October, 2018
I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and Thoughtform
of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
(Again, this Sacred Name may also be seen written as Kenich Ahau,
as noted in Mayan writings. The honorable name Kenich may be
stated with a ‘hard C’ (as in ‘Kenik’) …or a ‘soft C’ (as in Keneesh).
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Golden Flame
of God Illumination of Beloved Kenich Ahan.
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Golden Flame
of God Illumination of Beloved Kenich Ahan.
I AM that I AM!
I AM the Eternal Light of God!
Father / Mother God is I AM that I AM!
Universal I AM is the Eternal Light of God.
Father / Mother God is a Sphere of Light.
I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM a Golden Disc of Light.
I AM the Great Solar Disc.
I AM all Sacred Fire!
I AM God’s Eternal Light blazing upon the
Altar of Kenich Ahan’s Uxmal Retreat!
I AM the Eternal Light of God blazing upon the
Altar of my own Ascended and Free Retreat!
I AM a Sun of the Sun: an Infinite Sphere of Light!
I AM that I AM! I AM the Eternal Light of God!
I AM my True Identity: my Solar Being!
I AM the Golden Flame of God Illumination.
I wear the Golden Crown of my Divine Lineage,
as a Brother / Sister of the Golden Robe.
I AM Illumination in daily life, the Solar Christ Self in action!
I AM Father / Mother God in action on Earth!
I AM their Edict: Let there be Light!
I AM that Light of many Lights!
I AM the co-creation of the Elohim, weaving out of this Light
the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of a New Age!
I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, together standing in this Light!
Our Flames unite & our Light Rays form the Matrix of New Earth
…our Star of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM in Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals
…one with all the Laws of Manifestation and one with the Forces
forever sustaining Divine Qualities within that manifestation.
This is my Union with the Elementals …and the Angels!
This is the Expression of my Light on Earth!
I AM One with form & One with spirit!
With my Crystal Vision, I see my Light Body.
I see the luminous magnificence of my True Identity.
I stand upon the Altar of my own Temple of Light,
as my Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light!
I AM a Sun of the Sun, the prophecy of every Golden Age now present!
I stand with Beloved Kenich Ahan, within the Flame of God Illumination!
Beloved Ones; the Realms of Light within the Great Solar Disc represent our True Identity as a Solar Being …but also the Home of the Angels and Elementals in their Ascended and Free State! This is where …and how …we stand together in the Light …each in our Divine Potential! Here in these Spheres of Light we re-join the Angels and Elementals in Oneness Consciousness …yet living within daily life on New Earth, empty of self, time and space … filled with our own glorious Divine Potential. Here I AM a Sun of the Sun, fulfilling the prophecy of many Golden Ages, now in the shimmering Flame of God Illumination with Beloved Kenich Ahan …in this very present moment.
Let us meditate on our union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals. This occurs on the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Humanity was created to be the governors of the Elemental Kingdom, given that Humanity would use their Creative Faculties …and then the Elementals would ‘bring that pattern into form’. The original Divine Plan of our sweet Earth was the process of ‘co-creation in the world of form’, the template of expanding ‘the borders of Perfection’ into the denseness of form …something unprecedented in this Solar System. Thus the focus on Activities of Sacred Fire that have been anchored over the past decades of Light Service, geared to the restoration of our true Divine Alignment with Nature and the Elemental Kingdom.
Part of the unveiled mysteries of the Great Solar Disc is the application of this Forcefield directly into Humanity’s relationship with the Elemental Kingdom. This involves the Law of Forgiveness, as Humanity’s ego has caused the Elemental Kingdom to manifest much imbalance …by simply following the original agreement … of manifesting what was in Humanity’s Consciousness! This is a fundamental realization that Humanity must undergo, that Humanity was to offer only Perfection Patterns for the Elemental Kingdom, which they would then ‘make manifest’. With the 'great fall' in Consciousness we have offered far less potential of a much lower vibratory action and hence some of the imbalance within the nature kingdom.
However, our Beloved Saint Germain has invoked the answer to this imbalance both within Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. For embedded in the Great Solar Disc is the Forcefield of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. It is found in the SEVEN, in becoming the Divine Human (completed by the Seventh Ray) …at the transition point from human being to Solar Being! It is also found in the TWELVE …where the White Fire Being, the Highest Frequency Twelve-fold Aspect of our Great God Self, has agreed to function during this present impetus of the Great Cosmic Inbreath …of our sweet Earth ascending into her Ascended and Free Orbit / Frequency! This again reflects the premise of: all Suns in Divine Alignment …as our White Fire Being represents the Central Sun Energies of Beloved Alpha and Omega.
