October, 2019


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:








(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Cosmic Assistance for,
and the complete Victory of …Ascended and Free Light Service!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Cosmic Assistance for,
and the complete Victory of …Ascended and Free Light Service!



I AM that I AM!
I AM an Eternal Flame.
I AM the Presence of Sacred Fire.
I AM the Radiance of its Infinite Light.
I AM an Eternal Flame upon the Altar of Humanity.

By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me, as me:
I AM transmuting all returning energy this day into its
Divine Potential …returning to me as any person,
any place, condition or event of this day!

I AM the Cosmic Assistance Invoked into our sweet Earth:
by Father / Mother God; by Beloved Sanat Kumara and by
all the Spiritual Hierarchy …for Earth’s Ascension
within the current Great Cosmic Inbreath!

Through the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love, I AM
the Victory of the Cosmic Violet Fire, transmuting
‘karmic cause’ into the First Cause of Spiritual
Freedom before it can act, manifest
or longer be sustained!

I AM the Law of Life in action: ‘What you
think and feel, you bring into form’!
I AM the Invocation of Victory!

Therefore: I AM empty of self …
and all thoughts of condemnation, criticism and judgment
…all feelings of anger, disappointment, rejection and aggression
…about those persons, places, conditions and things
…in my life …and in the entire world!




Come Holy Spirit, Come! I invoke your Cosmic Love through
my Creative Faculties of thought, feeling, word and deed.
I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting
all life this day in its Ascended State.

I AM the Permanent Atom of Humanity as she is, now
absorbed into her Permanent Atom as the I AM Race!

I AM the Permanent Atom of Earth as she is, now absorbed
into her Permanent Atom as the Star of Spiritual Freedom!

I AM the Permanent Atom of the Star of Spiritual Freedom,
now absorbed into the Permanent Atom of Father / Mother God!

I AM the Permanent Atom of Helios and Vesta now absorbed
into the Permanent Atom of Beloved Alpha and Omega!

I AM the Permanent Atom of Beloved Alpha and Omega
now absorbed into the Permanent Atom of our Great Central Sun!

I AM the Permanent Atom of our Great Central Sun now absorbed
into the Permanent Atom at the Heart of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

As an Eternal Flame
and its Infinite Radiant Light:
I AM vested with the Power of Infinity!
I AM vested with the full Power of Eternity!
I AM vested with the Power of Co-creation, in all
Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light I serve within.
I AM vested with the Power of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!






Beloved Ones: ‘Eternal Flame’ is ‘wave-function’ …or, Energy expressed as Vibration and Cosmic Consciousness …whereas Infinite Radiant Light is the Flame’s ‘particle-function’ of manifestation …or, Energy expressed as Divinely Intelligent Matter, including all of nature as well as embodied Humanity.   With every Holy Breath, I AM inbreathing and absorbing the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Eternal Flame from the Mighty I AM Presence …and then on the Outbreath, I expand and project the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of its Infinite Radiant Light.  The Inbreath of the Eternal Flame ‘into matter’ is a heart centered activity of absorbing Cosmic Consciousness …and, the Outbreath of its Infinite Radiant Light is a mind activity of Divine Co-creation, where my embodied Consciousness expands and projects its Perfection Patterns into Humanity …into our ‘Light Service to First Cause’.

The Divine Plan called for this Sacred Process to proceed uninterrupted and thus produce the Perfection Patterns of the Electronic Realms of Light …directly into the world of form! And for the first three Root Races, this occurred perfectly …with these Root Races ascending into the Eternal Spheres of Light with their Mighty Manu.  But since the 'great fall' (during the Fourth Root Race), this Sacred Process of living was interrupted, as Humanity unfortunately chose ‘ego cause’ over Divine First Cause, setting up the karmic state of distress, disease and death that followed …for eons. The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is ‘gathered here and now’ to Restore the Divine Plan and reveal the Sacred Process of Divine Living …as an Ascended and Free Race on Earth!

Let us contemplate the Inbreath / Outbreath.  Cosmically, there is a constant, perfect balance between the Inbreath of Cosmic Blessings and its equal Outbreath of Blessings into the world.  This Cosmic Balance keeps the planets, stars and galaxies in their perfect orbits. On Earth, this Harmony and Balance of Inbreath / Outbreath is mediated through the mindful practice of Holy Breath, as well as through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds as we live our mindful ceremony of daily life.  We are embodied to become a Divine Instrument of Balance, where 'wave-function' Cosmic Energy, Vibration and Consciousness passes into the world as tangible ‘particle-function’: Energy, Matter and Intelligence. When enough momentum of such Ascended and Free living is established, this automatically restores Harmony and Balance into the world of form.  This Momentum is what established previous Golden Ages, in previous cycles of time.

