October, 2020


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Lov
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:










(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Flame of Cosmic Holy Spirit,

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Flame of Cosmic Holy Spirit,



I AM a Temple of Holy Spirit!
I AM a living Temple of the Divine!
I AM forever dwelling in the Holy of Holies!
And doing so, I AM assuring the Ascension of all life!


Cosmic Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence anchored in the Heart! 

the Three-fold Flame …the Sacred Fire of Immortality
manifesting in the world of form!

the Kundalini River of Chakra Suns, together creating
‘the Sun of the Sun’ …The Holy Christ Self, expressed!

Twelve Aspects of Deity …truly revealing the
Solar Christ Self entering Cosmic Consciousness! 

now reabsorbing Earth, her Elemental Kingdom and Humanity
back into the ‘vast interconnectedness’ of ‘Universal I AM’,
through the Activity of the Great Cosmic Inbreath!

I AM a Temple of the Divine.
I AM a Temple of the Holy Spirit.
I AM a Temple of the Eternal Flame.
I AM a Temple of its Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM the Flame of Immortality embodied.
Empty of self, I AM its blazing ‘Sphere of Light’.
Empty of time, I AM its ‘Eternal Flame of the Sun’.
Empty of space, I AM its ‘vast interconnectedness’
…One with all life, here, there and everywhere present!

I AM in the Light and of the Light.
I live, breathe and move through the Light.
I perceive with the Celestial Vision of the Light.
I AM Voicing the Creative Sacred Word of the Light.

Every Holy Christ Self within Humanity,

Every Solar Christ Self within Humanity,

All the ‘innate goodness in the world’,


I AM the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union
with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all life in her Ascended State!

I hold the Immaculate Concept for Ascended and Free Humanity,
on her Ascended and Free Earth, in its Ascended and Free Orbit!

As I AM empty of time, now I become Eternity!
As I AM empty of space, now I become Infinity!
As I AM empty of self, now I become God in Action!
Now I Become the Alpha and Omega of my True Being!



Beloved Ones: let us see more clearly the levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …all the levels of elemental expression, as well as human expression.  Let us meditate on our role within this Forcefield. We see so many levels of life where healing is needed! We welcome transformation, but sometimes such change comes through difficult situations or circumstances.  Our hearts go out to all the efforts of healing, as well as restoration of justice, equality and fairness, in every aspect of daily life. For we share a vast interconnectedness with all life on Earth and, functioning as a Silent Watcher, collectively we are (I AM) acutely aware of suffering …and all constructive efforts to heal it.

Our Light Service is on a specific Frequency of Healing, because of our spiritual training as Directors of Sacred Fire.  We may feel a kinship with any other levels of healing and service to life …to the rescue and safety of animal life; to efforts at ending inequality or injustice; to feeding the hungry or to help the homeless. And by our own free will, we may well put our energies into any of these activities.  But at the top of the Pagoda is that level of spiritual effort to reach Higher Frequencies of Cosmic Forcefields …with such service ensuring that every other level is raised up …as we Ascend into greater Realms of Light.  We also ‘feed the hungry’ …but on a Spiritual Level …as did our Beloved Jesus before us.

Only a small minority of Humanity is attuned to such Light Service. This is where the Laws of Reciprocity actually matter …that, as we are raised up into Higher Frequency, so too is every level of Elemental or Human life raised up with us!  As Disciples of Holy Spirit, we attune to the Flame of Cosmic Holy Spirit, the desire to Love Life Free, at the level we are trained for.  As an analogy, a Ph.D. in astrophysics could teach first grade math (which is helpful) …but then the rest of the training is unused …and could have affected the ‘good of the whole’ in a much more profound way, if applied well …rather than only a classroom of children (again, which is helpful).

So let us, as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, invoke the full Divine Potential of our Inner Training be achieved now in this embodiment, for this Cosmic Moment!  Our anonymous Light Service comes from our meditations, visualizations, invocations, affirmations, and all Divine Ceremony from within our personal or group sanctuaries …from the highest level of this Diamond Pagoda. But in doing so, we know with certainty that we elevate the entire Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves, including all levels of life in Earth, upwards toward the Divine Potential of all!  This is Holy Spirit in action!

