November, 2020


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


I AM an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

My Flame expands outward in Spirals of Light …
Cosmic Rays amplifying as Spherical Waves of Energy.



influencing ‘the effects’ of every person, place, condition
and thing …everywhere present …at every moment!





(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Eternal Flame’s
Activity as the Cohesive Power of Divine Love.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Eternal Flame’s
Activity of Unifying all life in her Ascended State.



I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM Ascended and Free together, standing in the Light!
On every Inbreath, I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love.
On every Outbreath, I AM uniting all life in her Ascended State!

Through this Divine Instrument flows endless
Perfection Patterns into the world, enfolding
the planet moment to moment.

I AM the Cohesive Power of my Eternal Flame!
I AM the ‘vast interconnectedness’ of I AM!

I AM constantly streaming its Radiant Light of Perfection Patterns! And I speak clearly to all energy returning to my Lifestream and all to all karma due to express anywhere this day:

I AM the Spirit of Sacred Fire and I now transmute all karmic debt associated with this ‘returning innocent life’.

I AM Liberating, Liberating, LIBERATING
this returning energy into the Light!

I AM the Spirit of the Sacred Fire!
I AM the Spirit of the Sacred Fire!

I AM in constant Holy Communion with my Great God Presence.
And through its vast interconnectedness, I AM in constant
Holy Communion
with all energies of my Lifestream,
and …all the energies of the world!

I AM a constant Sun of Divine Cause!
I AM a constant Sun of Divine Cause!




Beloved Ones; we are each developing our True Identity and our Divine Instrument …as the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  Through this comes a continuous flow of Perfection Patterns, passing through our personal Forcefield of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, out into the world. If we were still abiding in the Ascended Master Realms of Light, this process would be easy, joyful and done with much enthusiasm and complete Mastery.  If we were embodied but lived a ‘Monastery Life’, without the burdens of daily life (relationships, family, ‘making a living, etc.) it would be much less difficult and we would spend our days in meditation and contemplation of the Divine, surrounded by like-minded people and enlightened Teachers.

But there was a sacrifice to this present embodiment which we all agreed to …that we would accomplish all of the above …but do so as ‘one with Humanity’ in her daily life …so that we could truly fulfill the Laws of Reciprocity: “As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!” This was never to be an embodiment aimed entirely at the personal Ascension …but rather a collective embodiment of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, aimed at the ‘Ascension of the collective’ …to bring an entire planet and her Humanity into the Light …the Light of Ascended and Free Humanity, on her Ascended and Free Earth, in her Ascended and Free Higher Frequency Orbit.

As our Beloved Hierarch of the Fourth Ray Serapis Bey has said, the Ascension Temple has become daily life …with all the disciplines of training, but little of the secluded Temple Life …and our Teachers are found only in meditation …and in our daily mindfulness of Universal I AM continuously unfolding before us.  The ‘tests’ of this ‘Temple of daily life’ are such things as pandemics, social injustice and inequality, disease and distress on many levels of family and community …right down to the core of personal identity.  Such is the planet we came to set free. This is also what we prepared for in the Realms of Light …in previous embodiments while in Monasteries and Temple Life …so that the Karmic Board would allow this ‘collective of Souls’ to form a Gathering of Ascended Humanity and take this planet Home!

Ponder this! And with this in mind, let us review one of the basic truths about Ascended and Free Light Service …that everything is Energy, Vibration and Consciousness! We are Creators, Constructors, Builders …where the staple ingredients of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness (at a frequency of our choosing) are mixed together and then ‘baked in the crucible of our attention’ …and from that comes a ‘product of our choosing’ …as a particular ‘frequency of form or reality’ …which we then call ‘daily life’.  We are here to reveal to Humanity that we can utilize these basic fundamentals of the Universe through the Power of our Attention (“what you think and feel you bring into form”) …to become Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light!