The Law of Reciprocity (As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me) is always true, but we may not always notice it.  For our evolving Crystal Vision may not yet reveal to us the ‘inner workings’ of Cosmic Law within time and space.  Illusion (very tangible to our senses) yet blocks this Crystal Vision, as we continue to forego certain ‘Higher Frequencies’ for the purpose of present embodiment.  But as we progressively claim Holy Communion with our Ascended and Free State, then every other part of life is simultaneously offered the opportunity to raise up to its next level of frequency in its Ascension Process …and whether or not we see understand it …it does occur!  This is our Hope, our Faith and our Purpose that sustains our daily Light Service!  And …SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!

ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LORD MAITREYA (reprinted from the October 30, 1955 ‘Bulletin’ of ‘The Bridge to Freedom’ …but equally pertinent now in Ascended and Free Light Service).

“Beloved Children of the One Eternal God: I come this night to bring to you My Love. You do not know, nor can your outer consciousness conceive, of the Love of the Ascended Host for those strong and stalwart souls who volunteer at inner levels to form the foundation of a New World Order, which will sustain the mass consciousness of mankind for a two thousand year cycle. You cannot fully understand the tenderness, the solicitude, the individual interest that we have in each such an one, particularly when we have seen you at inner levels (before the inception of this New Age and Era) standing in the freedom of your etheric bodies, with love in your precious hearts, with zeal in your souls, but yet with a portion of your individual karma unpaid …and with certain traits, tendencies and habits of human consciousness not yet sublimated.

We know, when We grant you the opportunity of becoming part of the heart-center of a New Movement, far more than you do, what you will be called upon to experience during the fulfillment of your service. We know how the pressures and tides of the Earth plane, as well as the emotions and thoughts of your own vehicles, coupled with the heaviness of flesh, will burden you in time to come. We know, after you have left the Presence of the Karmic Board, when you have passed through the Gates of Birth, when you have assimilated through family and national life …and something of the nature of the mankind among whom you dwell …how much more difficult it will be to retain your vision, to sustain the constancy of your spirit and to have that faith …that endurance …which should sustain you to the very end.

Therefore, for every individual, from the highest Master (like Beloved Jesus) to the very least developed consciousness who has volunteered and been accepted as a part of the initial impulse of a World Movement, for each such one there is a special place in My Heart and in the hearts of Those who serve with Me, to bless Humanity through you.

Beloved and precious friends, the Office of World Teacher gives the Individual holding that Office, opportunities of various kinds. Since the coming of the laggards from the other systems into the evolution of the Earth and the ensuing maya which formed the cloud between the Holy Christ Self and the soul, the World Teacher has not only had the responsibility of designing the particular religion which would best benefit the souls of men in a given age, but He has had the obligation, as well as opportunity, to concentrate the immense pressure of Cosmic Love in, through and around the Lifestreams who were to form, magnetize, sustain and radiate the power of that religion; building it so that the succeeding generations might find it firm enough and efficacious enough to utilize in nourishing their own soul-growth.

So, to you, blessed souls in the Diamond Heart of Beloved Saint Germain's New Endeavor, I bring all of that pressure of Love which is Mine to give. I bring it to you individually and I hope that deep, deep, deep, within the secret recesses of your hearts, your souls, your minds, your feelings and your flesh, you will accept that Love which is an actual substance that helps to melt away from you that effluvia of discord. It will help dissolve the resentments, rebellions and hates which form the etheric records of those discordant vibratory actions that have been set up through past association one with another, when you have suffered individual rebuff, disappointment and disapproval.

After the close of the September class, your bodies are so much more free from the pressures of the accumulations of the ages …enough that we are endeavoring to build in the vibratory action of the constructive Radiation which is Ours to give. My gift to you is Love …that Love which I want you to feel. Personally, I as an individual intelligence, entirely apart from my Official Status, send you daily my Love to warm your heart and soul, and that Love from Me to you is as your eternal friend. Accept it now and use it ...

