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Current Journal

December, 2024


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:








(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Forcefield
of Invincible Sacred Fire Light

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Forcefield
of Invincible Sacred Fire Light



I AM that I AM!
I AM a Being of Light,
living in a Realm of Light!

For I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of
my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.
Therefore, I abide in the Buddha’s Pure Land
of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet, of the Eternal Flame’s
Infinite Radiant Light, a Sacred Vibrational Field of
Eternally Luminous Love, Wisdom and Power!

I abide in the Love Embrace of Father / Mother God!
Within my Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit and
its Heart and Throat Chakra Suns:

I feel with the Power of Infinite Love!
I speak with the Voice of the Great I AM!
I feel Divine Love and speak with the tongues of Angels.
I feel Divine Love and speak with the tongues of Holy Spirit.
I feel Divine Love and speak with the tongues of the Violet Flame.
I feel Divine Love and speak with the tongues of the Feminine Ray.

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity.
I AM the Gathering of all Ascending Energy.
I AM the Gathering of all Ascending Vibration.
I AM the Gathering of all Ascending Consciousness.
I AM the Gathering of all the Goodness in the World!

I AM One with the Ascension Process of all Humanity!
I AM the Gathering Ascension Process of all Humanity,
now open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming!

As I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of my
Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light ...

All life I contact this day abides in
this Great Solar Quiet of Radiant Light.

All life everywhere present abides in
the Great Solar Quiet of Radiant Light.

I AM serving from the Realm of Cause,
free of self, time and space.

I AM serving from the Realms of Creation.
I AM an Invincible Force of Sacred Fire Light!

I AM that Forcefield that has already
achieved Victory in the Realms of Cause.
I AM its Spiritual Agency on Earth!

I AM that I AM!




Beloved ones, we come to the end of this Solar Year 2024 and a time to harvest its full Forcefield of Victory …through anchoring embodied Solar Consciousness within Humanity. This Solar Year culminates the previous Solar Year Themes and Thoughtforms …of Building Divine Self, Building Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light.

But first let us again summarize the fundamentals of our Light Service …as well as our True Identity and Divine Instrument created for this Light Service. For this Truth is the basis of our most effective Light Service. Let us begin with remembering that Ascended and Free Light Service is a ‘glad free gift’ that we offer Humanity …as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy. We do so anonymously, with grace, gladly, with no expectation of return, other than progressing the Ascension Process of ourselves and of all Angels, Elementals and Humanity evolving on Earth. It is an honor and privilege to give this Light Service in this ‘world of form’, at this ‘Cosmic Moment’. It was an opportunity we earned, applied for, and was then granted by the Karmic Boar, as the central purpose of this lifetime.

And remembering this takes us back to the origins of another remembrance. Before there was substance, form and matter, there was only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. The Divine Plan of Humanity (its Divine Potential as the I AM Race) first existed in the Mind of God …as the Divine Instrument through which the Borders of Perfection might be further extended into the denseness of form. We then began our journey in the Heart of Father / Mother God as a distinct Celestial Ray of Energy piercing from an Electronic Being of Light (the Mighty I AM Presence who chose this opportunity to embody) …projected into the world of form. This Celestial Ray of Energy would then initiate a Sacred Three-fold Flame Vibrational Field, which itself would be fully encoded with Cosmic Consciousness …all contained within the First Cause sent from the Mighty I AM Presence into Creation.

Thus began our Eternal Flame born onto Earth Plane, encompassing all the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Father / Mother God, stepped down in frequency so as to manifest in the world of form. This Eternal Flame emitted its own Infinite Radiant Light, which contained all the Quantum States of Energy, Matter and Intelligence that would be necessary and sufficient for an Electronic Being to become an Atomic Being of Limitless Physical Perfection within substance, form and matter …all with the Divine Potential to become ‘all that the Mighty I AM Presence is’ …and then go forth in the Co-creation of manifesting Limitless Physical Perfection on Earth. This is the Divine Plan!