Beloved Ones, in the monthly cycle of October, in the Zodiac cycle of Libra (approximately September 22 to October 22), we celebrate ‘the harvest’ of this present Solar Year as we proceed to its ending …and, begin the Inner Gestation of the next Solar Year …which will reveal itself to the outer world by the new calendar year.  With this in mind, let us also contemplate all the various activities of Cosmic Holy Spirit that we represent in daily life …her activities of completion and new beginnings. Let us see this with Crystal Vision!

Imagine a Sun of the Sun …with circular waves of Light expanding at the ‘speed of light’.  This is our True Identity! It takes then but a second or two for such a Sun of the Sun to enfold the entire Earth with its Light and infuse all life thereon.  This is the Power of Light Service given ‘beyond time and space’ restrictions …through our Divine Instrument. Let us affirm this tremendous, expansive Divine Potential of our Light Service to Holy Spirit!

I AM empty of self, time and space …and I AM
the full flow of Universal Perfection Patterns through
me, infusing every aspect of the world within seconds!

As an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light,
functioning as my Divine Instrument, in my True Identity:

I AM invoking Cosmic Violet Fire to anchor its
Eternal Flame through me and I AM Radiating it
around and through all life within seconds!
I AM enfolding the world with my Love!

I AM invoking Temples of Divine Healing to anchor this
Eternal Flame through me and I AM Radiating it
around and through all life within seconds!
I AM enfolding the world with my Love!

I AM invoking Feminine Ray of Justice to anchor its
Eternal Flame through me and I AM Radiating it
around and through all life within seconds!
I AM enfolding the world with my Love!

I AM invoking Buddha’s God Illumination to anchor its
Eternal Flame through me and I AM Radiating it
around and through all life within seconds!
I AM enfolding the world with my Love!

I AM invoking Sixth / Seventh Root Races to anchor its
Eternal Flame through me and I AM Radiating it
around and through all life within seconds!
I AM enfolding the world with my Love!

I AM invoking Great Cosmic Inbreath to anchor its
Eternal Flame through me and I AM Radiating it
around and through all life within seconds!
I AM enfolding the world with my Love!

I AM empty of self, time and space …and I AM
the full flow of Universal Perfection Patterns through
me, infusing every aspect of the world within seconds!

I AM the instantaneous Perfection of the Mighty I AM Presence!
I AM Waves of Perfection Patterns radiating out from me with
every heartbeat, breath, thought, feeling, word and deed!
I share a Vast Inner Connectedness with the world!
I AM Building an Eternal Life in the Light!

I AM the Doer, the Doing and the Deed!
I AM the Sun of the Sun …the Solar Christ Self!
I AM the Flame of Cosmic Holy Spirit in action!




Beloved Friends of Freedom let us sojourn together …together, standing in the Light of Freedom’s Flame, on the Altar of my Seventh Ray Temple!  Let us contemplate together what Spiritual Freedom means.  For the bulk of Humanity, it refers to freedom from the pain and suffering of injustice, inequality and oppression.  It certainly is all of that.  But on a Higher Spiritual Frequency, it is so much more.  So, let us contemplate that Spiritual Freedom refers not only to life beyond pain and suffering …but also beyond all limiting restrictions of self, time and space.

We seek Freedom into Ascended and Free Consciousness.  While most of Humanity is preoccupied with freedom from suffering and pain, we focus on freedom from self, time and space restrictions …and that through rhythmic visitation to our True Identity and  Divine Instrument in meditation …that such Spiritual Freedom will come to be known as tangibly as freedom from oppression and inequality in daily life! We seek Freedom into living our Divinity.

Let us remember dear ones, that we originally began our Eternal Journey of existence within Universal I AM empty of time and space.  We were each a Spirit Spark from ‘That which is Eternal’, and has no beginning and no end …Alpha and Omega!  So, before this series of embodiments on Earth, we knew this Spiritual Freedom in the Realms of Light.  And, after our journey on Earth is done and we claim the Ascension, we permanently return to our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!  We are thus free into Nirvana …the Realms and Spheres of Light that are Eternal and Infinite.

