understand or know the rational of.  This is called Faith!

I AM Divine Quantum State Intelligence,
Quantum State Energy and thus,
Quantum State Matter …
My Light Body!

In this Ascended and Free State,
I AM continuously God in Action!

And before the need is stated, the answer is already present!
This is my Divine Instrument and my Divine Expectation!
It is all within my Light and Divine Consciousness!

Let us see the electron in its Divine Potential …at that Higher Frequency of spin, orbit and velocity …at the intersection of 'particle-function' and 'wave-function'.  This is the Co-creation of Quantum Matter and the nature of the Resurrection and the Life …the Restoration of Divine Potential …just as when that same Energy, Matter and Intelligence radiated forth from the Eternal Flame of Father / Mother God. This is the Sacred State of ‘in the beginning’ …First Cause initiating everything that followed!

In order to assist you daily in your introduction to Solar Consciousness, let me remind you that the Guarding Angel of your Lifestream is one my Legions on the Fourth Ray. She has been with you since your first embodiment and will stay in your aura until your full Ascension in the Light …and the endings of the ‘wheel of birth and death’. She then graduates towards becoming a Cherubim, taking on larger responsibility in the Kingdom of Souls …for Earth and possibly other Spheres of Existence. Then, after cycles of service as a Cherubim, the Office of Seraphim awaits …lead by our Beloved Serapis Bey (the lead Seraphim for our sweet Earth and her Kingdom of Souls) …along with his Ascension Temple that oversees the Ascension Process in all Humanity, but especially for Candidates for the Ascension in their clear roles of Light Service to Earth.

As a Ray of Invocation embodied, daily Invoke your Guardian Angel …and of myself and all the teachings of Solar Consciousness. It is the nature of Quantum State Energy, Matter and Intelligence, known and lived throughout Universal I AM. For this Forcefield is here and now …flowing through your Divine Instrument, into your Light Service to our sweet Earth.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF LORD ZADKIEL, on …the Order of Zadkiel and Freedom’s Holy Flame.

I AM Flame!

I AM its Radiant Light!

I AM an Eternal Violet Flame and

I AM its Infinite Flowing Golden Light!

I AM Archangel! I AM a Teacher of Solar Consciousness to Humanity! I AM the Ray of Invocation anchored on Earth. I AM the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self …standing in the Eternal Violet Fire.  As the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, I see around me a timeless, endless space …the Aura of my Flame of Immortality …a soft golden, glowing Light, like a gentle, shimmering, iridescent rain …falling down but also rising up …expanding out and folding in. The Golden Light is the complementary Aura of the Violet Fire. It evokes the Great, Great Silence …the Eternal Peace of the Great Solar Quiet.

The Star of Spiritual Freedom is now Initiated. To be initiated is to have initiative …to do one’s part in the Co-creation of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom! The Order of Zadkiel aligns with Initiative …taking initiative …and, accepting the Initiation, as the Star of Spiritual Freedom. This Forcefield takes command in directing the Consciousness at becoming a Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self …and a full member in the Order of Zadkiel, functioning on Earth.

Initiation comes with a Mantle of Authority as God in Action! Authority is not control over others but rather the full control over our own thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …so that we continually express Perfection Patterns into manifestation in all that we do, think, say or feel. The Robes of Ascended Mastery come with being clothed in Freedom’s Flame …having authority and agency in the process of governing Energy, Matter and Intelligence innate within life. This Initiation is central to the Ascension Process …transmuting something less than its Divine Potential into its own Highest Frequency …fulfilling its Divine Plan and setting it free in the Light. This Ascension Process begins with oneself …and then can be expanded into Light Service in assisting other persons, places, conditions and things into their own Spiritual Freedom.

Beloved Sanat Kumara and Beloved Saint Germain are both High Priests in the Order of Zadkiel. They have trained many members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great Light Brotherhood, on this sweet Earth and many other Planes of Existence. They serve Life through the Power of Invocation. It is my joy to teach the Power of Invocation to draw forth and qualify the Sacred Fire! This was and remains the First Cause of Father / Mother God at Creation …to fulfill Divine Potential. So now I bring this Spiritual Impetus into Ascended and Free Light Service …for this very Cosmic Moment.

At every New Age or Divine Dispensation, the Archangel and Chohan of that particular Major Ray serve together to raise up the Lifeforce living within that Dispensation, into their Divine Potential for that Cycle. The Mighty Elohim of that Ray then assists further by aligning the Elemental Kingdom with these efforts. This process is naturally fulfilled in Harmony and Balance on every other planet …as well as for the first three Root Races on Earth. But since the ‘great fall’ and its seemingly ‘endless karmic loop’, this transition for our present New Age requires much more effort from the Realms of Light, as well as from embodied Light Service.