This Transformative Event required calling forth those Builders of Form from the Great, Great Silence, who serve the Elohim. Each one of this New I AM Race would be assigned a specific ‘Builder of Form’, referred to as the Body Elemental. This Deva is a Master Alchemist that can call forth earth, air, fire, and water Elemental Forces to first create physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles for this Eternal Flame …but then also to be a continual Alchemist of Transposition, of sub-atomic 'wave-function' Reality into its in its 'particle-function' physical state.

This Great Devic Being is equally at home in the 'wave-function' Quantum States of life expression, as well as in the 'particle-function' world of form, creating the cells, molecules, atoms and electrons of living substance, all operating in synchronized Divine Order. This we understand to be the functioning physiology required for Health and Wellness, Youth and Beauty and Strength and Stamina of a successful embodiment.

And even before the First Root Race stepped on Earth, there had been a great preparation of Elemental splendor to abide in. This was known as the Garden of Eden or the Eternal Spring …where countless Perfection Patterns of plant and mineral Kingdoms first appeared in the Glorious Divine Plan of Father / Mother God. The Great Directors of the Four Elements prepared the physical Earth (Beloved Pelleur and Virgo), the necessary atmosphere of air (Beloved Thor and Aries), the great waters of oceans, rivers and lakes (Beloved Neptune and Lunara) and the Fires that gave motivation and propulsion to all these activities of embodiment, as well as holding the Immaculate Concept of the Eternal Flame within the outer garments (Beloved Helios and Vesta).

Then and only then was the Earth prepared to receive the First Root Race …embodied under the guidance of many Cosmic Beings, foremost among was the Archangel Michael and the Mighty Seraphim Serapis Bey. And for the first three Root Races, all was in Divine Order …with the Ascension back to Electronic Reality accomplished by all, in the appointed cycles of embodiment. And it is to this Divine Potential that we now return. But this present Ascension Process is much more complex, since the ‘great fall’ in consciousness and the karmic distortion of the Divine Plan. But to balance this, we also have the greatest Cosmic Assistance ever offered Humanity.

And so now we have all the necessary and sufficient Forcefields of Sacred Fire and Divine Light to finally achieve this return to the Divine Plan. And part of this Victory is in taking advantage that our Beloved Body Elemental is still that Divine Alchemist who would fashion the advantage of embodied Solar Consciousness within the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. Thus, we now anchor the Twelve Houses of the Sun and all the Forces of the Next Life Wave Coming.

Let us see, feel and deeply accept that our Beloved Body Elemental is an active Devic Presence within our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, allowing us to be the Force Carriers of Humanity’s global Ascension Process. Let us visualize ourselves as the Maltese Cross of Violet Flame.  Its four arms represent the Four Fundamental Forces of the Next Life Wave Coming …the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom …the Divine Feminine Ray …the Sixth and Seventh Root Races embodying …and the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

Let us pause and assimilate this visualization. We begin with the Sacred Breath. On the Inbreath, each of these Four Fundamental Forces enters us through one of the four arms of our Maltese Cross. We eventually feel them synchronizing and merging in a dazzling Divine Alchemy at our heart center. Here we feel the Presence of Unity …the Angel of Unity sustaining this Matrix. Then on the Outbreath, we see, feel and deeply accept this Unified Forcefield expanding out from our Heart Center as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. This Infinite Circle of Sacred Fire expands out to infuse our aura and our personal life …further out to our community, city and nation …and eventually the entire globe and all Angels, Elementals and Humanity evolving on our sweet Earth. All is in Transformation!

And then we bring the harvest of this Solar Year to its Spiritual Fruition. And as we practice and sustain this Holy Breath Activity, eventually with every breath we anchor and sustain this Atomic Acceleration of the global Ascension Process. And thus, we become the embodied Victory of our Sacred Purpose of embodiment!

Victory is ours!



Beloved Ones on the Path of Enlightenment, welcome into the Light of Eternal Buddhas.  Let us gather in this Sacred Vibrational Field, and together practice entering …and then becoming …the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light.  There is a powerful Spiritual Impetus here, where all Cosmic Buddhas dwell. For we too have created our embodied Solar Consciousness while abiding on Earth and developing a life within the Great Solar Quiet of our Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light!

