November, 2022

November, 2022


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light!


From within this Infinite Sphere of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,

In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,

Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love

uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and

Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


That I AM an Eternal Flame,
existing in the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet.

That I AM its Infinite Radiant Light, and I may
shine that Light here, there and everywhere present.

That I have opportunity to exist in the Universe, and further
that I have opportunity to serve Earth and her Humanity.

As a Sun of the Sun, I shine in gratitude to Elemental Kingdom.
As a Sun of the Sun, I shine in gratitude to Angelic Kingdom.
As a Sun of the Sun, I shine in gratitude to Humanity, for
the opportunity to be part of the Greatest Redemption
ever known in the Solar System …or the Universe!




(empty of self and breathing only as Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Cosmic Momentum of Gratitude
…the open door to all other Divine Blessings.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Cosmic Momentum of Gratitude
…the open door to all other Divine Blessings.


I AM the Cosmic Flame of Gratitude, existing within
the vast interconnectedness of Divine Love!

that I AM an Eternal Flame,
existing in the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet.

That I AM its Infinite Radiant Light, and I may
shine that Light here, there and everywhere present.

That I have opportunity to exist in the Universe, and further
that I have opportunity to serve Earth and her Humanity.

I AM grateful that I have Life, Breath and Consciousness.
I AM Grateful that my Eternal Flame grants me the
Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love,
the Three-fold Flame in action …as a
Divine Director of Sacred Fire.


As a Sun of the Sun, I shine in gratitude to Elemental Kingdom.
As a Sun of the Sun, I shine in gratitude to Angelic Kingdom.
As a Sun of the Sun, I shine in gratitude to Humanity, for
the opportunity to be part of the Greatest Redemption
ever known in the Solar System …or the Universe!

I AM grateful that my Flame of Immortality anchors the Energy,
Vibration and Consciousness of Father / Mother God
…that truly, I AM God in Action!

I AM grateful that my Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings,
words and deeds may radiate the Light of this Eternal Flame
…anchoring its Divine Energy, Matter and Intelligence.

I AM grateful that I know myself as a Radiating Sun of Love,
Wisdom and Power, rather than experiencing the
world impinging its imbalance upon me.

I AM grateful to realize that this is the Christ in Action!


I AM grateful that this includes the
Forcefield of all the goodness in the world.

I AM grateful that this includes all
Ascending Energies, everywhere present.

I AM grateful that the Gathering of Ascending Humanity includes all the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing,
at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place,
in the right and perfect way!

I AM grateful that the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is in
Holy Communion with the Royal Kingdoms of our
Beloved Angels and Elementals.

I AM grateful that the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is in
Holy Communion with the Great Light Brotherhood,
as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy …who guide
the Development of Consciousness on Earth.

I AM a Flame of Gratitude, grateful that:
I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity.
I AM the Gathering of all the goodness in the world.
I AM the Collective Gathering of all Ascending Energies.
I AM the Gathering of Angelic Hosts that amplify all goodness.
I AM the Gathering of all Elementals that manifest this Forcefield.

I AM grateful for the One Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence that
gives animated Life and Consciousness in this dense world of form.

I AM grateful for the Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power and its Spiritual Freedom, that I bring into the world.

I AM grateful for the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love
…the Flame of Immortality that Guides me through my day,
as a Light Server on the Path of the Ascension.

I AM  grateful for the First Ray and the Sacred Fires
of Faith, Power, Protection and First Cause.

I AM grateful for the Second Ray and the Sacred Fires of
Understanding, God Illumination and Wisdom.

I AM grateful for the Third Ray and the Sacred Fires of
Divine Love and all the attributes of Holy Spirit.

I AM grateful for the Fourth Ray and the Sacred Fires of
Purity, Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension.

I AM grateful for the Fifth Ray and the Sacred Fires of
Healing, Music and the Crystal Vision of the All-Seeing Eye.

I AM grateful for the Sixth Ray and the Sacred Fires of
Devotion, Ministering Service and the Christ Nature.

I AM grateful for the Seventh Ray and the Sacred Fires of
Transmutation, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, and
the Ceremony of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!

I grateful for the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity, and the
Sacred Fires of the Twelve Houses of the Sun, in
the development of my Solar Consciousness!

