November, 2017
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
Remembering …Living …BEING …the Motto
of the Great Light Brotherhood on Earth!
We become practitioners; then specialists; and eventually
Masters of the Divine Alchemy of Inter-Dimensional Sacred Fire
…in an anonymous embodiment of dedicated Light Service.
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Path of the Sacred Fire;
the Inter-Dimensional Celestial Reality of Ascended Mastery!
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Path of the Sacred Fire;
the Inter-Dimensional Celestial Reality of Ascended Mastery!
I AM the Continuity and Integrity of my own Flame and Light!
Before embodiment …I AM an expression of Eternal Flame
and I AM an expression of its Infinite Radiant Light!
During embodiment …I AM an expression of Eternal Flame
and I AM an expression of its Infinite Radiant Light!
After embodiment …I AM an expression of Eternal Flame
and I AM an expression of its Infinite Radiant Light!
Before embodiment: Sun of the Sun!
During embodiment: Sun of the Sun!
After embodiment: Sun of the Sun!
Before embodiment: only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!
During embodiment: only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!
After embodiment: only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!
Before embodiment: a developing Ascended Master Presence!
During embodiment: a developing Ascended Master Presence!
After embodiment: a developing Ascended Master Presence!
I AM the Continuity and Integrity of my own Flame and Light!
This is my developing Ascended Master Presence
…including within this embodiment!
This is what I AM!
I AM that I AM!
By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me
I AM mastering the Divine Alchemy of Sacred Fire!
I AM becoming my Ascended Master Presence on Earth!
I AM a student apprentice of the Sacred Fire.
I AM a practitioner of the Sacred Fire.
I AM a specialist of the Sacred Fire.
I AM a Master of the Sacred Fire!
Sacred Fire directs Sacred Fire!
Its Infinite Radiant Light directs all Divine Light!
I AM knowing, understanding this Divine Opportunity.
I AM daring to practice this Divine Opportunity in this life.
I AM doing, manifesting this Divine Opportunity in this life.
I AM in the Great Silence of my Divine Opportunity in this life.
I AM knowing the Truth of Inter-Dimensional Sacred Fire.
I AM daring to use the Truth of Inter-Dimensional Sacred Fire.
I AM becoming the full Mastery of Inter-Dimensional Sacred Fire.
I AM Silent within the Harmony of Inter-Dimensional Sacred Fire!
Before embodiment, Eternal Flame and Infinite Radiant Light
…a Light Being of Universal I AM, seeking to set life free.
During embodiment, Eternal Flame and Infinite Radiant Light
…known as an Ascended and Free embodiment, within
the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
After embodiment, Eternal Flame and Infinite Radiant Light,
a Light Being returned to Universal I AM, to further serve
in the Great Cosmic Inbreath …of all life eternally
Ascending towards the Source of Divine Love.
O Buddha Supreme: I sit with you on an Infinite Lotus of Light!
Take me in my Eternal Flame …take me as my Eternal Flame,
into Your Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light!
Take me into my Eternal Life in the Light.
In your Divine Presence, I AM
my own Buddha Supreme!
Beloved Ones: we are becoming our Divine Self, alongside other Kingdoms fulfilling their Divine Potential. And our optimal Light Service is within our original union / alignment with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals. This Oneness Consciousness of Angels, Elementals and Humanity …together, standing in the Light …is foundational to the Victory of our New Age of Spiritual Freedom. Let us continue to build this Divine Union of Kingdoms …even as we build our Divine Consciousness, our Divine Self and our Eternal Life in the Light!
There are many Angelic and Devic attendants engrained into and aligned with our Light Service. They abide in the formless Realms of Spirit, with the electron expressing in its wave-form. They exist outside the bounds of time and space restrictions. They hold the Immaculate Concept of our Forcefields and increase the Power of Holy Spirit within them. They are essential in creating the spiritual infrastructure necessary to manifesting and sustaining a New Age of Spiritual Freedom on Earth. Angelic and Devic attendants serve in many ways and capacities, some we may be aware of, others not.