Beloved Ones, we are continuously developing our Consciousness since ‘first born within the Realms of Light’ …born from the Cosmic Flame of Father / Mother God.  From that First Birth, we then experience the Celestial Realms of Light …all the while emerging our budding Consciousness. We steadily discover the Power of our Creative Faculties of thought and feeling …all the while learning the anchorage and absorption, then expansion and projection of Sacred Fire and its Infinite Radiant Light.  Over eons of time, we laid the foundation of our specific Perfection Patterns of Service, all recorded within our Causal Body. This Electronic Forcefield (Causal Body) is our Higher Frequency memory function …as well as maintenance of all Cosmic Momentum we have created over eons.  Momentum is energy in motion! This allows that all development of Higher Frequency Consciousness we have ever accomplished is Eternal …and its Momentum of Divine Energy is in constant motion through us …when our attention is upon it!

‘Consciousness’ is sometimes defined in very simple terms; that ‘conscious beings’ are aware of themselves; aware of their surroundings; and aware of their continued perception of both. In the world of form, humans are unique in having a highly developed brain, with the ability to know and review one’s own experience …to attune to the experience of others (individually and collectively, capable of developing empathy and oneness) …and finally even to ‘understand our experience’ on a Universal Level …the Wisdom to understand where ‘this moment’ fits in the ‘grand scheme of things’, within the ‘Universal Moment’.

Our Consciousness allows us to keep track of every ‘Eternal Moment of Now’ …from the tiniest scale of daily life, to the largest setting of the Great Cosmic Inbreath …all at once, simultaneously!  Imagine the Consciousness of Father / Mother God, who can do this for Galaxies beyond Galaxies, each with thousands of Solar Systems …a Celestial Consciousness that we may only yet imagine. But we train ourselves to attune to a portion of this Cosmic Momentum available in our Causal Body …in order to gain ‘Ascended Master confidence’ in our present Light Service, as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.  This captures some of the immense Divine Potential of our collective Light Service …if we can bring the full Cosmic Momentum of our True Identity into Light Service!

Every level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves has Consciousness. Beyond Humanity’s development of her Consciousness (towards becoming the I AM Race), Consciousness is also a property fundamental to all Domains of Life …Angels and Elementals as well as Humanity. Every electron or photon is conscious to a certain extent, so that the tiniest Elemental Being develops Consciousness from its most rudimentary elements. Then through eons of ‘lived experience’ on many levels of Elemental expression, eventually the ‘tiny Elemental’ graduates to become a Deva (an advanced Elemental who governs and protects vast stretches of nature and ‘formed expression’) …or an Elohim (who co-creates Planets and Solar System according to the Divine Design of Father / Mother God) …or even a Silent Watcher, who holds the Immaculate Concept for Solar Systems and Galaxies and the infinite array of Beings evolving therein. The same path develops for all Orders of the Angelic Kingdom …from the tiniest Angel through to Mighty Cherubim, Seraphim and even into Archangels!

So, with all this in mind, let us meditate rhythmically on our ‘personally developing Consciousness’. Let us stay attuned to its Powerhouse of Perfection Patterns within our Causal Body …allowing for their release into daily life through the Harmony and Balance of our Creative Faculties, focused solely on Service to Life.  It may surprise the outer mind, but our collective Causal Momentum within the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is a much more powerful Forcefield than any negativity or imbalance presently seen on the ‘screen of life’.  And this Truth is our Victory …and a worthwhile focus of our Attention and Hope.

Then, let us feel the developing Consciousness within the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals …and become One with that Forcefield.  Here we enjoy the success of a tiny seed developing its Consciousness into a flowering bush of Heavenly Beauty …or even a mighty Oak tree of Cosmic Constancy.  We adore the innocence and companionship of the animal Kingdom. These are some of the joy and solace all around us, to focus upon. And then, to observe our Causal Body Momentums carrying Humanity across her Bridge to Spiritual Freedom …into her Higher Frequency Consciousness of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …and up into her ultimate State of Spiritual Freedom …Ascended and Free!  This is the Divine Potential of our Consciousness …together, standing in the Light!