I AM grateful that I AM Guided, Guarded and Protected in this
embodiment by Angels, Elementals and Ascended Masters.
I invoke and affirm this Protection …daily!

I AM grateful for my Eternal Flame, anchoring its Divine Energy,
Vibration and Consciousness into the world.

I AM Grateful that its Infinite Radiant Light contains the Energy,
Matter and Intelligence to create my Light Body, as well
as shines within the cells, atoms and electrons of my
physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles,
allowing for Divine Potential embodied.

I AM grateful for my Creative Faculties of
thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, that I may Co-create
the innate Perfection Patterns within the Light …into daily life.

I AM grateful for the Mantle of Light from the Mighty I AM Presence
…the Aura of Protection around my presence on Earth.

I AM grateful for the Ring Pass Not of Cosmic Christ Lightening
surrounding me for ‘ten thousand feet in every direction’,
from Lord Michael and the Mighty Elohim Hercules:
a Circle and Sword of Blue Flame in front of me,
behind me, both sides, above and below me!

I AM grateful for the Cloak of Invisibility around my personal Forcefield
… so that I am seen only by the Forces of Light.

I AM grateful …I AM gratefulI AM GRATEFUL!




Beloved Ones, let us be grateful for Light Service. Let us be grateful that our focus of daily life is not the imbalance of the outer world …nor the imbalance of persons, places, conditions and things in our own lives …but rather on the Divine Origins of Humanity and the Restoration of the Divine Plan.  Let us be grateful that our awareness is of an Eternal Solar / Cosmic perspective and not the temporary frailties of ego on the mundane level.  Let us be grateful that we have the Harmony and Balance to live within daily life yet be undeterred by it …to be in the world but not of it …and keep our focus on Service to First Cause.

And rather than ‘service’ becoming a ‘duty to fulfill’ during difficult times, let us be grateful for the opportunity to Ascend from dense matter / substance back into the Light …an opportunity found nowhere else in the Universe. This is an opportunity, like achieving a specialized training, that will forever and eternally allow greater service and understanding during the Eternity of our ongoing Service to the Light …no matter in what other Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light we serve in. And beyond our personal Ascension Process, let us be grateful we have been chosen (by the Karmic Board) to have the opportunity to be embodied now, in this Cosmic Moment …to be part of the greatest Redemption the Universe has ever known.  For this will allow for the greatest expansion of our eternal Light Service.

Let us again be grateful we know the Divine Origins of things and the return path to, as well as the active Restoration of, those Perfection Patterns. Let us be grateful that through the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love of our own Three-fold Flame, we have opportunity in becoming Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. Let us be grateful that we know the experience of our Flame of Immortality …that even in the midst of the tumult of daily life, we may choose to abide in the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet …as an Eternal Flame and as its Infinite Light! This is our Peace Divine!

Let us affirm our gratitude by standing together …in the Cosmic Flame of Gratitude. From here, let us visualize Father / Mother God  originally projecting a Cosmic Ray from their Eternal Flame, through the Multi-dimensional Universe. At particular, specific, precise coordinates of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, this Ray manifests as Sacred Fire within the world of form / substance / matter. And let us be grateful that this physical universe is but one of the endless possible potentials, out of the endless possible coordinates of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!

Let us be grateful that we are (I AM) at this point of Universal Potential, in what we see around us as the entire, vast physical universe. It began with the Great Cosmic Outbreath and continues to exist as its own vast interconnectedness.  In Light Service, our variables of Co-creation and in understanding the Universe, are Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. In classical physics, studying only the physical universe, the variables of life are energy, mass and velocity (as in the famous equation E=MC2) …or, in thermodynamics, the variables are temperature and pressure. Identifying relevant variables is what sets apart Light Service from other sciences which focus on describing only the physical universe and its unique laws of physics. But we now understand the variables of where spirit intersects matter …so our variables and coordinates will be different than if the Universe were matter only.

These variables set forth by Father / Mother God in the beginning (known as ‘God’s Will’) would also describe the creation of the Central Sun at the center of a Galaxy, the Sun at the center of a Solar System …and our Sun of the Sun embodied on the planet. And this Divine Plan along these coordinates flourished on Earth through the first three Root Races, as Ascending and Free Humanity learned Co-creation through the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love within their own Divine Instrument …their Flame of Immortality.