For example, Angelic and Devic attendants serve within our meditation rooms / Sanctuaries …as we develop and practice the Divine Art and Science of the Sacred Fire. They assist us in understanding and knowing the Inter-Dimensionality of Sacred Fire. They then assist in our efforts to dare …to rhythmically apply this Divine Alchemy. They assist, seen or unseen, eventually to master this Sacred Art and Science. And they assist with our practice of not allowing human-ego or spiritual pride to interfere …to do this Ascended and Free Light Service in the great silence of anonymity. In summary, they assist us to become the Motto of the Great Light Brotherhood …to know, to dare, to do and to be silent!
Through our attention, adoration and attunement, Angelic and Devic attendants may assist in the spiritual acceleration of our Light Service …where our personal Temple / Sanctuary becomes one with the Temples / Retreats of the Great Ascended Masters. And we then join with the Spiritual Hierarchy in the great Transmission of the Flame, as the Sacred Fire expands its perfect work around this sweet Earth. We each build a unique Forcefield within the confines of our personal (or group) physical Sanctuary and its corresponding Etheric Causal Body of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. This is the same principle where we have built a Forcefield of our personal aura around our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies …as well as on Cosmic Levels, having built an Aura around our Electronic Vehicles …our Cosmic Causal Body. Now the integrity of this comes to full power, in the alignment of all of our developed Energy, Vibration and Consciousness through the Ages …into this Cosmic Moment.
Let us acknowledge and give adoration to the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals who serve with us: Listening Angels of Prayer, Meditation and Invocation; the Angels and Devas of Peace Divine, who along with the Angels of Holiness sustain the lattice structure of our evolving embodied Forcefield; the Angels of Dedication and Consecration serving the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in sustaining the etheric infrastructure of our Temples within Ascended and Free Realms of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation, co-creating the Causal Body around New Earth (as seen in the Solar Year Thoughtform). The Angels of Divine Ceremony are present in our Sanctuary/Temples, where they may expand one moment of our focused ceremony …into an endless stream of incoming Energy from Realms of Light! Think on this!
Our focused Ceremony of Spiritual Practice opens Portals and Highways of Light from Higher Spheres. These Angels sustain and maintain the delicate etheric nature of our personal Forcefields. Angels of Consecration expand the Sacredness of our individual Light Service into global Forcefields of Inner Spiritual Blessing for Humanity. The Angels of Sacred Promise hold the Immaculate Concept for our Temples. The Angels of Music and Divine Tone sustain the Keynotes of our (personal and collective) Forcefields. Seraphim, Cherubim and Angels of all Orders continually pledge their desire to serve with us …as they are profoundly attuned to our efforts of alignment with them …continually building the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity.
Devas are Spirit Beings of the Elemental Kingdom who attend Great Cosmic Beings, including the Builders of Form and the Mighty Elohim on Cosmic Levels. Yet they also attend our Sanctuary / Temples, as we further become Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light! In fact, all the Orders of Angels and Devas that assist in co-creation of the physical universe and specifically this Solar System, see our Sanctuary / Temples within a matrix or network of co-creation in unity with theirs …in a Oneness Consciousness of Precipitation. This is all in preparation for the Great Cosmic Inbreath …all Ascending, all at once! Every aspect of formed and unformed life is now to proceed to their next forward position of evolution …their Higher Frequency of Divine Potential.
We have all trained in the Temples of the Builders of Form, as well as the Mighty Elohim, all within the Realms of Light. We all have training with the Seven Steps of Precipitation. We did so alongside Angelic Orders of Great Stature …as well as the Devas and even the more elevated Devas Rajahs. The Royal Kingdoms have trained together! In the Eyes of Father / Mother God, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity now serves in the Brotherhood of Co-creation. This is our True Identity of Light Service!
To augment this specific training, we have also trained in each of the Temples of the Seven Rays …trained in each of the individual steps of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation. Think of the Glorious Angels of Cause, who accompany us through all of our training …akin to our Guardian Angels …but these Angels are the Guardians of our training for this embodiment …so that we may produce the same Divine Co-creation here in daily life …using perfectly the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Sacred Fire. We are embodied as Builders of Forcefields …as we have trained for in the Inner Realms of Light. This is our supreme purpose in being granted this embodiment. Contemplate what this means in daily life, where we try to live the ‘Sacredness of Temple Life’, maintaining our outer daily life in simple Harmony and Balance!