Beloved Ones of our sweet Child, Earth:

I AM the Alpha and Omega
in the Great Creative Word I AM!

I AM the Alpha and Omega within the Cosmic Violet Fire!
I AM the Alpha and Omega within all Sacred Fire!
I AM the Alpha and Omega within the Feminine Ray!
I AM the Alpha and Omega within the Next Life Wave Coming!

I AM the Alpha and Omega within my Light Body of matter.
I AM the Alpha and Omega within my Light Body of memory.
I AM the Alpha and Omega within my Light Body of thought.
I AM the Alpha and Omega within my Light Body of feeling.

‘I’ is the Power of Presence and its Co-creation.
‘AM’ is the Love Nature holding the Immaculate Concept
for all such creation, through to its Divine Potential fulfilled!

Everything ‘I’ can create in its own Perfection Patterns,
‘AM’ can hold in Divine Love, Prosperity and Peace!

I AM the Alpha and Omega of my own Being!
I AM …that I AMthat I AM!

‘I’ is the Golden Rod of Light, the
Presence of the Golden Child of the Sun!

‘AM’ is the Celestial Flame of your Cosmic
Parents, standing on each side of the Beloved Child;
This is the Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power!

‘I’ is the Presence of God
‘AM’ is the Beingness of God.

‘I’ operates beyond time.
‘AM’ operates beyond space.

‘I AM’ …operates beyond self,
time and space, and thus becomes
the Eternal, Infinite Great God Self!

‘I’ Alpha … ‘AM’ Omega!

I AM One Being of Eternal Light,
the Twin Flames of Masculine & Feminine,
existing in One, Perfect, Harmony and Balance.

‘I’ is the mental, anchorage, centripetal, inbreath side of the Great Creative Word I AM …affirming I AM Present anchoring
the Power of the Universe …as an Eternal Flame!

‘AM’ is the feeling, expansion, centrifugal, outbreath side of the Great Creative Word I AM …affirming I AM an Infinite Radiant Light, the expansion of continuous Divine Love into the Universe.

I AM a Three-fold Flame of Immortality & Eternal Co-creation!
I AM is the Holy Trinity …God Parent, Christ Child, Holy Spirit.

Here we experience the Eternity of the ‘I’ in ‘I AM’ …as well
as the Infinity of the ‘AM’ (OM) of ‘I AM’.  Here we know
the ‘Alpha and Omega of our Eternal Being’ …and may
then express this True Identity …and its Divine
Potential the world of form!

This is Humanity’s Divine Potential …I AM that I AM!
This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity …I AM that I AM!



Beloved Children of the Sun embodied on our sweet Earth: I AM the Voice of the Great I AM …and I come to dwell in the House of my embodied Children, currently serving in the world of form. I speak with you from within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, accompanied by your White Fire Being …as we know you, Children of the Central Sun! Truly in this Higher Frequency, we are together, standing in the Light!

Dear Ones, let us consider the journey of our sweet Earth. There has been a period of the Divine Plan unfolding perfectly (the first three Root Races); then the ‘great sacrifice’ of taking on orphaned souls into a ‘dense enough frequency’ (the physical world of form) where they might ‘once again start over’, with hope of completing their Ascension; then the “great fall’ in Consciousness with many periods of great darkness, ensnaring the Fourth and Fifth Root Races in a timeless karmic loop; then the coming of Beloved Sanat Kumara, with plans for a Spiritual Hierarchy that would create a path to the Ascension for all Humanity …a path that was to culminate with the Seventh Ray Dispensation! And then recently added to this Divine Plan, a declaration of the coming Great Cosmic Inbreath …a degree of Mighty God Parents far beyond ourselves.  And this latest resolution supersedes all others …the Next Life Wave Coming!