Let us shine our Gratitude on the original Divine Instrument as a Sun of the Sun …an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. We see it flourish in its expression as the One (Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence on Earth), the Three (-fold Flame of Immortality), the Seven (Chakra Suns and the ascending River of Kundalini Fire), the Twelve (Houses of the Sun) …and again the One (Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of Universal I AM)!

Then let us expand this meditation on Gratitude to include the Flame of Immortality of the planet, of Ascended and Free Earth. Just as visualize ourselves as the Sun of the Sun, we now see the Sun of Earth …its Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  Here we see, feel and deeply accept the Gathering of Ascending Humanity as representing Mother Earth …as a planet spinning on her Divine Axis in the vast interconnectedness of Universal I AM.  Here we collectively experience our Gathering as an Ascending Planet. Here we know I AM empty of the world …empty of all the persons, places, conditions and things of the world. From that Point of Origin, we realize ‘I AM only an Ascending Planet’! I AM only Flame, and its manifesting Perfection Patterns of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Here we see, feel, deeply accept and collectively become the Flame of Immortality of Beloved Mother Earth.

Then expanding this visualization further. We see Ascended and Free Earth teeming with Elemental Life, fulfilling their Divine Potential of expressing 'wave-function' Perfection Patterns …in 'particle-function' form! Next, we visualize the aura of our planet filled with Angelic Hosts expanding all the Power of Holy Spirit through all life. And finally, the Earth’s Eternal Flame contains all potential goodness and greatness within the Race of Humanity …all Ascending Energies radiating from the Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of Ascending Humanity! All this is Earth’s Eternal Flame …her Eternal Presence!

Then let us relax into this planetary visualization, so as to maintain it within its natural Harmony and Balance. We become this Eternal Flame and know our Oneness with the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals …and then beyond into the Cosmos …One with the Flame at the Center of the Solar System (Helios and Vesta) …and the Eternal Flame at the center of the Galaxy (Alpha and Omega) …and beyond to all Eternal Flames, everywhere present! And here we know ourselves on many dimensions …as Eternal Flames in the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet.

And as we build a strong momentum along this meditation, we see, feel and deeply accept the Reality of all Suns in Divine Alignment. We feel this experience extend from the Great Central Sun through to every shinning electron within our White Fire Being, Mighty I AM Presence, Causal Body and Solar Christ Self …and finally through to every shinning atom in our embodied vehicles and the entire physical domain. This is the expanded experience of Being a Sun of the Sun …shinning as an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light on Multi-dimensional levels of our Being …and of the Universe! And for this, I AM Eternally Grateful!

This is what I AM! And I AM that I AM!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED Helios and Vesta …Father / Mother God to this Solar System

Beloved Ones, we have sent you forth into creation as Children of the Light …as a Ray of Light …a Ray of Divine Potential. The Universe expands because Light anchors as Flame, which Radiates Light, which then again anchors as Flame, which then Radiates more Light …and into Infinity the Journey of Creation proceeds!

Dear Ones, science will define ‘potential’ as an energy (…‘the energy stored in an object because of its position relative to a steady state’). Science may refer to various types of energies, such as gravitational forces within the physical universe. But in Spiritual Co-creation, we refer to the Spiritual Energies within Divine Potential. Spiritual Potential is created at the very moment our Twin Flames (of Father / Mother God) met in union in the creation of the Flame of Immortality, sending forth a Child of the Light into our Solar System. And the ‘forces in action’ that align to develop such Divine Potential are those already embodied within that Eternal Flame. Rather than referring to gravity, mass or velocity, we might say the Spiritual Potential is along the coordinates of Energy, Matter and Intelligence …found within all Light composing the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of Universal I AM.

Let us see Ascended and Free Light Service as both the understanding and development of Divine Potential.  This process is similar to parents within Humanity watching for the potential in their child. They then nurture it, so that the potential can be actualized …realized.  Whether it is an artistic, musical, athletic, academic or other potential in a child, it requires focus, rhythmic application, practice and one pointedness. The purpose of Ascended and Free Teachings is to realize our Spiritual Potential while embodied in the world of form. It is also accomplished through the same process of focus, rhythmic application, practice and one pointed purposefulness. We call this the Ascension Process. Like guiding children in their development of potential, we would also want a harmonious, well balanced daily life while doing this training …a balanced outer life as we develop our Inner Divine Potential. Here, Harmony and Balance interplay.