But further, the Gathering of all Celestial Buddhas is also the Gathering of All Transformational Events in Consciousness necessary and sufficient for the Victory of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. This is why the Lord of the World dwells here. Every great Spiritual Path has the goal of ‘together, standing in the Light’. Such is the Keynote of Ascended and Free Light Service. And the daily practice of abiding within the Great Solar Quiet of our Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light, becomes the Building of Divine Self …the Building of Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light! For this is the Co-creation  Father / Mother God desired and inspired when conceiving this New Age of Spiritual Freedom  …and then honoring Beloved Saint Germain with being its Chohan (or Great Leader).

The door to the Pure Land is in becoming empty of self, time and space. When completely empty of ego-self, there are no persons, places, conditions and things that exist. The only existence is the Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness and Healing of all persons, places, conditions and things that yet exist within self, time and space. All these Divine Forcefields exist in their Quantum State within this Pure Land. They are ours to Divinely Direct!

And when truly ‘empty of time’, everything exists in the Eternal Moment of now!  Then the past and future ‘unify as now’ in this Higher Frequency Great Solar Quiet. And as you practice this gift you realize this Pure Land is of your own making …your expression of Spiritual Agency.  When empty of space, your Infinite Radiant Light is here, there and everywhere present …and thus there is no space, as you are everywhere present, within everything! And further, as you are raised up, so is all life raised up with you ...into this Great Solar Quiet of Peace Eternal. This is the Victory!

In my role as Lord of the World, I AM the Gathering of All Transformational Events in Consciousness. And in your embodied Solar Consciousness, I invite you, the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …as the Guardians of the I AM Race, and Keepers of the Flame …to join me in this endeavor of reconnecting Humanity with her Pure Land …as everyone has the capacity to create it, as have you. We gather together as Eternal Flames, at the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and serve together from the Realm of Cause …guiding, guarding and directing Humanity’s efforts in her progressive acceleration of Consciousness towards the Divine …and an Enlightened outcome for Humanity and our sweet Earth.

Contemplate how your Light enfolds all life, as you become the Lord of the World with me, in your Buddha Nature:

I AM abiding in the Great Solar Quiet
of my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.

All Humanity abides in the Great Solar Quiet
of my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.

All Lifeforce on our sweet Earth abides in
the Great Solar Quiet of my Eternal
Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light

I AM this Divine Light and thus, I AM raising up
all life to see the open door of their own Pure Land.

I AM Humanity’s Health and Wellness, as well as the Youth
and Beauty, of her Eternal Sun of Elemental Perfection.

I AM raising Humanity into the Divine Love and
Reverence for all Life, of her Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.

I AM raising up all Humanity into the Wisdom and
Understanding of her Eternal Sun of God Illumination.

I AM raising Humanity into the Mind, Heart and Being of her Divinity.
Here, Humanity is a Quantum State Light Being!

The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is a
gathering of Quantum State Light Beings!

Our sweet Earth is a Quantum State Globe of Light!

Here I AM the Buddha’s Heart Sutra:
Gone, gone, gone beyond ...gone, altogether beyond!
Oh, what an awakening ...All Hail!

In the Great Solar Quiet of my
Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light,
beyond self, time and space, here I gather
with the Gathering of Ascending Humanity,
with the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings,
with the Royal Kingdoms Angels and Elementals.

Beyond self, time and space, I AM all ONE.
My Eternal Flame is in the Timeless Moment of Now.
My Radiant Light is here, there and everywhere present.
Here I AM the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM.

Here in daily life, this Great Solar Quiet abides in my mind,
in my Heart and in my Elemental Being. I AM at Peace.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE FEMININE RAY BUDDHA, BELOVED LADY KWAN YIN …on initiating the Resurrection and the Life of the Divine Potential.

I AM the Eternal Flame and
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM the Resurrection and the Life in action!
I AM born again into my full Divine Plan!

I AM the Seven-fold Holy Christ Self, the Kundalini River!
I AM the Twelve-fold Solar Christ Self, the Kundalini Ocean!

Beloved Children of Freedom’s Holy Flame, welcome again into the Gathering of the Celestial Buddhas. Feel One with the Forcefield of all Transformational Events in Consciousness …now entering the Consciousness of Humanity! Here we gather together in the Realm of Cause, delivering the Perfection Patterns necessary for the Resurrection and the Life of all Lifeforce on Earth!