In the Original Plan, the destiny of all Seven Root Races (together composing the ‘I AM Race’) was achieving the Status of Holy Christ Self …the perfected ‘Seven-fold Being’.  Each Soul would pass through a Dispensation of each of the Seven Major Rays …during a series of physical embodiments, at least several under each Ray.  This process was perfected in the first three Root Races, culminating in their Ascension into the Realms of Light with their Manu. The Original Plan then stipulated that after the development of the Holy Christ Self, the entire Root Race would then go on to develop ‘beyond planetary Christ Consciousness’ and into ‘Cosmic or Solar Consciousness’ …‘Solar’ having to do with ‘the Sun’ and all the Enlightenment ‘at that level of Cosmic Being’ …a level far beyond even perfected planetary Consciousness.

Then with the Coming of the Great Cosmic Inbreath, it was recently degreed that Humanity would be accelerated toward her Twelve-fold Solar Evolution before this Seven-fold Being was fully accomplished …at the onset of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom …rather than at its end (although there was always a hope this would be accomplished by the end of the Sixth Ray Dispensation of Beloved Jesus the Christ).  This decision to begin anchoring Solar Christ Consciousness now (which again, superseded the original Divine Plan) came because of delays in Humanity’s development were interfering with far greater Cosmic Cycles regarding the Great Declaration of “all Suns in Divine Alignment” …where all life was moving forward on a Higher Level of Synchronicity, across all Galaxies, into Divine Potentials yet unknown.

This Higher Priority subsumed the lesser Cycle of Root Races on Earth and allowed for the accelerated development of Humanity …even given her karmic debt and her needed re-alignment / re-balancing.  But this Proclamation now ‘accelerates everything’, bringing up layers of karmic debt more rapidly than might otherwise have been expected.  But what allows this acceleration of Consciousness to take place now is this greater Divine Edict of ‘all Suns in Divine Alignment’, combined with the release of the full Power of the Cosmic Violet Fire.  This combination of Forcefields is captured within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …where now the White Fire Beings of Humanity (as well as many other Central Sun Beings) reside to assist Earth into her Ascended and Free Orbit …as well as Humanity into her Twelve-fold ‘Sun of the Sun’ Being.

Beloved Ones, these are expansive Cosmic Concepts we speak of.  If the outer mind does not yet absorb it all, this is when we proceed in Faith!  The Cosmic Christ, through our Beloved Jesus, stated: ‘Thrice blessed are those who go by Faith alone’.  This meant that in the time of Beloved Jesus, he ‘spoke of things’ which the level of consciousness at the time might not comprehend. So the followers were encouraged to rely on Faith.  Faith may be defined as ‘a certain knowing in the Heart’, without the outer mind necessarily comprehending.  This acknowledges that the Heart Flame is ‘captain of our soul’ ...and the mind adjusts to its reality.  Now we are asked to do the same in ‘our time’ of Light Service.

This is because the outer mind will struggle with Reality beyond the grounding coordinates of self, time and space.  For the outer mind is rooted in such grounding.  The Heart Flame knows the ‘Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light’, which lies beyond the borders of self, time and space.  It is said the Earth was created by Beloved Helios and Vesta as a ‘unique place in the Heavens’, in which the ‘borders of Perfection’ would be expanded into the dense world of form. Now from within this dense world, Humanity must see back to where she originated from …our 'wave-function' Spiritual Home of the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light …seeing her Home once again as the ‘expansive interconnectedness’ of Universal I AM.

So, worry not if the outer mind struggles with Quantum Reality of True Identity! Rather, just focus on the Heart Flame, of which Disciples of Holy Spirit ‘are experts’, meditating at the Altar of True Identity!  Within the Heart Flame is that Cosmic Knowingness of Higher Reality.  For that Reality is the Sacred Essence of the Heart …where the Silver Cord of Electronic Light anchors from the Mighty I AM Presence into the world …as the Flame of Immortality …where Eternity and Infinity become embodied!