And just like the innate potential in a child, our Divine Potential may take many forms or paths, but requires the same process to develop. And even after ‘the Ascension’ (from the world of form) there remains an infinite and eternal array of paths to further develop our Divine Potential.  The Ascension Process from the physical universe is but one chapter of that eternal, multi-dimensional Ascension Process, …even while simultaneously developing potential within the world of form, within daily life.  This follows the Buddha’s Eight-fold Path …right livelihood, right balance of inner / outer life, etc.

The great gift is finding the Harmony and Balance to enjoy the path within both realms, simultaneously …the world of form and the Multi-dimensional Spiritual Universe. In the Original Divine Plan, exploring both realms while embodied on Earth was intended to be safe and enjoyable.  And so it was in the first three Root Races. Then came the great sacrifice (taking in the laggards to allow an opportunity for their Ascension) …and following that, the eventual ‘great fall’ in Consciousness. And now our purpose is to return to the Divine Plan and allow both paths (inner and outer) to be free of imbalance …both safe and enjoyable in terms of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

Balancing physical and spiritual reality is delicate during the later stages of the Ascension Process.  The outer senses tend to become more sensitive, as their original purpose is to Radiate Light and it’s the Perfection Patterns (rather than absorb information from daily life).  And for some, this can become a rather intense experience …until the senses are rhythmically trained to bend towards the Eternal Flame and its infinite Divine Potential. The spiritual senses tend to be subtle and thus sometimes difficult to discover …or even then, harder to follow.  But that is why the Ascension Process from the world of form is such a unique opportunity within Universal I AM.  It is truly a ‘graduate school’ in the eternal unfolding of our Spiritual Potential. Where we place our attention, that we become!

The concepts of ‘Infinite and Eternal’ are difficult for the outer mind …so best to become empty of those concepts rather than frustrated by them.  In all the major religions, Father / Mother God is seen as ‘having no beginning and having no end’ (for example, Alpha and Omega in the Bible). Hence this is also part of our monthly, rhythmic practice …empty of self, empty of time and space …and seeing only self and daily life as an Eternal Flame and it’s Infinite Radiant Light. This is how we as God Parents see all our Children of the Light. Now we ask you to see yourselves in this same Way!




Beloved Ones, I would like to greet you in practical terms as would a mother …as we journey together, standing in the Light! So let us think of a vacation. This is when we want to remove ourselves from the stress of daily life and find a sense of peace …or possibly find enjoyable adventure removed from ordinary daily routines. To ‘vacation’ is to ‘vacate the stress’ …to become empty of self and its persons, places, conditions and things …and from there, to enter a new sense of self, in which we find peace and renewal, through enjoyment in nature, in friends or in other cultures.  So let us go on permanent vacation from ego self! In our spiritual practice (of becoming empty of self, time and space), let us take the ‘Atomic Accelerator vacation’ within Eternal Flame, travelling to the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light …to the peace and adventure of Building Divine Self, Building Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light!

On our vacation, let us also practice Gratitude. Let us consider those who have become before us, in this desire to ‘vacate the ego’ and focus only on the Building of Divine Self. Let us honor our Ancestors.  When we speak of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves, remember a pagoda is where we store the relics of our Ancestors. Our spiritual ‘relics’ are the Forcefields of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness left for us by the Great Ones preceding us along this Ascension Process on Earth …as well as those gifts left for us from Higher Frequency Realms of Light …all for our Light Service here on Earth. All of these Forcefield and Gifts are within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves!

Dear Ones, to enter the lifecycle on Earth requires a lineage of reproductive vessels, that we refer to as our parents, their parents and their parents, etc.  This is the ancestry of our ‘biological family’. It expresses as our genetics, which code the necessary balancing of ‘karma requiring it’s freedom’ …as well as the Divine Gifts running along that particular family heritage. Think on this! Both the Gifts and the karma are contemplated in association with the karma and Gifts of others …and how they are interconnected between family and community. This is a very complicated, multi-dimensional process over many generations, a process governed through the Infinite Wisdom of our Beloved Karmic Board.