Each of us have Angels of Stamina and Strength from the First Ray …to assist us to steadily and calmly ‘carry on our Light Service’ in the face of karmic illusion. Angels of Knowing, and Enlightenment from the Second Ray assist us in aligning our mind with this service …standing in the Golden Aura of the Golden Robe …even with the pull of our daily life tugging on our mind. Angels of the Third Ray maintain our Rose-petaled Pulsating Pink Sun around us, to remember that above all else we are Beings of Divine Love …created in Love to serve only Love. Fourth Ray Angels of Purity abound in our sanctuaries, so as to always remain centered in the Immaculate Concept of our Light Service …always revealing the Sacred Principle of the Resurrection and the Life …always Ascending!
Fifth Ray Angels assist to Focus and Consecrate our attention and energies towards the Divine Truth of Ascended and Free Life. Seventh Ray Angels of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, as well as Divine Ceremony, abide in great numbers in and around our Light Service …so that we steadily Master the Divine Alchemy of Sacred Fire. And finally, the Sixth Ray Angels of Peace, as well as Devas who build Forcefields of Peace, seal our Lifestream and our Light Service in Peace Divine …sustaining the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of our personal Forcefield …for eternity!
Let us review the process of our spiritual development, which the Angels assist with. In this embodiment, we all begin as a student of the Light, with a mental concept of Angels and a sense of belief in their Reality. This then graduates into an acceptance of their Reality and Service, with a deeper feeling …more profoundly appreciating their existence within and around us. Then we develop a knowing of their tremendous Light Service, through deeply experiencing their Higher Frequency Auras during our meditations and ceremonies. This then further develops into the God Illumination of living within their Reality, continuously experiencing their Celestial Forcefields. Then the final Ascended Master step is Wisdom …of Being the experience of Oneness Consciousness with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels / Elementals.
Our daily practice in what it means to be Ascended and Free, is accepting this Oneness Consciousness with the Royal Kingdom of Angels and Elementals! We made vows to fully accept this Union before embodiment, at the gates of birth in the Temple of Beloved Mother Mary. And now, here in embodiment, we take these vows of acceptance again …in the Presence of every Solar Christ Self on the planet …and, still in the Presence of Beloved Mother Mary! She too is an Angel, the Archaii of the Fifth Ray, alongside Beloved Archangel Raphael. Let us feel enveloped in the Forcefield of Acceptance and Consecration of these Mighty Angels, in our Eternal Divine Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE ELOHIM ORION AND ANGELICA… On the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …of ‘all formed life’, sustained in Oneness Consciousness by the efforts of Ascended and Free Humanity, ready to take its First Breath, of its new experience of Higher Frequency Divine Love:
Beloved Ones so keenly attuned to our Presence as Angels and Elementals …thank you for this Service to Life …of Acceptance and Consecration to the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity. I AM the Elohim of Divine Love and you are the Suns of the Sun …the Light of a Thousand Suns …inbreathing, absorbing, expanding and projecting this Sacred Frequency into the world.
Using our developed Ascended and Free Creative Faculties, let us see everyone in Humanity standing within …and even greater, standing as …the Solar Year Thoughtform …a global Forcefield of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness! We begin to see and understand the details of this. The Sword of Blue Flame represents the physical body, standing true and strong; the mental body is then represented by the Golden Aura of the Golden Robe, a shimmering Forcefield of the Mind of God; the Rose-petaled Pulsating Pink Sun then represents the emotional body, filled with Higher Frequency Divine Love of Holy Spirit; and finally, the Crystalline Shimmering Diamond with its Seven Levels of formed life …the Pagoda of White Ascension Doves …represents the etheric body in its original Purity as the Immaculate Concept. We now accept that everyone in Humanity, in embodiment or between embodiment, …whether from the Fourth and Fifth Root Races or, the incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races …now add into this Thoughtform the goodness of their Being, no matter the temporary illusion of imbalance. Each one stands as the central Three-fold Flame as their own Eternal Flame, the Light of a Thousand, Thousand Suns!
Then further into the Solar Year Thoughtform, each one of Humanity is surrounded by the Cosmic Gift of this New Age, the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …and its Forcefield of Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness and Transmutation …as well as the perfect Harmony and Balance of the Feminine Ray and Seventh Ray …as well as the Focus of their own White Fire Being projecting our Celestial DNA of the Great Central Sun. And all of this Perfection is then sealed in the Seven Rings of the Causal Body, the Ascended and Free Realms of Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation …continually demonstrating our Spiritual Freedom as Humanity now embodies on New Earth, in her Ascended and Free Orbit.