And since I know each of you well, I know you have experienced some degree of this Spiritual Freedom in meditation, when empty of self, time and space …becoming Spiritually Free into our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …our True Identity and our Divine Instrument. Imagine for a moment that there comes an epiphany when this ‘Spiritual Level of Freedom’ might sweep across the planet …just like freedom from oppression, inequality and injustice can sweep the planet …creating a Great Cause!

And we all serve Freedoms Holy Cause for this higher purpose. The Eternal Flame upon my Temple Altar blazes with this Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.  Let us all stand together in this Flame Room, embracing the same Eternal Flame of Freedoms Holy Cause that blazes in the Great Central Sun …from whence I received it! We shall all assimilate this Sacred Fire together, standing in the Light! This Celestial Freedom Flame likewise blazes in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …where our White Fire Being stands at the Altar of this Focus of Violet Fire Light!

And as we practice this Meditation Ceremony on a rhythmic basis, we also understand that for the outer world, ‘first things first’. Here the Law of Forgiveness must be enacted for karmic causes …and only then the Joy of Higher Frequency Spiritual Freedom ensues.  The Seventh Ray within Holy Spirit is a Mighty Forcefield of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. And as the outer efforts regarding ‘freedom from oppression, inequality and injustice’ continue on the screen of life, the Gathering of Ascended Humanity also continually provides a magnetic attraction for all these efforts towards this Higher Purpose of Spiritual Freedom for all!

As we gather in Meditative Ceremony at the Temple of Freedom’s Holy Cause, I visualize each Light Server as providing a constant flow of Perfection Patterns into the world …everything that is necessary and sufficient for the Spiritual Freedom of Humanity!  This is a tremendous Cosmic Activity. We visualize together this Forcefield now functioning at every level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …in, through and around every aspect of life on Earth.  These Intelligent Perfection Patterns hold in their Light the Immaculate Concept for every person, place, condition and thing that requires assistance in their present Ascension process …until, by their own free will, all may be included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

In this Ceremony of Freedom’s Holy Cause, let us expand our Light Service into the global Theme and Thoughtform of this Solar Year. You no doubt know, but it bears repeating, that the Theme and Thoughtform is the symbol of all the Love, Wisdom and Power of the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa, in concert with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy for service to Earth in this Solar Year.  So much thought and planning has gone into the Thoughtform from the Spiritual Hierarchy, which we then hope embodied Light Servers amplify with their Consciousness …from the realm needing the assistance.  This is why you embodied for Light Service. It is mandatory by Cosmic Law that we have your cooperation and why we desire to better assist each of you in managing your karmic debt, …and thereby we hope, give greater Light Service.

Cause precedes effects! The Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform is ‘ahead of’ or, ‘out front of’ outer affairs (as they manifest on the screen of life). The Lord of the World can see karmic patterns unfold before they manifest in the outer world. Embodied Light Service is in the assistance of ‘preparing the way for managing Humanity’s karmic debt’ (with some semblance of Harmony and Balance) …and at the same time, magnetically draw her closer to her Divine Potential. So, let us daily provide Rhythmic Ceremony on the Inbreath / Outbreath of the Theme and Thoughtform of the Solar Year.  This is similar to the Ceremony of the Transmission of the Flame.  The Inbreath is the Maltese Cross magnetizing into its center all the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness necessary and sufficient for redemption of our sweet Earth.  The Outbreath is the expansion of this Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom outwards …as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …ever expanding to include all life everywhere!

You can see the developmental stages of Humanity at the various levels of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.  This reflects Nature. Consider the butterfly, where its life cycle goes through various unrecognizable stages before the magnificent butterfly reveals herself! So too does Humanity go through various stages, some of which look nothing like her Immaculate Concept. Yet once the stages of development occur, then the butterfly (the Solar Christ Self) reveals itself!  Our service is to accelerate this development, given the Celestial Opportunities of this Cosmic Moment.

On reflection one can see the stages of human Consciousness development, from the early grades where some stubbornly do not yet understand the basics of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …through to the middle stages of actively ‘learning of the new’ and breaking down the crystallized patterns of ‘the past’ …to ever-increasing enlightenment …and finally the graduate school of Ascended and Free Consciousness and Divine Directors of Sacred Fire.  Let us be detached from the various levels like an experienced teacher watches the development of children …from preschool though to graduate level college studies …and is pleased with any progress along the way.