Originally the Earth expressed as a planet of Divine Light. It manifested many permutations / combinations of Perfection Patterns in Golden Ages of Humanity’s Divine Potential and Elemental expressions of limitless Beauty and Magnificence. As we know, such perfection manifested during the first Three Root Races, (known biblically as the Garden of Eden). But at a point of great manifestation of perfection in the world of form (specifically in the third sub-race of the Fourth Root Race) a Great Cosmic Council was called to see who might assist a race of planetary orphans who had not progressed into Higher Realms of Light with their home planet. It was felt the Earth was such a glorious example of perfection made manifest in the denser world of form that this would be the right and perfect place for the redemption of these ‘laggards’.
And great preparations were made by the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth at the time so that the Fourth Root Race would be protected from the ‘contagion of ego’ operating within the laggards. This brave Root Race would then be the Teachers of the planetary orphans and assist them towards their own Ascension. But as we know, the 'great fall' occurred (biblically described as ‘eating the fruit’ of other than absolute Perfection Patterns). This not only caused much discord within Humanity, but also in our Elemental brothers and sisters. And much of it has since ‘returned to its creator’ (to Humanity via the Law of the Circle) causing much distress, as extremes of weather or other natural disasters of Elemental imbalance! The Great Solar Disc is the final answer to this dilemma, so that as Humanity makes her Ascension, so too does the Elemental Kingdoms of Earth.
And in a similar vein, Angels ‘took form’ to further assist Humanity (as they would naturally exist only ‘in spirit’) …because Humanity had fallen to such an extent that the Angels could not reach them to be of assistance. The fog of ego was too great. This too was an exceptional sacrifice and it left many Angelic Beings trapped in karmic embodiments in their effort to serve the Cause of Spiritual Freedom. The Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is also created to set free these Magnificent Spirits into their own Spiritual Freedom. This includes Angels of the Highest Orders, biblically referred to as ‘fallen Angels’.
Yet they sacrificed their Higher State of Celestial Glory to assist Humanity and became ensnared in the karmic fog …as had the Fourth Root Race made similar sacrifice (and subsequently the Fifth Root Race that followed). Since the 'great fall', sacrifice has always been part of Light Service on Earth …possibly unique to Earth! Light Service in other realms is never this difficult. But this is why Beloved Saint Germain went to the Central Sun and invoked an answer to the perpetual karmic wheel …and why it is vital that the Violet Ray of Spiritual Freedom clear the way for the Sixth and Seventh Root Race to freely express their Perfection Patterns as intended! For the Grand Edict is that these Beloved Souls now embody and reveal their Glory!
Basking in the Violet Fire Ray of Compassion, let us think of the Elemental Beings who continually assist our embodied daily life ...the Fire Salamanders; the Air Sylphs; the Water Undines and the Earth Gnomes. Many names have been given to the Elemental Spirit Kingdom …including the Spirit of each animal, bird, plant, and mineral. Everything in the Nature Kingdom has ‘a spirit’ associated with the expression of that Element. Just as our Spirit (sometimes called the Great God Self, the Holy Christ Self, the Buddha Nature, the Way within, etc.) expresses through us, so too do the Elemental Spirits (Devas) express through the wonderous display of Elemental life on Earth.
In the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves embedded in this Solar Year Thoughtform, each level has Holy Spirit expressing through it. Humanity has an ‘individual Spirit’ that expresses through each …our Great God Self, expressing as the One, the Three-fold Flame, the Seven and the Twelve Aspects of Deity. The Elemental Kingdom may have a ‘singular spirit’ known as Devas or Silent Watchers …such as the larger more complex plants (the Spirit of the Great Trees) or larger animals (as in the Spirit of the Lion or the Bear) or complex eco-systems (such as the Spirit of the waterfall or mountain or lake).