Then we have co-created a Forcefield with all Humanity …together, standing in the Light! We then invoke for everyone gathered here the same experience we have developed …as a Gathering of Ascended Humanity! And as we further practice this meditation, all life is raised up with us …so that the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of New Earth slowly, steadily becomes familiar to all life …and then all life ‘feels at home’ in their bodies of Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty, Harmony and Balance …at home in their Union with Angels and Elementals …at home in their Eternal Life in the Light!
Like a Divine Mother whose Celestial Infant is growing within her, we hold the Crystalline Shimmering Diamond (of all life choosing to exist in form) within us …holding firm to its Immaculate Concept. We do this with the same Consecration and Divine Love as did Beloved Mother Mary for our Beloved Jesus, before he had drawn his first breath in his new realm of existence. Humanity soon draws her first collective breath in Earth’s New Orbit of Divine Love. There she is to be cradled in the arms of the Feminine Ray …through the Vehicle of the Manu …our Beloved Gathering of Ascended Humanity …the perfect synergy of the Seventh Ray / Feminine Ray embodied!
The Ascended Masters have taught that in this embodiment leading into the Great Cosmic Inbreath, we will receive about twenty-five ‘embodiments of karma’ (more or less), as will Humanity. Time has collapsed and is to eventually disappear as a parameter of daily life within the Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom. That is why so many varied experiences occur …as previously each would have been the ‘story of one lifetime’ …but now only a ‘chapter of a lifetime within a much larger book’, this multifaceted embodiment!
During self-reflection, we may look back and see all the ‘embodiments’ that have constituted this lifetime. We realize all the karma that has swept by, carried now into the River of Cosmic Violet Fire …then carried further, directly into the arms of Divine Love. In our True Identity, as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, we may observe this process in Peace …seeing a Divine Influence active throughout these embodiments …all within this lifetime. For we see this lifetime (and all of our embodiments) as just one aspect of our Cosmic Lifestream …a River of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness pouring across Universal I AM, in our Eternal Flame’s journey further into the Light!
In closing, it is the Cohesive Power of Divine Love emanating from your own Light Service that allows this Victory. And within your own Cohesive Power of Divine Love is ours …always supporting you, with the Higher Frequency Divine Love from the Great Central Sun! And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!
INVOCATION: Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst, open up my Ascended and Free Creative Faculties …so that only the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence passes through these creative outlets, manifesting as Perfection Patterns into the world of form. Beloved Angels of the Violet Fire, guide my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …the operation of my seven embodied Chakras; my Third Eye of Crystal Vision; and my Eternal Three-fold Flame …into the perfect co-creation of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom. Guide and assist me to specifically use the Seventh Ray Creative Faculties and our Violet Fire Chakra to fully represent the Mother Principle …in the Precipitation, Causation and Co-creation of Spiritual Freedom for all life on Earth. And SO IT IS!
I AM Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
In that Truth, I love and adore the physical realm of self, time
and space …that I have come to love free. I bring into this world
the Cosmic Violet Fire of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness
and Transmutation into Spiritual Freedom!
Before, during and after embodiment,
I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!
In embodiment, I love and have only Mercy, Compassion and
Forgiveness towards self …my-self …and that of others.
I love and have only Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness
towards time …my time …and that of others.
I love and have only show Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness
towards space …my space …and that of others.
Beloved Friends of Freedom in service to Beloved Saint Germain: I grant your Invocation! Listen and watch for the Seventh Ray Angels and Devas to help co-create a perfect experience of Light Service in the Name of Beloved Saint Germain. When he returned from the Great Central Sun with the gift of the Violet Fire for Humanity, you were there as Beings of Great Light in that welcoming Ceremony. Now this Cosmic Gift has expanded to include The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire spiraling around New Earth. This Sphere houses our White Fire Being, projected here from their Home in the Great Central Sun. And thus you are still here as a Great Being of Light, as part of this ongoing Divine Ceremony of the unfolding Seventh Ray …present with our Beloved Seventh Ray Chohan …but of even greater potential service to the Cause, because of your present embodiment!