Such is Divine Love of Father / Mother God …always patient and kind. As the Disciple Paul said: ‘Divine Love is not demanding. Love knows all, understands all. Divine Love never ends.’ We are at a Cosmic Moment when certain ‘stages of spiritual development’ will be accelerated and not necessarily proceed ‘according to a time frame’. For as the Feminine Ray reveals, Humanity is experiencing ‘as if two planets are unfolding in the same time and space continuum’ …knowing that one of these is going forward as Ascended and Free Earth!  This Planet is for the Gathering of Ascended Humanity! The other planet is for slower spiritual development, for those who could not or would not use their free will to choose Spiritual Freedom now.

Again, there are some Transformational Events in Consciousness that are both ‘necessary and sufficient’ to meet the requirements of the Next Life Wave Coming. Chief amongst these is the rebalancing of the Masculine Ray with the incoming Feminine Ray.  There have been periods of history when the Feminine Ray was imbalanced (consider the downfall of Lemuria) and, when the Masculine Ray was previous imbalanced (think of the downfall of Atlantis).  But for far too long the Masculine Ray has been out of balance again and is one reason why the Christian Dispensation did not fulfill its full Divine Potential. The Next Life Wave Coming depends on this re-balancing of the Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray into their perfect Synchronicity and Harmony, for the Victory of the New Age!

Even now, most of the ‘outer turmoil of daily life’ revealing oppression, inequality and injustice can be traced back to this necessary activity of rebalancing of the Masculine Ray. So, while others perform ‘outer actions’ to reveal and hopefully solve these problematic ‘effects’, Light Servers ‘go inward’ to reveal their Divine Instrument designed specifically to transform ‘the cause’ of imbalance …becoming God in Action on levels of pure Energy, Vibration and Consciousness!  The Solar Year Thoughtform contains the Forcefields that can and will transform the Masculine Ray into the perfect partner of co-creation with the Feminine Ray. All it requires is its complete Invocation by Light Servers …invoked from the ‘realm needing the assistance’ …and then, Victory is ours!  Seeing the ‘outer effects’ of this daily is our ‘call to action’, initiating our Service of becoming Divine Directors of Sacred Fire!

This is why I refer to the Gathering of Ascended Humanity as Friends of Freedom …the true Spiritual Freedom of a life beyond self, time and space.  Our Service along the Seventh Ray is the Building of Divine Consciousness, the Building of Divine Self and the Building of an Eternal Life in the Light! The Seventh Ray has the ‘necessary and sufficient’ Transmutation Ray, so that karma can be dissipated before it can further act, manifest or longer be sustained. It also has the ‘necessary and sufficient’ Ray of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …to create the conditions for ‘letting go’ the old ways and establishing a New Age. As well, it has the Divine Rhythm and Ceremony Ray to sustain this Victory into Eternity.  We all serve the Seventh Ray from the Realm of Cause! We all practice as much ‘Buddhic detachment’ from the outer turmoil as we can …and rather, focus our attention on Divinely Directing Sacred Fire …into the cause, core, effect, record and memory of anything less than Spiritual Freedom!

Here we experience Eternity …of becoming empty of time and the vast timelessness of an Eternal Life in the Light …as well as Infinity of becoming empty of space and the ‘vast interconnectedness’ with all life everywhere present! And then empty of self, the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of the Alpha and Omega becomes our True Being.  This is what we bring to Humanity …and offer her in place of the suffering she currently knows.  It is for this Cause that we clear the Way with the Violet Fire, in Service to the Light!

Thank you, Beloved Friends of Freedom, for this tremendous service.  I Love and Adore you all …for the creation of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity is also a ‘necessary and sufficient condition’ for the Victory of our New Age of Spiritual Freedom.




I AM that Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy[1] who is responsible for development the ‘vast interconnectedness’ of the three Major Kingdoms of Earth …Humanity, Angels and Elementals.  I AM assisted in this endeavor by the Lord Maha Chohan, as well as the Seven Chohans of the Seven Rays, in developing the Holy Christ Self.  I also work closely with the Seven Archangels / Archaii, as well as the Mighty Directors of the Elemental Kingdom. This Activity is sometimes referred to as the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity. And by Cosmic Law, it is also a necessary condition for the full Victory of this New Age.