But the greater mass of Elemental life have Group Devas that express spirit through an entire species. A Group Deva holds the Immaculate Concept for an entire hive of bees or family of other insects…or an entire heard of small animals …or flock of birds. Again it is vital that Ascended and Free Humanity attune to these Devas and Silent Watchers, for then we manifest the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity. And this Unity of Consciousness allows these Royal Kingdoms to each express their Divine Plans …as Father / Mother God intended. This in turn allows the Great Cosmic Inbreath to proceed as ordained.
Angels attend much of our daily life and this Unity can be accelerated when we give them our Attention, Love and Adoration. Every daily activity, from home or work chores, to mealtime or family gatherings …to our personal and group sanctuaries are all attended by Angels hoping to bless that event with the Divine Quality they carry in their Light Body. And as we attune to these magnificent Beings, let us remember the original intent of Father / Mother God was a Divine Process of co-creation …rather than a particular content or ‘dogma’. So we attend to the process. The content of creation was intended to be the domain of free will …given ‘free will’ simply follows the Cosmic Laws of Universal I AM.
Much of the Great Solar Disc Forcefield is the Sacred Activity that aims to correct Humanity’s imbalance …through the Law of Forgiveness! This is reciprocal …from both Elementals forgiving Humanity …and, Humanity mutually respecting the Elemental Kingdom! Reverence for all life is a building momentum within Humanity and shall only expand …until again, all is in Divine Alignment between Humanity and the Elemental / Angelic Kingdoms.
When we become the ‘empty Circle of Light’ in our practice of meditation, the Divine Potential within this practice is the Solar Christ Self …the Christ walking the Earth; is the Mighty I AM Presence, our full Glory of this Solar System …and is the White Fire Being, our Oneness Consciousness as the Divine Twins align in perfect Union, Harmony and Balance. All of this composes the Cosmic Causal Body …our Forcefield of Divine Potential we have actually manifested …our Momentum of following Cosmic Law through our eternal journey within Universal I AM! All of this Divine Potential is ours to apply here and now in this embodiment on Earth.
Our personal Ascension occurs when the four Higher Frequency Light Vehicles (our ‘four Suns’ …the Solar Christ Self; Mighty I AM Presence; Causal Body; and White Fire Being) are in Divine Alignment with our outer nature. As you know, this occurs at Dimensions beyond self, time and space. When this occurs, then the spoken word through the throat Chakra brings the full Cosmic Momentum of the Causal Body into action, instantly. Then what one decrees comes directly into form. Cause becomes effect immediately. This is the meaning of ‘the Word of God’ …not so much a content, but rather a Divine Process of all aspects of our Being in alignment!
As we become God in Action we continually affirm everything we desire with the Sacred words I AM …that creation begins with the Holiest Name of God. We train to only desire God's Will …in that it becomes our will …in that we are (I AM!) God in Action …in all our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. The Sacred Words I AM begin the process of Divine Co-creation …a process that involves our Creative Faculties, where we think, feel, remember and state: I AM!
These are our Ascension Concepts! And, SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!
ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LADY PORTIA... and the Cosmic Law of Justice …for all imprisoned Life and Energy within human-ego creation ....
Beloved Ones, I AM the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness! I AM continually expanding the Cosmic Forcefield of Forgiving …of accepting Forgiveness …and of becoming the Cosmic Flame of Forgiveness in action! You were born into this embodiment so that this Cosmic Flame may find its rightful anchorage within Humanity!
The Violet Fire is a gift of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the Love Nature of Beloved Krishna and Sophia and of our Ascended Sister Planet, Venus and the Beloved Kumaras from their Spiritual Hierarchy. This Love Nature has been developed and perfected for many eons in that Solar System …and since the 'great fall', has been anchored by Beloved Lord Krishna and his lineage of the Cosmic Christ through many Ascended Master Avatars. These many remarkable efforts of Light Service have brought us to our present Cosmic Moment.
Now, the gift of this New Age is a unique aspect of this Love Nature …its Power aspect …still governed by Divine Love …and guided by the Golden Radiance of God Illumination. …collectively known as the Cosmic Violet Fire. This unique Sacred Fire is a gift of Beloved Alpha and Omega …given to Beloved Saint Germain at the prelude of his Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom becoming activated.
The Power Aspect of Holy Spirit is necessary to dissolve quickly (versus the eons it may otherwise take) the ‘karmic hold of ego- imbalance’ so evident within the outer Consciousness of Humanity. Our Victory is then in the Transmutation / Transformation of the inner cause, core, effect, record and memory of this karmic debt through the Love Nature of the Seventh Ray …Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness delivered in Rhythmic Ceremony. For without an ‘inner anchorage’ of karmic imbalance (through the application of the Violet Fire), the chaotic outer effects of its manifestation soon give way to the Harmony and Balance of the invoked Perfection Patterns that then take its place.