The Seventh Ray Cycle on any planet brings the completion of one entire revolution of the Cosmic Wheel.  Then then entire System begins its next journey on a New Wheel, the next Major Cycle or New Cosmic Day. And that is our service now and the purpose of all Forcefields within the Next Life Wave Coming …to complete Humanity’s Ascension Process and allow our sweet Earth to Ascend into her Orbit of Divine Love …prepared for her by the I AM Race on her sister planet Venus. This is of course why Beloved Sanat Kumara knew he must perform his Sacrifice of Love for a sister Race, so that this Divine Potential of Earth could in fact be fulfilled and Humanity could enter the Spheres of Love prepared for them.

This dawning New Age is the close of a minor Cycle (the 2000-year Christian Dispensation), as well as the close of the Major Cycle (of all Seven Rays Cycles) coming to completion …a full revolution of the Cosmic Wheel. These cycles operate as a spiral and thus, with each New Age, we enter a Higher Frequency Plane of Existence. And with all Seven completed we are at the top of that spiral …and a New Cosmic Wheel begins, opening into much greater Divine Potentials for all involved.  This is the nature of the Great Cosmic Inbreath. And its success depends on the Power of Invocation of Light Servers to draw forth the Sacred Fire and qualify it with the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of your Flame of Immortality and the Momentums within your Causal Body …as well as what you Invoke from the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, who place their Cosmic Momentums within the Forcefields offered to assist your Light Service. Such is the Theme and Thoughtform of the Solar Year and everything within the Next Life Wave Coming.

You have all been Masters of Invocation in previous embodiments and were trained under the Order of Zadkiel on this or other Planes of Existence. It is this longstanding Momentum we now call forth from your Causal Body, to instantly guide and guard your thoughts, feelings, words and deeds within daily life. Such Cosmic Momentum is but waiting the Power of your Invocation …to Come Forth Now …and be the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …the Flame of Immortality in action here and now! This is your full Spiritual Liberty, your Divine Right and becoming your full Spiritual Agency right here and now …as Candidates for the Ascension!

Maintaining Harmony and Balance within the Elemental Vehicles is paramount for wielding such Powers of Invocation. For if it is used for purposes less than Harmony and Balance, then progress ceases and a complete rebalance / repair must ensue. And you have the Violet Fire of the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness to do just that! But that rebalance / repair must be done with full awareness. This is using the Ray of Invocation for yourself. And as Teachers of Solar Consciousness, the Archangels are very aware that the Ascension Process will have continuous spiritual development but also be expected to include moments of rebalance  / repair.

Embodiment within the realm of karma is difficult and the Spiritual Hierarchy certainly knows this! And we salute and honor the rebalance  / repair cycles, as much as we honor the Power of Invocation on behalf of global Light Service. This is our unconditional Love and Acceptance of you …for as your Teachers of Solar Consciousness, we are also very grateful that you took on this great sacrifice of embodiment on Earth. Meditate on this and develop a daily practice that includes both service to self as well as service to others.

The Star of Spiritual Freedom is a Focus …a Forcefield …a Spiritual Center of the Ray of Invocation. This Center now Invokes the Next Life Wave Coming into all Humanity …until the outer mind awakens sufficiently to consciously Invoke these Forcefields themselves. The Four Foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming are the four cardinal points of its Light Rays. All the Light within it contains the 'force-carrier particles' (photons) that bring the Power of Spiritual Liberty into the world. Remember dear ones that photons within Light, especially on the Quantum State level, compose this 'force-carrier particle' that literally carry Forcefields  into the worldinto Creation. The Infinite Radiant Light of our own Eternal Flame radiates these 'force-carrier particles’ (photons) and manifest Quantum State Energy, Matter and Intelligence into Co-creation.

The entire Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity now function through the Ray of Invocation. This is the Power within the Order of Zadkiel! This is so that Humanity may invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project the Sacred Fires from the Twelve Houses of the Sun. This is how the Priests / Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel are to Come Forth Now …in this embodiment …and Invoke the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity into daily life. The Sixth and Seventh Root Races already anchor, build and sustain this Cosmic Momentum, as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. They come into embodiment brimming with this Cosmic Momentum of Invocation!

And the Feminine Ray, now asserting itself in the restoration of Harmony and Balance in daily life, also assists in this fashion …asserting this level of Twelve-fold Solar Consciousness into the mainstream of daily life. Let us specifically invoke the Powers of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness of ourselves and of all other life requiring assistance in their quest for Spiritual Freedom! For the Unity of the Feminine Ray and the Seventh Ray is a particularly powerful and effective Divine Alchemy for this Cosmic Moment!

Beloved Ascended Master Jesus is also a Priest in the Order of Zadkiel. He used the Power of Invocation  to draw forth health from sickness and even life from death. He could do the same with the forces of the Elements …calm the waters and the seas. And now it is for the present Light Servers within the Gathering of Ascending Humanity to assume this Mantle of Invocation and reveal this Divine Potential across the spectrum of daily life. Practice, Practice, Practice …until you know the Mystic Union with Solar Consciousness …becoming a Ray of Invocation …knowing I AM there at every practice in restoring the Order of Zadkiel on Earth!