The White Fire Being represents the perfect Harmony and Balance of the Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray Divine Twins. It is their union that brings about the Christ Child of God Illumination and True Enlightenment …the Mighty I AM Presence projected onto Earth as the embodied Solar Christ Self.
The Violet Fire is charged with a Higher Intelligence of the Central Sun. It was created from the perfect union of the Pink Flame of Love and the Blue Flame of Power upon the Altar of Father / Mother God. It represents the Divine Twins. It is a Violet Flame with a Golden Radiance …sustaining its own Golden Aura of the Golden Robe, as we see in the Solar Year Thoughtform. The specific God Intelligence within the Violet Fire seeks out karma and transmutes it. This gift ‘to undo the 'great fall' in Consciousness’ was invoked and brought to Earth by Beloved Saint Germain for this dawning Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom.
Karma is the law of cause and effect. Karma is generated by any activity of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds less than the Original Intent of Harmony and Balance. Any thoughts, feelings, words and deeds created from the Original Intent of Love, Wisdom and Power, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, and all Quantum State of Harmony and Balance …these are not karma, but rather Universal I AM expanding the borders of its Perfection. So, in whatever we do, think, say or feel, we are either generating karma or expanding the borders of Perfection Patterns of Universal I AM …expanding God's Will. We are always generating cause and the effects will always happen, whether greater Perfection Patterns …or, more karmic illusion.
Think of what the Violet Fire offers …to transmute karmic patterns before they can further act, manifest or longer be sustained! To live within the Forcefield of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is to have this swirling action of the Higher Frequency Cosmic Energy go before you and transmute all karmic patterns of the day …before they enter experience …before they can act, manifest or longer be sustained! This is Spiritual Freedom! Now imagine this for all Humanity!
Building a Cosmic Momentum of this Divine Alchemy requires a Forcefield of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …invoked, focused, concentrated and directed towards God’s precious energy trapped in lower frequency patterns. This antidote for karma, created from Higher Frequency Perfection Patterns, is generated in the Central Sun …but sustained here through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. In Light Service this may include focused attention of Intent (God's Will); as well as music; decrees or affirmations; chants or mantras; sacred movement; visualization of the Activity, including colors, fragrance and tone …as well as the inclusion of the Angels and Elementals aligned with or attending the Sacred Ceremony.
This entire Activity takes place outside of the restrictions of time and space. Thus we take ourselves to that Sacred State in meditation …of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Outside of time, this Activity may take only seconds of Divine Intention …or, if we choose, become a lovely, prolonged period of sustained meditation. Outside of space, we may do this in the privacy of our home or in nature, but it always includes the world and all life expressing in form, within the Pagoda of White Ascension Doves.
This Seventh Ray Activity requires silence of the mind and heart …the Great Silence within meditation …where I AM only Pure Intention; empty of self and all persons, places, conditions and things; while sustaining a Forcefield of Higher Frequency Divine Love radiating from an embodied Flame. This is what the Gathering of Ascended Humanity trained to do in Temples of Light before incarnation …including their own Temple, as well as those of the Spiritual Hierarchy. We then vowed to manifest this training with competence, when granted embodiment. We agreed to anchor our own Ascended and Free Temples of Light into daily life! These are the memories we carry within our Higher Etheric Mind.
This entire Activity results in a heightened spiritual awareness …and practice …for all Humanity and all life expressing in form! This includes single cell lifeforms through to the mass consciousness of Humanity! This is the Seventh Aspect of Holy Spirit …the finger of God that completes the Hand of Holy Spirit. My Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy is as the Archaii of the Seventh Ray …the Spirit of the Violet Fire …the Mother Guardian of all Angels of the Seventh Ray …and the Keeper of Spiritual Freedom of our sweet Earth.
Affirm with me: I AM the Spirit of the Violet Fire. I AM the Spirit of Mercy; the Spirit of Compassion and the Spirit of Forgiveness! I AM the Spirit of Divine Ceremonious Living; the Spirit of Rhythm and Ordered Service …and I AM the Spirit of Transmutation / Transfiguration. I feel this Spirit of the Seventh Ray alive and thriving in me …as I expand and project it everywhere present. I AM the Spirit of Violet Fire, sealed in its Mystic Realization!