As Beloved Saint Germain recently spoke of, the Violet Fire has dissolved the barriers to various levels of consciousness that were hidden from Humanity in the past. That is why historically, trying to understand the Higher Frequencies of Consciousness were called ‘the Mystery Schools’ …and, even the lowest frequency levels of consciousness were mostly hidden from Humanity (in secret domains of illusion). Secrets hid both ends of the spiritual spectrum. But now, all is revealed …as was promised in scripture. From the lowest levels of imbalance (presently revealing its ties to Humanity and its attempts to control her) …to the most rarified spiritual domains of Solar Being and Cosmic Initiations necessary for Humanity’s Ascension …now, all is revealed! For free will choice now demands of Humanity that she choose her path within this Great Cosmic Inbreath …to choose individually and collectively.
There have always been ‘guardians at the gates’ on both ends of the spiritual spectrum. The Gathering of Ascended Humanity now serves this function at the gates of the Ascension …standing with Beloved Serapis Bey at the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom …across which we hope all Humanity will now choose to deliver herself into the Home of the Angels. The gates to lower frequency realms also reveal themselves (as do their guardians) …across many domains of daily life, in hopes Humanity will follow to lower realms. So free will choice has never been more vital between good and evil!
Our Faith in Light Service is that enough of Humanity now choose the Ascended and Free path …and, that enough Guardians of the Ascension are in their right and perfect place, doing the right and perfect service, at the right and perfect time …in all walks of life. For the most part, these Guardian Souls have not outwardly declared themselves and may not even outwardly know of the service they are to perform when ‘the call comes’. But they have been chosen and placed by the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy …to be in the right and perfect positions across the spectrum of daily life …for when certain events unfold that demand a ‘choice of consciousness’.
On behalf of Humanity, let us remember and express the Truth of our Mighty I AM Presence! Let us focus on our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, where I AM empty of self. Here in this Sacred Place there is nothing negative, no influence of outer circumstances …but everything of Divine Potential. Once this Truth is established, then I AM empty of time and space …I AM here and now. There is only ‘here’ (no ‘there’)…and everything ‘is here’! There is only ‘now’ (no past or future) and everything ‘is now’! All the Light that has ever existed, exists right here and now. All the Love, Wisdom and Power that has ever existed, exists right here and now. This is the continuous experience of my Great God Self and now I claim this Truth within my daily life on Earth! And SO IT IS!
In this Divine Consciousness, I realize my Eternal Flame exists across all time …all space …and all self. I AM all dimensions of time …all dimensions of space …and all dimensions of self. All the Light my Flame Radiates …ever has in the past before this moment, or in this moment …or, ever will in the future (in any Realm in which I might serve) …is here and now in this very moment! My Divine Human, revealed as the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self, now lives this Truth …and the Twelve-fold Aspects of my Great God Self (Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence, White Fire Being, Cosmic Causal Body) …all know and live this Truth through eternity. My Three-fold Flame is the center of this Truth …and is my Eternal Flame within my Infinite Radiant Light. All of this Truth constitutes the Great Solar Disc!
Here, all aspects of my Ascended and Free Being …the One, the Three-fold Flame, the Seven Rays of the Divine Human, the Twelve-fold nature of Solar and Cosmic Being and the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM …are all revealed to me through my Light radiating in this present embodiment. As Eternal Flame, we realize our Infinite Radiant Light fills all space, creating a Oneness Consciousness of Light. But let us realize that this refers to internal space, as well as ‘outer’ space. See all the space between and within our cells, atoms and electrons now filled with the Infinite Radiant Light of our Eternal Flame. This is our Light Body …and our personal Universe of Light! Let us affirm:
I AM that I AM!
I AM a Being of Eternal Flame, composed of
Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!
I AM emitting an Infinite Radiant Light, composed of
Energy, Matter and Intelligent Divine Order!
From this Truth, I AM Causing the Universe
that I desire …becoming who I AM!
I AM a Being of Cause alone
that Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone.
I AM Ascended and Free together, standing in the Light!
I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals
Through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all life in her Ascended State.