More and more of Humanity see the need to work with the Elemental Kingdom in Harmony and Balance, rather than through ‘control and dominance’. Not only has much of Humanity known the abuse of oppression, inequality and injustice, but so has the Elemental Kingdom! For by Cosmic Law, they must outpicture Humanity’s Consciousness!  Consider that tragic burden! Angels on the other hand have experienced more neglect from Humanity.  Angels strongly desire to assist Humanity with her ‘inner emotional life’ …as this is her most powerful reality. For this they need acknowledgement and validation. They desire to guide her development towards the Divine Nature of Holy Spirit. And as current ‘Transformational Events in Consciousness’ guide Humanity inwards in development, the Angles will be more prolific in their assistance …as they will become more emotionally present …and less of a ‘mythology’ from ancient texts.

I invite and invoke the Gathering of Ascended Humanity to unite with me in this service.  I AM represented at every level of life on Earth …through the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.  I AM each of those Cosmic Doves! Through each Dove I uniquely invoke, focus, concentrate, apply and direct one or several of the Seven Rays ‘as necessary’, for the forward progress of that level of life …from cells, atoms and electrons …through to the entire Elemental Kingdom …and on into Humanity’s various levels of consciousness …up to Ascended and Free Consciousness.

Here, I AM the Cosmic Baptism involved with the Next Life Wave Coming.  Holy Spirit has always been associated with Baptism, whether by Holy Water …or, now by Sacred Fire!  I AM that Energy, Vibration and Consciousness that stands with the tiniest Elemental or Angel or any developing life-form …until their auric energies begin to align with the Divine Potential of that Being …in any Kingdom.  My ‘energetic representation’ as a Dove has meant to reflect that chaotic or mis-aligned energies are beginning to ‘take Divine shape’ …appearing more like the Dove of Cosmic Peace.  Then this Ethereal Dove is presented to the Cosmic Christ and declared ready for their Divine Potential …in the case of Humanity, becoming the ‘Christ in Action’.  This is the true Baptism!

More and more of Humanity approach such a Baptism.  Many more sensitive Lifestreams have an ‘developed inner attunement’ which expresses Compassion for the Elemental Kingdom and an open validation of the Angelic / Spirit Kingdom.  This brings a ‘multi-dimensional richness’ to life …where there is no returning to the mundane materialism of current life. Ascending Humanity in ever greater numbers are opening to the Realms of Beauty and Joy as never experienced before.  And such experience can become a contagion …as much as anything negative can spread worldwide.   Think of it!  When average Humanity thinks of Heaven, they think of such Beauty and Awe, where all life lives in Harmony and Balance.  This is the New World we are building …the New Earth separating herself from ‘karmic Earth of old laggard energies’.

Holy Spirit is revealed in the Holy Breath.  The name Aeolus means the Sacred Winds of the Divine.  Each of Humanity not only had their first breath in embodiment …but also their First Breath when First Born from a Spirit Spark of Father / Mother God. Within the Twelve Houses of the Sun there are Divine Ceremonies of renewing the Breath of Harmony and Balance.  The Transmission of the Flame is such a Divine Ceremony, linking every Ascended Master Temple …and now, every Three-fold Flame within Humanity!

Now we utilize Holy Breath to unite the Heart Center of every Angel and Elemental with that of Humanity! Imagine such a Divine Ceremony involving every level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …transmitting ‘Light from above’ through the Cosmic Dove of every level of life into its next level …from Ascended and Free Humanity through to the mass consciousness of daily life …through to cells, atoms and electrons of all three Kingdoms …whether currently functioning in 'wave-function' or ‘particle-function’! Here, all life in One in the Light!

In our daily Light Service, let us each Breathe the Flame of Holy Spirit …of the Highest Frequency of Divine Love …through every level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.  We direct it from above …at the cap of the pyramid …as we stand within our Mighty I AM Presence and see Divine Potential unfold along our Ray of Light …breathed through all life!  Each of us may become a Divine Director of this Holy Baptism.  Each of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity represents the Flame of Immortality aware of itself on Earth …becoming the Doer, the Doing and the Deed of Holy Baptism …even as Beloved Jesus did the same.  Affirm:

I AM the Divine Life Breath, now flowing through all form.
I AM releasing the Perfection Patterns of Holy Spirit to all life.
Holy Breath gives Divine Life to all the goodness in Humanity, the
Elemental Kingdom and all Angels serving our sweet Earth!
Holy Baptism now reveals the Light Body of Angels
and Elementals …and finally, all Humanity!