I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …guiding, guarding and directing the Cosmic Violet Fire …in, through and around this (person, place, condition and thing) right here and now …liberating their Spiritual Freedom …liberating their Spiritual Freedom …liberating their Spiritual Freedom! The Sacred Fire has cleared the way, so that once Humanity makes the concerted effort to look past ego, pride and selfishness …they will now see into Higher Frequency Realms, gazing directly into their own Divine Potential and that of Humanity. This is the infrastructure of Sacred Fire we have built and continually sustain!
I AM empty of self, and thus, only Flame. I AM empty of time and always Flame …Eternally Flame! I AM empty of space and only Radiant Light, everywhere present. My Flame is always present …as my Mighty I AM Presence! On New Earth, my Eternal Flame expresses its Infinite Radiant Light through my Creative Faculties …the actions of Holy Spirit in daily life. Thus, when I AM centered in the Violet Fire, my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds are those of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, Transfiguration, Transmutation, Divine Ceremony and Rhythm. In formless Realms of Light, my Eternal Flame gives off its Infinite Radiant Light as pure Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, creating Cosmic Momentums of Quantum State Qualities …my Causal Body!
Achieving Ascended Mastery in embodiment is when the Eternal Flame reveals itself entirely through the embodied Creative Faculties. This allows all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds to be sourced only from Eternal Flame …and thus, an expression of Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light. This Divine Process was the original Divine Intention …the Miracle Working Mighty I AM Presence in action through its Holy Christ Self, embodied in form! The obstructions to this Victory are ego-based karma, where thoughts, feelings, words and deeds were manifest with less than the Divine Intention.
One of the principle purposes of the Cosmic Violet Fire is to undo this error in the sourcing of daily life experience and return it to the Divine Principle of creation directly from the Mighty I AM Presence! This is the original Spiritual Freedom Father / Mother God desired for our sweet Earth and her Root Races, so that the Cosmic Cycles may turn in Harmony and Balance. We return to this now with the transition of the Root Races, and then the completion of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!
Then as we ‘exercise’ our Creative Faculties with only Divine Intent, we build our Light Body, we build our Divine Consciousness and we build our Eternal Life in the Light. Just like exercising our physical body brings strength and stamina, health and wellness, so too does exercising our Light Body bring forth its evolving strength of certainty …its Revelation into the world. Its nutrients come from the Forces of Light pouring directly into it from Higher Frequency Realms of the Mighty I AM Presence.
A source of that Sacred Fire is alive and well in our Heart. And using our Creative Faculties for Love, Wisdom and Power is a form of continuous Holy Communion with our Eternal Flame. Contemplate this. Its Infinite Radiant Light desires to bless the world through our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …expressed in our meditations, visualizations, affirmations, songs, decrees, mantras, and sacred movement …as well as routines of daily life done with the Consciousness of Loving Kindness!
So, let us use and use our Creative Faculties for the Revelation of Sacred Fire into the world …as Builders of Divine Self; Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light! And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!
Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst
I stand within your Pillar of Cosmic Violet Fire,
Surrounded by your Legions of Violet Fire Angels.
I AM blazing, blazing, blazing the Cosmic Violet Fire
through my Creative Faculties, until they shine with the
full Light of the Mighty I AM Presence pouring through!
I AM the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves forming the
Crystalline Shimmering Diamond of ‘all life existing in form’.
All of this takes place within me, for I AM the world.
I AM in the world and the world is within me!
This Pagoda of Seven Ascension Doves now sparkles bright Purple
with the Cosmic Violet Fire! I AM the Transmutation,
Purification and Transfiguration into Divine
Potential …of all formed life on Earth!
I AM the Violet Fire in action purifying my Creative Faculties:
My thoughts, feelings, words and deeds;
My heart, throat, head and hands!
I AM opening up by Creative Faculties to God's Will from the
Higher Frequency Divine Source, the Miracle Working Mighty
I AM Presence, abiding as my Solar Christ Self in daily life!
I AM a Devotee of the Sacred Fire; a Disciple of Holy Spirit!
I AM an open door for its Higher Frequency Essence
now pouring through my Creative Faculties.
My Creative Faculties steadily reveal their Divine Potential,
becoming an avenue for the Governing God Intelligence
of Divine Love directing the world. I AM the Activity
of the Three-fold Flame of Creation through me!