It is becoming clear to Light Servers that this process of ongoing Ascension …from the Seven-fold planetary Being to the Twelve-fold Solar Being, has been accelerated …for you are its evidence, as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity.  This is the evidence that now allows for Earth’s inclusion in the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  The Spiritual Hierarchy and especially the Karmic Board (governing embodiment) agreed that some portion of Humanity be taught in the Temples of Light to anchor ‘a developing Solar Consciousness’ within Humanity …and then manifest it! This follows the motto of the Great Light Brotherhood: “To know, to dare, to do …and to be silent!” This was a stipulation of Father / Mother God to allow Earth to go forward with the Cosmic Inbreath of all Solar Systems ...that there be some Foci of Solar Consciousness flourishing on Earth! This is the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!

Solar Consciousness is ‘of the Sun’ and it’s Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity.  The Twelve Houses of the Sun are the Twelve Rays influencing Souls at Cosmic Levels, just as the Seven Rays influence the development of the Holy Christ Self on Earth. The number ‘12’ (as in ‘Twelve Houses of the Sun’) refers to the path of development of our Galaxy …that when we (Alpha and Omega) were a Sun, there were Twelve Planets in our Solar System. And then, when a previous Great Cosmic Inbreath occurred and we were Initiated as a Central Sun, only Seven of these Planets chose the ‘Initiation of becoming a Sun’ and developing their own Solar System …with five choosing to remain in the Electronic Realms of Light of our new Central Sun. So, as a Central Sun we then had Seven Suns, each with Seven Planets with Seven Spheres of Light and Seven Root Races.

Therefore, the Causal Body on a planetary level has Seven Spheres or ‘Bands of Qualities’ (each with its ‘color and keynote’, etc.). But on Solar Dimensions of the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, there are Twelve of these Electronic Spheres of Light and Divine Qualities, referred to as the ‘Twelve Houses of the Sun’.  This is our Solar Causal Body (of Beloved Alpha and Omega), which we now offer to all Children of the Central Sun …all Races of God Beings developing in our Galaxy. We desire Humanity to understand the Qualities of each ‘House’ or Realm of Light. But it is complicated by the fact that at the level of Solar Consciousness, all development is done in Unity and Synchrony, rather than individually. So, there is less emphasis on each ‘singular House or Aspect’ (and its Qualities and colors or Keynote, etc.) …but rather how they all function as the One vast interconnectedness of Universal I AM!

Beloved ones, our desire is to accelerate your Consciousness!  There are Twelve Quantum State Qualities with the Twelve Houses of the Sun, but they are to be ‘explored and discovered’ in meditation and living …rather than ‘just given to you as facts and figures’.  Beloved Goddess of Liberty is one of the Twelve and is known as Libra. She has agreed to be the Portal to help Humanity discover the others …and bring in a New Age Zodiac for the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom.  Think of this opportunity! We have explored the Seven Rays …which were offered as a gift of the Ascended Masters and ‘handed to Humanity’. And using them, Light Servers have Ascended now into Solar Consciousness.  The Divine Journey has always been to become ‘the One’ (Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence piercing into form); then ‘the Three’-fold Flame (Flame of Immortality); then ‘the Seven’ Chakra Suns …the River of Kundalini Fire (Holy Christ Self); and then ‘the Twelve’ Aspects of Deity in Solar / Cosmic Consciousness …and finally again ‘the One’ …the ‘Nirvana of vast interconnectedness’ of Universal I AM!

Now it is the collective responsibility of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity to anchor Twelve-fold Solar Consciousness on Earth, showing the Spiritual Hierarchy and Father / Mother God that Earth now meets ‘necessary and sufficient criteria’ …and is thus ‘ready and prepared’ for the Great Cosmic Inbreath.  As we proceed with this, the Lord of the World will offer ‘the unified template’ of our collective efforts as the ‘Theme and Thoughtform’ and the World Teacher will ‘formulate the Teachings’ as to delivering it to Humanity …so that steadily, more of Humanity have the same opportunity to explore the Solar  Realms of Light. Imagine that from all aspects of daily life …scientific, artistic, diplomacy, education, healing, justice, etc. …all now accessing aspects of Cosmic Consciousness in their domain of activity. What progress this will bring! This is the purpose of our Ascended and Free Teaching …unified, synchronized Light Service for the good of the whole!