You are never alone, Beloved Ones. Wherever your feet take you upon the path of Earth, you are the earnest students of this great Endeavor. Wherever your life plan takes you, there flows a concentrated, consecrated beam of my Love in, through and around you …for having the courage to stand before the Karmic Board and before our Beloved Master Saint Germain, and volunteer to come into embodiment, hampered as you were with limitations and promise …to do your best to assist Him in His efforts to lift mankind.

Every one of you has done - and is doing - your very best. There are no half way measures in your service. There is no lukewarm religion in your hearts. You have given the utmost of the capacities of your energies according to your present development, and no Master -- no Angel -- no, not even God Himself could ask more! When a man gives his best - though that best may seem poor to another - to God and to the God-free, that service radiates the perfume of sincerity both of purpose and design. To the soul that gives its best, that very endeavor forms the wings that raise and sublimate that soul into the Christ Self!

We do not ask of every person the same measure of perfection. We do not ask of every Light Server the same maximum of endeavor. We accept what each one chooses to give. And you have given your best, the best that is in you, of your Love and your Light. I give to you in return my Love and my Light to sustain you through these days when each of you (working in the orbit of your own world) is making effort to transmute the many returning currents of energy seeking redemption, that seem to press, with almost frightening rapidity, into the appearance world. I give you an anchorage of the Flame of My Love to sustain you in your ‘vows to God’, to Saint Germain and to the Hierarchy, to do your part to bring in the New Age.  This New Age shall manifest and express upon this Earth and live long after your flesh garments have released you …and you stand again in My Presence as God-free Beings of Power.

Blessing and Love …Lord Maitreya.”


ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED MIGHTY VICTORY: …On the Three-fold Flame Permanent Atom Forcefield …and electro-magnetic waves of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power continuously expanding from this Eternal Flame …from our Permanent Atom!

Beloved Ones serving the Victory of this New Age, it is my Joy to be with you, for we all originate from the same Flame of Father / Mother God and serve the same First Cause …and therefore we are (I AM!) brothers and sisters of the same Light Family: Welcome Dear Ones into the Temple of Victory!

Let us contemplate our Theme and Thoughtform of this Solar Year. Just as there are interstellar waves of a physical nature (x-rays, radio-waves, other cosmic rays from distance sources), physically passing through the world of form, so too may we (Gathering of Ascended Humanity) now produce electro-magnetic Cosmic Waves of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power  …continuously expanding and projecting from our Eternal Flame …penetrating Earth on a united, global scale.

Physics now understands that ‘Light’ is an electro-magnetic Forcefield in motion.  In spiritual terms, ‘Electro’ refers to the Electronic Nature of our Higher Light Bodies.  ‘Magnetic’ refers to the Laws of Forcefields, where there is Divine Alignment and Order of the Higher Alchemic Frequencies of Sacred Fire.  Our White Fire Being; Mighty I AM Presence; and Solar Christ Self are therefore Electro-magnetic Forcefields in motion.  Let us visualize this as our True Identity, as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire …expanding and projecting our ‘wave-function’ Vibration and Consciousness of Eternal Flame …then manifesting its ‘particle-function’ as Divinely Intelligent Matter in co-creation. This is our True Identity!

Again on a physical level, our sun releases immense energy, which on Earth becomes life …as it manifests on all levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …from sub-atomic particles, to the mineral kingdom, to single cell life, to complex plants and animals, through to the various levels of consciousness that Humanity exists on.[1] Similarly, on a Spiritual level, the innate Intelligence of Divine Light will produce the needed substance (or form), depending on the frequency of consciousness applied to it. Before the ‘great fall’, there was only the Consciousness of First Cause applied to the Light …with the creation of an infinite variety of Perfection Patterns.  Since the 'great fall' however, ‘ego consciousness’ has been applied to the Light, with the subsequent creation of lower patterns, culminating in distress, disease and death.

Imagine ‘empty of self’ …so empty that even your ‘spiritual self’ disappears.  Now you are truly ‘only Eternal Flame’ …with no attachments …even to your Light Service.  Then you may feel the true Spiritual Freedom of emitting Light and its Energy of Divinely Intelligent Matter. You bless that Light as it goes forth …but your only focus is being that Eternal Flame and knowing with full confidence that your Light goes forth to bless all life …even if you know none of the details or eventual outcomes of those blessings.