The Karmic Board is composed of seven members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who oversee opportunities for the Ascension Process within Humanity. It includes opportunities after passing from Earth life and what best meets the ongoing needs for Spiritual development and understanding between embodiments …and then, after the appropriate resting and training period, opportunities for re-embodiment into the world. The Karmic Board must balance the needs of the Manu of the current Root Race to embody those Souls, as well as deciding who may gain entrance to the school room of Earth from the orphan Souls who were accepted into Earth’s Evolutions for the opportunity to gain the Ascension at all …and then to also oversee the Light Servers from many Ascended Planets and Systems who make application to serve in the Redemption of our sweet Earth. You can see why it is referred to as privilege to gain embodiment at this Cosmic Moment!

But further to the idea of honoring our ancestors, consider why the Ascension Chakra is at the base of the spine, as the glorious White Sun. It represents the Original Purity of Intent of the Divine Plan in presenting an opportunity in achieving the Ascension from the physical plane (through a reproductive vessel) …as well as an embodied opportunity to currently assist in Earth’s Redemption at this Cosmic Moment. In honoring both our physical and spiritual ancestors, we are grateful for both …for to gain the privilege of embodiment, our parents have to agree! I remember well this Ceremony when I was chosen from various applicants to Mother the embodiment of Beloved Jesus.

And then, proceeding up our Solar Spine, we are grateful that all Seven Rays are embodied within our vehicles on Earth as our Seven Chakra Suns …from the Ascension Flame, to the Violet Fire Sun, to the Sun of Peace at the solar plexus, to the Love Focus of Holy Spirit at the Heart Chakra, to the Voice of the Great I AM at the Throat Chakra, to the Crystal Vision, Emerald Jewel at the Third Eye …and finally up to the Thousand Petaled Lotus of the Crown Chakra and full God Illumination! We are eternally grateful for embodying the Seven Rays of the Holy Christ Self. For from that point of development, we then progress into the journey of our Twelve-fold Solar Consciousness. And for currently achieving this point in your Spiritual Potential, I AM so very Grateful!

Again, let us also honor our Spiritual Ancestry …those Beings of God Illumination that built the Path that we might follow.  This might be the well-known figures founding the larger Religions …or the unknown, anonymous figures that did not get outer recognition but without whom certain paths to the Divine would not have opened. We might now refer to any of these Beings as our Spiritual Ancestors, those who embodied themselves in Elemental vehicles (as for example our World Teacher, Beloved Kuthumi as Saint Francis of Assisi) or embodied their Energy, Vibration and Consciousness through an Avatar.

We might also refer to these Beings of God Illumination as the Great Light Brotherhood …many of whom may not have had outer recognition but who have made their Ascension and now serve in the Retreats and Temples of our better-known Gurus …such as the Seven Chohans of the Rays, the Archangels, the Elohim and other Great Cosmic Beings who serve Earth. Many of the Great Light Brotherhood also serve across the Solar System of Helios and Vesta, as well as the Galaxy of Alpha and Omega. Let us pause and pour our Gratitude to all these Great Beings. We honor the Way, the Truth and the Life as lived by Beloved Jesus, when he offered to be the Avatar for the Cosmic Christ. We honor the Great Lord Krishna and the original Vedic Teachings and our Beloved Lord Gautama and all the lineage of Cosmic Buddhas that flowed through these Teachings (the Middle Way, the Eight-fold Path, etc.)

For they are like the Guides along the Path. We honor them for building the Path, the Way, the Ascension Process. As to the present Spiritual Hierarchy, it began with Beloved Sanat Kumara and has progressed to our present Spiritual Hierarchy and the entire Great Light Brotherhood. These Great Teachers have embodied in every Race, Culture and Continent and have left us Teachings that we honor today. We honor the Path itself …the Tao, the natural flow of life in its own Ascension Process …if we can align with it …when ‘empty of self’, and free of the ego that takes us off that natural Path.