Come dear ones and gather within the folds of my Cosmic Consciousness. Within this Power, let us visualize and deeply accept the Infinite Radiant Light of our collective Eternal Flame. And within this Celestial Consciousness, we quickly move beyond self, time and space. Our Divine Light is full of Quantum State Perfection Patterns seeking their Divine Potential in manifestation. They seek this fulfillment through you! It only requires an embodied Divine Instrument to direct it so. And you have become this Divine Instrument of Celestial Energy, its Sacred Vibrational Field and its anchored Cosmic Consciousness.

This Ascension Concept is simplicity itself. Empty of self is free of persons, places, conditions and things. This means the attention of the Third Eye is wholly on this Eternal Flame. You live your outer daily life knowing you are the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light walking and talking with others. But your primary purpose is the expression of this Flame from its Source in the Realm of Cause. And as Beloved Saint Germain reminds us …take time to be Holy …and solidify this connection to the Pure Land.

Empty of time is living the Eternal Moment of Now. We consciously, intentionally draw what ‘was the past’ and ‘what may be the future’ into this ever-present NOW. We do so on a  personal or local level, as well as a global, planetary level. Everything that was …or that might be …swirls into the Divine Potential of NOW. This is a felt sensation of mind, body and soul. It is the Reality every Ascended Master and Boddhisatva knows …and here you are with usas one of us …in our Gathering of Buddhas here and now.

Empty of space is simply understanding that our Infinite Radiant Light is here, there and everywhere present …and thus, there is no space …as I AM everywhere present! I AM that I AM …the I AM that is everywhere present! I AM Universal I AM! It is all One …One Energy, One Vibration and One Consciousness …One Heartbeat, Rhythm and Frequency of an Eternal Ascension Process. Here, I AM part of everything and everything is part of me. And thus, as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me! And equally, as every Ascended Master, Cosmic Being and Celestial Buddha is raised up, so I AM raised up as well!

In this Pure Land, I AM abiding and serving from the Realms of Cause. Here I AM a Being of Cause …and that Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone. Here I AM ‘only Cause’ and give none of the Power of my Attention or Emotions to temporary effects …other than to be compassionately aware of suffering that I have come to serve with my Light. And from this Realm of Cause, we offer Humanity our God Illumination …as a glad, free gift of Love …free of self, free of time and free of space! Such Light Servic is free of self / personality …offered in the Eternal Moment of Now, and given here, there and everywhere present. We affirm the Reality of Light Service in which everything is now, everywhere present!

And in this Sacred Place, let us further assimilate ‘a felt sense’ of the Buddha’s Pure Land …(given earlier in May 2019):

“In daily life, our training is to become a photon of Light … within a Ray of Light … within an Ocean of Light! On a scientific view, when the Sun shines its Light into its Solar System, the Light arrives instantaneously …and, at every point in the Universe simultaneously. How is this possible? Light is composed of photons, which have no mass (matter) and thus do not travel through the ‘time / space’ fabric. Therefore, ‘from the perspective of the photon’, as soon as photons leave the sun, they arrive at their destination …in ‘no time’ and across ‘no space’. Similarly, our Light is ‘right now’ and also ‘here, there, everywhere present’ …instantly …and always!

And so, we become that Light! Thus, all Perfection Patterns within our Light are already everywhere present! Our Light operates like the photon, beyond time and space. So let us visualize and deeply feel this Reality. Let us pause and breathe this Holy Breath. Let us sense and know our Light Body as having no mass and therefore weightless …yet in the same breath, has formed anchorage to serve on Earth. Let us affirm that our ‘anchorage on Earth’ arises from our free will, our Divine Intention of Light Service …rather than simply from ‘physical gravity’.[1]

Let us feel this Cosmic Reality as a tangible comfort in our weightless, timeless, selfless Light Body! In its entirety, this is the nature of our Quantum State Light Service! This is the Power and Peace of Ascended Mastery! So, as we develop our True Identity as a Sun of the Sun, as the Permanent Atom of Perfection, we send out the Infinite Radiant Light of our Eternal Flame. It arrives instantly (from its perspective) and arrives with the full Cosmic Momentum with which we sent it forth. Just as the light from the Sun arrives with all the power of nurturance for physical life on Earth, losing none along the way, so too does our Divine Light arrive with the full Power of our Eternal Flame for the benefit of spiritual progress on Earth. And in our Light Body, we arrive with that Light …as that Light …and are therefore very present with that person, place, condition or thing we desire to serve”. Affirm: I AM Present! By my Light shall I be known!