Let us take all of our ‘roles in life’ …husband or wife, son or daughter, mother or father, worker, Light Server, friend, neighbor, citizen, etc. …knowing you have had countless such roles over many embodiments …and place them all in a vault for a moment.  Then, just be the Spirit of your Eternal Flame …as the Solar Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence and the White Fire Being …simply as an Eternal Flame with no form whatsoever, which has chosen to anchor itself through many embodiments …including here and now.  This is the Reality you create between embodiments in the Temples of the Spiritual Hierarchy!  Now we sustain it on Earth!

When practicing ‘empty of self’ …and in meditation ‘letting go’ all the layers of ego, becoming only Eternal Flame …consider how many embodiments each of us has had and how many variations of persons, places, conditions and things there has been, across the time and space of those many embodiments.  Then consider that between each embodiment in the Temples of Light, we see the Truth that none of these persons, places, conditions and things really mattered …and it was really only about expressing the Perfection Patterns of our Eternal Flame that mattered …the expansion and projection of its Infinite Radiant Light through our Creative Faculties …into any and all persons, places, conditions and things …only that mattered!  This process of Unconditional Divine Love is the Essence and the Victory of our Ascension …the Truth we finally understand in this present embodiment!  We may Love everyone and everything …but our Illumined Focus is absolute and one-pointed!

So, become ‘empty of self’ and affirm with authority: ‘I AM Eternal Flame’!  Then, affirm ‘I AM the Violet Fire’!  Then, only as the Violet Fire in action, go forth into daily life, into every role we occupy, into all persons, places, conditions and things …and know it is only the Violet Fire going forth into those aspects of daily life.  When we affirm ‘Holy Spirit, come forth now’! …we are affirming that ‘I AM the Eternal Flame of Holy Spirit …in action here and now’.  Then we bring that Eternal Flame into every moment. Then know: “I AM living as it was intended in the beginning!  I AM the Light of God …as a moving electro-magnetic Forcefield of Highest Frequency Love, Wisdom and Power …as the sole Creator in my life …as the Flame of Life, I AM!” And SO IT IS!

I AM a living, breathing, pulsating electro-magnetic Forcefield moving through daily life. This is my Causal Body, and thus,

I AM the living Presence of God!
This is the Victory I AM!

Beloved Ones, Victory is ours!



Fiery Spirits of the Eternal Flame: I come representing the Angelic and Elemental Evolutions.  In uniting with these Royal Kingdoms of Divine Beings, it is not so much that they are to reveal themselves in the world of form in daily life (although they can and may) …but rather that Humanity reveals herself in their Dimensions, Realms and Spheres …entering the Home of the Angels and Elemental Spirits.  Contemplate this shift in perspective.  As you do, let us remember that Angels represent Sacred FireEnergy as Vibration and Consciousness, whereas the Elementals represent LightEnergy transforming into Divinely Intelligent Matter.

Angels are Guardians of the Flame! Elementals are Guardians of the Light!  Angels listen and connect through Heart Energy (Holy Spirit).  Elementals listen and connect through Mind Energy (Mind of God). Both of these Foundations are necessary for Humanity to complete her Ascension into her True Identity …as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …both Elemental and Angelic. Such is the Divine Potential of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, when in full Harmony and Balance with our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …embodied only as this Divine Instrument.

Let us now call forth our own Angel Presence of the Three-fold Flame of Eternal Life.  Imagine the aura of this Flame expanding like the Angel Wings of a Cherubim, Seraphim or even an Archaii …all around you.  Feel that you anchor the full Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of that Eternal Flame …including all the Seven Rays …becoming the Angel Presence of the Violet Fire, or the Healing Flame, or the Resurrection Flame.  (Pause and absorb).

Then let us invoke our Devic Presence …an Elemental Spirit …like the Fiery Deva of the Violet Fire …embodying and manifesting its Divinely Intelligent Matter into the transformation of any person, place, condition or thing.  Or, let us embody and become the Healing Flame Deva …which then radiates its Infinite Light as our electro-magnetic Aura …with our Mighty Devic Presence interpenetrating persons, places, conditions and things we come across in daily life.  Or, become the Ascension Flame Deva, radiating this Flame’s tangible Presence into the world of form, raising up all life! (Pause).