I AM in perfect union with the Angels and Elementals.
I AM Etherically one with the Angels and Elementals.
I AM one Heart with the Angels and Elementals.
I AM one Mind with the Angels and Elementals.
And I AM experiencing all of this from the core of my new Light Body!
With this affirmation of True Identity blazing in our Consciousness, let us understand our Purpose. Light Service is the ‘tip of the spear’2…or the pacemakers cells of the heart. With this in mind, it is not a matter of numbers that might assure our Victory, but rather that we perform our specialized service that we were specifically trained for. So whether we are one, or one thousand, or one hundred thousand, it matters not …only that we are consecrated to our specific Light Service ...that we are the ‘tip of the spear’ that pierces the realms of ignorance within Humanity and allows for Highest Frequency Divine Truth to enter in and take root …or, that we are the ‘pacemaker cells’ for the developing I AM Race and that the Heart of Divine Humanity beats with Seventh Ray Rhythm and all the Gifts of the Age of Spiritual Freedom. We are (I AM!) the New Reality of Spiritual Life for a New Age. And with such Consecrated Light Service from the Realms of Divine Cause, Victory is assured!
I AM on the Seventh Ray Feminine Ray and I AM a teacher of Divine Confidence in the Sacred Fire and applying it to create the desired Reality in all Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light in which life is developing along its eternal journey. The Ascension occurs when greater than 50% of the energy along all seven Rays / Chakras is returning and ascending to the Causal Body …rather than returning via the karmic wheel, remaining on the lower planes as our embodied aura. The Seven Rays each spiral at their Chakra …and, spiral up the spine to form the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim at the forehead.
At this point the Holy Christ Self, the original projection of the Mighty I AM Presence on Earth, transforms into the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self. Here the outer personality becomes Divine and is in operational Oneness Consciousness with the Mighty I AM Presence within daily life. Beloved Ascended Master Jesus was a wonderful example of this Transformation / Ascension process. And He stated for all Humanity: “Whatever I have done, shall you also do …and greater things”!
The Seventh Ray I represent begins with transforming the old energy, vibration and consciousness, through the Flame of Transmutation … then progresses to the Flame of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness and the most powerful activity of Divine Love …then moves forward into Ceremonious Rhythmic Invocation of Sacred Fire and fully open to the New Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Era of Spiritual Freedom. This is the Seventh Ray summarized and we are doing all aspects of the Seventh Ray all the time …in Divine alignment and synchronicity.
Affirm: My Light is the essence of my Flame’s Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. My Light carries the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of that Flame into co-creation …creating a Divine Reality, wherever, and whenever I AM! My Creative Faculties direct that Light …and thus I AM becoming a Divine Director in my journey of becoming an Ascended Master! And …
As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me.
I AM the Cosmic Christ calling forth
the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!
2. Remember Dear Ones of our Beloved Saint Germain …where the name of his embodiment as ‘William Shakespeare’ is an acronym for: “It is the will of the I AM that I shake the spear of Truth at the serpent of ignorance”!
Beloved Jewels in the Heart of the Lotus, our Beloved Friends of the Light who walk the Path of Ascension on Earth: it is an honor for me to have the opportunity to unite with you in this Cosmic Moment for our sweet Earth. After eons of learning through difficult experience, Humanity has gained a certain Cosmic Momentum in her Radiation of Light …enough to move forward along the crest of the Great Cosmic Inbreath.
There is truly a celebration in Heaven, as Ascended and Free Humanity has fulfilled the edict given to the Spiritual Hierarchy for this beautiful planet decades ago. The goal was to raise her Energy, Vibration and Consciousness enough to allow for the initial impulse of the Great Cosmic Inbreath. For Father-Mother God has decreed for the advancement of the Cosmos and the beginning of a New Cosmic Day …inclusive of our sweet Earth. And SO IT IS!
We all know the initial impact in our personal consciousness of having received this message from the Higher Planes and Octaves of Light. It has shaped our experiences of Light Service over eons. But understanding the karmic conditions of Earth, as well as the ‘window of opportunity’ given to us by the Creator, we all realized the effort required was monumental, from ‘both sides of the veil’. For the recalcitrance of human-ego was intense, as is yet evident from the ‘lower frequency illusion’ still playing itself out upon the screen of daily life!