The ‘cells of the Body of the Cosmic Christ’ …otherwise known as the ‘collective Group Avatar’ or ‘Gathering of Ascended Humanity’ …now have the opportunity to shine as a Sun of the Sun …clearing the Way for Humanity and our sweet Earth to Ascend with the Great Cosmic Inbreath!  And it is through the Eye of Divine Liberty that Humanity will see with Crystal Vision all the Glory of the New Age Twelve-fold Zodiac.  And Crystal Vision will reveal the vast interconnectedness of the Twelve Houses of the Sun! And Solar Christ Consciousness will then be again embodied in the I AM Race!

This is our Declaration!



Beloved Ones, we continue the Theme of “back to basics”. Certain Transformational Events in Consciousness are rapidly establishing ‘Completion and New Beginning’.  At this critical time, we present Lord Maitreya’s Address on the UNIVERSAL POWER OF DIVINE LOVE …published decades ago in the Bridge to Freedom Journal.

(Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha):

You are here to become Masters of Love! There is no Lifestream in all the great Universe of God who is not, in some manner, a Dispenser of the Love Element. Love is the dual force of expansion and contraction …cohesion, and radiation. It is a centripetal and centrifugal force. The Lifestream must be anchored in the exact center of his/her world and the two forces equally controlled according to the requirement of the moment. This is Mastery!

Love must be able to give of itself in the release of  radiation  and hold  an   object  in  its own orbit so that  it  neither  comes  too  close  nor goes too far from the Governing Central Intelligence …according to the God Design. This is the most difficult aspect in the achievement of mastery …to control the indrawing Vibration of the Love Force and keep the balance between blessing (Outbreath) and absorption (Inbreath).

Witness: If the attraction of the Sun draws a planet an infinitesimal proportion too close to the center …it   ceases to be. If a planet is driven just a little too far out of its orbit by the Sun …it ceases to be.

So it is with each person in their relation to every living and breathing thing, every inanimate object and every force and power with which he is endowed. The person who draws knowledge and power from life and does not give a balance in service, is off center.

In My Retreat, we have a Golden Bar about eighteen inches long which balances on a pyramid …whose apex is a hair's breadth in size. This Bar never moves, no matter what the planetary changes or Earth upheavals may be. It is the manifestation of Love in perfect balance!

Beloved and Blessed Spirits of God, do you know how much you are loved?  Have you thought of the amount and intensity of Love that has been invested in your Lifestreams individually in your long, tedious journey through the world of form? From the moment of individualization when you were called forth, a sweet and innocent Spirit Spark from the Heart of the Universal Father­ Mother God, LOVE has sustained you!

LOVE has furnished for you out of the beautiful Electronic Light Body of God, the Electronic Form of your own Mighty I AM Presence.

LOVE has  drawn for you the  substance  of  the Ele mental Kingdom, which   has  made for you an emotional body by which you might FEEL the glorious Nature of God; by which you might FEEL Love, Harmony and Beauty, and every other feeling which is of that Nature.

From this Elemental Substance, LOVE has drawn for you a mental form by which you might receive the ideas of the Universal and fashion for yourself an individual world …peopling it according to your free will.

LOVE has drawn for you an etheric envelope into which you might record the experiences in the use of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, building into this etheric body the Mastery of Light.

LOVE has drawn from the physical atoms of this world the very physical bodies which you wear!

All that Electronic Light Substance, Beloved Ones, is intelligent and beautiful ‘free life’ that chose to forego its happiness in Spheres and Realms of Perfection for the questionable opportunity of making garments for your souls.

LOVE from the Heart of the Kingdom of Nature fashioned for you this very  planet;  a  platform upon  which  your  feet  might  stand;  fresh water to refresh your garments; the beautiful  pristine air which you breathe so freely; the glorious firmament with the blue sky of day and the star-studded mantle of God at night to give you rest and peace, and the opportunity to refresh yourselves upon your journey through the world of form.