So Beloved Ones, let us visualize that our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light is but one photon …in the vast Light Ocean of Universal I AM.  Let us pause and deeply accept this Reality. By becoming this Truth, we also understand that whatever we focus our Light upon, there I AM instantly …with the full Cosmic Momentum of my specifically qualified Quantum State Energy, Matter and Intelligence. This is God in Action and fulfilling our own Spiritual Agency and thus reaching our Divine Potential for this embodiment.

Each photon of our Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light is a Force Carrier of our Causal Body’s Cosmic Momentum …of all our positive use of Life’s Sacred Energies, since born from the Flame of Father / Mother God, and then abiding and serving across various Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light. Our Causal Body is but our tiny portion of Universal I AM …where we have contributed our Energy, Vibration and Consciousness to the ever-expanding Love, Wisdom and Power of the Universe …the ever expansion of Universal I AM. Science now understands the universe is expanding faster than the speed of Light …as every God Intelligence in all Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light are adding exponentially to Universal I AM from their ever-expanding Causal Body. Contemplate this!

And now here I AM with the Gathering of Celestial Buddhas doing the same.  Feel the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness within this Light Service and let it liberate your karmic debt, all karmic patterns and further liberate your embodied Solar Consciousness!




Beloved Ones, let us sojourn in the Elohim’s Realm of Cause …where we might assist Humanity by gathering here in a steady, constant fashion for collective Light Service. I would like to begin with the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, a Forcefield opening for your greater understanding, now that we have anchored embodied Solar Consciousness through this Solar Year. For we wish to encourage the fuller experience of Spiritual Agency, given the ever-increasing levels of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness within Light Service.

When Father / Mother God (Universal I AM) offers Blessings to Humanity, it presents as Forcefields …anchored first within Humanity in some form of Teaching …often through the Office of the World Teacher. Avatars / Gurus / Enlightened Teachers have been the vehicle through the ages but now the focus is on the group …a Group Avatar or Gathering of Ascending Humanity. This is the present vehicle of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Thus, you become cells in a global vehicle (Body of the Cosmic Christ) that has access to the Spiritual Hierarchy, as well as to Humanity on her levels of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. And this Light Service has now elevated to include the Three Suns of your embodied Solar Consciousness, through which the Spiritual Hierarchy also has access to Humanity’s Co-creation of her own reality!  Think of this!

Let us turn our attention to an Elohimic Forcefield directly offered to Humanity from our Realms of Cause …the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. Let us understand that in directing  this Forcefield, we first experience becoming “empty of self, time and space’ on each of the levels of the Three Suns! For each is a plane of existence …of the self, of time and of space …experienced on the elemental level, the emotional level and the mental level. So, let us experience Spiritual Freedom on all these levels of embodied Solar Consciousness.

Allow me to remind you of earlier Teaching on this Violet Fire Forcefield (from April 2020) …

“The Twelve-fold Mystic Ring of Violet Fire is ours to Invoke! This Forcefield is a Sacred Tone …containing the Sacred Keynote of the Transformation of the Central Sun. This Forcefield is One with the Mystic Maltese Cross …and its Twelve-fold Power of Invocation! Here is the full Cosmic Power of Invocation of Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst and the full Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom. The Gathering of Ascended Humanity condenses all of this Cosmic Assistance into a central point of Spiritual Freedom within Humanity! I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Cosmic Christ in action for Humanity!”

So let us now experience the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire at each of the Three Suns of embodied Solar Consciousness. We begin at the Eternal Sun of Even Elemental Constancy …visualized most readily as a Sphere of Influence around the three Chakras at the base of the Seven-fold Solar Spine. Let us center our attention there …with a slow rhythmic breath and a relaxed calm body, surrounded with the fragrance, music, and colors of our choice.