As you may know the “Kumaras” (including myself) have been known as Lords of Immortality. When I first came to serve in the heart of Shamballa long ago, I brought with me a Focus of the Flame of Venus, never before anchored on this Planet. It represented the vibratory action of the Love Ray of Venus. For centuries I externalized this Flame, radiating it from Shamballa through my own Heart Flame. And this same Flame has grown and intensified through millions of years of Consecrated Invocation! A great gathering of majestic Beings from Venus have formed the majority of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, anchoring this Keynote of Venus …synchronizing its Vibration with Earth’s elemental atmosphere, as well as Humanity. Given the results of these many august Beings giving their all at the altar of service, today we see a ‘Light beam’ of this Flame now anchored in the Sacred Heart of each and every human being incarnate …walking the Earth. Visualize this with me …and feel the Unity of the Love Ray …uniting Humanity at the level of the Solar Christ Self, directly from the Central Flame of Shamballa.
This Ascension process was created by the very action of this Flame radiating from Shamballa. A direct result of this Love Ray was an increasing awareness of one’s developing consciousness towards its Divine Potential. The Action of this Flame has since built and sustained Light Centers for this same purpose around the planet (along all Seven Rays) …beginning with Shamballa, a replica of the City of the Sun from Venus. My only purpose of coming to Earth was to create self-conscious ‘carriers of Light’, through the Root Races that inhabited the Earth. This was the only way through which the Earth could fulfill its Divine Destiny …finally contributing to the Great Cosmic Symphony with its own Divine Key Note.
The Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms, as well as representatives of Humanity, offered themselves to actively participate in this Activity. Majestic Beings from the four elements, as well as Angelic and Devic Hosts sent representatives to Shamballa to train in this Activity. They learned to direct this Flame within their own Kingdoms, so as to eventually purify the water and its inhabitants; enter the earth element and cleanse all its creatures; radiate within the air purifying it...and consecrate the fire element to only harmonious action. Within Humanity, this Flame began the early development of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth …who could embody and yet honor only their Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …achieving Ascended Mastery through embodiment!
My friends, it is a magnificent vision when this Flame is expanded and projected across all Spiritual Retreats of the Ascended Ones. This intensifies its Light in the heart of all people on the planet, and was the initial purpose for the Transmission of the Flame Activity between certain Ascended Master Temples. Now this Sacred Activity includes the Temples of the embodied Gathering of Ascended Humanity … as well as extending to every Solar Christ Self within Humanity!
This Three-fold Flame from Venus is radiating permanently from Shamballa. Please direct your attention to this Sacred Fire and absorb its Power …so as to increase many times our own Eternal Flame’s Sacred Power! Through this we expand and project our Eternal Flame’s impetus of Light. Let us visualize ourselves standing in the center of our own Sacred Lotus. As we practice the Holy Breath, feel the intensity of this Flame surrounding us …expanding and increasing its Light until it envelops the Earth! Know that our personal Light is the necessary Light for Earth’s transition into her New Orbit.
Then, when we all stand in the center of our own Flame of Immortality ...Angels, Ascended Masters and Ascended and Free Humanity, together standing in our own Light. Then the most beautiful Love Service we can give becomes reality. Then the Earth and Venus truly become ONE …in Oneness Consciousness. And the Earth Ascends effortlessly into the Love Frequency of Venus, as she is already there!
This Activity by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Enlightened of Humanity, always governed through the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa, has been the reason by which the Earth is now in position to fulfill its Higher Vibrational Destiny! And this Activity will now intensify as we Gather and Celebrate at the Temple of the Eternal Flame of our Beloved Kenich Ahau. For this will signal to Universal I AM that the Earth is prepared and ready to play her part within the Cosmos once again …as it was in the beginning.
What Joy fills my heart and the heart of Beloved Lady Venus, all the family of Kumaras, as well as the entire I AM Race of Venus. For we now see clearly the Earth and all its peoples, kingdoms and elements raise themselves from a long journey of difficult consciousness training. And now, Victory is assured for all …with the Crown of Illumination shining brightly on the forehead of all Humanity who desires the Ascension for all.
The Ascended and Free Civilization from Venus welcomes you with open hearts to our Orbit of Love Divine. We thank you, love you and are forever grateful that we too are now ready to move forward with our own Cosmic Plan, to our own Higher Frequency Orbit destined for Venus!
My Heart and Love always surround you!