LOVE, through the Maha Chohan, drew from the Kingdom of Nature the tiny elemental forms and trained them to embody themselves in flower, in tree, in shrub, in grass, and the very substance that, through Nature, nourishes and sustains your physical bodies.  LOVE has done all of this for you!

LOVE drew the Beloved Sanat Kumara from His Home on Venus and helped Him in His self-chosen exile in order that this very planet Earth might be sustained, and Humanity not become orphans without a planetary home!

LOVE from the Heart of Sanat Kumara drew the response from the great Gautama Buddha and Myself, in Its great desire to train a Hierarchy that might teach Humanity again the Power and Mastery of Life within the Sacred Fire.

LOVE has called every Master Who has finished the journey of Earth; Who  has  stood  in  the  Halls  of Karma; and who has gained the Victory of the Ascension …to renounce the Peace of Nirvana, the Welcome of Life to the Bosom of Father / Mother God …in returning to serve in setting life free!

LOVE created the Karmic Board …so that the creations of your own misuse of energy might not be pressed too heavily into the Earth life …but, in Mercy, might be meted out century after century …so that the soul within might find opportunity to develop and not be smothered in the creations of their own thought and feeling.

LOVE keeps the Angels in the atmosphere of Earth, when They might otherwise know the Joy and Happiness of Realms of Light where there is no distress or sorrow!

LOVE keeps Lord Michael, twenty out of every twenty-four hours, in  the  psychic  and  astral realms …cleaning up the human creations …so that the clothing of every soul might be free of the appetites and passions which do not  allow the soul to rise into the Schoolrooms,  which  have been provided by the same Love, to teach them the way out of their chains of bondage …into Spiritual Freedom.

It is LOVE indescribable that has created and fashioned in the Inner Spheres, those Schoolrooms that do not just appear by happenstance! They are the ‘thought creation’ of the Mental Bodies of our Beloved Kuthumi, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Jesus, and every other Ascended Master Who  has chosen to contribute their Creative Faculties to creating a Focus into which the souls of Humanity might be drawn …that they might be given understanding!

Oh, my precious hearts, it is LOVE, and LOVE alone, that has created and sustained this Universe! It is LOVE that keeps the very elements of your body from returning to the Universal! It is LOVE that holds the planets in their orbits and the Sun in Its place in our Solar System! It is LOVE that carries the Solar Systems in perfect rhythm around the Great Central Sun, moving ever and ever onward to a manifestation of Glory which your precious hearts and consciousnesses could not yet conceive!

Yours in Love Eternal, Lord Maitreya



Our Gratitude to Lord Maitreya in a Benediction:


We salute You! From every Light Server who has awoken to Divine Consciousness and enlisted to co-create the Realization of the Divine Plan …we salute You! Within every attuned moment aligned with the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …we salute you!

In this ‘Completion Moment’ of a long experience of learning the Seven Rays of planetary consciousness and now to begin the quantum leap of the Awakening of Solar Consciousness in the momentum of the Next Life Wave Coming ...we salute you! We who have prepared on Inner Levels for this Mission, synchronize our steps with yours, align our aspirations with yours, to become the embodied, receptive Transmission of your Cosmic Flame!  We awaken into our Eternal Spring, as beacons of your Light, to clear the Way for all!

We practice the Great Silence, radiating Divine Love through the Heart Flame ...humbly transmitting a message of Consolation, Faith and Hope in order to bring encouragement to all those tired of the journey or who feel trapped in the ‘illusory shackles of the past’. We radiate your Inspiration to those who dedicate themselves to cooperative spiritual groups, who may then collectively Invoke, Magnetize, Assimilate, Expand and Project the Sacred Fire Teachings Legions of the Cosmic Christ!

May we always remain true to the motto: “Service is the Law of Life!” Through Service to Light and Life a collective awakening of Unity Consciousness is expanding …and uplifting the Cosmos!