Let us honor the present Transformational Events in Consciousness that guide ‘the Way’ here and now …the breaking down of old crystallizations of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …and the Building of Divine Consciousness, step by step over the generations. Here not only do Great Beings assist in this Transformation but also the Elemental Kingdom …revealing the Way of Harmony and Balance with Nature …as she corrects the imbalance created through ego-self.  We honor the Forcefield’s from the Heart of Father / Mother God (the Beloved Violet Fire and other Sacred Fires), that also assist in the transformation of the karmic legacy of the ego. And as one who serves from a Feminine Vehicle, let us honor and be grateful for the transformation of the imbalanced Masculine Ray with the incoming Feminine Ray Forcefield …as well as it’s expression through the incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races. So much to be grateful for!

We honor the incoming Seventh Ray Dispensation to replace crystallized patterns that have run their course, now be replaced with the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. We honor the Flame of Immortality embodied in us …for this is the miracle of everlasting life …even within physical embodiment.  The Flame of Immortality embodies within us the Forcefields of Harmony and Balance, Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness, Strength and Stamina, as well as Simplicity and Symmetry. Such is the Divine Gift of our Healing, from ego’s creations of distress, disease and aging. Let us honor the Flame of Immortality and its lineage back to Father / Mother God in the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.

And as a mother, I honor and are so grateful for you …the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!  And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!


The EIGHT-FOLD PATH OF THE BUDDHA (one of the Four Noble Truths)

  1. Right understanding …of our own Ascension Path and of the Cosmic Moment for our sweet Earth
  2. Right thought …knowing the mind guides the feelings, which is the real power. Taken together, they form creation …what you think and feel you bring into form!
  3. Right speech …speaking with the Voice of the Great I AM …both inwardly and outwardly.
  4. Right action …that our deeds and action are in alignment with the Divine Purpose of our Light Service and Ascension Process.
  5. Right livelihood …that the mundane aspects of daily life, in providing the necessities of embodiment or in the caring of others, is balanced and harmonious.
  6. Right effort …that all endeavors of thought, feeling, word and deed are given over to the Mighty God Presence within. Effort at this!
  7. Right mindfulness …of the purity of the Silver Cord of Electronic Light pouring in from the Mighty I AM Presence and its purpose of revealing its Perfection Patterns in daily life.
  8. Right concentration …focused on the Truth that I AM a Divine Instrument …as an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …and that I claim this True Identity every moment!


THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (re-stated in the affirmative of Ascended and Free Concepts of Light Service)

  1. (You shall have no other gods before Me.) “Remain loyal only to the Mighty I AM Presence and its Electronic Stream of Divine Light anchoring in the Heart Flame, to sustain Consciousness in the brain and help co-create Heaven on Earth through the Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.
  2. (You shall make no idols). See God in all others …as their Sacred Fire and Infinite Radiant Light. See the material world only as a means of serving God, who is everywhere present in everything.
  3. (You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.) The Holiest Name of God is I AM! The Creative Sacred Word I AM is to be followed only by an affirmation of perfection for some part of life.
  4. (Keep the Sabbath day Holy.) “Every moment becomes the Eternal Moment of Now, of present Co-creation ...and is kept Holy as a Realm of Light unto itself, beyond the constraints of self, time and space.”
  5. (Honor your father and your mother). “I AM Honoring all who have come before and have assisted me in achieving “Candidate for the Ascension” status …and in allowing and preparing for, this glorious, embodied opportunity of Light Service for this present Cosmic Moment.”
  6. (You shall not murder). “I AM focused only on the upliftment of all life towards an Eternal Life in the Light …and I shall strive to not ‘take a life’ downwards into any lower frequency.”
  7. (You shall not commit adultery). “I AM committed to absolute trust in every relationship I enter into on my Ascension Journey. I AM fully attached only to ‘the One’ …the Glorious God Self, the Flame of Immortality embodied within me and any others I greet on my path.”
  8. (You shall not steal). “I AM committed to using God’s Light for only Harmony and Balance and not usurping any part of Life for ego or personal gain.”
  9. (You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.) “I AM the Spirit of Truth, seen with the Crystal Vision of the Elohim …and I see and live my Truth in daily life”.
  10. (You shall not covet) “I AM empty of self and the things of self. I AM giving freely of my Energy, Vibration and Consciousness to all life. I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State! I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love, the Three-fold Flame in action here and now. I yearn for nothing but this Perfection”.