This is the seat of our Elemental Divine Potential …Limitless Physical Perfection. Here we abide in the Great Solar Quiet of its Maltese Cross of Radiant Light. Here we are at Peace, knowing the Cohesive Power of Divine Love (Violet Fire) and aligned with our Ascension Process (the three Chakras involved). We see, feel and deeply accept the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire radiating out from its center through the four coordinates of earth, air, fire, and water …and the four Houses of the Sun these coordinates represent.  We Inbreathe, Absorb, Assimilate, Expand and Project the Elemental Presence of each of the Four Elements, as they continue their function in our vehicles of expression on Earth. (Pause)

Abiding in this Peace, we then move up the Solar Spine to the Heart and Throat Chakra Suns, where we abide in the Love of the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.   This is a Glorious Cosmic Sphere of Influence, anchoring unimaginable levels of Reverence for all Life …with its attending Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. The Divine Love of Father / Mother God through Holy Spirit reverberates though this embodied Solar Temple. Here we experience a deeper level of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love that unites life …the antidote to fear based separation and division …eventually uniting all life in her Ascended State! Let us deeply accept abiding here, in our own Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit …allowing all Humanity closer access to their own innate Reverence for all Life …until such Love becomes the predominate Will of Humanity in all facets of her daily life. For this is the Power of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire radiating from the center of this Sun of Love. Again, we bow in Reverence to the four coordinates this Maltese Cross …of earth, air, fire, and water here …that represent their respective Houses / Temples of the Central Sun and the great Cosmic Beings serving there. (Pause)

And with such Love, we move up the Solar Spine to the Third Eye Emerald Chakra, housing the embodied Crown of the Elohim …and then further into the Thousand Petaled Lotus Chakra of Enlightenment. Here we abide in the Great Solar Quiet of Divine Wisdom, generating a Higher Frequency Understanding of our Light Service …as well as opening Humanity’s mind to the endless Perfection Patterns within the Mind of God. Again, we deeply accept the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire radiating out from its center …as we bow in Reverence to the four coordinates of earth, air, fire, and water here, representing their respective Houses / Temples of the Central Sun and the great Cosmic Beings serving there. For they all now access to the mind of Humanity through this collective Service of Ascending Humanity. (Pause)

And then may see our Solar Spine as three Suns of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire …expanding outwards from the center on the elemental, emotional and mental levels of Humanity …knowing that ‘as she thinks and feel, she brings into form’.  Here is our Elohimic Power in action, directed from the Realms of Cause, though embodied Light Service allowing direct access into Humanity! Affirm:

I AM empty of self, time and space in each of my
Three Suns of embodied Solar Consciousness, allowing
direct access into the Hearts, Minds and Bodies of Humanity!

And in this Ascended and Free State,
I live my life today …and forever.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Eternal Flame’s Infinite
Realms of Cause
. I AM the True Power of Divine Reality
and its Precipitation of Limitless Perfection Patterns.

I AM the Divine Power initiated from the Realms of Cause!
I AM the Gathering of this Divine Power …a Forcefield of
Divine Cause …abiding in the Great Solar Quiet of its
Infinite Radiant Love, Wisdom  and Power …
gathered as the Power of Cause on Earth!


A reminder Dear Ones …we continue to encourage the gentle reader to read the Journal in your Ascended and Free State, as if you are reading it to the global Consciousness of Humanity.  When done in our True Identity, the spoken word (even spoken internally) "shakes the ethers" with the Voice of the Great I AM. Thus, we broadcast our Ascended and Free Energy, Vibration and Consciousness throughout the inner life of all Humanity …and reach the greatest number, having the greatest impact on thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …in that fashion. This inner life is the fabric upon which we scribe our Ascension Concepts. In doing so, we are (I AM!) building the inner foundation for Spiritual Freedom for all Lifeforce on our sweet Earth!

[1] The Ascension Activity to the Pure Land is the antidote to gravity …as gravity is the curvature (or influence) of time and space fabric (per Einstein).