Holy Breath now pulsates through all life, revealing the
Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity!
I AM the vast interconnectedness of Ascended
and Free Angels, Elementals and Humanity!

I AM clearing the Way for Victory of the Divine Plan!
I AM clearing the Way for Victory of the Divine Plan!
I AM clearing the Way for Victory of the Divine Plan!


Let us imagine that our daily life unfolds in the presence of Ascended and Free Angels …all around and through every activity we pursue.  Let us see, feel and deeply accept that Higher Frequency Elemental Beings are our partners in every activity of life, including our bodies Health and Wellness, as well as our world, affairs and finances.  Let us imagine that God Illumination and Crystal Vision passes along this matrix of vast interconnectedness …so that in daily life, we may see, feel, remember and think as Ascended and Free Angels and Elementals do. Feel this Reality! This presents aspects of Humanity’s Multi-dimensional Universe she might not otherwise appreciate, as a gift of Higher Awareness from her Sister Kingdoms.

Let us feel the Joy and Gratitude of the smallest gnome, undine, sylph and salamander in our midst …as well as the grand and majestic Elemental Spirits / Silent Watchers of forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans …or of the skies, the wind currents that circle the Earth …and of the great animals of the Nature Kingdom.  Let us feel the constant flow of Divine Emotions of Higher Frequency Feelings …from the tiniest Angel in training to great Angelic Hosts of Cherubim, Seraphim and the Archangels!


Let us practice the Transmission of the Flame on the Inbreath / Outbreath. First we become our Sun of the Sun …an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light! Here our Light Waves traverse the Earth and every aspect of daily life at the speed of Light!  I AM the Flame of Immortality, which when embodied, establishes its Seven-fold River of Kundalini Fire. Into this Divine Instrument comes the Inbreath of everything necessary for Earth and Humanity within the Solar Year Thoughtform …pouring in from the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity …the Cosmic Maltese Cross focused inwards to the center of Earth. Then on the Outbreath, the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire expanding outwards from the center of this Thoughtform to its periphery. This is the Holy Breath of this Cosmic Moment …which then repeats endlessly.

I AM the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity.
I AM the collective Divine Potential of all Angelic Life
associated with Earth; all Elemental Life composing
and abiding upon Earth; and all of Humanity
journeying through Earth experience.

As I AM raised up into my Divine Potential
So is all life raised up with me!

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is
the collective Fires of Immortality
creating the One I AM Race!

As I AM empty of time, I then become Eternity!
As I AM empty of space …I then become Infinity!
As I AM empty of self, I then become God in Action!
I AM becoming the Alpha and Omega of my True Being!

Dear Ones, as has been said, the Transformational Events in Consciousness are sometimes quite obvious, with major disruptions in daily life …yet others are subtle …occurring deep within the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms.  Let us remember that as Disciples of Holy Spirit, we clear the Way for all this Transformation, through Baptism by Sacred Fire …just as did John the Baptist clear the Way for our Beloved Jesus, through Baptism with Holy Water. For the Cosmic Christ is to be revealed once more …as the Earth takes her rightful place amongst the Ascended Planets, in her accelerated Ascended and Free Orbit.



[1] Cosmic Holy Spirit is the representative of Holy Spirit to this Solar System …a High Office in the Cosmic Hierarchy working closely with Father / Mother God Helios and Vesta.  The Planetary Maha Chohan is representative of Holy Spirit for Earth and ‘Revered Guru’ of the Seven Chohans of each of the Seven Rays (or Seven Domains) of Humanity’s planetary life. ‘Chohan’ is Tibetan word for Revered Master; ‘Maha’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Great’. So, the term “Maha Chohan” (Great Revered Master) is actually a Sanskrit-Tibetan combination from ancient texts, brought to the West with the writings of Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy.