September, 2016


I AM an Infinite Circle of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free.
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:




I have come to calm, soothe, and nurture Humanity,
to serve her on the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.
I AM the care, grace and attention that Humanity …and our
sweet Earth …need at this Cosmic Moment!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Divine Grace,
which accompanies the Action of the Cosmic Law of Ministration!

I AM Expanding / Projecting the Divine Grace,
which accompanies the Action of the Cosmic Law of Ministration!



I AM an Eternal Flame in an infinite Ocean of Energy, Vibration
and Consciousness!  Within this Ocean is the
continuous Co-creation of the world.

All Seven Root Races, together, standing in the Light of their
Ascended and Free Realms
, now represent the restored Seven-fold
Flame of the Elohim …the Flame of Co-creation of this world!

I have come to calm, soothe, and nurture Humanity,
on the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.
I AM the care, nurturance and attention that Humanity
and our sweet Earth, need at this Cosmic Moment!

I AM an Eternal Flame in an infinite ocean of Energy, Vibration
and Consciousness.  Within this Cosmic Forcefield is the Co-
creation of New Earth, in her New Orbit, of Divine Love.

I AM all Seven Root Races together, standing in the Light!
I AM Resurrecting the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim.
I AM this Eternal Flame of Creation in action here and now!

Together standing in the Light, we now stand as the Seven Elohim
…as the Seven Root Races in the Ascended and Free Realms
…anchoring this infinite Ocean of Co-creation of pure Energy,
Vibration and Consciousness into daily life!

This is the Grace, the Peace and the Ministry of the Sixth Ray.
This is our Grace; our Peace; our Ministry we express in daily life.

I AM an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light,
finding its Grace, its Peace and its Ministry in this embodiment!




Welcome Beloved Ones into the Sixth Ray of Grace, Peace and Ministration.  Ministration is the act of caring, attending to, nurturing, giving aid, assistance, comfort and any necessary service / support which the Cause we serve may require.  Ministration arises from a perspective of unconditional Love and undisturbed Peace.  Unconditional Love means that even if the conditions deteriorate, the Love pouring forth does not; it only expands and strengthens.  Grace is the sustaining of Divine Peace in the face of changing conditions.  Such Grace arises in detaching from the outer realm of ‘conditions’ (effects) …and loyally focusing only on the spiritual Realms of Cause. Grace expresses through knowing that we have a presence in the world, and we use that presence as a conduit for Energy, Vibration and Consciousness from Higher, Multi-dimensional Frequencies.

Beloved Jesus was filled with Grace in his embodied Ministry.  He was ‘one with the Father’ (his own Cosmic Flame and that of the Cosmic Christ) and stated that it was the ‘Father within that doeth the works’ …the flow of his Eternal Flame’s Radiant Light into the world.  Our ministry is also ‘full of Grace’, as was his.  Divine Grace is the miracle of living the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light within the world of form.  This original State of Grace was our only awareness when first born of Father / Mother God, as an Eternal Flame and its Radiance of Divine Cause.  We simply remember and reclaim our Divine Heritage …and, live its True Identity.

After born as Flame and sojourning within the Causal Body Light of Father / Mother God, the Plan of Creation allowed individualized God Presences to choose (through free will) to leave the Heart Flame of the God parents and experience the Seven Spheres of Consciousness. These are represented by the Seven Rays. We remain in each Sphere of Spiritual Development as long as we choose and further our service to the Creative Scheme as best we can conceive it. This process developed our Causal Body (akin to that of Father / Mother God) and our Momentum of Illumined Love (Learning the Laws of Life) that we might then apply both in Co-creation.  It was only after passing through all Seven Spheres of Light that we might then choose (or not) to apply for embodiment on Earth and utilize our Creative Faculties of applying Consciousness in the denser world of form.

In other Systems of Worlds, under the direction of Alpha and Omega, there are Twelve Spheres of Consciousness but in our local Solar System of Helios and Vesta (as well as the System above us of Krishna and Sophia and the Orbit of Venus), only seven.  This is because of the original twelve planets belonging to Alpha and Omega as a local Sun (preparing to become a Central Sun) only Seven planets accepted the Initiation of becoming a Sun …and thus the experience of developing I AM Races for new planets to evolve and become Suns in their own right.  Therefore, Seven became the Sacred Number in this Solar System, of learning co-creation with all other God Intelligence.  But as we know, when the Ascension takes place, even while embodied on Earth, we assume our Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self and rejoin the Family of God Beings within Universal I AM of Alpha and Omega.  For such are our spiritual origins.

Our sojourn together this monthly cycle will be to explore our Cosmic Learning already done in the Sixth Sphere of Consciousness under the direction of the Elohim of Peace, the Archangel of Grace and the Chohan of Ministration.  The Divine Quantum States of this Sixth Ray actually completed our Spiritual Development in learning Precipitation …for in co-creation, all creation is finalized and sealed in Peace.  Many of our current Light Servers lingered a long while in the Sixth Sphere of Light, in order to assist other life in the completion of Precipitation, sealing it all in Divine Peace.  And this Cosmic Momentum is particularly helpful in Earth’s present Cosmic Moment and her final push of Ascension into the Orbit / Frequency of Divine Love.

So, we have learned Creative Consciousness and are here to apply this for the good of all.  And we had learned directly from the Causal Body of Father / Mother God (their Seven Spheres of Consciousness). And whereas before our learning, only Father / Mother God created; now we too create.  Beloved Jesus spoke of this when he stated: ‘Hitherto hath the Father worked, now the Father and I work’.  This True Identity as co-creators is fundamental to our Victory in this Cosmic Moment, for this conscious ability …and acceptance of it …is the most powerful force on Earth.

This Seven-fold Force of co-creation is called Precipitation.  It is the Activity of the Mighty Elohim, the archetypes of co-creation. We came into embodiment with the Power of Precipitation.  We may create the world of our own God Desire.  Because of free will, we may also become distracted by what others have created …for better or for worse.  But this is the discipline of our Ascended Mastery …to stay loyal to the original Divine Plan of ourselves and of our sweet Earth, as the Mighty Elohim have taught us.  For we also know that as a united Forcefield …together, standing in the Light …we can sway the day in favor of the Divine Potential of Earth and Humanity (rather than any lessor outcome).

Much has been accomplished through these recent years, especially with a major focus on the Theme and Thoughtform of the Solar Year and all the Power of Sacred Fire contained therein.  But the ‘sealing’ of this co-creation in Divine Peace is critical to its Victory.  Hence, we shall focus on the Divine Grace and sustained Peace of the Sixth Ray.

Precipitation arises from within Eternal Flame.  Eternal Flame is everywhere present, including within atoms, the building blocks of form …for most of an atom is ‘empty space’ (empty of space).  The electrons fly in their orbit around the nucleus, just as the planets orbit the Sun.  Within this empty space is the essence of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …an Energy, Matter and Intelligence that is a weightless, massless, spaceless and timeless …from which comes the co-creation of the world.  This Energy, Matter and Intelligence within the Light, awaits our Creative Faculties to direct it into precipitation of Perfection Patterns in fulfilling the Divine Plan.  This is the Ascended Master Law of Life …bringing Divine Light-essence into form; sustaining it there for service to all life and achieving its Divine Potential; then eventually releasing it back to Universal I AM through etherealization.

Let us claim our Powers of Precipitation …the conscious use of our Creative Faculties (thoughts, feelings, words and deeds) in the expansion and anchorage of Sacred Fire in the world.  Let us combine the scientific precision of the Elohim with the devotional Love and Grace of the Sixth Ray / Feminine Ray. We invoke the determination of Lord Michael in seeing our Light Service as supreme and permanent …and the illusion of ego (and all its suffering) as temporary and about to dissolve into the Light.  For we have abided in the Paradise of Loveliness from before time, from ‘before even this world was’ …and we are the harbingers of those Perfection Patterns now anchored into Humanity’s Consciousness.  We are the beacons of Hope from beyond the veil, who silently radiate within Humanity’s Consciousness.

Our Inner Peace is the magnet that draws the attention of the spiritual nature of others towards our beacon.  Peace is the ability to remain ‘poised in True Identity’ in the face of outer disturbance and the illusion of imbalance.  This requires tremendous Power and tapping our Cosmic Momentum that we have built prior to this embodiment.  Let us trust in our own Causal Body and its Sixth Sphere of sustained Peace.  For we have been very prepared for this embodiment!

Peace may be the most important ingredient in Light Service at present, for the ideas (Perfection Patterns) and love (desire to do God's Will) are present …it now requires sustained Peace to maintain it in the world …before these Perfection Patterns de-magnetize back into unformed Light and Energy.  It is Divine Peace that sustains all previous Light Service and allows its Cosmic Momentum to now be Victorious.

Let us think of our Light Service as the scaffolding, as when a new building is constructed.  The building cannot be formed without it, yet once the building is finished the scaffolding comes down.  In Light Service the scaffolding is released back to Universal I AM in the form of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, with all the gratitude of all who will enjoy the ‘new building’ (New Earth).  As Builders of Divine Consciousness, we establish the scaffolding for this Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom and one day we will release it back into the Light.

In previous ages, the Ascended Masters tangibly established this scaffolding to establish a new Golden Age. But each time the subsequent Golden Age was not maintained by Humanity herself and thus not permanent. Therefore, Father / Mother God decreed that the scaffolding must be established by embodied Light Servers through their own embodied Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power …guided by Ascended Master Law and Teaching …but not the tangible Presence of Ascended Masters.  This way the Golden Age would be the co-creation of Humanity herself and thus be permanent.  This is why all of Heaven awaits our ability to Precipitate and then sustain the Divine co-creation in Cosmic Peace.

We have the Powers of Precipitation of the Elohim at our command.  We have access to Divine Will, Intent and Stamina.  Collectively, we have the Divine Perception and God Illumination to see the Divine Potential of Earth and pursue it with vigor.  Along this second Ray is the Divine Discretion as to where our personal talents lie and what service we actually came to give.  Thus we remain focused and do not divert our energies into parallel activities.  We have the Divine Love nature of desiring Spiritual Freedom for Humanity from an uncontaminated position of ‘empty of self’ and Adoration for all Life.

We have the Fourth Ray Purity of motive and design, to manifest exactly what Father / Mother God desired, as we are here to do their Divine Will (and not ‘re-design’ a New Earth nor allow that of ego’s version of Earth’s future).  We have been given the Divine Blueprint in the form of the Theme and Thoughtform of each Solar Year.  In Precipitation, the Elohim describe their Consciousness as ‘panes of clear glass’, through which the Original Intent of Father / Mother God may pass unadulterated, straight into manifestation.

Ascended and Free Light Service has in our Causal Body the Fifth Ray of Consecration to the endeavor …a definite loyalty to the Cause that is unwavering! This same Ray allows the development of sustained Concentration, to follow the process of Earth’s Ascension through to its Victory!  This is where our Ascended Master confidence is developed, dedicated to the Cause as Builders of Divine Consciousness …until its full precipitation.

This dedication then involves the Rhythmic Invocation of everything necessary for completion …all the Sacred Fires of Creation.  Seventh Ray Rhythm and Symmetry are the beauty of creation …of art, of music, and …of daily life reaching its full potential of health, vitality and well-being. Temple Hierarchs and their assistants are there to sustain the Rhythmic Invocation of each Flame or Divine Quality …and such is the case now for our Ascended and Free Temples …in the Ascended and Free Realms around the New Earth in her New Orbit.

Then comes the Sixth Ray of sustained Peace …a form of Cosmic Protection around this delicate nature of Light, as it takes form in the world.  Here the Angels and Elemental Kingdom draw closer to our co-creation if there is an Aura of Divine Peace and Tranquility.  The outer world will yet present turmoil, so sustaining this Aura of Peace around our co-creation is vital, as Builders of Divine Consciousness.  And thus in this months sojourn, we come full circle back to the Sixth Ray of Peace, Grace and Ministration.

VISUALIZATION: a seated or standing meditation. Breathe easily and rhythmically.  Let us become our Eternal Flame and it’s Infinite Radiant Light.  We are (I AM!) weightless, spaceless, timeless and selfless.  We express only as Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. We cup our hands at our umbilicus and rest them gently on our abdomen.  Our hands are now at the center of our Violet Ray Chakra …our own Mystic Ring of Violet Fire!  For a moment, rest and relax in this Peace!

Now let us visualize that our own Seventh Ray Chakra is transposed into the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire within the Thoughtform of this Solar Year.  Our White Fire Being of Pure Spiritual Freedom is within this Violet Forcefield.  We become the Solar Year Thoughtform and within our hands we hold the Sun of Earth, the Light of a Thousand Suns! Every Solar Christ Self, Sun of the Sun within Humanity is here with us.  Our Causal Body becomes the Ascended and Free Realms of Light, with all the Ascended and Free Temples therein.  Our Three-fold Flame becomes the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love of the Sun of Earth, into which the Higher Frequency Divine Love of Krishna and Sophia blesses the world.  And upon the Arc of Dawn of our Consciousness, does Holy Spirit visit all Humanity!

On behalf of Humanity, we discover empty of self, time and space: the weightlessness, timelessness and spacelessness of all Humanity discovering their own Flame.   On behalf of Humanity, we abide in our Flame and specifically blaze the Violet Fire through our Body Elemental, blending its Infinite Radiant Light into the entire Elemental Kingdom around us …until there is only Oneness Consciousness between all Elemental life and Humanity!  On behalf of Humanity, we feel deeply the Presence of the Angels and sustain a supreme Peace of knowing Oneness Consciousness.

We contemplate: I AM co-creating ‘the Way’ for the Fourth and Fifth Root Race (and their embodied Guardians of Light) to now re-join the Ascended and Free Realms.  Here the First, Second and Third Root Races …as well as the Sixth and Seventh Root Races …already exist, have always existed …with us restoring our station with them in these Ascended and Free Realms.  By doing so, the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim is re-created, resurrected and restored within Humanity …and the Power of Precipitation returns to Earth within its fully restored I AM Race!

Behold …the Seven-fold Flame of the Elohim in action here and now!  And SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!



Dear Friends of the Light and Disciples of Holy Spirit; I greet you from within my Eternal Flame and, that of the Cosmic Christ …just as I have greeted you throughout the Christian Dispensation.

Please allow a few moments of personal reflection.  Through my upbringing by Beloved Mother Mary and our dear Saint Germain …and then my training in the Eastern Temples as a young man (especially under the direction of the Great Divine Director) …I learned to walk the Earth within the Great Silence. Around my embodied life were the distractions that belong in the ‘kingdom of the ego-self’ (war; terror of an occupied army; zealots; poverty; ignorance and dogma; disease and suffering).  But I knew I belonged only in the Kingdom of the Soul …of the True Identity of Humanity in her Christ State of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power.  I held fast to this Vision since early childhood, through a developed sense of loyalty to the Cosmic Christ.

Now you have had your upbringing (physically and spiritually) …and your Ascended Master training …and you too have learned to become your True Identity.  You too have graduated into the Divine Instrument as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …the Solar Christ Self …a Sun of the Sun!  And now you too may walk the Earth in the Great Silence …the same Great Silence as Father / Mother God serenely observes their Universe of unfolding Perfection Patterns. You too have developed a deep loyalty to the Divine Cause of Spiritual Freedom and to the Cosmic Christ.

Your training also showed you that everything you require to fulfill your Sacred Promise is found in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Our Beloved Kuthumi exampled this so perfectly in his embodiment as St. Francis, where he drew all sustenance from within the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of Divine Light.  In the Harmony and Balance of daily life, I trust you too have found a balance in the caring for the physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles …and then beyond that, you have also found the Alchemic Science of Sacred Fire pouring through your Creative Faculties as the True Center of your purpose on Earth.

Before my Light Service to our sweet Earth, my upbringing and training had long before set me on a Path of Love.  I AM from Venus.  You too have had your Cosmic upbringing and training before being accepted for embodiment as the Guardians of the Light; Keepers of the Flame; and Divine Directors of the transition from the Fourth and Fifth Root Race into the Glory of the Sixth and Seventh Root Race on Earth …in short, chosen as the (collective) Vehicle of the Manu.

Because the Earth now graduates into the Orbit of Venus, the Kumaras (or Principal Guardians of the Light on the Love Planet) have continuously assisted us.  Every Light Server knows of the Service and Sacrifice of Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus. But now Beloved Krishna and Sophia, the God Parents of Venus, send the most magnificent Ray of Higher Frequency Divine Love to Earth, through Venus, and all who have a connection there.  This Higher Frequency Love Ray is intended to Love Free all Fourth and Fifth Root Race karma until it dissolves into the Star of Spiritual Freedom.  For in our Thoughtform of the Solar Year, this Star is a manifestation of the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love, the Three-fold Flame in action.

Ours is a Holy Communion of United Light Service.  These Mighty Beings along the Love Ray of Holy Spirit show us the way of the Sixth Ray of Ministry, Grace and Reverence for all Life.  Their Love Ray now pierces into the fabric of all human creation (all Fourth and Fifth Root Race karma), dissolving it into the Energy, Matter and Intelligence of pure Light from which it came!  Then from that Light we may further create Ascended and Free Humanity on Ascended and Free New Earth. We now sustain the planetary efforts of so many Light Servers in the Ray of Divine Peace.  If I were referred to as the Prince of Peace, then you too are the Guardians of Peace for this Cosmic Moment.  And like me, it is a Peace that comes from your Loyalty to the Cosmic Christ and the Cause of Spiritual Freedom!

In the Christian Dispensation the Elemental of Blessing was the Divine Waters of Holy Spirit.  In this New Age of Spiritual Freedom, we gain the full Power of the Divine Fires of Holy Spirit as the Elemental of Blessing.  The Flame of Holy Spirit is the Higher Frequency Love Ray that now assimilates into Humanity’s outer awareness.  It presents at the Arc of Dawn of a New Age, impacting upon Humanity Consciousness.  It reveals and it heals.  It first reveals clearly all the imbalance of lower frequency thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …but at the same moment fills Humanity with a desire to have the process of life transformed …to a more just, more loving, more equitable, more perfect daily life amongst Humanity.  On the outer screen of daily life, the advent of Holy Spirit is a process, proceeding through its stages …but always ends in the Ascension, as it did for me. Our Ascended and Free Light Service reveals the end point of this process for all Humanity.  We do so when experiencing empty of self, time and space …becoming only Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …Ascended and Free!

Sacred Fire initiates a new level of Spiritual Activity. Sacred Fire is the ‘on’ switch for the Ascension process.  Holy Spirit is delivering this Initiation Activity for a Higher Frequency daily life within Humanity.  This is referred to as a ‘visitation of Holy Spirit’.  The receiver of this Essence becomes the Holy Grail, always centered on the Three-fold Flame within each one.  For this Three-fold Flame is literally the Essence of Father / Mother God from the First Breath of Eternal Life, as a Child of God.  And here we witness Humanity now developed into Suns of the Sun, Solar Christ Selves …the Eternal Flames of all Humanity and their individual Infinite Radiant Light.

Within each developing Disciple of Holy Spirit / Holy Christ Self, the seven planetary Chakras are also ‘Holy Grails’ receiving this Sacred Essence.  Each Chakra is a Sun that directs the Activity of Holy Spirit along a certain organ function, or skill capacity, until we manifest our Divine Potential in this embodiment as the seven-fold Holy Christ Self! And then we Ascend into our 12-fold Solar Christ Self, where each of the Twelve Solar Chakras also becomes a Holy Grail!  Practice this visualization in your daily meditations.

With the passing of the Christian Dispensation, the Violet Fire becomes the principal aspect of Sacred Fire that initiates such activity, both on a personal level and globally. Using and using the Violet Fire has allowed the Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness of Ascended and Free Light Servers to become the Vehicle of the Manu …and the principal receptive Holy Grail of this Sacred Fire for the Planet.  This global Holy Grail is the Divine Potential for Ascended and Free Light Service in action! And SO IT IS!

Let us live the Power of the Cosmic Christ within our personal lives.  The Solar Christ Self is the Sun of the Sun.  Let us see our own Sun as the inter-dimensional portal to all aspects of our True Identity …the Mighty I AM Presence, the Causal Body and the White Fire Being …but also the Path to all Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters.  To walk the Earth in the Great Silence, it is important that we draw our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles within this Sun of the Sun.  This too is our daily meditation.  This allows that we draw the Light of the Sun into daily life through our Creative Faculties.  And then we affirm and express: I AM a full Christ Being, walking the Earth!

There has been ‘a great noise’ around the globe leading up to this Cosmic Moment of Ascension for Humanity, trying to prevent the coming of the Great Silence of the awakened Christ. But the Law of Love is supreme and is now Victorious!  The Higher Frequency Love Ray now overcomes all lesser frequency and becomes the creative Forcefield that shapes the immediate future of Earth.

Dear ones, astrophysicists proclaim that to witness the birth of a Sun is a spectacular cosmic event.  From the Spiritual Hierarchy’s view, we witness the birth of a Sun every time a Solar Christ Self comes to the fore within Humanity’s Consciousness.  It happens daily, more and more, across the globe.  It now is a Cosmic Momentum expressing the Force of the Cosmic Christ on Earth!

In closing, let us now feel the Presence of Beloved Lady Sophia within our Sun.  This is the Love Vibration I was born under.  Here we feel a Focus of the Higher Frequency Love Ray from the Sun of Krishna and Sophia directly blazing into and through our Holy Grail (personally and globally).  It has already passed through the Holy Grail of Sanat Kumara and all the Kumaras on Venus …and then directly into Humanity, through this Solar Thoughtform!

And when you fully comprehend this Service, you too will find the indescribable Love Nature of Universal I AM flowing into and through your daily life.  This is what sustained my Ministry and now sustains yours! Now you walk in the Great Silence of the Cosmic Christ and its Holy Spirit of Grace, Peace and Ministering to others!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED GOD MERU… of welcoming the Fourth and Fifth Root Races into the Ascended and Free Realms of Light along side the first three Root Races and the Sixth and Seventh Root Race …the Ascended and Free Home of all the Root Races!

Beloved Ones, the Vehicle of the Manu initiates the transition of the Root Races.  There is much preparation before the ‘Vehicle is embodied,’ but the actual Initiation is a Sacred Process governed by the Manu …right at the ‘tipping point’ of this transition.  Normally there is one Manu withdrawing their Root Race’s Energy and Consciousness from the planet back into the Light …and one Manu initiating their Root Race’s Perfection Patterns within embodied daily life.  Now however, because of a delay of many millennia, there are two incoming Root Races and two outgoing …hence four Manus are involved and hence the four-square preparedness of a solid plan of transition into a new phase of Humanity’s development.  It is simply more complex.

This transition (and its Vehicle) requires the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love to be allowed to govern!  This does not mean ‘outer governing,’ but rather the governing of the Realm of Cause …from which the outer world unfolds (as the realm of effects).  This is where the specialized nature of great Light Service comes to fruition. And this is the definition of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity!  She is embodied directly within this Activity …this Multi-dimensional Activity referred to the Matrix / Hologram of New Earth. This specialized Light Service proceeds through Consecration to the Solar Theme and Thoughtform over a series of years.

The allies we have for this embodied Light Service is beyond any outer awareness.  It includes the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angels and Elementals …but also every White Fire Being of Humanity now stationed within the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …every Mighty I AM Presence and Causal Body of Humanity active as Hierarchs within the Ascended and Free Temples around Earth …and, every Solar Christ Self as the Sun of the Sun, within the Sun of Earth …together, standing in the Light …the Light of a Thousand Suns!

An important ally to access in this service is also the incoming Root Races.  Developing a Oneness Consciousness with these Light Spirits is crucial for Victory.  The Sixth and Seventh Root Race come into embodiment karma free and with more vivid memory of Perfection Patterns in daily life …for that is what they have just left within the Ascended and Free Realms.  They will example what it means to walk in the Great Silence, as have all Christed Beings …to know Love, Wisdom and Power from the Eternal Flame …rather than to be engulfed by the suffering of the world.

The Higher Frequency Love Ray from Beloved Krishna and Sophia now powerfully flows through these incoming Root Races, regardless of their ‘outer station’ (or even outer understanding) in daily life.  The Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Beloved Krishna and Sophia is strong within them …from which they shall assist the Fourth and Fifth Root Races to enter into the Great Silence …even before it may be earned through merit! This is the greatest revelation of the Law of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness …entering with the new Root Races, while also radiating from the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …through which this new Love Ray passes, as it enters into Humanity’s Consciousness.

A mighty ally is also in our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness, as we connect with every Solar Christ Self just waiting to be invoked from the tomb of human creation.  It matters not our ‘outer numbers of Light Servers’ …but rather the Inner Unity we build into our Matrix / Hologram of the Thoughtform of this Solar Year.  For collectively, we are (I AM!) Builders of Divine Consciousness …and well trained for this service!  That is why we chose present Light Servers as the Vehicle of the Manu.

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity shall now arise, come forth …and the I AM Race shall now be known! This completed I AM Race (composed of all Seven Root Races) will express along all avenues of daily life.  Ascended and Free Humanity shall now deliver the Fourth and Fifth Root Race into an Orbit of Divine Love.  The Sixth and Seventh Root Race shall now be the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love within daily life.  The Divine Plan shall now see its Divine Potential fulfilled!  And SO IT IS!

In visualizing the Solar Year Thoughtform, let us see that it pulsates with continuous transformation. The Higher Frequency Love Ray of Beloved Krishna and Sophia now completely ‘super-charges’ the Star of Spiritual Freedom …a Cosmic Electronic Current spiraling around the Six-pointed Star, the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire (around the Star) and the foursquare Foundation of the Manus (within the Star).  This super-charged Higher Frequency Ray both opens the doors for the incoming Root Race …and, accelerates the outgoing Root Race into their original ‘vibrational stations’ within the Ascended and Free Realms around Earth.

Beloved Ones, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races enter the Earth’s daily life from out of the Great Silence.  They know not of karma, and its subsequent dis-ease, disintegration, decay and eventual death. So, let us greet them from within the Great Silence of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …our Eternal Life of Light.  For this is the Sign they search for in finding their Way …their Divine Potential within Humanity.  Embodied Light Servers are their signposts of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness to help find their way …the Way of the Great Silence within daily life!