Then, practice being both …the Angel Presence of the Eternal Flame, expressing Energy as pure Vibration and Consciousness …as well as the Elemental Presence of its Infinite Radiant Light, as a Deva of Light in action in the world of form.  As you practice this, the Elohim and Archangels rejoice …that Humanity has once again claimed her full Angel and Elemental Presence, according to the Divine Plan.  The Ascension is fully prepared when we understand, practice and become our Angelic Presence as the Eternal Flame, the origins of all life …as well as our Elemental / Devic Presence as its Infinite Radiant Light, going forth as the Divine Manifestation of Original Intention!  This is the Sacred First Ray I represent!

Then may we invite ‘karmic cause’ into our attention …yet remain detached, with our only focus of setting life free.  But first, at the opening of our day and periodically through the day, we re-confirm this True Identity …until the persons, places, conditions and things of outer life no longer challenge the Harmony and Balance of our True Identity. This is akin to my Light Service, spending much of my Energies in the lower frequency emotional and mental realms of distress and misery, in order to set that life free!

The Mighty I AM Presence of Humanity may also perform such Light Service as I and my Legions do.  And thus, as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity becomes the Mighty I AM Presence …at its stepped-down frequency of the Solar Christ Self serving through its Elemental vehicles. You too may set life free from the most imbalanced frequencies and yet stay within the Harmony and Balance of the Eternal Flame.  This is your greatest ProtectionI AM the Archangel of Protection and this Teaching is the basis of Cosmic Protection.

Beloved Ascended Master Jesus affirmed: “I AM the Intermediary between man and God”!  The Holy Christ Self of all Humanity is likewise this ‘intermediary vehicle’.  Such an intermediary is necessary only because the ‘great fall’ caused such a separation between ‘man and God’.  The Divine Plan called for the Mighty I AM Presence to directly abide on Earth through embodied vehicles …with no intermediary!  And this Truth is what the I AM Race will again fulfill in this New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  The Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self is the Mighty I AM Presence …as the I AM Race!

And then may the glorious Causal Body express its Cosmic Momentum in daily life …the moving electro-magnetic Forcefield of Eternal Flame and Radiant Light radiating through the Creative Faculties.  Our Great God Self is now synchronized to influence all outer thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …as the miracle working Presence of God in action.  The only desire of our Sacred Flame is in setting life free!  The dawning Age of Spiritual Freedom is set for ‘many miracles’ …only seen as miracles in that Eternal Spiritual Laws take precedent over the physical laws of manifestation …and thus eventually govern every event in daily life. And life transforms!

And as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity steadily asserts her new found spiritual confidence in these Laws of Life, I …as the Guardian of Humanity …shall stand with you in your Eternal Flame, even as I stand in my own Eternal Flame …with my Circle and Sword of Blue Flame raised high in Service to the Light!  Affirm in meditation: “Standing in my Eternal Flame …as my Eternal Flame …empty of self, time and space …I may place my attention on any person, place, condition or thing and within my Flame of Harmony and Balance, I now offer every Divine Blessing necessary:  Faith, Strength, Perseverance, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Divine Love, Purity, Resurrection, Acceleration, Truth, Constancy, Consecration, Crystal Vision, Peace Divine, Transmutation, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …any required Blessing for the Ascension of any person, place, condition or thing towards their Divine Potential!  And SO IT IS!”

Let us always begin with ‘empty of self’ …and especially empty of any condemnation, criticism and judgment of the very persons, places, conditions and things we came to serve …as well as empty of any anger, aggression or fear towards these persons, places, conditions and things.  Then, with this foundation established, ‘empty of time and space’ comes easier …as you have stripped away the layers of ego back to Original Intention …becoming the True Keepers of the Eternal Flame.  Beloved Ones, ‘The Enlightened’ fear nothing …for the Eternal Flame exists in its Eternity free of a ‘body’ …and death, the so called ‘ultimate fear,’ is simply the Eternal Flame existing fully in Spirit …and may or may not choose to again embody, given the correct Divine Opportunity.  Energy passes into matter and matter passes into Energy …this is the Cycle of Life!

Affirm: I AM Eternal Flame (Energy as Vibration and Consciousness) …emitting Light (Energy as Divinely Intelligent Matter).  I AM the Source of co-creation, the Three-fold Flame of Life! I AM the Activity of co-creation …its Love, Wisdom and Power in actionI AM the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim as my Seven Chakras and my Kundalini Fire rising up to the Thousand Petaled Lotus and the Crown of the Elohim.  I AM the Seven Steps of Precipitation.  I have come to Bless the World!

“I AM in the world but not of it.  I let go and let God.”  These are fundamental Truths towards the Ascension. But now we may grasp the fuller understanding of them.  I AM empty of self and thus the Eternal Flame is the Divine Director of my every thought, feeling, word and deed.  I AM empty of ‘time and space’ …and thus the Eternal Flame is the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love …as it also exists throughout Universal I AM.  When I AM my Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, then I AM only God in Action!

In the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom, Humanity will again expand her Light through her heart, throat, head and hands.  Angels will link with the Heart and Elementals with the Mind. What Humanity thinks and feels; what she voices as her Presence; and what she does ‘in action’ …this will manifest a Golden Age of Perfection Patterns along every avenue of daily life.  Humanity will produce the Divine Justice of truly being in control of daily life (the Feminine Ray combined with the Seventh Ray) …instead of remaining victim to outer circumstances of injustice (ego).

In Light Service on either side of the veil, our Eternal Flame is Energy working on energy.  It is raising karmic energy up to a Higher Vibration, through our Divine Consciousness …our Eternal Three-fold Flame in action!  And as well, releasing the Divine Potential of Perfection Patterns into daily life on Earth.  Our Spiritual Freedom is the ability to transmute karmalife’s energy that is looking for its path Home into the Light …back from lower ego-cause when sent forth, towards it First Cause within the Divine Plan.

Let us practice Divine Love, but let us also remember that this is the New Age of Sacred Fire …especially the Violet Fire …where Love is wrapped in the greatest Power of Universal I AM …and that Divine Power is part of the current alchemic transition from ‘the age ego’ to the ‘Age of God’.  I AM the Archangel of Divine Power and I AM here to fuel the Victory of Ascended and Free Light Service!

In the Name of Beloved Lord Michael:

I AM the full Power of Divine Light!
I AM the Power of Sacred Fire!
I AM the Power of God!
I AM that I AM!

As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me.
All of the past, present and future is raised up with me.
Past, present and future become ONE Cosmic Moment …and,
as I AM raised up, all events …of all time …are raised up with me!

I AM the ‘pace-maker cells’ from the Heart of Universal I AM now
embodied on Earth, in order to set the Tone, Frequency and
Rhythm of restoring time and space on Earth into the
Cosmic Moment of the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

I AM filling all time and all space with Eternal Flame.
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light …allowing for the Eternal
Moment of Here and Now to fulfill the Divine Plan of Earth!

Beloved Lord Michael, I invoke your Divine Presence to protect
the Gathering of Ascended Humanity ...as you have personally
protected all Keepers of the Flame whose Light Service is to
forward Humanity …regardless of their outer standing
...into the Light of their own Solar Christ Self.

I AM all current and present potential raised up to Divine Potential!
I AM Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness
…Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light …serving on Earth.

I AM a Being of Eternal Light …
living in a Community of Eternal Light, on a
Planet of Eternal Light …in an Age of Eternal Light!

I AM an Eternal Child of the Sun!
Shamballa is the Eternal City of the Sun! Our
Star of Spiritual Freedom is an Eternal Planet of the Sun!

I AM the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness,
Compassion and Mercy in action on Earth.
I AM Sun of the Sun …I AM Sun of Earth!
As I forgive, so does all life forgive with me.
As I AM forgiven, so is all life forgiven with me.
As I AM embodying the Flame of Forgiveness, so
all life becomes the Flame of Forgiveness with me!

Within my Permanent Atom of Perfection, I AM the
Crystalline Perfection of my Mighty I AM Presence.
I AM a Magnificent Cosmic Ray piercing into matter!

I AM the Solar Christ Self, my full Divine Potential!
My Aura now reveals my Sun of the Sun!

I AM all of my Seven Chakra Suns in their perfect function.
I AM every cell, atom and electron vibrating in its
‘quantum matter Frequency’, revealing the
Light of my Solar Christ Self!

I AM standing forth in my Light Body!
Lord Michael stands with me in my Light Body.
I AM Guided, Guarded and Protected within his
Circle and Sword of Blue Flame …within his
Ring Pass Not of Cosmic Christ Lightning!


[1] Again, from science: “There is enough physical energy in one day of sunlight to power the electrical needs of the entire planet for a year …if it could be harnessed properly! Plants, microbial life and all sub-atomic life (levels within our Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves) already do this efficiently. These levels of life have much to offer Humanity!” (in our Ascension process).